The iPhone is charging but won't charge. IPhone shows charging, but does not turn on - reasons and solution. Why does my iPhone show it's charging but won't turn on?

Let's talk about malfunctions Apple gadgets. Let's consider a fairly common case, namely the situation when the iPhone does not charge. What could be the reason for this behavior of the equipment and what to do if certain malfunctions are detected?

Battery failure

Perhaps, this problem occurs most often. By actively using a gadget, a person one way or another depletes the battery resources. In addition, failure can occur as a result of chemical or mechanical (for example, falling) effects. Also Apple batteries break down over time (on average their service life is about one year). In such a situation, you just need to purchase new part and install it.

Problems with the charging connector

The problem may lie not only in the battery itself, but also in the charging connector. In such a situation, the iPhone does not charge because the connector has become oxidized, damaged, or simply become loose during use. Here you will need the help of a specialist: only he will be able to diagnose the device and, if necessary, replace the part.

Loop faults

This is another very common reason why an iPhone won't charge. When connecting the device, a message will appear on the screen stating that the smartphone does not support this accessory. The “culprit” of this state of affairs is the synchronization loop with the computer and the charger. Replacing this element is inexpensive, and the whole procedure takes 15-20 minutes.

The computer is not charging

Many owners Apple smartphones are faced with the fact that their device completely refuses to charge from the PC. This can happen for several reasons. Firstly, if the computer is in hibernation or hibernation, charging does not occur. Also, do not connect your iPhone to secondary jacks on the front panel. Quite often, computers put these USB ports into power saving mode. In addition, if a large number of energy-intensive applications are running on the phone at the same time (games, browsers, applications for working with documents), Wi-Fi is turned on, charging will also not occur, because the computer simply will not have time to charge the device.

Moisture ingress

Often, after getting wet, when liquid was spilled on the smartphone or it got wet in the rain, the iPhone does not charge. What to do in such situations? Experts advise that the first step is to thoroughly dry the device, after disassembling it. However, this does not always help. If water gets on motherboard, it may oxidize. Subsequently, repairing the gadget will cost you several times more. Therefore, if the iPhone does not charge after getting wet, it is better to take it to the service center for professional drying and diagnostics.

Wrong charger

Despite the fact that manufacturers constantly warn customers about the need to use original chargers, every year hundreds of people contact workshops and service centers who are faced with the fact that the iPhone 4 does not charge precisely because these recommendations are not followed. Each specific model devices have their own charging requirements. Therefore, if you connect your iPhone to Samsung charger or Nokia, you can disable the gadget. You shouldn’t trust so-called “universal” cords either. Most of them are assembled in China by incompetent workers "for a quick fix" The reason for the failure of the “native” device may be either voltage surges in the outlet itself or a break in the cable.

Everyone, at least once in their life, has experienced that chilling feeling when, when connecting the iPhone to the network, the treasured lightning icon was not displayed next to the battery icon in the status bar. Don't panic! This is not a breakdown. This is a diagnosable problem. Having identified the cause, you can easily and easily eliminate it without resorting to radical measures. You can find out why your iPhone won't charge on your own. It is enough just to inspect and analyze the condition of the device, as well as the charger itself.

Most often, the cause is found in the charger.

There may be two reasons why your device refuses to charge from the network. The first is related to the general condition of the iPhone itself. The second one is faulty Charger. We will tell you what to do in both cases, because most often the cause is not a breakdown, but a malfunction that can be diagnosed and fixed independently, without the help of service centers.

So, you plugged in the charger, it’s working fine, but the iPhone won’t charge. Why is this happening?

Statistics show that more than half similar cases associated with getting into the connector Lightning regular garbage. This part fits well into the overall design of the iPhone, but is open and not protected by anything. Therefore, dust, lint and other debris that would usually be in a pocket or purse often end up there. It creates obstacles when connecting the cable, and the iPhone stops synchronizing and charging from the network. What should be your actions in this situation? How to remove foreign debris from the connector so that the device can function as before? This is where a regular toothpick will come to the rescue. Use it to carefully remove any stuck dirt from the connector. This must be done very carefully and only with a soft, wooden tip, so as not to damage the connector. But if you doubt your abilities, it is better to entrust this procedure to a professional.

If after this procedure the iPhone does not start charging, then the reason is not contamination.

Restarting iOS

Perhaps in this case all that needs to be done is to simply restart iOS. Similar problem most often found on iPhone 5s or iPhone 4s. Due to failure iOS work The iPhone simply does not see the network connection. You should simply plug into a power outlet and hold down both the Home and On/Off buttons at the same time. until it happens restart iPhone. When the reboot process is complete, a charging sound will be heard and you will see a screen that shows a charging animation.

If this technique does not work, then we are looking for the reason further.

Charging an iPhone from the USB port of a laptop or outdated computer

In this case, charging does not start because the USB is standard device. Charging a phone is too complicated a process for it. In this case, the phone does not have time to receive the charge necessary for normal functioning.

Damage from falling

The most banal and, alas, common case: if an iPhone, even a new one and completely undamaged on the outside, for some reason does not charge, it is likely that it was dropped or hit. Very often this happens with a gadget that has been in the hands of children. Little experimenters are not particularly fussy with technology, and they don’t see much of a difference between an iPhone and a ball. Therefore, in this case, if the device does not charge, the damaged connector is to blame, of course. A damaged connector simply needs to be replaced. And do not leave your beloved iPhone unattended.

Using someone else's cable

If you damage or lose your own cable, you will naturally try to use someone else's. This is not always a good idea, because the “non-native” one can work so slowly that it seems as if the iPhone is not charging at all. In this case, you will have to wait eight to twelve hours.

The battery is faulty

Why else might there be a problem with charging your iPhone? It would seem that everything is in order with the device, and the charger is working properly, but the process has not moved forward. In this case, the reason may be more serious. Your device is not charging because the battery is faulty. The fact is that it has a certain number of charging cycles. Therefore, it's time to buy a new one.

The charger is to blame

The second serious reason why your iPhone won't charge may be a faulty charger. In this case, the situations are different. The device is new, but charging does not start? Most likely, you were unlucky and received a defective charger. Just try charging it through something else first. If the iPhone makes a characteristic sound and you see that it is charging, then the problem is charging cable. But it doesn’t matter if the iPhone is under warranty, the store will replace it efficiently and on time. If the charger is damaged due to falling or getting wet, contact a repair specialist. You may have to buy a new one to see your iPhone charge again. But it is much cheaper financially than buying a new device.

So, let's summarize. Is your favorite iPhone not charging? But this is not yet a cause for concern. Explore it yourself first. Check the integrity and cleanliness of the connector. Also examine the charger. It should work flawlessly. The power source and cord must also be suitable for your gadget model. If all these conditions are met, and the device still does not charge, only specialists can help you.

Hello! It would seem, how is this possible? The phone is charging, but its battery not only does not charge (this condition can at least somehow be explained), but in addition to everything, it is also slowly discharged! To be honest, I would never have believed it myself - the situation is truly out of the ordinary, but relatively recently this problem also visited me. And now, believe it or not, the fact is clear...

And this is what happened. I put my iPhone to charge, the lightning icon came on and the sound signal(signaling that charging has started) - I calmly continued to use the device and after a while I notice that something is wrong here... The percentage of battery charge does not increase, but rather decreases. Fantastic!

I repeat, at first glance, all this looks contrary to any logic. However, if you dig deeper, for similar phenomenon there are reasons (sometimes very simple and logical) - let's take them apart, let's go!

Reason 1. Problems with the software and usage features

Yes, you shouldn’t immediately run to a service center or to a store to buy a new device. We will always have time to spend the money (more on this below). If the iPhone shows you that it is receiving electricity, but in fact this does not happen (and moreover, it still manages to discharge during this process), then here is what may be causing this behavior:

Essentially, there's nothing more we can do on the software side. It should be noted that in my case, the problem was solved by the combination of these actions. Here's my case.

The thing is that my reception at home is very bad cellular network. The values ​​are constantly jumping - 2G, 3G, LTE. And so, having connected my iPhone to a power outlet, I continued to use it in this mode:

  1. I listened to music via the mobile Internet.
  2. At the same time, I updated applications in the App Store.
  3. On top of that, I was surfing websites.

It is clear that the iPhone could not withstand such loads (all of these are very energy-intensive tasks) - it began to get very hot and slowly discharge, despite the fact that it was connected to charging at the time. The problem was solved simply - I closed all tasks and rebooted the phone to be sure. But this doesn't always happen...

Reason 2. Hardware failures and other shortcomings

Let's move on to more complex (although not always) actions that will help prevent abnormal severe loss battery of its energy:

But these are all “flowers”. The most unpleasant thing is problems with the “internals” of the device. Here are the two most important ones:

  1. Battery. A heavily worn original, recently replaced “Chinese” or “original”, 100% new (as the seller assures) - all this is not a reason to blindly believe that everything is “OK” with the battery. If the iPhone is discharged, even when connected to the network, then, in addition to everything listed above, the battery is almost always to blame.
  2. Although, there is another component inside the iPhone that is indicated by a power leak - the Tristar chip (U2). Charge controller. And it is almost impossible to replace it at home - you need skills and equipment.

Therefore, if you have tried all the previous tips and the battery percentage continues to disappear during charging, it makes sense to contact a service center. There, a battery (which is known to be working) will be “thrown in”, and the controller will be re-soldered.

But still, as usual, I sincerely hope that it won’t come to a visit to the service, and that everything will be resolved more in simple ways- updating the software, cleaning the connector, replacing the wire or power adapter, etc.

Let's look at the main reasons why your iPhone won't charge and what to do in such a situation.

Charger faulty

This is one of the most obvious, banal reasons. Modern man leads a mobile lifestyle, constantly on the move. Therefore, you have to carry the charger with you. Over time, due to improper storage, the protective sheath of the cable is damaged, exposing the current-carrying information wires. Subsequently, they break, making it impossible to recharge the battery. It’s easy to check the likelihood of a breakdown - just connect the charger to another similar device. If you don’t have one at hand, then contact a service center, where they will test the cable for free, and in case of a malfunction, they will offer to repair it or replace it with a new one.

iPhone charging also includes an adapter for connecting to the network alternating current. Its breakdown is rare, but it does happen. You won’t be able to fix this on your own - you should contact a specialist. You can check the functionality in the same way.

One feature needs to be noted here. Original chargers Apple expensive, but high quality and reliable. Their operation guarantees the safety of the smartphone. And they last longer, which cannot be said about their Chinese counterparts. They can break as early as the second day. Poor charging performance will lead to voltage drops that will burn out iPhone board. It is recommended to use chargers from certified manufacturers.

Original chargers have a built-in chip. Operating rooms were taught to detect its presence iOS systems. When contacting a cable without a chip, a corresponding message will pop up on the smartphone screen. Since iOS is closed software, it may not work correctly with protocols not provided for by the firmware. This is another argument to use only original accessories.

The charger connector is broken or dirty


Many, for easy access, they carry their phone in their pocket, where a lot of lint, street dust and many other small substances accumulate. This leads to the contacts of the Lightning port of the smartphone becoming dirty, which promises problems, among which the inability to charge the gadget is just the tip of the iceberg. Theoretically, the presence large quantity dust (ideal conductor) on conductive parts may cause short circuit.

You can clean the connector at home. Just use a simple toothpick. Just do not treat it with alcohol or other liquid - this will not improve the quality of cleaning, and it is quite possible to damage the gadget. Also, it is not recommended to use metal objects, even small ones - there is a high probability of damaging one of the fragile contacts.


Small particles of lint or some other material can easily damage the “antennae” of the port. Only one is enough faulty element when charging becomes impossible. This type of failure can be determined visually - the connector is clearly visible. If a bent or broken element is found, you must immediately seek help from a service center specialist. Trying to correct the situation on your own will only make the situation worse.

Charger power mismatch

Here we are not talking about the cable, but about the adapter. Its task is to convert input voltage into output power. Usually, the problem arises when you buy new charger to replace the broken one. Due to ignorance of elementary physics, you can waste money in vain. The output power of the adapter is different: 0.5 A, 1 A, 1.5 A, 2 A, etc. The capacity of the built-in battery must be looked at technical documentation to the phone, and then select the appropriate charger. This leads to another problem.

Problems with charging from a personal computer

It happens when the phone charges normally from the network, but not from a laptop or computer. There is no need to rush to conclusions and think about the worst. The fact is that most USB ports output power 0.5 ampere This is extremely little for iPhone charging. The process will start, but it will take a long time. Either that or the USB port is faulty. Easy to check. Connect the charging cable to the backup connector.

Software fault

The iPhone hardware is tightly connected to the operating system. To the point that the software completely controls the charging process. Inside the iPhone there is a special chip, which is first supplied with current when connected to the network, and then to the battery. This is done to protect the gadget from power surges. When the network is ok, the operating system instructs the controller to pass charge to the battery. But sometimes the software freezes. The issue can be resolved in two ways:

  1. Completely drain your iPhone. Then the firmware will return to original state and when connected to AC power, charging will begin.
  2. Resort to " emergency reboot" To do this, you need to simultaneously hold down the “Home” and “Power” buttons for 30 seconds.

Component failure

iPhone hardware malfunction is a rare but acceptable option. Types of breakdowns:

  • Battery.
  • Charging controller (chip).

It is difficult to determine on your own what exactly is not working properly. Symptoms of malfunctions are similar.

  • It's not charging.
  • Too much long charge.
  • The gadget gets very hot.
  • Discharges quickly.
  • Does not detect control cable.

The controller, as mentioned above, is a microcircuit (chip), which can be replaced with a new one if desired. Again, you will have to contact a service center for this. This is not the first time that specialists there have encountered something like this - replacing a component is a trivial matter for them.

After repair, you should ensure that it is in good working order. New batteries (Chinese) may not work correctly or not function at all. You should connect your phone directly to the service center and make sure that the process has started.

There are many reasons for the malfunction. Most of them are easy to identify on your own. If the search does not produce results, then contact the service center for help. This will save money, time and nerves.

Even the most wonderful phone becomes useless if it doesn't turn on. This problem sometimes arises iPhone owners 5. The phone does not respond to charging; pressing the power button is useless. What to do?

The easiest option is to take the affected device for repair. But some of the diagnostic work can be done independently. Then you will at least know what happened to the smartphone and approximately how much repairs might cost.

Visual inspection

It often happens that iPhone 5 (and any other phone) refuses to turn on after a fall or other mechanical impact. Most falls that damage electronics leave visible marks on the case.

If your iPhone has fresh dents, cracks or chips, then it is possible that the same shock also damaged the electronics.

A common case is the battery falling out upon impact. When it is no longer fixed inside the case and dangles freely, this leads to the cable leading to it fraying.

Photo: broken screen– the first sign of a problem

However, it happens that electronic part damaged without visible symptoms. You just need to strain your memory hard and remember what happened to your mobile phone in the last days before the troubles started.

Submit for repairs.

  • display intact It is unlikely that it will be possible to diagnose the cause without the help of a specialist. It is not even possible to say approximately how much the repairs will cost. But if the display is intact, then the amount is unlikely to be exorbitant. Most likely, only the cable connecting the battery and the smartphone board will have to be changed;
  • the display is broken. To the cost of replacing electronics, you will have to add the replacement of the screen - a very expensive component. It's possible to buy new device it will be more profitable and pleasant.

Fell into the water

It is difficult to fall into water with a smartphone and not notice it. If trouble happened to you personally or at least in your presence, then you probably know it yourself. It is clear that if water gets into the charging connector, it will not do anything good for the power controller.

But the really bad news is that you don't have to swim across the river with your smartphone in your pocket or drop it in a puddle. It is enough to leave it with an open connector in the rain: a few drops that fall into a vulnerable spot will deprive it of its ability to charge.

  • diagnostics, of course. Good news The fact is that replacing a power controller is far from the most expensive job.

Power controller

However, the power controller mentioned above is generally a vulnerable component. It may suffer from voltage surges in the network, from the use of low-quality compatible chargers(and how not to use them, if the original Apple chargers fray in a matter of months?).

Power controllerAppleincludes three microcircuits, each of which can fail:

According to statistics, a fairly large share iPhone damage 5 falls precisely on these schemes. Of course, if the problem is in the controller, then after discharge the smartphone will not even think about charging again.

What to do?

  • Of course, you will have to contact the workshop

Video: Problems with the communication device


And this, oddly enough, is one of the easiest cases (the only thing that could be easier is a faulty charger). If in recent months you had to charge your phone more and more often, but it worked less and less on one charge, which means that the battery gradually exhausted its resource.

Let us remind you that first iPhones 5 were introduced in 2012. In three years, the battery could well have served its purpose.

In this case, if you have hands, a home workshop and a desire to experiment, you can

save money and gain new knowledge.

You will need the following:

Of course, this is more profitable than sending the phone in for repair.

However,DIYThe recipe also has its drawbacks:

  • you will have to wait until the spare battery arrives, or spend money on purchasing it locally;
  • there is no guarantee that you can handle the repairs yourself;
  • the cause may not be the battery after all

Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to trust the specialists.

Checking the temperature

It is no coincidence that the instructions for a smartphone specify the permissible temperature limits for its operation. If your iPhone's built-in thermometer detects that your surroundings are too cold or too hot, your iPhone will automatically turn off with a warning message.

Everything you need to diagnose this situation– feel whether it’s hot or cold around you and look at the display. If necessary, try turning it on again.

In general, of course, there are special models of smartphones for use in extreme conditions; the iPhone is not one of them. But if you find yourself with your “apple” in severe cold or insane heat, give your phone a rest. Under normal conditions it will return to normal life myself.

  • Do not use the iPhone in conditions that are not suitable for this. It is better to purchase a special protected smartphone;
  • But if you need your iPhone specifically (let's say you use apps or sensors that don't work with Android), protect it with a special case for extreme conditions.

Faulty charger

Very often we waste our time on the phone. After all, to charge it, you need not only a working power controller and battery, but also a charger. If it does not work, then the phone does not respond to charging, and it will not charge.

So, before considering all other options, try checking your charger.

To do this you need:

Sometimes you can diagnose a problem with the charger visually. Alas, original apple cables Unforgivably, they often fray at the plug itself, and this is visible to the naked eye. In this case, just buy a new charger, and make sure that it is not entirely Chinese. Otherwise, you risk damage to the controller (see above).

Video: charging but won't turn on


Let us remember that modern mobile gadget(like any computer) is a complex hardware and software complex. AND quality work The software part is just as important as working hardware.

Very often the iPhone 5 does not turn on after attempting to flash, jailbreak or iOS updates via iTunes. The reason for this is usually an interrupted firmware process. Without a working operating system on board, the device will not boot.

If you have recently experimented with it software part, then most likely this is the reason.

What to do? Try to restore operating system by usingiTunes:

  • make sure you have it installed a new version programs;
  • if you do not want to install the latest available iOS, then download the required version first;
  • Connect your smartphone with a cable to your computer and press the Power and Home keys simultaneously. Hold them for about ten seconds;
  • click Shift key and click on the image of your device in the right top corner window
  • follow iTunes instructions

In most cases, this standard procedure saves. If not, you will have to turn to professionals who will use more advanced tools.

As we can see, the iPhone 5 does not turn on at the most various reasons. And if some of them are easily (well, or relatively easily) solved at home, then more complex cases one way or another mean a trip to the workshop.

But the difficulty of repair varies depending on the damage. And it’s better to know in advance what awaits you, so as not to encounter unexpected high prices or attempts to play on your ignorance. We hope the article helped you understand possible reasons problems.