White phone for men. Male smartphone

For a real man, a mobile or cell phone is a thing that emphasizes his individuality. Every man chooses a phone according to his needs and capabilities. So, if you decide to give a man a mobile phone as a gift, then first of all forget about your wishes and preferences.

When choosing a gadget for your loved one, you should first of all take into account his age, habits, as well as his type of activity. After all, every man is individual. However, there are still some recommendations that will help you choose the right phone option for a man with greater accuracy.

Actually, when choosing a phone, the following are important:

Color and design

It will probably be an obvious fact that you should not choose a phone with hearts. Or, let's say, pick up a phone Pink colour. It is quite obvious that such a cell phone man simply will not accept or even be offended by such a gift. These are simple and understandable things. However, there are some factors that are not so easy to notice at first glance.

It has been proven that men prefer cell phones that symbolize masculinity and emphasize their dignity.

The most suitable phone color for a man would be black, gray, steel or, say, bronze. The main thing is that the color is not warm and bright. Preferably cool colors.

In phone shapes, men are more attracted to angularity and severity of shapes. Known fact that many men avoid models with smoothly flowing shapes. After all, every man wants to look respectable. Let's say a busy businessman will never choose a folding mobile blue color with strongly rounded edges.


When selecting mobile phones based on design, you first need to take into account the form factor of the phones. When choosing, men give greater priority to monoblocks and sliders, for example the Nokia 8800 phone, paying almost no attention to folding phones. Somehow it so happened that men are reluctant to purchase a folding phone, believing that this design of the phone is more suitable for women.

An excellent option is a monoblock. This is a classic phone design that is always in demand among both men and women. Monoblocks come in push-button and touch-sensitive types. And if a push-button monoblock is tolerant of any minor damage, then a monoblock with touch controls requires greater care in operation. When choosing between them, you should first think about the person’s occupation and how he handles technology.

The least popular design is the slider. When choosing a slider, you should also pay attention to human activity. Various bulk substances, as well as simple dust may damage your phone. So it would be a bad idea to choose a slider for a person working on a construction site somewhere.


When choosing a mobile phone, men are put first functional features one phone or another. A man is even ready to sacrifice angular shapes for the exact number of functions that satisfies his needs. To choose the right phone with this or that functionality, you should take into account your age, occupation, and habits. Some will prefer a phone with a modest list of functions (only for making calls), while others will be barely satisfied with a smartphone with the highest possible level of equipment.

First of all, you should pay attention to human activity. If a man often checks his email and spends a lot of time at the computer, then his choice is more likely to fall on a smartphone with big amount random access memory and high processor frequency.

But if a person’s needs for functionality are small or he understands little about technology and phones in particular, you should not choose an expensive smartphone with a huge number of functions. A person simply will not appreciate such a gift.

Operating system and manufacturer

It happens that a stylish and nice-looking phone with an optimal set of functions and the right shape can be rejected by a man because the manufacturer is not suitable for him or operating system. Some will prefer Samsung, others Nokia, Sony Ericsson or HTC, LG or Apple. The choice of each man is individual, so there are no specific rules for choosing a manufacturer. You can only find out about a man’s preferences in this regard by asking him.

The situation is approximately the same with the operating system. 5-6 years ago, of course, this would not have meant absolutely anything, but now it can decide everything. The company and the operating system are two related characteristics. For example, Samsung produces smartphones with operating Bada system and Android, Nokia produces smartphones with the Symbian operating system, and Apple produces iPhones on iOS.

Everything is great if you take a push-button monoblock or slider, because with them you don’t have to make such a choice. But if you need to choose a smartphone or communicator, then only the man to whom you will give it will help you decide. Try to casually ask him about the advantages of Android or Symbian OS.

If you have a question: “What is the difference between a men’s smartphone?”, then this is quite logical. We often write “masculine this, masculine that,” but to understand the difference, just think: does this emphasize masculine qualities? For example, we are now talking about a smartphone. Just imagine: a business meeting, everyone is wearing jackets and ties. And then one of the men’s phone rang. He puts his hand in his jacket pocket and pulls out a pink flip phone. With an elegant movement of his hand, he opens the phone and says: “Hello.” The situation, to put it mildly, is not typical for Russia. So think about it, can that smartphone be considered a man’s? We think not.

Men's toys

But, before we move on to studying real men's smartphones, let's formulate a simple rule for classifying things as men's. They should not be perfect, which is emphasized by the chopped edges of the body and a minimum of rounded elements. An angled chamfer, sharp protrusions and a maximum of metal, bringing the gadget closer to the weapon.

All these elements emphasize the true masculine essence: the desire to tame the elements, rebellious and beyond the control of other people. Do what others cannot do. And finding someone who cannot master an iPhone in a couple of months, and is far from retirement age, is a very difficult task.

The best smartphones for men

Therefore, in this article we will look at the most functional and brutal smartphones that carry not only power, but also a truly noticeable feature. In some models it is visible from the outside, while in others it is hidden inside. If you read our material in its entirety, you will 100% have several great ideas, and at the same time a number of options for a future smartphone with unique features and advantages over glamorous unisex competitors.

Microsoft Lumia 950 XL

Of course, the smartphone is not as brutal as we would like, but this is all solved by the removable back cover. The main function that can greatly help a man, and especially a businessman, is Continuum. Connect your Lumia 950 XL to the Microsoft Display Dock and use it with external monitor, keyboard and mouse. Office applications and Outlook easily unfold on a large, easy-to-use screen. Your smartphone perfectly reproduces the familiar computer environment.

Lenovo K900

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to find truly masculine things, and this especially applies to electronic devices. Last year, Lenovo launched one of those devices on the market that, without exaggeration, can be called masculine. The Lenovo K900 smartphone is endowed with a brutal metal body, rough sharp shapes and, most importantly, a huge 5.5-inch screen.

Apple iPhone 6S

Men like attention from women, and this device definitely attracts the larger half of the “weaker” sex. And then, with such a device, men can safely say: “Smile, you are being filmed by the most popular camera in the world.” Yes, that's how he promotes himself Apple company with your iPhone 6S. With the advent iPhone world learned about Multi-Touch technology, which allows you to differentiate how hard you press the display, making many functions faster and more convenient.

iPhone 6s is equipped with a custom-designed A9 processor with 64-bit architecture. Now its performance reaches levels that were previously demonstrated only by desktop computers. Speed iPhone processor 6s is up to 70% higher than the previous generation models, and GPU works 90% faster, providing instant response in resource-intensive applications and games, isn't this all created for men's fun?

Samsung Galaxy S7

The device is not afraid of either water or dust, and the precise combination with parts made of curved metal alloy creates an external flawless body, attractive and reliable as a man's shoulder. The 3600 mAh battery will also not let you down.

The smartphone has Dual technology Pixel, delivering autofocus so fast and flawless that you can capture even the sharpest movements in low-light conditions.

HTC 10

Also suitable for a man, for example, is HTC 10: great camera for shooting business documents, the amount of RAM is increased to 3 GB, for comfortable use office applications.

The large display will be convenient when typing texts. The style of the model is masculine and strict.

Micromax Canvas 5 E481

This smartphone will definitely appeal to the male audience. Beautiful and powerful, the Micromax E481 is loaded with smart features that will appeal to the generation constantly striving for excellence. A powerful eight-core Mediatek processor and 3 GB of DDR3 RAM - the character of a “masculine size”. You will also be pleased with the 5.2-inch FHD screen and 2900 mAh battery.

Microsoft Lumia 650

Not a bad option for a male business audience. The smartphone makes it easy to work with different devices under Windows control 10, and thanks to its excellent performance characteristics, high build quality and premium design, the Lumia 650 can easily claim the title of “man's horse”.

Motorola Droid Turbo

Motorola Droid Turbo 32GB Sapphire Blue Ballistic Nylon, which is not only brutal, but also incredibly beautiful!

Droid Turbo is really very good smartphone. It is powerful, productive and long lasting. Unlike most models on the market, it looks and feels extremely unusual, especially if we are talking about the ballistic nylon version. Certainly no one will dare to call it uninteresting and ordinary.

The disadvantages include such points as rather large sizes and, oddly enough, a QHD display. A lot of pixels is cool, but in this case the advantages are much less than the disadvantages, primarily related to battery consumption.

TeXet TM-4082R

The TeXet company has been known to Russian users for quite a long time - at first its product range included players, then navigators... Now there are tablets, smartphones and, of course, secure phones, one of which is hard to call unmanly. The appearance of this model leaves a very favorable feeling - a monolithic body with an aggressive coloring, ribbed outlines.

The protection of your smartphone is excellent - the model will successfully survive all falls and dives to which you will subject it. The smartphone has an excellent safety margin, and the rubber inserts will soften the impact well.

Don't want a smartphone?

Well, what about those who don’t like smartphones? Then you should take a closer look at the Nokia 230.

Nokia 230

Nokia 230 is equipped with a 2.8-inch display with a resolution of 240×320 (QVGA). The RAM is 16MB, which is reminiscent of the old days. However, for the 30+ series it is enough to run applications such as Opera Mini, Bing Search, MSN and weather. Internal memory The device does not have it, but you can use the SD card slot to download MP3 (supports up to 32 GB). And the stylish aluminum body will always suit a man.

The category contains the most unusual Cell Phones , which cannot be found in regular stores. However, we present to your attention not only phones. Various available gadget toys..

It is hardly possible to imagine a civilized society today without mobile phones. About 25 - 30 years ago, no one suspected that they would so reliably strengthen their position in the role of mandatory human equipment. It took about 60 years for the invention to acquire the appearance we are familiar with today. There are a huge number of mobile phones on the market from different manufacturers, of different quality, with many functions.

Recently appeared the new kind mobile devices- high quality protected phone. Such indestructible phone can be an excellent addition to the equipment of security and rescue services. The phone is also waterproof and shockproof. Only a few types are sold on the market waterproof phones. It should be noted that the main reason mobile phones become unusable is water. That's why a waterproof phone could be a great solution to the problem. Shockproof mobile phone Perfect for those who lead an active or extreme life. Exactly shockproof phone Provides protection from shock and vibration. Shockproof a waterproof phone It has a durable housing, an effectively protected screen, scratch-resistant and durable mechanics.

Waterproof shockproof phones with reinforced battery (according to ip68 And ip67) and with a tempered build to match, this isn't some Malaysian robot toy or seedy seaweed from the Maldives. Shockproof waterproof phone- something really necessary.

Such mobile phone models are based on special technological development that turns common remedy mobile communications in a durable practical phone, which is not afraid of negative factors. Many people today want to buy rugged phones, but the quality of most of them leaves much to be desired. Protected phones Most of them are implemented today in Japan. And they'll probably all be waterproof. This is not an unfounded hypothesis. Many experts predict that in the near future such waterproof phones will gain great popularity and demand in the world market.

Consumers may ask, “Why shockproof waterproof phone? What to choose? Of course, everyone must make their own choice. But before that, it is important to determine and understand your attitude and requirements towards mobile phones. There are situations in life when the main requirement for a phone is its physical reliability and maximum battery life. Such requirements can truly be met extreme reliable phone. But that's not all. According to some respondents, indestructible phones must survive 40-degree heat, different kinds falls, pressure and at the same time should not look like an “orphan of Kazan”. One of these shockproof mobile phones survived a fall from a 25-meter level, getting into the Guinness Book of Records. Many of these shockproof phones They are distinguished by a “reinforced” body, which allows them to withstand shock, water and dust. Relatively speaking, such phones can easily survive a sandstorm, heavy rain or snow, immersion in water and falls.

The main specification of these phones includes rugged, rugged, waterproof shockproof reliable phone with reinforced battery. They are specially created as the most extreme phones for the most uncomfortable conditions imaginable.

In addition to all the above-mentioned advantages, phones are produced with good speaker audibility, microphone sensitivity and excellent vibration. To make sure it's most rugged phone of all existing species, many buyers have repeatedly tested it for strength and resistance to all kinds of influences: they have thrown it off multi-story buildings, drowned, scratched. They can withstand everything! And another important advantage among other characteristics of waterproof shockproof phone is high level IP protection, certified according to international standard.

Undoubtedly, this type of phone is preferred more by men. However, women do not lag behind the choice of men, since they are also attracted by this innovation. And if the buyer is determined to purchase a mobile phone, then the most powerfully protected option for him will be the choice of a phone that will serve with high quality and durability.

A man's smartphone - what should it be like, what are its differences and features? In essence, a smartphone is a gadget whose “gender” can only be determined by the color of the case. But if you study the characteristics and capabilities of the models in more detail, you will certainly be able to identify among them those in which the manufacturer initially included a “masculine” character. Having assessed the hardware component, not only the color, but also the case material, as well as functionality, we can assume that this particular model will look most harmonious in the hands of a self-confident man who has achieved success in life.

Wileyfox models

We will focus on the products of the young British company Wileyfox. This brand deserves special attention. Appearing on the market in the fall of 2015, for a short time Wileyfox smartphones have won many fans among users and respect among experts. Company success story:

  • December 2015 The authoritative magazine Forbes named Wileyfox Swift smartphone of the year;
  • February 2016 The company wins the prestigious British Mobile News Awards 2016 in the Challenger manufacturer of the year category;
  • October 2016 Famous Internet The publication Hi-Tech Mail.ru awards the victory to the Wileyfox Spark+ model in the category “ Best smartphone up to 10,000 rubles.”

The main advantages that make the brand’s models stand out on the market can be characterized as follows:

  • Work in data networks fourth generation 4G LTE;
  • Original Cyanogen OS firmware based on Android OS;
  • Powerful hardware component high performance;
  • Supports work with two SIM cards (both slots work on the LTE network);
  • High quality components and case materials;
  • Stylish original design;
  • Democratic pricing policy;

Only when you pick up a smartphone do you realize that this is exactly what you have been looking for for a long time. The device attracts with bright stylish design and pleasant tactile sensations from aluminum body. The model is equipped with a 5.2-inch 2.5D curved display that is capable of ensuring image readability in almost any environment. By metal surface The case has a laser edging, making the design of the device stylish and strict. Using laser technology, the frame of the main camera module and the fingerprint scanner was also applied. You can make sure that this is a real Wileyfox by looking at the brand logo - the face of a fox, which is located on the back panel. Phones are available on the market in two colors - fashionable Champagne Gold and stylish, truly masculine blue-gray Midnight blue.

A man's smartphone must have reliable protection against unauthorized access. The Fingerprint module is responsible for this in the Wileyfox Swift 2 X model. Thanks to the presence of a fingerprint sensor, it has become much easier to protect personal data stored in the device’s memory and limit access to applications. A fingerprint is a password that you will never forget, and a stranger cannot guess. To unlock, just touch the scanner, and the smartphone is ready for use. No more need to invent and memorize complex graphic passwords And digital combinations. Just one touch of your finger on the scanner is enough to open access to all applications, including the ability to make payments via NFC technology. Smartphones that support this technology, connect with other devices and accessories to transfer data with one touch.

The smartphone is equipped with a high-quality 2.5D 5.2-inch display with Full HD resolution and a brightness of 530 cd/m2. Phones with these sizes, as practice has shown, are the most convenient and comfortable to use with one hand. The smartphone fits in the palm of your hand, there is no fear that it will slip out. At the same time, the screen size provides comfortable control of applications and functions, as well as reading documents and surfing the Internet. Good high quality display, thanks to IPS and ONCELL Full Lamination technology, provides not only high quality image transmission, but also wide viewing angles. There is no distortion on the screen, even if you look at it from an angle of 178°. The display production technology allows you to remove excess air gaps between its layers, thereby ensuring the absence of distortion. To protect the screen from mechanical damage, Gorilla Glass 3 is applied to it. Men will also certainly appreciate the ease of use of the oleophobic coating, thanks to which fingerprints on the surface of the display are practically invisible.

The device supports work with two SIM cards. Be sure to note that regardless of which slot the SIM card is installed in, it can provide a connection to high-speed 4G mobile LTE Internet. Just select in the menu from which SIM card slot 4G will be used.

Dual SIM smartphones - the best choice for those who want to separate business and personal calls, or choose optimal tariff for the Internet, leaving the usual number for calls. The ability to install two SIM cards in one device is convenient and cost-effective.

The smartphone is built on the basis of a powerful eight-core Cortex processor A53 MPcore, with a frequency of 1.44 GHz. So you don't have to worry about availability free resources even to run the most “heavy” applications, 3 GB of RAM is provided. Download and install necessary programs, and you can also save photos, music and videos on the built-in memory (32 GB), or by expanding it using a microSDXC card (working with cards up to 128 GB is supported). This hardware support will allow you to install best apps for work and entertainment, without thinking about the lack of memory resources or the processor’s ability to provide fast processing commands

The device is controlled by a unique firmware of the popular operating system Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow - version of Cyanogen OS 13.1. The firmware is designed for experienced users who strive to make working with their smartphone as convenient and safe as possible. Cyanogen OS provides reliable protection against Internet threats and provides ample opportunities on customization. You can independently make changes to the interface, application operation and other functions that your smartphone supports.

All modern phones provide the opportunity to do high quality photos and shoot video. The Wileyfox Swift 2 X has a good 16-megapixel camera. The module has an f/2.2 aperture and physically consists of five lenses, which allows you to take high-quality pictures even in low light conditions. The smartphone can record Full HD video with a resolution of 1920x1080 and a frequency of 30 frames/sec.

Men will certainly appreciate the presence of GLONASS and GPS navigation modules in the device. This allows you to use your smartphone as a navigator. Going to long journey, you will no longer have to look for your way for a long time - smart app will tell you the most convenient and shortest way. It is also worth noting that the device is equipped with a 3010 mAh capacitive battery, which has a good effect on its battery life. battery life. Thanks to the support of the function fast charging It only takes 15 minutes to get 25% battery capacity.

The smartphone, like all phones of this brand, has an original stylish design. The body of the device is made of aluminum alloy and has a grainy matte structure, which is extremely pleasant for the tactile sensations when working with the device. The perimeter of the case is decorated with laser edging. Using the same laser technology The lens of the main camera module and the fingerprint scanner stand out on the back panel. The presence of the Fingerprint module guarantees the security of your personal data, which is stored in the smartphone’s memory, as well. Today, phones that use a fingerprint scanner to unlock are recognized as the most comfortable to use and the most protected from outside interference. You don't need to enter to access apps and features. complex passwords, enough a simple touch finger In addition, fingerprint confirmation is also used for payments using NFC technology.

High performance is achieved thanks to the modern powerful eight-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 MSM8937 processor operating at 1.44 GHz. The presence of 3 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal memory allows you not to worry about resources when downloading applications. If necessary available memory can be increased by installing microSDXC (supports cards up to 64 GB). Like all phones of the brand, this model supports 4G LTE data networks and two SIM cards. You will be able to choose best rate, both for calls and for mobile Internet, as well as to separate personal calls and work-related communication.

The model received a large 2.5D curved screen covered with Gorilla Glass 3 protective glass. IPS technology and ONCELL Full Lamination provides the best viewing angles that modern phones can have - even at 178°, the image on the screen does not lose its clarity and brightness, is not distorted and is perfectly readable.

Even phones for men are required to have cameras. Wileyfox Swift 2 Plus is equipped with a 16-megapixel main camera. Dual flash and the ability to set settings while shooting allow you to achieve excellent results even in the most unfavorable conditions (poor lighting). The camera module physically consists of five lenses, which ensures high quality of the resulting images.

The company's phones are easily recognizable thanks to the stylish original design And corporate logo- the face of a fox. received a metal case with plastic inserts (top and bottom of the rear panel). In addition to the brand logo, the main camera module and fingerprint scanner are also located on the panel. The model is offered in three colors: Tiffany green, Champaign gold, and Midnight blue. It is the last option that best matches what men's phones should be.

Having a fingerprint scanner not only makes it easier to access your smartphone and applications. This technology reliably protects your personal data. To unlock it, one touch on the scanner will be enough for you, while a stranger will not be physically able to guess such a password. The Fingerprint sensor will ensure your comfort and safe storage data.

The model is equipped NFC module, which provides the ability to exchange data with other devices. To connect an accessory, simply touch it with the device, and the connection will be established. Wileyfox Swift 2 can work with two SIM cards, and any of them can provide access to high-speed mobile internet 4G LTE.

Comfortable reading of documents and working with applications is ensured by high-quality 2.5D glass with Gorilla Glass 3 protection and oleophobic coating. The five-inch IPS is made using ONCELL Full Lamination technology, which ensures high image quality even at a viewing angle of 178°.

But the most important thing that smartphones for men should provide is high performance. Wileyfox Swift 2 is powered by a powerful 8-core Qualcomm processor 430 at 1.44 GHz. For video processing, the Adreno 505 graphics accelerator is provided. 2 GB of RAM will provide speed and absence of freezes, and thanks to 16 GB of internal memory and the possibility of increasing it up to 64 GB, you will not have problems with a lack of resources for downloading and installation required applications. High quality photos are ensured by a 13-megapixel main camera, and an 8-megapixel front camera is provided for video conferencing.


Despite the fact that the criteria for choosing a men's smartphone are strict, there are decent models on the market today. And you can purchase a reliable, powerful and modern device at a very affordable price.

If you want to know what they are, then read our review.

Choosing a phone for a real man

So, your task is to buy a phone as a gift for a man. Of course, an important role in choosing a cell phone is played by the age, occupation, and habits of the person for whom the gift is intended. However, there is also general recommendations, as well as mobile phone models that are aimed specifically at a male audience. Anyway to do good gift, you should figure out what functions a cell phone should have, decide on its design and design. Let's start with the design.

Manly look

It is clear that a phone with a floral design is not suitable for a man in any case. Delicate tones like pink are also inappropriate. These are obvious things, but there are some nuances that are not so noticeable at first glance. Men prefer phones with a solid color body. Various inserts Few of them like any color. In general, representatives of the stronger sex are quite scrupulous in matters of design. Any hint of a frivolous, let alone feminine, appearance of the phone is considered by them as a good reason to refuse this cell phone option, even if functionally they are completely satisfied with it.

Many men believe that streamlined body shapes can only be found in phones designed for women. However, not everyone shares this opinion. Perhaps, the more conservative views a man adheres to, the fairer the remark that he will choose a cell phone of a strict rectangular shape.

Suitable colors for men's phone- black, gray, steel. All other color solutions have to be questioned. White is a very controversial option. In general, it cannot be called purely feminine; this color is very universal, but men rarely opt for white phones. Perhaps this is due to the desire for practicality. One way or another, it is better not to buy a white phone for a man at random, simply because you liked the design of the phone. You should pay attention to what color the cell phone he uses in currently. If a man chose a mobile phone himself and decided on a light-colored case, then you can buy it as a gift white phone. If in White color painted only back panel The device, the cellular one, looks, on the one hand, not boring, fashionable, on the other hand, the black front panel compensates for the possible frivolity of the light tone.

Gold and bronze colors are only appropriate if the phone body is metal. Dark brown is a rare option, but there is nothing risky about it, it will look like black, just a little "warmer". Orange and red are acceptable in moderation. Manufacturers sometimes use these colors in the design of phones, including those aimed at a male audience.

Moreover, for some reason dark orange is perceived better than red. Probably, red again has an image of a feminine color. This is especially true for burgundy shades. Of course, such color solutions cannot be called classic. Therefore, you should not choose a phone with body elements painted in bright colors, if you are buying a cell phone, say, for business man. Men don't really like purple and blue colors, while they have almost nothing against blue.

This business series smartphone is based on operating Symbian systems not only looks businesslike, but is actually a good assistant for a business person.

Ergonomic body excellent quality, capacious battery, processor with clock frequency 600 MHz, 3.2 megapixel camera, Wi-Fi - these are just the main characteristics thanks to which it enjoys well-deserved popularity.

Samsung S8530 Wave II

There is nothing complicated or confusing about it, which can't always be said about a smartphone, but the rich appearance, metal body and excellent ultra-clear screen inspire respect for this phone at first glance.

Samsung S8530 Wave II

Powerful 1 GHz processor, 5 megapixel camera with autofocus and LED flash, along with the ability to choose useful applications in the online store Samsung Apps definitely play in favor of buying this smartphone based on the operating system Samsung systems bada.

Samsung S5233 Star TV

The presence of an analog TV tuner allows the owner of such a phone not only to watch his favorite TV shows or live broadcasts of football matches on a clear 3-inch screen, wherever he is - at home, at work, at the dacha, but also to record them on a memory card.

Samsung S5233 Star TV

Good equipment, decent sound quality, 3.2 megapixel camera, simple menu and widgets are excellent arguments for buying this inexpensive touchscreen phone.

Samsung Galaxy S

It looks royal and has the highest functionality. The 4" display delivers perfect visuals and the 1GHz processor ensures fast performance.

Samsung i9003 Galaxy S

The device's own memory is 4 GB, in addition, there is a slot for expanding the memory with cards up to 32 GB. operating room Android system 2.2 allows you to expand the capabilities of your smartphone almost endlessly thanks to the huge number of applications available on Samsung Apps and Android Market. A player with 3D sound effects, a 5 megapixel camera with autofocus, and the ability to record and view HD video make this phone an excellent device for entertainment. And, of course, he is an excellent assistant for a business person.


In fact, choosing a phone as a gift for a man is not difficult. Such a cell phone should be strong, comfortable, and functionally meet the needs of its future owner. It is better if the device is made in subdued colors. The metal elements of the case not only make the phone more resistant to mechanical damage, but also look solid, which is why most men like it. So you can safely choose a cell phone with a classic rectangular shape with slightly smoothed corners, the body of which is completely or partially made of metal, such as anodized aluminum. Touch phones, as a rule, have a more laconic, strict design. It is enough to choose a model in black or steel color, the shape is closer to a rectangle than to a wide oval, and you can be sure that the gift will be to your liking.

As for the functionality of a cellular phone, first of all you need to decide on the following characteristics: the presence of an open operating system (in other words, what is better to buy: regular phone or smartphone); support for only one or two SIM cards at once; additional features such as GPS, Wi-Fi, 3G, which are of little interest to some users, but which others simply cannot do without. As for excellent sound, a good camera, expansion with memory cards, Bluetooth and access to the Internet - all this must be present in the phone.

When choosing a gift, try to look at it from the point of view of its future owner. New phone definitely should be functional better than that which he is currently using. And if you know for sure that your loved one has a negative attitude towards touchphones, do not try to convince him otherwise with your gift. And vice versa, even if you yourself consider the phone he dreams of to be impractical or ugly, forget about your opinion on this matter. The gift should be liked by the person who will become its owner, and it is not at all necessary that the chosen cell phone is the embodiment of your vision great phone. At the same time, a gift made from the heart, regardless of its price, will definitely please your loved one. After all, real men value sincere care and attention above all.