Which Windows is better? Comparison of features of Windows versions. Which version of Windows is better, which one to choose for installation on a laptop (computer)

The next step after purchasing a laptop is choosing an operating system. An unsuitable option does not allow you to use all the capabilities of your PC or work comfortably. In this article we reveal the key points in choosing an operating system for a laptop.

The laptop consists of two parts - hardware and software. Hardware is the processor, memory, screen, keyboard, software - all applications. The main component of the software is the operating system.

The OS serves as an intermediary between the computer, executing programs and the user. The operating system provides applications and the user with a set of universal services:

  • loads programs into memory for execution
  • receives and executes user commands.
  • organizes interaction with a printer, scanner, network

Windows or Linux

More than 90% of the operating system market is occupied by Windows OS. Users receive better support for computer hardware, a larger number of application programs than for Linux, and almost 100% the ability to consult with specialists in case of problems.

For the average user, the choice is clearly in favor of Windows. Exceptions include cases of using a laptop for work and training in the IT field. But user preparation when using Linux is higher.

Laptops for Windows XP

Windows XP was released in 2001 and has become the standard for a reliable, stable and secure operating system. Today, XP is used on newer laptops that are equipped with single-core processors and up to 1 GB of RAM.

Conclusion: Windows XP is an acceptable operating system for laptops with limited memory and outdated graphics, suitable for office use.

Why we skip Vista

After the successful Windows XP, the unsuccessful Vista appeared. The system had many errors, inflated hardware requirements, constant “brakes” and freezes.

As a result, proven XP was installed on laptops with Vista pre-installed. After the failure, Microsoft did some serious work. A new OS has appeared with better performance with lower hardware requirements. This was the final verdict on Windows Vista.

Choosing the optimal version of Windows 7

Almost half of computers run Windows 7. Reason: Windows 7 is faster than Vista and Windows XP. If the laptop is equipped with at least a 2-core processor and the amount of RAM is more than 1 GB, the choice in favor of Windows 7 is obvious.

When choosing a 32 or 64-bit version, they are guided by the amount of RAM. If the RAM is up to 4 GB inclusive, the OS “sees” a little more than 3 GB. Then it’s better to stick with the 32-bit (or x86) version.

The latter requires more memory to operate. The transition to a 64-bit version of the operating system is relevant when the installed memory capacity is 6 GB or more.

Windows 8 and difference from Windows 7

For most programs there is no difference between 8 and 7. Accordingly, the performance of Windows 7 and Windows 8 is almost the same.

The main difference is the desktop design. Windows 8 was created at the peak of tablet popularity, so the interface is focused on them. In version 8 there is no Start button on the taskbar, in 8.1 it appears again, but the classic menu does not return. There is no point in installing Windows 8. This is confirmed by less than 8% of computers that use the OS

Windows 10 – when there is no choice anymore

Microsoft Windows 10 is the last OS released according to the old scheme. The main difference from previous versions is that Microsoft supports Windows 10 with constant updates, which have become impossible to disable. As a result, users have the latest version of the system installed.

This is part of the strategy to transition to the “Windows as a service” model, when the system changes constantly through updates, without releasing new versions.

The official OS requirements remained at the same level as for 7 and 8. There is no point in installing Windows 10 on laptops that run Windows 7 normally.

Old laptops may experience problems after installing Windows 10:

  • The touchpad does not work correctly
  • Old printer and scanner won't connect
  • Wi-Fi disappears

Added to this are privacy concerns: under the terms of the license, Microsoft can dispose of user data.

New laptop models work best under 10. If the manufacturer's official website only has drivers for Windows 10, opt for the 64-bit version of the system.

Do I need to switch from Windows 7 to Windows 10? Maybe, well, these innovations and beauty? Or still keep up with the times? This is a question that confuses many of today's Windows users.

Comparison of Windows 10 and Windows 7

As an example, take any laptop with very decent performance, for example, Samsung R60Y+. Don't be scared by the fact that this model is 9 years old - it's a machine with a dual-core processor and 2 GB of RAM. Windows 8/8.1/10 runs very quickly on it, which cannot be said about inexpensive and weak netbooks: one of these is the Acer Aspire One 521 with its conventional processor and only 1 GB of RAM.

Windows 10 and Windows 7 performance

For comparison, we took a PC with the following equipment:

  • Intel Core i5–4670K processor (3.4 GHz - 3.8 GHz);
  • RAM 8 GB (DDR3–2400 RAM architecture);
  • Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 video card;
  • Crucial MX200 1TB drive;
  • SilverStone Essential Gold system unit with a power of 750 W.
  • Startup and behavior when turning on the PC

    Windows 8 and 10 versions load faster. This is not a file-by-file loading of the operating system kernel, as was the case until Windows 7, but loading of the last successfully completed session with working settings and user data. Starting Windows “from scratch” every time you turn on the PC is a thing of the past for operating systems: this method wore out internal drives faster (SSD drives and LiveUSB bootable flash drives, which are less wear-resistant than a simple HDD, suffered especially) and greatly overloaded the RAM and processor.

    After booting, Windows 7 shows the classic desktop and taskbar with the Windows main menu. In Windows 8.x, the Start button was hidden, but in Windows 10 it was made more accessible, as in earlier versions of Windows. Most tools for configuring and debugging Windows 10 are still readily available and will be discussed below.

  • remove the password that was imposed when you first launched Ten - in Windows 7 and earlier versions the password was not forced;
  • remove autostart of some Windows components and services, which, as a rule, are not urgently needed, especially if the computer is used for work and entertainment on the Internet;
  • clear lists of assigned tasks that are also not needed;
  • disable slide shows of screensavers and “wallpapers”, install a simple Windows design, remove other annoying paraphernalia.
  • To begin with, the BootRacer program measures the time it takes the OS to start - from the appearance of the Microsoft logo to the display of the Windows desktop.

    Windows 8.1 showed the best time; Windows 10 booted within 6 seconds, Windows 7 within 5 seconds

    If the Windows 7 shell had not started from scratch every time, it would have started in just 3–4 seconds. And this on PC with very impressive performance!

    Switch to Standby/Hibernate and Hibernate Windows

    The first mode that allowed you to safely stop Windows without closing programs or losing data was hibernation - saving the entire current session on drive C. The more advanced the version of Windows, the less time it takes to execute the hibernation command.

    The older the system, the longer it takes to go into hibernation mode; the best time - 21 seconds - was shown by Windows 10

    Windows hybrid sleep mode - a cross between hibernation and regular sleep mode - takes slightly less time, and this is also where Windows 10's superiority can be seen.

    In Windows 10, the time it takes for the PC to go into sleep mode is the shortest

    Windows 7 and 10 system requirements for PC

    The values ​​given below for RAM, video card memory, CPU and space in the system partition (in the case of using one version of Windows, this is usually partition C:) must be exceeded at least twice, otherwise this is not work on the computer, but torture.

    Windows 7/10 computer requirements - table

    The main factor is the PC bit capacity. Changing Windows 7 to 10 makes sense, for example, in the following situations:

  • Computer performance suffers; the software was updated/replaced - replacing Office 2007 with Office 2013, Photoshop CS1 with the CC version, etc.;
  • I want to try new games that are more demanding on hardware resources; for example, update GTA4 to GTA5, Crysis 2 to Crysis 3, and so on;
  • a large monitor/projector was purchased, and a PC or laptop serves as a home theater or controls a projector at the university;
  • the entire “system unit” is being upgraded or completely changed due to the launch of 16-channel video surveillance with IP cameras at guarded posts - the PC itself is used as a video recorder: for example, 16 GB RAM, a 1 TB hard drive and an 8*3 processor are purchased, 5 GHz.
  • Which version of Windows is best for gaming?

    It is necessary that the game does not freeze anywhere - and it does not matter whether it is single-player or multiplayer. Who would like a laptop that is overheated to capacity and makes noise at half the apartment with its fans at night, in which your favorite World of Tanks or Call of Duty Black Ops constantly freezes, control of the main character is lost, and you are killed in the game in an easy place?!

    Windows 7, 8 and 10 are only slightly ahead of each other - if only there was a powerful and fast “stuffing” of a computer or tablet. Most games of the last decade require at least Windows Vista, otherwise you are unlikely to play GTA-4/5 or the latest World of Warcraft on them.

    An example is the game Tomb Raider. No noticeable increase in loading speed was found.

    Tomb Raider load times are almost the same on all versions of Windows

    There is a slight lag between Windows 10 and Windows 7 in the games Metro Redux and Crysis 3.

    Which version of Windows runs faster applications for work tasks?

    As in games, the hardware itself decides a lot here. For example, when you launch the programs Download Master, Firefox Portable, Adobe Photoshop, Avant Browser and some others, a splash screen (cover) of the application appears on the screen for a second or two, which you are unlikely to speed up - these programs are so configured, they maintain the interval for displaying this splash screen before opening your main working window. This is reminiscent, for example, of the intro of a Call of Duty or Grand Turismo game, but, unlike desktop applications, you can interrupt the demo video and start the game by pressing Enter or clicking the mouse.

    Labor productivity is important here. If for you a computer is not a toy, but a means of earning money, applications should work quickly - for example, Microsoft Office does not slow down when typing documents; the printer, scanner, copier, etc. work quickly; The enterprise local network does not “fall off” and does not slow down.

    Launching Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge

    Internet Explorer 11 and the new Microsoft Edge browser are taken as an example. With each shift, Windows IE gets a little faster. Microsoft is right - Edge is much faster than slow-witted IE.

    Edge browser loads almost twice as fast as IE, regardless of Windows version

    Internet Explorer is clunky, and yet banks and corporations use it - they don't need Chrome, Opera, or Firefox.

    Adobe Photoshop launch monitoring

    Throughout its history, Photoshop has accumulated so many software modules, templates, filters and settings that it takes a very long time to launch even on high-speed machines.

    Photoshop loading speed on Windows 7 and 10 is almost the same

    The further development of Windows did not greatly affect its startup speed.

    How Microsoft Excel performed

    Overall, nothing has changed in Excel performance.

    Excel 2013 runs almost the same on all recent versions of Windows

    This is one of those cases where productivity in work applications does not change for the better.

    People's reviews about Windows 10

    One fine morning, I came across news about the public availability of Windows 10 from the company Melkosoft. Initially, I was very surprised by the release of the 10th after the 8th, but that’s not the point, I immediately downloaded it and hemorrhoids began, because after a 2-hour installation, a 5-hour search for firewood that would work correctly system, I came across a crude, unfinished system in which even the conductor does not work reliably! Popandos, comrades! The graphical component is very minimalistic and uninteresting, almost everything was ripped off from 8, but a start menu was added, conceptually it’s a mixture of 7 and 8, to be honest, this is of no use, I would say that I’m waiting for a full-fledged version, but it can’t be so after what I saw. Result: Despite the ardent desire to switch to Linux, I rolled back to seven


    Since 2013, I have been using the Windows 8.1 operating system and was completely satisfied, but when I saw a discussion of Windows 10 on the Internet on forums, how beautifully people describe how good and convenient it is, I couldn’t resist and went to the official Microsoft website. In general, I downloaded the installation and started installing this system. The installation did not take long, like all windows, it quickly installed, rebooted and then it started... Well, of course, I’ll immediately note that the interface is beautiful, the icons were replaced with more neat ones, the taskbar and the main screen. The screen began to freeze , you are looking for settings to adjust but you can’t understand where they are located, I read on the forums that you need to demolish the previous version and I bought a Windows 10 image with a license key. In general, I formatted the hard drive and installed Windows 10... And it started again... - now I’ll just list What problems did I encounter? The store does not work - there are always errors, the explorer does not work, updates do not work, games and programs do not start - something is always missing from the library... All files that are not enough for the full operation of the PC cannot be found in on the Internet specifically for Windows 10. As a result, Windows 10 was disposed of and the PC was returned to Windows 8.1


    Good day. Most of us are accustomed to the Windows 7 operating system, so it’s understandable that the transition to Windows 8,8.1 and 10 is met with hostility. After all, you need to get used to the new, but the old has already been studied inside and out. It’s probably strange, but for me personally, it is learning new things that arouses great interest. New things don’t just mean new problems, bugs and other crap. New is also a solution to old problems, optimization, improvement, improvements. I have already installed Windows 10 five times, demolished it, returned to 8.1 and 7. But at the moment I have clearly decided to stay on the top ten. It is more convenient, it works many times faster than previous operating systems, and yet it is new. In the end, new versions of programs and games are optimized for it. Games don't interest me at all, but still. There was only one unpleasant moment - an annoying message asking me to upgrade to the top ten, which appeared with updating previous versions of the OS. But even with him it was easy to fight. There was no need to install updates, or it was tedious to remove something from the installed ones. It’s a matter of two minutes. Turning on bluetooth on the keyboard doesn’t work for me, but there’s a very convenient panel here. Just for me. They say that a dozen monitor users and send data to Microsoft. Well yes, that's true. What next? It is stupid for the average user to worry about this. Not everyone is an employee of the FSB or similar organizations. Why such paranoia? Terrorists may need to worry, but ordinary people have no reason to. A fake problem, which by the way can be solved by installing a small patch that destroys all the shit, including the cool thing Cortana. I use it with pleasure. I disabled the standard antivirus and installed my favorite Avast. I don't know any problems. Oh yes, there was one serious problem. I have a folder with films. At the moment, its volume exceeds 400 GB and Windows was not friendly with this folder. The bar at the top took a long time to load. Everything froze. The problem was solved simply, in the folder settings I changed the folder optimization from “video” to “general elements”. It’s strange that she was dumb when it came to optimizing for video. But I solved the problem, and this is the main thing. Of course, I recommend this operating system. Fast, attractive, easy to use and configure.

    Kosmonaut Mishahttp://otzovik.com/review_2744012.html

    Summary: is Windows 10 as necessary as it seems?

    So, if you have a lot of free time and want to please your eyes with a new design - go ahead! What will change if the Windows main menu becomes not just a menu, but a tile with large icons and cells of different sizes? You can’t argue with the statistics: more than half of people still love Windows 7 - it works just fine on their computers.

    The first requirement for any operating system is functionality, which includes features such as:

  • support for new devices and faster and more productive equipment - for this, Windows must have all the main drivers that are universal for many brands and models of PCs, laptops and tablets. In particular, this applies to panoramic shooting for Google Street and Yandex Maps - support for the latest “circular” and “spherical” HD cameras with a resolution of each of their matrices of thousands by thousands of pixels;
  • the emergence and development of voice control (Cortana voice dictation in Windows, similar to Siri in iOS, support for OK Google voice search, etc.);
  • support for 3D technologies: support for 3D monitors, 3D printing. This is becoming increasingly popular. Previously, they could only print text - now it is possible to print, for example, a toy or a model on a 3D printer, and this is not the limit. Windows 10 should also work smoothly and quickly with this;
  • support for multi-display work - used at presentations, lectures, and generally when working in any company - and it doesn’t matter what this company produces, be it a new bicycle or an iPhone;
  • There is an abundance of all kinds of settings - it is the new functionality that gives a serious impetus to their expansion.
  • The list threatens to become endless. No matter how huge it was, people expected new features, new functions from Windows 10, and not just new screensavers and shiny panels, mosaics and animations, which the “Gates office” never skimped on. Since Microsoft is unlikely to release a new version of Windows (under the name 11 or Prima), all hope is for Windows 10 updates, which will bring to mind what is already there.

    Video: Windows 10 settings

    Updating Windows to Windows 10 is not that important. If you don’t need the Cortana “voice”, virtual desktops and other “bells and whistles”, stay on Windows 7; in any case, you won’t lose anything either in work or in play.

    Microsoft Company improves And optimizes each its own product. Each new version of the Windows operating system has a number of benefits or shortcomings before the previous product, but each time a new OS is different its shell and the presence of new options.

    It is impossible to say which version of the operating system is better: each software is different decent performance and versatility. Most people like the old builds of Windows with a comfortable and established design, but they do not have a Microsoft support program, unlike the new ones, which are improving every day based on user feedback.

    Comparison of Windows 7 and 10: what is the difference

    Despite the peak of popularity of Windows 10, many users remain loyal to Seven. Windows 7 has:

    • habitual design and convenient location of all options,
    • recovery center and stable performance,
    • light software filling that does not load the processor.

    Most users prefer the seventh OS, but if the “seven” is significantly ahead of the eight in functionality and performance, then Windows 10 is serious competitor, winning in many respects. In addition to fast performance and ease of use, Windows 10, unlike Windows 7, has:

    • light system backup and recovery center,
    • constant upgrade and shell optimization,
    • work with the latest drivers and application support,
    • support DirectX 12 and Microsoft Edge.

    Despite the wide popularity of Windows 7, the OS is outdated an option that is gradually losing its former multifunctionality and quality of work. If the user appreciates convenience location of the functionality of the "seven" and the old design, then Windows 7 will be an excellent choice. This OS will do for people of the third age or the old school - for those for whom ease of use is more important productivity.

    Windows 7 or 8: version features

    These operating systems are very similar in appearance, but Windows 7 has more potential and the best performance, as well as a comfortable and familiar design. According to statistics, users do not have a choice between versions 7 and 8; many return to the “seven” after testing Windows 8.

    Windows 8 did not become a breakthrough in the computer industry like 7 or 10. This operating system has inconvenient desktop, start menu, and item layout. G8 was initially aimed at running mobile devices and you shouldn’t expect any special performance in games or general performance from this OS. The OS is designed to work on touch gadgets, as well as increased energy efficiency, and on stationary PCs it may not be as comfortable as its counterparts in the seventh or tenth version.

    Which is better – Windows 8 or 10

    Windows 10 is multifunctional: It will be convenient to use the OS both on a desktop PC and on mobile platforms. By choosing the tenth version, you get wide-profile and a stable operating system with a wide range of features and additional configurations. Windows 10 is the most in demand an operating system that gets better every day. "Ten" allows:

    • use new Microsoft Edge browser,
    • work with several virtual tables,
    • use option analysis disk space,
    • use notification center,
    • launch games for Xbox One.

    Microsoft Company invests more resources to support and optimize version 10, which is the most popular and popular version after the gradually dying “seven”. The eighth version is designed to work mobile platforms Windows based and has a number of shortcomings in the interface: it is difficult to get used to the OS and master the basic functions, which is significant distinguishes"eight" from 10 and 7 versions.

    So what to choose

    In order to receive best performance and the ability to use all available configurations, recommended Perform a clean installation of the operating system. Installing Windows through updates significantly impairs performance computer and may cause some drivers or applications to malfunction.

    It is believed that each subsequent version of Windows is better than the previous one: in new versions is improving and the software is rotated and the performance of the operating system is improved. However, ordinary users for whom a slight increase in power will not give much benefits, choose an OS based on their own comfort in using the software. Choosing an operating system is a matter of habit and largely depends on the nature of the user.

    First, let's figure out why this is needed at all? For example, you buy a laptop or PC without an operating system (you decided to save money, and rightly so) or with a Linux distribution installed (the same thing, you saved money because it is free, but it is often unusual for the average user).
    And here you are faced with the question - which version to install?
    Of course, maybe the first question will be “Who should I contact for installation,” but this is already in a different category.
    I offer 3 versions of operating systems of the Windows family to choose from - Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows 8.
    On the one hand, the simplest solution to this issue would be to install the latest version released at the moment - this is Windows 8. Moreover, Microsoft has a tendency to remove glitches and errors from previous versions with each version release, and even after that to work on new errors. Such is their nature - mistakes and corrections. But I would not rush with such a choice, because what is new does not always mean better. So let's look at these operating systems and draw a conclusion on which one to choose.

    1) Advantages and disadvantages of Windows XP

    Who is this version intended for and what is good about it? I think the answer is obvious, even based on the fact that for nine years from 2003 to 2011 this system was in the most popular demand. Ask "Why?" yes, because people are accustomed to the fact that many of their acquaintances and friends have this particular version, that they speak positively about it, and that it is easy to use. Everything is extremely clear and precise and you don’t often need to resort to the help of friends and acquaintances to explain how to do something.
    Also, during this time, it has “overgrown” with a sufficient number of updates and additions (there are also assemblies in which everything is available at once), which allows you to install it and immediately start using it without the need to get used to it and look for something new.
    Among the technical advantages, one cannot fail to note the fact that it is suitable for old computers. Under old I also mean that they have weak hardware and filling. It requires significantly less RAM to operate.
    The most important shortcomings are related to the hardware and other disappointing moments follow from this. For example, it “does not see” RAM more than 4 GB (if you use 4 GB or more, the system can only use 3.25 GB) and supports a maximum of DirectX 9. This is logical, at the time when it was released there was no such thing that a computer could support 8 GB of RAM, but DirectX has the specifics of constantly increasing to meet the requirements. Therefore, if you want to play or work with modern graphic editors or games, then most likely you will not be able to do this.
    Another disadvantage is the fact that this OS is being shut down and no more updates will be released.

    2) Advantages and disadvantages of Windows 7

    8 years after the release of Windows XP, this version was released. Although there was a kind of “interim” unstable version of Windows Vista, it did not receive proper distribution and I would rather classify it as a beta version before the release of the seven.
    I think the biggest advantage will be its Aero interface. In fact, the seven is much more beautiful and convenient than XP. There is only a small nuance - the higher your version of Windows 7, the more features you will get (I mean Home Basic, Advanced, Enterprise, Professional and Ultimate editions). In general, I love everything that is functional (you never know, it will come in handy someday), so I have Maximum on my PC, and Basic on my laptop (I only use it when I travel anyway).
    Another advantage is that in Windows 7 there is a little-noticed service called UAC (User Account Control). This is the same window that pops up when you are working with particularly important utilities (files) and asks permission to change. This is a kind of “fool protection” i.e. when such a message appears, you may still think, “Should I do this? What if it damages the computer,” and you can give up the sin. It’s good if this message comes out when you perform your actions, but what if it just comes out like that? Here it’s worth thinking about viruses, hackers and the like and checking your antivirus. But an antivirus is still required, because nowadays all sorts of “bad” people have learned to do things in such a way that they can bypass this service’s protection.
    Another advantage can be noted that Windows 7 copes well with wireless networks, namely Wi Fi. Which is natural, because at the time of the release of Windows XP this was still not widespread. It already has all the drivers built in to support this function (especially if you have a candy bar, laptop or netbook), but for a PC you can also put a bracket in the port and your computer will be able to use Wi-Fi as you wish.
    And finally, I can’t help but note that Windows 7 already comes with built-in options that are most suitable for your computer. And after you have installed it, all you have to do is install a couple of drivers that usually come with your computer, camera, phone, etc. devices. Well, or use a program to search for uninstalled drivers, find and update them.

    Honestly, over the years of working with Windows 7 I have not yet found any more or less important shortcomings. It's just that some old games and programs don't work on it. Of course, it provides for this and it is possible to run it in compatibility mode with older versions of Windows, but no matter how hard I tried to run it like that at times, nothing worked.

    Recommended system requirements for Windows 7:
    Processor - 1 GHz
    RAM - 1 GB for 32-bit version and 2 GB for 64-bit version
    Video card with DirectX9 support
    16 GB of free hard disk space for the 32-bit version and 20 GB for the 64-bit version.

    3) Advantages and disadvantages of Windows 8

    Metro style. Oh, this vaunted metro style.... But nevertheless, this is an advantage. At first, it’s really inconvenient, but after some time you get used to it and begin to understand the beauty of this interface, which replaced Aero from Windows 7.
    Multiplatform. This OS was released not so long ago, namely 3 months ago. On October 26, 2012, its official release was published. Therefore, it is focused on the more frequent needs of users, in particular, it can be installed not only on a PC, laptop or netbook, but also on all-in-one computers and tablets. This is achieved by the fact that it provides touch data input (this is why the metro style was invented - these squares and rectangles).
    Download speed. I took this from the Microsoft website, but I considered it an advantage because it is only a fraction of a second faster than loading a clean Windows 7 (tested by experience) and you don’t have to be fooled by the company’s videos.
    Built-in antivirus. This version comes with a built-in antivirus from Microsoft itself. In principle, a good and free antivirus. I use it myself and recommend it to others.
    Closer connection to the Internet, i.e. Internet is almost always needed there. If in the case of Windows 7 or Windows XP it was possible to disable programs or connect to the Internet, but not be on it, then here, as soon as the Internet appears, the system will immediately start downloading and updating something. This may be a disadvantage (especially for those who use 3g USB modems), but I think that this is more of an advantage because you are always aware of all events (especially if information gadgets are installed) and the system is constantly updated.
    In my opinion, it is still quite “raw” and still needs work. After all, as usually happens, after the release of a new version, the search for its vulnerabilities, glitches, and errors immediately begins, and various kinds of hackers especially try to work on this. Considering the fact that it is closely connected to the Internet, your data will be almost immediately available to attackers. Sometimes even an antivirus won't save you.
    It cannot install programs from other sites. Those. It used to be easier - you found the right program on the Internet, downloaded the archive or exe file, launched it, installed it and used it. Here we decided to do it a little differently - now you need to search and download utilities through the built-in Windows Store - the Windows store. Analogous to AppStore for iPhones and Google Market for Androids. Personally, I think this is a disadvantage rather than an advantage, although...

    Recommended system requirements for Windows 8:
    Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher with PAE, NX and SSE2 support (more details)
    RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) for 32-bit or 2 GB for 64-bit.
    Available hard drive space: 16 gigabytes (GB) for 32-bit or 20 GB for 64-bit.
    Graphics adapter: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver.

    That's basically all about comparisons. Now let’s figure out what to choose and install.
    Although now software manufacturers and games are releasing their products with support for all these versions, they are increasingly abandoning Windows XP (because it doesn’t have enough resources) and do not include Windows 8 (they haven’t had time to “combine” it yet).
    Based on my experience, I would recommend choosing Windows 7 and preferably Ultimate. Simply because I use it myself and don’t see the point in switching to the same 8K. In general, I think that 8ka is like a “prelude” to another operating system, as was the case with Windows Vista before the release of Windows Seven. It’s just that Microsoft is in a hurry and churns out systems, releasing systems first, and is reluctant to fix errors (this is my personal opinion).
    7ka is currently the most stable and popular version of Windows. And laptops, computers, and netbooks are now being released with Windows 7 pre-installed (although they have already begun to introduce Windows 8). And the current computer hardware allows you to install Windows 7. Even netbooks come with a special Windows 7 Starter edition.
    I would recommend installing Windows XP to those who have been familiar with it since the bearded 2000s, if they have an old computer or a new one, but the hardware does not allow installing even Windosw Starter.
    Well, with the installation of Windows 8, I would still recommend sticking with at least the code until it is more or less polished and corrected.

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    Since the release of the tenth version of Windows, there has been ongoing debate among users and experts about which is better, Windows 7 or 10? Some consider the “seven” to be the most reliable of all released versions, others note the multitasking of the “ten” and its many non-standard capabilities, which are not present in the seventh version. Let's try to consider all the main aspects associated with this, but this comparison will be purely conditional, since each user has his own opinion.

    Which is better Windows: 7 or 10? First look at the interface

    First, let's look at the graphical shell. In the seventh version, although there is a semi-transparent Aero theme, which is installed by default, we still have a standard interface that was used in all previously created systems. And many people are already quite tired of him.

    “Ten” in some ways repeats the eighth modification with its tiles in the spirit of Metro, but the appearance of the “Start” button with expanded options for quick access to some important elements of the system surpasses both Windows 7 and Windows 8. Particular attention should be paid to the function of creating multiple workers tables. Some users consider this a waste of time, but fans of multitasking will only welcome this approach.

    The interface itself, with its flat elements, looks quite controversial, although such a simplification, firstly, does not affect the consumption of system resources too much, and secondly, it does not have such a strong impact on the eyes. The fatigue from constantly looking at the screen is much less than in the “seven”, where the gaze is focused on three-dimensional elements. A definite plus.

    System Test Kit

    If you look at the system requirements of both systems, it is obvious that they are not very different. Let's try to compare Windows 7 and 10 64 bits on a configuration with a 2-core Intel Core processor with a clock frequency of 2.33 Hz and 3 GB of RAM. This configuration is acceptable for both the “seven” and the “ten” at a level above the minimum.

    Download speed

    So, the first thing you should pay attention to is the loading speed before the main screen with the “Desktop” appears. On the above configuration for Windows 7 the time was 95.7 seconds, for Windows 10 - 93.6 seconds. But these indicators are very conditional. Although it seems that the “ten” loads faster, in fact, even when the “Desktop” appears, some system processes continue in it (this is evidenced by a constantly blinking light indicator on the system unit or laptop, which indicates access to the hard drive ). At the same time, the “seven” seems to stop.

    What to prefer in this case: Windows 10 or 7? Reviews from users of both systems indicate that people did not notice much of a difference in the start time. According to many, even a minute difference does not affect their preferences. But the use of computer or laptop resources in the tenth version, as it turns out, is slightly higher, so Windows 7 runs faster on the same minimal configuration.

    Access to settings, options and the Control Panel

    Now a few words about the settings of the main parameters. Both systems have a standard “Control Panel”, however, access to it in the standard version varies quite a lot.

    The “seven” uses the main “Start” menu, the “ten” uses the right click on the start button. But in both cases, you can still use the standard control command entered in the Run menu.

    But here is the most interesting moment. There is not one, but two “Control Panels”. In addition to the standard one, there is also a special section called “Options”, in which you can access not only the main settings, but also some elements that are not present in the standard panel. So here, in the question of which is better Windows (7 or 10), the scales clearly tip in favor of the tenth modification.

    And if you look at Windows 10 more closely, you will notice that it has a more advanced system for finding the desired component or setting, unlike the standard Windows 7 tool. As already mentioned, the right-click menu on the Start button helps a lot. But that is not all. For example, in a search query, you can use three standard categories, highlighted in the vertical column on the left. But with all this, you just need to start typing in the desired name of the control element, file or program, and the system will immediately offer several options for the result. Here the seventh version is not worth competing with the “ten”.

    Windows 10 and 7

    But with safe mode the situation is much worse.

    If in Windows 7 you only need to press the F8 key when loading, in the “ten” access to it is so veiled that the average user is unlikely to figure out how to call it.

    No, of course, you can configure the “ten” so that the Windows 10 safe mode is activated by the F8 key, as in the “seven”, but this is impossible to do without special knowledge and a hierarchical arrangement of controls or setting the appropriate parameters. Here the “ten” clearly loses.

    Antivirus programs

    If you look at the security features, any antivirus for Windows 7 installs without problems. At the stage when the tenth modification appeared only in the Technical Preview version, many conflicts could be observed, and most programs simply did not want to be installed.

    Again, this situation was observed only at the testing stage of the first release, and only because antivirus software developers did not have time to release the corresponding packages for Windows 10. But for the most part this concerned free applications. A little later, programs designed to work in the Windows 10 environment did appear, and now antivirus for Windows 7 and similar software for installation and operation do not work.

    Working on the Internet

    Another aspect of comparing systems is related to testing built-in tools for working on the Internet. In Windows 7, by default, the same Internet Explorer is used, which at that time, although it was slightly updated, still caused (and still causes) complaints from users due to the inconvenience of operation and many bugs.

    In Windows 10 the situation is different. It also has a standard Explorer, but a completely new concept browser called Microsoft Edge was proposed as the main means of accessing the Internet. But it now occupies the top lines of comparative browser ratings, demonstrating the highest performance indicators in terms of ease of use, speed, and reliability. Alas, it is not possible to install it in the “seven”, so you will have to use annoying IE or install a third-party browser.

    Comparison of systems

    Of course, these are not all the parameters by which both systems can be tested, and therefore it is possible to unequivocally answer the question of which is better, Windows 7 or 10, very conditionally. If we talk about performance, they are practically the same. If you look at the controls and options for accessing them, Windows 10 has more of them, but they can be hard to find. But if you gain access to them, you can fine-tune the system.

    Safe Mode settings favor Windows 7 by using the standard activation method.

    In terms of the functioning of the search engine, the “ten” has a clear advantage, as well as in the field of Internet access.

    Well, as for the interface, it’s impossible to say for sure which is better. Some people like the standard shell, others like the new one, with expanded capabilities. But the fact that in terms of multitasking the “ten” is a cut above is not even discussed.

    What to choose?

    Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to Windows 10. What system has no flaws? In the “seven”, although it remains almost the most popular system, all this is also available. And all those who claim that the “ten” is unfinished are absolutely wrong. Only the first modification was crude, and modified versions like Home, Professional and even a special assembly for educational institutions Education, according to most experts, will simply put the “seven” in its belt with its functionality, although, unlike it, they consume more computer resources.

    In general, it is better to give preference to Windows 10. It is not yet known how long updates or programs for the “seven” will be released. In the end, the time will come, and they will refuse it anyway. But the tenth version will develop at the fastest pace; it may even become a platform for the next modification. And if you take into account the fact that the “ten” is installed on mobile platforms, there is nothing to say.