Apple offers the Sky Guide, an interactive star guide, as a free download. Star Walk is one of the most beautiful apps for night sky lovers (Now also for Android)

Of course, it is very nice to review an application that is developed Russian company. And if you consider that the application has received a number of prestigious awards, it is doubly pleasant. As part of the project, we will talk about a pocket observatory Star Walk. If you are reading this blog, you will notice that Sasha already, but that was half a year ago, since then there have been many changes, the most important of which is the appearance of a version for Android.

With Star Walk you can see stars, planets, constellations, satellites, meteor showers not only from the point where you are this moment you are, but also from any place on Earth.

iOS: 5.0 or later, 83 MB free space. Suitable for: iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Application in Russian. Age 4+
Android 4.0 or later, 112 MB free space.

First of all, the application is interesting to those who like to look at the starry sky, but do not always understand what is where. Personally, I belong to this type of people. The operating principle is that with using GPS and accelerometer, Star Walk detects exact location device, and correlates what you see with a star map. After launching, I found the moon in the sky, the application showed exactly the same location on the smartphone. Accordingly, when you move the device, the sky on it will also change. Perhaps this is the most important thing for me. The fact is that not all applications before this determined my coordinates correctly. You can click on each of the objects and then a page will appear on which you can read detailed description object.

Star Walk has many settings and filters. You can find a specific celestial body.

View sunrise and sunset times.

But personally, I am always interested in the ISS. It is always interesting to understand and watch the passage of the station, apparently this is due to the fact that people constantly live at the station. If you look at the sky and see a satellite, you can always tell whose it is.

Here short video which shows all the beauty.


Are you a developer? There is a special one for you

How often, while peering into the starry sky, have you thought about what exactly you are now seeing above your head - a planet, a star, or some other space object? And what exactly is going on there, in the mysterious and enigmatic space? Many of these questions can be easily answered special applications for iPhone and iPad, the best of which we have collected for you in this collection.

Star Walk 2

Star Walk 2 is one of the most famous and popular applications for observing the starry sky. All you have to do to see thousands of stars, satellites and comets on the screen of your iPhone or iPad is simply raise your device to the sky. The exact part of the sky that you point your iPhone or iPad at will be displayed on the screen, allowing you to study the most interesting parts of the sky, no matter where you are.

Among the features that distinguish Star Walk 2 from other applications are: night mode, allowing you to watch the stars without experiencing discomfort from bright screen your device and the “Time Machine” mode, which makes it possible to speed up time and find out how the starry sky will change in the future.

Solar Walk 2

Solar Walk 2 - a full-fledged 3D model solar system right in your pocket. The application will be especially useful people those interested in modern space exploration - in Solar Walk 2 you can learn about all the ever launched interplanetary stations, satellites, lunar rovers and rovers.

For those who want to “just” travel through the vastness of space and look at planets, stars and other space objects, Solar Walk 2 will also not disappoint. The quality of textures of planets, asteroids and satellites in the Vito Technology studio application is one of the best among similar tools.

The Night Sky

If you have already tried many applications that allow you to observe the starry sky without our selection, you might come to the conclusion that the developers of such tools cannot come up with anything new. Well, The Night Sky from iCandi Apps studio will smash your belief to smithereens.

The Night Sky is a new generation of space-observation applications, equally suitable for those who want to have fun as well as amateur astronomers who want to get up close and personal with their object of study. Moving from one planet to another, after being distracted by Interesting Facts about a found star and eventually finding yourself in another part of the Universe, you simply don’t notice how suddenly the last hour and a half has passed. Considering that all this pleasure is available in App Store For a ridiculous 15 rubles, we recommend that all astronomy fans try out The Night Sky.

SkySafari 5

SkySafari 5 is another point-and-see app. Distinctive Features SkySafari 5 are incredibly detailed in all available huge database space objects, work offline and in real unique opportunity contemplate solar eclipses from various points peace.

Sky Guide

I would like to end with the recognized leader among star guides - Sky Guide. Just like SkySafari 5 with Star Walk 2, Sky Guide allows you to view the starry sky at iPhone help or iPad, noticing previously unidentified planets, stars and satellites.

Also interesting:

Looking at the night sky strewn with stars, I often remember soviet cartoon“I give you a star”, a magnificent work by Fyodor Savelyevich Khitruk. But seriously, like probably most of us, in the starry sky I can only distinguish one constellation - Ursa Major. In order to learn about the stars, their names and other constellations, great apps, which I would like to tell you about today.

Star Walk 2

Star Walk 2 is one of the most beautiful applications, breathtaking thanks to its 3D animation. All you have to do is raise your iPhone to the sky to find out the information you need about the stars. They will be displayed on the screen exact coordinates, as well as the constellations to which they belong. In addition, the application is accompanied by a wonderful soundtrack and various pleasant sound effects. Star Walk 2 also allows you to see what the starry sky will look like later in the day or even a month later. An excellent application that is difficult to compete with.

Star Chart

Star Chart functions in exactly the same way as Star Walk 2. Thanks to its capabilities, you can see not only the stars of your hemisphere, but also those of the opposite hemisphere. To do this, just point your iPhone at the ground, and you will see what stars people in other countries are observing. Time Shift allows you to view the starry sky in the near future. To study the stars, you don’t have to constantly point your smartphone at the sky; the app will also help you with a variety of gestures. When you make an in-app purchase, you will also have detailed information about various comets and meteor showers.

Star Rover

Star Rover helps you explore the star map using the same augmented reality as previous applications. Star Rover has information on 120,000 stars and 88,000 constellations. In order to learn something new about any stellar body, just click on it. To look at the sky from another point on Earth, you need to manually enter the coordinates you need. With just a couple of clicks, you can also get information about the Moon and its different phases.

SkyView Free

Like previous applications, SkyView complements the reality around you. You can view information about stars, constellations, and also observe the sky, look at its condition in the past and future.

SkyView Satellite Guide

Looking at the starry sky, you may forget about how many satellites fly around our Earth. For many, watching them can also be a very interesting activity. The app can track their location and tell you who launched them, as well as provide you with other useful information. You can even get a notification when one of the satellites passes overhead.

And finally, that wonderful cartoon “I Give This Star,” watch and enjoy the beauty of the starry sky!

Dedicated to all romantics and astrologers!

- a star map with a bunch of nice additions. In general, the application is conventionally called a map, because... in fact, everything is made in the form of a game without a plot. You "play" from the first person - from the Earth.

In contact with You can turn around different sides

and use zoom to search for stars and constellations of interest. You can click on each of them and then a page will appear on which you can read a description of the object. For convenience, there is a button at the bottom left to search for the starry sky object you are interested in. Star Walk supports Russian, which is very nice. In addition to many planets, interactive map You can even find artificial satellites

, plowing the Earth's orbit. The most interesting thing is that all the action of the application occurs in real time, i.e. You can notice the movement of satellites and the slow movement of stars around the sun. To make it even more impressive, the developers have added the ability to look at the starry sky through various filters: X-rays, infrared radiation

75 r) Star Walk - “live” star map on iPhone and iPad" width="640" height="553" srcset=" ipad.jpg 640w, 90w" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, 640px">

If you've ever been interested in studying constellations, or just love looking at the starry sky, then you'll definitely like the app. During the day or night, you can always see where certain constellations and planets are located.

The application is available for both iPhone and iPad. The cost of Star Walk in the App Store is 379 rubles.

Demonstration of application capabilities:

Today there are many applications for space exploration, the so-called astronomy programs. All of them are good in their own way, some provide an opportunity to use your imagination and have fun. Others provide more opportunities in the study of astronomy and everything related to it. One way or another, the universe always remains a mystery to us. And that’s why at any age, regardless of human activity, space is interesting and exciting.

In this regard, we have selected several popular astronomy programs for your attention.

1. Star Walk - walks through the universe on iPhone, iPad, iPod

Reality image and star map design Star Walk impressive. The program shows stars, constellations, planets, satellites, moon phases at the present time. Its visibility is 360 degrees.

Star Walk contains a calendar of astronomical events.

In the main menu of the program you will see:

Settings Star Walk allow you to select the mode you need (day/night). There is also a search that will help you find individual objects and information menu with brief description planets, etc..

It should also be noted that traveling around the universe is accompanied by pleasant music. Interface language: Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish.

2. Solar Walk is a three-dimensional model of the solar system that will allow you to explore our Universe

If Star Walk invites us to look from the earth to the stars, then Solar Walk to the earth, the solar system. Features of this program are a more detailed Earth structure. In addition to the eight planets of the solar system, you can also study their natural satellites. Educational films are also a big plus.

Interface language: Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish.

3. GoSkyWatch Planetarium - guide to the stars

Another application that allows you to find a connection with space. Just like the two previous programs, this application gives us the opportunity to go beyond globe. The operating principle is the same as the first two. By pointing your device at the sky, you can see space and its secrets, information about cosmic bodies, etc.

The interface of this program is not Russified. Interface language: English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish.

4. Redshift-Astronomy - your personal planetarium

With this application you can become a spaceship pilot. Program Redshift-Astronomy allows you to get closer to the planets and satellites of our solar system. A detailed map of the surface of the celestial body will open in front of you.