How do the editions of Windows 10 differ? Mobile versions of Windows OS. Differences in editions

Each version of Windows exists in several editions (releases). The older versions produced in the 90s had significantly fewer of them. The evolution of the operating system, Microsoft's adaptation to modern market sales, as well as other circumstances, led to the emergence of new varieties of Windows. The latest version 10 is the leader in terms of their number. There are a huge variety of its distributions - both functional editions and assemblies that record one or another state of the system. Let's try to understand them below.

Before starting a review of Tens distribution kits specifically, I suggest first looking at the original structure of the Windows varieties. This way we will understand the enormity of the scope of Microsoft’s main product.

Windows families

The main criterion for dividing Windows is families. The main families are:

  • Windows NT is a line of desktop systems (for PCs, laptops and tablets) and a line of server systems, starting with Windows NT 3.1 and ending with Windows 10 (and, accordingly, its server analogue Windows Server 2016). Desktop NT are the ones that are used everywhere;
  • Windows Embedded – a type of system for terminals, ATMs, other machines and various equipment;
  • Windows 10 IoT is an operating system for production devices that has replaced Embedded, but with a large list of support for them. Among such devices are automation systems " Smart House»;
  • Windows Mobile, aka in an earlier Windows release Phone is a platform for mobile devices.

Each family can have its own lines (as is the case with NT), its own versions, its own editions, its own sub-editions, etc. The “Ten” has even more divisions. If we download its installation ISO image not using the official utility from, but, for example, using the program, we will see a lot of possible distributions in the selection list.

In the case of “Ten,” we have not only a stable branch of the operating system, but also a branch within the framework of the project - a program for testing operating system innovations. Plus, since Microsoft has stated that at least in the near future there will be no new versions of the system, and the company is going to work on improving “Ten” in parallel with its use by the masses, as a result of this work, today we have a lot of builds and versions of version 10 itself We will return to all these varieties later, but for now let’s look at what editions of the system exist.

Windows 10 editions

Editions are the fourth generation of the Windows NT division. There are two lines in the family, the lines have their own versions, and each version has its own editions. Editions are provided primarily for the convenience of Microsoft itself, so it is more profitable for it to trade licensed copies operating system. The basis of trading is the Pro edition, from which it already dances in one direction or another. By cutting some functionality, the company reduces the license fee for using the operating system, thus making it affordable more persons And, offering additional features in editions for certain market segments, the company manages to sell the same thing, but according to the principle “For the poor, the price is a ruble, for the rich, two.”

In terms of cutting opportunities, by the way, the company must be given its due. Unlike processor manufacturers who push models for low-end laptops onto the market, knowing that such processors are unsuitable for use in modern conditions, Microsoft knows its limits and does not go too far. The basic Home edition of any version of Windows is capable of fully satisfying the needs of the average person.

So, what editions of Windows 10 are there?

Home – basic set“Dozens” of capabilities with reduced functions Pro edition such as: Group Policy, BitLocker, Hyper-V, tools remote connection, connection to Azure AD, etc. Home is also limited in its ability to snooze system updates for a certain period, as can be done in the editions above. This is a budget option for legitimate use of the system, but not the cheapest.

Home Single Language

The Home derivative, Home Single Language, is limited to using Windows within one language only. system language. She has the cheapest license key.

Pro (Professional) – edition with an optimal selection of functionality for advanced users.

Pro for Workstations(Professional for workstations) - an advanced sub-edition for powerful computers, in particular for server equipment. It appeared quite recently, along with the autumn major update. Its key feature is improved reliability of data storage, in particular, work with the file system.


Enterprise (Corporate) – edition for organizations, providing on top Pro features enhanced security technologies and functionality designed for professional systems engineers. “Corporate” has a functionally reduced and long-delayed delivery of updates for enterprises and services that need a stable environment for the functioning of their equipment. Microsoft does not sell Enterprise to ordinary users, only to legal entities on a subscription basis. The company states that purchasing this edition by individuals is impossible in principle, but you can buy a license for Enterprise on the Internet quite often. And, of course, not all points of sale digital keys will require us to confirm our involvement in the business sector.


Education is essentially the same Enterprise edition, only with the missing Cortana and the impossibility of switching to LTSB. The main difference between Education is its market orientation educational institutions and in connection with this, distribution at a price several times lower than Enterprise. The edition can be purchased by universities, vocational schools, libraries, museums, charitable organizations, teaching staff of educational institutions and students themselves, if they are not part-time students. As a condition of purchasing the edition, Microsoft has the right to require documentary evidence of the appropriate status of the buyer.

Windows N is not a separate edition, not even a sub-edition, it is a variation of Home and Pro without Windows Media Player and some other components. Microsoft was forced to create a stripped-down assembly in 2004 in accordance with the requirement of the European Commission, which began to protect the interests of third-party European developers who released their multimedia products.

Windows KN also appeared forcibly. A couple of years after the European precedent, the South Korean Trade Commission made a decision against Microsoft, satisfying the claim of the developer Daum Communications and obliging the software giant to release on the South Korean market an assembly of the operating system without a standard player and Instant Messenger (a messenger on board Windows XP).

In Windows 10, N and KN builds do not come with pre-installed Windows applications Media Player, Groove Music, Movies & TV, Voice Recorder and Skype. Also, system synchronization functions, webcam, Cortana, opening PDF files in Microsoft Edge and other things do not work. Windows 10 N and KN are intended for Europe and South Korea– territorial jurisdictions of the authorities that made decisions against Microsoft. And since the existence of these assemblies is forced, naturally, the company does not disseminate information about them unnecessarily.

Builds and versions of Windows 10

If we open the properties of “Tens”, in the characteristics column we will see a mark about its version and assembly.

The build number reflects information about a certain set functionality of Windows 10 and changes frequently as updates are introduced into the stable branch after they have been “run in” within Windows programs Insider. Version numbers of “Ten” change less frequently; their change is timed to coincide with a series of updates. Version numbers are not sequential; they contain information about the date and month of release. In addition to numbers, versions have names - technical (for Microsoft developers and insiders) and marketing (simple concepts for ordinary users). There are several versions of Windows 10:

  • 1507, Threshold 1, abbreviated TH1 – the first cumulative update of the “Ten”, released in July 2015;
  • 1511, Threshold 2, abbreviated TH2, simply put, November Update - the second cumulative update, released in November 2015;
  • 1607, Redstone 1, abbreviated as RS1, simply called Anniversary Update - the third cumulative update, released in July 2016.
  • 1703, Redstone 2, abbreviated as RS2, simply called Creators Update - the fourth cumulative update, released in March 2017;
  • 1709, Redstone 3, abbreviated as RS3, simply put Fall Creators Update – the fifth cumulative update, released in October 2017;
  • 1803, Redstone 4, abbreviated as RS4 – a cumulative update scheduled, as we can see from the number, for March next year, which is currently under development. Some of the upcoming functional improvements to the system can already be tested as part of the Windows Insider program.

This is how many tentacles a giant octopus has under named Windows 10.

Read in the review how the versions of Windows 10 differ – Home, Pro, Enterprise or Education. Which one should you choose and how to upgrade to the new version.

Microsoft developers have always released several versions of one operating system at once. Each of the assemblies differs from each other in available functionality, cost, supported bit depth and other parameters. Let's look at what versions exist and which one is best to use on your computer.

Windows 10 categories and their general capabilities

The developer divided all builds of Windows 10 into 4 categories:

  1. Home;
  2. Professional (or Pro);
  3. Enterprise;
  4. Education.

The above assemblies refer to the Window 10 desktop OS. Microsoft has also developed a version of Windows 10 Mobile for smartphones and tablets.

What do Windows 10 versions have in common?

Before moving on to describing the differences between each OS category, let's consider their common features:

  • Support for virtual desktops. Windows 10 became the first system from Microsoft that has a built-in ability to work with multiple desktops at once. The user can launch a new workspace by clicking a single button on the toolbar. Switching between desktop tabs allows you to divide the work, but the desktop shortcuts will be the same for all screens;
  • Quick start. Now the user does not have to wait long for the operating system to turn on. Regardless of the characteristics of the computer, the tenth version of the OS will be launched on average in 10-20 seconds;
  • Economical battery consumption. This option is useful for laptops. The system has a built-in battery saving wizard, the use of which allows you to increase the autonomy of your portable device by 20%-30%;
  • Cortana assistant. All versions of Windows 10 allow you to work with a voice assistant. Commands can be spoken both to search for data on a computer and to surf the Internet. There is support for the Russian language. Also, Cortana recognizes more than 20 different dialects of English and will understand you even if you speak with an accent;
  • Multitasking. Windows 10 supports multitasking better than other Microsoft operating systems. This means you can run multiple heavy programs and games at the same time without significantly slowing down your PC. All tasks are loaded evenly into RAM;
  • Preinstalled Windows Defender. Standard Windows Defender monitors all threats in real time, scans executable files and immediately warns the user about malware. Windows Defender is an excellent replacement classic antivirus if you use the operating system at home. Thus, there is no need to buy expensive antivirus software;
  • Personalization. The user can completely customize the desktop to suit their needs. Move the toolbar, adjust the size of shortcuts, appearance Start menu and many other options.

Also, each version of the system comes pre-installed with a new browser from Microsoft – MS Edge. The browser is different maximum compatibility with an OS, fast work, no bugs or errors, a nice interface and the option to create notes directly on the web page screen.

You will get the opportunity to work with all of the above Windows capabilities 10, no matter which OS version you choose.

Price range of Windows 10 versions

The official cost of each OS version is indicated in dollars. Please note that online stores or other points of sale may increase the retail price slightly (on average 10%-20%). Also, the price in the Russian Federation depends on the dollar exchange rate.

Prices (taken from the official website):

  1. Home – $119.19;
  2. Professional – 199.99;
  3. The Enterprise version is provided in the form of a paid subscription, which is purchased separately for each user. Annual cost subscription is $84. It is possible to purchase software monthly for $7 for one PC;
  4. Education – $99.99. Also, this version applies to free of charge for universities from all over the world that are participants in the DreamSpark project.

Windows 10 Mobile and Mobile Enterprise versions are free for smartphone users and Microsoft tablets(Nokia).

Let's consider more details features each build of Windows 10 OS.

Windows 10 Home

This version of the operating system is intended for private use. Perfect for installation on a home PC or laptop. The Home assembly is the most common, as it is with it that most computers and laptops are sold around the world.

Windows 10 Home supports everything mentioned earlier basic functions, has Defender preinstalled. The system lacks utilities and applications that are not useful ordinary user. Also, the developer removed support for the encrypted file system and network administration parameters. This made it possible to significantly speed up the operation of the OS and make it even more accessible for low-performance PCs.

Please note, no encryption hard drive does not mean that the operating system is not secure. All user files and executable programs are scanned by the Firewall, and the OS update service always regularly installs the latest security and error correction packages on the PC.

Windows 10 Enterprise

The ideal version of Vidovs for business. Today, Windows 10 Enterprise is used by tens of thousands of businesses around the world. Its advantage is that the built-in tools of the system are able to provide all the necessary software tools for both small company, so for entire corporations and companies with many branches and.

The advantage of this version of the system is its cost. It is more profitable to buy an Enterprise subscription for each computer for the required period than to install the professional version on all devices.

As for the Enterprise functionality, it differs from the professional version of the system (in which all management tools are available) only in the absence of a pre-installed MS Edge browser. If necessary, the browser can be downloaded from the official Microsoft application store.

Among the features of the assembly are the means of team interaction. The most important of them:

  • BranchCache is a utility that speeds up the process of finding and installing the latest updates;
  • Credential Guard Utility and Device Guard services are software whose task is to create a system for protecting hard drive data, random access memory, incoming traffic, network environment;
  • Direct Access is a system utility with which a local network administrator can configure remote control between two gadgets.

Windows 10 Pro

According to the developer, the professional build of the OS is also designed to work on home PCs and laptops. It is only suitable for advanced users who need to install business applications, virtualization and administration tools.

Distinctive characteristics:

  • Enhanced information security system (BitLocker). With built-in encryption for all files stored in disk space you don't have to worry about someone hacking your PC and getting unauthorized access to the contents of the disk;
  • Hyper V utility is a built-in virtualization component. With its help, you can install and test the operation of other operating systems directly in the window of an existing Windows 10;
  • Built-in remote desktop access option (Remote Desktop);
  • A service for interacting with cloud storage, an application store, and a service for updating business application settings.

Windows 10 Education

The Education assembly is designed specifically for use by students and in educational classrooms. It is also focused on working with business programs and has MS Office installed.

Function support:

  • Direct Access – organizing remote access between two computers on the network;
  • Simplified setup of cloud hosting;
  • Built-in hard drive and RAM protection mechanisms.

In general, the capabilities of the “educational” version of Windows are similar to those of the Enterprise version, only the Cortana voice assistant is missing.

Mobile versions of Windows OS

All versions of mobile builds are intended exclusively for use by individuals on smartphones and tablets. The assemblies are distributed free of charge and are already installed in the purchased gadget. If it is necessary to use the enterprise version, the user can install it independently using the instructions on the website.

Features of mobile versions:

  • Supports interaction with touch screens;
  • Continuum option, with which the user can enter the contents of the screen of a mobile gadget onto the display of another compatible device;
  • Pre-installed for working with documents and electronic presentations.

All updates to mobile builds are performed over the air. To check for the availability of new software, go to the system settings, section “Update and Security”, and install the available components.

How to find out the installed version of Windows 10?

You can find out which version and build of Windows 10 is installed on your PC using the built-in components. Follow the instructions:

  • Open the System Notification Center and click on the “All settings” field;
  • In the new window, click on “System”;
  • On the right side of the window, select the “About the system” section. Then on the right side of the screen, look for the Release and Version field.
OS update

To update the operating system, open the settings window again, as indicated in the previous section, and click on the “Update and Security” tile.

Make sure your computer is connected to the Internet. Click on the “Check for update” button. After receiving data from the Microsoft server, a field will appear notifying you about the need to update the system. If you have the most installed on your PC current updates, no messages will appear as a result of the scan.

To install the update, click on the “Restart now” button. During the system restart process, new components will be installed.

In the settings window, the user can configure automatic detection and setting notifications.

Windows 10 versions - key differences

In conclusion, let’s summarize all editions of Windows 10 and their main characteristics:

  • Home is the version with the most reduced functionality. It can be installed even on a low-performance PC and is perfect for home use;
  • Enterprise corporate type assembly that the developer recommends for use in the enterprise. Supports all the features of the professional build, but without the Edge browser;
  • Education – OS category for use in educational institutions;
  • Professional is the most complete and expensive version of the OS. Supports all administration tools, working with the network environment and has powerful system security of the file system and user data. Has MS Edge pre-installed;
  • Mobile – assembly for mobile devices;
  • Mobile Enterprise – version for use by mobile corporate devices.

Share in the comments which one Windows assembly 10 installed on your PC and why you chose it.

Microsoft has said that Windows 10 is the final version of Windows, but no one ever said it would be easy. After two years of existence, Windows 10 has no less than ten different editions. Each is essentially the same thing, but offers slightly different features for users with different needs. Along with constantly changing features, this can keep track of what's happening with Windows 10. Let's look at each version of Windows 10 in turn and see why Microsoft has created such a fragmented environment.

Comparison of Windows 10 versions

Components and Functions Home Pro Education Enterprise
Continuum for phone + + + +
Cortana + + +
Windows Ink + + + +
Start Menu and Live Tiles + + + +
Tablet mode + + + +
Voice, pen, touch control and gestures + + + +
Microsoft Edge + + + +
Control mobile devices + + + +
Center Windows updates + + + +
Windows Hello + + + +
Companion devices for Windows Hello + + + +
Device encryption + + + +
+ + + +
Windows Device Health Attestation Service + + + +
Group Policy + + +
Roam enterprise data with Azure Active Directory + + +
Windows Store for Business + + +
Limited access + + +
Dynamic provisioning + + +
Windows Update for Business + + +
Shared PC Configuration + + +
Test + + +
Windows Information Protection + + +
BitLocker + + +
Joining a domain + + +
Join an Azure Active Directory domain with single sign-on for cloud apps + + +
Internet Explorer in Enterprise Mode (EMIE) + + +
Remote Desktop + + +
Hyper-V Client + +
DirectAccess + +
AppLocker + +
Guided user experience + +
Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) + +
Microsoft User Environment Virtualization (UE-V) + +
Credential Guard + +
Device Guard + +
Windows to Go + +
BranchCache + +

Brief description of publications

  • Windows 10 Home is a standard offering and includes everything home users need.
  • Windows 10 Pro is based on Home and includes additional functions For experienced users and small business use.
  • Windows 10S- a stripped-down Chromebook competitor that lets you install apps for Windows Store.
  • Windows 10 Enterprise has advanced features for large-scale enterprise deployments.
  • Windows 10 Education is an offshoot of Enterprise with education-specific default settings and a lower price for schools.
  • Windows 10 Pro Education comes pre-installed on PCs that schools can purchase at a discount and offers a learning-specific Pro flavor.
  • Windows 10 Mobile is a Microsoft mobile operating system that is not very popular.
  • Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise allows businesses to manage mobile Windows devices 10 for their employees.
  • Windows 10 IoT replaces Windows Embedded, a lightweight version of Windows that hobbyists or businesses can install on small computing devices, as well as on robots and sales applications.
  • Windows 10 Team- this is a specialized Windows version 10, which only works on the Surface Hub smart board.
  • for workstations supports powerful PCs that regularly perform intensive computing

Windows 10 Home

We start with the basic version. If you're going to walk into a store and buy a new laptop off the shelf, it's almost certainly going to be Windows 10 Home. True to its name, it includes the full experience of Windows 10 features that the average home user will enjoy. You'll find all the major products inside, including Cortana, Store apps, Xbox, and support for tablet and touch features. The Home Edition leaves out some of the business-oriented features that are the only other edition in the PRO, but you can buy them separately.

Windows 10 Pro

Windows 10 Pro builds on what Home offers, but includes more features aimed at power users and businesses. The most notable differences are the ability to join a Pro machine for a domain, support BitLocker encryption and Group Policy support for easily changing company-wide settings. Most machines in business use the Pro version, so IT professionals can use these tools to their advantage. But enthusiasts can also benefit from what the Pro has to offer.

For example, many of the settings we discuss in the articles are easier to change using the Group Policy Editor than in the Registry. However, I don't think this is suitable for most home users. You can replace free alternatives for some Pro-only features. For example, TeamViewer can replace Remote Desktop, and you can trade VeraCrypt for BitLocker. And not a single one is normal Windows user At home, you should not join your computer in the domain.

Windows 10S

One of the newest releases in the lineup, Windows 10 S is a smoothed-out version of the operating system. Its the most distinctive feature is that you can only install applications from Windows Store Store, so it won't work with any traditional desktop software. Microsoft Edge is the default browser and you cannot change search engine default from Bing.

Windows 10 S is only available on pre-installed devices, and most of them are inexpensive. Microsoft is targeting Windows 10 S at the education market as it is something of a competitor to Chromebooks. While you can upgrade Windows 10 S to Pro for dollars, most home users should stay away from it. The combination of cheap hardware and limited available apps limits what your device can do.

Windows 10 Enterprise

Windows 10 Enterprise is, unsurprisingly, intended for large-scale business use and is only sold through volume licensing Microsoft. Unlike Windows 7, there is no full version of Windows 10 that offers full set Enterprise features for home users. But that's okay, because Enterprise's additional capabilities only shine in enterprise deployments. The biggest feature is DirectAccess, which allows remote workers to access their company's internal network through a connection similar to a VPN, but provides greater security. AppLocker, another great feature, allows administrators to block access to certain applications. This edition also allows companies to switch to a long-term branch to avoid regular Windows changes 10 that may interfere with their operation. Enterprise also contains some behind-the-scenes tweaks that make it easier for IT professionals to install or Windows transfer on a massive scale for standardization. While Pro is great for small businesses, a company with thousands of employees can save money and control their setup with the Enterprise edition.

Windows 10 Education

The Windows 10 Education Edition includes all Enterprise features. As Microsoft explains, this is actually a variant of Windows 10 Enterprise that provides education-specific default settings. In past versions this included disabling Cortana by default, but it is present in current builds. Windows 10 Education also disables tips and offers that are only advertisements.

Apart from these default settings, the only significant change for the Education edition is that it costs significantly less than the Enterprise edition. This helps schools reduce costs while still receiving powerful version Windows, which allows them to block games and inappropriate content on computers used by students. Although your computer must be running Windows 10 Pro to upgrade to Enterprise, this does not apply to the Education edition. PCs running Windows 10 Home can upgrade to Windows 10 Education, further reducing costs for schools.

Windows 10 Pro Education

Are all these names confusing? Windows 10 Pro Education brings the two together existing titles publications Everything is the same as in Windows 10 Education, the only difference is the taste of Windows 10 Pro with several default settings typical for educational environments. The most a big difference between Pro Education and Education is that the former comes pre-installed on new devices purchased through the K-12 program at a discount. This means that schools do not need to go through Microsoft Volume Licensing to purchase off-the-shelf PCs. Smaller schools that lack a full IT staff or don't need corporate Windows features 10 Education can still exercise control using features found in Windows 10 Pro Education.

Both editions of Windows 10 Education include the Set Up School PCs app, which guides administrators by creating a standard Windows image. They can choose options such as uninstalling browser apps, automatically connecting computers to the school domain, and configuring Windows Update to avoid restarts during school hours. After completing this process once, IT staff can place the package on a flash drive and quickly apply it to other machines.

Windows 10 Mobile

Do you know that Windows Phone still exists? It's currently called Windows 10 Mobile, but it's the next iteration of the launch version of Windows for your smartphone. This is part of Microsoft's plan to create a single, unified operating system on every device. It lets you access the same new Windows Store apps that are available on the Windows 10 desktop, along with the Continuum feature that lets you use your phone like a PC on the big screen.

While it's an improvement over Phone 8.1, Windows Mobile is still largely irrelevant in the mobile space as Android and iOS reign supreme. Thanks to a botched deployment and continued lack of reliable apps, Windows 10 Mobile suffered from limited use. But I still use the budget lumia 640 and I’m quite happy with it than the virus-ridden android.

Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise

The enterprise version of Windows 10 Mobile Enterprise is almost the same as the consumer version. As you'd expect, it offers business features like deferring and managing updates, telemetry control, and more powerful deployments.

Windows 10 IoT (Internet of Things)

For previous versions Windows, Microsoft has provided a shortened version called Windows Embedded. For example, Windows XP Embedded was and is still extremely popular for lightweight devices such as ATMs, cash registers and watches. Embedded editions of Windows contain only the essential components, reducing the footprint on the machine while still allowing the device to take advantage of the benefits of Windows. Now the successor to Windows Embedded is known as Windows IoT.

IoT is connected by internet connections to everyday household objects. For example, it is popular among smart things like the Alexa speaker from Amazon and this version of Windows serves to allow amateurs and corporate users use it. Windows 10 IoT can run on popular small devices, who do not have powerful resources.

Microsoft offers two options: Windows 10 IoT Core and Windows 10 IoT Enterprise. Core is free to download and you can install it on devices like the Raspberry Pi. Enterprise Flavor is equivalent to Windows 10 Enterprise and therefore more powerful. Enterprises can install it on industrial robots, cash registers and other IoT devices.

Windows 10 Team

The Microsoft Surface family includes an interactive whiteboard known as the Surface Hub. Like other smart cards, it is designed for business use so employees can collaborate and video conference between locations. This device runs special version called Windows 10 Team. It is based on Enterprise but offers a few differences as it is specifically designed for the giant board. User interface optimized for mega touch screen. Any user can come up and log into a low-level user account without logging in. When the session ends, the system deletes local files unless you save them to OneDrive. And like Windows 10 S, you can't install traditional desktop apps. Team is a specialized version because it only applies to one device. You'll probably never run into this.

Windows 10 Pro for Workstations

Because 11 editions weren't enough, Microsoft recently announced another version of Windows 10. This product is called Pro for Workstations, and it's designed for high-end PCs that require heavy workloads. New features include the resilient ReFS file system ( Resilient File System), persistent memory, faster file sharing and enhanced hardware support. Essentially, this results in a host of internal improvements that make the daily grind of computing information throughout the day smoother. Microsoft explains that these changes will result in less data corruption, more fast transfer network data and RAM usage up to 6 TB. Windows 10 Pro for Workstations will launch with Fall update Creators Update in fall 2017. This edition will likely only see business use.

Today, the version of Windows 10 has already become a favorite among many users. Someone uses it comfortably professional version of this software, someone “uses” home version and remains quite satisfied with this state of affairs. However, those who decide to install this operating system for the first time are scratching their heads over the question of whether Windows 10 Enterprise or Professional is better?

How many versions are there in total?

Today, users have a choice of only seven versions of this OS:

  • professional;
  • audit;
  • mobile;
  • home;
  • corporate;
  • server;
  • mobile-corporate.

But which build of Windows 10 is the best? Each of these versions is ideal for certain categories of users. If you do right choice, then you can use the new product from Windows with complete comfort.

Description of editions


Today this is the most popular version Windows 10 worldwide. Comes with it Edge browser, as well as a biometric system that identifies users of the system. For security, this version does not require passwords; it recognizes the user by face and fingerprints. The computer running the Home version can run Xbox games.


This version is ideal for cases where the computer supports business applications. The developers claim that Windows 10 Pro is designed specifically for small organizations.

Supports Hyper-V virtualization, as well as the ability to encrypt the disk. You can use Windows Update for Business to update your software.


This version is actively used by the largest corporations and companies, as it works with support complex functions such as:

  1. Direct Access – the ability to remotely access without using a VPN.
  2. BranchCache is an option that makes the update and download process much easier and faster.
  3. Credential Guard and Device Guard are applications that increase your computer's security significantly.


The Windows 10 version, as the name suggests, was created specifically for educational institutions and students in particular. Much like the Enterprise version, but without support for some specific features.


This OS is applicable for Microsoft smartphones. Also, users of some Lumia with Windows 8.1 can. Mobile for business supports some business segment functions and has more fine tuning updates and security policies.

Differences in editions

If you want Windows 10 to reach its full potential at home, then choose Pro version. It is replete with all kinds of devices and professional applications, knowledge of which will help you use the system with maximum comfort.

Before you think about which Windows 10 is best to install, analyze for what purposes you will need it.

OS name: Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
Official website:
Interface languages: English (US), English (UK), Spanish, Italian, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), Korean, German, Portuguese (Brazil), French and Japanese.
Treatment: Trial version for 90 days (permanent activation possible)
System requirements :
Processor: 1 GHz or faster
RAM: 1 GB (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
Disk space: 16 GB free space
Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device, with WDDM driver
Screen resolution: 1024 x 768

Windows 10 Enterprise (90-day free trial)

Users who want to use the operating room Windows system 10, but do not yet dare to purchase it, but only want to try to work with it for informational purposes, Microsoft provides such an opportunity for them. Both organizations and individuals can download it for free and install it on their computers.

A special section of Microsoft's TechNet Evaluation Center website allows you to download trial versions of products for IT professionals, and you don't have to actually be one. All you need is to have (or create for free) a Microsoft account.

  • 1. Next, you will need to enter your First and Last Name, address Email, job title (for example, it could be “Workstation Administrator”) and the purpose of downloading the OS image (for example, “Evaluate Windows 10 Enterprise”).
  • 2. On the same page you should select the desired bit depth, language and version of the ISO image.
  • 3. The Russian language may not be among the supported ones, but you can easily install the Russian language pack after installing the English-language system: How to install the Russian interface language in Windows 10, read below.
  • 4. After filling out the form, you will be taken to the image download page of your choice ISO version Windows 10 Enterprise will start loading automatically.
  • 5. No key required for installation activation will occur automatically after connecting to the Internet. If you still need the key, for example to restore the system:



Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB Available in 32-bit and 64-bit ISO versions.

Windows 10 Enterprise(Enterprise) is a special edition of Windows 10 designed for large enterprises and medium-sized businesses. The LTSB (Long Term Servicing Branch) version is a specialized version with long-term support

How to download the Russian interface language using the control panel

  • 1. Go to the control panel (for example, by right-clicking on the “Start” button - “ Control Panel"), switch the top right item "View by" to icons (Icons) and open the item "Language". After this do the following actions to install the language pack.
  • 2. Click Add a language.
  • 3. Find “Russian” in the list and click the “Add” button. After this, Russian will appear in the list of input languages, but not the interface.
  • 4. Click “Options” next to the Russian language, the next window will check for the presence of Russian in the Windows 10 interface (the computer must be connected to the Internet).
  • 5. If the Russian interface language is available, a link “Download and install language pack” will appear. Click on this item (you must be a computer administrator) and confirm the download of the language pack (a little more than 40 MB).
  • 6. After the Russian language pack is installed and the installation window is closed, you will return to the list of input languages. Click Options again next to Russian.
  • 7. You will be asked to log out and log in again so that the Windows 10 interface language changes to Russian. Click Log off now, or later if you need to save something before logging out.
  • 8. The next time you log in, the Windows 10 interface language will be Russian. Also, during the steps above, the Russian input language was added, if it was not installed previously.
  • 9. Next, go to the control panel - “Language” and make sure that Russian is first in the list. Otherwise, select it and click the “Up” menu item above the list of languages.
    In the control panel, go to “Regional Standards” and on the “Location” tab, in the “Primary location” item, select “Russia”.

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(Official Microsoft website)

Which begs the question? What will happen after 3 months of use? At the end of 90 days, the system will work, but periodically ask for re-activation. It is possible to activate, activate in various available ways, if not, then install the system again, fortunately it is free. If you don’t like rearranging, buy licensed Windows 10.