Types of documents. Using graphics in Microsoft Word documents. Importing graphics into a Word document

The document arose, first of all, to record information and give it legal force.

GOST R 51141-98 gives us the following definition:

Document(documented information) - recorded on material medium information with details that allow its identification.

In GOST ISO 15489-1-2007

Document is defined as identifiable information recorded on a tangible medium created, received and maintained by an organization or an individual as evidence when confirming legal obligations or business activities.

Essence, characteristics and properties of the document

As can be seen from the definitions, they all emphasize information entity document.

New Law “On Information, information technology and on the protection of information” dated July 27, 2006 defines information as “information (messages, data) regardless of the form of their presentation.”

The document, having recorded (displayed) information, thereby ensures its preservation and accumulation, the possibility of transfer to another person, repeated use, and return to information over time.

Carrier of documented information- a material object used for fixing and storing speech, sound or visual information on it, including in transformed form.

As a carrier of information, the document acts as an indispensable element of the internal organization of any institution, enterprise, firm, ensuring the interaction of their parts. Information is the basis for making management decisions, serves as evidence of their implementation and a source for generalizations, as well as material for reference and search work. In management activities, a document acts both as an object of labor and as a result of labor, since decision recorded and enshrined in the document.

External features of the document— signs reflecting the shape and size of the document, the storage medium, recording method, and design elements.

Legal force of the document- a property of an official document imparted to it by current legislation, the competence of the body that issued it and in accordance with the established procedure registration

Document details

The document itself consists of a number of its constituent elements, which are called details. Since the professional term appears props, let's reveal its contents.

In GOST 351141-98 on terms and definitions document details is called a “mandatory element of the official document”.

Different documents consist of different sets of details. The number of details characterizing documents is determined by the purposes of creating the document, its purpose, requirements for content and form of this document, way of documentation.

Many documents are strictly limited number details. The absence or incorrect indication of any details in an official document makes the document invalid.

Document form

The set of details that make up a document is called form document. A form specific to a specific type of document, for example an order, an act, is called a standard form. Model form characterized by a certain number of details arranged in strict sequence. For example, the application form includes the following details: addressee, author, indication of the type of document, text, signature, date.

One document is a single act of documentation. But the activities of an institution are formalized and reflected by the totality of a number of in a certain way interacting documents, usually corresponding to management functions. “A set of documents interrelated based on their origin, purpose, type, scope of activity, and uniform requirements for registration” constitutes a documentation system.

Classification of documents

The whole variety of documents serving the field of management can be classified on various grounds.

Types of documents by origin:
  • personal origin;
  • official.

Document of personal origin- a document created by a person outside the scope of his official activities or the performance of public duties.

Documents of personal origin include personal correspondence, personal memoirs, and diaries. They are created in a person’s private life, outside the sphere of official activity or the performance of public duties.

Official document - a document created or created by an individual, executed and certified in the prescribed manner.

Among official documents, a group of personal ones is distinguished - these are identity documents (passport, residence permit), specialty, education (diploma, certificate), work experience (work book), etc.

Office services, as a rule, work with official documents, the vast majority of which are management documents. Management documents are created to implement management functions, such as planning, forecasting, financing, accounting, control, supply, etc.

Official document - an official document used in current activities.

Types of documents by documentation method (method of recording information or creating a document):
  • Writing document - a text document, the information of which is recorded in any type of letter.
  • Text document - a document containing speech information, recorded by any type of writing or any sound recording system.
  • Handwritten document - a written document, when created, writing marks are applied by hand.
  • Typewritten document - a written document, during the creation of which writing marks are applied by technical means.
  • Electronic document - created and read using computer technology.
  • Fine document - a document containing information expressed through an image of an object.
  • Photo document- a visual document created photographically.
  • Phonodocument- a document containing audio information, recorded by any sound recording system.
  • Film document- a visual or audiovisual document created in a cinematographic manner.
  • Document on machine media- a document created using media and recording methods that ensure processing of its information by an electronic computer.
  • Videogram document - an image of a document on the screen of a cathode ray tube.

In the management activities of any organization there are written (text) documents created by handwritten, typewritten, as well as electronic documents. Office services are busy processing just such documents. If other documents are used in the organization’s activities (for example, photographic documents or graphic documents), their creation and processing are carried out by specialized units.

Belova document - a handwritten or typewritten document, the text of which is copied from a draft document or written without erasures or corrections.

Chernova document - a handwritten or typewritten document reflecting the work of the author or editor on his text.

Types of documents depending on the relationship to the management apparatus:
  • incoming (arrived at the organization);
  • outgoing (sent from the organization);
  • internal (created in a given organization and used in internal communications).
  • The totality of these documents forms organizations.
Types of documents according to the number of issues raised:
  • simple;
  • complex.

Simple documents (for example, letters, statements) contain a statement of one issue. Complex documents include several issues; they may concern several officials, structural divisions, institutions (for example, resolutions, decisions, regulations, instructions).

According to access restrictions, documents are divided into:

Secret documents are provided with a special mark and classified as confidential. The use of such documents and work with them is carried out using special technology and requires special permission. Documents for official use containing unclassified information may be used by employees of this institution. Such documents are marked “For official use only”.

Types of documents according to the method of text presentation:
  • individual;
  • stencil;
  • typical.

IN individual documents The content is presented in the form of linked text. The originator (performer) of the individual document prepares original text, dedicated to one (or several) issue to perform a specific management task. These documents represent traditional literary text.

IN stencil documents the structure of the text is formalized, they use pre-prepared standard phrases or parts of constantly repeated text and gaps to fill in variable information. The most famous type of such documents is a questionnaire or certificate. Such documents are usually printed on a form containing constant information, and the variable is entered by hand. An option for using stencil texts is to enter them into the computer’s memory (text editor template).

Standard documents are used to document similar (repeating) situations; they are compiled on the basis of a sample (for example, standard letters, instructions, contracts, etc.). In document science, the typing method is used to create standard forms of documents and texts, i.e. samples or standards on the basis of which specific documents are created. Type text is a sample text on the basis of which texts of similar content are subsequently created.

According to the degree of authenticity, documents are divided into:
  • originals (originals);
  • copies;
  • duplicates.

Original official document(original) - the first (or only) copy of a document that has . The original is certified by the official’s handwritten signature, approval stamp, seal impression, registration index. The original must contain information confirming its authenticity (about the author, time and place of creation).

Authentic document - a document, information about the author, time and place of creation of which, contained in the document itself or identified in another way, confirms the reliability of its origin.

Original (official) document- the first or single copy of an official document

Duplicate document - a duplicate copy of the original document that has legal force

Copy document - a document that fully reproduces the information of the original document and all its external features or part of them, which has no legal force

Certified copy document - a copy of the document, on which, in accordance with the established procedure, the necessary details are affixed, giving it legal force

Doublet document - one of the copies of a document. Duplicate is a copy of an official document that has the legal force of the original and is accompanied by the mark “Duplicate”.

  • emails.

    6.1 Graphic documents contain images, sketches and diagrams of products, as well as processes in which they undergo changes. Graphic documents include drawings of parts, general views, assembly, dimensional, installation, sketches and diagrams of products, flowcharts of algorithms, structural and functional diagrams.

    6.3 Drawings and diagrams of the diploma or course project(work) must be performed on standard format x according to GOST 2.301-68 with the main inscription according to GOST 2.104-68, GOST 21.103-78 in the lower right corner. A sample of filling out the title block for drawings and diagrams is given in reference Appendix B of this standard.

    6.4 When making drawings, sketches, diagrams, the rules established by state standards and ESDS must be observed. ESTD, SPDS, etc.

    6.5 Designations and names of parts, assembly units, complexes, kits and products in general, as a rule, must be made according to the classifier used in the industry and on base enterprise. Graphic documents of design and technological projects are designated according to the ESKD classifier in accordance with GOST 2.201-80 (Appendix A). In the absence of a classifier, instead of the specified designation in column 2 of the main inscription, designations in accordance with subsection 3.16 or 3.17 should be used.

    6.6 The form and procedure for filling out specifications must comply with the basic requirements of GOST 2.108-68. Additional columns (outside the specification) according to GOST 2.104-68 may not be drawn. It is allowed, by decision of the department, to place the specification on the field of the assembly drawing, and it is filled out in the same order and in the same form as the specification made on separate sheets.

    6.7 Drawings of the construction part of the diploma project, carried out by graduates of non-construction specialties, must comply with the requirements of state standards and regulatory documents for construction, recommended methodological instructions graduating department.

    6.8 Projects for mechanization and automation of agricultural production should be carried out taking into account following standards for machine parts and components: GOST 4267-78, GOST 19722-82, GOST 9024-70, GOST 13398-82, GOST 13758-89E, GOST 21909-83.

    6.9 Until the protection of the project (work), graphic materials are stored on a roll. After protection, they are folded to A4 format in accordance with GOST 2.501-88, placed (filed) in special folder. A label made in accordance with Appendix G is affixed to the folder. Graphic material of the course project (work) is allowed to be placed in the window with an explanatory note.


    Preparation of graphic documents. 8.1 Composition and general requirements

    8.1 Composition and General requirements

    8.1.1 The graphical part of the CD clearly shows the work performed and helps

    Briefly outline its main provisions.

    The graphic part includes diagrams, drawings, posters, made by hand or in in electronic format, which must comply with the requirements of current standards in the relevant area of ​​science, engineering and technology. The basic requirements for drawings are established by GOST 2.109. All drawings must be made to separate sheet paper in the format established by GOST 2.301, with the main inscription in accordance with GOST 2.104.

    Each drawing must have an alphanumeric designation in accordance with GOST 2.201 and must be designed in compliance with the requirements of the standards defining scales in accordance with GOST 2.302, drawing lines in accordance with GOST 2.303 and fonts in accordance with GOST 2.304.

    All inscriptions on the drawing should be as brief as possible and comply with accepted terminology.

    8.1.2 Posters (diagrams, tables, etc.) should be made in accordance with GOST 2.605. Posters are assigned the code “D”. If several posters are developed, they are assigned the code D1, D2, D3, etc. Posters must also have a main inscription in accordance with GOST 2.104.

    On the poster part of the graphic material you can include:

    — basic formulas obtained in the process of theoretical research;

    — experimentally measured and theoretically calculated oscillograms, graphs and diagrams;

    — drawings explaining the physical or technical aspects of the functioning of the research object.

    8.1.3 After protection, the graphic part of the CD is attached to the PP. The rules for folding drawings into folders or envelopes, as well as for stitching, are established by GOST 2.501 “ESKD. Rules for accounting and storage."

    8.2 Drawing up a general view drawing

    8.2.1 General drawing (GA) - a graphic document that defines the design of the product, the interaction of its main components and explaining the principle of operation of the product. A general drawing is developed at the first stages of design, i.e. at the stage of technical proposal, preliminary and technical designs.

    The general drawing includes: image, views, sections, sections of the product, inscriptions and text part necessary for understanding structural device the product, the interaction of its components and the principle of operation of the product; the name and designation of the component parts of the product, for which the operating principle is explained, are given specifications, materials, quantity, and for those components of the product with the help of which the principle of operation of the product is described, images of the general appearance and composition of the product are explained; required dimensions; product diagram and technical specifications.

    The general drawing is carried out in compliance with the requirements of GOST 2.109.

    8.3 Drawing up an assembly drawing

    8.3.1 Assembly drawing – a graphic document containing an image of an assembly unit and other data necessary for its assembly (manufacturing) and control.

    An assembly drawing is carried out at the stage of developing working documentation based on a general view drawing of the product. Based on GOST 2.109, the assembly drawing must contain:

    — image of the assembly unit, giving an idea of ​​the location and relationship of the components connected according to this drawing and providing the ability to assemble and control the assembly unit;

    - dimensions and other parameters and requirements that must be met and controlled according to this drawing;

    - instructions on the nature of mating of detachable parts of the product, as well as instructions on the method of connecting permanent connections, for example welded, soldered, etc.;

    — number of positions of the components included in the product;

    — main characteristics of the product;

    — overall, installation, connection dimensions, as well as the necessary reference dimensions.

    The number of images on the assembly drawing depends on the complexity of the product designs. A training assembly drawing is usually performed in two or three main images using sections. It is recommended to combine half the view with half the section if there is symmetry of the view and section of the product.

    8.3.2 Assembly drawings of products with electrical installation should be carried out taking into account GOST 2.413 “ESKD. Rules for the implementation of design documentation for products manufactured using electrical installation.”

    8.4 General requirements for the implementation of all types and types of schemes

    A diagram is a graphic document that shows the component parts of a product and the connections between them in the form of conventional images and symbols in accordance with GOST 2.102. Types and types of schemes, general requirements for their implementation are regulated by GOST 2.701.

    Diagrams make it easier to study the design of the product. Depending on the types of elements included in the product and the connection between them, circuits are divided into electrical (E), hydraulic (H), pneumatic (FT), kinematic (K), optical (L), etc.

    Depending on the main purpose, circuits are divided into the following types: structural (7), functional (2), fundamental (3), connections (4), connections (5), etc.

    Kinematic schemes are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.703. The kinematic diagram shows all the kinematic elements of the product, reflects the kinematic connections of mechanical and non-mechanical types between various elements and groups of elements of the product, and shows the connection between the mechanism and the engine.

    Elements of kinematic schemes are designated conventionally according to GOST 2.770. Kinematic elements include shafts, axles, bearings, couplings, brakes, pulleys, gears, worm gears, etc. Hydraulic and pneumatic - GOST 2.704 “ESKD. Rules for the implementation of hydraulic and pneumatic circuits."

    8.5 Specification preparation

    A graphic design document that defines the composition of an assembly unit, complex or kit is called a specification. The specification is the main document for assembly units and therefore does not have a letter code.

    The specification is made in the form of an independent document, in accordance with GOST 2.106, in A4 format (GOST 2.301) and can consist of several sheets.

    The main inscription should be made in accordance with GOST 2.104 (form 2, 2a). The form and procedure for fulfilling the specification is determined by GOST 2.108 “ESKD. Specification" and GOST 2.106 "ESKD. Text documents" Fill out the specification from top to bottom. The specification sections are arranged in the following sequence: documentation, complexes, assembly units, parts, standard products, other products, materials, kits.

    The presence of certain sections is determined by the composition of the specified product. The name of each section is indicated as a heading in the “Name” column and is underlined thin line. After each section, leave a few free lines for additional entries. An example of specification design is presented in Appendix C.

    9 Designation of products and design documents

    9.1 To designate educational, text and graphic documents of the Kyrgyz Republic, according to GOST 2.201, adopted next system notation.

    9.1.1 For the CD in the discipline of CAD in metallurgy, the first four characters of UUUU must

    include capital letters corresponding to the name of the discipline (i.e. CAD). The procedure for encoding the names of disciplines for which course design is provided is adopted at a department meeting, with the decision entered into the minutes of the department meeting.

    9.1.2 For higher education qualifications, the first six characters of DDDDDD include the code of the area of ​​training (specialty) according to the lists of specialties and areas of higher education vocational education And higher education, approved by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation.

    9.1.3 Classification characteristic code XXZZFF, consisting of six characters, includes:

    – the first two digits XX are the last digits of the student’s record book number.

    – the second two digits ZZ - the serial number of the assembly drawing or general view drawing. These numbers are used only when encrypting SB and VO drawings; for the explanatory note ZZ – 00.

    – the third two digits FF are the serial number of the assembly unit according to the general view drawing. For explanatory note FF – 00.

    The digits of the XXZZFF code are not separated by intervals or dots.

    9.1.4 Ordinal registration number RRR, consisting of three characters, includes the drawing number of the part included in the assembly unit. For explanatory note RRR – 000.

    9.1.5 According to GOST 2.102, GOST 2.701, GOST 2.601, GOST 2.602 and these Rules, the Kyrgyz Republic must have the letter code W:

    – course work of the Kyrgyz Republic;

    – explanatory note PP;

    Assembly drawing SB;

    – general view drawing of the VO;

    – dimensional drawing of the warhead;

    – BP work sheet;

    – electrical installation drawing of ME;

    – installation drawing of MCH;

    – program and methodology for testing PM;

    – other documents (posters) D;

    – diagrams in accordance with GOST 2.701;

    – operational documents in accordance with GOST 2.601;

    – repair documents in accordance with GOST 2.602.

    9.1.6 If the use of additional letter codes that are not covered by paragraph 9.1.5 of these Regulations is required, the graduating department has the right to introduce additional letter codes at its discretion.

    9.1.7 Examples of document designations.

    Student record book number 0910976. Course work in the discipline “CAD in metallurgy.”

    Designation course work: CAD.760000.000 KR

    — Explanatory note: CAD.760000.000 PZ

    — Work sheet: CAD.760000.000 VR

    Rules for the design of graphic documents;

    Building tables

    Digital material is usually presented in the form of tables. Tables, with the exception of appendix tables, should be numbered in Arabic numerals, consecutively numbered within the document. It is allowed to number tables within a section.

    In this case, the table number consists of the section number and the table sequence number in this section, separated by a dot, for example: “Table 1.1” - the first table of the first section.

    The tables of each annex are designated by separate numbering in Arabic numerals with the number added before the digits letter designation applications (separated by a dot), for example: “Table A.2”.

    The word “Table” and its number are located in the right top corner above the table title without a period at the end. If there is only one table in a note, then it is not assigned a number, but only the word “Table” is written. The table title is printed with capital letter without a dot at the end. The table header is placed above the table and aligned to the center of the table. A free line is left between the title and the table frame. The names of rows and main columns of the table are written with capital letter, names of subordinate graphs - with lowercase letter. The names of the table rows are placed with left alignment in the leftmost column (column) of the table.

    When transferring part of a table, the word “Table” and its name are indicated once above the first part of the table, above the other parts on the left are written the words “Continuation of the table” indicating the number (designation) of the table.

    All tables in the document must be referenced in the text of the document; when linking, the word “table” should be written indicating its number. The table, depending on its size, is placed under the text in which a link to it is first given, or on the next page, and, if necessary, in the appendix. It is allowed to place the table along the long side of the sheet.

    Tables on the left, right and bottom are usually delimited by lines. If the table is interrupted at the end of the page, then the line limiting the table at the bottom is not drawn. The height of the table rows must be at least 8 mm.

    The column “Sequence number” (item no.) is not allowed to be included in the table. If it is necessary to number indicators, parameters or other data, serial numbers should be indicated in the first column of the table immediately before their name.

    It is not allowed to separate graph headings and subheadings with diagonal lines.

    Horizontal and vertical lines, delimiting rows of the table may be omitted if their absence does not make it difficult to use the table.

    In one column, the same number of decimal places must be observed for all values. If there is no individual data in the table, a dash (dash) should be placed (Appendix 8).

    In the text of the document, in the appropriate place, references to each illustration should be placed, for example, “In accordance with Figure 2...”, and each table, for example, “As follows from Table 5...”. When a table (figure, formula, appendix) is mentioned again in the text, a closed link is given with an abbreviation of the word “look”, for example “As stated earlier (see Fig. 2). "

    References should be made to the sources as a whole or to their sections and appendices. References to subsections, paragraphs, tables and illustrations are not allowed, with the exception of subsections, paragraphs, tables and illustrations of this document.

    Footnotes in the text are indicated by superscript characters (Arabic numerals or asterisks “*”), and the footnote text is placed with paragraph indentation at the end of the margin of the page on which footnotes are indicated. Footnotes are numbered separately on each page. Footnotes are separated from the main text by a short horizontal line From the left side.

    · The graphic part of the project contains a general view drawing (A4 format) of the device being developed, an element of the device and a process flow diagram. Technology system performed on a sheet of A3 (A2) format. Drawings are prepared in accordance with the requirements listed below.

    · Graphic documents can be made with drawing pencils, ink or using graphics devices computer output.

    · Graphic documents must be made on sheets of standard formats with the main inscription in the lower right corner in accordance with GOST 2.104, GOST 21.101.

    · Basic requirements for drawings are established by GOST 2.109. The design of drawings, that is, format, scale, lines, drawing fonts must be selected in accordance with GOST 2.301; GOST 2.302; GOST 2.303; GOST 2.304. Images, views, sections and sections are made in accordance with GOST 2.305. Graphic symbols materials in the drawings, drawing dimensions and maximum deviations, designating tolerances and fits must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.306, GOST 2.307, GOST 25 346, GOST 25 347. The depiction of threads in the drawings is carried out in accordance with GOST 2.311. Designation of seams of welded joints and conventional images according to GOST 2.312; permanent connections - GOST 2.313. Specifications are carried out in accordance with GOST 2.108, GOST 21.501.

    · The designation of the assembly drawing and its specification must be the same. To distinguish between the designations of the drawing and the specification, the assembly drawing is assigned the code “SB”, which is placed at the end of the designation, but the specification is not assigned a code. An assembly drawing combined with a specification is not assigned a code.

    · When choosing the type and type of circuit, they are guided by GOST 2.701, which defines the general requirements for their implementation. The schemes must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of current standards: GOST 2.702, GOST 2.703, GOST 2.704, GOST 2.710, GOST 2.721, GOST 2.747. Schemes of algorithms and programs are carried out in accordance with GOST 19.701.


    After studying the material in the chapter, the student should:


    Rules for drawing graphic documents;

    Rules for the preparation and maintenance of official documents;

    be able to

    Draw up graphic documents of the area and use them;

    Map the situation;


    skills in determining your location and comparing the map with the terrain;

    Skills in drawing and designing a diagram (plan).

    Types and contents of official graphic documents used in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

    When solving problems related to actions on the ground (territory), it is most convenient to use topographic map or city plan.

    The completeness of the terrain display on a topographic document depends on the purpose and purpose of its use. For example, on the operational diagrams of the service area of ​​the Ministry of Emergency Situations, carried out in the duty units, it is required to show a significant area with a detailed image of the local objects located on it, but when drawing up a diagram of the incident, only the area of ​​​​the place where it occurred is shown. This can be a section of terrain, a territory, or a section of a room.

    Depending on the use of the topographical basis, graphic documents are divided:

    To the group kart includes work cards, operational maps, situation maps, reporting maps, reconnaissance maps, etc.

    TO schemes These include graphic documents, the topographic basis of which is an image of the area (territory), compiled from a map, aerial photograph, or visual survey techniques on a large scale.

    The most common diagrams are operational diagrams of the service area, observation diagrams, and incident scenes, which you will draw up during the practical lesson.

    Plans are drawn strictly to scale - each line on the plan is depicted with strictly the same reduction compared to life. This can be a floor plan, a profile plan of the area, a route plan, etc.

    Cards are drawings of small sections of terrain (territory), made on the ground from one or two standing points without exact adherence to scale. All distances on the card are marked by eye, and only their ratios are maintained as far as possible, i.e. so that objects removed on the ground are correspondingly removed on the card. There is a RKhBN post card, a report diagram (Fig. 7.1), etc.

    Both on cards and on diagrams (plans), maps necessary additional information, which cannot be depicted graphically, are stated in text in the margins or on the back of the document.

    The effectiveness of graphic documents depends on a number of factors:

    The timeliness of their preparation;

    Reliability and accuracy of information;

    Visual clarity and simplicity of the image;

    Work maps, diagrams and plans are developed and maintained in all structural divisions of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and are used to study, analyze and assess the current situation, make decisions on it and organize interaction between all involved forces and means, managing them in emergency situations.

    Rice. 7.1. Scheme-report

    The scale of the map (plan, diagram) is chosen in such a way that the situation and deployment of forces and means of the Ministry of Emergency Situations depicted on it do not clutter or obscure the topographic basis.

    Official leading work card, must do this in such a way that any other leader (chief, commander) can freely understand the situation displayed on it.

    In particular, GOST R 22.0.10–96 establishes the rules for drawing emergency situations on maps, symbols and the order in which they are applied.

    The standard is mandatory for governing bodies of the Unified state system prevention and response to emergency situations (RSChS), regional and local authorities affairs department civil defense And emergency situations, organizations and institutions involved in planning, organizing and carrying out measures to prevent and eliminate emergencies.

    The emergency situation map must meet the requirements of clarity, completeness and accuracy (reliability).

    The visibility of the map is ensured by a clear and precise display of the situation highlighting its main elements, which is achieved correct use and clear outline of symbols, correct location official and explanatory inscriptions, a clear depiction of the actual position of emergency response forces and means and the expected nature of their actions.

    The completeness of the situation plotted on the map is determined by the amount of information necessary to manage the forces and means of emergency response.

    The accuracy (reliability) of the situation mapped is achieved by displaying the actual position of units and various formations of forces and means of emergency response on the ground and real consequences impact damaging factors sources of emergency situations.

    Emergency zones should be plotted on the map with clear boundaries, without obscuring the topographic basis of the map. The dimensions of zones and areas of influence of damaging factors from emergency sources are determined by the calculation and graphic method, taking into account meteorological conditions, time of year and the nature of the area. Emergency zone maps are developed in two types:

    Forecasts - compiled on the basis of collecting information about potentially dangerous objects - possible sources of emergency situations;

    Operational – reflecting the situation in the event of a threat or occurrence of an emergency and reflecting the dynamics of the development of the situation in the emergency zone.

    Forecast and operational maps are developed in the working bodies of emergency commissions. The card stamp is determined in accordance with the established procedure.

    • RCBN - radiation chemical biological surveillance.

    Rules for the design of graphic documents

    Speaking about the existing requirements for document forms, it should be noted that document form- this is a standard sheet of paper with permanent details printed on it.

    On the working field of the form intended for variable information, symbolic graphic signs (restrictive marks) can also be placed: corners, lines, etc., which serve as guidelines when preparing documents, indicate the location of variable details, and mark places for punching holes for filing documents.

    GOST R 6.30-2003 establishes two standard formats for document forms: A4 (210×297 mm) and A5 (148×210 mm) (Compliant International standard ISO 216:1975). The A3 format (297×420) is also used in office work, used for preparing large tables, diagrams, diagrams as appendices to various types documents.

    According to GOST R 6.30-2003, each sheet of a document, drawn up both on a form and without it, must have fields of at least:
    20 mm - left; 10 mm - right; 20 mm - top; 20 mm - lower.

    For an organization, its structural unit, or an official, the standard establishes the following types documents: a general form, a letter form, a form for a specific type of document, the details of which vary depending on the constituent documents of the organization.

    GOST R 6.30-2003 establishes certain requirements for the placement of permanent details and restrictive marks on forms.
    There are different methods: centered (the beginning and end of each line of details are equally distant from the boundaries of the area where the details are located) and
    flag (each line of details starts from the left border of the area where the details are located).

    The centered version of the location of the details is used in the typographic method of producing forms. At the same time, stencil spaces are left for individual details.

    The flag option for the location of details is used mainly when reproducing corner forms on clean slate paper using printing devices (computer, typewriter) directly when preparing the document. At the same time, reproduction of permanent details provided for by GOST R 6.30-2003 is considered mandatory for outgoing documents.

    For internal documents, some details may not be reproduced.

    For organizations of constituent entities of the Russian Federation that, along with the state language of the Russian Federation, have the state language of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, it is advisable to use a longitudinal form; at the same time, individual details are printed in two languages: Russian (left) and national (right) at the same level.

    Document forms should be prepared on thick white paper or light-colored paper. Reproduction of details on forms can be done typographically, using online printing tools or using computer technology when preparing a specific document.

    When producing forms using a typographic method, font sizes are selected depending on the number of printed characters in the details. More large print The name of the organization and the type of document are highlighted. It is allowed to print details 08 (name of the organization) in hand-drawn fonts. Forms are printed with inks rich color, ensuring easy reading of text in satisfactory lighting conditions and obtaining high-quality copies of documents using copiers.

    GOST R 6.30-2003 does not stipulate the types of fonts that should be used when preparing the text of a document using computer technology. The main requirement for fonts is that they be easily readable. The requirements for fonts are specified in some way in the Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies. The instructions recommend using text editor Word versions from 6.0 and higher using Times New Roman Cyr fonts size N 12 (for designing tabular materials), 13, 14, 15, Times DL size N 12, 13, 14 when printed with 1 - 2 intervals.

    When preparing documents on two or more pages, the second and subsequent pages are numbered. Page numbers are placed in the middle top margin leaf. The page number is written in Arabic numerals without punctuation (dots), without indicating the word “page” and its abbreviations or dashes (– 2 –).

    Special requirements apply to the production, recording, use and storage of stamp forms. These requirements for the reproduction of detail 01 (State Emblem of the Russian Federation) are stipulated by the Federal Constitutional Law “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation” dated December 25, 2000 No. 2-FKZ (as amended and supplemented on July 9, 2002).

    For the production of enterprise forms it is used thick paper light colors - paper density must be at least 80 g/m2, and whiteness - at least 90%. The paper for forms must be strong enough, not easily deformed by accidental heating or wetting, with a surface that is not subject to dust (i.e., peeling of small paper particles or individual fibers from the surface) when applying text on a printing device. The text printed on the form must be easy to read. For this purpose, printing ink is used in black (for multi-color forms - dark or contrasting) tone, as well as fonts with strict, clearly distinguishable outlines. The font size should ensure that the contents of the form can be easily read under satisfactory lighting conditions.

    Areas of the sheet intended for placing variable information in the title part of the form may be marked special characters or special markings. In particular, the space for the main text on the form can be delineated by a thin contrasting line around the perimeter of the sheet (frame).

    The production and use of enterprise forms with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation (subject of the Russian Federation) or the emblem (logo) of the enterprise must be carried out in strict accordance with their purpose. The production of these forms should be carried out only at printing (stamping and engraving) enterprises that have licenses for the relevant types of activities, as well as certificates of the availability of technical and technological capabilities for the production of the specified type of product with proper quality. As a rule, the production of forms is carried out on the basis of an order issued in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    Forms of the enterprise are subject to registration. For this purpose, serial numbers, and, if necessary, a series of these numbers are affixed to them on the reverse side using a typographic method, a numberer, or using operational printing tools.

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    Understand that a graphic document can be created using a camera, scanner, graphics tablet and a graphic editor. Learn to create an electronic graphic document.

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    Sometimes inkjet, sometimes laser. They always force him to print it. He will print out what you need on paper. We all really need this printer. Warm-up Using such a device you can copy a book. Any texts, pictures will become digital with it. The World Wide Web, or, also, the web, You will find in it about everything - about people, about cars. There is so much different information in it! She's called, you know...

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    Options for creating a graphic document I. Draw a picture on paper with pencils or paints and scan with a scanner.

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    II. Create using a graphic editor Turn on the computer. Launch the graphics editor program. Draw a picture on the screen. Save in the computer memory in a file named “Drawing”. Output a drawing from the computer memory onto paper using a printer

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    III.Create an electronic graphic document using a graphics tablet. Then you can print it using your printer

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    IV. Take a photograph using a film camera. Then create an electronic graphic document using a scanner.

    V. Create a photo using a digital camera and copy it from the camera’s memory to the computer’s memory.

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    In order for a person to use a computer to create and process graphic documents, the computer memory must have special program"graphics editor"

    VI. Create a photo using mobile phone and copy it from the phone memory to the computer memory.

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    Graphic document - a visual document in which the image of an object is obtained through lines, strokes, light and shade (drawing, picture, diagram, diagram, etc.) A graphic editor is a program for creating, editing and viewing graphic images Graphic editor tools are tools for drawing objects. Graphic editor have a set of tools for drawing protozoa graphic objects: straight line, curve, rectangle, ellipse, polygon, etc. Working with a dictionary

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    physical minute

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    You cannot sit close to the screen - try to maintain a distance from your eyes to the monitor of at least 50 - 70 cm (preferably more). If you need to reprint something from paper, then the sheets need to be installed as close to the screen as possible in order to reduce the “dispersion” of the view. Keep your back straight, trying to rest its entire surface on the back of the chair. Don’t “freeze” for a long time in one position. Every 15-20 minutes, do warm-up exercises: get up from the table and sit down a couple of times. Listen carefully to the teacher. rules for working on a computer working on a computer