HTML and CSS lessons. Training and tutorials for beginners from scratch

Author (director): Andrey Bernatsky
Genre: HTML5, CSS3, web
Duration: 25:51:27
Video quality: PCRec
Video: AVC/H.264, 1024x768, ~283 - 681 Kbps
Audio: AAC, 2 ch, 106 Kbps

Without exaggeration, this is the most complete and up-to-date course on the RuNet today. Think about it for yourself: the main section of the course alone (excluding bonuses) consists of 47 detailed video lessons, forming a step-by-step practical system.

After studying this system you will master completely adaptive layout using the latest innovations of these two languages hypertext markup and cascading style sheets.

In our new course, ALL layouts are designed immediately ADAPTIVE and CROSS-BROWSER.

The course is built on the principle of “from simple to complex” and from “theory to practice”.

I won’t just teach you how to layout the simplest web pages, we will work through the layout in great detail (down to the smallest details) using the example of three of the most popular types of websites on the modern Internet, varying in complexity:

Business card website
blog and...
online store

Layout of a business card website layout

Lesson 2: Defining the layout for the page
Lesson 3. Description of website header styles
Lesson 4. Description of the styles of the main block of the site. Part 1
Lesson 5. Description of the styles of the main block of the site. Part 2. Conclusion

Blog layout layout

Lesson 1. Introduction. Page setup
Lesson 2. Defining the site header markup
Lesson 3. Connecting non-standard fonts
Lesson 4. Description of website header styles
Lesson 5. Description of the markup of the main block of the site
Lesson 6. Description of the post block markup
Lesson 7. Assigning styles for a block of posts
Lesson 8. Description of the side column layout
Lesson 9. Assigning styles to the side column
Lesson 10. Description of markup page navigation
Lesson 11. Assigning styles for page navigation
Lesson 12. Layout of the website footer
Lesson 13. Finalizing the layout layout
Lesson 14. Adaptation of layout for mobile devices. Part 1
Lesson 15. Adapting the layout for mobile devices. Part 2
Lesson 16. Adding CSS3 effects to the page. Part 1
Lesson 17. Adding CSS3 effects to the page. Part 2

Layout of the online store layout

Lesson 1. Introduction
Lesson 2. Connecting a custom font to a page
Lesson 3. Defining the site header markup
Lesson 4. Description of site header styles. Part 1
Lesson 5. Description of site header styles. Part 2
Lesson 6. Connecting a slider to a page
Lesson 7. Assigning styles and customizing the slider
Lesson 8. Description of the news block markup
Lesson 9. Assigning styles for the news block
Lesson 10. Description of the markup of the “Popular Products” block
Lesson 11. Assigning styles for the “Popular Products” block. Part 1
Lesson 12. Assigning styles for the “Popular Products” block. Part 2
Lesson 13. Improving the “Popular Products” block
Lesson 14. Description of the markup of the “About the store” block
Lesson 15. Assigning styles for the “About the store” block
Lesson 16. Description of the markup of the “Subscription” block
Lesson 17. Assigning styles for the “Subscription” block
Lesson 18. Description of markup for footer
Lesson 19. Assigning styles to the “footer” block
Lesson 20. Making the layout adaptive. Part 1
Lesson 21. Making the layout adaptive. Part 2
Lesson 22. Making the layout adaptive. Part 3
Lesson 23. Making the layout adaptive. Part 4
Lesson 24. Making the layout adaptive. Part 5
Lesson 25. Conclusion

Premium course. HTML Basics Tutorial

Lesson 1. Introduction. HTML Basics
Lesson 2. HTML structure document
Lesson 3. Text formatting tags
Lesson 4. Images
Lesson 5. Links. Image links
Lesson 6. Lists
Lesson 7. Tables
Lesson 8. Shapes

Premium course. CSS Basics Tutorial

Lesson 1. Connection methods
Lesson 2. Class assignments and ids
Lesson 3. Font properties
Lesson 4. Text properties
Lesson 5. Background
Lesson 6. Width, height. Div tag and Span
Lesson 7. Frame
Lesson 8. Indents
Lesson 9. CSS Basics. Float, Clear, Display
Lesson 10. CSS Basics. position property

Premium course. Website layout for beginners

Lesson 1: Defining Markup
Lesson 2. Description of markup
Lesson 3. CSS headers site
Lesson 4. CSS areas content
Lesson 5. Finalizing the layout

Premium course. HTML 5: Basics

Lesson 1. Structure HTML document 5
Lesson 2. Review of header and footer tags
Lesson 3. Article tag
Lesson 4. The section tag
Lesson 5. Nav, main and aside tags
Lesson 6. Figure and figcaption tags
Lesson 7. Cross-browser design
HTML 5 tags
Lesson 8. Input tag. New tag types in html 5.
Part 1
Lesson 9. Input tag. New tag types in html 5. Part 2
Lesson 10. HTML 5 video. Inserting a video on a website
Lesson 11. HTML 5 audio. Inserting audio on a website
Lesson 12. HTML 5 canvas. Drawing in HTML 5
Lesson 13. HTML 5 geolocation. Determining location in HTML 5

Premium course on CSS3

Lesson 1. Working with backgrounds in CSS3
Lesson 2. Shadows and rounded corners
Lesson 3. Transparency of background, image, text and color in CSS
Lesson 4. Linear Gradients CSS
Lesson 5. Columns
Lesson 6. Radial Gradients
Lesson 7. Font
Lesson 8. Working with text in css 3
Lesson 9. Pseudo-classes
Lesson 10. Selectors
Lesson 11. Transformation

Anatomy of a profitable landing page

Lesson 1. Anatomy of a profitable landing page

Creating a landing page in one evening

Lesson 1. Introduction
Lesson 2. Connecting a custom font to the page
Lesson 3. Defining the site header markup
Lesson 4. Describing website header styles
Lesson 5. Defining the slider layout
Lesson 6. Assigning styles to the slider
Lesson 7. Layout of the "Features" block
Lesson 8. Layout of the "Gallery" block
Lesson 9. Defining the video block layout
Lesson 10. Describing video block styles
Lesson 11. Layout of the "Download application" block
Lesson 12. Reviewing the layout. We eliminate shortcomings
Lesson 13. Determining the marking of the contact block
Lesson 14. Describe the styles of the contact block
Lesson 15. Layout the footer
Lesson 16. Adapting the slider
Lesson 17. Conclusion

My name is Mikhail Rusakov, and I have been programming for about 9 years, and the last 5 years have been creating websites. On this moment I have more than a hundred customers, some of whom I work with on a regular basis. I also conduct training activities, and now I have several tens of thousands of students around the world and several thousand clients. You can read the reviews of some of my students on my wall in contact:

I don’t like to write about myself, but in this case this is necessary, because perhaps you only recently learned about me. And in order for you to be confident in my competence, I have to praise myself, although I really don’t like it due to my natural modesty.

What's special about HTML5 and CSS3?

Indeed, they somehow managed to get by with HTML 4.01, developed back in 1999. The same goes for CSS 2.1. However, HTML5 and CSS3 have introduced enormous possibilities for the layout of website pages, simplifying this process many times over.

Here are just a few of the new features in HTML5:

  • Ability to insert audio and video without using Flash. This is made possible thanks to new tags added to HTML5.
  • Improved software capabilities search engine optimization. In HTML5, pages will not be created on divs alone. Now there are a lot of elements that characterize a specific part of the site (site header, footer, navigation menu, article, etc.). This will have a very good effect on search engine optimization.
  • Rich possibilities for working with forms. A lot of new field types have appeared. For example, e-mail, tel, url. With these types, you no longer need to write JavaScript code to validate your form. Now, using HTML5, the form is automatically checked for correctness, immediately displaying all error messages to the user. Moreover, all this is done very beautifully and neatly, however, it can be changed via CSS appearance all this. A datalist element has also appeared, allowing you to create a list of options that the user can select when typing text. This functionality is very often used when typing search query, when entering the first characters, immediately appear possible options. Never has such complex functionality been created so easily. In general, we can talk here for a very long time; there are a lot of opportunities for working with forms.
  • Simplified implementation of drag and drop. Now implement similar mechanism it became much easier. An example of using drag and drop is, for example, dragging the image of a product into the cart with the mouse, and it is automatically added there. It used to be enough difficult task, but now it is done within a few minutes.
  • It is now possible to find out the user's location. That is, find out exact coordinates where the visitor to your site is located. The use of this mechanism brings such possibilities that it will take your breath away.
  • Canvas appeared, which made it possible to draw directly on a Web page via JavaScript. This allows you to generate images without reloading the page. Previously without using PHP it was impossible to do this.

These are not all the features of HTML5, but this is enough for you to understand that learning HTML5 is a must.

What's new in CSS3?

  • There are new selectors that make selection easier. For example, simple task– make a special style for the last menu item (for example, all items at the bottom have a frame, but the last item does not). Previously, you had to set a separate class for the last element, but in CSS3 there is a new selector that will help you immediately pull out that last element. This will reduce running time and reduce code size. And there are a lot of such useful little things in CSS3 thanks to the new selectors.
  • Rich possibilities for working with backgrounds. Finally, in CSS3 it became possible to set multiple backgrounds for one element at once. They can now also be stretched in width and height.
  • Now you can ask transparent color, something that was sorely lacking before. It is also possible to set the color via HSL (hue-saturation-brightness).
  • It became very easy to create rounded frames. In almost any more or less complex design, there are curves in various blocks and form elements. Previously, this was a whole problem, but in CSS3 this is done in one line.
  • Now you can set your own font on the site, and you don’t have to be afraid that someone won’t display it. You simply download the font, copy it to your website, and connect it to the page via CSS3. CSS 2.1 did not have this feature, which greatly limited the page design options.
  • It became incredibly easy to add shadows to elements. On many sites there is a shadow for some elements, and if before it was done long and hard, now it is again one small line in the style file.
  • You can create linear and spherical gradients. Very often there are gradients on pages, and previously it was impossible to do without cutting up pictures, connecting it as a background and repeating along X or Y. In CSS3, setting a gradient is very, very easy, and the possibilities there are such that you can create even a very complex gradient, with at least 10 transitions between colors.
  • Transformations have appeared. Now you can very easily, for example, rotate an entire block by a certain angle, or stretch/shrink it by a certain percentage, or move it (especially useful in conjunction with JavaScript).
  • An animation appeared. Now you don’t need to smoothly change its state via JavaScript when you hover your mouse over an element. Great amount features that are found on websites can now be done through animation in CSS3. In some cases, this will help you abandon the same jQuery, which weighs quite a lot, thereby increasing the page loading speed, which will also have a good effect on search engine optimization.

Again, these are not all the features that appeared in CSS3, but even this will simplify the page layout, sometimes many times over.

Thus, HTML5 and CSS3 already need to be learned and can be used now. There is only one question.

How to learn HTML5 and CSS3?

Here we need to break everything down into 3 stages.

Stages 1 and 2 are relatively simple. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of books, some of them also have exercises. So you can search and find something.

But the 3rd stage is much more difficult. Here you should definitely look at an example of page layout first. But there are already serious problems with this. It is difficult to convey the layout process in a book, and although it is possible to understand it, it will be much more difficult to do so than in video format.

Another big disadvantage of books is that they take a very long time to be published. And HTML5 and CSS3 are new, so absolutely all the books you find are already outdated. Hence the conclusion: you can look for information on HTML5 and CSS3 in online reference books (make sure that there is constant update), where there are no exercises, and you still have to dig around a lot, and you won’t be able to find an example of the layout at all. There is only one plus to all this torment – ​​it’s free.

I offer you not only
but also the most the best way!

I present to your attention my new Video course, which is called “HTML5 and CSS3 from Zero to Guru”:

The course consists of several sections, which you can see in the screenshot of the main menu:

What will you learn from this course? Let's start with the HTML5 section.

From this section:

  1. You will learn very important features HTML5, which must be taken into account when using this Web technology.
  2. You will learn how to properly insert video and audio into a website. This also has its own nuances, without which some users simply won’t start your video or audio. You will learn about all these nuances from this section.
  3. You will learn how to use new semantic tags for proper optimization for search engines.
  4. You will see all the new features for working with forms.
  5. You will see with a specific example how the Drag and Drop mechanism is implemented using HTML5.
  6. You will learn how you can get the location coordinates of your website visitors.
  7. You will learn how to draw on a Web page using new element Canvas.

The next section is CSS3.

From this section:

  1. You'll learn the features of CSS3 that you should definitely know before using it. Without taking these features into account, huge problems may arise with displaying the site in different browsers(cross-browser compatibility).
  2. You'll see how to use the new selectors.
  3. You will see new possibilities for working with text.
  4. You will learn all the possibilities for setting the background using CSS3.
  5. You will learn how to create transparent color using CSS3.
  6. You will learn how to properly set your own font. This section covers small parts, which many layout designers do not take into account, and then problems appear with the fonts on the site. After watching the corresponding lesson in this section, you will know what these problems are and how to solve them very quickly and easily.
  7. You will learn how to create shadows for text and blocks.
  8. You will see how a wide variety of gradients are made.
  9. You will learn how to transform elements, for example, rotate the same images by a certain angle.
  10. You will learn how to make animations with CSS3. You will see several very different and at the same time very practical examples with your own eyes. When I first saw the animation capabilities in CSS3, I was very surprised, and I’m sure you will really like it too.

After these 2 sections on HTML5 and CSS3 you will have everything necessary knowledge for successful page layout.

However, it is extremely important to see an example of the layout
real page in HTML5 and CSS3

Therefore, in the course “HTML5 and CSS3 from Zero to Guru” there is another section that shows the layout for my website using HTML5 and CSS3.

By the way, here is the design of the page that is created in the course absolutely from scratch:

In this section you will see how typesetting is done specific page using HTML5 and CSS3. And after completing this section, you will be able to create the most various pages using modern technologies.

Of course, almost every lesson in each section includes various exercises that will allow you to consolidate the material from the lesson in practice. I took most of the exercises from my practice, so you will not only consolidate knowledge, but also immediately apply it when solving real practical problems.

What about layout for mobile devices?

It’s a fair question, because mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have long been part of our lives. In 2013 mobile traffic averaged 38% of total number. This is a very large share of users that should not be forgotten. Therefore, many sites require the creation of a mobile version of the site. And the most the main task– this is to make the correct layout for the mobile version of the site.

How to make layout for the mobile version of the site?

To answer this question, I wrote down
Bonus Video course “Layout for mobile devices”.

After completing this course:

  1. You will learn all the features of layout for mobile devices. It is extremely important to know these features before making layout.
  2. You will learn how to properly change the design for mobile devices.
  3. You will see how it is typed up home page for mobile devices.
  4. You will be able to create mobile versions of your websites yourself, and this is the most important thing that you will get by studying this course.

And most importantly, this course is free Bonus to the course "HTML5 and CSS3 from Zero to Guru".

Do you need to know HTML 4.01 and CSS 2.1?
if now there is HTML5 and CSS3?

Necessarily! HTML5 and CSS3, despite all their globality, are only an extension of the basic capabilities of HTML and CSS. Therefore, before you start learning HTML5 and CSS3, you definitely need to know everything basic capabilities these technologies, as well as be able to design websites using them.

The video course “Website Layout from Scratch” teaches you all this.

After completing this course, you will be able to layout pages of any complexity. And after that you need to take the course “HTML5 and CSS3 from Zero to Guru,” which will simplify your work and increase its quality.

For those who love everything to the maximum!

This course has several different kits.

1) Set “Standard”- this includes the course “HTML5 and CSS3 from Zero to Guru” with the Bonus course “Layout for Mobile Devices”.

2) Set “Layout+”. This kit includes everything that is in the “Standard” kit, as well as the “Website Layout from Scratch” course, the importance of which was described a little higher. If you don’t yet know how to layout websites, or even don’t know HTML or CSS well, then be sure to first study the “Website Layout from Scratch” course.

3) “Pros in creating pages” kit. This kit includes everything that is included in the “Layout+” kit, as well as the “JavaScript, jQuery and Ajax from Zero to Guru” course, which will allow you to “breathe life” into the pages of your site. Despite the richness of HTML5 and CSS3, even they require JavaScript. For example, the same work with Canvas or the Drag and Drop mechanism requires JavaScript, so you need to know it if you want to create pages of any complexity and with any functionality.

4) “Pros in creating websites” kit. This kit contains everything that is in “Pros in creating pages”, as well as the course “PHP and MySQL from Zero to Guru”. This course will teach you how to create all the internal functionality of the site: registration, authorization, site search, dynamic generation of site pages and much, much more. The “Pros in Website Creation” kit will teach you how to create any websites using the most modern Web technologies.

Video review of the course from a student

In my opinion, no one can talk about the course better and more honestly than those who have already completed it.

Review from Rustam Sadykov

Let's summarize what you get

By purchasing the Video Course “HTML5 and CSS3 from Zero to Guru”:

  1. You'll learn the new features of HTML5 and see how they work.
  2. You'll learn what's new in CSS3 and how it's used in practice.
  3. You will see specific example website layout.
  4. You can design any website using HTML5 and CSS3.
  5. You will be able to create mobile version for your sites.
  6. By purchasing the Page Pros kit, you can get the most out of HTML5 and CSS3 using JavaScript.
  7. By purchasing the “Pros in Website Creation” kit, you will be able not only to layout any websites, but also to implement all the functionality that is done in PHP and MySQL.

Are you afraid that you won't succeed?

You risk nothing as I provide you with a 100% money back guarantee. I can provide it because I am confident in the quality of my courses, which is proven by the mass positive feedback about me and my courses. But if suddenly the course is not suitable for you, then just write to my support service, and I will return to you all the money spent on the course. The warranty period is unlimited. I have been a well-known figure on the Internet for a long time, so you can trust me.

What is the price?

The price depends on the selected set.

Remember that you are 100% protected by my guarantee. Therefore, feel free to write out an invoice right now, pay it and immediately start training.

Take action, Dear Friend!

Sincerely, Mikhail Rusakov!

P.S. "To live well,
need to work hard
to stand firmly on your feet,
you need to know a lot"
Maksim Gorky


Is a certificate issued?

Yes, a separate personalized certificate is issued for each Video course.

Some “Vasya” offered me to buy this course for 500 rubles. Is this your partner?

No, this is not my partner, but a scammer trying to make money. People have already contacted me and paid them money, and then these “sellers” simply disappeared. There were also cases when they, instead paid course, slipped mine free courses and lessons. And even if you get full version If there is a paid course with all the lessons and files, then no support is provided for the author, that is, me. At the same time, there are no money-back guarantees for such “clients”. Therefore, beware of such “sellers”; my courses can be legally purchased only on this site and nowhere else and from no one. And I do NOT bear any responsibility for the actions of 3rd parties.

Where are you uploading the course?

I'm pouring on paid server(I'm paying for it). Therefore, immediately after payment you receive direct links to download the course from quality server. Not on any file hosting services, people and others free services I don't follow this course. If you suddenly have a problem downloading from one server (for example, due to a heavy load), then I have a spare one. Just write to provide spare links, and I will send them to you.

From the author: Ever since articles demonstrating the new properties of HTML5 and CSS3 began to appear on the Internet, I had the idea of ​​​​creating a website layout without images. Taking advantage of the improvements in HTML5 and CSS3 (over previous venerable specifications), it's not too difficult to put together a decent looking website that doesn't have to rely on images for markup.

Here is an image of the site that we will design using HTML5 and CSS3:

Before we get started practical steps, I recommend that you view the demo result of the work.

The header element represents the introductory group or aids navigation.

Following their recommendation, the header element will contain our logo, subheading and main navigation. When we enter the header header element, we have a markup detail containing all those parts of the page that we intuitively think of as a header. (Or all those page details that will be nested in div element with the header id.) The header element can be used more than once on the page, and we will use it again inside the article elements, which will contain introductions to posts.

Hgroup element

First inside the header element is another new tag, hgroup. We will use it to display our site's logo and subtitle respectively in the h1 and h2 tags.

The hgroup element is used to group a set of h1-h6 elements when the heading has multiple levels, such as subtitles, alternative names or subheadings.

The hgroup element may look redundant unless you wrap the headings in a div element as usual so that the title or subtitle(s) have a normal background or style. However, hgroup plays an important role in the document schema. The schema algorithm checks your page and reports the header structure. Check the outline of your work using the Outliner tool. When the schema algorithm encounters an hgroup element, it will ignore everything except the header itself top level(usually h1).

Now we have a problem: the circuit algorithm is not perfect and not complete. For example, the next element we'll discuss is the nav element, and the markup marks it as "Untitled Section". There have been requests from markup developers to change the schema algorithm to represent the nav element as "Navigation". In any case, the hgroup element provides you with a way to group your headings and thus organize them both structurally and semantically.

Nav element

We move on to the next HTML5 element, nav. In nav we will include the main navigation of the site, wrapped in an unordered list.

The nav element represents a section of a page that links to other pages or areas within a page: the area with navigation links.

Using nav to create the main navigation of a site is something of a given, but the circumstances are such that there will be more areas on your site that contain links; the question is which ones you should wrap with a nav tag. Here are some use cases that I think might be suitable:

Related Posts.

According to the specification, these may or may not be appropriate uses of the nav element. The specification is not very clear and the examples given are not very helpful. So while the specification is not final and more specific for selection correct method The use of the nav element can only be relied upon by the developer community.

Article element

Next element which I want to present to you is article. The main area of ​​our demo page contains three post quotes, and we'll wrap each of them in an article tag.


Here is the W3C definition for the article element:

The article element represents a modular composition in a document […], so it is intended to be self-distributable or reusable, such as in syndication (the simultaneous publication of content on multiple Web sites).

This time the specification is clearer and the blog post (or excerpt) is much better ( note the mention of syndication) goes to article. Of course, we can place many article elements on a page.

You've no doubt noticed that inside the article we've placed the header and footer. Both header and footer can be used more than once on a single HTML page. Since header is an “introductory group or navigation aid,” we included the date, title, and number of comments. Next, we have a paragraph with an excerpt from the post, followed by a footer.

Footer element

As I said before, the footer can be used as many times as needed on a single page, and it represents the footer segment of a document page, or part of a document.

The footer element represents the footer of the section it is accessing. Typically the footer contains information about its section, such as authorship, links to related documents, copyright date, etc.

We have four footer elements on our demo page: one for each of the three article elements and a common footer for the entire page. The footer in the article element contains the post author's name, tags, and a link button to the full blog post.

The general footer contains three section elements and a copyright notice. Both uses of the footer element are legal and comply with the W3C recommendation.

Section element

The general footer area of ​​our demo page contains three section elements. In them we list the most popular blog posts, latest comments and a short biography of your fictional company.

The section element represents general area document or application. A section in this case is a thematic grouping of content, usually using a heading.

The section element is quite tricky because in its specification definition it appears very similar to the div element. I fell into this trap when I started coding the demo page; I placed three article elements inside the section element. I soon realized the error of my methods. The only way to decide whether to use section is to see if the area you want to wrap with a section element needs a title. From the definition, you can see that the section element usually has a title.

Another question that is useful to ask to determine the validity of using the section element is: are you adding it solely for styling purposes? You're adding it simply because you need to make the section stand out using JavaScript, or because you need to apply regular styling to it and you need to use a div element instead.

Wrapping the three article elements of our demo page in a section tag would make sense if the section included a title like “Latest Blog Posts.” It would make sense; otherwise the tag that contains the article elements is just styling support - something to help us target it when JavaScript help or CSS.

Aside element

The last HTML5 element used for the demo page is aside; we used it as a sidebar container.

The aside element represents a section of a page consisting of content that is superficially related to the content surrounding the aside, and which can be perceived as separate from that content. Such sections are often represented in typography as sidebars.

As you can see from the specification, one example of an ideal use of the aside element is side column. Below in the graph you can see the hierarchy of the aside element on our demo page.

We placed two sections and one nav. The first section element contains links to Twitter and RSS, and the second represents the latest tweet (user's post on Twitter). The second section element is also one of the rare cases where it does not have a title. It could have a title, something like “Last Tweet,” but I don’t think that’s necessary because readers are used to seeing blocks like this, and Twitter’s tag under the quote is very recognizable. Our sidebar nav element is used to display a list of blogs and, unlike the main navigation, it has a title.

The last word

So, the first part of our article on website layout in HTML5 and CSS3 has come to an end. I tried to keep it as short as possible and not spend too much time on the uncertainties in the HTML5 spec because it's not finished yet. In the meantime, we will have to rely on the community and the work of HTML5 “healers” to become our guides in introducing new elements into the sites.

Thanks for reading and don't miss Part 2 of this article where we'll discuss CSS3 properties used to decorate markup.

As always, I look forward to any questions or comments. Please don't be afraid to speak up and start a discussion about using new elements because it is - The best way clarify their benefits.

Editorial: Rog Victor and Andrey Bernatsky. webformyself team.

Hello friends!

I want to tell you what online resources and courses I used to learn HTML and CSS. With these tutorials you will quickly and easily master HTML and CSS from scratch to a very advanced level.

HTML, CSS for beginners from scratch and more.

Remember, in the last articles I already said that I will soon tell you about all the resources, sites, services, courses that I consider useful and effective for HTML training and CSS? This time has come, today I will tell you what I used and where I continue to work at the present time.

What I will talk about has been tested on mine personal experience and I vouch for the quality. If you use my recommendations, your time will not be in vain.

I will assume that you are at least in general outline you know what HTML and CSS are, what you can do with them, and why you need all this. The effectiveness of my recommendations and your training will depend on how well you already know these disciplines, what goals you set for yourself, and what level of mastery you plan to achieve.

In this article I will focus on beginners, on those who are just taking their first steps in learning HTML and CSS; it is for them that my advice will be most relevant. After going through these stages, you will definitely understand whether you are interested in further studying and improving your skills. If yes, then continue to study and comprehend all the subtleties and new possibilities.

I myself am now at this stage, gradually taking advanced courses and lessons, studying the capabilities of HTML5 and CSS3. At the same time, I get great pleasure from the classes, as well as from the feeling of flexibility, great opportunities and new ideas that are born in this exciting process.

My journey in learning HTML and CSS

My first acquaintance with HTML and CSS took place during my first years at the institute (although I became interested in programming much earlier), then I understood what each of them was responsible for. In those days, it was still common to actively use built-in styles and build a grid of pages using tables. Only a few switched to divs, which I knew nothing about at that time and did not attach importance to these points.

Having figured it out somehow basic points, I lived with this inferior and outdated knowledge for a long time. I tried to create my own pages and add styles to them. Quite recently I, as a result of which the design also changed.

And then, after delving into the code for many days, I realized how limited and insufficient my knowledge was. It's like an invisible framework in which you place yourself and live in them, getting used to this state of affairs. There was no freedom to realize creative ideas or thoughts.

There were endless questions: “how to do this and not ruin everything else?”, which I solved. I don’t remember that my thoughts lingered for a long time on such questions: “is it right to do this in this situation and am I not reinventing a second wheel with my inept hands?”

The time came when this state of affairs no longer suited me, and I decided to finally take control of the situation. At the end of the year, this idea appeared on the pages of an article about. But now these plans are being implemented, and I can only think: “what was stopping me, and why didn’t I do this earlier?” It's similar to how I recently mastered and now manage to capture thoughts in the form of sentences.

How to learn HTML and CSS from scratch?

Once again, I repeat that there are always several options for achieving a goal. I will describe my experience, because... I think it's good enough to talk about.

Stages of learning HTML and CSS

It’s most convenient to break the whole process into stages:

  • Introducing HTML and learning the basics
  • Introducing CSS and mastering the basic concepts
  • Advanced level. Learning HTML5 and CSS3

It is well known and we have all tested it many times that to memorize you need repetition. But so that the process is not boring, we will not repeat the same thing over and over again. Instead we will refer to different sources at every stage, thus expanding our knowledge and understanding.

And even if somewhere one of the moments seems not entirely clear, in another place you will cover all the blind spots, feel confident and can easily move on.

By adhering to this plan, you will gradually become familiar with technologies, easily remember everything in practice, as a result you will become very strong specialists in HTML and CSS, you will know new technologies HTML5, CSS3, as well as the best and modern approaches in page layout.

The best HTML and CSS tutorials

And here are the resources themselves, which I will refer to and which I encourage you to actively use:

  • Courses
  • Codecademy, HTML & CSS course. We will only use the lessons. Tests and Projects there are paid, we can do without them.
  • HTML Academy. You can use my affiliate code 1115104d039 to get good discount in advanced courses.

We should also mention the school Code School, Where high quality presentation of material, but it is paid and will be convenient only for those who know English well.

Perhaps I’ll also mention the reference book, which you will often find in the future when using a search engine.

It is no coincidence that E. Popov’s courses are in first place. This person will be your guide in the first stages.

I consider HTML Academy to be the strongest and most serious school among Russian-language resources; it is there that I am currently taking advanced courses that are only available by subscription, but it is not at all expensive (300 rubles per month) compared to Code School (the price there is from 20 to 30 dollars depending on the promotions). By using my HTML Academy affiliate code - 1115104d039, you get a discount when you subscribe.

We will turn to HTML Academy every time after Popov’s and Codecademy courses; this will make you feel calmer and more confident when solving problems, some of which are quite serious. Not everyone has nerves of iron.

Study Plan for Easy Mastery of HTML and CSS

I suggest you stick to this plan. This is what I did myself, I liked the result and the learning process itself.

  1. . What you will learn there and how to get it, see my article.
  2. Codecademy, HTML & CSS course. Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3
  3. HTML Academy, the first six courses before the “Introduction to CSS” course, its later
  4. . See my article for details.
  5. Codecademy, HTML & CSS course. Unit 4, Unit 5, Unit 6. This is where we will finish using Codecademy.
  6. HTML Academy, Starting with the course "Introducing CSS" 5 courses, ending with the course "Designing text with CSS"
  7. Course: Practice HTML5 and CSS3
  8. HTML Academy, all remaining courses from the basic level, starting with " Block model document" and ending with the course "Final Tests". Some may think that Popov’s course on layout should be taken after HTML Academy (i.e., swap the last two steps). This point of view also deserves respect, but it seems to me that you will take the courses from HTML Academy more responsibly after you yourself have completed the pages suggested by Evgeniy, and you will remember everything better.
  9. Advanced level. We only have the HTML Academy school left, where you need to go through further levels by subscription. Don't forget about my affiliate code, which I mentioned above. Study "Advanced Courses" and "Preprocessors". At the time of writing, I am taking the Linear Gradients course. I plan to complete all these courses to the end.

This is the work plan outlined for those who want to learn to have a good understanding of HTML and CSS. It may seem like all this is very long and difficult. Fear, as you know, has big eyes. It all starts with the first step. If you are not lazy and work diligently in free time, then the list will be reduced.

Undoubtedly, I have not talked about other resources that may also be useful. If you know such people, not necessarily just in HTML and CSS, then tell us about them! It would be great if you leave information in the comments.

Courses on HTML5 and CSS3, modern layout and web design

I decided to tell you about a few more courses on HTML and CSS, as well as on topics modern layout, web design and website creation. My HTML and CSS training plan, which I suggested above, is tested and gives excellent results. But perhaps it will be inconvenient for someone to jump through different sources; they want everything to be in one place. In this case, take professional authoring courses with detailed lessons, which I will tell you about, will be more pleasant and even more effective.
Below I will simply give you a list of training courses, and you can see for yourself who likes what.

  • Practice on the basics of adaptive layout in HTML5 and CSS3
  • HTML5 and CSS3 from Zero to Pro
  • Practice of website layout for mobile devices
  • Web design: practical course landing page creation
  • A web designer is a professional. Creating in-demand layouts
  • Modern Web Development Trends
  • All about website creation
  • Step-by-step plan for creating a website
  • JavaScript&jQuery from scratch to pro
  • Secrets of practical SEO
  • Modern PHP: working with VKONTAKTE
  • Learn to create beautiful, modern subscription and sales pages
  • Blogging School

One more minute. I thought, what if the topic

Name: HTML5 and CSS3 from scratch to pro
Author: Andrey Bernatsky
Released: 2016
Genre: Video course
Language: Russian

After studying this video course, every web developer will fully master in practice adaptive layout using the latest innovations of the HTML5 hypertext markup language and CSS3 cascading style sheets.

The author will not easily teach you how to layout simple HTML pages. Together with an experienced teacher and programmer, you will work through the layout in detail using the example of three types of sites of varying complexity in modern internet. This will be a business card website, blog and online store. You will work with each type of site from A to Z.

Layout of a business card website layout

Lesson 2: Defining the layout for the page
Lesson 3. Description of website header styles
Lesson 4. Description of the styles of the main block of the site. Part 1
Lesson 5. Description of the styles of the main block of the site. Part 2. Conclusion

Blog layout layout

Lesson 1. Introduction. Page setup
Lesson 2. Defining the site header markup
Lesson 3. Connecting non-standard fonts
Lesson 4. Description of website header styles
Lesson 5. Description of the markup of the main block of the site
Lesson 6. Description of the markup of a block of posts
Lesson 7. Assigning styles for a block of posts
Lesson 8. Description of the side column layout
Lesson 9. Assigning styles to the side column
Lesson 10. Description of pagination navigation markup
Lesson 11. Assigning styles for page navigation
Lesson 12. Layout of the website footer
Lesson 13. Finalizing the layout layout
Lesson 14. Adapting the layout for mobile devices. Part 1
Lesson 15. Adapting the layout for mobile devices. Part 2
Lesson 16. Adding CSS3 effects to the page. Part 1
Lesson 17. Adding CSS3 effects to the page. Part 2

Layout of the online store layout

Lesson 1. Introduction
Lesson 2. Connecting a custom font to a page
Lesson 3. Defining the site header markup
Lesson 4. Description of site header styles. Part 1
Lesson 5. Description of site header styles. Part 2
Lesson 6. Connecting a slider to a page
Lesson 7. Assigning styles and customizing the slider
Lesson 8. Description of the news block markup
Lesson 9. Assigning styles for the news block
Lesson 10. Description of the markup of the “Popular Products” block
Lesson 11. Assigning styles for the “Popular Products” block. Part 1
Lesson 12. Assigning styles for the “Popular Products” block. Part 2
Lesson 13. Improving the “Popular Products” block
Lesson 14. Description of the markup of the “About the store” block
Lesson 15. Assigning styles for the “About the store” block
Lesson 16. Description of the markup of the “Subscription” block
Lesson 17. Assigning styles for the “Subscription” block
Lesson 18. Description of markup for footer
Lesson 19. Assigning styles to the “footer” block
Lesson 20. Making the layout adaptive. Part 1
Lesson 21. Making the layout adaptive. Part 2
Lesson 22. Making the layout adaptive. Part 3
Lesson 23. Making the layout adaptive. Part 4
Lesson 24. Making the layout adaptive. Part 5
Lesson 25. Conclusion

Released: Russia
Duration: 25:51:27

Format: HTML, MP4
Video: AVC, 1024x768, ~651 Kbps
Audio: AAC, 106 Kbps, 48.0 KHz