Yota coverage area. Weak Yota signal. What to do? Reception yota 4g lte internet

The Internet is an important component of the life of a modern person. Its quality is assessed based on several components - speed, stability, coverage. When choosing an operator, the entire range of characteristics is taken into account.

Yota is one of the popular domestic providers, whose coverage area is becoming wider every day. The company announced the start of work in the telecommunications services market not so long ago. A few years later, the 2G, 3G, 4G (LTE) networks of this operator cover almost the entire populated part of the country. Yota subscribers can move around Russian regions without fear of being left without communication.

This article analyzes one of the elements of Yota’s communication quality – coverage area. Attention is paid to geographical distribution, regions with excellent quality are listed and those in which the operator is not well represented, and also talks about how to find out about the presence of networks in a specific point of the country.

The most complete and up-to-date information about the coverage area is presented on the official website of ETA. To study it, you need to select the “Coverage Map” section in the top menu. The interactive scheme works on the basis of Yandex.Maps with the ability to use all the accompanying tools - selecting a display mode, zooming in and out, and searching. The maps contain accurate information about where Yota towers are already operating or are just being built.

For convenience, the map is divided into zones. In addition, when you select your home region at the top of the page, it automatically centers on it.

On the interactive diagram you can view information about where a particular communication standard is supported, and the reception level is also marked. It is colored in different shades depending on the supported standard in specific territories. Thus, the coverage areas of this operator are highlighted in orange, where voice communications and 2G format are provided, blue – with 3G Internet, and blue – 4G. It is characteristic that the transitions between the regions practically merge.

The company's mission is to make mobile communications and the Internet from ETA accessible anywhere in the country; it is in this direction that the main work is being carried out.

Signal quality in different regions of Russia

Upon closer examination of the interactive map, we can conclude that the north and south are partially covered by communications. Thus, the coverage areas of this operator in 4G format include Krasnodar, Murmansk, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Samara, Sochi. There are more and more places where it is possible to provide customers with access to the Internet in 4G quality from Eta.

Magadan, Vorkuta, Naryan-Mar and other large cities of the Far East with their surrounding areas belong to areas of reliable voice communication and broadband WSDMA Internet. As for the central regions, south, west and northwestern territories, there are only rare dots marking places where there is no 2G connection. The 3G standard has slightly less coverage, and LTE towers are located in almost all regional centers in the central, southern and western districts.

Voice and Internet coverage from Iota in Russia is becoming increasingly widespread. Anyone who wants to check the strength of the connection is given the opportunity to take a free test drive of the equipment. Speed ​​can be tested if the region is within the coverage area of ​​the standard of interest - 3G or 4G (LTE). There may be speed limits in some communities. This is due to uneven terrain, proximity to more powerful sources of radio signals, and distance from base towers.

Cities where Iota's LTE network has excellent reception

This information can be obtained on the company’s official website in the appropriate section. The diagram shows places that have already been tested for the presence and strength of the signal. The presented geographic coverage map provides information about the presence of communications in 2G, 3G and LTE standards.

Thanks to the systematic activities of the company, the number of base stations is constantly growing and, accordingly, the coverage of new territories with modern communication standards. Mobility is an important condition for both doing business and having a good rest, including outdoors. The presence of a signal is important not only within populated areas. Anyone who, for example, loves fishing outside the city also wants to stay in touch so as not to limit himself in communication, be able to receive up-to-date information about the weather or find out on the forums the latest information about the best biting places.

There are more and more settlements with excellent signals every day. If information appears on the website about the opening of a new Yota sales point, it means that there is already an opportunity to be online there. The lucky ones include residents of two capitals, resort cities, Kursk, Pyatigorsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov-on-Don, Orenburg, Astrakhan and many others. This list is updated daily.

What towers does Yota use?

Any business requires start-up capital. If he is not there, then the support of a friend will come in handy. Since organizing mobile communications requires expensive equipment, new providers most often use the capabilities of companies that have been operating in this service market for a long time. The largest domestic operator Megafon has become an experienced and reliable “friend” for Eta. Yota is its subsidiary company.

Studying the area of ​​reliable reception, it is easy to notice that the towers of the Yota operator on the map are located in the same place as those of MegaFon. Therefore, Iota’s coverage of the territory is very decent.

Essentially Yota is a virtual operator. But, using the equipment of its closest partner, it also has its own base stations, so it is impossible to equate the territorial coverage of these two operators.

The main focus of MegaFon's subsidiary is unlimited Internet. It is the development of this service that receives the greatest attention from the young company, which tracks the preferences of modern users. The scope of Eta's towers to support industry-leading standards is continually expanding.

Regions where there is no 4G Yota coverage

A person wants to be free from wires that tie him to landline operators. Many people are waiting for high-speed technology to come to their area. In conditions of fierce competition, all major providers are rushing to cover as many territories as possible.

Although the network operator Yota is a recent participant in this race, it can already be considered one of the leaders of the domestic telecommunications market. The territory of Russia is huge. It requires a lot of effort and investment from everyone who wants to be the first in expanding the 4G network coverage area across the vast country.

Poor development of the new communication standard from Yota is still observed in the Far Eastern part of the Russian Federation. There are objective difficulties with expanding reliable reception zones in the Far North and most of the Siberian region. In the south and center of the country there are also places where there is poor coverage, especially in small towns and urban villages.

When will Eta appear in my region?

Knowing about the ambitious plans of the young telecom operator, we can say that if it is not currently represented in a certain region, this situation will soon change. The company's management has repeatedly announced its plans to fully cover the country's territory with 3G and 4G standards. The time is already approaching when Yota LTE reception areas will not differ in size and will blend in color on the map of Russia not only with the 3G, but also with the 2G standard. This will be achieved by increasing the number and power of transmitting towers and expanding the radio frequency range.

Yota plans for 4G network

Considering that broadband access to the network is becoming more and more in demand every day, the Iota service segment is increasing, and the operator’s coverage areas with the 4G standard are expanding. The company plans to fully master the LTE radio frequency range that meets the needs of target consumers. It is also possible to switch to innovative technologies if they appear in the future.

How to Determine Whether LTE Will Work

To make sure that there is an area of ​​acceptable 4G coverage in the region of interest, you need to refer to the interactive map functionality on the provider’s official website. If the terrain is displayed in orange, blue or blue, it means that the operator supports the 2G, 3G or 4G standard, respectively.

The next stage is checking the quality of the service provided. This can be done in one of two ways:

  • order a test drive;
  • rent a modem.

In the first case, you need to purchase a modem. Upon purchase, an agreement will be concluded and a Personal Account will be created, in which you can edit technical settings and control financial flows. The duration of the test period directly depends on the selected speed. During the trial period, you can decide on the connection conditions and select a package with the desired ratio of its cost and service parameters.

On average, the test is available within seven days, provided the device is kept in salable condition. When returning, you must have your receipt and passport with you.

  • equipment will not be accepted back without presenting a receipt;
  • For non-residents of the Russian Federation, refunds are made only by bank transfer;
  • It is better to clarify all test drive conditions in advance at the contact center;
  • A one-time trial period is permitted.

In the second case, when renting a modem, the equipment is provided for temporary use to the client in accordance with the price list valid at the time of conclusion of the contract.

Yota company provides high-speed Internet of a new standard in excellent quality, with a wide coverage radius and on favorable terms.

Mobile operator Yota is breaking records for the provision of services. While still appearing on the market as a newcomer, the provider managed to acquire an impressive customer base. For some subscribers, an obstacle to switching to a new traffic and mobile communications provider is Yota’s 4G coverage area. In order to get high quality Internet, it is advisable to live where there is an LTE connection.

Iota zones on the map of Russia

Yota is the undisputed leader in the mobile market, offering tariffs that only those subscribers who live in remote places where the wireless network has not yet spread its beams can refuse. If you are interested in the price of the provider’s services and would like to purchase its 4G modem, check the map located on the official Yota website to see if LTE frequencies reach your locality.

At the moment, in almost every point of the Russian Federation it is possible to connect a Yota router. However, the quality of reception will depend on what type of signal is received in the connection area. Iota offers four options:

  1. The possible coverage area is the most unstable option, which does not guarantee the presence of any communication from Yota. If there is a connection, it directly depends on changes in weather, terrain and other factors;
  2. 2G – this zone includes almost all regions. If you live in a small town, there is a high probability that you will see it on the map in this sector;
  3. 3G – a network of this level is available in almost all cities of the Russian Federation with a population of several thousand;
  4. 4G is the highest quality option, which includes 4G Internet. This parameter is available only in large populated areas of the country. Yota 4G does not cover most territories.

The luckiest people were Muscovites and residents of the settlements closest to the capital. They are included in the Yota LTE coverage area.

How are tariffs from Iota distributed?

The provider's tariffs depend on several factors: device type, Internet speed, amount of traffic. Fundamental to Yota pricing is the type of device. Other factors depend on it. So the price of visiting the international web from a tablet will depend solely on how much time the user spends on the Internet. Payment is offered by the day, month or year. The longer the period, the lower the cost of traffic. If you subscribe to an annual tariff, the Internet will cost less than 10 rubles per day, despite the fact that daily unlimited traffic is 50 rubles.

Tariffs for smartphones depend on the number of minutes used and the selected Internet traffic. So 5 gigabytes and 300 minutes of negotiations will cost 450 rubles per month. Price for maximum volume: 30 GB and 5000 minutes – 2,550 rubles. For modem laptops and personal computers, the price for unlimited Internet depends on the speed. If you connect at a minimum speed of 64 Kbps, the user will not be charged. Tariffing starts from 512 Kbit, which costs users 300 rubles monthly. The highest possible speed, more than 6.5 Mbit, costs 1000 rubles.

You can check whether there is coverage in the 4G standard by checking the availability of the Megafon network. Yota uses the infrastructure of this particular provider. When studying the map, it should be taken into account that the operator is making some digressions in the near future, since the coverage area does not stop expanding. If the user is in a border zone, it is likely that he is not receiving 4G at the time of checking the card.

Yota strives for the most progressive solutions. Therefore, in the near future it makes sense to expect an improvement in the quality of communications in all regions of the country. If new standards appear, you can be sure that the provider will be the first to switch to them.


Many who have used or are using Yota unlimited internet are faced with the problem of a weak signal, which leads to low data download speeds. This is, of course, upsetting and frustrating. It even happens that it seemed to be normal before, but now the signal is bad. What to do if the Iota signal is weak, and how to strengthen it?

Let's look at the causes of the problem and ways to solve it.

What to do if the Iota signal is weak?

  1. Try to move the modem closer to the window, preferably in the direction of the Yota base station. This may require a USB extension cable. It is not recommended to use a USB extension cable longer than 5 meters; in addition, cheap USB cables may not work with the modem at all.
  2. Try moving the modem to another room, to another floor. Thick walls, especially brick and reinforced concrete, hinder signal propagation.
  3. Use special . In this case, the panel antenna will help to catch and amplify the scattered signal, and the parabolic antenna will help tune in to the base station at a great distance. It is recommended to use antennas with MIMO technology, because... this allows you to catch a signal simultaneously in the horizontal and vertical planes.

Note that the antenna is a passive element and does not have a 4G LTE amplifier. Yota signal amplification is achieved only by changing the antenna radiation pattern and more accurately focusing the signal. A quantitative measure of the efficiency of an antenna is the gain factor (GC). The more antenna gain, the narrower its radiation pattern and the more difficult it will be to point such an antenna exactly at the base station. Moreover, it is necessary to tune the antenna in two planes: horizontal and vertical.

To accurately assess the signal, as well as select the necessary equipment for Yota signal amplification It’s worth contacting specialists. We offer the service " ".

Despite the age of the Yota operator, the signal coverage area is quite extensive. If you are interested in voice quality, then you have nothing to worry about. Yota's coverage area covers about 99% of the territory of Russia. If you think that you will purchase and activate a SIM card and will not be able to call anyone, then this opinion is wrong. Also, 2G Internet is available in almost any region, which is also impressive. If you need high-speed Internet access, then pay attention to the coverage area map. The preface turned out to be quite informative, in my opinion, now let’s move on to a more detailed discussion.

Yota's coverage areas are very different from each other. The 2G Internet map covers almost the entire country, but in the case of 4G, things are not so good. Fast Internet from Iota is available in larger cities of our Motherland. In order to adjust the Internet speed, it is enough to make the necessary settings. Of course, the yota coverage area in Moscow is the most extensive and gradually from the center the map begins to take on a different, diffuse image. I suggest you visually familiarize yourself with the yota coverage map and the coverage of the operator’s 4G networks.

Dark blue color is the 4G coverage area. Blue - 3g, the rest - 2g.

The Iota coverage map is constantly growing and expanding. It can be seen that large cities are well covered, their suburbs are a little worse, but the further from the city, the less high-speed Internet. Conclusion: if you want to take it to your dacha, there will be good coverage within a 100 km radius of a major city.

Iota network signal level

Maps of iota coverage areas on the official website do not provide entirely reliable information. In fact, the areas that the towers cover are slightly smaller than shown on the maps. If you are afraid to purchase and be left without the Internet, then in this case there is a special offer from the operator.

At any Iota office you can take the modem for a test drive for a period of 2 weeks. The only condition is that you must pay a deposit for the equipment entrusted to you in the amount of 100% of its cost. After testing, you can make a choice in favor of the operator or search for an alternative.

Video: yota network signal coverage map

In this video, you will visually familiarize yourself with the coverage area of ​​the iota signal and find out whether your region falls within the area covered by the 4G signal.

Unfortunately, even in the 21st century, the problem of low speed and unreliable Internet access is familiar to most residents of rural areas, private areas and small towns, where there is no developed infrastructure of providers, and mainly modems from mobile operators are used.

Briefly, in pictures and without theoretical justification, I will tell you how I managed to compete for quality. The result is a simple guide to making a “Bi-Quad” antenna, for beginners - “do it as I do!”

And to make it more fun, I’ll give you the results right away.
Reception: was - 2.7 MB/sec., now - 19 MB/sec.
Broadcast: was - 0.16 MB/sec., now - 6 MB/sec.
More than 6 times the reception advantage, hehe!

At one time, due to the favorable conditions of 4G Internet, the operator “Yota” (LTE, 2500-2530 / 2620-2650 MHz) was chosen. The Huawei E3372h modem from Megafon was unlocked and installed with the router on the windowsill:

But the speed and stability of the channel, to put it mildly, left much to be desired:

I looked at the Yota action map in my area and found out the location of the tower. It turned out that I was in very unfavorable conditions:

1) Boundary of the reliable reception zone.
2) When installing the modem indoors, there is no direct visibility in the direction of the tower (the neighboring house interferes).

Tricks in the form of an additional indoor antenna and the use of a reflector, as expected, did not give positive results.

The best high frequency amplifier is a good antenna!

I asked and consulted with my colleagues.
I chose the reliable “Bi-Quad” design, which I propose to repeat for you! Our antenna will be simple and passive, without taking electronics outside.

We will need:

1) Foil-coated fiberglass plate 100 mm by 100 mm for the reflector.
2) A 300 mm piece of copper (even better - silver-plated) wire, 1.5 - 2 mm in diameter for the antenna sheet. The thicker it is, the more broadband the antenna will be.
3) Decrease cable type RK75-7, “television”, good quality (mono-core + “thick” tinned copper braid), 5 – 8 m long. 4) “TV” RF connectors (socket and plug),
5) with a piece of thin RF cable for connecting to the modem. I “took a bite” of this from an indoor “wi-fi” “pipette” antenna.

We don’t rush further, we do everything carefully and thoroughly. Look at the photos. We mark a piece of wire eight times 30 mm each and use pliers to form the antenna sheet. We bend an L-shaped traverse from the segment twice 15 mm each.
Drill a hole with a diameter of 7 mm and a couple of holes for fastening in the center of the reflector, cut the cable:

We assemble the structure by soldering:

Place the antenna in a suitable box. I used a junction box for electrical installation.

We make a transition cord. You can’t do without it, the main cable is very rigid:

We pass the cable through the hole in the window frame (or window). Install the connector on the main cable. Connect:

The implementation of the design took no more than two hours, so some “roughness” in manufacturing is noticeable and does not affect performance.

My Huawei E3372h modem has two CRC9 RF sockets. In this case, the best communication channel is obtained when connected to a socket located closer to the USB connector (apparently, a feature of this type of modem).

Now we need to find the installation location. The parameters of the router and modem helped to monitor the signal level in real time:

The higher the CINR value and the lower (modulo) RSSI, the stronger the signal.

Luckily I didn't have to make a separate mast or mounting bracket. Direct visibility “opened” during installation “on wires” under the roof shelf of the house, on the corner.