Application to download paid games. How to download paid games and applications for free

There are tens of thousands of quality apps and games available on Google Play, but the best ones are either paid or freemium, meaning they contain content that you will still be asked to pay for. Of course, you can try to find these applications on pirated resources with the risk of picking up viruses, but it is better to use legal methods, which we will talk about today.

Amazon Underground is Amazon's own content store, where several thousand "truly free" games and applications are constantly available. Their purchase and the purchase of any content in them is sponsored by Amazon. To Amazon's credit, it should be noted that the programs here are really high quality - there are many popular and expensive titles among them. The only drawback is that Amazon Underground does not officially work in Russia, but this is a limitation.

MyAppFree is an application that was originally only present on Windows Phone, but has recently appeared on Android. Every day it holds a promotion to distribute a paid application or game for free for 24 hours, and in additional sections you can find programs that are sold at significant discounts.

Other services for finding discounts are structured in a similar way - for example, “App of the Day”, AppSales, AppGratis and Best App Sale. The latest application shows discounts not only on Google Play, but also on other stores: Steam, Xbox, GOG, Origin, PlayStation Store, Gamersgate and many others. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous developers use these services to promote low-quality content or inflate the initial cost of the application to make the discount seem more attractive.

Don't forget to occasionally visit the Google Play app on Android or its web version. Google very often holds sales with deep discounts or giveaways of paid games and applications. As a rule, promotions are timed to coincide with some holiday or event, but there are also spontaneous promotions, the purpose of which is to promote some content or increase the popularity of Google Play among Android users.

Free Alternatives

If you desperately need a specific application, but it is expensive and you don’t have the money to buy it, do not rush to run to pirates. You may be able to find a free alternative. For this purpose, you can use the AlternativeTo web service. Enter the name of the application you need into the search bar of the site, and the service will instantly show alternatives. Search results can be filtered to show only free titles.

New market for Android - Blackmart

Everyone is familiar with such a popular application market for mobile devices as Play Market. The developers decided to surprise users with a good analogue to this online store - Blackmart.

Features of the new Blackmart App Market.

The new application with a list of available programs for mobile devices is almost no different from its progenitor. But it still has its own characteristics. The main difference, which may be significant for some users, is that all mini-programs and applications posted here are completely free. That is, any application you like can be downloaded without worrying about the fact that a payment window will now pop up. It seems that the cost of such applications is minimal (from 50 to 300 rubles), but sometimes you don’t want to pay for them.

The new software has become a good alternative to the previously advertised Market, which is quite capable of providing significant competition to it and attracting all users to itself.


The new application - Market provides installation only on devices with the Android operating system. Black Market on Android can be installed in a matter of seconds, thanks to the fact that it takes up minimal space in the device’s memory. This application is ideal for those who categorically disagree with the cost of programs that are set on the popular Market by the developers themselves.
You won’t find a new application on the Play Market itself. It can be found in various resources, which, in addition to official websites for Android, provide such “tricks” for mobile device software. On such resources, you can download Black Market completely free of charge and even without registration, without fear of downloading a malicious virus along with the application.

Navigation and use of Blackmarket

Using Black Market on Android is very simple. The navigation is almost completely identical to the most popular market. The user only needs to enter the name of the application he is looking for, or go to the category he needs with the application. Then it’s just a matter of two button presses: click on the application and the “download” button. Downloading occurs very quickly, after which it is automatically installed on the mobile device itself. That's all! You can start using the installed program.
The Black Market interface is very convenient, due to the fact that it is equipped with the necessary categories and filters. This allows the user to very quickly find the application he needs, even if he does not know its name or does not know which specific application of the analogues he needs. On this resource you can not only download the program, but also read its description in order to understand how convenient it is and what functions it has.

Disadvantages of Blackmarket

Like any application, Blackmarket has its drawbacks, but it’s good that there are few of them. Downloading Black Market will be beneficial for those who do not agree that software for mobile devices should be paid. The only nuance of the updated market, which can be classified as a disadvantage, is that not all applications for Android can be found on it.

What are the updates working on?

In this article we will tell you in detail how, by spending just 20 minutes of your time, without having any special skills, you can easily and easily learn how to download any paid games and applications for iPhone or iPad for free at high speed.

And also, as a bonus, at the end of the article we will tell you how to make internal paid purchases in games or applications for free.

If you want to save your finances or simply want to evaluate the capabilities of a particular paid game/program without paying for a purchase, then this article is just for you.

Before you begin, make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer and that you can connect your device to it using a USB cable.

How to download paid games and applications for iPhone/iPad for free at high speed

Step 1: Jailbreak your iPhone or iPad

A separate folder with jailbreak already installed

In order to download paid games or applications for iPhone or iPad for free at high speed, the first step is to complete the procedure jailbreak. Procedure jailbreak- this is the installation of an additional store of add-ons and applications for iOS called Cydia.

Make sure that the installation process is completed; the success message should end with a code with a number "0" .

Make sure that a new icon with the name AppCake

AppCake + ApplePosts is an application that includes two sources for downloading games and applications AppCake And ApplePosts respectively. AppCake + ApplePosts allows you to download and install any game or any application directly on your device absolutely free.

To download any game or application, go to the tab ApplePosts and use the search by name.

Important information!

Note that the ApplePosts tab contains two search fields for games and applications.

The top field is a catalog search AppCake, bottom field is catalog search ApplePosts. The main difference between these directories is the download speed. Speed ​​of downloading games and applications from the catalog AppCake website

iOS is not only an excellent operating system for working and viewing media content. This is also an excellent gaming platform, which is distinguished by its optimization and performance. The official AppStore has a huge number of applications and games of various genres: from modern 3D shooters to primitive platformers and puzzles. However, there is one big disadvantage - many of these games are paid. And given the current dollar exchange rate, buying applications in the Apple store can cost a pretty penny.

Many will say that there are also free games on the App Store, and there are quite a lot of them. This is certainly true, but they are often inferior in quality to paid applications. After all, if developers ask for money for a game, it means that they tried to make it as interesting as possible and the best of its kind. Otherwise, they risk not recouping their costs.

So is it possible to download paid games for free on iPad? Fortunately, yes, and there are quite a few ways to do this. In this article we will talk about the most popular, simple and relevant at the moment.

Finding discounts and giveaways

The AppStore has various applications that track discounts on games and are completely freely available. Sometimes it happens that game developers make their creation free for a limited time so that users can familiarize themselves with it. It is precisely such promotions, as well as sales and discounts, that such programs track.


Another program that allows you to download paid applications on iOS for free. Here you can find free games and applications that are carefully sorted by genre with proper descriptions and ratings from users. Another advantage of this application is that there are no intrusive advertisements.


An extremely useful application that will tell you how to download paid games to your iPad for free. This is a mobile social network that collects information about all kinds of sales, discounts, promotions and free game giveaways in the AppStore. If the program finds a profitable deal, it will immediately notify you by displaying a message on the tablet screen. All the most interesting things are collected in the “Sales” tab, where applications and games that have dropped significantly in price are located. It’s convenient that the applications include detailed descriptions, which is something you won’t get from the official store.


This application is similar to the previous one, and also allows you to look for discounts and free games in the AppStore. The only difference is the design, made in a combination of red and white colors. Navigation is convenient, all applications are sorted by genres and subgenres. Just like AppZapp, this program can send notifications to users.

That's actually the entire application that will give you the opportunity to download programs and games on the iPad for free. However, they provide rather limited functionality, because the user can only download what the developers themselves have allowed him. And large companies such as Gameloft or Electronic Arts rarely agree to such generosity. So how to download games for free on iPad? There is a way out, but to do this you will have to equip your “pirate schooner”!

How to install paid games on iPad without Jailbreak

There are many sites for downloading games for iPad (mostly of Chinese origin), where any user can download any application from the official AppStore for free. However, many of them require Jailbreak. This is the name of a software operation that allows you to open the source code of the operating system and thereby expand the capabilities of the device.

With jailbreak, the user can install third-party applications from external resources. But at the same time, the user loses support from Apple. In addition, in an attempt to flash your device, you can harm its performance. This is such a double-edged sword... However, craftsmen have found a way to download games for free on the iPad without using Jailbreak. And a site called vShare will help with this.

So, in order to download paid applications on iOS without jailbreaking, you need to do the following manipulations:

  1. Go to Settings -> General -> Date and time, and change the date to September 1, 2014.
  2. Now open the Safari browser and go to the site
  3. A window opens where you need to review the information. Read and click the cross in the upper corner.
  4. If you have a device without Jailbreak, then click on the “Download (Jailbreak)” button; if you have already performed this operation, then click “Download (original)”. There may be inaccuracies in the translation here.
  5. The application will ask your consent for installation. Answer positively.
  6. Launch vShare. If , then return the previous date.

That's all. Now you can download paid games to your iPad without spending a single cent. Almost all applications that are available in the official Apple store are presented here. However, this program also has its disadvantages. The first is the slow loading speed. Secondly, navigation and installation are quite inconvenient.

By the way, there are other similar programs for downloading games on iPad, for example, PPHelper, AppDirect and others. The principle of installation and operation of these problems is the same everywhere, but most of them require the notorious “jailbreak”.

When talking about “piracy” on mobile platforms, it is worth touching on the moral point of view of the problem. After all, the creators of paid applications for iOS deserve compensation for their work, so by making your small financial contribution, you can stimulate the emergence of many different useful and high-quality games and programs.

How to install paid games on iPad without piracy

There are special sites where you can earn points by completing simple tasks, with which you can download applications for free to your iPad. Here are three of the most popular and well-known of them:

The site allows you to get “free” coupons for services such as Amazon, etc. To do this, you must first register on the site itself, and then authorize your iTunes account using the device. Answer affirmatively to the offer to download the file; it does not mean anything bad. After this, you can start earning points for further exchange for payment cards. The site is similar in functionality.

We hope this article taught you how to download paid games for free on iPad. You can choose any of these methods, however, we do not encourage such manipulations, because it is always better to use what you honestly bought rather than what you stole.

The iOS operating system is not only great for viewing media files, but also for games and applications. The platform is well optimized and has a high response speed.

Today there are many games of different genres in the AppStore. But most of them are paid, because developers want to make a profit from their products. Of course, there are free applications, but they differ in quality from paid options.

Ways to download paid iOS applications - for free

Is it possible to get paid games for free on iOS? The answer is yes, there are several ways, which you will learn about below.

Method 1

In the AppStore you can find applications that track various discounts. They are free and help users find out useful information about games. Sometimes developers launch a promotion in which you can download paid games on iOS completely free of charge. The program that monitors discounts will immediately send a notification to your phone, and you can download the application completely free of charge.

Method 2

Download the i app for free. This program allows you to download paid games for free on iOS. There you can find the game you need and download it. All applications in this program are sorted by genre for ease of use of the service. A positive quality of iFree is the absence of advertising.

Method 3

The application is a kind of social network among applications. It tracks all discounts, promotions, and free game giveaways. Once a suitable product is found, a notification is sent to the screen. There is a popular Sales tab. Here you can find information about discounts on paid programs.

A similar option for searching for free games is the AppPriceDrops application.
These are all opportunities to download paid content - for free, through applications.

Download paid games for free on iOS without using Jailbreak

To do this, you need to perform the following sequence of “body movements”:
1. On your phone or tablet, go to Settings – General – Date – change the date to 10/1/2014.
2. Go to Safari and go to the website
3. Download the application, agreeing to all questions.
4. Log in to vShare. If the application crashes, return the date to the original one.

Done, now you can download paid games for free on iOS. This application presents popular games and programs that are in the AppStore.