A laptop with Windows 10 does not turn on. Disabling processes with a high impact on the startup of the OS. What to do if the laptop freezes on the screen saver

There are often times when you try to play an old game, but it won’t launch. Or, on the contrary, you want to try out new software, you download and install the latest version, and in response there is silence or an error. And it also happens that a completely working application stops working out of the blue, although there was no sign of trouble.

Why programs won't start on Windows 10 and how to fix it

If you start listing all the possible reasons why this or that application does not start or throws an error, then even a day will not be enough to sort everything out. It just so happens that the more complex the system, the more additional components it contains for the operation of applications, the more errors can arise during the operation of programs.

In any case, if certain problems arise on your computer, you need to start “prevention” by searching for viruses in the file system. For greater productivity, use not just one antivirus, but two or three defender programs: it will be very unpleasant if you miss some modern analogue of the “Jerusalem” virus or something worse. If threats to your computer have been detected and infected files have been cleaned, the applications must be reinstalled.

Windows 10 may throw an error when trying to access certain files and folders. For example, if there are two accounts on one computer, and when installing the application (some have such a setting) it was indicated that it is available only to one of them, then the program will not be available to the other user.

During installation, some applications provide a choice of who will have access to the program after installation

Also, some applications may well run with administrator rights. To do this, select “Run as administrator” from the context menu.

From the context menu, select "Run as administrator"

What to do when applications from the “Store” do not launch

Often programs installed from the Store stop running. The exact cause of this problem is unknown, but the solution is always the same. You need to clear the cache of the Store and the application itself:

Reinstallation and re-registration of Store applications

You can solve the problem with an application whose installation was incorrect by uninstalling it and then installing it from scratch:

You can also solve the problem by re-registering applications, created in order to correct possible problems with the rights of interaction between the program and the OS. This method re-enters application data into the registry.

Why games won't launch and how to fix it

Often, games do not launch on Windows 10 for the same reasons that programs do not launch. At their core, games are the next stage in the development of applications - they are still a set of numbers and commands, but with a more developed graphical interface.

Installer Damage

One of the most common reasons is file corruption during installation of the game on the console. For example, if the installation is from a disk, it is quite possible that it is scratched, and this makes some sectors unreadable. If the installation is done virtually from a disk image, there can be two reasons:

  • damage to files that are written to the disk image;
  • installing game files on bad sectors of the hard drive.

In the first case, only another version of the game, recorded on another medium or disk image, can help you.

You will have to tinker with the second one, since the hard drive requires treatment:

Incompatibility with Windows 10

Despite the fact that the system adopted most of its operating parameters from Windows 8, compatibility problems (especially in the early stages of release) arise very often. To solve the problem, programmers added a separate item to the standard context menu that launches the compatibility troubleshooting service:

  1. Call the context menu of the file or shortcut that launches the game and select “Fix compatibility problems.”

    From the context menu, select "Fix compatibility issues"

  2. Wait until the program finishes checking for compatibility issues. The wizard will give you two options to choose from:
  3. Click the "Check program" button. The game or application should launch normally if it is due to compatibility issues.
  4. Close the patching service and use the application for your own pleasure.

    Close the wizard when it's done

Video: how to run a program in compatibility mode in Windows 10

Blocking the launch of the installer or installed program by antivirus

Often, when using “pirated” versions of games, their downloading is blocked by the antivirus.

Often the reason for this is the lack of a license and, according to the antivirus, strange interference of game files in the operation of the operating system. It is worth noting that in this case the possibility of infection with a virus is small, but not excluded. So think twice before solving this problem, perhaps you should turn to a more certified source for the game you like.

To solve the problem, you need to add the game folder to the trusted environment for the antivirus (or disable it while starting the game), and during the scan the defender will bypass the folder you specified, and all files that are inside will not be subject to “inspection” and treatment.

Outdated or damaged drivers

Constantly monitor the relevance and performance of your drivers (primarily video controllers and video adapters):

To install drivers automatically, Windows Update must be turned on. To do this, open the Run window by pressing Win + R. Enter the command services.msc. Find the Windows Update service in the list and double-click on it. In the window that opens, click the “Run” button.

Video: How to enable or disable Windows Update in Windows 10

Lack of administrator rights

Rarely, but there are still cases when administrator rights are required to run the game. Most often, this need arises when working with applications that use some system files.

Video: how to create an administrator account in Windows 10

Problems with DirectX

Problems with DirectX rarely occur in Windows 10, but if they do appear, they are usually caused by damaged dll libraries. Also, your hardware with this driver may not support updating DirectX to version 12. First of all, you need to use the DirectX online installer:

  1. Find the DirectX installer on the Microsoft website and download it.
  2. Run the downloaded file and, using the wizard’s prompts for installing libraries (you must click the “Next” button), install the available version of DirectX.

To install the latest version of DirectX, make sure your video card driver does not need to be updated.

Video: how to find out the DirectX version and update it

Lack of required version of Microsoft Visual C++ and .NetFramtwork

The DirectX problem is not the only one that is associated with insufficient software equipment.

Microsoft Visual C++ and .NetFramtwork products are a kind of plug-in base for applications and games. The main environment for their use is the development of program code, but at the same time they act as a debugger between the application (game) and the OS, which makes these services necessary for the functioning of graphic games.

Similarly with DirectX, these components are either downloaded automatically during an OS update or from the Microsoft website. The installation is automatic: you just need to run the downloaded files and click “Next”.

Invalid path to executable file

One of the simplest problems. The shortcut that ended up on the desktop as a result of installation has an incorrect path to the file that launches the game. The problem could arise due to a software error or because you yourself changed the letter of the hard drive name. In this case, all shortcut paths will be “broken”, because there will be no directories with the paths specified in the shortcuts. The solution is simple:

Insufficiently powerful hardware

The end consumer cannot keep up with all the gaming innovations in terms of the power of his computer. The graphical characteristics of games, internal physics and the abundance of elements are growing literally by the hour. With every new game, graphics capabilities improve exponentially. Accordingly, computers and laptops that are already several years old cannot perform well when running some extremely complex games. To avoid getting into a similar situation, you should familiarize yourself with the technical requirements before downloading. Knowing whether the game will run on your device will save you time and effort.

If any application does not launch for you, do not panic. It is possible that this misunderstanding can be resolved with the help of the above instructions and tips, after which you can safely continue to use the program or game.

Having installed the next update to Windows 10, the user is often faced with a situation where, after turning off the computer, it stops booting. In this instruction, we will offer several options for what to do if Windows 10 does not start after updating.

Uninstalling the update through safe mode

The first thing you need to do is remove the update after which the system stopped turning on. But how to do that? You can try to run it in safe mode and remove it.
This mode is a special boot option, using which you can boot the OS without drivers, in a minimal configuration.

SafeMode is commonly used by specialists to troubleshoot various system performance issues.

To boot your PC in safe mode you will need:

  1. After Windows 10 tries to automatically restore the system, it will display a message stating that it was unsuccessful and prompt you to go to the additional parameters.
  2. Select it and in the next window click "Troubleshooting" .
  3. After that we choose.
  4. Click on the button "Reboot" .
  5. Use the 4 button on your keyboard to select Simple Safe Mode.

After the computer boots in this mode, you will need to remove the latest updates. To do this, do the following:

  1. Click on the button "Start" and go to "Options" or use keyboard shortcut "Win+I" .
  2. Go to section "Update and Security" .
  3. After that in "Windows Update" and further in .
  4. Click "View update history" .
  5. Open the link there.
  6. A list of installed updates will appear.
  7. Find the most recent ones by sorting by installation date and delete them.
  8. Confirm your action by clicking the button "Yes" .

If you need to remove a large update, for example from a series CreatorsUpdate, then the operation will look a little different:

You will be prompted to download and install the latest updates and see if they solve the problem.

The uninstallation process will begin and eventually the system will be returned to the state before the update was installed.

System rollback to restore Windows

If for some reason you cannot remove updates using the above methods, you can try to roll back the system using a restore point, which is usually created automatically before each update.

Using a boot disk or flash drive

To boot using the installation disk, you will need to connect it to your computer and press the button while loading "F2" (for laptops) or "F8" . This will bring up a menu where the user will need to select the drive from which the computer will boot. Mark the DVD drive or flash drive and click "Enter" . Next, a window will appear on the monitor where you need to select the option. Watch from your hard drive

After this, you will be taken to the same menu that was described in the previous system rollback option. If you have a backup copy, you can restore Windows using it or use auxiliary utilities - for example. It can restore the bootloader and the reserved system partition. To do this, you will need to launch the command line and indicate on which drive the Windows folder is located. This is usually drive C or D.

On the command line enter the following text:

BCDbootС:\Windows(where C is the drive on which Windows is installed).

In most cases, this will be enough to resolve the error. But you can additionally update the boot records of the disk and backup partition.
To do this, enter the following command:

We wait for a message about the completion of the operation and enter the second command:

In addition, you can run the system file recovery program by entering Sfc.exe and pressing "Enter" . The operation will last quite a long time and interrupting this process is strictly not recommended.

If the described methods did not help you, then all that remains is. We hope that the methods listed will help you return your computer to working condition. Good luck!

You installed Windows 10 and, in anticipation of trying out the new system, clicked on reboot. It’s interesting to know how much space the new OS takes up, what programs it offers by default, and what advanced system configuration is capable of.

The start screens have changed each other, but Windows does not start and does not work. Instead of the desktop you see or something similar. Thus, after installing Windows 10, you received some kind of global error that prevents the system from starting correctly.

What is the reason

If the latest operating system doesn't work, that's it. Among them:

  • incorrect operation of hardware drivers (often video cards, less often other components);
  • damage to system files (in case of updating Windows from an old version);
  • program conflict (also during updating).

By the way: this can happen due to a connected second monitor (in this case the image simply does not work). So if this is your case, turn off the second display and reboot. May I help.

If there is only one monitor and the system is not working, the first thing to take care of is to try to start the freshly installed OS in safe mode. From there it will be possible to configure Windows settings.

But first, some experts recommend checking whether the problem is a consequence of incorrect operation of the video card driver. In this case, the system starts, but simply does not display the image on the display. And since it is fully functional, you can load the desktop and do some manipulations blindly.

It's worth trying to reboot. This can also be done “barbarically” - by button, but it is better to do the following, carefully monitoring which keys you press:

  • Press Backspace several times.
  • Enter your password to log in (you may need to switch the layout - the key combination Win (with the Windows logo) + Space should work).
  • Wait a minute or two (so that the OS is 100% loaded, if it even starts at all).
  • Press Win+R to launch Command Prompt.
  • Without touching the mouse, enter the command shutdown /r from the keyboard and press Enter.
  • Wait 10 seconds and press “Enter” again.

If the problem was indeed with the video driver, the computer will restart and you will see the working screen (possibly). In such cases, the cause is a conflict with the so-called fast startup of Windows 10, and the only way to avoid repeating the error is to disable it, replacing it with a normal startup and a complete shutdown of the PC.

If nothing happens when you perform the above described manipulations, you can take a chance and turn off the PC by holding down the power button. If the image appears upon restart, do not delay until later, launch the control panel: there you will find settings for the actions of the power buttons (in the “Power Options” section).

How to start Windows in safe mode

Safe mode is so called because in it the system loads only Microsoft programs and nothing from outsiders. By starting the system in safe mode, you can remove the “wrong” video driver or other program that you think may be causing the operating system startup conflict.

It's good if Windows 10 greets you with a visual error message rather than just a black screen. In the first case, you can enable safe mode visually, but in the second, you will again have to act blindly. You need to know the exact locations of all the buttons and inscriptions in order to navigate with the arrows and how many times to press the “Enter” key.

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Most of the capabilities that the average owner of desktop computers and laptops use are available to humans thanks to the use of special operating systems on the equipment. The most popular OS is a product from Microsoft. Therefore, if Windows 7 or one of the other OS variants does not boot, the user is in serious trouble.

There are many reasons why Windows 10 (7, 8, XP) does not load. Often in this case, an unpleasant situation is accompanied by a specific error message. But what to do if Windows 10 (7, 8, XP) does not boot on a laptop or regular PC without such messages? There are several universal treatment methods that can lead to a way out of this situation.

Selecting the download type

This is the simplest fix method if Windows 7 or another type of operating system from Microsoft does not load. What you need to do:

  1. Start rebooting the computer.
  2. Press the “F8” button.
  3. In the proposed list, select the launch item with the most successful configuration.

In some cases, this action is quite sufficient when Windows 7 (8, 10, XP) does not load.

Windows Recovery

So Windows won't boot. You can try to return Windows to full functionality using the recovery menu. To do this, of course, you will need to have a boot disk with the desired OS option on hand. What actions should the user take in this case if Windows 7, 8, 10 and XP does not load:

  1. Insert the source into the drive.
  2. Change the priority in BIOS. That is, the operating system should not be launched from a hard drive, but from a DVD-ROM.
  3. After starting the process, you will need to press the “R” button.
  4. Select the option to restore.
  5. Wait for the results. Restart the equipment one more time.
    Windows XP (7, 8, 10) still won't load early? Next option.

Recovery within the OS itself

If previous operations have been carried out, but Windows 7 still does not boot, you can try to restore it directly using the tools of the operating system itself. It's quite simple:

  • Pressing the magic “F8” button.
  • Selecting further boot in security mode.
  • Obtaining limited access to the operating system.
  • Making the transition: “Start” – “Standard” – “Service” – “Recovery”.
  • An attempt to return the OS to an earlier state that was stable.
  • Naturally, at the end you will need to restart the computer to check whether Windows 10 (7.8, XP) does not boot or whether the problem has been successfully resolved?

    Boot file disinfection

    If Windows 7 does not boot after updating, then the possible cause of the problem lies in a damaged Boot.ini boot file. To fix the problem you will need to follow these steps:

    1. Start the PC using the same external source.
    2. In the recovery menu, go to the command line.
    3. Enter the phrase “Bootcfg/add”.

    Wait for the process to complete and initiate another reboot to check whether Windows 8 or its equivalent of a different version does not boot, or whether the treatment helped in this predicament?

    Boot record defect

    Another option for trouble with Windows. Windows won't load? The boot record may have become corrupted. In this situation, you will need to repeat almost the entire procedure described in the previous paragraph, but enter a completely different phrase into the command line. Namely: “Fixmbr\Device\HardDisk0”.

    Perhaps this action will be quite enough when Windows 7 does not load and freezes on the logo.

    Damage to the boot sector on the hard drive

    This nuisance can lead to a situation where, for example, Windows 7 does not load beyond “Welcome”. Here the treatment is also quite simple - the steps are repeated by running the command line from the computer user, into which you should type “Fixboot” and then the letter that is responsible for the hard drive partition where the installed OS version is located.

    Quick reinstall

    Sometimes, if the computer does not boot beyond the Windows 7 splash screen, only reinstallation can help. But it is not at all necessary to launch a full-fledged procedure that lasts quite a long time. You can speed up this process. This is a very powerful treatment tool as it can deal with most of the troubles that arise.

    What is required from a person:

    1. Start again from the boot disk.
    2. Press the “R” button, then the “Esc” key.
    3. Select quick reinstallation of the operating system.

    It is important to understand that this procedure can only work if identical versions of the OS are located on the disk and hard drives. That is, if, for example, Windows 10 does not boot after the update, you should not try to quickly reinstall it using a boot disk with Windows 7 or 8 for this purpose.


    A special case of this situation may be a constant automatic reboot of the OS. Naturally, this option excludes the possibility of any therapeutic processes. To break this sequence, you will need to press the “F8” button the next time you start the system and go to the “Advanced parameters” menu. After this, disable the OS reboot procedure and if failures are detected. Well, then you can use one of the treatment options described above.

    All described methods are universal. That is, they are recommended to be used only when it is not possible to accurately determine the root cause of the malfunction. Most often, the user can see a message on the monitor screen indicating a specific error code. And each of them has their own method of correcting an unpleasant situation. Most of them can be easily found on this Internet resource dedicated to answering questions related to OS damage from Microsoft.

    Every second Tuesday, Microsoft releases a new batch of updates for its operating systems, which are installed on all computers through the Windows Update service (updates are obtained from Windows Update servers), internal WSUS, or manually using . In most cases, updates fix a specific vulnerability or problem (bug) in Windows or other products. However, in some cases, new updates may cause various problems in the system (due to incomplete testing, engineering errors, incompatibility with hardware, etc.), and the installed update must be removed. This is easy to do (see article). But what should you do if, after installing the update, the system does not boot, displaying a blue screen of death (BSOD)? In this article we will look at just such a case: how to remove problematic updates in Windows 10/8/7 if the system does not boot.

    First of all, check whether the system boots in one of the safe modes (enough 3 times in a row interrupt the system boot with the power off button).

    Advice. If your computer stops booting after updating the Windows 10 build with the “ ” error, you need to use the system recovery method from the link.

    If Windows does not boot in safe mode after a bad update, you need to boot from any available disk or flash drive: this can be a Windows recovery environment (), Windows installation disk, ERD (aka) or another boot disk.

    Note. Windows 10 and 8, if the system does not boot, the recovery environment with the command line should automatically load.

    In our case, I will boot the computer from the Windows 10 x64 installation disk.

    Advice. Any installation disk is suitable for downloading (the main condition is compliance with the OS bit depth), taking into account compatibility. Thus, the installation image of Windows 10 can be used to restore Windows 7, but vice versa it will not work, because Older OS versions may not support all commands and options.

    On the second screen prompting you to start installation, you need to click Repair Computer or press the keyboard shortcut Shift+F10.

    In the first case, select Troubleshoot -> Command Prompt(Command line).

    In the command prompt window that opens, you need to determine the drive letter that is assigned to your Windows system partition (this may not be the C:\ drive).

    Issue the command: DISKPART

    List the partitions in the system: list volume

    End the diskpart session with the command: exit

    In our example, you can see that the system drive is assigned a letter D:\.

    Let's display a list of packages installed on the system located on the specified disk:

    If you know which specific update (KB) caused the problem, its number can be used as a filter:

    DISM /Image:D:\ /Get-Packages /format:table | find "4056887"

    Or you can filter the list by installation date:

    DISM /Image:D:\ /Get-Packages /format:table | find “01/18/2018”

    Note. If the list of updates is very large and you don’t know exactly which of the latest updates caused the BSOD, the full list can be downloaded to a text file and opened using Notepad (you can use the search in it).

    DISM /Image:D:\ /Get-Packages /format:table > d:\updates.txt
    Notepad d:\updates.txt

    Now you need to copy the identifier of the problematic package to the clipboard (select the package name in the command line and press Enter to paste the text - just right-click).

    You can use the following command to remove the update:

    DISM /Image:D:\ /Remove-Package /PackageName:Package_for_KB4056887~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~

    If you don't know exactly which specific update caused the problem, remove all recently installed packages one by one (rebooting and checking the system).

    After removing the “update” bug, try booting Windows in normal mode. The system should boot normally

    If you have an MSDaRT recovery disk, uninstalling updates is even easier. Just boot from the MSDaRT disk (the bit size must be the same), select Diagnostics -> Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset. In the list of utilities you need to select Hotfix Uninstall(Remove patches).

    Just highlight which updates you need to remove and click Further.