What to do if there is no Google Play Market on Android? Is it possible to install it? How to download applications from Play Market. Why the play market does not work on the tablet

Many Chinese tablets (but not all) come without Google's App Store app installed. It used to be called Android Market, Now - Play Market. Of course, you can do without it, but it’s somehow more convenient with it. The most important advantage is timely notification of updates to programs and games.

Well, linking all software to one account is also useful. In fact, there is no problem here. Android/Play Market is installed like any application. Download it and install it. It’s better to do this directly on the tablet, then you can bypass connecting to a computer. If you can’t download to your tablet, copy the downloaded apk to your tablet and open file manager on it and start the installation.

There is another way, but it is more complicated. It consists of flashing your Chinese friend. Go to the 4PDA forum thread, look for your tablet and see the first message. Everyone will be gathered there available instructions, manuals, FAQ, firmware. Select the one you need and download, they will all have Google Play Market (Android Market) built in. If anything is not clear, ask questions either here or where you downloaded it. They will definitely help you.

How to register on Google Play

To create an account in the store Google applications Play and download all kinds of games and applications from there, just install this application and follow the instructions. For clarity, you can watch the video below, which shows, but does not tell, how to register on Google Play. By the way, you can register in the Google application store not only on a tablet. It can also be done on a computer. Go to play.google.com and create an account there. Read more about this by following the link.

Registration on Play Market from a computer

You have the opportunity to create an account in Play Market on your computer. To do this, go to play.google.com and click on the button Sign In top right. You will be taken to a page where you can log in to your account using your Google account. You need to create such an account. If your interface is English language, click the switch to Russian at the bottom right. There is a link under the login and password fields Create an account. Click on it and follow Google's instructions. It is not necessary to use your real data, unless you can indicate your real phone number so that if anything happens you can recover your account password.

Once we bought a children's tablet L exibook® Tablet Master 2.I thought it would be nice for a child to have a tablet, but What would it had Android OS and was interesting and safe for the child. To be honest, I leave my review with slight disappointment. There's a lot there simple games, your own primitive browser, many programs, protection from surfing the Internet in search of bad sites.

Here comes the most interesting part, there you can only install programs from their own store. That is, there is no Google Play, and what's interesting even when You install it manually, it just doesn't work.

Google Play service is missing

Most likely, Google services are simply banned there. Their own store, unfortunately, does not have much variety useful programs, especially since there is almost nothing in Russian. Well, for some reason the program versions are quite backward. As an Internet search showed, this tablet is not the only one.

Apparently, manufacturers want to earn extra money in this way, supposedly relying on the safety of children. Like everything they have is safe, but unfortunately backward.

How to install Google Play on a tablet?

This is where the problem arose of how to install Google Play on a tablet. Unfortunately the fight was unsuccessful. Theoretically you can get root access and find the hosts file because, more likely, there the Google address is banned. However, all this turned out to be quite difficult. So I took the simple route.

Finding Alternatives to Google Play

Nowadays there are quite a lot of services on the Internet and app stores that will help you install programs for Android without unnecessary problems replacing Google Play.

First, you need to choose a service, I’m listing the ones below, but there are others. If you have a favorite other, then write in the comments.

Yandex. Store

For example, Yandex. Store. Quite good service for installing applications.

However, it has several disadvantages. Not enough yet big choice programs and games. Often outdated versions programs. But the service may develop some day in the future he will become quite good.


Ultimately I left my choice to excellent service 1mobile. The application store, in my opinion, contains all the programs from Google Play, they are installed without problems and are constantly updated.

Interestingly. On Google Play, I encountered a problem on one of my tablets that some programs were not installed. It says that the hardware or OS is not supported. However, from 1mobile these programs install and work without any problems. Thereby solving the problem of installing such tricky programs.

Installation process

You need enable in settingsandroid devices ( If function disabled) possibility of installation with unknown sources « Settings/Security/ unknown sources(check mark)". Then download the program, run it, and you will have it installed third party program application store service. Using it, you will install any applications.

In this video you can see more clearly how this is done.

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The first thing you will need is yourself, you need it. If you already have an account, simply launch Google Play by clicking the corresponding icon in the tablet menu. You will be prompted to create new account, or add an existing one. Click “Existing” and enter the required data. If you don’t have an account yet, just click “New”. There you will need to come up with a login (address Email), enter your first name, last name, etc. As soon as you create an account or add an existing one, you can start downloading games/applications.

Content search

Above the app tiles you'll find store navigation. By going to the “Categories” section, a list of everything that is on the Play Market will open: games, programs, wallpapers and widgets. Choose the section you need, download, and enjoy.

If you are interested in something specific, you can use the search by clicking the button with a magnifying glass (located at the top on a green background). Enter the name of the application or game you are looking for, for example Iron Man, and Google Play will find all games and wallpapers with that name.

Installing or purchasing applications

Simply select the application you are interested in and press the “Install” button. You will be asked to agree to the terms, which is what you need to do. The download process will begin, and then installation on the tablet.

If the game is paid, buying it is not as difficult as it seems. Then, instead of the word “install”, the cost of the application will be indicated on the green button. Click on it and accept the terms. Next, a window will open in which a payment method is offered. Select “Add credit/debit card”. You will see icons for the types of cards that can be added. For example, my credit card has the words MasterCard on it, and it is on the list. This means that the card is suitable for payment in the Play Market.

We enter all the data that is asked: card number, card expiration date and year, CVV code and full name. Thus, once you link your card to your Google account, you can always use it to make a purchase in the Market, but you won’t have to re-enter the data.


If you click on the “Applications” icon, next to which there is a shopping cart, a side menu will open. Go to the “Settings” section. There you can choose whether you allow the Play Store to automatically download game and application updates to your tablet. This important setting for those who access the Internet not only via Wi-Fi, but also via a 3G network, when the traffic is paid.

Click on “Applications” again and select “My Applications”. There you can see a list of everything that you have already installed from the Play Store. In this section, you can manage downloaded applications: update one at a time, or delete them if you want to clean the tablet.

Let's consider the most current issues regarding the Google application store - Play Market ( former Google Play). In particular, how to install the play market on a tablet and some problems with its operation.

Why do you need Play Market on devices? With its help, games and programs are downloaded and installed on the device. Of course, you can download them from a browser or transfer them using removable media, but by using the play market, you insure yourself against malware and viruses. The most important argument is that you can constantly stay up to date with all the new products simply by launching the Google Store.

As a rule, all Android tablets come with Google's app store pre-installed. But there are a small number of devices that do not have it. For example, tablets from Amazon ( Kindle Fire) and series Chinese tablets. These tablets use their own magazines or from third party developers, which are interesting in their own way. True, they are not even close to the potential and capabilities of Google Market.

How to install Play Market on a tablet

So, you have a tablet from some manufacturer where you want to install the play market. Download installation file. It’s best to do this directly from the tablet, but if you don’t have a browser, you’ll have to download it on your computer and transfer it with a flash drive or any other means.

When the file is already on your device, you need to normal installation that's all. The market for the tablet is installed. But some users experience a number of difficulties, which usually arise for two reasons:

  • no rights to install third-party applications;
  • no Google services.

In the first case, you need to go to the settings of your tablet and find the section there that is responsible for security. This is where you can allow the installation of third-party applications.

The second one is a little more interesting. Why is Play Market for a tablet not installed without Google services? It's simple. In your Google time you bought Android company Inc. for a reason. In this way, the largest marketing ploy was implemented: in Android firmware There are Google services. If they already exist, then the person begins to use them, bringing money to the company. Behind Last year 81% of tablets were released in the operating room Android system, finally overtaking Apple's competitor - iOS. Download and install Google services if the Market does not start this way.

Play Market for tablet: technical questions: Video

Why doesn't the play market work on my tablet?

Have you installed the Play Market or has it already been installed but doesn’t want to work. What's the matter? Let's look at the main reasons, after eliminating which everything should work.

Google account

The most common problem. In original models Play tablets Market will not work without an account. By flashing custom firmware or installing a hacked Play Market, this can be avoided. Get yourself a Google account and you will be happy. You can create it by selecting the “Accounts and synchronization” item in the “Personal” section in the settings. Besides that Account must exist, synchronization must be enabled.

date and time

Users often complain: “I can’t access the Play Store from my tablet, although yesterday everything was fine.” Although this is funny, it happens in most cases because the date on the gadget is wrong. In addition to the fact that the user cannot access the Play Market, a number of other applications may not work. For example: diaries, notebooks, games with achievements (Real Racing 3, etc.).

The date may be lost if you removed the battery or the tablet is completely discharged. You can set the date in the “System” section of the Device Settings.


Now let's look at the problems that arise various reasons from operating system glitches. To eliminate these, you need to go to Device Settings, go to the Applications section, select “Manage Applications” and find the Play Market. Next comes the data. If it doesn’t help, then reset the device to factory settings. The reset is located in Settings under " Backup and reset."

Setting up Play Market on a tablet

How to set up the play market on a tablet? In order to select the options that meet your wishes, you need to go directly to the Play Market and press the hardware menu button. It can be either sensory or mechanical. The main menu of the Application Store will open, where you need to select the “Settings” item.

Choose all settings based on your needs:

How to download applications from Play Market

Here you go! The Application Store is installed and configured. Now you need to download games to your tablet via the Play Market. To find a game, you can use the search by typing in the name of the game. This applies to those cases when you know exactly what you will download. For example, you read it in a magazine or someone advised you.

Play Market allows you to find a game you like, even if you have never even heard of it. When entering home page application you will see a rubricator where you can familiarize yourself with the editor’s choice, the best paid or free games, bestsellers and other tops.

Having selected the game, you need to click the “Install” button, after which the Play Market will make a request in which you must agree with what the application will be allowed. You need to be careful. Although the Play Store monitors the cleanliness of applications, there are cases when you can install an application with a virus or an application that sends paid SMS. There are also a huge number of applications that read your messages, call logs, personal information, sending a map of your movements.

Date of publication: 03/11/14

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#33 KingDia team 03/11/2016 15:56

I quote Artem:

Hello. Please tell me at my android applications They download from the Google Play Market themselves without my knowledge. How can I fix this problem?

Hello. Probably, it’s not the applications themselves that are downloaded and installed, but updates? Because applications cannot be installed themselves; there are no viruses or other factors that would force the phone to install the application on its own. But updates may well download and install themselves. Automatic installation updates for installed applications turns off at the very Play Store e. That is, open the Play Store. Press the "Menu" button (located in the upper left corner of the screen - it looks like three horizontal stripes). After clicking on this button, a menu will appear in which you need to select “Settings”. There is an item “Auto-update applications” - select “Never”. If you do not want to receive availability emails available updates, then below, in the “Alerts” section, uncheck the “Availability of updates” and “Auto-update” lines. That's all.

More than a million applications, many films, music, books and even media publications - all this is in your pocket on your smartphone. A huge world of entertainment and information is available anywhere, at any time, as long as there is access to the Internet and all this is free. This was made possible thanks to Google service Play Market.

The Play Market was opened in 2012, replacing the old one, which was simply called Android Market. The changes affected not only the name, but also the interface, as well as the addition of new functions. In addition to the usual games and applications, a section with films, music, books and even the press has appeared. It is clear that Google really cares about its users and has made an excellent resource where everyone will find something to their liking.

The changes also affected the graphic side. The design has become much nicer, the colors are more saturated, and using the service has become much more convenient thanks to the new interface. It’s convenient to switch between tabs using swipes, and each section has its own color design, a small thing but nice. Page with specific application also began to look different. At the top, a colorful picture or video review stretches across the entire width.

In general, the new Play Market has become really convenient, but as we know, Google is planning to redesign the Market again in the near future. The changes are not so significant, but still noticeable. So, now the Install button has become larger in size, some elements have changed their position, and the color scheme has also changed.