We draw complex metal surfaces in Photoshop. Create 3D metal text in Photoshop

Today's lesson will not be about glows, sparks, lightning and other fantastic things, but on the contrary - very mundane material. In this tutorial I'll show you how to create a shiny aluminum piece that vaguely resembles some Apple products in just a few simple steps.

1 Step

First, create a new document. Since I would like to use the work as wallpaper, I set the document dimensions to 1440x900px. Unlock the background layer (click on the lock next to the layer icon in the Layers palette) and apply the Gradient Overlay style to it. Set the blending mode to Multiply, set the gradient style to Radial, and set the colors from #F2F2F2 to #C3C3C3.

2 Step

Create a new layer and name it “noise”. Then switch to the Paint Bucket Tool (G) and fill the layer with white, then switch its blending mode to Multiply. Now make sure your background color is set to black and go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise. From the settings, set the Monochromatic and Uniform modes, and set the percentage at 8-10%.

3 Step

Using the Ellipse Tool (U) create six very small circles. Then select them and align them horizontally. After that, click on the Distribute Vertical Centers button in the top menu bar. This way the circles will be evenly spaced at the same distance from each other.

4 Step

Make sure you have rulers turned on. If not, go to View > Rulers. Then take out some guides like I did (see illustration) and move three of the six circles as shown below.

5 Step

Duplicate the three circles from the first column and move them as shown in the image below.

6 Step

Now select all the circles and convert them to Smart Objects. Then double click on the layer to bring up the styles menu. First apply the Color Overlay style with a dark gray, or even black. After that, give the circles a style with an Inner Shadow.

7 Step

Now hide the background and noise layers. Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), select four circles, but also grab the space on both sides (that's why they were created in three rows). Then go to Edit > Define Pattern. Name the template you are creating “holes”.

8 Step

Now using the Rectangular Tool (U) create a rectangle along the left edge of the canvas. Let's give it a style. First, reduce the Fill Opacity of this layer to 0%. Then apply a Pattern Overlay style with the pattern you just created from the circles. Then simply copy the rectangle and place the duplicate on the other side of the canvas.

9 Step

Place your logo or any other symbol you like in the center of the document. Bring up the style menu for this layer and give it the Gradient Overlay style. Set the Style parameter to Reflected and the colors to white and black. After that, add another style - Bevel and Emboss and simply copy the settings from the image below.

10 Step

Then create another layer on top of the logo layer and name it “noise logo”. Fill the layer with white and change its blending mode to Multiply. Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool, create a selection as shown below. After that go to Filter > Pixelate > Mezzotint and then Filter > Blur > Radial Blur. And finally change the Opacity of the layer to 50%.

11 Step

Load a selection based on the logo (just click on the icon of this layer in the Layers palette while holding Ctrl). Then make sure you have the “noise logo” layer selected and go to Layer > Layer Mask > Reveal Selection.

12 Step

Using the Pen Tool (P) create a shape as shown in the image below. Convert it to a Smart Object and go to Filter > Blur > Redial Blur. For the Method parameter, select the Zoom type and click Ok. Then do the same blur (Filter > Blur > Radial Blur) again, but now use the Spin type.

13 Step

Repeat step 11, but this time apply a mask to the rays layer.

14 Step

Create a new layer and name it “white brush”. Load the logo selection again as we did in steps 11 and 14. Switch to the Brush Tool (B) with a 35px brush and set the color to white. Then use it to apply some highlights to the areas below.


Well. In a few simple steps we achieved a very impressive effect. Using this technique, you can qualitatively stylize your web projects or other graphic projects that require working with the interface. In addition, during work it was possible to create a considerable number of different templates for holes of various shapes and sizes, which can also be used in your future projects. I hope you enjoyed today's lesson, good luck!

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Translated from the site psd.tutsplus.com, the author of the translation is indicated at the beginning of the lesson.

Sometimes, you need to quickly apply some effect and this is where actions come to the rescue. With one click of a button, you can easily recreate the desired effect.

In this tutorial we will create a metallic text effect while recording an action for it. At the end of the lesson, you will be able to reproduce this effect by simply clicking on the Play button in the Operations palette.

Final image:

Step 1

Create a new document (File - New) (File > New) ( Ctr + N) size 600x300 pixels with a resolution of 72 pixels/inch.

Tool Text(Horizontal Type Tool) ( T) and write the text “Design Instruct”. In my case, the font Franklin Gothic Heavy was used, but you can choose a different one. The main thing is that the font style is bold.

Step 2

Before we continue, we need to create a new action that will record all our actions in this tutorial. Open Operations palette(Window > Actions) ( Alt+F9), click on the folder icon at the bottom of the palette (Create new set) and name this group “Metal Text”. Now click on the icon creating a new action(Create new action):

Once a new action is created, recording should start automatically (You will see a red circle at the bottom of the Actions palette indicating that recording has started).

Step 3

Go to the menu (Select > Load Selection) and then create a new layer ( Shift + Ctrl + N). Fill the new layer with white (#FFFFFF) and make the original text layer invisible.

Duplicate the new text (Layer - Duplicate Layer) and move it under the top text layer.

We need to create two lights, and this text layer will contain the first light. Add a Layer Style Shadow(Layer - Layer Styles - Shadow) (Layer> Layer Style> Drop Shadow). Set the settings as in the screenshot and turn off the Use Global Light checkbox. This option sets the shadow and emboss to the same angle, but we need two different sources.

Note: Both light sources should be above the original text layer.

Step 4

Apply a layer style to the top text layer Shadow(Layer - Layer Styles - Shadow) (Layer> Layer Style> Drop Shadow):

Step 5

Now let's add embossing, which will help create a metallic effect. Layer - Layer Styles - Emboss(Layer > Layer Style > Bevel and Emboss).

Step 6

Now let's add a layer style Gloss(Layer - Layer Styles - Gloss) (Layer> Layer Style> Satin):

Step 7

The last layer style, Gradient overlay, will darken the text and help add a light reflection (Layer - Layer Styles - Gradient Overlay) (Layer > Layer Style > Gradient Overlay).

Step 8

We need to add a metallic texture to the text. With the top layer active, enter the menu Load Selection(Selection - Load selected area) (Select > Load Selection).

Create a new layer(Layer - New - Layer) (Layer> New Layer) ( Shift +Ctrl +N) and fill the selection with white. Now apply it to it filter Noise(Filter - Noise - Add Noise) (Filter > Noise > Add Noise).

Step 9

Deselect (Select - Deselect) (Select > Deselect) ( Ctrl+D) and apply the Motion Blur filter (Filter > Blur > Motion Blur).

Select the first text layer and load a selection area Selection - Load Selection(Select > Load Selection). Now invert the selection (Select > Inverse) ( Shift + Ctrl + I). Delete the selected area. This will get rid of the noise that was outside the text. Change the blending mode to Multiplication(Multiply).

The action is ready. Click the stop button at the bottom of the Actions palette.

Step 10

Open the wall texture, drag it into the image and place it below all layers.

Step 11

Let's add texture to the text. Open an image of an old film and transfer it to our document. Place the old film texture above all layers and reduce it to 30% ( Editing - Free Transform) (Edit > Free Transform) ( Ctrl+T) to fit the document size. Change the film texture blending mode to Overlay.

Step 12

Now let's add a warm color tone to the image. Let's do this through an adjustment layer. Gradient map(Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Gradient Map) (Layer> New Adjustment Layer> Gradient Map). Create a gradient from yellow to magenta and enable the checkbox Inversion(reverse). Change the blending mode of this adjustment layer to Overlap(Overlay) and reduce the opacity to 30%.

Step 13

Now let's darken the edges of the image. Tool Rectangular areadischarge(Rectangular Marquee Tool) ( M) draw a selection and feather it by 50 px ( Shift + F6). Create a new layer (Layer - New Layer) (Layer> New Layer) ( Shift +Ctrl +N). Invert selection ( Selection - Inversion) (Select > Inverse) ( Shift + Ctrl + I) and fill the selection on a new layer with black. Change the blending mode of this layer to Color Burn.

Step 14

Using a tool Brush(Brush Tool) ( B) add a glow to the text. Set the brush size to 20 px and Hardness to 0%. Create a new layer ( Shift + Ctr + N) and place it under the film texture layer. Select the color white (#FFFFFF) and add light dots to the edges of the letters. Change the blending mode of this layer to Soft light(Soft Light).

Step 15

Merge image ( Layer - flatten) (Layer > Flatten Image). Duplicate the resulting layer (Layer - Create a duplicate) (Layer> Duplicate Layer). Apply a filter to the duplicate Colour contrast to sharpen the sharpness a little (Filter - Other - Color Contrast) (Filter > Other > High Pass). Set the radius to 10 px. Change the blending mode of this layer to Darkening the base(Color Burn) and reduce the opacity to 30%. Now merge both existing layers into one.

Step 16

Select a tool b(Quick Mask Mode) ( Q) :

Tool Gradient(Gradient Tool) ( G) radial type, draw a circle in the center of the document.

Exit mode Quick mask (Q) and invert the selection ( Selection - Inversion) (Select > Inverse) ( Shift + Ctrl + I).

Step 17

Finally, let's add a filter Shallow depth of field blur(Filter - Blur - Shallow depth of field blur) (Filter > Blur > Lens Blur):

Today we will do metal in photoshop. Then it can be used as a background or basis for letters, frames and various kinds of clipart.

Let's create a document. I mainly use A4 format, as the result is of good quality. If necessary, the format can always be reduced, but enlarging it without losing quality will be problematic.
After the document is created, fill it with a gradient. Choosing a tool Gradient and use colors:
1 #434037
2 #575447
3 #8a8374

Now fill the background from bottom to top, or top to bottom, whichever you prefer, and move on to the next part of the work.

Now we need to add a new layer: Layer / New / Layer… Fill it with white.
Next, add noise to the new layer: Filter / Noise / Add Noise… Set the value Amount – 200% Choose Gaussian and put a tick on Monochromatic

Add a filter - motion blur. Filter / Blur / Motion Blur… Meaning Angle - 90%, Distance - 204px

Please note that along the edges the stripes will be more distinct than in the middle part, so we need to remove them. I'm just dragging this layer out. In order for the deformation grid to appear, check the box next to Show Transform Controls , on the top panel.

It remains to change in this layer Blend Mode to Overlay and everything is ready. For convenience, you can merge layers by clicking Ctrl+Shift+E We got the effect metal. It can be used as a background or blank for further work.

And, as I like to do, a short video to help newbies understand the whole process more clearly.

Gianluca Giacoppo shows you how to create vibrant metallic text using just a couple of styles. Let's start!

Final result:

Lesson materials:

Step 1

After launching Photoshop, download and install decorative fonts and grunge brushes (read how to install brushes). After that, create a new document of 1800 x 1300 px in RGB mode, 72 DPI and fill the background with dark gray color #1f1f1f:

Step 2

Create a new layer and name it "Texture". Using white color and downloaded grunge textures, create a similar pattern as in the image below:

Step 3

Double-click the Texture layer icon to open the Layer Style panel. Go to the "Blending Options" section.

Reduce “Fill” (Fill Opacity) to 0, and then turn on the “Drop Shadow” and “Inner Shadow” styles. Set the style options as shown below. This will add a realistic embossed look to the texture.

Step 4

Click on the “Add Layer Mask” icon, and then press the “Ctrl + I” keyboard shortcut to invert.

Take a large soft brush (Hardness: 0% - Size: 950px) and in mask mode, click in the center of the document. This way the texture layer will be shown only in the center, disappearing along the edges of the document:

Step 5

Using "Type" (T) (Text) write the word "Othello" or any other. If the text settings window does not appear, select Window > Character. (Window - Symbol)

Step 6

After that, apply styles to the word as shown below. Under each style you can see a preview of the effect:

Step 7

Once you have applied and configured the styles, click OK. Now activate the Type (T) tool and select all the letters except the capital one and reduce the tracking to -5 as shown in the image below. You can find this option in the Character window Window>Character.

Step 8

Duplicate the text layer by pressing the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + J”. Right-click on the layer icon and select “Clear Layer Style” to clear the styles. Now we have two layers with the same text - one with styles and the other without styles. Thanks to this, we can enhance the effect by applying new styles to the duplicated text. My favorite way to work with two layer styles is to make basic adjustments to the first and then enhance the effect of the second by adding lighting and reflections.

Step 9

Step 10

The metal effect is almost ready, all that remains is to make it more realistic. Just customize the following styles as below:


Keep in mind that when you save your work in JPG format, the final effect may look different, for example metal will look sharper with a large bevel.

In this tutorial you'll learn how to create bronze text using layer styles in Photoshop. So let's get started!

Final result

1. Create the background

Step 1

Load the black_background.pat texture by double-clicking on the source file.

Step 2

Create a new document, let's go File - New(File > New). Set value Widths(Width) to 600 px, and the value Heights(Height) by 500 px. Permission(Resolution) should be 72 dpi(ppi).

Step 3

Being on the background layer, duplicate it, for this we go Layer - Duplicate Layer(Layer > Duplicate Layer) and click OK. Name the duplicate layer Background Pattern(Background Pattern).

Step 4

Go to (Layer > Layer Style > Pattern Overlay), select the 'black_background.pat' texture from the dropdown menu, set Scale(Scale) 50%, and click OK.

Step 5

To add lighting effects from above, select a layer style Embossing(Bevel & Emboss). Apply the settings for this layer style, which are shown in the screenshot below:

2. Create the text

Step 1

Write the word 'Round' or any word of your choice using the 'Stonecross' font. Install Font size(Font Size) 132 pt, and also set Tracking(Tracking) 20 pt. To improve quality, change the method Antialiasing(anti-aliasing) on Sharp(Sharp). Name this layer with text ‘A01’.

Translator's note: The anti-aliasing method can be changed in the lower right corner, in the font settings.

Step 2

Next, select a tool Moving(Move Tool), select the text layer and the background layer, and then in the settings of this tool, select the following options: Aligning centers horizontally(Align Horizontal Center) and Aligning centers vertically(Align Vertical Center) to align the text.

Step 3

Duplicate the text layer and name the duplicate layer ‘A02’. Arrange the layers as shown in the screenshot below. Temporarily hide the 'A02' layer so that it is convenient for you to work, because... We won't use this layer until part 4 of this tutorial.

3. Apply styling to the main layer

Step 1

Load the texture 'scratched_metal.pat'.

Step 2

We will be working with layer 'A01'. Go Layer - Layer Style - Pattern Overlay(Layer > Layer Style > Pattern Overlay), click on the box Pattern(Pattern) to select the ‘scratched_metal.pat’ texture from the drop-down menu. We use this texture as a base to create a metallic effect.

Step 3

To get a realistic bronze color, go Layer – Layer Style – Color Overlay(Layer > Layer Style > Color Overlay). Change the blending mode to Multiplication(Multiply), and also set the following values:

Step 4

You will need to create the contours of the curves yourself to get the volumetric effect. Please read the screenshot below carefully and also apply the values ​​indicated in the right column.

Step 5

Select the 'Cove - Deep' path from the path set.

Step 6

Now we'll improve the metal's shine effect by adding a glow. Let's go Layer - Layer Style - Inner Glow(Layer > Layer Style > Inner Glow). Set the values ​​shown in the screenshot below.

Step 7

Next, we need to add shadows to separate the text from the background. Let's go Layer – Layer Style – Outer Glow(Layer > Layer Style >

4. Apply styling to the second layer

Step 1

Now we will work with layer 'A02', do not forget to turn on the visibility of this layer! Next, let's go Layer – Layer Style – Outer Glow(Layer > Layer Style > Outer Glow). Set the values ​​shown in the screenshot below.

Step 2

To improve the 3D look, we will emphasize the light and shade on the edges. Let's go Layer- Stylelayer— Embossing(Layer >Layer Style > Bevel & Emboss). Set the values ​​shown in the screenshot below. Create your outline using the values ​​shown in the right column.

Step 3

This is a very important step. We'll create perspective using a central vanishing point in perspective.

Let's go to the bookmark Symbol(Character) and change Horizontal scale(Horizontally Scale) by 98%, as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 4

To make the colors of both text layers match each other, go Layer - Layer Style - Color Overlay(Layer > Layer Style > Color Overlay). Set the values ​​shown in the screenshot below.

Step 5

Tip: To add a gradient stop, you need to click below the gradient bar. By clicking on the gradient's control point, you can edit Positions(Location) and Colors(Color) control point.

Step 6

In this final step we will add some depth to make the text more expressive. Apply a layer style Shadow(Drop Shadow) using the following settings.

Great job, we have completed the lesson!

In this tutorial I showed you how to create a metallic background as well as bronze text using layer styles.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and can use what you've learned in your projects.