How and with what to effectively remove scratches from your phone screen. How to keep your screen intact longer. How to remove scratches from your phone with displex paste

With prolonged use, the phone's display may become covered with small scratches. And they really ruin it appearance. But how to get rid of scratches on your phone screen is quite simple to understand. If they are not deep, you will be able to remove most of them. And for this you won’t have to overpay specialists in specialized salons.

Simple ways to get rid of scratches on your phone screen

The first option is GOI paste. It can remove scratches from your phone screen. You can polish its surface with a cloth. This is a long and painstaking process, but it has a good result. True, it will not be possible to eliminate all the damage.

Suede fabric can add shine to the screen. It is completely safe. But it’s difficult to remove scratches with it. Although, many sites recommend it.

You can buy a wheel polish. They completely remove scratches. But their effect is short-lived. The screen will have to be processed every month. It's annoying. But on the other hand, you can safely restore the appearance of your phone at any time.

You should not try to erase the top layer of the display and reapply it. This procedure can only be done by “traditional craftsmen”. Such aggressive polishing can completely break the screen.

How to remove scratches from your phone at home?

The most simple option acts as an ordinary toothpaste. It has some abrasive properties. It can be applied to the smartphone screen:

  • Cotton swab;
  • Towel;
  • A napkin;
  • Paper cloth.

But for this you need to use toothpaste, not tooth gel. Please inquire about this before purchasing.

Soda solution has the same effect. Add enough water to the baking soda to form a paste. After this, you can polish your phone to remove scratches.

Toothpaste should be applied in a thin layer. Excessive amounts will only stain the device. Rub it in in a circular motion until the effect is noticeable. You can then remove any excess homemade polish and enjoy the result.

But don't try to remove deep damage. They can only be treated by replacing the screen. If you use excessive effort, you can make the situation worse without achieving your goal.

Service center

If your phone warranty has not expired, you can contact service center. They will simply replace the screen and you will get an updated device. But when the warranty expires, such a procedure will be expensive.

The center may also admit your guilt. Then the repair will be paid. Therefore it is not effective option. But it's still worth a try.

If the service doesn’t work, then read everything about the structure of the phone screen. This will allow you to choose the most safe way polishing Without theoretical training, the gadget can simply be damaged.

If desired, you can seek the help of specialists. They leave their contact information on the Internet. Many of them professionally remove scratches. The main thing is to find a reliable intermediary.

Preventing scratches on your phone

To prevent the risk of this problem, be sure to purchase protective film. It will protect your phone from any mechanical influences for several months.

Also, clean your screen frequently. If dust particles do not accumulate on it, the risk of scratches will be reduced. You just need to wipe it with special wipes, otherwise you will scratch it yourself.

It is better to carry phones in cases or in special pockets. Don’t let your smartphone lie around in the “expanses of your bag.” So, he can hurt himself.

You can buy a phone with a regenerating display. It has a plastic coating that smooths out minor damage. But this is not a solution. More or less significant scars will appear even on such a screen.

Of course, it is possible to get rid of scratches on your phone screen. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to do this forever and effectively. Therefore, he pays due attention to new things. Then the novelty of the screen and case will be maintained without any extra effort.

We all love ours mobile gadgets— phones, tablets, MP3 players. And it’s very disappointing when something happens to them. Scratches on the screen or display can easily be considered among such troubles. And constant contemplation of them adds even more sadness - it’s one thing back cover, which you rarely look at and something completely different - the most visible place of the device, which you look at every time you work with it.
Of course, you should have thought about this earlier by gluing a protective film or buying protective glass, which perfectly protects the surface from minor damage. And since you’ve saved money on this, now you’ll have to think about how to get rid of scratches on your phone screen.
If your device is already a couple of years old, then no matter how much you take care of it, bugs will still appear no matter how you look at it. Time makes itself felt - even simply carrying it in your jeans pocket can leave marks and scuffs.
Fortunately, in most cases you can now remove small scratches from the screen almost painlessly, and now I’ll tell you how.

Note: Before using one of the methods described below, be sure to close, or better yet, tape those places on your smartphone or tablet into which moisture can get - buttons, speaker, connectors and microphone.

Special touchscreen polishing kit

This is the most preferred method. It allows you to remove minor damage to the display using specially developed polishing agents.

The most popular product is Displex display polish paste. You just need to squeeze a small amount onto the scratched area and use the included microfiber pad to polish the area in a circular motion. This should be done for 3-4 minutes, after which we simply wipe the glass wet wipe(damp, not wet - water should not flow from it!).

The main disadvantage of this solution is the price of about 500 rubles. If you are very limited in money, then only use the folk remedies described below.

Traditional ways to remove scratches from the display

There are three of the most popular remedies today.

The first remedy is simple toothpaste. It should be plain, white without additional inclusions, particles or additives. Otherwise, you may end up worse than before.

The technique is simple - apply a little paste to the damage and polish the surface in a circular motion. You can do this with a simple clean napkin or cotton swab to remove makeup.

The second remedy to get rid of scratches on the screen- This is a dough baking powder diluted with water. The proportion for dilution is medium - for two teaspoons of baking powder, use one teaspoon of water. Stir until a paste forms. By the way, some people replace baking powder with regular tooth powder.

The resulting substance is applied to the touchskin and polished in the same way as described above until it is possible to remove scratches from the smartphone screen or at least level them out to the maximum!

The third remedy to clean the screen from scratches- baby powder. Talc works here, which is present in small quantities in the powder and acts as a light abrasive substance. It must be diluted in a small amount of water and applied to the damaged area.

The polishing process must be carried out in the same way as in previous methods, then wipe the surface of the screen with a damp soft cloth.

Other ways:

- Very popular among people wipes for cleaning optics and glasses— they allow you to cover up minor scuffs by adding shine to glass and plastic.

— . This is a completely separate topic. Some attribute wonderful properties to it, others complain that after using it the screen is completely damaged beyond repair.

Here you need to understand that you cannot rub glass or plastic with a dry piece of Goya paste - they will immediately end. Therefore, it must first be softened (watch oil is recommended) and only then this substance must be applied to the scratches and carefully polished.

Baking soda. This is the same as tooth powder, only more powerful.

Diluted with water in a one to two ratio (one spoon of soda to two spoons of water). We apply the resulting mixture to the display and polish it to remove scratches, after which we wipe it with a damp cloth.

Vegetable oil. This is not an abrasive substance at all, which means it will not be possible to clean the screen from scratches. But the oil will give it a bright shine and marks on the touchscreen will not be so noticeable!

Car polish. Yes, it can also be used to remove scuffs on the display of a phone or tablet, but you must first choose the right substance. The fact is that the paint layer of a car is much more resistant to chemical reagents than the delicate surface of the touchscreen. The polishing process itself is no different from previous methods.

Scratches are a very unpleasant thing when we're talking about about the gadget. Anyone who has encountered this problem knows firsthand that it can be very difficult to remove them. But thanks to the means at hand and a bit of ingenuity and skill, it’s quite easy to make them invisible at home. In this article we will talk about this.

Available methods

Before you start polishing the screen, you should prepare the gadget for resuscitation operations in advance. For this:

  • Turn off the device completely.
  • Remove excess dust and dirt from the screen.
  • Ensure minimal penetration of any substances into the device connectors. To do this, it is recommended to seal the holes with special adhesive tape or tape.

Using toothpaste

In order to use this technique, you need to understand that this method is only effective if the damage is shallow and barely noticeable.

Have to take required amount paste, apply it to a cotton pad or cotton wool and rub in circles until the scratch disappears or becomes less noticeable. This is the simplest and most cost-effective method.

Important! When choosing a product, we focus only on pastes with a creamy texture. white. Also, you can't use gel!

Using a vehicle

A car product known as Swirl Remover and Turtle Wax may be suitable for these purposes. You just need to apply it to a soft cloth or cotton pad and wipe the device screen with it.

Important! The cloth or cotton pad should be absolutely clean, ideally using a lint-free cloth.

Using soda

Soda - very universal remedy, which is available in every home. To fix the problem you need to:

  • Take, for example, 2 teaspoons of soda and one of water.

    Important! There should be twice as much baking soda as water!

  • Stir until a thick paste forms.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to the surface and wipe it with gentle movements.
  • Dampen a cotton pad or soft cloth and remove excess baking soda.
  • Wipe the surface with a clean, lint-free cloth.

Vegetable oil

Another method that is very inexpensive and simple. To use it, you only need a drop of the miracle cure. You should rub the oil on the screen and you will see the incredible shine of your gadget.

Important! This method is effective only in case of small and barely noticeable marks, since the oil will most likely mask the gap, but will not remove it completely.

If the screen is touch
In order not to spend money on a workshop, we recommend using polish. This common remedy to eliminate deficiencies, for example, from CDs or automobile vehicle, which we mentioned above. To do this you need:

  • Apply the product to the damaged surface.
  • Rub the polish into the phone screen using light circular motions for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the product from the surface and wipe it with a soft cloth or napkin.

Application of Displex paste

Important! This tool has a fairly harsh effect on the surface of the phone. It must be applied strictly to the screen, because if it gets on the plastic part of the gadget, this product will damage it!

When using Displex paste you must:

  • Prepare the surface well. To do this, we clean it from a layer of dust and dirt with a regular napkin, then seal the holes of the device to prevent the chemical from getting inside.
  • Apply the product to the surface and rub into uneven areas with gentle movements, avoiding overly active movements and strong pressure.
  • Polishing the screen. It should be remembered that this chemical literally scratches the surface, so you should work a considerable amount of time to smooth the surface. However, it's worth it. The result is a smooth surface, free of any irregularities. This method is suitable for deep damage, as it has an aggressive effect. You should only work with gloves to avoid chemical burns. This product, alas, cannot be found on the open market.

Using GOI paste

Perhaps this method is the most common of all. It was widely popular in the former Soviet Union. According to reviews on the Internet, it is considered the most effective of all. For use and efficiency this method You need:

  • Clean the damaged surface.
  • Squeeze the paste onto a soft cloth.
  • Apply the product with a cloth using soft, gentle movements and carefully polish the surface.

On average, the process takes about 40 minutes. However, the result will not be long in coming.

For elimination minor scratches Ok, some kind of paste is quite suitable - a mixture of baby powder and water. To do this, mix the ingredients in equal proportions and polish the damaged surface with the resulting slurry. It is very budget-friendly and at the same time effective method. With its soft effect, it gives good results.

How to remove deep scratches?

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to remove them. However, you can improve the appearance of your gadget. The method of polishing with vegetable oil is suitable for this, since, having water-repellent properties, the oil will provide a magnificent shine to your screen. Second effective way is the use sandpaper. It is worth remembering that for this process it is necessary to choose paper with the smallest particles. Using gentle and gentle movements, polish the device until the surface becomes smooth and shiny.

A video on this topic can be viewed here:

When wondering how to remove scratches from a phone screen using improvised means, many people believe that they will not be effective. We can assure you that the use of expensive means may well be ineffective. The following available tools are most relevant:

  • Toothpaste.
  • Vegetable or machine oil.
  • Sandpaper.

Alternatively, to mask shallow scratches, you can use a protective film. With its help, you can disguise small scratches and prevent your gadget from getting new ones. It is quite possible to apply the protective film at home without the appearance of bubbles or unevenness. To do this, the main thing is not to rush and wipe the screen well before gluing.
So, to summarize and answer the question of whether it is possible to remove scratches from a phone screen, this will definitely be a positive answer. To do this, it is not at all necessary to take the phone to a workshop and pay money for polishing and restoring the surface of the screen. The methods that we discussed in this article will cope with this perfectly. However, they should be used very carefully, and be sure to listen to our advice.

Hard to imagine modern man without mobile phone. However, as a result of use, small scratches appear on the screen, which spoil the appearance of the device. You can get rid of the problem yourself at home, using improvised or specialized means. How to quickly and effectively remove scratches from your phone screen and return it to its original appearance?


Toothpaste will help you deal with scratches on your phone. The advantages of this method are simplicity and accessibility. Disadvantage - the paste can only eliminate minor and minor damage.

To clean the device screen, apply a large number of products to the surface. Rub it over the entire area in a circular motion until the scratches disappear or become less noticeable. To do this, use any applicator: a cotton swab or disk, paper towel or cloth.

After reaching desired effect remove any remaining product with a soft napkin or cloth. Polish the screen with a piece of suede or microfiber.

Baking soda

Baking soda can help remove scratches on your phone screen. This method is very effective and affordable, since this product is available in every kitchen. The principle of action is very similar to the work of toothpaste, however this method copes well with more deep scratches. This is due to the fact that soda contains large quantity abrasive particles.

To clean the screen, prepare a mixture by combining water and baking soda in a 2:1 ratio. You should get a homogeneous abrasive paste. Apply the mixture to the phone screen using a cotton cloth and rub it over the entire surface using circular motions. Make sure that the device does not get too much moisture - this can lead to disruption of its functioning.

After finishing cleaning, wipe the screen with a dry cloth or cloth, removing any remaining abrasive mixture and other contaminants. To remove stains and traces of soda, polish the device with a soft cloth or a special napkin that comes with the device.

Car polish

You can use car polish to remove scratches from your phone. Apply to the surface a small amount of product (no more than 1 drop) and rub in in a circular motion. When the scratches disappear or become less noticeable, wipe the screen with a clean cloth to remove the polish.

A polish based on cerium oxide will help remove minor damage. It is sold in powder form for preparing a solution or in ready-made form. The second option is more convenient to use, but the first is more effective. To make polish at home, mix 50–100 g of powder and a small amount of water. As a result of combining the ingredients, you should get a mixture with the consistency of thick sour cream. Stir the solution until all lumps disappear and it is ready for use.

In order not to disrupt the functioning of the device, before cleaning, cover all openings with tape (recesses for headphones and charging, camera and other strategic buttons). Once prepared, apply polish to the surface and rub it into the screen using vigorous circular motions. Every 30 seconds, wipe the surface with a dry cloth and, if necessary, repeat the manipulations from the beginning. After removing the scratches, run a soft cloth over the phone to remove any remaining solution and dirt.

GOI and Displex pastes

GOI paste is a green solid substance that was created in Soviet times specifically for polishing various surfaces (glass, metal and ceramics). IN modern world It is used to remove scratches and minor damage from the phone screen. To polish, apply a small amount of product to the surface and rub in a circular motion. Remove any remaining substance with a soft cloth. After carrying out such manipulations, the phone will become like new.

Scratches can be removed using Displex paste. This product was created specifically for polishing your phone screen. It is used similarly to GOI paste.

Other methods

Baby powder can help remove scratches from your phone screen. The talc it contains has abrasive properties. Due to its gentle action, the powder does not damage the surface. To prepare the mixture, pour the powder into a container and gradually add water, stirring constantly. The result should be a homogeneous mass without lumps, with a consistency reminiscent of cream.

Using a cotton pad or piece of cloth, apply the product to the screen and, using circular movements, clean the surface. When you're done cleaning, wipe your phone with a clean cloth or microfiber cloth.

Food can also be used to combat scratches. Damage can be removed using oil. Despite the originality of the method, it is quite simple and effective. Apply a small amount of vegetable oil to the phone screen and rub it in until the scratches become barely noticeable and the screen shines smooth.

Can be used for screen polishing special means: Silicone Grease and substances for polishing CDs. Apply the substance to the surface and distribute evenly with a cotton pad.

The most extreme way to remove scratches is to use chemical solvents. In most cases, acetone-based nail polish remover is used for this purpose. However, the result may be unpredictable, so use it only in exceptional cases.

To prevent scratches and not waste time fixing them, take care of the safety of your phone.

  • After purchasing a new device, purchase a protective film or strained glass to the screen.
  • Polish and clean your screen regularly. Wipe the surface as often as possible, as the accumulation of dust and foreign particles contributes to the appearance of scratches.
  • Wipe touch screen microfiber cloth to remove fingerprints and grease that may interfere with operation.
  • Cover the surface immediately after polishing before it becomes dirty or damaged.
  • Carry your phone in a case or in a separate pocket, avoiding its contact with keys, small change and other objects that can scratch the surface.

You can remove scratches from your phone screen at home using improvised or special tools. However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove significant damage without the help of a specialist. Avoid scratching the screen touch phone compliance will help preventive measures And proper care behind the device.

If the screen of your smartphone or tablet becomes scratched during use, you can restore its shine and smoothness at home. To do this, purchase ready-made kits that include polishing paste and special napkins. However, you can use proven folk remedies, which are no less effective and will be more economical. When carrying out the procedure, it is important to act carefully so as not to scratch the display even more.

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    Before you begin the scratch removal procedure, it is worth performing a number of preparatory steps:

    • turn off the phone;
    • cover all external connectors (for headphones, charging, etc.) and the camera with masking tape or electrical tape so that water and other substances do not get inside the device when working;
    • To begin with, the effect of the selected composition can be tested in a small area, for example, in the corner of the screen.

    Some scratches will take a lot of time to remove. But you should not rush during the work, otherwise you may damage the display.

    Methods for removing scratches

    To remove scratches from your phone screen at home, you can use proven folk remedies. They can be found in almost any home and do not require additional costs.

    In addition, in specialized stores you can purchase ready-made compounds and tools for removing microdamage on your smartphone display.

    Vegetable oil

    If there are no deep cracks on the screen, polishing it will be enough sunflower oil. This will help hide a network of small scratches and return the display to its original appearance.

    Procedure steps:

    1. 1. Apply a few drops to the screen vegetable oil.
    2. 2. Rub it in thoroughly with a cotton pad.
    3. 3. When the display becomes even and smooth, wipe it with a dry soft cloth.

    This gentle method is also suitable for removing scratches on the iPhone screen.


    Regular toothpaste will also help get rid of scratches. You will need:

    1. 1. Apply a small amount of paste to a cotton pad.
    2. 2. Wipe the scratched display in a circular motion.
    3. 3. When the damage disappears, you should polish the screen with suede, flannel or microfiber.


    More serious damage can be removed with baking soda.To do this you will need:

    1. 1. Mix soda with water to a paste.
    2. 2. Apply the resulting mixture onto a cotton pad or soft cloth.
    3. 3. Wipe the display using circular motions.
    4. 4. After removing all scratches, wipe off any remaining compound with a dry soft cloth and polish the surface with it.

    Baking soda has strong abrasive properties. Therefore, you should wipe the screen carefully so as not to scratch it further. At first you only need to lightly press the cotton pad. If the integrity of the coating is not compromised, you can gradually increase the pressure.

    Instead of baking soda, you can also use baby powder. It also contains abrasive particles.

    Paste GOI

    You can return your phone to its marketable condition using GOI paste, known since the times of the USSR. It was used for polishing optics, glasses of various devices and for cleaning jewelry.

    Mode of application:

    1. 1. Drop a little machine or vegetable oil onto the screen to make sliding easier.
    2. 2. Apply a small amount of GOI paste to a soft napkin.
    3. 3. Sand the scratched display.

    After this, wipe dry updated screen soft cloth.

    Car polish

    You can also use car polish to remove scratches from your smartphone screen. Instructions for use:

    1. 1. Apply a drop of polish to the display.
    2. 2. Rub it all over the screen with a cotton pad.
    3. 3. After eliminating microdamages, wipe off any remaining product with a dry soft cloth or a special napkin.

    You need to be especially careful when removing car polish. It contains chemicals that are harmful to the body when constant contact.

    Special means

    If you want to professionally restore your phone screen, you can purchase ready-made compositions and devices for removing scratches. Among them are:

    • Displex. This paste is comparable in effectiveness to GOI paste. In addition, in addition to the polishing paste, the HAMA Displex kit includes two napkins. One is soft microfiber, designed for rubbing in paste. The other has an antistatic effect for final polishing.
    • Polirun. The set from this manufacturer also includes paste and two napkins. However, instead of using a polishing pad with antistatic properties, a felt pad is used. The paste is characterized by the presence of microelements that lead to heating touch display. The result is a smooth and shiny screen.
    • You can also separately purchase various wipes designed specifically for polishing the displays of phones, tablets and laptops. They are used together with both improvised and ready-made means.

    Previously, a large number of CD polishing products were produced. Nowadays disks are practically not used. However, polishing compounds for them are quite suitable for removing scratches from the phone screen.

    Prevention measures

    To prevent scratches from appearing on the display of your phone or tablet, you must follow certain rules:

    • It is advisable to purchase a protective film or protective glass along with your new smartphone. They will prevent the appearance of cracks and scratches, which fully pays for their cost. For example, the new generation Gorilla Glass 4 will protect the screen from splitting even when dropped on asphalt or concrete.
    • You need to wipe the screen regularly. During operation, dust and other contaminants accumulate on it. Small particles may scratch the display.
    • You should also periodically polish the screen to remove greasy fingerprints. Immediately after the procedure, it is recommended to stick a new film or put on a cover.
    • A smartphone or tablet must be carried either in a special thick case or in a separate pocket. The device should not come into contact with small change, keys or other objects.