How to find out the version and build number of Windows, having only an ISO image on hand. How to find out the version and bitness of Windows

The proposed instructions will help you understand how to find out the version of Windows 10 using operating system and with the help third party utilities. The first methods do not require the user to install any applications or even have an Internet connection. In the second case, you will have to download one of the many tiny utilities, which will provide the user with the required information.

What does it mean to find out the version of ten? This concept includes several definitions, which we will understand right now. Edition or Edition: Windows 10 comes in three editions - Home, Enterprise, Professional. Version is Windows value changes after the release of sufficiently important or major updates. Assembly or build is the assembly number of the operating system in its current version. The bit depth can be 32-bit (also referred to as x-86) and 64-bit.

In this section, we will look at how to find out the version of Windows 10 using the tools provided by its developers, without downloading any applications.

Options menu

The simplest method to see information about the installed tenth version of the system is to go to the new “Options” menu.

It is called via Win+I or via “Start”.

In the window that appears with a tiled view of the elements, click on the icon labeled “System”.

Let's go to last tab"About the system."

Everything is visualized here required by the user information about the version, release and bitness of the system used. It also displays information about the processor used and the amount of RAM.

About Windows

We execute the “winver” command by entering it into the command interpreter line (called using Win+R) or in search bar. After this, an information window will open with information about the installed Windows versions 10. This contains all the required information.

System Information

Another way to view information about the installed OS is the extended system information window. It is called by the “msinfo32” command, which is launched via command interpreter, command line or search line.

The window that appears contains all the information about Windows 10: its edition, version and build, bitness (type).

You can call the Start context menu and select “System” from the list that appears. In the information window that opens, you can find out the bitness and edition of Windows 10.

Command line

A universal system tool - the command line allows you to visualize data about the version of the installed OS.

To launch it you should use context menu Start.

In the very first line of the window that opens, you can get data about the “tens” assembly.

After entering and executing the “systeminfo” command, the command line will display information about the bitness, build number and edition of the Windows 10 you are running.

Windows Registry

Direct access to the registry is provided by the registry editor built into the system. It is launched by the “regedit” command.

Then select the HKLM branch. In it we go to the “Software” section and then through the subsections: “Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion”.

Knowing English language, the required information can be easily retrieved.

There are quite a few methods to find out information about Windows 10, but for beginners it is recommended to use the very first one - through “Settings”. Who can't get enough Windows tools 10, it is recommended to use one of the popular information utilities, for example, CPU-Z.

After launching the application, go to the last tab About or About the program. In the frame " Windows version or Windows Version" contains all the information you need.

Users are often interested in how to find out the number Windows builds 10 or its version. In this material we will look at several ways that will allow you to obtain this information.

Method number 1. Parameters.

Windows 10 has a new menu for managing the operating system. It's called Settings, and you can open it through the Start menu or by searching.

If you want to find out the Windows 10 build number, you can also do this through Settings. To do this, open “Settings” and go to the “System - About the system” section. Here you can get all the basic information about your operating system.

The Windows 10 build number will be listed in the "Build OS" line. There will also be information about Windows release 10, Windows 10 version, and basic computer specifications.

Method number 2. WinVer command.

Works in Windows 10 old way obtaining information about the Windows build, namely the command winver. To execute this command you need to use the key combination Windows-R, enter “winver” and press the Enter key.

As a result, a window with information about Windows 10 will appear in front of you.

Its build number will also be indicated here.

Method number 3. MsInfo32 command.

There is also a team MsInfo32. As in the previous case, to perform it you need to press Windows-R, enter the command and press Enter.

After this, the “System Information” window will appear on the screen. At the very top of this window there will be a line “Version”, which will indicate the version of Windows 10 and the build number.

Unfortunately, MsInfo32 does not show full information about the build number, but only the first part.

Method number 3. SystemInfo command.

In addition, there is also a team SystemInfo, which can also be used to find out the build number of Windows 10. To run this command, you must first. This can be done in different ways, for example you can press a key combination Windows-X and select “Command Term” from the menu that appears.

After the “Command Prompt” appears, you need to enter the command “ systeminfo» and press the enter key.

As a result, information about the operating system and computer will appear on the screen. At the very top, in the “OS Version” line, the version of Windows 10 will be indicated, as well as its build number. Unfortunately, as in MsInfo32, it is not displayed here full number assemblies.

Unlike insiders and system administrators, most ordinary users are of little interest in which particular build of Windows 10 is installed on their computer. The major version and bit depth are a different matter; this information seems much more important and significant. But let's imagine this situation for a moment. When dealing with someone else's computer, you need to find out the version, build number and bitness of the system installed on it, including the insider one. How to do it? It turns out to be very simple.

Options utility

First, let's give the simplest and most obvious way to see the build version of Windows 10. Open the Settings application, go to the System section and switch to the About tab (About System). On the right in the “Device Characteristics” block you will see various information, including bit depth and architecture, in the “ Windows specifications» – version and build number, as well as system edition.

Quick Launch Window

The next way to find out the build number of Windows 10 is to use the “Run” line. By pressing keys Win+R call the window quick launch and run the command in it winver. The “Windows: Details” window will open, in which the major version, build number and system edition will be indicated.

Instead of winver you can also use the command msinfo32, providing a significantly larger amount of data. On the "System Information" page, in addition to the version, build number and edition, you will find information about the computer architecture, model motherboard, BIOS mode, physical size and random access memory and so on.

If you only need to know the bitness of the system, whether Windows 10 is 32 or 64 bit, just open the properties of the “This PC” icon (the “System” applet) on the desktop and find the “System type” parameter in the information window that opens.

Command line

Now let's see how to find out the version of Windows 10 using the command line. Launch the console and run the command in it systeminfo. As a result, you will get the same set of information as when you run the msinfo32 command, only in a simplified form.

Instead of the traditional team CMD lines you can use the PowerShell console, you will get the same information.


Those who like to delve into the registry can look at the version of Windows 10 there. To do this you need to expand the branch HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion and find the ProductName, ReleaseId and CurrentBuild parameters. The value of the first is the name of the system and its edition, the value of the second is the version number, the value of the third is the build number.

However, why go into the registry if you can find out which build of Windows 10 is on your computer in much more prosaic ways.

Other means

You can open the magazine Windows updates and see the version and build number of the OS in it. By the way, this is how you can find out the bit depth Windows systems 10, it is also indicated in the journal along with the basic information.

There is also a team wmic os, displaying information about the installed operating system. It can accept many parameters, allowing you to display only certain data. So, to find out the version of the system, you need to add the line get version to the command, to find out the name and edition - get name.

Windows comes out of the box with DirectX built-in, a set of features specifically designed to improve the efficiency of working with multimedia content. Here's how to check the bitness of your Windows 10 system using it, or more precisely, using the DirectX diagnostic tool. Open the Run window (Win + R) and execute the command in it dxdiag. The information you are interested in will be displayed in the “System” tab (see the “Operating system” item).

Here, in fact, are all the main methods that allow you to quickly and without unnecessary hassle determine the version, build and Windows bit depth 10. Many programs, for example, AIDA64, can also receive system data, but install them on a computer third party application just to find out the version of the system, you see, is not the most rational solution. However, if one of these programs is already on your PC, then why not use it.


If you have packaging boot disk to your operating system, then the easiest way is to look assembly So. Her number can be written on inside packaging. Also sometimes the Windows build version is directly on the OS distribution disk itself.

Using this method you can find out assembly Windows operating system, regardless of its version. Click Start. Select All Programs. In the list of programs, find and open “Accessories”. Among standard programs find the command line.

IN command line enter winver. After a few seconds, a window will appear with basic information about your operating system. This window will contain information about the OS build version.

Alternatively, you can enter dxdiag at the command line. After a few seconds, the Direct X diagnostic tool will launch. The first window that opens will contain basic information about your system. Find the line "Operating system". Among all the values ​​in this line is the build version of your operating system. The build number is written at the end of the line.

You can also type msinfo32.exe at the command line. Extended information about your OS will appear. Among them, look for the line “Version”. The value of this string is the build number of your operating system.

If for some reason you do not have access to the command line, then you can find out the operating system build version in this way. Open your system disk, then sequentially Windows folders and System32. If you have a 64-bit operating system, then you should open the System64 folder.

In this folder, look for a file called Winver.exe. Double left click on this file. After a second, a window will appear containing information about the build version of your OS.

Video on the topic

To obtain information about the operating system installed on the computer, the user does not have to look for a box from installation disk. All necessary information can be obtained using system components. So to find out version assemblies Windows, you can choose one of the options.


For getting general information about the system, call the “System Properties” component. To do this, right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu. If you don't have My Computer on your desktop, set it to appear.

Right-click anywhere on the desktop, select “Properties” from the drop-down menu and go to the “Desktop” tab in the “Properties: Screen” window that opens. Click on the “Desktop Customization” button. IN additional window On the "General" tab, place a marker in the "My Computer" field in the "Desktop Icons" group. Apply the new settings.

You can also access the System Properties component from the Control Panel. Open it through the “Start” button and select the “System” icon in the “Performance and Maintenance” category. Another option: if the “My Computer” item is displayed in the “Start” menu, the properties window can be opened through it by right-clicking on the icon.

20.11.2015 38136

If you suddenly need to accurately determine the build number of your Windows, run in the command line or dialog box Run winver or systeminfo command. But this can only be done in working system. How can you find out the version and build number of the system, having only one boot image ISO? And is this even possible? Quite. Here's what you need to do to achieve this.

Go to the directory with ISO-image and mount it in Explorer in any way convenient for you. Easiest to install ISO-file, double-click on it with the mouse, after which its contents should open in Explorer. You will see several files and folders. Go to the folder sources and find the one there large file - install.wim or install.esd .

Some ISO-images can contain both 32 - So 64 -bit versions of Windows. In such cases, the path to the mentioned files will look like x86sources or x64sources and this will need to be taken into account when performing further actions. Also note what letter the mounted one has virtual disk. In our example this is G. Now open a command prompt as an administrator and run the following command in it:

dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:G:\sources\install.wim /index:1

If you are working with a file install.esd , the command will look exactly the same, only it will specify a different extension:

dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:F:\sources\install.esd /index:1

When working with multi-bit ISO-images will require running two commands with the corrected path:

dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:G:\x86\sources\install.wim /index:1
dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:G:\x64\sources\install.wim /index:1

The result will not take long to arrive. Information about the assembly will be displayed immediately on the command line: Name, version, build number, architecture, size and other additional information.

It's that simple.

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