How to find out the current build of Windows 10. How to find out the version and build number of Windows, having only an ISO image on hand


If you have packaging boot disk to yours operating system, then the easiest way is to look assembly So. Her number can be written on inside packaging. Also sometimes version Windows builds directly on the OS distribution disk itself.

Using this method you can find out assembly Windows operating system, regardless of its version. Click Start. Select All Programs. In the list of programs, find and open “Accessories”. Among standard programs find command line.

At the command prompt, enter winver. After a few seconds, a window will appear with basic information about your operating system. This window will contain information about the OS build version.

Alternatively, you can enter dxdiag at the command line. After a few seconds, the Direct X diagnostic tool will launch. The first window that opens will contain basic information about your system. Find the line "Operating system". Among all the values ​​in this line is the build version of your operating system. The build number is written at the end of the line.

You can also type msinfo32.exe at the command line. Extended information about your OS will appear. Among them, look for the line “Version”. The value of this string is the build number of your operating system.

If for some reason you do not have access to the command line, then you can find out the operating system build version in this way. Open your system disk, then sequentially Windows folders and System32. If you have a 64-bit operating system, then you should open the System64 folder.

In this folder, look for a file called Winver.exe. Double left click on this file. After a second, a window will appear containing information about the build version of your OS.

Video on the topic

To obtain information about the operating system installed on the computer, the user does not have to look for a box from installation disk. All necessary information can be obtained using system components. So to find out version assemblies Windows, you can choose one of the options.


For getting general information about the system, call the “System Properties” component. To do this, click right click Click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu. If you don't have My Computer on your desktop, set it to appear.

Right-click anywhere on the desktop, select “Properties” from the drop-down menu and go to the “Desktop” tab in the “Properties: Screen” window that opens. Click on the “Desktop Customization” button. IN additional window On the "General" tab, place a marker in the "My Computer" field in the "Desktop Icons" group. Apply the new settings.

You can also access the System Properties component from the Control Panel. Open it through the “Start” button and select the “System” icon in the “Performance and Maintenance” category. Another option: if the “My Computer” item is displayed in the “Start” menu, the properties window can be opened through it by right-clicking on the icon.

Today's article will introduce you to several in simple ways find out information regarding the version, release, build and bitness used on personal computer or laptop OS. Today you will receive an answer to the question: How to find out Windows version 10 without first downloading and installing any supporting applications. Everything we need is already included in the functionality of the operating system.

  • A version is a unique number that is assigned to the OS when updates are released;
  • An edition is a type of system (Home, Professional and Corporate);
  • Build is the serial number of the OS build;
  • Bit capacity – there are x32 and x64 bit systems.

Determining the version of Windows 10 in system parameters

First, let's talk about the most obvious method. We need to get to system parameters OS, there click on the “System” section, and then go to the “About the system” tab.

The window that appears after this will contain information, including the OS version, build, and bit depth. You can also find additional information about your computer's processor, random access memory and others system functions.

The second way is to press two buttons on the keyboard at the same time - Win and R, then enter winver, then press Enter. will appear in front of you working window with information about the operating system. You will also be able to view information about the version, build and release of Windows 10. This method does not allow you to find out the bitness of the OS.

If this is important, then repeat the first steps, click on Win and R, but enter msinfo32. Now the window will display extended information about the OS, including bit depth. It should not be surprising that the information is displayed differently than we are used to in most cases.

You can also click right key computer mouse Click the Start button and select the System section. This will allow you to quickly and in a familiar format view data on the bit depth and OS release.

If you decide, it may be interesting to get acquainted with additional ways to obtain information about the OS.

Additional ways to get the data you need

Let’s immediately make a reservation that one or another method differs in the completeness and format of the data output, so take this into account when you decide.

If you use the Start button and the command line, after starting, in top corner window will contain the operating system version number.

You can also enter systeminfo in this line and then click on the Run button. Ready! Now you can get acquainted with information about the bit depth, build, release and version of the OS.

AND last method– go to the editor system registry, there go to the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion and view all necessary information.

It turns out that for viewing detailed information about the operating room Windows system 10 you won’t have to do anything super complicated. Everything is extremely simple and clear! And in order not to do all this again in the future, write down the information received. But if you don't, what you write down can quickly become outdated. Therefore, please keep our instructions close and accessible.

Building the Windows 10 OS, in principle, like any other operating system, is a kind of software package for the system - its applications, settings that are enabled by default. Accordingly, knowing the build number, you can easily talk about the product, its problems, configuration details, and the like. Therefore, sometimes there is a need to find out the treasured numbers

There are many different software products, with which you can find out about the OS build. You can also obtain similar information using standard Windows 10 tools. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Method 1: AIDA64

Method 3: PC Wizard

If you didn't like the first two programs, then perhaps PC Wizard is exactly what you need. This small application will give you full information about the system. Just like AIDA64 and SIW, PC Wizard has paid license, with the ability to use a demo version of the product. The main advantages include the compact design and functionality of the application.

To view system build information using PC Wizard, follow these steps.

Method 4: System Settings

ABOUT Windows number 10 can be found out by reading the system parameters. This method differs from the previous ones, since it does not require the user to install additional software.

Method 5: Command Window

Another simple one standard way, which does not require installation of additional software. In this case, to find out the build number, just run a couple of commands.

In these simple ways you can find out all the necessary information about the build of your OS in just a few minutes. It’s really not difficult and every user can do it.

20.11.2015 38811

If you suddenly need to accurately determine the build number of your Windows, run in the command line or dialog box Run winver or systeminfo command. But this can only be done in working system. How can you find out the version and build number of the system, having only one boot image ISO? And is this even possible? Quite. Here's what you need to do to achieve this.

Go to the directory with ISO-image and mount it in Explorer in any way convenient for you. Easiest to install ISO-file, double-click on it with the mouse, after which its contents should open in Explorer. You will see several files and folders. Go to the folder sources and find the one there big file - install.wim or install.esd .

Some ISO-images can contain both 32 - So 64 -bit versions of Windows. In such cases, the path to the mentioned files will look like x86sources or x64sources and this will need to be taken into account when performing further actions. Also note what letter the mounted one has virtual disk. In our example this is G. Now open a command prompt as an administrator and run the following command in it:

dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:G:\sources\install.wim /index:1

If you are working with a file install.esd , the command will look exactly the same, only it will have a different extension:

dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:F:\sources\install.esd /index:1

When working with multi-bit ISO-images will require running two commands with the corrected path:

dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:G:\x86\sources\install.wim /index:1
dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:G:\x64\sources\install.wim /index:1

The result will not take long to arrive. Information about the assembly will be displayed immediately on the command line: Name, version, build number, architecture, size and other additional information.

It's that simple.

Windows activation- one of mandatory conditions use of this operating system. Its licensing is carried out by us, the users, purchasing a product key for the corresponding version and edition. But...

What to do if, when mounting an ISO image in Explorer, you get the error “Make sure the file is on an NTFS volume”... As you know, you can view the contents of ISO images in Windows 8.1 and 10 without resorting to third-party programs; instead, you just need to mount it in Explorer by double-clicking. The image will open without any problems, but uh...

Many Windows users 10 are concerned about what OS build they have. In fact, most consumers do not pay attention to this and live in peace. Windows 10 should be easy to understand, and users do not need to know the version of the operating system build they have installed.

Windows Insiders are a different matter. You people follow every release and only occasionally, and even then, occasionally, you may forget which build is on your device. Or the confusion is due to auto-updates that you didn't keep track of.

Luckily, you can find out what build of Windows 10 you have in just two minutes. simple steps. Go!

Check Windows 10 build version

1. Win + R

Open command prompt with Win keys+ R

2. Launch winver

Just write winver in the Run line and click OK.

That's all. You may see a dialog box that will list your OS version and registration information.

There is another way to find out: instead of using Win + R (1) type winver in search bar Cortana and (2) select the first search result.

Please note that if you are a member of the Insider program, you will see the build expiration date. There is no need to worry about this as you can always leave the program and your OS will turn into stable Windows version 10. Theoretically, Microsoft is going to continue the launch Windows updates 10 via Windows Insiders, so that date will definitely change.

Also, an interesting observation: I noticed that my OS shows Windows 8 at the top. Gabriel Aul reports that this is just a bug and most users see Windows 10 or even just Windows at the top.

Finally, I'm sure many of you have noticed the return of the water sign ' test mode’ on desktop 10525. For insiders, this is the easiest way to find out the build number;)

We hope you now understand how easy it is to find out your build number!

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