Windows 7 loading hangs on the logo. Windows freezes

One of the problems that you may encounter when working on a computer is that the system freezes when loading the welcome window. "Welcome". Most users don't know what to do about this problem. Let's try to find ways to solve it for PCs running Windows 7.

There may be several reasons why the welcome window may freeze when loading. Among them the following should be highlighted:

  • Problem with drivers;
  • Video card malfunctions;
  • Conflict with installed applications;
  • Hard drive errors;
  • Violation of the integrity of system files;
  • Viral infection.

Naturally, the specific way to solve the problem depends on what exactly caused it. But all troubleshooting methods, although they are very different, have one thing in common. Since it is impossible to log into the system in standard mode, you should turn on the computer in safe mode. To do this, when loading it, press and hold a specific key or key combination. The specific combination depends not on the OS, but on the BIOS version of the PC. Most often this is a function key F8, But there may be other options. Then in the window that opens, use the arrows on your keyboard to select a position "Safe mode" and click Enter.

Method 1: Uninstall or reinstall drivers

The most common reason that causes the computer to freeze on the welcome window is the installation of drivers on the computer that conflict with the system. It is this option that needs to be checked first, since it causes the indicated problem in the vast majority of cases. To resume normal PC operation, you must remove or reinstall the problematic items. Most often these are video card drivers, less often - a sound card or other device.

  1. Start your computer in safe mode and click the button "Start". Sign in "Control Panel".
  2. Click "System and safety".
  3. In the block "System" follow the inscription "Device Manager".
  4. Activated "Device Manager". Find the name "Video adapters" and click on it.
  5. A list of video cards connected to the computer opens. There may be several of them. It’s great if you know after installing which equipment problems began to arise. But since most often the user does not know which driver is the potential cause of the problem, the procedure described below must be performed with all the elements from the drop-down list. So right click ( RMB) by device name and select an option "Update drivers...".
  6. A driver update window will open. It offers two options:
    • Carry out an automatic search for drivers on the Internet;
    • Search for drivers on the current PC.

    The second option is only suitable if you know for sure that the computer has the necessary drivers or you have an installation disk with them. In most cases, you need to choose the first option.

  7. After this, drivers will be searched on the Internet and if the required update is found, it will be installed on your PC. After installation, you need to restart your computer and try to log into the system as usual.

But this method does not always help. In some cases, there are no system-compatible drivers for a particular device. Then you need to remove them altogether. After this, the OS will either install its own analogues, or a certain function will have to be abandoned for the sake of PC performance.

If you have several video cards, you need to perform the above procedures with all of them until the problem is resolved. Also, the source of the problem may be incompatibility of sound card drivers. In this case, go to the section "Sound Video and Gaming Devices" and do the same manipulations as described above for video adapters.

There are also cases when the problem is related to the installation of drivers for other devices. With the problematic device you will need to perform exactly the same steps as described above. But here it is important to know, after installation, which component the problem occurred.

There is another option to solve the problem. It consists of updating drivers using specialized programs, for example. This method is good because it is automatic, and also because you don’t even need to know where exactly the problem is, but it does not guarantee that the software installs a compatible element and not the native device driver that conflicts.

Also, problem with loading stuck "Welcome" may be caused by a hardware problem in the video card itself. In this case, you need to replace the video adapter with a working analogue.

Method 2: Removing programs from startup

A relatively common reason why a computer may freeze during the welcome phase "Welcome", there is a conflict with the system of a certain program added to startup. To solve this problem, first of all, you should find which application is conflicting with the OS.

  1. Call window "Run" by typing on the keyboard Win+R. In the field enter:

    Apply "OK".

  2. The shell opens "System Configurations". Move to the section.
  3. In the window that opens, click "Disable everything".
  4. After this, all marks near the list items in the current window should be cleared. For the changes to take effect, you need to click "Apply", "OK" and then restart your computer.
  5. After rebooting, try logging in normally. If the login fails, then start the PC again in "Safe Mode" and enable all startup items that were disabled in the previous step. The problem should be looked elsewhere. If the computer starts up normally, this means that there was a conflict with some program previously registered in startup. To find this application, go to again "System configuration" and check the boxes next to the required components one by one, restarting the computer each time. If, after turning on a specific element, the computer freezes on the welcome screen again, this means that the problem lies in this particular program. You will need to refuse its autoloading.

In Windows 7, there are other ways to remove programs from OS startup. You can read about them in a separate topic.

Method 3: Checking the HDD for errors

Another reason why a freeze may occur when loading the welcome screen is "Welcome" in Windows 7, the hard drive is faulty. If you suspect this problem, you need to check the HDD for errors and, if possible, correct them. This can be done using the built-in OS utility.

  1. Click "Start". Choose "All programs".
  2. Go to the directory "Standard".
  3. Find the inscription "Command line" and click on it RMB. Select an option "Run as administrator".
  4. In the window that opens "Command line" enter this expression:

    Click Enter.

  5. Since the disk where the OS is installed will be checked, then "Command line" A message appears indicating that the selected volume is in use by another process. You will be prompted to check after the system reboots. To schedule this procedure, type on the keyboard "Y" without quotes and click Enter.
  6. After this, close all programs and restart your computer in standard mode. To do this, click "Start", and then successively press the triangle to the right of the inscription "Shutdown" and select from the list that appears "Reboot". When the system reboots, the disk will be checked for problems. If logical errors are detected, they will be automatically eliminated.

If the disk has lost its full functionality due to physical damage, then this procedure will not help. You will either need to take the hard drive to a specialist’s workshop, or replace it with a workable version.

Method 4: Checking the integrity of system files

The next reason that could theoretically cause the computer to freeze during greeting is a violation of the integrity of system files. It follows from this that it is necessary to check this probability using the built-in Windows utility, which is specifically designed for this purpose.

Method 5: Check for viruses

You should not discount the possibility that the system froze due to a virus infection of the computer. Therefore, in any case, we recommend playing it safe and scanning your PC for malicious code.

The check should be carried out not using a standard antivirus, which presumably has already missed the threat and will not be able to help, but by using one of the special antivirus utilities that do not require installation on a PC. In addition, it should be noted that it is recommended to carry out the procedure either from another computer, or by booting the system using LiveCD (USB).

If the utility detects a virus threat, act according to the recommendations that will be displayed in its window. But even if the virus is destroyed, the procedure for restoring the integrity of system objects, described when considering the previous method, may also be required, since malicious code could damage files.

Method 6: Restore Point

If you have it on your computer, then you can try to restore the system to a working state through it.

  1. Click "Start". Come in "All programs".
  2. Go to the catalog "Standard".
  3. Go to the folder "Service".
  4. Click "System Restore".
  5. The start window of the system utility designed to restore the OS will open. Click "Further".
  6. Then a window will open with a list of recovery points if you have several of them on your computer. To see all possible options, check the box next to the inscription "Show others...". Select the most preferable option. This may be the latest restore point that was created before problems with system booting occurred. After completing the selection procedure, click "Further".
  7. Next, a window will open in which you can directly launch the system recovery procedure by clicking the button "Ready". But before you do this, close all programs to avoid losing unsaved data. After clicking on the specified element, the PC will restart and the OS will be restored.
  8. After completing this procedure, it is highly likely that the problem with freezing on the welcome window will disappear, unless, of course, it was caused by hardware factors. But the caveat is that the required restore point may not be in the system if you did not take care to create it in advance.

The most common reason why one day your computer may freeze at the welcome screen is "Welcome" are driver problems. The fix for this situation is described in Method 1 this article. But other possible causes of malfunction should not be discounted either. Particularly dangerous are hardware faults and viruses, which can cause great damage to the functioning of a PC, and the problem studied here is only one of the symptoms of these “diseases”.

Many PC users often encounter a problem when Windows 7 freezes on the logo when loading, i.e. loading proceeds normally until a certain point, after which the operating system (OS) falls into a “stupor” and is brought into “feelings” only after pressing the Reset button .

There are many reasons that lead to this phenomenon, among which there are 5 most common ones. Let's look at them in more detail.

Possible causes and solutions

  • Virus programs are the main cause of fatal changes in the operating system;

It is necessary to use modern anti-virus scanners that will help identify and remove malware and spyware from your PC.

  • Stopping the OS startup can occur due to simple overheating of the processor and chipset;

A failed cooler, old thermal paste, or a radiator clogged with dust can stop your PC from working in a matter of minutes. When the system boots, you need to use one of the many utilities to check the temperature of the central processor, video card, or chipset.

If the reason is overheating, and the cooling is functioning, but is clogged with dust, then you need to clean the PC using compressed air or a vacuum cleaner.

  • RAM problems also often lead to unplanned stops when starting Windows 7 OS;

The most common RAM problems are overheating and defects due to damage to the memory module. Unfortunately, the last type of problem can only be identified through testing.

Experts' recommendation: when overheating, use special heat sinks, which significantly reduce the risk of RAM failure. If this does not help, replace the device. A factory defect in a RAM module may surface even after prolonged use of the memory.

  • the PC falling into a “stupor” when starting the operating system often occurs due to mechanical, electronic, logical or hardware failures in the hard drive;

You can detect problems with your hard drive by testing, running the utility in Windows 7 or using third-party software. Extraneous sounds often become harbingers of problems with the “screw”. If strange noise and clicks appear in the hard drive, you need to make a backup copy of its contents and be ready to purchase a new device.

  • sometimes, the reason for the computer “slowing down” during device initialization is incorrect settings or an outdated BIOS version;

Most often, this happens after installing new components on an old motherboard. There may simply be no information about them in the BIOS. The solution in this case is quite simple: initially return to factory settings or update the BIOS.

Sometimes you can solve the problem of a PC freezing at startup by rolling back to a checkpoint that the system creates.

To do this, you need to have a boot disk and follow a few simple steps:

  • reboot the PC and go into the BIOS. Depending on the manufacturer, the input keys may be different, most often it is Del; F2; Esc. In order to accurately determine the input key, you need to refer to the documents included with the motherboard;
  • change the download priority. To do this, go to the BOOT section, after which you need to go to the Boot Device Priority menu item;
  • highlight the 1st Boot Device item and confirm by pressing Enter. In the Option window that appears, highlight the drive and press Enter. After this procedure, the PC will be launched from this device;
  • exit this menu, then press Esc, then Exit, then Enter, and then confirm saving the settings with the Enter key;
  • insert a disk with an operating system or a boot disk into the CDROM and reboot;

Tweaking the Registry to Identify a Freezing Problem

In order to be sure to identify which process causes the OS to stop starting, you should make a small adjustment to the registry entries.

You can do this by booting into command line support by entering the command: regedit.exe.

  • in the left part of the window that opens, select the KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder, after that, open SOFTWARE, in this directory find and open Microsoft, then Windows;

In this directory you need to find and open CurrentVersion, then Policies and finally System;

  • Having opened the System directory, pay attention to the right side of the window;

In it you need to find the Verbose Status file. Open it and in the tab that opens, set the value to 1; (The default value is 0)

Important! You should be aware that the file you are looking for may not exist in the registry. In this case, it must be created. Click on the free space on the right side of the window, select the New menu item, and then DWORD Value (32 bits). Name the created file VerboseStatus with a value of 1.

  • after this, the registry can be closed and rebooted;

As a result, when you start the OS, you will see the system services and processes being loaded. Where it stops is the cause of all troubles.

Video: Windows 7 freezes on startup

Working with BIOS settings

The shutdown procedure often helps to get rid of the “machine” freezing during boot: often - but not always. Sometimes BIOS settings play a decisive role, changes to which almost always lead to the PC freezing.

What to pay attention to:

Panacea - resetting settings to factory settings.

Disabling devices

Let's assume that, according to the report, the system went into hibernation when loading the CLASSPNP.SYS driver.

In order to find out which device this driver is responsible for, you can try disabling PC components in the BIOS one by one:

If you find a component that causes Windows 7 to freeze at the logo when loading, you can install a discrete device in the expansion slot on the motherboard.

Important! If the device is replaced, the PC may not load the operating system, displaying error information on the monitor screen. To fix this, go back to the I/O system, go to the Halt On tab, and select No Errors. On the Halt On Errors tab you need to set the value to None. Now the PC will boot even if there is an error.

Factory reset

There are several ways to reset the settings to factory defaults, the most common of which are:

  • reset directly from BIOS;
  • by removing the battery from the system board;

In the first case, you should go into the BIOS and select the Load Fail-Safe Defaults option. After that, answer yes to the question about resetting the parameters and save the changes. After an automatic reboot, the changes will take effect.

Photo: Load Fail-Safe Defaults menu item

Method two, the simplest:

  • disconnect the PC;
  • remove the cover from the computer system unit;
  • remove the battery from the motherboard;
  • after 15-30 seconds, insert the battery into place;

This way the parameters will be set to default, i.e. factory settings.

Video: Installing Windows 7 + understanding BIOS

Installing a new BIOS version

In some cases, the BIOS may not provide adequate support for all computer components due to an outdated firmware version.

This leads to their incorrect operation and Windows 7 slowdown at startup:

Important! During the update procedure, do not turn off the power to the PC. This may damage the motherboard.

The methods we have described can effectively solve the problem of your computer freezing at startup. If you think that the methods presented above are not suitable for you, or the PC’s functionality has not been restored, then be sure to contact a service center, where professionals will solve the problem.

Working on a computer for a long time can take a couple of extra minutes to shut down Windows. Lifehacker has already written about one of the common ailments in which the computer turns off for too long due to an excessively grown operating system swap file. But sometimes even more severe cases happen - Windows does not turn off at all. In this material we will tell you how to calculate the reason why Windows 7 freezes when shutting down or, conversely, loading the operating system.


Let's figure out which process brings Windu into a thoughtful state. And the built-in Windows function of a detailed report on startup status, shutdown, login and logout will help us with this. It's no surprise if you haven't come across this report. This Windows setting is disabled by default and can be enabled using Registry Editor.

Working with the Windows Registry

To launch Registry Editor, simply type in the Windows search bar regedit.exe.

Navigate through the folder tree system to the directory


On the right side of the window, find a file calledVerboseStatus. Double-click on it and enter the value in the window that opens1 .

If the file VerboseStatus it didn't turn out, you need to create it. To do this, right-click and select Create, and then DWORD value (32 bits).

Give the file a name VerboseStatus and enter the parameter value 1 .


As a result, instead of the usual phrases “Shut down” or “Start work,” Windows services and processes that are loaded and closed will be sequentially displayed on the monitor screen. If your system lags for a long time or freezes completely at a certain step, you will know exactly why. Keeping a record of startup and shutdown status does not in itself solve the problem, but it exposes it to technicians who you can contact for help.

It is likely that this trick can be performed on other operating systems of the Windows family. If so, share your experience in the comments.

Computer freezing is a rather annoying problem. This can happen both at the stage of system startup and in the middle of its operation. Let's figure out why this can happen and what to do about it?

Why does my Windows 7 computer freeze?

Your computer may freeze for a number of reasons. Among them:

  • many tasks in autorun;
  • the car is dirty with dust;
  • presence of malware;
  • “clogged” device memory;
  • problems with programs.

Ways to solve problems

  1. Cleaning programs
  2. If your Windows 7 desktop freezes, perhaps the easiest solution is to clean up your computer. There are a number of programs for this. Among them is CCleaner. Using such an application, you can clean the registry, delete unnecessary files, programs, and cookies.

    Windows 7, 10 freezes if there is not enough space on drive C. Remove unnecessary files from it, create archives. Windows 10 has a Compact OS feature that compresses files, thereby freeing up disk space. To enable compression, enter compact /compactos:always at the command prompt.

    The size of drive C can be increased by creating an additional partition. To do this, use special software, for example, Aomei Partition Assistant.

  3. Cleaning up the task manager
  4. Perhaps your computer is slowing down due to the fact that there are a large number of programs in startup or some utility is not responding. In order to correct the situation, you need to go to the dispatcher and remove tasks.

    The dispatcher is called by pressing the key combination Esc+shift+ctrl or Ctrl+Alt+Del. Next, you need to find the program that is not responding and click End task. Pay attention to the CPU column. You should remove the process that causes maximum CPU load at the time of freezing. You can also cancel those programs that automatically load when you start your computer, but you don’t need them.

  5. Dust removal
  6. Quite often, dust accumulated inside the device slows down the system and causes Windows 7, 10 to freeze at the logo. It prevents air circulation, interferes with the cooling of computer components and contributes to its overheating.

    Disassemble the system unit and, using a special brush, clean it. Pay attention to the condition of the thermal paste. It may need to be replaced.

  7. Removing viruses
  8. Quite often, the reason why Windows freezes is due to viruses. Malicious programs can penetrate the system when downloading a file from an unverified source, when going to an infected page on the Internet, or when using removable media.

    There are a number of antiviruses available to search for and remove malware. All you need to do is download the program and run an in-depth system scan. Once the process is complete, the detected files can be deleted.

  9. Troubleshooting hard drive problems
  10. Quite often, Windows 7, 10 freezes due to problems with the hard drive. To detect them, the Victoria 4.46b utility was developed. Download it to a flash drive.

    Start the computer in safe mode (press F8 until the menu appears and select the appropriate item). After that, connect the flash card and run the program. In the window that opens, select the Tests tab. In the lower right corner, set the Remap indicator and click Start. The presence of red and green squares will indicate errors.

  11. Solving problems with RAM
  12. Windows 7, 10 freezes when loading in case of problems with the RAM. As a result, a blue screen may appear.

    To check the status of RAM, you should use the memtest86 program. If you find errors, try cleaning your computer or using an eraser to go over the contacts. In extreme cases, you will have to buy new memory.

    Windows 10 freezes when working

    Quite a lot of users face this problem. The main reason is that this software is relatively new. Freezing can occur for a number of reasons:

  • faulty RAM;
  • presence of viruses;
  • errors in the hard drive;
  • simple overheating;
  • crowded autostart;
  • lack of hard disk space.

If you notice that problems began after performing a particular operation, fix it. So, if “glitches” on your computer appeared after downloading the program, it is recommended to remove it.

The reason why your computer freezes after updating Windows 10 may be due to the installation of incorrect drivers. You may have installed a 32-bit driver on a 64-core OS. Remove incorrect drivers and perform a system restore.

The problem of an operating system freezing when loading is not uncommon. A considerable number of users sometimes observe a frozen Windows logo, and this may be due to a number of reasons: a software glitch or problems with the computer hardware. And in order to correct the situation, you must first determine in which area this problem occurred, and why the computer freezes when loading Windows 7.

Overheating and dust

To determine which device is causing Windows 7 to freeze on boot, you should first check your computer for overheating. A short-term mechanical check of the side wall of the system unit or laptop case is most often uninformative: the case parts may simply not have time to heat up when the PC is turned on. Of course, no one bothers you to wait until this happens (if overheating occurs), but this will definitely not improve the health of the device. Therefore, it is more advisable to resort to software verification.

It is more likely that starting the operating system in safe mode will work - a special diagnostic environment with limited functionality and disabled secondary devices. To activate it immediately after loading the BIOS, you need to press "F8", which will bring up a menu of additional OS boot options, from which you need to select "Safe Mode" or "Safe Mode with loading network drivers".

The next step is to launch a special utility, for example, CPUID HWMonitor or SpeedFan. If you don’t have any of these programs at hand, then the same mode with network support will come in handy: the utilities are absolutely free and can be freely downloaded from the manufacturers’ websites.

By launching the program, you can immediately evaluate the readings of the device’s temperature sensors: for processors and video cards, the normal temperature in the absence of heavy loads ranges from 30 to 60 degrees Celsius. Since safe mode is running, which minimally loads system resources, the performance of the PC components during normal operation should be within these values. If the temperature is approaching critical values ​​(100° C), and there is no load on the system (which can be checked through the standard “Task Manager”), then it’s time to sound the alarm and begin to understand the reasons for overheating, due to which Windows 7 freezes at loading.

The permissible temperature indicators of the motherboard without load are from 30 to 50 degrees. If the sensor records about 70 during idle time, the problem is obvious.

It is not possible to check the temperature of the RAM and power supply using software methods, since temperature sensors are not installed on these devices. The easiest way is to check the air stream at the outlet of the power supply (if it is clogged with dust, it will blow like from a stove), and a tactile memory test (with caution: if the RAM overheats, touching the modules can cause a burn).

Lack of cooling can be caused by simple dust blockages or drying out of the heat conductor. In cases of dust, with the proper skill, it is quite possible for an average user to restore order inside a PC, but changing thermal paste or conductor plates requires certain skills. In any case, after eliminating the causes of overheating, the system will boot into normal mode again.

Problems with components

If the temperature test does not reveal any problems, everything is fine inside the device, but Windows 7 still freezes at the logo when loading, you can resort to hardware testing. Usually in such cases, attention is paid to the hard drive and RAM.

Checking the hard drive

A problem with the mechanics of a hard drive is most often identified in the early stages of its occurrence, since it is difficult not to pay attention to the appearance of extraneous sounds such as clicks or uneven humming. In this case, as a rule, not only does the loading of Windows 7 freeze when starting the computer, but also micro-freezes and freezes are observed during operation. The problem may be loose contact between the power connectors (especially the SATA interface). A simple replacement of the four-wire power cable will help. But if this does not help, then it’s time to think about purchasing a new storage medium and creating a backup copy of the data as quickly as possible.

Logical errors in HDD operation are identified and corrected using special utilities, for example, free but effective Victoria or HDDScan. These programs can not only identify and fix software disk failures, but also localize and mark bad sectors, isolating problem areas in the physical structure of the disk. Logical errors are correctable, physical damage is no longer there, so the first ones that appear on a BadBlock disk are a signal to the user that the disk should no longer be used as a storage facility for important information.

Checking RAM

If you suspect that Windows 7 freezes at boot due to a faulty RAM, you can try to remove the memory modules from the slots, blow them out with a syringe, and then insert them back. If there is more than one module, start the PC, alternating them and observing the behavior of the computer. As practice shows, these manipulations are quite sufficient. However, if the problem still persists, you should use either a standard OS tool (Windows 7 Memory Checker, called by the mdsched command) or one of the third-party utilities (MemTest86+). Experts recommend using MemTest, since the utility performs a more thorough analysis of RAM.

It should be borne in mind that the presence of errors in the RAM test does not always mean that the memory modules themselves are faulty; the problem may also be hidden in the motherboard. One way or another, a full answer can only be obtained at the service center.

Software glitches

PC hardware errors are not the only reason why Windows 7 freezes when loading the desktop. There can also be a lot of them in the software environment. Moreover, a significant part occurs due to the fault of the users themselves.

Overloaded startup

The problem most often observed occurs with inexperienced users who do not understand the basics of installing software on a computer. This is especially true for fans of various cloud services, whose online installers often clutter the system with additional software, and also place it in startup. At the same time, the possibility of canceling the installation of these components by the user is simply ignored or not noticed. The solution is to check the startup and clean it if necessary. This can be done using the Msconfig system utility by calling it with a similar command through the "Run" menu. The "Startup" tab contains a list of all applications that start when the OS starts. Disabling autorun is done by unchecking the line.

Viral infection

There are plenty of ways for digital infection to penetrate a system: dubious sites, downloading and launching unverified executable files, using infected removable media, etc. The behavior of virus products may vary, but negative impact on OS loading is quite common. The solution is a full system scan with an antivirus program. An important point is the degree of infection: in some cases it may be necessary to launch an antivirus product from bootable media.

Incorrect driver installation

In this case, Windows 7 freezes at boot, mainly due to an error in the video adapter driver and motherboard, especially when updating. The problem is solved by manually removing the driver through Device Manager or restoring Windows from a checkpoint (if system recovery is enabled).

Windows Feature Update

Most often this is caused by a power failure during the update process, although software reasons should not be ruled out. If Windows 7 freezes when loading after an update, but the download and installation process went as normal, it is recommended to simply wait first: it is when the computer starts that the OS configures the installed components. As a rule, everything is limited to a relatively long wait.

But if there is no result, and after a long time Windows still shows the start screen, you will have to boot into safe mode and call the command line (Run, then enter cmd). Next, you need to enter the command sfc /scannow. It is responsible for scanning and restoring the integrity of OS system files. In cases of problems with the update, this is usually sufficient.