Dynamic menu what are its capabilities. Examples of creating static and dynamic menus. Creating a static menu

Not all templates offer the ability to use a built-in dynamic menu, when when you hover over a menu item with the mouse cursor, hidden submenus are revealed with a drop-down list. Static menus can, of course, be self-sufficient, provided that the structure of your site consists of only a few sections. But this is typical only for business card sites. As a rule, a self-respecting website has a fairly branched structure, which in itself forces one to resort to drop-down menus, since the width or height of a web page is not infinite and will not be able to place all the items in one row (the case of a horizontal menu position) or in one column ( case of a vertical menu). In addition, it has been noticed that users do not respect menus that have more than 5-10 items; it becomes tiresome for them to read through the endless list of menu items on the site, they leave it without even reaching the last item, even, perhaps, like times what they were looking for on your site. Therefore, the need for a dynamic menu is very seriously motivated. There is a special extension that is installed into your Joomla and allows you to create and design a menu at your own discretion in design mode. But even if you don’t need a dynamic menu, a static one is quite enough for you, or the site template you choose already has one, don’t rush to ignore this topic. In any case, it will allow you to better understand the specifics of web applications when you yourself work in the Swmenufree program.


This is the name of the plugin that we download from here and install in a way that is already known to us on our website. After installation, select “SwMenuFree” in the “Components” menu and go to the control panel of this program. We have a window with many settings and tabs “Module Options”, “Dimensions and Position”, “Color and Background”, “Fonts and Indents”, “Borders and Effects”. You shouldn’t be particularly intimidated by the abundance of customizable parameters, but let’s make a reservation right away: the work ahead is creative.

In the “Module name” line, we immediately enter the name of the menu that we are going to create. This name is important for the system, and not for us, because after creating a menu with this name, you still will not see the menu of your site in the list. The fact is that we are not creating a new menu as such, but converting the contents of any of the already created ones into a new, dynamic version. We used the name "Dynamic Menu" for clarity.

In the “Menu Source” line, select “Trans Menu”, since this option, of all three possible, is the most optimal for our template. Those who don’t believe, let them try the rest in order to ultimately agree with our version.

The “Menu Source” line allows us to select from the list the already existing site menu that we want to present in a dynamic form. Actually, the choice is not great, because we still have only one menu - Main, with the system name mainmenu. We choose him from this list.

In the “Parent” line we leave the value TOP. This means that our menu is not a child branch, but itself acts as a parent, capable of “spawning” other menu branches.

Let’s go down to the next settings block – “Style Sheet Options”. In the “Load table” line, select “Implement style directly into the page”, this will allow our menu to use exactly those design styles that we ourselves will set for it, ignoring the styles imposed by the site template.

We do not write anything in the line “Module class suffix”.

We ignore the next block “Caching Settings”.

Block “General module parameters”. Place the checkboxes as shown in the figure.

Block "Placement and access". In the line “Module placement” we put header1 (this position of the horizontal menu is intended for of this template. By the way, we have this moment there is a site search module, so you will need to first switch it to another position - banner).

We do not touch other settings in this tab, while we only have one menu on the site, they are not relevant, and the default values ​​​​set in them are quite satisfactory for us. However, if you want your main menu to be displayed not on all pages of the site, but only on a few, select the one you need in the “Display menu module on pages” block.

Go to the next tab - “Dimensions and Position”. Here we can configure the height, width of menu and submenu elements, as well as the way they are positioned on the page.

“Menu Position and Orientation” block. In the line “Menu - Alignment:” put left, because Aligning menu text to the left is considered optimal. In the line “Menu / Submenu - Orientation:” select horizontal/down/right (horizontal-down-right). Don’t forget to click the “View” button after each change you make to the settings. After which you will see your menu in a separate window in which it functions and looks the way it will look on the page after saving the results. After admiring it, you can close this window.

Block “Menu Element Sizes”. Here all values ​​are zero, which means the menu items are sized according to the size of the text it contains. This is a very good option for us, because... we are creating a horizontal menu, and in it, unlike a vertical one, all elements should not be the same size.

In the “Top-level menu offsets” and “Submenu offsets” blocks you can set the amount of offset of menu elements relative to each other. Although there is no particular objective need for this.

Tab "Color and background". This is where the fun begins. Here we must show maximum creativity by designing all the elements of our menu in colors that are in harmony with the background of the site template. The background of menu items can be filled with color and images (think PowerPoint!). Moreover, filling with an image has a dominant meaning over filling with color: if you fill with both options, the resulting fill will be an image. Since we don't have any images, the block " Background images"We're skipping it for now. And in the “Background Color” block we begin to work. Just below is a color selection palette and a hint on how to do this: “Select a color from the palette and click the button choice next to the field to which you want to apply the selected color."

Don't forget to review the result every time. See for yourself what colors to choose, but it would still be better to click the “Save” button after viewing in a separate window and go to the main page of the site (if you work with the site in two tabs - the main page and the admin panel - as we initially suggested, then not It will be difficult to switch to the next browser tab) to see with your own eyes how the selected color matches the background of the site template.

But we cannot use all the possibilities.

Changing the menu structure

First, going to the main page, we see that we have two main menus: one is the new one that we are currently working on, and the other is the old one, which is in its position on the right side of the page. Don’t be surprised if the menus are not duplicated; one of them must be disabled, namely the old one, or rather, the module for displaying it must be disabled. Go to “Extensions” - “Modules” and disable the “Main Menu” module by clicking on the green checkmark in its line, turning it into a red circle with a white cross. We go to the tab in which the main page is open and see that there is only one menu left.

Secondly, we cannot customize the design of the submenus, since we don’t have them yet. Therefore, we need to rebuild the structure of our menu so that the main elements become sub-items.

To do this, go to the settings menu: “Menu” - “Main Menu”. Here is a list of the main menu items. Let's leave two of them as main ones, and move the rest into submenus. We will need to sequentially open each of the main menu elements “sentenced” to the role of submenu and in the “Parent menu item” line click on the element whose submenu we are making this element. The figure already shows the result of five consecutive selections for each element (the former main elements “Forum”, “Gallery”, “Download”, “Category Blog”, “Demonstration”, whose parent element was previously the invisible item “Top”, have become “children” » main item “Opportunities”).

To better understand the mechanism of these changes, I recommend that after each change in the status of a menu item and saving it, go to the main page, press F5 and look at the result. Two or three times, I think, will be enough. You can go even further and further complicate the menu, for example, by making the “Loading” sub-item the parent of the last two elements. As a result, we will have a three-level hierarchy in our menu.

The number of levels that can be created in this way is not limited, but it is not recommended to create more than three levels.

Now we return to the SwMenuFree control panel and customize the remaining submenu elements, as well as the font color and border color in the corresponding blocks of the same name in the “Color and Background” tab. It should be clarified that the color of the menu, submenu and font is set for two options: outside the cursor and when the mouse cursor is hovering over the sub-item (item and its contents). These colors, of course, must be different.

"Fonts and Indents" tab. Here you can select the font type and indents from the border of the menu cell to the text of this cell. I recommend not changing anything here except the font thickness, since the usual style sometimes merges with the fill background (in the “Font Density” block, select bold).

Borders and Effects tab. The picture shows our settings.

Click save. The menu is ready. You no longer need to go to the SwMenuFree control panel, unless you decide to change the design color when current template or when changing the site template, because However, the menu design settings are not saved.

But we haven't yet considered the possibility of filling the background with a pattern.

Filling the menu background with a pattern

This method is more complicated, but the design possibilities are unlimited. To create images we will use GIMP (I remember that in lesson 5 we used it to create a website logo, or rather, we tried to create it).

We need to create a transparent image with a size of 200 × 200px. “File” - “Create”.

Dialog window settings as in the picture. Now take the “Rectangular Selection” tool (press the R key) and draw a selection frame 100 pixels wide and 25 pixels high on our transparent image. In the toolbar, in the “Size” line, when you move the mouse, you see changing numbers for the height and width of the created selection; depending on these values, we direct our mouse in one direction or another until the values ​​are equal to 100 and 25 pixels, respectively. We must fill the resulting selection with a dark brown color using the Flat Fill tool (Shift+B) and selecting the desired color in the palette. The palette is brought up on the screen by clicking on the foreground color rectangle in the toolbar. (In general, all panel buttons have tooltips; just hold the cursor on any significant element of the panel - a tooltip immediately pops up).

In the palette, you need to click the cursor on the appropriate color and agree with the choice. After that, click inside the selection and it will be filled with the selected color.

Now we need to select a 3 pixel thick strip along the bottom edge of our fill. We do this as we just selected the first area, focusing on the numbers in the toolbar (in the “Size” line). If you have already released the cursor, but the numbers are still not the same, say, more or less than necessary, move the cursor to the selection border. As soon as it changes shape, press down left button mouse and drag the cursor down or up. Letting go of the mouse, we see that in this way we have increased or decreased the selection area. Let's try again, bringing the selection area to the size we need. Fill it with orange.

Now make the layer partially transparent: menu “Windows” - “Panels” - “Layers”. In the panel that appears, we see the rectangle of the current layer, select it by clicking and move the slider in the “Opacity” line so that the value becomes equal to 80. Our fill has become a little transparent. Now from all this fill we need to cut out a thin strip 25 pixels high and 3 pixels wide. We take the “Crop” tool and, as before with the selection tool, we cover the desired rectangle, again focusing on the dimensions in the panel. If we miss, we correct the error, just like with selection; in terms of correcting errors, these are identical tools. (To work with small objects, it is better to increase the image scale to 200-400%. Drop-down list with possible sizes scale - in the status bar of the window with the image, it is difficult to miss.) After required sizes achieved, click inside the selected rectangle and get our first ready-made image for the menu button. Don't be surprised that it's so small; the browser will repeat it as many times as necessary to fill the entire area of ​​the button. We save it in .png format on the Desktop under the name a2.

Create another 25 by 3 pixel rectangular image, only filled with a solid brown color, the same as the first one. Save it under the name a1.png.

Go to the site admin panel and launch SwMenuFree. Tab "Color and background". Block "Background images". Line “Menu - background:”, button “Select”. We now need to upload our images to the site. In the window that appears, click the “Browse” button. We indicate our image a1.png on the Desktop and click the Upload button. It is downloaded to a folder on the site. To insert it as the background of a menu item, click directly on the image uploaded to the site and click OK. We do the same thing, but only in the line “Menu - background on hover:” with the image a2.png.

If everything was done correctly, the result was a very original menu: in a quiet state, the menu is monochromatic, and when you hover the cursor, an orange stripe appears at the bottom of the menu item. When you quickly move your mouse through the menu, this bar quickly runs across the entire menu.

Control questions:

  1. Name the advantages of a dynamic menu over a static one.
  2. What is a “parent” in dynamic menu terminology.
  3. How can I change the structure of an already created menu?
  4. What are the specifics of working in joomla extensions, in other words, web applications?
  5. What happens if, after setting up a menu in the SwMenuFree application, you connect the site to another template? List possible problems.

Test tasks:

  1. Consider the image design for your menu.
  2. Create four images in GIMP: two for the menu, two for the submenu.
  3. Install images on your menu.
  4. Send a link to your site for control.

Questions for the exam

updated:17.0 8.1 2

1. Concept, main functions, types operating systems.

2. Operating system functions.

3. Operating environment.

5. Machine-dependent properties of operating systems.

6. What is the purpose of the OS file system?

7. What is a file? What file structures are supported by different operating systems?

8. What is a directory (directories)? What are catalogs used for?

9. What file operations are provided by operating systems?

10. Describe the commands of the MS DOS operating system.

11. Describe the OS shell interface Norton Commander.

12. Describe the style of working using the Windows shell.

13. In what ways is Windows 95 superior to Windows 3.11?

14. Maintenance of operating systems.

15. What functions does the Start menu perform? Search?

16. How to call the dynamic menu, and what are its capabilities?

17. What events in the development of the technical base of computers became milestones in the history of operating systems?

18. What was the fundamental difference between the first monitors batch processing from system processing programs that already existed by this time? translators, loaders, linkers, procedure libraries?

19. Machine-independent properties of operating systems.

20. How has the attitude towards the concept of multiprogramming evolved throughout the history of the OS?

21. Security and fault tolerance of operating systems.

22. What explains the special place of the UNIX OS in the history of operating systems?

23. Describe the history of network operating systems.

24. What are the current trends in OS development?

25. Explain the definition of an operating system as an extended machine.

26. According to the definition of an OS, its main functions are to provide convenience to the user and effectively manage computer resources. Which of these two functions should have dominated the multiprogram operating systems of the IBM/360 era? And in the first OS for personal computers?

27. What is the difference in virtual machines provided by the operating system to a simple user and application programmer?

28. Compare the interface application programmer with the operating system and the system programmer interface with real hardware. What about the variety and power of interface functions available to each of them?

29. Name the abstractly formulated OS tasks for managing any type of resource. Specify these tasks in relation to the processor, memory, and external devices.

30. Insert the missing definitions: ?The user... OS does not need to know which computer on the network stores the files he is working with, but the user... OS usually needs this information?.

31. Standard programs operating system.

32. What is the minimum functionality need to be added to the local OS so that it becomes a network OS?

33. List the main network services. Which of them are usually built into the operating system?

34. Support for applications of other operating systems, ways to organize device support, hardware drivers, concept, functions and methods of using the operating system software interface.

35. Explain the meaning of the following terms in relation to network operating systems: “service”, “server”, “client”, “service”, “shell”, “service”, “redirector”. Which of them are used as synonyms?

36. Can a network shell work on a network OS?

37. In what cases can it be useful to have several server (client) parts of file services at once?

38. Types of user interface.

39. Can a dedicated server make requests to client station resources?

40. Give examples of peer-to-peer OS and dedicated server OS.

41. Which of the following terms are synonyms? O privileged mode;

About protected mode; O supervisor mode; About user mode; ABOUT real mode; About kernel mode.

42. Is it possible, by analyzing the binary code of a program, to conclude that it is impossible to execute it in user mode?

43. What are the differences in processor operation in privileged and user modes?

44. Ideally, a microkernel OS architecture requires placing in the microkernel only those OS components that cannot be executed in user mode. What forces operating system developers to move away from this principle and expand the kernel by moving functions into it that could be implemented as server processes?

45. What stages does the development of a mobile OS version for a new hardware platform include?

46.Describe how applications interact with an OS that has a microkernel architecture.

47. What are the different stages of executing a system call in a microkernel OS and an OS with a monolithic kernel?

48. Can a program emulated on a foreign language? processor, execute faster than on? dear??

49. MS DOS file structure.

50. Types of MS DOS user interface.

51. Concept, functions and methods of using the software interface of the MS DOS operating system.

52. Control and maintenance facilities. Installation and maintenance of operating systems.

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Social work in the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia has become most widespread since the 90s of the 20th century. It is conducted by the administration and its staff, medical, social and other workers, psychologists. In the social work of medical staff in the Federal Penitentiary Service, there are a number of functions: - primary study of the prisoner according to documents; - medical assistance; - overcoming psychological stress; - monitoring the health of prisoners and their treatment; - drawing up, together with the administration and psychologist and social services, a correction plan for the convicted person, etc. In socio-medical work, two aspects are clearly distinguished - legal and psychological. Socio-medical and psychological work among prisoners has its own specifics. It is carried out in extreme conditions, in the context of deprivation of liberty of the offender, in the presence of psychological and pathological characteristics of the individual - the object of influence, in a criminogenic environment, and so on.

In social work in the penitentiary system, there are certain methods of influencing convicts: monitoring crime through the criminal using documents, conversations, interviews, etc. types of social therapy. An important role is also played by progressive methods of “expanding positive social connections and relationships” of prisoners, the gradual displacement of unhealthy needs, antisocial views, aggressive feelings, and negative emotions. It is carried out through the introduction of convicts to artistic literature, music, art, sports, etc. Of particular importance in social work in the Federal Penitentiary Service are measures to rehabilitate the health of convicts and prepare them for release. In the course of social work, medical workers should recommend to prisoners and improving the general educational level and specialty. An important role in social rehabilitation is given to promoting a healthy lifestyle, formation of an attitude towards self-preservation (self-protection) behavior, giving up bad habits: drinking alcohol, smoking, especially for patients with tuberculosis, drugs; carrying out individual morning exercises, personal hygiene, introduction to sports, participation in competitions. Many problems in the Federal Penitentiary Service are created by amnesties, which in recent years have been held annually (in 1999, 2000, at the end of 2001). Suddenly, without completing a course of treatment, without sufficient advice and recommendations, medicines, necessary clothing and shoes, tens of thousands of patients, including those with tuberculosis, are released into the wild. Thus, according to the amnesty of 2000, all patients with tuberculosis and disabled people of groups 1 and 2 who had not committed serious or especially serious crimes were released. Finding themselves free at the same time, they worsened the epidemiological situation and social-psychological climate in the country and increased the number of unemployed and homeless. In this regard, contacts and connections between doctors and various public organizations that provide assistance to persons who have served their sentences in the Russian Federation are important. There are more than 200 such organizations in the country. For example, in 1998, a rehabilitation center was created in Ivanovo, providing free medical services to former prisoners, including consolidating the results of treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction in the region. On the banks of the Kama River, opposite Naberezhnye Chelny, a phthisiopulmonological rehabilitation center has been created. Former convicts are sent here, and here they can live, adapting to the realities of freedom, for 3-6 months. At the end of 2001, a rehabilitation center for released teenagers was opened in Arkhangelsk, where they can stay for a month. There are public funds and centers to provide assistance to the prisoners themselves. Thus, in Novodvinsk there is a Nadezhda foundation that helps prisoners solve their problems, including by donating medicines to them.

11. Organization of medical and social work in a children's clinic. Model of medical and social monitoring of children in a children's clinic

Medical purpose-social activity – achieving the highest possible level of health, functioning and adaptation of persons with physical and mental pathologies, as well as socially disadvantaged people.

Objects of medical and social work in a children's clinic– various contingents of people with pronounced medical and social problems (long-term and often ill, socially maladjusted, orphans, large and asocial families, disabled people, etc.), mutually potentiating each other, the solution of which is difficult within the framework of unilateral professional measures. Working with such contingents, the number of which is steadily growing, is equally difficult and ineffective for both medical workers and specialists in social work, since they inevitably face a range of problems that go beyond their professional competence and impede successful narrow professional activities.

Basic principles domestic child health system are compliance with the rights of children and adolescents in the field of health protection And prevention.

Main The functional responsibilities of the employees of the medical and social care department are:

 identification and recording of families at medical and social risk, identifying from them families of high social risk (families of alcoholics, drug addicts, disabled children, young mothers, single mothers, etc.);

 study of the needs of these families for specific types of medical and social assistance;

 conducting all types of patronage (for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children in the first year of life, etc.), identifying risk factors with the subsequent transfer of this information medical workers;

 providing assistance to families in solving their social and everyday problems, incl. housing, material, working conditions, placement of children in preschool institutions, boarding schools, etc.;

 provision of advisory services, incl. pedagogical, psychological assistance families at social risk;

 providing social and legal assistance (active explanation of the rights and responsibilities of these families, as well as social benefits provided by the state, etc.);

 organization and control over the receipt by young children free food And drug provision, other benefits;

 providing assistance to families in raising children;

 carrying out, together with medical personnel, sanitary and educational work on hygienic education of children, promoting a healthy lifestyle;

 implementation of family planning activities;

 organization of interconnection and mutual assistance in the work of various institutions and departments (municipal service, social welfare service, healthcare, education, law enforcement, etc.) to provide medical and social assistance to the population;

 making proposals aimed at improving legislative acts on social issues and developing medical and social assistance services;

 maintaining accounting and reporting documentation (diary of patronage premises, family passport, etc.).

The main volume of preventive work of institutions healthcare in the system of measures to protect children's health adolescence provide outpatient clinics, the leading and coordinating role among which belongs to territorial children's clinics (primary, secondary and tertiary prevention), related to primary health care institutions.

First level (I) provided by children's clinics and implemented in close cooperation with educational institutions.

Second level (II) is provided by medical specialists and diagnostic services of children's clinics, hospitals, and specialized dispensaries.

Third level (III) provided by the Children's Clinical Hospital.

12. Occupational therapy (definition, principles, technologies)

The term occupational therapy comes from English occupatinal therapy - occupational therapy. Occupational therapy (OT) involves activities aimed at the rehabilitation of persons who, for health reasons, need help in caring for themselves, spending leisure time and performing work activities. All these types of occupations are combined into the concept of occupational activity. The work of occupational health professionals is aimed at helping individuals whose occupational activities are affected by injury or illness, mental or emotional disorders, congenital or acquired diseases, or as a result of age-related changes. The purpose of OT is: * expanding the independence and autonomy of a person in terms of the listed activities; * ensuring the successful and independent implementation of occupation actions. OT object are people in need of restoration and normalization of occupation activities. In this case, the manifestation of clinical disorders is considered only taking into account the relationship with occupational activities. Medicine collects information about the signs and symptoms of diseases, disorders, or injuries and develops treatments. OT collects information about self-care, leisure and work activities of patients and implements a strategy aimed at restoring and normalizing occupational activities. A synonym for occupational therapy is Ergotherapy (occupational therapy). This term is used in Germany and France due to the difficulties of accurately translating occupational therapy into national languages. In Russia, the closest concept to occupational therapy is the term “social rehabilitation” (social-everyday adaptation and social-environmental orientation), which is described in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On social protection disabled people in Russian Federation", 11/24/95 OT can use various methods to help the patient regain an independent lifestyle. This can include medical rehabilitation, social adaptation, and restoration of activity through the use of assistive devices.

OT is guided by the following principles.* Participation in OT is vital. Such participation allows a person to satisfy natural needs, acquire the skills and abilities necessary to overcome life's problems, achieving a sense of satisfaction and meaning. * an important component of human social adaptation * Participation depends on the influence of a number of factors, which include individual characteristics, the nature and meaning of occupational activity, the social and environmental environment against which this activity is carried out. * Each patient is actively involved in the OT process. * Each person has opportunities for his own development and improvement. * There must be a balance between the elements that make up the activities, which is necessary to ensure a healthy and favorable lifestyle. Self-care, leisure and work activities form a certain structure in a person’s daily life. The ability to operate in each of the three areas ensures that a person's needs for activities are met. For example, a person whose self-care takes too much time will not be able to participate in work activities and, therefore, satisfy the need for meaningful social sphere or achieve economic independence. * The OT specialist must take into account the age characteristics of the patient. * The patient's involvement in occupational activities is considered normal and socially justified. Therefore, both the patient's capabilities and the characteristics of the environment must be taken into account. * Occupational activities are used as therapy. Occupational activities allow patients to develop abilities and skills that can be used in everyday life. They allow patients to adapt to their environment. Based on the foregoing, we can say that occupational therapy consists of a complex of knowledge, skills and abilities that help people with disabilities maintain health, reduce the effects of disability and lead an independent lifestyle.

Key element of occupational therapy- is the choice of activities that not only develop skills that are essential for independent functioning, but also have significance for the person in need of rehabilitation. For example, achieving independence in cooking is a vital goal only for people who have previously done it or must do it now in order to remain independent. Successful satisfaction of the individual's needs in the context of his environment is, as it were, a trademark of occupational therapy.
Thus, as a direction in rehabilitation, occupational therapy has two sides: rehabilitation, aimed at productive activities for one’s own service, therapeutic, aimed at restoring a lost skill through the use of different methods and special equipment.

Technologies - agrotherapy, zootherapy, computer technologies A special place among computer technology occupy "social" computer programs, simulating situations in a store, subway, on the street, etc., which allows a child with disabilities to adapt to one or another unfamiliar life situation., play therapy, etc. INCLUSIVE EDUCATION equal opportunities


1.Describe the place of operating systems among other types of software.

There are many programs running on the computer at the same time:
one program displays the image on the monitor (video driver)
another program outputs to a printer (printer driver)
third - works with the mouse (mouse driver)
fourth - with keyboard
the fifth - with a hard drive,
And the OS integrates the work of these programs and manages them

2.What are the functions of the operating system?

Main functions of the operating system:

1. Data exchange between the computer and various peripheral devices (terminals, printers, floppy disks, hard drives etc.). This data exchange is called "data input/output".

2. Providing a system for organizing and storing files.

4. Organizing a dialogue with the user.

3.Describe the main steps in the evolution of operating systems.

First generation.

40s. The first digital computers without an OS. The organization of the computing process is decided by the programmer from the control panel.

Second generation.

50s. The emergence of the OS prototype - monitor systems that implement a batch processing system for tasks.

Batch mode

Necessity optimal use expensive computing resources led to the emergence of the concept of “batch mode” program execution. Batch mode assumes the presence of a queue of programs for execution, and the OS can ensure that the program is loaded from external media data into RAM without waiting for the previous program to complete execution, which avoids processor downtime.

Third generation.

1965-1980 Transition to integrated circuits. IBM/360. Almost all the basic concepts inherent in modern operating systems are implemented: time sharing And multitasking, separation of powers, real time, file structures And file systems. The implementation of multiprogramming required the introduction of very important changes to the computer hardware: privileged and user modes, means of protecting memory areas, and a developed interrupt system.

Time sharing and multitasking

Already the batch mode in its developed version requires the division of processor time between the execution of several programs. The need for time sharing (multitasking, multiprogramming) became even stronger with the proliferation of teletypes (and later terminals with cathode ray displays) as input/output devices (1960s). Because speed keyboard input(and even reading from the screen) data by the operator is much lower than the speed of processing this data by the computer, using the computer in an “exclusive” mode (with one operator) could lead to downtime of expensive computing resources.

Time sharing allowed the creation of "multi-user" systems, in which one (usually) central processor and block of RAM was connected to numerous terminals. In this case, some tasks (such as entering or editing data by an operator) could be performed in dialog mode, and other tasks (such as massive calculations) could be performed in batch mode.

Fourth generation.

Late 70s. A working version of the TCP/IP protocol stack has been created. It was standardized in 1983. Vendor independence, flexibility and efficiency, proven by the successful operation of the Internet, have made this protocol stack the main stack for most operating systems.

Early 80s. The advent of personal computers. Rapid growth local networks. Support network functions became a necessary condition. 80s. Basic standards for communication technologies local networks: Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI. This made it possible to ensure compatibility of network operating systems at lower levels.

Early 90s. Almost all operating systems have become networked. Specialized network operating systems have appeared (for example, IOS running in routers)

Last decade. Particular attention to corporate network operating systems, which are characterized by a high degree of scalability, support networking, advanced security tools, the ability to work in a heterogeneous environment, the availability of centralized administration tools.

4.Describe the style of working with graphical operating systems Windows family.

With the transition to personal computers with an 80386 processor and increased memory (at least 4 MB), Norton Commander and the typical DOS style of working in text mode were replaced by the Windows shell and a new style of working with a graphical interface. Graphic idea Windows interface borrowed by Microsoft, which had long specialized in operating systems for IBM personal computers, from the operating system for Apple computers. Sometimes Windows is defined not as a shell, but as something more, using a term like " operating environment" In this case, it is assumed that if a classic shell (such as Norton Commander) only modifies the user interface, then a program like Windows additionally takes over the management of programs and tasks, i.e. implements the basic functions of the operating system.

Fundamentally important features Windows, compared to MS DOS, is multitasking (simultaneous execution of several processes is allowed) and the ability to exchange data between running programs. It is also important that Windows uses extended RAM (much more than 640 KB) and implies a single interface for all application programs. It is not for nothing that the concept of “programming for Windows” has become established, i.e. focus on a standard graphical interface.

Windows name- “windows” - speaks for itself. This operating system shell is built on the basis of graphical windows corresponding to software and groups of software that the user can control, resize, move around the screen, open and close at will.

Windows shell designed to work with a mouse. All operations in this environment are highly unified, all software have very similar interfaces and control principles, which significantly speeds up the development of new software tools.

5.Name the main ones Windows objects and describe their purpose

Folder A group of files combined according to some criterion (analogous to NC - a directory).
Document Usually depicted on Desktop like pieces of paper with curled corners. Document – ​​any file processed using applications (programs). A document may contain text, graphic, audio and video information.
Shortcuts Easily recognized by the curved arrow in the lower left corner of the icon. Shortcuts are a highly effective means of accelerating access to objects. A shortcut can be “attached” to any object - a file, program, network folder, disk, icon and placed in any area of ​​the user interface. Double click a shortcut opens the object with which it is associated.
Programs Unlike other objects, each has its own “face” (pictogram).
Clipboard An effective remedy application integration. It can be thought of as some dynamic RAM space for temporary storage of exchange data. To enter information into the clipboard and retrieve it, Windows has commands in its menus Copy, Cut, Insert.

6.What functions does the Start menu perform? Search?

Start Menu in Windows XP:

· Display user name and avatar

· Browser access and Email to the client

· Access to frequently used programs

· Opening special folders

· Shutting down the computer


· Searches for files and folders, as well as computers on the network

7.How to call a dynamic menu and what are its capabilities?

For quick call For frequently repeated commands, you can use the dynamic menu, which is called up with the right mouse button. The dynamic menu (Fig.) contains frequently used commands. The set of commands depends on the selected object: a drive icon, folder or file, selected text, taskbar, or free space screen.

If you right-click the disk icon in the My Computer program window, the following commands will appear: Open, Explorer, Find, Partition, Format, Paste, Create Shortcut. Properties. Just like for a disk, the dynamic menu commands for a file depend on the file type and duplicate the File menu. It is convenient to use the right mouse button to move or copy a file from one window to another in the My Computer or Explorer folder. After transposing a folder/file icon with the right mouse button pressed, a dynamic menu appears that allows you to specify the purpose of transportation: move or copy an object, create a shortcut icon.

(dynamic menu)

8.Describe the purpose of the Windows main system menu items.

The main system menu contains the following main items.

Menu of frequently launched programs. These lines usually contain programs that are in greatest demand, i.e. are launched more often than others.

All programs.

My Documents, Recent Documents, Drawings, My Music, My Computer. The second item displays a menu consisting of recently opened documents.

Control Panel. Contains in turn a submenu of large number items corresponding to the system setup tools: Administration, Date and time, and so on.

Administration, Network connections, Printers and faxes.

Help and support. Provides access to help information on working with Windows. The certificate can be obtained in three versions: by general content, by subject index, on command Search(search for a list of sections where the term of interest appears).

Search. Searches for files and folders, as well as computers on the network.

Execute. Allows you to launch programs at the specified path.

9.What are the principles of Plug and Play OLE and Drag and Drop?

Plug and Play(plug and play). This technology is focused on automatic recognition, installation and configuration of any type of device, including a monitor, video card, printer, sound card, modem, CD-ROM, various controllers hard drive. It allows you to simplify the setup and management of equipment and ensure reliable operation without failures.

OLEObject Link and Embedding(communication and implementation of objects). OLE object– an arbitrary element created by means of any Windows applications, which can be placed (embedded and/or linked) into a document in another Windows application. At the same time, by introducing into an application document an object created in another application, it is possible to edit this object using the means of the “native” application.

There are two ways to implement OLE technology.

· First way- via clipboard.

· Second way– application command Insert/Object...

It is necessary to distinguish between operations Implement And To tie.

When embedded, the object becomes part of the destination document and loses its connection to the source file (if there was one). The embedded object can be edited using the “father” – the OLE source, but changes made are not reflected on the source file (and conversely, "offline" changes to the source file are not reflected on the embedded object).

You can only associate an object with a receiver that is formatted as a document file (i.e., registered in file system at the exact address). When updating a document file using the “father” (OLE source) means, the changes are reflected in the destination document (either automatically or at the user’s direction).

Drag and Drop– a method used to copy or move a selected piece of information, icon, window, object to another position. For example, if, having selected a section of the picture with scissors, point at it with the mouse cursor by pressing the left or right button and hold it, you can “drag” the area to a new location. If you hold down the key while dragging , the fragment will be copied to a new location. In addition, using the Drag and Drop method, you can change the boundaries of a paragraph and page of a document, the width and height of table rows, and create custom panels tools and perform many other operations. Drag and Drop is used in OLE technology, in information systems for physical and logical movement of documents, etc.

10.Describe a typical Windows window.

The main object of the Windows interface is window– a rectangular part of the screen that allows you to view the information displayed in it. There are three types of windows:

Program (application) window;

Document window (program processing object window);

Dialog box (processing tool). Windows window elements are shown in the figure

System menu contains commands for resizing the window, moving it, minimizing it to icon size, and closing it.

Status bar contains a variety of help information depending on current mode work.

Horizontal menu bar contains groups of commands united by functional characteristics. Help information can be accessed via the button

Some window toolbar buttons (see figure) have obvious meanings.

Let us describe some possible manipulations with window sizes.

1. Using the buttons located in the title bar of the window:

Button Collapse minimizes the window into a button and places it on Taskbars.

To expand the window again, you must click on this button;

Button Expand increases the window size to the maximum possible;

Button Restore changes the window size from maximum to medium and back.

2. Using the mouse:

Move the mouse pointer to the window border (vertical, horizontal, corner) that needs to be changed (the pointer will look like double arrows);

While holding down the left mouse button, move the pointer in the desired direction.

3. You can close the window in the following ways:

Key combination And ;

Clicking a button Close window title lines;

Activate the system menu and select a command Close;

Run command File/Close.

11. Describe standard Windows applications.

There is a group of application programs integrated into Windows called standard applications. These are relatively modest in capabilities (compared to specialized ones) programs, but convenient for performing simple work. Links to standard applications are concentrated in the folder Standard among all programs.

As the family develops Windows standard applications are also being improved. Text editor Notebook(Notepad) allows you to work with small unformatted texts, and its more powerful version WordPad is an intermediate text editor in terms of capabilities between Notepad and a powerful word processor Word. Graphics editor Paint – improved version of the editor PaintBrush allows you to create and edit simple images, color their fragments, erase and add new ones; Besides, Paint can be useful as an intermediate environment when exchanging pictures between applications, when you need to cut a fragment from a picture, etc. Program Imaging provides: viewing graphic documents and their properties, scaling, working with fragments, obtaining graphic document by scanning the image onto paper, adding comments. Calculator capable of operating in two modes: simple calculations(only arithmetic operations) and engineering calculations (many mathematical functions, different number systems, use of parentheses, etc.). In special folders among standard applications There are games, including those using the Internet, as well as entertainment tools that allow you to view video files, listen to audio CDs, and create your own videos.

12.Describe the development of operating systems of the Windows family.

The Windows 95 system was successively replaced by:

Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000 family (Professional, Server and Advanced Server) and Windows XP ( Home Edition, Professional) – and this list is not closed. Windows NT and Windows 2000 Server (Advanced Server) are aimed at servicing local networks (discussion of network operating systems will be postponed until Chapter 5), and Windows 98, Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP systems directly continue the line of Windows 95 and are intended for organizing PC operation.

Each next version systems like Windows, while preserving the basic principles of constructing the user interface of the Windows 95 system, provide, generally speaking, more features for the user than the previous one. At the same time, each subsequent version of the system places more and more demands on the speed of the computer, the amount of RAM and hard drive.

New capabilities of these systems.

OS Windows 98 is a direct improvement of Windows 95. They have so much in common that in the literature they are often referred to as a collective named Windows 9x. However, in many ways, Windows 98 is superior to its predecessor. It has a more streamlined and richer user interface and greatly simplifies access to Internet resources. The latter was achieved by including a browser program in Windows 98 Internet Explorer 4.0 and the ability to access the Internet from various panels and windows. IN Internet Explorer email program included Outlook Express and other communication programs. The possibilities for using multimedia applications have been significantly expanded, i.e. programs that use both graphical and sound aids display as well as moving images.

OS Windows 2000 Professional expands the PC user's capabilities in the following areas:

Installing the system and updating system files;

Increased security;

Internet support;

Support for multimedia applications;

Working on a laptop computer in battery mode.

Windows 2000 Professional can support a computer with two central processors and much larger RAM. New features (in relation to Windows 9x) are associated with a more convenient OS installation procedure (including installation over a network), with greater protection from failures. The system supports a multilingual user interface. It is characterized by accelerated multitasking, i.e. you can simultaneously perform more tasks than in Windows 9x. The system allows for the possibility parallel use on one computer with Windows systems 9x, including folder and peripheral sharing. A special service is organized for laptop computers. So, it allows you to use “sleep mode” by remembering current setting desktop, subsequent complete shutdown power supply with restoration of the operating state at the user's request.

When working on a network, the system allows you to create a mirror copy of documents stored on the network on your computer, and then process these documents while disconnected from the network.

Continuing to improve the Windows OS in the directions indicated above led to the creation of the OS Windows XP. It has an updated user interface, which can be adapted to the user’s personal work habits, allows you to group similar applications under a common button on Taskbars. New or significantly improved programs for working with audio and video data have been installed, and communication capabilities have been strengthened; in particular, users can collaborate on applications (while working online). System files protected from damage (overwriting) when installing new applications. Of course, every a new version Windows OS inherits best features predecessors.