How to run the game with the required number of cores. How to use all processor cores




Optimizing cores and memory using MSConfig

The advice is based on the assumption that Windows does not use all the processor cores and megabytes of RAM at boot. Allegedly, you need to specify the required amount so that the computer turns on faster using a “secret” setting.

It's done like this: Start - Run(Windows 10 has a search field instead of Execute) - msconfig - OK.

The program will start system configuration(msconfig.exe). Tab :

You need to press Extra options, to open Windows boot options:

Until crazy hands get to the settings, nothing will be indicated here, no checkboxes will be ticked. Why would Windows developers limit system performance?

But people who are not familiar with critical thinking think differently: initially the checkbox is not checked, so the restriction is enabled. Allegedly, the absence of checkboxes prevents the operating system from knowing how many cores the processor has and how much RAM is installed. And supposedly you need to specify manually:

And after rebooting, the computer will begin to use all resources.

There are several options for this advice. I went through sites dedicated to Windows optimization, selecting a few.

For example, a certain Yuri believes that the default is to boot from one core:

Others remember RAM. “PC Master Blog” claims that she has the same problem.

The beginning of the council

I cut off part of the text so that there was no long screenshot, but it is clear that the author knows nothing about the stages of loading the operating system, or, in principle, about how modern computing devices work. Here's what he advises next:

Here it is advised to specify not only the number of cores, but also the memory size. And in the end they say that it is possibletake off tick.

Where is the logic? An option is installed and then disabled, how can this affect anything in principle?

Where does the myth come from? I believe this is not only a matter of ignorance of the advisers’ equipment, but also the ambiguous official help for MSConfig. Check out the article MSConfig the System Configuration Tool on the official Microsoft website. The description of the options really leaves room for speculation if you don't know the context:

Translation: “If you click on Advanced Options (on any OS), you can set options such as the number of processors allocated to the operating system at boot or the maximum amount of RAM. (As a rule, usually not noted).”

The text does not contradict the myth: it is indeed possible to specify how many processors and RAM to use at boot. But these options are not intended to improve performance.

Actually Windows Always uses All processors and processor cores and all RAM. No one thought to limit the system, especially during boot.

Options in msconfig are needed by programmers to test programs so that limit available PC resources.

How crazy can you say that Windows does not use all possible resources when booting the computer? After all, it is in the interests of Windows developers to ensure that the computer turns on as quickly as possible. Imposing restrictions is stupid.

Some "geniuses" are trying to prove that the "Number of processors" option speeds up the computer, because when set to 1 games start to slow down. There is no logic to be found in this. When the per-core limit is enabled, performance decreases (this is especially noticeable in games), but by default restrictions are disabled and programs are free to use all the cores as they please.

Fortunately, this advice is harmless. Setting the maximum values ​​does not affect the operation of the computer in any way, because the result is the same as with the settings turned off. When you add RAM to your computer or install a processor with more cores, you will have to change the settings to maximum in msconfig again.

Make the game use all CPU cores

The next myth is more difficult to explain. The fact is that programs do not work at all as it seems to PC users. The work of software with processor cores and multiprocessor systems is the topic of books that are of no interest to non-programmers.

So people just look at the CPU consumption in the Task Manager and engage in pointless attempts to optimize something. For example, they try to adjust parameters like the previous setting so that their favorite program loads 100% of all processor cores.

This is akin to using phone cases to protect your body from harmful radiation. People who know physics will only twirl their finger at their temples, while others buy the cases in packs and recommend them to their friends.

But let's return to running programs on multi-core processors. A crazy idea arose on the border of knowledge and ignorance use the CPU Control program to assign all cores to games.

The council met ten years ago. For example, when discussing the game Gothic 3:

In the screenshot above the user s063r I thought that the game did not use the second processor core. Encryption replied that you need to use the CPU Control program.

What kind of miracle beast is this?, which gets into the program code and forces the program to change the logic of its work? This is what the utility looks like:

Seeing this miracle Yudo, I grabbed my head: how could stupid The developers did this by making it so that upon startup, all running programs are automatically “assigned” to the first processor core!

See the "CPU" column when running CPU Control:

One and three zeros mean that only the first processor core is assigned to the program. And it happens after launch most utility. What before startup, the situation was different; it cannot be seen using CPU Control. You can, of course, before all the manipulations, launch the Task Manager and look at the assignment of processes to the cores, but who these days thinks critically and checks the operation of programs?

False advice goes like this: programs run on only one core, which can be verified by running CPU Control. And there you can assign the program to use all processor cores.

This is like shooting yourself in the foot and applying bandages to treat it. Or maybe you just don’t need to shoot at all and everything will be fine?

The myth is very tenacious because Sometimes it helps: if the running software heavily loads the processor (most often these are viruses), assigning it to only one core limits the resources available to the malware and allows the remaining processor cores to work for the benefit of the game. But this is treating the symptom, not solving the problem.

In fact, before the launch of CPU Control, there were no per-core limits. The program installs it at startup. Installing a separate program on all cores returns the default setting. That's all.

How should you actually configure it? But no way. Ask the authors of the program/game to rewrite their creation for multi-core systems. Not all software can use all processor cores; this cannot be influenced from the outside. Better get busy

Even on a multi-core computer in Windows 7, when the system is turned on, by default only one core is used. This significantly reduces the PC boot speed. Let's figure out how you can enable all of the specified objects to speed up your work.

Unfortunately, in Windows 7 there is only one way to activate kernels. It is executed through the shell "System configuration". We will look at it in detail below.

"System configuration"

First we need to activate the tool "System configuration".

  1. Click "Start". Let's go to "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the directory "System and safety".
  3. Click "Administration".
  4. In the list of elements of the window that appears, select "System configuration".

    There is also a faster way to activate the said tool. But it is less intuitive, since it requires you to remember one command. We are recruiting Win+R and enter into the opened area:

    Click "OK".

  5. The shell of the product needed for our purposes opens. Let's go to the section.
  6. In the area that opens, click on the element "Extra options…".
  7. An additional options window will open. This is where the settings we are interested in are made.
  8. Check the box next to the parameter "Number of processors".
  9. After this, the drop-down list below becomes active. You should select the option with the maximum number. It is this that reflects the number of cores on a given PC, that is, if you select the largest number, then all cores will be used. Then click "OK".
  10. Returning to the main window, click "Apply" And "OK".
  11. A dialog box will open asking you to restart the PC. The point is that the changes that were introduced in the shell "System Configurations", will become relevant only after rebooting the OS. Therefore, save all open documents and close active programs to avoid data loss. Then click .
  12. The computer will reboot, after which all its cores will be enabled.

As you can judge from the instructions above, activating all cores on a PC is quite simple. But in Windows 7 this can only be done in one way - through a window "System Configurations".

Modern computers have great computing capabilities, so it’s difficult to surprise anyone with a two-, four-, or even six-core processor. But a novice user who is not familiar with the technical features of the device may be interested in how to enable all cores on Windows 10 to increase computer performance.

How to find out the number of processor cores?

You can find out how many cores are in the processor installed on your computer or laptop using programs, built-in Windows tools and in the description of the CPU.

In the CPU description

Check the device manual to see which model is installed on your computer. After that, find a description of the processor on the Internet.

Healthy! You can also see the model in the OS description: RMB on the Start menu → System → in the “System” block the name of the CPU is indicated.

On Windows


Many programs have been created that show the characteristics of the device.


On Windows 10

Important! Each core must have at least 1024 MB of RAM, otherwise you will achieve the opposite effect.


You can make changes to the BIOS only if they are “crashed” due to a failure in the OS (read the article “” to find out how to start a PC if it is unstable). In other cases, all processor cores are enabled automatically in the BIOS.

To enable all cores, go to the Advanced Clock Calibration section in the BIOS settings. Set the indicators to “All Cores” or “Auto”.

Important! The Advanced Clock Calibration section may have different names in different BIOS versions.


During operation, all processor cores are used, but they operate at different frequencies (depending on the settings made). You can enable all CPU cores at OS boot in the BIOS settings or in the System Configuration options. This will reduce the boot time of your PC.

How to enable all kernels on Windows 7? This is a question that users often ask, whose computers are slow and freeze periodically.

Even multi-core devices may experience stuttering. Let's take a closer look, how to effectively speed up your PC and “force” the system to use all available cores to their fullest.

Modern computers are multi-core devices. However, no operating system uses all cores to their full capacity. Such a limitation is necessary to save resources on PCs and laptops.

Modern hardware technologies allow "load" the required number of cores when working with certain programs that require more performance.

If your PC doesn't start running faster even when running a powerful photo editor, game, or editing program, you'll need to adjust the processor usage mode yourself.

Method 1 – Setting up multitasking in OS startup mode

This setup option is one of the simplest and most effective. The bottom line is that the processor is overclocked immediately during OS startup. The user can always change the settings and return the original parameters.

Follow the instructions:

  • Open the command window using the Win + R key combination;
  • In the text field of the window that opens, enter the system configuration command msconfig;

Rice. 1 – calling the Windows configuration window

  • Now go to the downloads tab. Here you can view the version of the installed OS, configure safe mode and other boot options;
  • Press advanced options key;

Rice. 2 – Windows configuration window

  • In the tab that opens, you can select the mode for using the available computing characteristics of your PC. Check the boxes next to the number of processors and maximum memory. These lines were previously inactive because the computer was in resource-saving mode;
  • Select the highest number of cores and the maximum amount of available memory;

Rice. 3 – setting up boot parameters

After turning on the computer again, multitasking mode is activated. The user can also choose fewer processors and memory. The optimal number for fast work is 5-6 cores and 1024 MB of memory for each processor.

How to remove “stuck keys”: Instructions for all versions of Windows

Method 2 - BIOS setup

Another option for adjusting the operating speed of the OS is to add new settings in the BIOS. This option allows you not only to increase the efficiency of completing tasks, but also prevents crashes that occur in the OS and the regular appearance of a blue screen.

First we need go to BIOS. Most desktop computers and laptops run the I/O system in the same way. Simply turn on the PC and in the first 5 seconds after pressing the “Power” key, click on the Escape, F5, F2, or F1 button. The lower left corner of the screen indicates which button to press.

Next, the BIOS will launch. In some cases, turning on may take longer than one minute. Control in the window that opens is carried out using four directional arrow keys. The choice is to press Enter.

The appearance, location of tabs and their sequence may vary. It all depends on the PC manufacturer and BIOS modification. To set up multitasking, follow the instructions:

  • Open the Clock Calibration section as shown in the figure below;

Rice. 4 – calibration of core usage in BIOS

  • Using the left-right arrows on your keyboard, select the “All Cores” option. This way, the laptop will use all available cores at the same frequency;
  • Save your changes and exit the BIOS window.
  • Wait for Windows 7 to turn on.

Method 3 – CPU-Z utility

You can also activate all cores using third-party programs. They require minimal user intervention and have a simple and intuitive interface. One popular utility is CPU-Z.

The program allows for comprehensive configuration of hardware and software components:

  • Processor;
  • Cache;
  • Motherboard;
  • Memory;
  • System module parameters (Serial Presence Detect).

To enable all cores we need the CPU tab. The figure below shows the configuration display window in the CPU-Z application. At the bottom there is a Cores field, its value is the number of PC cores that operate at the same frequency. Enter the maximum number of processors in the field. The Threads field must be equal to Cores.

Rice. 5 – main window of the CPU-Z application

After making changes, press the “OK” button. Turn off the program and restart the device.

Method 4 – AIDA64 program

Another good program for adjusting the number of cores used is AIDA64. Application Features:

  • Ability to view the hardware characteristics of a PC or laptop;
  • Generating reports on device operation;
  • Displaying the characteristics of the installed OS;
  • Ability to change processor usage parameters;
  • PC speed testing function.

First, look at how many cores are available in your PC. The information is located in the Multi CPU tab (on the left side of the window, select "Motherboard"- "CPU" ):

Rice. 6 – main window of the AIDA64 utility

Turn on each of the cores. Restart the program and check if the processor activation has failed. This can happen due to a conflict between the program and the hardware components of the PC. You should repeat the setup again. All that's left is to repeat turn on the computer and enjoy its fast operation.

It is advisable to activate all cores if there is an urgent need to perform complex operations in the process of editing videos or to speed up the operation of video games.

If your computer is too slow without using all the cores, this may indicate a malfunction in the OS. A set of actions should be carried out to optimize the operation of the operating system.

OS optimization

Computer optimization is actions that result in The OS starts running faster, and errors occur less frequently. How to optimize Windows? This procedure is carried out the same way, regardless of the system version.

To speed up your browser and other programs, close unnecessary processes in the Device Manager window. And also clear the tab of unwanted software that starts when the OS is turned on and operates in the background.

Cleaning your hard drive of unnecessary files and other junk will help improve overall system performance. Go to the “My Computer” tab, click on the storage medium icon and open the properties window. Select Disk Cleanup and wait until the report on unnecessary files is generated. Clear all data by checking unnecessary fields.

Rice. 7 – Windows 7 optimization

Hello, dear readers! Today we will talk about how to use all processor cores in just a couple of steps. Increasing the number of working cores directly affects the increase in computer performance. Many users, having bought a brand new computer with a multi-core processor, have no idea how to make the processor work at full capacity. But all the money was paid for. In this article we will tell you in detail how you can increase the speed of your computer by simple manipulations with the processor. This is NOT an increase in the frequency of the processor, as a result of which it may burn out or overheat (this, of course, is the case if everything is done incorrectly).

All the steps below apply to both the Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems. Well, let's get started. On the desktop, open the command line: Win+R. First, enter the following command: msconfig. Then click “Ok”

The System Configuration management menu will open in front of you. Here you go to the tab.

And in the section we select the maximum number. This is a safe way to improve performance and will not harm your computer in any way. Click the “Ok” button and restart the computer.

Let's summarize: Well, that's all. In this simple and easy way you have learned to use all processor cores. This method can be considered one of increasing the performance of your computer. Read about how to further improve your computer’s performance using Windows programs and tools in our articles and.

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Authors of the article: Gvindzhiliya Grigory and Pashchenko Sergey