Birthday reminder program for computer. The best desktop reminder program

Greetings, dear visitor to the PenserMan blog.

Probably, almost each of us has at least once in our lives had a case when we forgot to congratulate Happy Birthday one of your friends or family and friends. Entire treatises can be written about the feelings that come over you after such forgetfulness.

But I won’t do this, but rather I’ll immediately recommend a remedy for such forgetfulness. This desktop reminder, which will begin to warn you in advance about the approaching date of someone's birthday or simply about any important day that you need to always remember.

There are quite a few programs for this purpose, so-called reminders. And they are not difficult to find in world wide web. I’ll focus on one, which I’ve been using for many years and which has helped me out more than once when my memory has failed me. So it’s called simply: Birthday v1.2.2.8. The first one I installed was birthday v1.0.3.5. Its author is a certain Dmitry Pokhilko.

Desktop reminder Birthday v1.2.2.8

What I liked most about it and why I chose this one out of many programs. I will list:

  • small executable file size - only 3.44 MB;
  • ease of use and absolutely nothing superfluous either in the program itself or on the desktop;
  • the ability to print all birthdays in table form;
  • and the most important thing is, of course, that the reminder itself is free;

This is what she looks like. Do not worry actual size just a little more than this:

And such a reminder (picture below) about the birthday will appear in the desktop tray after starting the computer the day before specified date, if you indicated when entering data that you need to notify 1 day before the date:

To add new entry or change an existing one, you need to click on “New” or “Change” and in the window that appears, fill in or change the necessary fields and then, of course, click on “Save”:

Also, this reminder program allows you to save data of all birthdays in a *.bfs file and a simple text file. It is possible to recover data from these files. If necessary, as I mentioned above, you can print the list, and if desired, change the theme:

Although, to be honest, I’m happy with any theme, as long as an information window appears on the desktop and a gurgling sound before each date. This sound is the default, but you can change the settings and replace it with any of your own melody or anything else you want.

Reminder settings for birthdays Birthday v1.2.2.8

In the settings, I think, first of all, you need to select “Run a program with Windows”, otherwise its whole meaning is simply lost. After all, you may forget to launch it yourself before some important date that you no longer remember.

I also select “Minimize to tray at startup” so that after every time you turn on the computer, the program window does not appear on the desktop. I sort the list in order of approaching someone's birthday. To do this, click on “Next”. When clicked, sorting occurs either directly or in reverse order:

You can change the remaining settings at your discretion and you can sort the list in different ways by clicking on any column name. Be it “full name”, “Date”, etc. There were some minor flaws in the reminder version v1.0.3.5. For example, it was not possible to delete the entire list of birthdays.

I had to leave at least one line unselected, and then delete it. When moving the scroll slider to the right, the list stood still and only after the end of scrolling did it suddenly jump. And some other little things. All this has been fixed in version v1.2.2.8.

Where and how to download a reminder to your desktop

By the way, a reference book now comes with the program, and if you install it for yourself, you can look into it at any time and clarify any unclear points.

  • Download program Can<< >>, without leaving this post,
  • you can download the updated reminder to your computer from<< >> blog articles (also in Russian and the same author),
  • or from a third-party site - file storage<< >>

If you go to the storage site, do not pay attention to all sorts of offers and “temptations” that they will show you there, but immediately click on what is highlighted in the picture with a red frame and download the reminder file itself:

By the way, I couldn’t download using Dounload Master. It asks to load some more pictures, but in the end it’s “zero”. Built in Firefox browser The download manager is fine. But the browser Google Chrome another link has been downloaded. Do not click on it, the antivirus program says that it is malicious. In the picture I highlighted it in black:

That's all I wanted to tell you. I hope you like this desktop reminder for birthdays and you will use it too.

Good luck to you! Before see you soon on the pages of the PenserMan blog.

Hello! The main task dealt with Birthday reminder You understand it from the name itself. But today's program is not limited to this one function. You have never seen reminders like this before. There are just a lot of possibilities and gadgets in it. And what effects!

You may think that you don't need it. It seems to you that you remember all the birthdays of your friends, relatives, acquaintances and your bosses. But this is not so. Don't fool yourself.

Man is not a walking computer; he tends to forget. Try to forget your wedding day, your mother-in-law’s or wife’s birthday... (have you already written a will?).

Remember how offensive it is when they forget about your birthday. Do not become the cause of such grievances yourself. Make people talk about you like good person who doesn’t forget birthdays - set a reminder and you will become one.

How is this different? Birthday reminder from others, simple and ordinary? Watch the video and pictures...

You can fill out an entire mini-questionnaire per person. Phone, address Email, photography... Enter his habits, hobbies, interests in a special field. And when you receive a reminder, send a letter directly from the program (even choose a background for the letter), make a gift... Also, except for birthdays, you can track the remaining time until any of your important events or holidays.

No matter how much you say, it’s better to see, right? Three things will help you make a decision in favor of this reminder: short videos video...

Liked? Interested? Let's move on to downloading and installation.

Download free birthday reminder

Total 16.2 MB

The installation is not difficult - everything is as usual...

Now this cute shortcut appears on your desktop...

The main window of the program...

To fill out the form, click the plus sign at the bottom and add the birthday person.

By registering on the reminder website (it’s free and quick – it took me 2 minutes) you will increase the capabilities of the program. You will be able to save your data on their server and restore it in the event of a system reinstallation or inadvertent deletion of information from the program.

The second tab (on the left) shows holidays or important events.

You can view the certificate - it is in Russian...

There can be many questions about why a reminder is needed, starting from the birthday of an important person right up to technical needs aimed at convenient work and organizing time in a separate place without clogging your brain. However, ideally, the program itself should be portable and not too large in size in order to quickly configure and launch the necessary tasks.

I had 20 at my disposal various programs, which were subjected to various types of testing. Most of the software is free, but there were also paid ones. I didn’t check the paid ones because they all weigh more than they should with such functionality. Loading various skins slows down the launch, etc. Moreover, the functionality in free analogues plenty of it.

Below we will consider which desktop reminder program to download for free in Russian is the best and most convenient. Let's look in detail at how to create several tasks, play around with the settings and create the necessary parameters.

After drawing up the right goals on the right date and time, you will hear a pleasant sound signal with a note about the completion of the task scheduled for the calendar of this time.

Machy - the best reminder program

First of all, you need to download the Macy program itself to home computer via one of the links below:

Download MACHY from the official website or Download MACHY from Yandex.Disk

The program has not been updated for a long time, but still works great for everyone windows platforms(win7, win8, win10, XP, vista) and easy to use. After downloading the archive to your desktop, you need to unpack it into a directory convenient for you on your laptop or desktop PC.

In the root folder of the utility double click open the file Machy.exe. After launching the program, you will be able to see all its functionality and capabilities, after which we will begin setting up the utility. After the first greeting and clicking the "OK" button, this software will automatically minimize to the tray, lower right corner of the screen. To expand it, simply double-click on it, then, when the program window opens, in the lower left corner of the utility, click on “Settings”.

On the first “General” tab, uncheck just one checkbox “Run program\Document” and don’t touch anything else if you definitely don’t need anything from there basic parameters program tasks. By default, the desktop reminder calendar in Russian will launch automatically at startup operating system windows.

On the second tab “Falls”, check the “play” box sound file" Next, select the audio file that you would like to hear when the event occurs.

Please note Special attention! The file must be in .wav format. For these purposes there is online converters, with which you can convert any sound or melody to another audio format.

Online conversion of sounds to .wav format

Below in the same tab you can launch any program or file, word, for example.

On next tab settings – Miscellaneous, set everything to zero because in the future we will ask you the exact date and reminder time.

Activate the checkbox as in the screenshot to display your message, selecting its volume below. We set the maximum value to 150 characters, this is quite enough. Save the settings by clicking OK.

For the test, all that remains is to create a small task to see how it all works in practice.

In the main window of the Machy program, add a new condition.

You will have a number of options to choose from.

For the test, the first option is sufficient, which can be selected in the left column by activating the desired checkbox. For the test, “Remind something” is enough.

Insist on the time and date, enter required text, the desired melody in .wav format, having previously activated the checkbox. How to convert an audio file to required format I already wrote above. Click OK.

After such actions, a list of tasks will appear in the main program window, including the conditions we just created.

Different computer reminders in Russian may differ from each other, they all have their own benefits in one way or another. Machy does not need installation, and it starts when the operating system starts, located in any directory.

Such simple program and you no longer need to remember anything in your head. All the work is done by the software we configured - date, time, birthdays, work, to-dos, congratulations. All this reminder occurs at the appointed time, automatically.

Standard reminder in Windows

In more later versions beginning with Windows 7 It became possible to display notes. The notes themselves are different from the reminder and, after opening, appear on the desktop in the form of small notes, something like notes. A kind of widget. You can add as many such notes as you like with one plus sign.

You can call up Notes in several ways, the most quick way- in the start menu, enter “Notes” in the search box, or go to all programs, in the standard section, selecting the appropriate program.

In the widget that appears before your eyes, you need to fill in the text of the note at your discretion.

For convenience, the notes window can be stretched beyond the lower right corner, and using the “+” button you can add another note to fill. You can create widgets at least whole screen! The color of the note can be changed to select from the list by pressing right click mice.

After filling out a certain number of forms, you can safely restart your computer and tomorrow you will not forget about the unfinished work. All the things that I need to do are always in sight.

Of course, if you plan to postpone an event for a calendar month, it is best to use Machy's reminder. Notes are intended for a short period of time. For example, today you don’t have time to finish your presentation, but you still have several different things on your mind that need to be brought to life.

Today we found out which desktop reminder program is most convenient to download for free in Russian. Also, Notes will be an important discovery for some, because you must admit that you probably didn’t know about them yet. If the review was useful to you, click like and comment on the post.

Each of us has to remember or write down every day. to-do list for tomorrow, for a week, for a month, which must be completed on time.

It can be:

  • Calls to clients
  • Payment utilities
  • Loan payment at the bank once a month
  • Manager's instructions
  • Sending a work report
  • Interviews with the employer
  • Corporate event
  • Important meetings with partners
  • Medical examinations
  • Household chores: cleaning the house once a week, repairing shoes, cleaning the aquarium, walking with the child, walking the dog, etc.
  • Sports training on Wednesdays
  • Replace the filter cartridge every six months

and much more. There are a lot of things to do and they are all important to varying degrees.

IN address book mobile phone the number of contacts is usually in the tens and even hundreds. And to maintain relationships, it is good form to be on time congratulate a person on his personal holiday, anniversary or other important date. Obviously, it is simply impossible to remember all the dates.

Those who are accustomed to value time and keep their personal data in order often use an organizer program with a reminder, to-do planner or something electronic notebook And contact database.

Desktop reminder program in Russian (reminder) - The best decision do not forget to congratulate colleagues and relatives on the holiday on time, have time to buy a gift, send congratulations by mail, and pay off debt.

Universal application Exiland Assistant great for notifications Birthdays, events and tasks. But the organizer’s capabilities do not end there - it allows you to maintain a structured database of clients [link to article], partners, colleagues, relatives, keep notes and Internet links, write down passwords, plan tasks and monitor their implementation. Exiland Assistant - excellent daily helper for home and office.

Let's look at what the Birthday reminder looks like in the Exiland Assistant diary for Windows. If anyone has a birthday today or in the coming days, a reminder window will appear on the Windows desktop immediately after launch.

In the Contacts section, create entries for friends, acquaintances or colleagues. Enter their birthdays and you will never forget to congratulate them. The program will remind you of this in advance for the number of days you specify. Even if the task notification time came when your diary was not running or the computer was turned off, the organizer will notify you about it immediately after turning on the computer and launching the program. The date of birth can be set in the contact card.

You can set the number of days in advance for which you should notify in the program settings in the Service/Settings menu.

Events in the program can be either independent of a person (calendar) or tied to to a specific person or organization (call, meeting). If they relate to a specific person, then they are displayed both in the card of this person and in general list in the events section. Event reminder appears on startup and when the time changes to the next day.

In the event card, you indicate the date and how many days in advance to remind, if necessary. When you start the program, the organizer will remind you of the upcoming event.

Reminder about things to do and tasks

A task reminder appears while the program is running. There are two notification methods: a blinking animated icon in the notification area (System Tray) and a pop-up window with task details.

In addition, you can customize the type of icon animation to your taste and color, and alert sounds for ordinary and important tasks. The settings are located in the Tools/Settings menu, Tasks tab.

Exiland Assistant is far more than just Desktop reminder is both simple and powerful diary for Windows. Most PC users use Exiland Assistant to take notes and maintain a database of contacts of people and organizations with the ability quick access to the data. Comfortable, thoughtful Russian-language interface will allow you to quickly start working with the program How experienced user PC and housewife alike.

Computer reminder program - software from Exiland does not require installation (portable) and can be launched from a flash drive, wherever you are.

There are 3 versions of the reminder organizer: Free (completely free reminder for Windows) , Personal(full-featured single-user) and Enterprise (networked multi-user).

Network organizer Exiland Assistant Enterprise allows you to organize a single contact database for many users local network, maintain a database of clients, partners, employees, project tasks. For use network version must be installed on any PC on the local network Exiland Assistant Server, included in the Exiland Assistant Enterprise package. You can download a demo version of the Exiland Assistant Enterprise organizer for free and try it on your data, after which you can upgrade to the fully functional one paid version without data loss.

Mikhail, Exiland Assistant developer