How to disable unnecessary programs in Windows 7. How to stop malicious processes? Disable programs running in the background

The Windows XP operating system contains a huge number of useful functions. One of them, of course, is.

When installed, some programs add special information about themselves to the system registry, thereby forcing the operating system to launch them every time it boots. This saves your time, for example, you do not need to run the antivirus when you turn on the PC - it will load automatically, using the information stored in special sections of the system registry. The Microsoft Office program, for example, also stores some of its elements in Startup, allowing you to increase the speed of launching Word or Excel.

As all kinds of programs accumulate on the computer, the Startup list grows and grows...

At first glance, everything is fine, convenient and fast, but if you look in more detail, you can find quite a lot of pitfalls and disadvantages of Autoload. Viruses, spyware, and simply unwanted applications can take advantage of it, so we will look at ways to remove a program from Startup using Windows.

So, we have already said that all information about downloaded programs is stored in the system registry. Many programs use the Startup function to speed up or simplify the user's work, but there are also those that PC users would like to permanently exclude from the list of automatically downloaded programs. In order to remove a program from Startup, there are a huge number of utilities and programs, but it happens that they are not at hand. This is especially true for novice PC users who are not burdened with such problems until some virus infects their operating system. Fortunately, the Windows operating system contains built-in tools to combat unwanted software that tries to run along with the operating system and go unnoticed.

1. How to remove a program from Startup in the Start menu

The easiest way: You need to open

Here you see a list of programs that are loaded with your operating system.

You can simply drag the shortcut for the game or program you want here to let Windows know that you want it to launch every time you start the OS.

By deleting this shortcut, you remove the program from the list Startup, but not from a computer, so you don’t have to worry about mixing up too much! Nothing complicated, right?

However, the Start menu is not the only way viruses use to escape the eyes of a novice user. There is a much more complex method - an entry in the system registry.

2. How to remove a program from Startup in Msconfig

The method described above often does not work, since viruses and spyware on our PC are able to hide much more reliably. The menu is used only by harmless programs that do not hide their presence.

You can launch a more powerful utility for searching and removing programs from Startup by opening Start - Run

- msconfig. I usually use this method, so I'll describe it in more detail.

So, let's click Start - Run.

A small sign will come out - in the line type msconfig- press "OK" (or Enter)

After which, another sign will appear. In the top tabs select

Be here PLEASE CAREFUL- don’t click on other tabs and don’t change anything :-)

We go strictly point by point.

Carefully review the list for names similar to recently installed programs.

Here too - don’t touch what you don’t know :-) And you can always find out what kind of process this is on Google :-)

To remove from Startup, simply uncheck the boxes next to suspicious and unnecessary programs. Let’s look at my example:

Because I know exactly what these processes are, and I know for sure that I don’t need them - I uncheck the processes on the left.

Beginner PC users need to be extremely careful here, since disabling a system program or component may damage the operating system

Then press Apply (or OK)

Then we simply close this sign with a cross. After that, something like this will come out:

To apply the settings, restart your PC.

If something goes wrong and your OS does not boot or reboots during boot, log in and return the unchecked boxes.

I'll just add -
Now, when you turn on the computer, two signs will pop up -
1.- the same one in which we changed “autoload”
2.- with text something like “you changed the settings. If this did not worsen the performance of the computer...” and even more :-) This is not so important, we didn’t change anything special except autorun. But, just in case, we simply close these signs and work with the computer as usual.
If everything is fine (which it should be, if nothing unnecessary has been disabled) - the next time you turn on the PC, in this sign, check the box next to “don’t show this window again” and that’s it :-) It won’t bother you anymore :-)

3. How to remove a program from Startup in Regedit

Now we have reached the very System registry. Here we can find the most complete list Automatic download and its parameters. To enter the built-in registry editor, go to Start - Run - regedit .

In the window that opens, you see all the registry keys (tweaks), sorted into folders. We need to get to information about Startup, so open:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SOFTWARE - Microsoft - Windows - CurrentVersion - Run

On the right side of the window you will see a list of programs Startup. This removal method is much more convenient, since by double-clicking on the desired element, you will see a link to the executive file. That is, speaking for beginners, you will be able to see which program is downloaded without your knowledge and from which folder.

After reading the list, remove unnecessary programs by pressing the Del.

To do this, select a section Run and press File - Export.

In case of problems, you can restore the registry information by double-clicking on the resulting file.

4. More complicated ways, but more effective and suitable for almost all operating systems:

Use XP Tweker, built into Total Commander or as a separate program, there is a separate menu - Startup - where you can select startup programs. Well, the Total Commander program can be easily downloaded on the Internet by typing its name in a search engine!

In the new Windows 10 operating system, Microsoft has accommodated PC users halfway, making the system not very demanding on computer resources. But even on Windows 10, users improve overall system performance by disabling unnecessary services, as it runs slowly on some weak and old PCs.

Disabling all services in a row in Windows 10 can cause unstable operation of the operating system. Therefore, so that our readers can figure out which services can be disabled in Windows 10 without consequences, we have prepared material where we will describe a detailed solution to the problem.

Disable unnecessary services using the Services add-on

Get into the add-on " Services» possible via Control Panel and through the program " Execute", entering the command "services.msc" in it.

By opening the add-on, you will see the entire list of services installed on your computer.

For example, let's try to disable the service " Remote registry» through the opened add-on. To do this, let's go to the service we are looking for and open it.

From the window that opens you can see a detailed description of the service, as well as its status. To finally stop " Remote registry", we will select the launch type " Disabled" and click the Stop button.

After these actions " Remote registry» will turn off completely. " Remote registry» is intended for editing registry files by a remote user. For example, the Administrator edits registry branches on a remote computer on the network. For home PC user " Remote registry"is absolutely useless, so you can safely turn it off.

The example shows how easy it is to disable unnecessary services. When asked which services can be disabled in the top ten, we have prepared a list describing services that can be safely disabled:

  • Windows Biometric Service- used for processing and storing biometric data;
  • Computer browser- used to create a list of computers on the network;
  • Secondary login- allows other users to control the computer;
  • Print Manager- ensures the operation of printing devices;
  • CNG Key Isolation- produces insulation for the key process;
  • SNMP trap- provides message interception for local SNMP agents;
  • Work station- access to workstations via SMB protocol;
  • Work folders- used to synchronize directories on different devices;
  • Xbox Live Online Service- provides access to Xbox Live services;
  • All hardware related services Hyper-V visualization- services that are designed for the operation of virtual machines;
  • Geographic Location Service- used to track computer coordinates;
  • Sensor Data Service- processes and stores information received from sensors installed on a PC;
  • Sensor service- controls sensors on a PC;
  • Client License Service- ensures the correct operation of the Windows 10 store;
  • Microsoft Windows SMS Router Service- forwards messages according to pre-created rules;
  • Remote registry- created for editing the registry by a remote user;
  • Fax- ensures the operation of devices that can receive and send fax messages.

All of the listed services do not affect the performance and stability of the operating system, therefore you can safely turn them off.

I would also like to note that before disabling these services, carefully read their purpose in the description. For example, if you disable Print Spooler and Bluetooth Helpdesk, you will not be able to connect the printer and will not be able to use Bluetooth devices.

Disable unnecessary services using the command line

Each of the services that are listed in the first example can be disabled quite easily and quickly through the console. To disable it, we need a console running in Administrator mode. In Windows 10, you can launch the console in Administrator mode in various ways. The most convenient way is to click on the menu “ Start» right-click and select the item we need.

In the running console, let's try to stop the service that is already familiar to us " Remote registry" To do this, type the command net stop "RemoteRegistry" in the console and execute it.

If you need to start the “Remote Registry” again, you can do this with the command net start "RemoteRegistry"

The English name for entering on the command line can be found in the task manager on the “ tab Services»

This example is best suited for system administrators and experienced users. I would also like to note that the example considered can be used without problems on previous operating systems Windows 7 and 8.

Disable unnecessary services using PowerShell

In addition to the command line, you can also use PowerShell. You can open PowerShell in Windows 10 through the Control Panel or through search.

Now let's enter the command stop-service remoteregistry in PowerShell and execute it.

This command will stop the service we are familiar with " Remote registry" To restart " Remote registry"in PowerShell, you need to run the command: start-service remoteregistry

In the same way, unnecessary services are stopped via PowerShell. This example, like the previous one, is best suited for system administrators and advanced users.

Stop services via task manager

First of all, let's launch the Task Manager. You can launch it in Windows 10 using the familiar key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc. You can also launch it by clicking on the menu “ Start» right-click and select « Task Manager».

In the open task manager, go to the “ Services» to the remote registry.

Now right-click on it and select “ Stop».

After these steps, the remote registry will be stopped. In the same way, you can restart this service.

I would also like to note that you can open the add-in discussed in the first example through the task manager. To do this, click on the link at the bottom of the task manager window.

In this article, we looked at four ways to stop services, and also found out which of them can be disabled without harm to the computer.

I would also like to advise our readers that if you want to disable a certain service not from the list considered, then carefully read its functions and purpose so as not to harm the system.

For example, if you stop Windows Audio, you will disable all audio devices and audio programs. To restore the functionality of audio devices and sound programs, you need to restart unused Windows Audio. From this example it can be noted that it is necessary to remember the services to be disabled to restore Windows 10 to normal operation.

We hope our material will help you disable unnecessary services and you will be able to increase the performance of Windows 10.

Video on the topic

It is probably no secret for many PC users that, despite the stated minimum system requirements compared to its predecessors, it looks quite “gluttonous” in terms of resources used. How to reduce and reduce RAM consumption will now be discussed. This can be done in several ways, often independent of each other.

Windows 10: How to reduce CPU usage? General rules.

Before we begin the practical use of ready-made recommended solutions, we will consider the basic methods for deactivating unnecessary services and components.

You need to pay attention to the following fact: how to reduce processor load or reduce RAM usage can be done using the following sections:

  • standard "Task Manager";
  • system configuration;
  • its components;
  • services.

You can, of course, delve into the system registry. However, for the uninitiated user this will be quite problematic. Moreover, most of the settings can be made without resorting to this method.

Which processes in Task Manager can be disabled?

As a rule, the first thing when there is an increased consumption of system resources, users usually begin to actively call the “Task Manager” (combination Ctrl + Alt + Del, Crel + Alt + Esc, taskmgr in the “Run” console).

Naturally, all currently active processes or applications, and services running in are displayed here. Let’s make the first remark right away. Windows 10 Task Manager in standard mode allows you to view or disable services and processes only once. This is typical for all Microsoft systems. In other words, if some process starts along with the system, when it is restarted it will be activated again.

However, of all the things that Windows 10 Task Manager displays, the first thing you can safely do is deactivate exclusively user processes. If you pay attention, in the running process type column you can find three types of descriptions: Windows processes, background processes and applications. It goes without saying that when asking how to reduce CPU usage, you should assume that system services cannot be disabled. This can have unpredictable consequences. Anything marked with the Application type can be terminated (these are programs that run in windowed mode).

In the services and processes section you need to be extremely careful. What to disable? For example, if there is no printer installed on the system, you can deactivate the print service running in the background spoolsv.exe (Spooler - “Print Manager”). In general, you should first look at which process is causing the maximum processor load, and only then decide to disable it. But, again, the shutdown will be one-time. To prevent the process from starting again when the computer is restarted, first you need to at least deactivate startup items.

Startup management

To disable services that start with Windows, there are two main options. In the first case, you can access the startup tab, which is available in the “Task Manager” itself; in the second, you can use the configuration setting.

In the "Task Manager" this is quite simple - you need to right-click to bring up the submenu and select the shutdown command. A little to the right there is a column in which there is a description of the degree of influence of the process on the system. By and large, in this section you can turn off absolutely everything, leaving only the Windows Defender service. If you have a high-quality antivirus installed, you can disable it too. To enter configuration settings, use the msconfig command. It is written in the corresponding “Run” menu line, after which the startup section is selected, but it again leads the user to the “Task Manager”.

It's better to go to the services tab. To avoid accidentally disabling something important, you can check the box next to Hide Microsoft services, and then look at what remains. In principle, you can only leave the stopped Adobe Flash Player plugin, since it is used in browsers. In both cases, you will need to restart your computer. This is a prerequisite for the changes to take effect.

Disabling unnecessary system components

However, in order not to rummage through components, the question of how to reduce CPU load due to the presence of unnecessary active services is solved by disabling some system features.

To do this, in the Control Panel you need to find the programs and components section where you can disable unused ones. For example, here you can deactivate the same print service or the Hyper-V module responsible for creating and using a virtual machine.

Deactivating services

Many services can be deactivated from the corresponding management section. It can be called from the same “Task Manager” by clicking the show services button. Or open the editor manually through the services.msc command in the Run console.

At least three processes can be disabled here: geolocation, diagnostic tracking, and the dmwappushservice process. All these are spy functions of the system. Additionally, if you are using a netbook that does not have an optical drive, you may want to deactivate the CD burning service. In general, you can disable the firewall, secondary login, wireless configuration, the Windows Search indexing service, the server, portable device enumeration, the debugger, error logging, and the Application Compatibility Assistant. Deactivation is done by setting the appropriate launch parameter in the menu called up by double-clicking on the service.

Special utilities

Finally, if the user does not know what exactly can be disabled in the system, or simply does not want to deal with such things, you can always turn to optimizer programs for help. They will do all the work for him. Any such application has not only a deep cleaning system, but also modules that control the same startup elements that are hidden from the user’s eyes by the system. Accordingly, deactivating everything unnecessary will be as safe as possible. True, the Windows components that were described just above will still have to be disabled manually. And here we did not consider deactivating visual effects, which can be done from the maintenance and security section or using the same optimizers.

Many users are interested in what processes can be disabled in Windows 7 task manager? It is impossible to answer unequivocally, since completely different processes can be running on different computers.

First, then go to the "processes" section. Their number will be displayed at the bottom of the window; check the option to display all user processes to see the full list.

In my case there are 134 of them, since I use a lot of software and services. At the same time, the PC works stably. Still depends on the system configuration. In your case, their number may be several times less.

All processes can be divided into:

  1. System - used to maintain the functionality of the OS and the stability of individual elements of Windows 7.
  2. User - launched under the user name (administrator).

In the “user” column you can determine which group the process belongs to. Not recommended end system processes in Windows 7 task manager, since this in most cases will lead to a crash and restart of the system.

Note: the system itself will not allow you to complete the most important processes or they will appear again.

Most user processes can and should be terminated. Mostly these are installed programs and their services, but there are exceptions. For example, when you exit explorer.exe, your taskbar and desktop shortcuts will disappear.

If you are not sure about completion, right-click on the process and select “file storage location” from the menu. If the file is located in the Windows directory, it is not recommended to touch it, with the exception of malicious programs. In all other cases you can complete the process.

List of processes that do not need to be terminated:

Title (.exe)description
explorerSupports proper operation of the desktop and taskbar.
TaskhostHost file
ConhostHost Console Window
svchostThere are several of them running and they cannot be completed
taskmgrWhen finished, the task manager will close.
msdtcDistributed Transaction Coordinator
sppsvcMicrosoft Software Security Platform
smssWindows Session Manager
csrssExecutes client-server
winlogonLogin program
servicesWindows Services Application
spoolsvPrint Spooler
lsassResponsible for authorizing local users
lsmLocal Session Service
SearchIndexerSearch indexer
Title (.exe)description
reader_slSpeeds up launch of Adobe Reader
jqsJava Quick Starter speeds up opening Java software
OsaOffice Source Engine works with office
officeworks with OpenOffice
AdobeARMchecks for updates to Adobe software
Juicedchecks for updates for Java
NeroCheckLooks for drivers that may cause conflicts
Hkcmdaccompanies Intel hardware
atiptaxx or ati2evxxProvides quick access to ATI graphics card settings
RAVCpl64Realtek Audio Manager - audio manager, everything will work without it
NwizRelated to NVIDIA NView feature
CCCCatalyst Control Center belongs to ATI, designed for gamers
winampaWinamp player process
OSPPSVCOffice software protection platform 2010
SidebarYou will find it if
wmpnetwkOrganizes search for Windows Media Player

In Task Manager, left-click on the process and click " end the process" Then click on the button with the same name when the warning appears.

With these actions you will end the processes within the current Windows 7 session. When you reboot or next start, some killed processes will be launched again, so to permanently shut down, do the following:

  1. or remove it from startup.
  2. Stop (recommended) or (for experienced).

Now you know, what processes can be terminated in Windows 7 task manager. After all, each of them eats up a certain amount of resources, loading the system. With the right approach, you can clean out unused or harmful elements, increasing PC performance.

Let's look at simple tips for speeding up Windows 7. A colossal amount of resources is spent to make the menus animated and translucent, to play additional sounds for the user's reaction and other embellishments. So, if you use a computer for work, then you can safely disable this “beauty” and in return get some performance gain, as well as free up some system resources. In the article we will look at other services that, by disabling them, will increase performance

  1. Disable Aero theme on Windows 7
    Right-click on your desktop and select Personalize, select Window Color Tab.
    Uncheck "Enable Transparency" and click the "Open classic appearance properties for more color options" button.
    Here you can customize the appearance of the classic theme to suit your needs.
  2. Disabling animated themes will really speed up your computer. You can check this by looking at the amount of free memory in the task manager with the Aero theme turned on and off.
    If you still value Aero-style windows, then you can increase your computer’s performance by leaving Aero but disabling the animation effects. To do this, go to “Properties” of “My Computer” - “Advanced system settings” - “Advanced” tab - Performance - “Settings”. Uncheck all the boxes except the last two items and “sliding when expanding lists”, these parameters do not affect performance in any way.
    System performance is reduced not only by the interface, but also by services, many of which you simply do not need.
  3. Disable indexing search feature in Windows 7
    Right-click My Computer on your desktop and select Manage.
    Click the Services and Applications button in Computer Management.
    Click on "Services".
    We are looking for “Windows Search” - “Search” (Indexing content, caching properties and search results for files, email and other content.).
    Right-click on this line from the list and select "Properties" - "Startup type" - "Disable" - "Ok"
  4. Disable unnecessary services to speed up Windows 7.
    Some Windows 7 services are not used by you on a daily basis and use up resources. For example, the Print Spooler service is required only when using a printer. If you don't have a printer, then there is only one harm from it. Go to "Manage my computer" and disable services that you do not use.
  5. Disable User Account Control user ac (UAC) feature in Windows 7
    In Control Panel, open "User Accounts" - "Change User Account Control Settings"
    Click Manage User Accounts Communication Settings.
    And now just drag the slider to "Never notify in the following cases:".
    Click "OK" and restart your computer.
    The User Account Control (UAC) feature in Windows 7 is very annoying, although the developers claim that it helps protect your computer from viruses and unauthorized access. But in reality it only irritates by requiring constant confirmations (recommended only for experienced users).
  6. Using ReadyBoost- technology that allows an external USB Flash drive to be used for caching files frequently used in RAM. The main advantage of this approach is much lower delays during random access to information than for a swap file located on the hard drive. It is recommended to use it when running large applications such as Adobe Photoshop, 3Dmax, etc., and only if you have a “fast” flash drive.
    To activate the option, you need to connect the Flash drive to your computer, go to “My Computer” - right-click on the USB Flash Drive icon - go to the ReadyBoost tab - check the “Use this device” box. You can configure how much space on the USB drive will be used as RAM memory.
  7. Turn off unused Windows 7 components
    Open Programs and Features in Control Panel.
    Click on the "Turn Windows features on or off" button in the left pane.
    Now uncheck any programs you don't use in Windows 7 and restart your system for the changes to take effect.
  8. Disabling the Windows 7 Sidebar
    Right-click in the sidebar and select Properties.
    In the window properties, uncheck "Start sidebar when Windows starts"
  9. Changing the power plan.
    For maximum performance, double-click "Power Options" in Control Panel.
    Click the down arrow showing "Show additional plans" to see "High Performance". Now all that remains is to activate the "!High performance" option. If you want, you can further configure power management.
  10. Disable preview feature
    In the Control Panel, select "Folder Options" - go to the "View" tab - check the "Always show icons, not thumbnails" checkbox. This will speed up opening folders.
  11. Turn off your screensaver and wallpaper
    To display wallpaper and screensaver, the system needs memory. Thus, by disabling these functions we can save some megabytes of memory.
    Right-click on your desktop and select Personalize.
    Click on the "Screen Saver" link, select "None" from the drop-down menu and click "Apply" and then "OK".
    Now click on “desktop background” and select “Solid colors” from the drop-down menu.
  12. Removing unnecessary programs from startup.
    Run the "MSCONFIG" utility ( WIN+R, in the window that opens, write MSCONFIG), the system settings will open. Now go to the "Startup" tab. Uncheck the entries you don't need. This is really important if you have installed a lot of software on your computer. Many programs such as ACDSee will run as a service, in the background, as a detector device, etc. in the launch system. They are not really needed for most Windows users. Preventing the launch of such programs during system startup will save a few seconds when turning on the computer and will speed up its operation in the future.
  13. Disable unwanted system sounds in Windows 7.
    Type Mmsys.cpl in Start in the search bar and click . Go to the "Sounds" tab. Now, from the "Sound Schemes:" drop-down menu, select "No Sounds" > Click the "Apply" > "OK" button.
  14. Disable login password
    Disable the user's login password; checking it also takes system time