How to change the online layout from Latin to Russian. Automatic keyboard layout switching - the best programs

Good day everyone!

It would seem like such a small thing - switch the keyboard layout, press two ALT+SHIFT buttons, but how many times do you have to retype a word because the layout has not changed, or you forgot to press it in time and change the layout. I think that even those who type a lot and have mastered the “touch” method of typing on a keyboard will agree with me.

Probably, in this regard, utilities have recently become quite popular that allow you to change the keyboard layout automatically, that is, on the fly: you type and don’t think about it, and the robot program will change the layout in time, and at the same time correct errors or gross typos. It is precisely such programs that I wanted to mention in this article (by the way, some of them have long become indispensable for many users)…

Punto Switcher

Without exaggeration, this program can be called one of the best of its kind. Almost on the fly, it changes the layout, and also corrects an incorrectly typed word, corrects typos and extra spaces, gross errors, extra capital letters, etc.

I would also like to note its amazing compatibility: the program works in almost all versions of Windows. For many users, this utility is the first thing they install on their PC after installing Windows (and in principle, I understand them!).

Add to everything else an abundance of options (the screenshot is shown above): you can configure almost every little thing, select buttons for switching and correcting layouts, customize the appearance of the utility, set up rules for switching, specify programs in which you do not need to switch layouts (useful, for example, in games), etc. In general, my rating is 5, I recommend it to everyone without exception!

Key Switcher

A very, very good program for auto-switching layouts. What captivates you most about it: ease of use (everything happens automatically), flexibility of settings, support for 24 languages! In addition, the utility is free for individual use.

Works in almost all modern versions of Windows.

By the way, the program corrects typos quite well, corrects random double capital letters (users often do not have time to press the Shift key when typing), when changing the typing language, the utility will show an icon with the country’s flag, which will notify the user.

In general, using the program is comfortable and convenient, I recommend you check it out!

Keyboard Ninja

One of the most famous utilities for automatically changing the keyboard layout language when typing. Edits typed text easily and quickly, saving you time. Separately, I would like to highlight the settings: there are quite a lot of them and the program can be customized, as they say, “for yourself.”

Keyboard Ninja settings window.

Main features of the program:

  • auto-correct text if you forget to switch layout;
  • replacing keys for switching and changing languages;
  • translation of Russian-language text into transliteration (sometimes a very useful option, for example, when your interlocutor sees hieroglyphs instead of Russian letters);
  • notifying the user about a change in layout (not only with sound, but also graphically);
  • the ability to customize templates to automatically replace text when typing (i.e. the program can be “trained”);
  • sound notification about switching layouts and typing;
  • correction of gross typos.

To summarize, the program can be given a solid four. Unfortunately, it has one drawback: it has not been updated for a long time, and, for example, errors often start to appear in the new Windows 10 (although some users do not have problems in Windows 10, so here, depending on your luck)…

Arum Switcher

A very skillful and simple program for quickly correcting text that you typed in the wrong layout (it cannot switch on the fly!). On the one hand, the utility is convenient, on the other hand, it may not seem so functional to many: after all, there is no automatic recognition of the text being typed, which means that in any case you have to use the “manual” mode.

On the other hand, not in all cases and not always you need to immediately switch the layout; sometimes it even gets in the way when you want to type something non-standard. In any case, if you are not satisfied with the previous utilities, try this one (it will definitely be less annoying).

By the way, I cannot help but note one unique feature of the program that is not found in analogues. When there are “unclear” characters on the clipboard in the form of hieroglyphs or question marks, in most cases this utility can correct them and when you paste the text, it will be in normal form. Isn't it convenient?!

Anetto Layout


Quite an old program for switching the keyboard layout and changing the text in the buffer, and you can see what the latter will look like (see example below in the screenshot). Those. You can choose not only to change the language, but also the case of letters, do you agree that it is sometimes very useful?

Due to the fact that the program has not been updated for quite some time, new versions of Windows may experience compatibility problems. For example, the utility worked on my laptop, but it did not work with all the features (there was no auto-switching, but the rest of the options worked). So, I can recommend it to those who have old PCs with old software, but for the rest, I think it will not suit...

That's all for me today, happy and fast typing everyone. Best wishes!

This latest article is written to cover the latest information on removing unnecessary links from Blogspot templates as well as new Blogger themes. As you know, there were changes in Blogger codes in 2018, so many actions with the code need to be done in a new way. Plus, new topics have appeared that are formed differently. In connection with these changes, we will discuss the topic of removing links.
You can check your blog for the presence of external links on the services and Don’t forget that you need to check not only the main page of the blog, but also the posts page and the Page page. A large number of external links open to indexing prevents .

How to remove links from the old standard Blogger template Using the Simple template as an example.
Such templates give the most external links. On my test blog, when I installed a simple theme, I checked that there were 25 external links on the main page, of which 14 were indexed.
I remind you that before making changes to the template code, make a backup copy!
  • Remove link to Blogger - This link is contained within the Attribution widget. In the “Blog Design” tab, it is displayed as the Attribution gadget and . To remove it, go to the “Theme” tab -> edit HTML. By searching for widgets (list of widgets), we find Attribution1 and delete all the code along with the footer section in which it is enclosed. This is what the removed code looks like collapsed:

    And here's the full code:

    We save the changes and check the blog for Attribution.
  • You, of course, have seen the “Wrench and Screwdriver” icons on your blog for quickly editing widgets. Each such icon carries with it an external link to Blogger. Now they are closed with the nofollow tag, but you still need to get rid of them. You will edit widgets in the Design tab.
    Here is an incomplete list of links that are encrypted in the wrench icons (the blog ID will be yours)
    - HTML1 Widget:§ionId=header
    - HTML2 widget§ionId=header
    - Blog archive:§ionId=main
    - Blog shortcuts:§ionId=main
    - Popular messages:§ionId=main
    It's easy to get rid of all these links. Find the tag in your blog template. It appears as many times as there are widgets on your blog. Remove all occurrences of the tag.
  • We remove links to quickly edit a blog entry (the “Pencil” icon). Makes it easier to edit posts, but poses a threat as an external link like:
    How to delete:
    Method 1. In the Design tab, edit the “Blog Posts” element and uncheck the “Show “Quick Edit”” checkbox.
    Method 2. Find the tag in your blog template and remove it. Save your changes and check your blog for the icon and link.
  • Remove Navbar. Search for widgets in the blog html template Navbar1 and remove all the code along with the section.


    function setAttributeOnload(object, attribute, val) (
    if(window.addEventListener) (
    function())( object = val; ), false);
    ) else (
    window.attachEvent("onload", function())( object = val; ));

    gapi.load("", function() (
    if (gapi.iframes && gapi.iframes.getContext) (
    url: "\x3d1490203873741752013\x26blogName\x3dnew\x26publishMode\x3dPUBLISH_MODE_BLOGSPOT\x26navbarType\x3dLIGHT\x26layoutType\x3dLAYOUTS\x26searchRoot \x3d /search\x26blogLocale\x3dru\x26v\x3d2\x26homepageUrl\x3d\x26vt\x3d-3989465016614688571",
    where: document.getElementById("navbar-iframe-container"),
    id: "navbar-iframe"

    (function() (
    var script = document.createElement("script");
    script.type = "text/javascript";
    script.src = "//";
    var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
    if (head) (

    Now the Navbar on the blog does not provide indexable external links, but I believe that this is an extra element that does not carry a functional load, and it is better to remove it.
  • Remove external links to images. When you upload images to a blog post, a link is automatically embedded in the image. To remove such links, you must edit all blog entries. In the “View” mode and then on the “Link” icon. If the image does not contain an external link, then when you click on the photo in the post editor, the “Link” icon is not active (the icon is not highlighted).

  • Remove the link to the blog author's profile. Remove the author of the blog under the post. To do this, find the true code and write false instead of true. It will turn out false
  • Close the link from the “ ” widget from indexing with the nofollow tag. If you use the “profile” widget on your blog, then use a quick search for widgets in the blog template to find the code for the Profile1 gadget. You need to edit the widget code, replacing rel=’author’ with rel=’nofollow’ in two places and adding rel=’nofollow’ to two links. You should get something like the screenshot:

    Made using the example of editing a Google Plus profile. As a reminder, Google Plus will be discontinued on April 2, 2019. Accordingly, after this date, you will need to make other changes to the “About Me” widget code.

  • We check for the presence of external links any page of a Blogspot post on which comments have been left. Find and remove the code in the blog template:

    In Blog Settings, follow the path Blog Settings -> Other -> Site Feed -> Allow Blog Feed, apply the following settings:

  • Remove external links from the new standard Blogger template Using the Notable theme as an example
  • Remove Attribution (link below – Blogger Technologies)
    We find Attribution1 in the blog template for searching by widgets (list of widgets) and delete the code along with the section, similar to the old Blogger template (see above 1).
  • We remove the link from the “Report Abuse” widget. This is the ReportAbuse1 widget. We find in the search for widgets:
    The entire code looks like this:

  • We check the blog post page with comments and remove links by analogy with the old blog templates (see above - point 8).
  • We remove links from blog posts that are embedded in the pictures of posts (see point 5).
  • Instructions

    If you are working in Microsoft Office Word, make sure you are using the correct settings. Launch the program and click on the Office button in the upper left corner of the window. In the context menu, click on the “Word Options” button (located in the lower right corner of the menu). A new dialog box will open.

    Go to the “Spelling” section by left-clicking on it. Click on the “AutoCorrect Options” button in the group of the same name. An additional dialog box will open. Make sure you're on the AutoCorrect tab and uncheck the "Correct keyboard layout" box. Apply the new settings with the OK button in all open windows.

    Also, switching layouts occurs automatically if a utility designed for this, for example, Punto Switcher, is installed on your computer. To temporarily disable language change, right-click on the utility icon in the notification area on the taskbar. Do not confuse the Punto Switcher icon with the standard Windows language bar icon. The icon you need looks like either a Russian or American flag, or the letters RU and EN on a blue and red background.

    In the context menu, uncheck the “Auto switch” item. After this, the language change will occur after you press the assigned hot keys. To completely disable the utility, right-click on its icon and select “Exit” from the drop-down menu. If the Punto Switcher icon does not appear on the taskbar and you find it inconvenient to manage the utility, set the necessary settings.

    In the Punto Switcher folder, click on the punto.exe icon. The settings window will open. In the General section of the General tab, check the Show icon on taskbar box and apply the new settings. If necessary, you can create additional parameters for changing the keyboard layout in the “Switching rules” section.


    • automatic keyboard layout change

    By default, the Microsoft Word text editor and Microsoft Excel tables have AutoCorrect mode enabled, which corrects some common user errors: two capital letters at the beginning of a word, Caps Lock enabled, and others. Not everyone likes this service, and you can quickly disable it if you wish.


    Sometimes the user needs to disable the Punto Switcher program while working. This need may be associated with entering a large number of character combinations - for example, passwords. Or with a game where you plan to actively use the keyboard. And also with passing touch typing training programs like “Solo on the Keyboard” - in it, when the Switcher is running, a problem arises related to the output of a different character when the correct key is pressed, which is counted by the program as an error.

    You will need

    • Punto Switcher program.


    Find the Punto Switcher icon in the bottom right corner of your desktop. Depending on the program settings, it will look either like a flag or a designation of the current language - Ru or En.

    Right-click this icon to bring up the list. In it, select Auto Switching, and click the left button to uncheck it. The application icon color will turn gray and the program will not automatically switch between layouts. The same action can be done in another way - left-click on the icon, and in the short drop-down list, select the same item - Auto Switch. Finally, you can simply exit Switcher - to do this, in the drop-down list that appears after right-clicking on the icon, select Exit and click on it.

    You can start the program again using the shortcut; you can enable auto-switching by clicking again on the menu item of the same name.

    Sometimes the application icon is not displayed. In this case:
    -Use the Alt, Ctrl and Del key combination to bring up the computer lock menu instead of the desktop. Select "Task Manager" in it and left-click on it.
    -Click on the “Processes” tab, which will be located in the “Task Manager” working window.
    -Find the ps.exe process in this tab. Right-click on it to open the context menu and select End process.
    Instead of the last action, you can also select the process by clicking the left button, and click on the "End process" button located in the right corner of the bottom part of the manager window. The application will be disabled.

    In some cases, you will need to click "End Process" several times until Punto Switcher is completed and its name disappears from the list of processes.


    In older versions of the application there will be a "Disable" option instead of the "Auto switch" item.

    Helpful advice

    If the application still switches the layout incorrectly, then just highlight the word and press the Shift + Break key combination to switch back.

    For ease of use, the Windows operating system provides quick keyboard layouts between the languages ​​used. If the user considers this option unnecessary, he can disable it.


    When working on a computer, the need to switch the input language arises quite often - for example, when searching the Internet for the necessary information. Therefore, it is not recommended to disable this option. In addition, it does not interfere with comfortable work in any selected layout.

    If you still decide to disable language selection, open “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Regional and Language Options”. Select the "Languages" tab, click the "More details" button. In the new window, click the “Keyboard Options” button, then “Change keyboard shortcuts” and uncheck the “Switch input languages” and “Switch keyboard layouts” checkboxes. Save your changes by clicking OK.

    If you want to remove the layout indicator from the system tray, open the Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) and stop the ctfmon.exe process. Then delete the entry for this file from your startup folder. The most convenient way to do this is using the Aida64 (Everest) program. Open “Programs” - “Startup”, select ctfmon.exe in the list and click the “Delete” button at the top of the window.

    You can also use CCleaner to disable or remove ctfmon.exe. Launch it, open “Tools” - “Startup”. Select the line with ctfmon.exe and click the “Disable” (recommended) or “Delete” button.

    If you do not like the standard appearance of the keyboard layout switcher, replace it (after removing ctfmon.exe from startup) with the Punto Switcher utility. You can set it to display the layout by showing the Russian or US flag, which is very convenient - to determine the layout, just glance at the tray. In the program settings, select the items “Make the icon in the form of country flags” and “Always show the icon at full brightness.” You can download Punto Switcher for Windows XP and Windows 7 from the link:


    • how to change to switch

    The problem of an unswitched keyboard layout literally haunts people conducting business correspondence, sending messages to the forum, and typing long texts in documents. To avoid having to retype text printed on the wrong keyboard layout, there is a popular program called Punto Switcher.

    Punto Switcher: Smart Keyboard Layout Switcher

    The first and, perhaps, main function of the software product, which was born almost ten years ago, is the automatic change of keyboard layout. In translation, punto switcher means “switching point.”

    Moreover, Punto Switcher contains almost all the languages ​​of the world, and it easily determines what exactly you wanted to type and in what layout. Determining the correct typing language occurs after typing 3-4 characters in an inappropriate layout.

    In addition to the fact that the program switches the keyboard layout automatically, determining the desired language, letters typed in the wrong layout are also changed to the desired ones. This dramatically saves time and saves you from retyping text.

    Punto Switcher is a smart program, but it's not perfect. Therefore, after installation, if necessary, you will need to learn the software a little, thereby saving yourself from false positives. The training is carried out through the settings, where you need to find a list of exception words and add frequently used abbreviations to it so that Punto Switcher does not react to them as typos.

    While using the program, you can add to the list of exceptions if suddenly Punto does not recognize any of the words you type. "Punto Switcher": an invisible spy

    In addition to the function of changing the keyboard layout, the Punto Switcher program also has a diary option. It consists in the fact that the program will carefully record all keyboard keystrokes in a text file.

    The diary in Punto Switcher can be useful for recovering accidentally deleted texts. For example, you were typing or working for a long time, and suddenly the electricity went out. An office program is often able to reproduce not all the text after a failure or not save the file at all, but the Punto Switcher diary “remembers” everything and will save you from having to type everything again.

    The diary does not save text formatting, but this is not a big loss when restoring several dozen sheets of text that were not saved in the office package.

    Some users also use the diary option in Punto Switcher to remember previously entered passwords. By the way, the diary itself can also be locked with a password so that no one but you can read your keyboard logs. Closing the diary with a password is done through the program settings, tab – “Diary”.

    Gender reassignment is a complex and expensive operation that involves changing the genitals to the genitals of the opposite sex. As a rule, it is decided by adults over 30 years of age who do not have even a shadow of doubt about their true gender.


    Gender largely determines a person’s individuality; it is inherent in everyone from birth. Sometimes a child is born with congenital anomalies, that is, deformed genitals that are somewhere between male and female, or has genitalia of both sexes at once. Developmental anomalies are usually associated with hormonal imbalances, and with proper treatment they can be successfully overcome. In this case, parents or doctors immediately select the sex for him and operate. If the child's penis reaches 2.5 cm or more, he becomes a man, but if less, he becomes a woman. Even if a child has male chromosomes, it is easier for him to get used to the role of an infertile woman than to become an inferior man.

    People who recognize themselves as members of the opposite sex also resort to gender reassignment surgery. For many years they have lived at odds with themselves and those around them, feeling like a different person. Since you can change gender only once, a person should not have the slightest doubt about this; the support of others and family is important.

    Many users problems arise With OS reinstall the system. Some even make it a rule and do it with manic regularity. reinstallation. Of course, there are situations when the problem cannot be solved except by reinstalling it, but it is important to understand what and why the failure occurred, to understand the reason. Let's leave the decision to reinstall up to the user, this is not what we're talking about. And about the unpleasant situation that you may encounter after reinstallation.

    In some cases, after reinstallation you may find that period and comma miraculously moved from the usual place on keyboard. And when you press the usual key with a dot, the letter “Y” appears in the text. And in such cases the user has to use unusual layout, which does not coincide with symbols, printed on the keyboard. Of course, there are no miracles here, there is a non-standard situation. The thing is that some distributions Windows set the default layout to "Russian (typescript)", instead of the usual one layouts"Russian", familiar to the user. In this typewritten layout, semicolon are being recruited keyboard shortcut Shift+7 And Shift+6. The situation, of course, can be improved. To do this you need to install layout"Russian" and delete"Russian (typescript)".
    Click the "Start" button and select "Control Panel". Eat . If you access the panel the normal way and it is set to Home mode, click

    If in "Classic View" mode, as in Windows XP, click Region and Language.

    In the window that opens, go to the "Languages ​​and keyboards" tab

    and click the "Change Keyboard" button.

    In the next window you will see list of installed languages And layouts. Now what would add layout"Russian" click

    and select "Russian" from the list

    then "OK". Expand the "Default input language" menu and select

    Every person who periodically deals with a computer has encountered problems when typing text. Due to inattention, text typed in a different layout has to be erased and then retyped. Of course, this is not very convenient, since sometimes it takes a lot of time and effort. For this reason, special online services have been developed that allow you to instantly translate text to another layout directly in the browser.

    The best online keyboard translators
    How to solve the layout problem without resorting to browser services?

    Situations when text typed in Latin needs to be translated into Cyrillic most often occur among beginners who have poor keyboard input skills. There are several solutions to this problem.

  • Type your text more carefully. The best way to avoid layout problems is to periodically glance at the screen. If you don't have touch typing skills, get into the habit of checking every few words to see if the text you've typed is displayed correctly.
  • Master the skill of touch typing. Touch typing is the ability to type text without concentrating your attention on the computer keyboard. In this case, the person most often looks at the screen, which means that any errors and typos can be corrected immediately.
  • Use specialized programs. To quickly automatically change the layout, there are special utilities for PCs. The most convenient and practical is the application from the Yandex company Punto Switcher. The program takes up only 2.8 MB and runs in the Windows tray. After installing Punto Switcher, you will no longer have to worry about typing your text incorrectly. The program monitors in real time whether the language is selected correctly. If typos are found, the application will automatically correct them without your participation.
  • If you didn’t manage to master the keyboard the first time, don’t be discouraged. With experience, you are guaranteed to develop touch typing skills. You can speed up the process by practicing typing text more often or using special training programs.