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How many people have ever lived on earth or been born at all is an intriguing question that may be based, at least in part, on scientific grounds.
In order to appreciate and for this to be true, you need to understand that childbirth and infant survival both at the beginning of the 20th century and now in the 21st century are not the same as in the past.

It is known that there are now a large number of older people born in the middle of the last century.

However, the number of prehistoric people, or how many people in total lived on earth, can be determined with a high degree of probability.

How many people have ever lived on earth?

Number of people on Earth Births per 1000 people Estimated births
50,000 BC 2000
8000 BC 5 000 000 80 1137 789769
1 AD 300 000 000 80 46025332354
1200 450 000 000 60 26591343000
1650 500 000 000 60 12782002453
1750 795 000 000 50 3171931513
1850 1 265 000 000 40 4046240009
1900 1 656 000 000 40 2900237856
1950 2 516 000 000 31-38 3390198215
1995 5 760 000 000 31 5427305000
2011 7 000 000 000 20 2143327599
How many people were there? 107 615 707,768
On October 31, 2011, the UN announced: the world population
Percentage of those ever born who are alive in 2019 6,5 %

Any estimate of the total number of people who have ever been born will depend mainly on two factors: the length of time people have lived on Earth and the average size of the human population at different periods.

Recording the time when humanity actually came into existence is not a simple matter. Various ancestors of Homo sapiens ( Homo sapiens) appear to have appeared at least 700,000 years ago with brains measuring 900 cm 3 . Of course, apes walked the earth several million years ago.

World population growth rate

According to the United Nations, the determinants for the consequences of modern demographic trends Homo sapiens appeared around 50,000 BC. This long period of 50,000 years is the key to the question of how many people have lived on earth.

At the dawn of agriculture around 8000 BC, the world population was somewhere on the order of 5 million. Slow population growth over the period from about 5 million to 300 million per year. 8000 years there was a very low growth rate - only 0.0512 percent per year. In different regions, the numbers were different and deviated as a reaction to the vagaries of nature, military operations, changes in weather and climate conditions, and famine.

In any case, people's lives were short and probably average life expectancy has been around 10 years for most of human history. An estimate of the average life expectancy in Iron Age France was, for example, only 10–12 years, according to scientists. Under these conditions, the birth rate is determined to be about 80 per 1000 people just to survive. Today, a high birth rate of about 45-50 per 1000 population is observed only in a few countries in Africa and in a few countries in the Middle East with young populations.

The assumption of fertility significantly affects the estimate of the number of people and how many people have lived on earth. Infant mortality rates in early human history are thought to have been very high - perhaps 500 deaths per 1000 births or even higher. Children were probably a burden among hunter-gatherer societies and the fact is that this most likely led to the practice of infanticide. In these circumstances, a disproportionate number of births would be required to support the growth of the world's population, and this would raise the estimated number of "how many people in total lived on earth."

Before the 1st century BC, the world may have consisted of 300 million people. One estimate of the population of the Roman Empire from Spain to Asia Minor is 45 million.

In 1650, the world population had risen to approximately 500 million, a slight increase since the 1st century BC. The average annual growth rate of the world's population in the Middle Ages was actually lower than BC. One of the reasons for this abnormally slow growth was the Black Death. This terrible plague was not limited to 14th century Europe. The epidemic began around 542 in Western Asia and slowly spread from there. It is believed that half of the Byzantine Empire was destroyed in the 6th century, with a total of 100 million deaths. Such large fluctuations in population greatly add to the difficulty of estimating the number of people who have ever lived. Diseases did not lead to natural causes.

By 1800, however, the world's population had passed the 1 billion mark and has continued to grow since then, to the current figure reported by the UN on October 31, 2011, to be 7 billion.

How many people have lived on earth requires choosing a time interval from antiquity to the present and applying the number of births for each period.

What determines the growth rate of the number of people on Earth?

One complicating factor in the number of people is the rate of growth of the world's population. Do they rise from a certain level and then change dramatically in response to famine and climate change? Or do they grow at a constant rate from one time point to another? Scientists cannot know the answers to these questions, although paleontologists have prepared a number of theories. To support this hypothesis, constant growth was assumed to apply to every period up to modern times. Birth rates were set at 80 per 1000 per year BC. and 60 per 1000 in the Middle Ages. The birth rate then fell in the middle of the last century to below 40 per 1000 people and even lower in the modern period. The truth is growing nowadays.

This semi-scientific approach estimates that there were about 108 billion births at the dawn of the human race.

Apparently the period is 8000 BC. BC. is a clue to the scope of the definition, but unfortunately little is known about that era. Some aspects, or perhaps almost all aspects, are speculation and one approach to this issue is unattainable. Conditions of constant growth of the world's population in an earlier period may underestimate the number at that time. And, of course, timing the evolutionary consequences of humanity on the planet about 50,000 years ago is also probabilistic.

Thus, the estimate is determined that about 6.5% of all people ever born are alive today. This is actually quite a large percentage given such an “old” Earth.

Every year, the UN Foundation analyzes statistics, thereby calculating the number of people living on the planet. The results obtained are based on facts and results from various institutions that work to solve the population problem.

According to preliminary estimates in 2018, there are about 7.5 billion people. But these data may still change in one direction or another. But the UN presented these figures as accurately as possible.

The total number of people is provided in absolute terms, which can indicate the approximate or exact number of people in different countries for a specific period of time. Only the number of people living on earth can tell about the demographic situation in the world, that is, there is an increase or decrease.

It is mandatory that all indicators be taken into account after international organizations have finished counting; it is these organizations that carry out analytical calculations and display statistical data. The final tally of the total number of people in all countries is made by the UN Foundation.

It is worth saying that according to statistics, the total population in the world in 2018 will be more than 7.5 billion people. This figure increases every year, which indicates an increase in the number of people. But, unfortunately, this indicator is not increasing in all countries; there are a number of countries in which this indicator is constantly decreasing, that is, there is a demographic decline.

According to the very first statistics, to calculate the total number of people living on the planet , were able to in 1820, then this figure reached 1 billion. This number began to grow, and by the end of 2011 it reached its maximum figure, 7 billion people live on earth. In 2018, the figures exceeded seven and a half billion, and if no demographic situations occur, then by the beginning of 2024 the world population could reach 8 billion.

Countries with the largest population

So, after all, how many people live on planet Earth and who are the main heavyweight countries? Among all countries, leaders stand out, that is, those states where the population is the largest among all the others, these include:

  • China;
  • India;
  • Indonesia;
  • Brazil.

But besides the leading countries, there are countries in which a minimum number of people live, and every year the number continues to decrease. These include Monaco, Nauru, Palau, San Marino and Tuvalu.

Organizations that determine the population have put an exact figure on how many people live on Earth, and summed up the overall results at the beginning of 2018 - the number is about 7.5 billion people. The figure they indicated should grow by 88 million every year; this is theoretically possible, but only if there are no demographic catastrophes in the world that will lead to a population decline.

For a correct population count, there are basic indicators on which it is based:

  • The total number of newborns over the past year - statistics, about 146.5 million children are born in the world every year.
  • The total number of people who die is much lower than the number of people born, with about 58 million people dying each year.

As a result, taking into account the above data, there is a natural increase in the world of approximately 88.5 million people. The number of people living on earth now is quite large, among them there are only about 3.6 billion men, but there are slightly more women, about 3.7 billion people.

At the moment, the total number of people living on the planet is very positive. Every year there is visible population growth in large countries. The birth rate has greatly exceeded the death rate, which is a very positive factor. If we make more careful results, we can say that in 24 hours about 407 thousand children are born, and only 160 thousand people die.

Human life expectancy plays a significant role in the increase in the total number of people. According to statistics over the past few years, the average life span is 70 years, that is, it has increased by 5 years. But we should not forget that the territorial location of the country also plays an important role in statistics on life expectancy, for example, in Africa a person lives 12 years less than in other countries. But analysts still noticed an increase in life in many regions and countries in the world.

Statisticians also identified the most common causes of death among the population. There is a logical theory that the most common cause of death in the world is serious and severe diseases. There are five diseases that are the leading causes of high mortality:

  • Diseases of the heart and vascular system;
  • Acute diseases of the lower respiratory tract;
  • Chronic diseases of the pulmonary system;
  • Diabetes.

As a result, we can say that the population will grow if demographic crises do not prevent this.

There are more than seven billion people on the planet. According to statistics from the American CIA, in July 2013, the number of people on Earth was approximately 7,095,217,980 people. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon at the 47th session of the UN Commission on Population and Development in early 2014 stated in his report that the population was 7.2 billion people.

According to experts, there is currently a slowdown in the growth rate of the planet's population.

How is the counting going?

To determine how many people live on Earth, it is necessary to determine their number in individual regions and countries of the planet. In many countries, for this purpose, general population censuses are carried out at a certain frequency - once every five, ten years, etc. But there are also countries where censuses were carried out a very long time ago, or were not carried out at all. Therefore, special calculations are used to determine the total population in the world.


For more than one millennium, the population of earthlings was relatively small and grew slowly. Gradually, population growth accelerated, and in the 20th century its pace became especially rapid. On average, there are 250 thousand more people on the planet every day.

At the beginning of our era, the planet's population did not exceed 300 million people. This figure doubled only by the 17th century. Endless wars and epidemics significantly slowed down the demographic trend. The growth of production and industry contributed to the increase in population - at the beginning of the 19th century it was already a billion. By the 30s of the 20th century, this billion doubled, and after 30 years it tripled. As of October 12, 1999, there were 6 billion people living on Earth. In the 20th century, despite heavy human losses in the First and Second World Wars, the population increased rapidly due to a decrease in mortality from disease and hunger, and advances in science and medicine.

According to UN forecasts, by 2025 the world's population will exceed 8 billion, and by 2050 it will be 9 billion.

The value varies in different regions of the Earth at different periods. The level of birth rate, mortality and life expectancy of people plays a role here, which, in turn, depends on various factors - standard of living, crime rate, military conflicts, etc. In so-called developed countries, the birth rate is low and life expectancy is long. Conversely, countries that are considered underdeveloped have high birth rates, but high mortality rates and short life expectancies.

And how to use it. The first article will be devoted to collecting donors for subsequent posting in them, more precisely, collecting forums to create specialized doorways on them.

I will briefly describe the entire technology. Forums with a field in the profile where you can insert html and links are parsed according to certain criteria. Next, it is configured, the paths are slightly changed in order to fill in this field, which was parsed specifically for it. And the last article will be about how best to put these profiles into the index.

So, above was a brief overview of what will be in the posts, and now the parsing process itself. The first thing you need to do is find the necessary forums, with an open field about me, in this field you can insert both html and links.

Such resources are looked for quite constantly. We are collecting signs of the villages that we need. The first thing that comes to mind is “About me” (entered with quotation marks) since forums will be collected with this word. Below is a general sign that will show all sorts of intitle profiles: Viewing Profile and the final sign is the sign of a forum, for example the widespread forum engine IP.Board. It is more correct to indicate the sign like this "Powered by IP.Board". Putting everything together, you get this query for Google:

"About Me" intitle:Viewing Profile "Powered by IP.Board"

7 760 000
Results for such a request. So now you need to check several results . Do they have the required field and is it open? It is advisable to try to register and manually try to create a profile door. If this works, then the sign that was obtained is normal.

I came across the following profiles in the search results, they are all open, one even has a video, which means the door will definitely fit in there

The seventh profile in the search results already contained a profile door. It's always interesting to look at other people's roads and study them.

It is worth noting the number of profile views. With a click-through rate of 5%, which is considered quite low, we can assume that 85 people came from this door. When someone else’s road comes along, you immediately want to look at its backing, it’s done simply, the Yahoo service can help, this time I also couldn’t resist looking at how the road was moving.

From the screenshot you can see that the door was driven mainly by Chinese guest posts and comments on blogs. In principle, this is a classic example, which I am talking about now.

After making sure that the sign is normal, several more signs are collected. Optimally 10 pieces so that the database turns out good and it parses faster. When selecting features, it is better not to abuse operators such as inurl, intitle, Google doesn’t like them very much and often produces captchas. It is better to select direct occurrences used on the page - they are indicated in brackets.

Once the signs are collected, you need to configure the referrer. The only thing I change in the settings is to change the checkbox so that the referrer collects forums according to the principle additive words + words that is, first the design of the forum for example "About Me" intitle:Viewing Profile "Powered by IP.Board" , plus an ordinary word. You can either specify ordinary words in the reffer yourself or parse them from Google

Above, on the screen, is an example words from Google. The more words you parse, the larger your base will be. Before starting, of course, you need to dial a few proxies, without any problems.

If everything is done correctly, then after a while you should get a large, good base.

On the screenshot, I highlighted the phrase that is the main one when parsing forums. On the right in links is the number of links that were able to be paired with the phrase.

That's basically it. Tomorrow I will write how to sharpen it for these bases.