Creating a wireless connection Windows 7. How to set up WIFI on a laptop? Correct Method

Almost every laptop has the ability to connect to wireless Wi-Fi.

Using this technology, computers exchange data between themselves and network devices (printers, access points, etc.), and also access the World Wide Web.

There are many laptop models, but they all work according to the same communication standards. Can you imagine what it would be like for their owners if Wi-Fi setup on each laptop was done differently?

Many laptops - one Wi-Fi

The procedure for setting up a wireless network depends only on the operating system.

Some manufacturers equip their laptops with network utilities, but this does not provide anything new, except that it makes the setup process more convenient. Of course, you can use them, but it is more useful to know how to work with OS tools.

If you figure out how to set up WIFI on Windows 7, 8 and XP using the system, you can do this on any laptop, regardless of the model.

Three conditions for turning on Wi-Fi for the first time

Before you connect your laptop to the Wi-Fi network for the first time, you need to do three things:

  • turn on the wireless adapter (also called a WLAN or wireless network card);
  • install the wireless adapter driver;
  • start the WLAN autoconfiguration service.

Step 1. Enabling the Wi-Fi adapter

To turn on the Wi-Fi adapter on the laptop, there may be a button or key combination: Fn+ [one of the F1-F12 keys, where the Wi-Fi icon is shown]. You can tell that the adapter is turned on by the glow of the indicator on the laptop case:

Step 2. Driver installation

To install the wireless driver, connect the laptop to the Internet using cable access or a USB modem, go to the manufacturer's website and download the wireless driver for your operating system.

Run the downloaded file, wait for the installation to complete and reboot the machine.

To automatically start the WLAN AutoConfig service (if it is not running), open a Command Prompt with administrator rights and run two commands in it:

  • sc config Wlansvc start=auto
  • net start Wlansvc

After this, the Wi-Fi adapter will “see” access points located in the signal reception area.

Step 3. Setting up and connecting Wi-Fi on Windows 7 and 8

Quick connection

To connect your laptop to an existing Wi-Fi, click on the “Network” icon in the system tray and select the desired access point from the list.

Click the "Connect" button.

Enter your security key (password) and click OK. The connection will be established.

In addition to this method, you can connect to the selected wireless point by pressing the Wi-Fi button on the modem (router).

Important! Networks marked with a shield icon with an exclamation point do not require a password. They are not protected in any way, and data is transmitted through them in clear text.

Step 4. Connect to a hidden network and change the communication profile

To connect to an invisible network whose name is hidden, as well as to create a new wireless access profile, right-click on the “Network” icon in the tray and enter “Network Center...”.

In the “Change network settings” list in Windows 7, click “Set up a new connection or network”, and in Windows 8 (8.1) click “Create and set up a new connection or network”.

Select "Connect to a wireless network manually." This window, like the following ones, looks the same in Windows 8 and 7, so let’s look at the settings using Windows 8 as an example.

Enter the access point name (SSID), security type, encryption and password. If you are going to use this network constantly, check the “Start connection automatically” checkbox.

The “Connect if the network is not broadcasting” option should be checked when the access point is not visible in the list.

In the next window, you can change the connection parameters by clicking the button of the same name.

Basic parameters - name (SSID), grid type and availability cannot be changed. Security settings can be changed, but they must be the same as those assigned to the access point.

Step 5. Connecting and setting up Wi-Fi on Windows XP

Connect to available wireless networks. To connect your laptop to existing Wi-Fi networks, right-click on the “Network” icon in the tray and open “View available wireless networks.”

Select the desired access point from the list and click “Connect”.

Enter the password (security key) and its confirmation. After clicking on the “Connect” button, the connection will be established.

Thanks to the high development of modern wireless communication technologies, creating a home WiFi network in Windows 7 has become accessible to everyone. Moreover, this does not require any special investment of time, effort, or finances.

WiFi technology has already become quite an integral part of people’s daily lives, helping and speeding up the solution of many problems. In particular, such networks open up the opportunity to exchange files and data between group members, play together, and much more. And all this without any wires. But let's move directly to the question of how to create a WiFi network in the Windows 7 operating system.

Creating a WiFi network

It’s worth noting right away that you can create a private wireless network in several ways:

  • Using a WiFi router.
  • Using a laptop or PC equipped with a built-in wireless module.

In any case, a WiFi module is used, which can act as an access point. In other words, to build a network you need an access point to which all other devices connect. Moreover, as such an access point you can use not only a router, but also a laptop, as well as a PC, tablet or even a smartphone.

So, let's look at both options on how to create a WiFi network on a Windows 7 laptop or PC.

Creating a private group using a router

As you may have guessed, to organize a home group you will need a router that supports wireless communication. In fact, such a router is available in any computer store. Moreover, it is cheap and available to anyone.

So, if you have a router, you just have to plug it into the network and wait for it to load. After which you can connect any devices to it. Moreover, this can be done both via WiFi connection and using a cable. This is done by simply turning on the WiFi module on your laptop, tablet or smartphone, or by connecting an Internet cable. That's it, the local network has already been created. To exchange files and data, you need to make some settings on your computer, but we'll talk about that a little later.

What is a WiFi router: Video

First, it is worth noting that for network security it is recommended to make some settings. To do this, you need to go to the router settings menu. This is done as follows. Turn on WiFi on your laptop and connect to your router. To do this, click on the Wi-Fi icon in the tray, as in the picture. In the window that appears, select our network (initially it has the name of the router, for example, TP-Link). No password required.

After this, you need to launch your favorite browser and enter the router’s IP address in the address bar. As a rule, in the vast majority of cases the address is: (if this address does not work, you should try this: It is worth noting that the IP address of the router is indicated in the instructions for the device, as well as on the packaging. Sometimes it can be found on the router itself (there is a label on the bottom or side with the name, serial number and IP address of the device).

How to connect to a WiFi router: Video

If the IP address is entered correctly, the system will ask you to enter a password and login. The default login is admin, password is admin. Enter your data and click “Login”. That's it, we are in the settings menu. Of course, depending on the router model, the menu design may be different, however, the principle of settings for all routers is the same.

In order to set a password for a wireless network, you should go to the wireless security settings menu in the WiFi settings (Wireless SecuritySettings).

If you have cable Internet, then you can connect it to the router and all group members will have access to the Internet. However, this will also require you to enter some settings. To do this, you need to find the WLAN item in the Network settings. Here you need to set the connection type from “DynamicIP” to “StaticIP” and fill in the fields that open:

  • IP address - here you need to specify the address provided by the provider. It is specified in the contract. If this is not the case, then you need to call the support service and find out all the necessary data.
  • Subnet mask - here in the vast majority of cases the following values ​​are used: (to clarify, it is better to call support).
  • Default Gateway - should also be checked with your provider.

Below you will find two more points:

  • Primary DNS.
  • Secondary DNS.

The data provided by the provider is also entered here.

After this, you should save the settings and reboot the router. To do this, go to the “Systemtools” tab and then to “Reboot”. Wait for the router to load and enjoy your home WiFi network with access to the global “Web”.

As a rule, providers provide a function to automatically obtain network data. This means that you can enable “Dynamic IP” in the router settings and not fill in any data.

How to create a home wireless network without a router

This option is the answer to the question of how to create a home WiFi network using a laptop with Windows 7. It’s very simple. There are also different organization options here:

  • Using built-in Windows 7 tools.
  • Using third party programs.

The first option allows you to use not only a cable connection, but also a wireless connection. Moreover, the Wi-Fi module is capable of simultaneously receiving and distributing the Internet. In other words, the laptop can act as a signal amplifier, expanding the network. In addition, the first option is more reliable, although a little more complicated. However, absolutely everyone can cope even with it.

How to make your own WiFi network without a router: Video

The second option is to use programs such as Virtual Router Plus or Conectify; they do not allow you to use the WiFi module to receive and distribute the Internet at the same time. That is, your laptop must be connected to cable Internet, which will be distributed wirelessly.

How to distribute WiFi in Windows 7 using Conectify Hotspot: Video

Such programs have extremely simple settings that do not require explanation. Therefore, let's look at creating a home WiFi network in Windows 7 using built-in tools.

The Windows 7 operating system is a flexible and convenient OS that provides the user with many different options. So, there are two options for creating a working group:

  • Create a homegroup using the command line.
  • Create a wireless Computer-Computer connection.

We will consider the first option, as it is faster, easier to configure and reliable. What will it take? As you may have guessed, you need to launch the command line. This can be done in different ways, the simplest of which is to click “Start” and write “Command Prompt” in the search. We launch it with administrator rights by clicking the right mouse button. Like on a picture.

To create a Wi-Fi network, enter the following command on the command line: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=My_virtual_WiFi key=12345678 keyUsage=persistent. Here My_virtual_WiFi is the name of the network (it can be anything). There is one rule here: you can only use Latin letters. 12345678 is the connection password, which can also be anything. These figures are taken as an example. After you have entered the command, press “Enter”.

How to create a WiFi hotspot from the command line: Video

If everything is done correctly, the computer will detect the new device. You can check this in the task manager, which you can enter through the properties of my computer - My Computer System Properties Task Manager. Here, under “Network Adapters,” a new device will appear called “Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport Adapter.” In addition, “Network Wireless Connection 2” will appear in the Network and Sharing Center.

To enable (start) the created network, enter the following on the command line: netsh wlan start hostednetwork. After which the status of wireless network connection 2 will change and will look like in the picture.

That's it, now you can connect any devices that are equipped with a WiFi module to your laptop.

In order to provide group members with Internet access (if available - cable or Wi-Fi), access must be opened. To do this, go to the Network and Sharing Center through the tray. As in the photo.

Next, go to the “Change adapter settings” item and find the network connection through which the computer gets access to the Internet. Right-click on this connection and select “Properties”. Next, select the “Access” tab and check two boxes, and in the “home network connection” item, select “Wireless network connection 2” (the one you just created). That's it, your home WiFi network in Windows 7 has been created.

It doesn’t matter which option you choose (which is better and more convenient for you), but in any case, in order to open access to certain files and folders to other group members, you should go to the “Change additional sharing settings” tab in the Network Control Center and enable network discovery. In addition, in order to prevent the system from asking for passwords that you do not know, here a little lower you should disable password-protected sharing.

It is worth considering another important point - the name of the workgroup on all computers must be the same. Otherwise, participants simply will not have access to data, files, and so on. You can check the name in the properties of my computer. Typically, Windows 7 will set the group name to WORCGROUP, but you should double check to be sure.

How to set up WiFi on a Windows 7 laptop: Video

As you can see, creating a working Wi-Fi group is quite simple. Moreover, there are many ways to do this. And which of the available options to choose is your decision.

When all the components for connecting to the Internet have already been purchased, you can begin connecting. So, setting up a wireless wi-fi network depends on the main device, represented by a personal computer or laptop. Setting up the World Wide Web directly depends on the operating system of the personal computer.

Any wi-fi camera for Windows also starts working, after taking into account the features of the provided equipment. The system selected by the user must have a window in which a special network connection management item is displayed.

If you need to establish a wireless connection in Windows xp, then you should take into account the difference between the current product of computer companies and previous versions.

Setting up a wireless wi-fi network in Windows xp is considered more complex than in windows 7.

Windows xp. First, the user must select the "Network Connections" option from the Control Panel's Start menu. Then find “wireless connection” and click on it. After enabling this command, communication is established, but you should view the available wireless networks by selecting the appropriate item.

In order for the main device to work in a given direction, “Change the order of network preference” is required. When a new window appears, you can already put a checkmark next to “Use Windows to configure the network” and click on “Advanced”. Next, you will again have to return to “Change the order of network preferences” and remove the checkbox from “The key is provided automatically.” The network details are then entered and OK is pressed to confirm.

Wireless network access for Windows 7

Setting up a wireless wi-fi network in Windows 7 begins with the “Control Panel”, in which you select “Advanced system settings”.

Then go to the “Computer Name” tab and click the “Change” option.
After this action, a window appears on the monitor with the names of the computer or domain. The personal work device itself must have a unique name. If this name had to be changed, a computer restart is required.

Setting parameters for Internet connection in Windows 7

Next, click on the wired connection icon, which is located in the lower right side of the monitor. This is where the “Network and Sharing Center” appears. It must be selected by pressing the confirmation key. From the list that appears, select the “Add” option and create a “Computer-to-computer” network. To continue click “Next”.

In the fields with names and network parameters, enter data as necessary. Then they confirm the actions and enable Internet connection sharing. The Windows 7 wi-fi wireless network will start working immediately after clicking “Close”.

Connecting Windows 8 to wi-fi

The initially installed settings on personal computers or laptops do not always allow you to connect to a wireless network without problems. After all, the Windows 8 operating system may not see the wireless adapter, although it is definitely present.

Setting up a wireless wi-fi network in Windows 8 usually starts by clicking the star icon. After this, a list of proposed wireless networks appears on the monitor. One of them must be selected by typing the required security code. Confirm the above action with the “Next” button.

When it comes to your home network, it is better to choose shared access. When the connection is normal, the asterisk next to the division icon disappears and the signal reception level begins to be displayed.

Implementation of wireless communication reception by the tenth version

Operating system Windows 10 differs from previous versions in additional settings that provide for the use of touch screens. The necessary drivers are also automatically updated here. Because of this additional feature, setting up a wireless wi-fi network in Windows 10 is not particularly difficult. The user just needs to click on the icon in the lower right corner of the monitor and determine the available network.

Connecting wi-fi on Windows 10

It is also possible to automatically select a connection by checking the box next to the appropriate item. If the wi-fi adapter is not connected, then on the marker in question with divisions there is a cross instead of an asterisk. This can be easily fixed by pressing a specific button.

Most often, the wireless network is protected by a password, which must be entered into the window that appears when connecting and confirmed.

Modern computers and laptops already have a built-in special radio receiver that is responsible for sending and receiving information at a distance without the use of wires. For this reason, setting up a wi-fi connection occurs without much difficulty.

Currently, wireless communication technologies have found very wide application and WiFi networks are widespread both in public places and in users’ homes. This happened due to significant convenience, because in order to access the World Wide Web, there is no need to extend cables to the gadget, and device owners also have freedom of movement within Wi-Fi range without losing the connection to the network.

Therefore, a significant number of users are faced with the task of using Wi-Fi on their mobile devices every day. One of the most popular devices for working on the global network, of course, is a laptop with the Windows 7 operating system. Below we describe in detail instructions on how to properly connect the Internet via WiFi on a laptop with Windows 7, providing specific recommendations on what to do when the laptop does not see WiFi.

Basic requirements for a successful connection to a wireless network

Almost all modern laptops have the necessary functionality to connect to WiFi. Despite the huge number of laptop models produced by different manufacturers today, they all operate in accordance with the same communication standards. Basically, differences in settings depend on the version of the computer's operating system.

Sometimes the manufacturer provides special software for a more comfortable connection to wireless networks, but it is better and more reliable to master the configuration skill using Windows tools.

The main requirements for successfully solving the problem:

  1. The wireless communication device (adapter) built into the laptop must be activated;
  2. The current version of the WiFi device driver has been installed;
  3. The WLAN AutoConfig service is enabled.

How to turn on a Wi-Fi device on a laptop?

The method differs depending on the model and manufacturer of the laptop, so it is recommended that you read the documentation included with the PC. Usually there is a separate mechanical switch for the WiFi adapter on the laptop case. A characteristic icon indicating wireless communication must be drawn next to it. The user is only required to set this switch to the “On” position.

But if the computer owner, after carefully examining the device’s case, did not find such a switch, then the manufacturer has provided for activating the adapter using the keyboard, for example, the Wi-Fi sign will be displayed on one of the “F1 - F12” function buttons. To turn it on, you need to hold down the Fn key and click on the function key. The success of the procedure will be indicated by the activity of the WiFi indicator light, which is often located on the front panel of the laptop.

Installing the latest driver for a WiFi device

Through the network of a mobile operator or via a wired connection to the global network, you need to visit the official resource of the PC manufacturer from your laptop and download the necessary software for the normal functioning of the built-in wireless device. Next, install the driver and restart the computer.

How do I enable the WLAN AutoConfig service?

You need to do the following several steps:

Connection procedure

In Windows 7, the entire process is carried out through a special network icon located in the system tray. In the figure below it is clear that by the appearance of this icon you can immediately determine whether the laptop is connected to Wi-Fi or not.

To connect to WiFi, the user will only need to complete the following few sequential steps:

Most common problems

Often the network icon is not displayed in the tray. The problem occurs due to the following:

  1. Drivers are not installed or updated;
  2. WiFi adapter is turned off.

Obviously, the first point can be solved by visiting the official Internet pages of the equipment manufacturer and installing the required software from there.

The second point, in addition to the method described at the beginning of this guide with activating the adapter using buttons, also sometimes requires activation through Windows 7 tools.

To this end, the following steps should be followed:

If there is a characteristic red mark on the icon, this indicates that the Wi-Fi network is disabled. Basically in the “Seven” this happens for the following 2 reasons.

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In this article we will look at the following question: how to set up wifi in Windows 7. The setup process itself requires special knowledge of a personal computer.

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So, let's begin.

Introduction to Wi-Fi Setup

In addition to the device itself with Wi-Fi, to access the Internet via Wi-Fi you must have an access point. It’s just that Wi-Fi itself is a wireless network for data transmission; in itself, it does not provide access to the Internet.

So, first we need to take care of having an Internet access point, to which we will connect via our wi-fi connection.

How are things going with setting up Wi-Fi in public places?

If you are in a public place, then it’s easier to already have an access point, for example, in a cafe or library. All you have to do is connect to it. You can do this by asking the administrator of the establishment if there is Internet access.

What should you do at home to set up wi-fi?

If you are at home, then you need a modem-router with support for wi-fi connection (such as industrial communication H201L / H208L, such industrial communication mt pon at 4 or another). Let's assume that everything is there, all that remains is to directly connect to the wi-fi network.

And so click “Start” - “Control Panel”:

On the new page, go to the line “Network and Internet”:

In this window, go to the “Network and Sharing Center”:

The main window about network connection settings has opened. Here we can configure and change all network connections such as a simple local network or wi-fi connection. In our case, we go to the “Change adapter settings” submenu in the left column of this window.

In the window that appears there is a shortcut “Wireless network connection”. Right-click on it and select “Connect/Disconnect”. So we enabled the search for available wi-fi networks.

Now in this window you need to select the desired Wi-Fi network. All these networks have their own name. So, choose either your home network, which you gave the name to, or choose a public network whose name you also know.

Why choose only a well-known one, but because usually to enter you need a password that you know either from your network, or it is a public network and there is no password on it; usually there is no password in cafes, libraries, McDonald's and other public places.

And so, with the left mouse button, click from the list of networks on the one you need, in our case it’s called “berlazar”:

After “connecting”, the connection will begin and after a couple of seconds you will be asked to enter a password (if you have one). Enter your existing password. Click Ok. And after a couple of seconds you will connect to the Internet via a wi-fi connection.

If everything is done correctly and the connection is successful, you will notice the word “Connected”.

Pros of a wireless wi-fi connection

Of course, an important feature and at the same time a big advantage of this connection is that you do not have to sit in one place (if you are working on a laptop or other portable device), but can easily move, for example, to another room. The range of the wi-fi network from the point of connection to the Internet is somewhere up to 100m (but this is without obstacles, such as walls, but realistically it’s about 10 meters).

But this distance depends on various partitions, walls and other physical obstacles. So, you can experiment with the connection range.

This is how, in general, it’s easy to solve the question of how to set up wifi on Windows 7, if you have any difficulties, then we will help you, our specialists will set up the connection quickly and inexpensively.