Write a letter to yourself on VK. “Nice to talk to an intelligent person!” – send a message to VK to yourself

Sometimes it is important to quickly transfer data and photos to VK. In this article we will cover:

  • How to send a message to yourself
  • How many messages can you send to other people in total?
  • How to make it possible to send messages without restrictions

To send a message to yourself, go to the dialog box and start typing in your first and last name. You will have the right option in front of you, even if you have never sent anything this way before. Then open the dialog window and paste the text. To attach content, click on the paperclip icon and select the appropriate content to download from your PC. The message will appear to you instantly. You can forward it to a friend or save it to important ones.

According to the site's rules, you can send up to 20 messages to strangers per day. Next, VK will issue a warning and say that the limit has been reached. You won't be able to get around it, otherwise you may be frozen. If you send a newsletter, connect special plugins for this and create a group. You can send an unlimited number of messages on behalf of the group.

However, it is important that the person starts a dialogue with you or is ready to receive the newsletter. You can’t just write to someone on behalf of the group. VK has established such restrictions so that people do not receive spam, constant advertising or offers to earn money. If you sell products and services through a social network, create a group. We wrote how to do this at the link: . To start writing to the group, notify people about this opportunity by first enabling the option to receive messages in the settings. To connect:

  1. Go to Community Settings
  2. Select an item from the “messages” menu
  3. Click on the blue button to connect

Return to the page again. You will see a message button on the right. Go there. Copy the link in your browser. Then, create a post on the wall where you indicate that people can send you messages and pin the information on the wall. Now anyone can contact you.

You can send an unlimited number of messages per day to your friends. Start a lot of dialogue. However, if VK sees suspicious activity on your page, your account may be frozen. In this way, VK can prevent hacking. For example, if you usually have 2-3 conversations, and at some point there are 20 of them, technical support may freeze the page. Also if 2-3 people click on the spam button.

To promote your profile, use “white” methods: targeted advertising, free message boards, also contact us for promotion. With subscribers , and for friends .

One of the most popular Russian social networks, VKontakte, has a useful function for users to send messages to themselves. Communicating with yourself is by no means a sign of schizophrenia. Sometimes you need to make a note, save a link to a specific site or photo, or simply leave a reminder. This article will talk about how to write to yourself on VK.

Why might “self-communication” be needed?

It’s worth noting right away that communicating with yourself through the phone application is only possible if there is an ongoing dialogue - otherwise, the answer to the question of how to write to yourself in VK does not yet exist in the new version of the application. At the same time, you can communicate with yourself from the browser even in the absence of dialogue - you just need to perform the same actions as from the computer, although it will be a little more inconvenient.

If there was no “communication with yourself” before, or the dialogue was later deleted, then you can easily reopen the chat using one of the two methods below, which clearly explain how to write to yourself in VK.

Sending a message via search

The easiest way to send a personal message to yourself in the current design of the VKontakte social network is through search. To do this, you need to go to the page of one of your friends by opening his “Friends” tab.

In the window that appears in the search bar, just enter your first and last name or find yourself manually, and in the results that appear, select the “Write a message” link located on the right side of the field, opposite the avatar. Using this method, you can either write to yourself on VK from your phone, or from a computer or tablet.

Sending a message manually

The second way to write to yourself on VK is to use a direct link to a dialogue with yourself. To do this, you need to paste a link into the address bar, copying it from any other dialog, and replacing the part of the address following the equal sign with your ID, or copy this link:


It is worth noting that in the address bar you must indicate your ID, and not the page address you selected yourself. To find out the numerical page number, just go to the “Settings” section, where in the “Page Address” item you need to click on the question mark to the right of the input field, and the numbers you are looking for will be displayed below. If you follow the received link, a dialogue with yourself will open in the browser window. You can start communicating!

This article discusses another feature of the VKontakte social network - the ability to start VK with yourself. Having found a useful article, note or link to a unique resource on the Internet, it is convenient to send it or copy the text to yourself in VK, as if writing it down in a notebook. This will take a minimum of time, and later, when it is convenient, you can always thoroughly study what you sent to yourself in the dialogue. There is also always the option to send yourself documents using attachments in the chat. Typically, this may be necessary if you want to transfer a file from your work computer to your home computer.

There are several ways to do it yourself. Let's look at them in order.

A very simple way to open a conversation with yourself. In the Messages section, start typing your last name, first name, or nickname in the search bar. In the results, select the line with your profile - you're done!

Find yourself with a friend

Let's look at this method. In any friend's friends list, find your profile. Under your avatar, click “Write a message” - the chat will be created automatically.

Unique identification number

In the “My Settings” section, the individual VK page number () is indicated. Enter the link in the address bar of your browser

VKontakte is an amazing social network, it is a rare place where you can chat with yourself. It would seem, who needs this? But there is a point, because the other you can be used for selfish purposes. Writing to yourself on VKontakte will be useful for the following actions:

  • Quickly save any letter, an alternative to notes.
  • The ability to write news or upload a picture to a server and store it personally for yourself, like a cloud, only on your favorite social network.
  • Recording someone else's speech before deleting it. Does your interlocutor often delete content? Send it to your personal account and the message will remain there forever, no matter how mad the interlocutor may be. Using the same method, you can save pictures, videos, voices, and so on before deleting.

You can correspond endlessly with yourself on VK. It’s like forwarding with any other user, only your page acts as the second person. Everything sent there instantly comes to you, as if someone wrote to you from this page (and this is actually you). It turns out to be a boomerang letter. Try sending something and see how it works.

How to write to yourself via a computer or laptop?

To write to yourself, open VKontakte through any convenient browser. There are two ways to get to dialogue with yourself, namely:

  1. Create a link to a conversation with your page.
  2. Find PM with you in the list of correspondences.

And yes, this operation does not need to be performed every time. It is enough to find yourself once and write something there, after which the correspondence with yourself will be displayed in the list of messages along with other VKontakte dialogues. So you can read it at any time and scribble something there again. But by deleting all the posts in it, it will disappear again and you will need to carry out an operation to restore it again.

Then insert these numbers here instead of asterisks and follow the resulting link:


After the transition, you will get into regular correspondence, only the recipient will be a person with your avatar and name, oh, that’s you! By the way, this link can be sent to anyone, and if you click on it, the user will immediately be sent to correspondence with you.

But there is a simpler method. To execute it, open the “Messages” tab and click on the search input field. In this field, enter the exact first and last name of your page. To be on the safe side, it’s better to go to “My Page” and just copy your full name there.

By clicking on the bar with your account, a correspondence with yourself will open. That's all, nothing complicated.

How to write to yourself via a smartphone on Android or IOS?

It’s even easier to write to yourself from your phone! Just go to the messages tab and click on the magnifying glass icon at the top right.

In the line that appears, write your first and last name, then select your own profile from the proposed options.

It sounds, but modern people living in their virtual world lack ordinary communication. And here many social networks come to the rescue, such as Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter and, of course, VKontakte. These are the most popular sites, where you can find a lot of useful information for leisure and work. Sometimes it becomes necessary to save some records and links in order to revise them in the future and not lose them among the huge flow of unnecessary information. Many inexperienced users of social networks are asking a simple question about how to write to yourself on VK. In this article we will look at several different ways to save attached documents, posts, links, multimedia and videos in your messages.

The role of social networks in the lives of modern people

As numerous studies and statistical data have shown, many solvent individuals from all over the world over the age of 18 are registered on social networks. This is why VKontakte is becoming such a valuable website for many people starting their own business. It’s quite easy to promote your own website on social networks. After all, if you leave your link here or create a certain group, people can get acquainted with your work. Often there is a need to keep some idea in your messages. And in order not to lose information, newcomers to social networks are trying to find out how to save links of interest, videos, audio and files of other formats on their computer hard drive. But without auxiliary programs this is quite difficult to achieve. Isn’t it easier to find out how to write to yourself on VK and save all the necessary materials online?

Structure and usability of VKontakte: blocks, control menus, items

Before moving on to an explanation of what can be written in VK or how to do it, it is necessary to consider VKontakte itself, which contains a header with a logo, search and quick control buttons, a work area and a footer in which the site developer is indicated, and the ability to change the language to any other available and some additional buttons for partners and other users.

Our main goal will be to understand the structure of the working part of the VKontakte site. It consists of a menu that includes the “My Messages” item we need, a block of main content, or, more precisely, a wall where news, recordings, multimedia - whatever you want - are posted.

VKontakte is considered one of the simplest and most convenient sites for users. Even recently registered users will quickly understand its structure and all its intricacies.

How to write a message to yourself on VKontakte?

To send yourself a simple text message on VK, you first need to log in. To do this, you must enter the login and password for your account.

The site automatically redirects you to the news and updates page. In the control menu, which is located on the left in the working area of ​​the site, we go to the “My messages” item. A window with dialogues will open in front of you. Let's look at an example of how to write a "VK" empty message.

For a deeper understanding, let’s consider what actions need to be performed:

  1. In order to send a message to yourself for the first time, you need to enter your exact first and last name, as indicated in your account, in the search bar of the dialog box that opens.
  2. Below, in the search results, you will see a thumbnail of your avatar with your first and last name. Click on the account and go into dialogue with yourself.
  3. You can now send yourself a text message.

A way to send an entry to your messages

Since the beginning of the development of the “white” method of website promotion, many users of the VKontakte social network began to create their own groups, adding various news, promotions, interesting materials, posts and entries to them. But how can you forward such a post to your friends or how can you write to yourself on VK so as not to lose such useful material? Under each post there are two icons: a bullhorn and a heart. To send a recording to yourself in messages, you need to click on the speaker icon, select an audience in the window that appears, in our case, check the box next to “Send as a personal message,” and enter your first and last name in the search bar. Once you select yourself as the recipient, you can safely send the entry. But remember, if the administrator wants to remove this news from his group, all information from your message will also be deleted.

Managing highlighted messages

Sometimes it becomes necessary to send part of an important correspondence with a certain person in your messages. And here the question arises about how to write to yourself on VK, and is this even possible? Yes, everything is doable. To do this, you need to go to the desired chat, select important messages by clicking the mouse, and then click on the “Forward…” button in the dialog box. Next, enter your first and last name in the search bar, or, if you have previously sent messages to yourself, select a dialogue with yourself. When it opens, you will see attached forwarded messages under the text field. After pressing the "Enter" key on your keyboard, all selected correspondence will appear in your messages. In addition to this function, by highlighting messages, you can delete them, mark them as spam, and mark them as important.

Send to your messages

In order to send a Word document, archive or multimedia to your online messages, you need to open your chat with yourself, and next to the send emoji button and the empty text line, point to the “Attach” link. In the drop-down menu you need to select the required item, be it a document, audio recording, video, map or photo. The attachment window will open. You can select already saved materials on the page or upload new files from your computer.