Charging laptop battery check cmd. How to test a power supply with a multimeter. Testing a laptop battery using additional software

User question...

Hello. I’ve been using a laptop for more than 3 years, recently the battery began to run out quickly - if it used to last 3-4 hours, now it’s 1 hour maximum.

I myself am inclined to change the battery, but one thing worries me: suddenly after the change nothing changes, but the reason was different.

Tell me, is it possible to assess the degree of battery wear using software (without service centers and technicians)?

Good day!

In general, on average, a laptop battery (under normal use) lasts about 4-5 years. The fact that yours served for 3 years is already not bad. By the way, your concerns about changing the battery are not in vain: it is quite possible that it is not the battery itself that is to blame, but a couple of applications that began to “eat up” the entire charge (I’ll say a few words about this in the article).

It is possible to assess the degree of wear and tear programmatically, but I will immediately note that these data approximate! Perhaps it is possible to evaluate more accurately only on special. equipment. And so, first things first...

By the way, if your battery is not charging at all, read the following article:

You can evaluate it using special PC diagnostic utilities and the command line.

Option No. 1 - AIDA 64

There is one indispensable utility for determining the characteristics of a computer - AIDA64 (I mentioned it in this article: in general, I recommend it!).

When you launch the utility, open the section Computer/Power . Next, pay attention to several important lines (see screenshot below):

  1. Nameplate capacity - 41440 mWh (this figure does not change over time, this is the capacity provided by the manufacturer of your device);
  2. Capacity when fully charged - 41440 mWh;
  3. Current capacity - 41440 mWh (but this figure may change. Usually, with active use of a laptop, the current capacity decreases);
  4. The degree of wear is estimated as a percentage. If the degree of wear is more than 30-50%, you may want to think about changing the battery.

AIDA64 Extreme // Power supply, battery wear level

Option 2 - Command Line

The command line must be run as administrator (this is important!). This can be done in different ways, one of the simplest:

  • call task manager - keys Ctrl+Shift+Esc ;
  • press File/Run new task ;
  • enter CMD, put a tick next to the item "Create a task with administrator rights" , press Enter .


You can immediately select the address C:\WINDOWS\system32\energy-report.html and copy it into your browser (I recommend IE or Microfot Edge), or better yet, open this file using Word.

To select with the mouse in the command line: right-click on the title bar of the window and go to properties. There, check the box next to the item "Edit-Mouse Select" .

Mouse selection on the command line

How to open a report from Powercfg Energy

  1. Launch Explorer (just open any folder) and paste it into the address bar C:\WINDOWS\System32 , press Enter;
  2. Next, we sort the files in date order (see screenshot below - date of modification) - our file will be on top;
  3. right click on the file energy-report.html;
  4. open the tab in the context menu "To open with" and select Word.

This document will contain a lot of information about your laptop, but we are interested in the section on batteries. There will be a sign - Battery information (I’ll give mine below).

Notice two lines here: Design capacity And Last full charge . Knowing them, you can assess the degree of battery wear. For example, in my case: (41440-41440)/41440=0%.

If I had a different number in the “Last full charge” line, say 35000, then the formula would take the form: (41440-35000)/41440=15% (i.e., the degree of wear would be about 15%).

Another way: special software from manufacturers

Some laptop manufacturers supply their devices with special settings managers, including those that control power, battery charge, and monitor its condition.

For example, the screenshot below shows such software from LENOVO. Pay attention to two values: the nameplate capacity, and the capacity when fully charged. By comparing these values, you can quickly understand the condition of the battery.

Almost new battery... And already the degree of wear is about 5%!

How to find out which apps are eating up the most energy

1) Laptops often come with special drivers along with them. utilities from the manufacturer that help assess the degree of battery wear, as well as monitor the applications that consume the most power.

2) If you don’t have such a utility, you can use third-party applications, for example, BATExpert . By launching the program, you will receive information about your laptop battery: the degree of wear, the exact operating time from the current charge, its type and temperature, manufacturer, information about charge cycles, etc.

3) In Windows 10 - it's even easier to find out which applications are using up battery power! First you need to open the START menu and click on Options.

Next open the section "System", and its subsection - "Battery". Then follow the link "Battery usage by specific apps" (see screenshot below).

Actually, then Windows will show you the full picture (for example, Firefox eats up the most for me, but this is not surprising). Pay attention to those applications in the list that you hardly use: you should either not launch them (and if they are in Windows startup, then remove them from there, AIDA64 will help you), or simply delete them.

Thus, having assessed the degree of wear and tear of the laptop battery, as well as those applications that “eat up” the battery charge, we can come to the conclusion that it is advisable to replace it.

That's all for me, long battery life!

The convenience of a laptop is that you can work on it far from home and do not depend on a power source. The battery is responsible for how long the laptop can operate without being connected to the network. Over time, the battery wears out and the laptop's battery life decreases.

A properly charged battery lasts up to 4 hours, depending on the programs used. If your laptop's battery life is significantly reduced, the first thing you need to do is check the condition of the battery. You can evaluate battery wear using the Aida program, which replaced the Everest program. Install the program on your computer. Go to “Power Options” through the “Computer” section. The “Battery Properties” parameters will provide information about the type of battery, its capacity and degree of wear. The degree of wear is indicated as a percentage. A high wear rate indicates that it is time to replace the battery. The BatteryBar utility helps you monitor your battery charge level. This program allows you to select the optimal operating mode for economical energy consumption. You can check the battery condition with a tester or battery capacity indicator. The tester shows information about the battery and checks the functionality of the controller.

Another program that can be used to test the battery is the Imtec Battery Mark application. The test results are displayed in a window in digital and graphical form. The program allows you to test in two modes - accelerated and normal.

To prolong the life of the battery, do not allow it to fully discharge. If you plan not to use the laptop for a long time, charge the battery to 40%, remove it and store it in a cool, dry place.

The main advantage of a laptop is that it can be used even without a stationary power supply. The battery is responsible for the autonomous functioning of the PC. A serviceable and fully charged battery can keep your laptop running for more than 5 hours. If you notice that the battery life of your laptop is greatly underestimated, it would be a good idea to test the battery and determine the degree of its wear. The power supply may need to be replaced soon.

How to test a laptop battery at home

The operating instructions for a laptop battery suggest charging it only after it has been completely discharged. Regular violation of this rule over time leads to a decrease in the actual capacity of the battery, as a result of which it runs out faster.

To check the capacity of the power element, the number of remaining charge/discharge cycles and some other parameters, you can connect a special device to it - a portable tester for PC. However, this device is characterized by one significant drawback - its high cost (more than 30 thousand rubles), so it can only be found in computer workshops.

Testing a battery at home involves the use of software diagnostic methods, namely:

  • command line;
  • additional software.

Determining the degree of battery wear via the command line

To view the current state (charge) of the power supply and the remaining battery life of the laptop, just click on the corresponding icon in the system tray.

However, the data obtained does not allow us to determine the actual battery capacity. The operating system Windows 7 and higher has a built-in tool for checking the degree of battery wear, which is launched via the command line. To do a battery test using it, you need to:

The file will contain information about the battery manufacturer, its chemical composition, serial number, etc. This data does not provide useful information to you. It is necessary to pay attention to the last two lines: the calculated and actual battery capacity.

The calculated battery capacity (Snach) is the initial state of the battery, that is, the capacity that the power element has after manufacturing.

Last Full Charge (Sreal) is the current capacity of the battery. Using these parameters, you can calculate the degree of battery wear on your laptop. To do this, you need to use the formula: (Snach-Sreal)/Snach. For example, if the factory capacity of the battery is 40,000, and the actual capacity is 30,000, then the degree of wear will be equal to: (40,000-30,000)/40,000 = 0.25 or 25%. The condition of such a battery can be considered normal.

Testing a laptop battery using additional software

If for some reason you were unable to check the battery’s performance using the command line, you can use special software. There are many programs on the Internet that allow you to test your laptop battery. The most popular application is AIDA 64.

Battery testing using AIDA 64 is performed as follows:

After testing the laptop battery, you can draw conclusions about its suitability - will it continue to be used as an autonomous power source or is it better to replace it with a new one.

How to find out the wear of a laptop battery (battery check)

Good afternoon.

I probably won’t be wrong if I say that every laptop user sooner or later thinks about the battery, or rather about its condition (degree of wear). In general, from experience I can say that most people begin to become interested and ask questions on this topic when the battery starts to drain too quickly (for example, a laptop runs for less than an hour).

To find out the wear and tear of a laptop battery, you can take it to a service center (where they can evaluate it using special equipment), and use several simple methods (we’ll look at them in this article).

By the way, to find out the current battery status, just click on the power icon next to the clock.

Windows 8 battery status.

1. Checking battery capacity via command line

As the first method, I decided to consider the option of determining the battery capacity through the command line (i.e., without using third-party programs (by the way, I only tested it in Windows 7 and Windows 8)).

Let's consider all the actions in order.

1) Launch the command line (in Windows 7 through the START menu, in Windows 8 you can use the Win+R button combination, then enter the cmd command and press Enter).

2) Enter the command powercfg energy and press Enter.

If you get a message (like I did below) that execution requires administrative rights, then you need to run the command line as an administrator (more on this in the next step).

Ideally, a message about the system operation should appear, and then after 60 seconds. generate a report.

3) How to run the command line as an administrator?

Simple enough. For example, in Windows 8, go to the window with applications, and then right-click on the desired program, select run as administrator (in Windows 7, you can go to the START menu: also right-click on the command line and run as administrator).

4) Actually, enter the powercfg energy command again and wait.

A report will be generated in about a minute. In my case, the system placed it at the address: "C:\Windows\System32\energy-report.htm".

Now we go to this folder where the report is located, then copy it to the desktop and open it (in some cases, Windows blocks opening files from system folders, so I recommend copying this file to the desktop).

We are most interested in the last two lines.

Battery: Battery Details Battery Code 25577 Samsung SDDELL XRDW248 Manufacturer Samsung SD Serial Number 25577 LION Chemistry Long Life 1 Sealed 0

Estimated capacity 41440

Last full charge 41440

The calculated battery capacity is the basic, initial capacity, which is set by the battery manufacturer. As the battery is used, its actual capacity will decrease (the calculated capacity will always be equal to this value).

Last full charge - this indicator reflects the actual battery capacity at the last moment of charging.

Now the question is, how to find out the wear of a laptop battery knowing these two parameters?

Simple enough. Let's simply estimate it as a percentage using the following formula: (41440-41440)/41440 = 0 (i.e., the degree of battery wear in my example is 0%).

Second mini-example. Let's say our last full charge is 21440, then: (41440-21440)/41440 = 0.48 = 50% (i.e., the degree of battery wear is approximately 50%).

2. Aida 64 / determination of battery status

The second method is simpler (just press one button in the Aida 64 program), but requires the installation of this very program (besides, the full version of it is paid).

Official website:

One of the best utilities for determining computer characteristics. You can find out almost everything about a PC (or laptop): what programs are installed, what is in startup, what equipment is in the computer, how long ago the Bios was updated, the temperature of the devices, etc.

This utility also has one useful tab - power supply. This is where you can find out the current state of the battery.

Pay attention first of all to indicators such as:

  • battery status;
  • capacity when fully charged (ideally should be equal to the rated capacity);
  • degree of wear (ideally 0%).

Actually, that's all. If you have anything to add on the topic, I would be very grateful.

All the best!

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Checking the health of the laptop battery

Not many users know that improper functioning of the battery can cause a considerable number of problems related to the operation of the computer itself. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of the battery. If your PC battery is not charging, first check the power cable and drivers, and only then move on to the battery. In this article, we will take a closer look at how to check the functionality of a laptop battery. Let's figure it out. Go!

What are the main causes of laptop battery problems? There are quite a lot of them. The most common is banal wear and tear. The battery does not last forever and has a service life (usually 2-3 years) and after that it does not work so well. So don't forget about this fact. After all, if you have an old laptop, it’s probably time to replace the battery long ago. The battery is a consumable item that can be replaced without any problems.

There are several rules that will allow you to maximize battery life. First, remove the battery when the laptop is running on AC power. Very often, people use laptops as a stationary device without removing the battery, which shortens its service life. The second rule is that it is recommended to completely discharge/charge the battery at least once every couple of weeks, and preferably every week. Otherwise, problems may begin much earlier than the specified period.

Other reasons for poor battery performance:

If for some reason you do not want to contact a technician or service center, you can independently diagnose the laptop battery. To do this, you will need to download and install the special BatteryCare utility. With its help, you can view all the basic information on the operation and current state of the battery. BatteryCare also offers the user tips and recommendations for improving battery performance and reducing charge consumption. In general, the program is very useful, and completely free. So be sure to download it.

Another great utility that offers similar capabilities is Battery Optimizer. Among the advantages and features, we can highlight the fact that Battery Optimizer allows you to increase the battery life of a laptop by making changes to the operation of some services. In this case, the program itself tells all this to the user. In addition, here you will find extensive and detailed information on the operation of the battery.

Battery Optimizer

You can also do without using programs. All you need is a multimeter. Switch it to DC mode and connect it to the battery, after disassembling it. Before disassembling the battery, be sure to completely discharge it. To open the battery, insert a knife into the longitudinal seam of the case and pull apart the covers. After this, check the voltage in the circuit using a multimeter. The display should show a value equal to the number of batteries multiplied by 3.7. If the voltage of an individual cell is less than 3.7, then this indicates that it is time to replace it.

Checking the battery with a multimeter

Now you know how to check your laptop battery for performance. Write in the comments whether this article was useful to you, share your own experience with other users, and ask any questions you have about the topic discussed.

Review of programs for conducting a laptop battery test

The laptop primarily attracts us with its mobility and compactness. In all other characteristics, it is in most cases inferior to a desktop computer. The mobility of the laptop is ensured by the battery, and when it wears out and fails, the laptop is tightly chained to the outlet. Modern laptops use lithium batteries that last 3-4 years. Their average resource is 400-500 charge-discharge cycles. As the laptop wears out, it works less and less in offline mode. After all, the battery can't last an hour. Then you decide to replace the battery. The question arises, is it possible to somehow find out the degree of wear of a laptop battery? Yes, there are programs that allow you to test your laptop battery. This review will focus on just such utilities.

How to check the laptop battery for performance?

Below we will describe programs that allow you to assess the condition of a laptop battery. With their help, you can independently assess the approximate degree of battery wear.

Battery test using standard Windows utility

To get started, you can use the standard Windows tool. The steps below are for the Windows 7 operating system.

Press "Win + R" to open the "Run" window. Command Prompt must be run as administrator. This can be done from the Start menu as shown below.

Command line call

Type “cmd”, right-click and select the “Run as administrator” menu item.

Running a laptop battery test

The report on the program's operation will be in the report.html file in the root of drive "C".

Testing completed

If you require a different location, please indicate it in your request above. Then open the report file and look at the following.

Battery information

Find the information block “Battery Information”. There we are interested in the values ​​​​of the calculated capacity and the last full charge. In our screenshot there are 54212 and 24009, respectively. The first value shows the initial capacity of the battery, and the second shows the capacity gained during the last charge. They can be used to calculate battery wear.

(24009 / 54212) * 100% = 44%

That is, to date, 44 percent of the original battery capacity remains. In this state, my laptop works without a power outlet for about an hour.

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Battery Care

A fairly simple and easy-to-use utility for testing a laptop battery. It puts little load on the system and has a clear presentation of the data. If you click on the Battery Care icon and click on the "Advanced" tab, you will find detailed information about the battery.

Battery information in Battery Care

There is the name of the battery, declared capacity, current condition, wear, etc. The program is completely free and is regularly updated by the developers.

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Aida64 is an application that is designed to comprehensively test and obtain information about your desktop computer or laptop. There is information not only about components, but also about the BIOS, software environment, and installed applications. For the purposes of this article, what is interesting to us is that Aida64 has a “Power Options” tab with laptop battery test results.

Information about the laptop battery in the Aida64 program

Here you can find out the name of the battery, original and current capacity, voltage, degree of wear. The program is paid, but on the developers’ website you can download a 30-day Trial version and evaluate its capabilities.

Review the following frequently asked questions about battery testing and calibration.

What if my computer does not contain HP PC Hardware Diagnostics for Windows?

Some computers may not have the HP PC Hardware Diagnostics Windows tool. HP provides diagnostic programs that you can use to check your computer's hardware components. HP PC Hardware Diagnostics for Windows is a utility for the Windows operating system that allows you to run diagnostic tests to determine whether your computer hardware is functioning properly. The tool runs on the Windows operating system and is used to diagnose hardware failures.

For more information about using HP PC Hardware Diagnostics for Windows, see .

How do I run the HP Hardware Diagnostics tool if it won't boot from my hard drive?

You can install HP PC Hardware Diagnostics for Windows on a blank USB drive with the FAT or FAT32 file system for use if the primary storage device fails or the UEFI files are corrupted.

For more information about using HP PC Hardware Diagnostics for Windows on a USB drive, see Testing with HP PC Hardware Diagnostics on an External USB Drive HP PCs - Checking Hardware for Problems.

What should I do if my computer does not have HP Support Assistant?

How to interpret the results of the extended battery test report?

Review the following list for more information about the results that appear under Battery Information or More Information.

    Charged or Discharging: Displays how close the battery is to full as a percentage. "Charging" appears when the power cord is connected to the computer, and "Lowing" appears when it is disconnected.

    Main battery: Provides a summary of the main battery test results.

    Warranty type: Describes the battery warranty.

    Cycle counter: number of times the battery can be completely discharged and recharged. In this example, the battery was charged and discharged 38 times out of 1000.

    Manufacturer: The code shown shows the manufacturer of the battery.

    Battery age: Indicates how many days the battery has been used.

    Serial number: Battery serial number.

    Temperature: Battery temperature.

    Design capacity: Shows the design capacity of the battery.

    Fully charged capacity: Shows the capacity of a fully charged battery.

    Remaining capacity: Shows the remaining battery capacity in milliamp-hours (mAh), rather than as a percentage.

    Current: Shows the discharge current, represented in milliamperes (mA). If the computer is using AC power, the current displays as "0 mA".

    Contact voltage: Output voltage at the battery terminals.

    Design voltage: Shows the design voltage of the battery.

    Element voltage (1-4): Each battery contains a certain number of cells, such as 3, 4, 6 or 8 cells per battery. In this example, the battery contains 4 cells. One element shows "0 mV" because it is static. The remaining elements display the capacity of each individual element.

    State: Contains a code that provides additional information about the battery status that technical support personnel may need to know.

    Alternating current: Displays "Yes" when the power cord is connected, and "No" when the power cord is disconnected from the computer.

    CT number: This number is the identification number printed on the battery barcode.

    Extra battery: Indicates the presence of an optional battery.

Why does the battery status show as "Charged" when the battery is not 100% charged?

To protect the battery from multiple short charging sessions when the power cord is connected, the battery does not begin charging until the charge level drops below 94%.

How to maximize battery life?

Recommendations for using and storing batteries are provided in the user manuals for each HP notebook computer model. Additional recommendations for proper handling of batteries:

    Store lithium-ion batteries at 20-25°C with a charge level of 30-50%.

    Do not disassemble, crush or puncture the battery; Do not short-circuit the battery terminals; Do not throw the battery into fire or water.

    Do not leave batteries exposed to high temperatures for long periods of time. Prolonged exposure to heat (such as inside a car parked in the sun) will accelerate the aging process of a lithium-ion battery.

    Remove the battery from the compartment if the laptop will not be used for more than 2 weeks (will be without power and will not be connected to AC power).

    Remove the battery from the compartment if the laptop will be connected to AC power (via the power supply or docking station) for more than 2 weeks.

    To run high-performance applications on a battery-powered laptop, install a high-capacity battery (amp-hour rating).

    Calibrate the battery according to your operating conditions. During normal use, lithium-ion batteries should be calibrated at least once every 3 months; A battery that rarely discharges completely should be calibrated about once a month

    Keep batteries out of the reach of children.

    Use only the batteries that shipped with your computer, replacement batteries supplied by HP, or compatible replacement batteries purchased as accessories.

How to reduce energy consumption?

To save energy, set your laptop's power saving mode manually.

    Reduce screen brightness to the minimum acceptable value. Adjust the brightness using the Fn and F7 or F8 keys.

    Disconnect unused peripherals. External hard drives, CD-ROM drives, Zip drives, PC cards, and other peripherals also drain power, even when used passively. Disconnect these devices when you are finished using them.

    Reduce the processor clock speed. The faster the computer runs, the sooner it uses all the battery power. By reducing the processor speed, you can extend battery life. Methods for reducing performance vary by model and are described in the accompanying manuals.

    Turn off your wireless connection when not in use. If your laptop has a wireless on/off button, press it to turn off the corresponding light.

    Check programs running in the background. Some programs automatically install the Quick Launch utility and begin running in the background after you turn on your computer. You can reduce energy consumption by periodically searching for unnecessary programs and removing them.

What should I do if the original battery charges slowly, but the replacement battery charges at normal speed?

If the original battery charges too slowly but the replacement battery charges properly, the problem may not be with the battery. Before replacing a faulty or worn battery, follow these instructions to determine whether the battery needs to be replaced.

  • To find the product number printed on the product label on your laptop, turn off your laptop. Turn the laptop over, then look for the HP product label on the bottom of the laptop. On this sticker you will find code of product.


    On some models, the product label may be located inside the battery compartment or under the access panel.

  • Often problems in the functioning of a laptop arise due to poor battery performance. If the battery does not charge, the cause of the failure should be identified. You should start by checking the cord and voltage in the electrical network, then pay attention to the drivers, which play an important role in the functioning of the device.

    It may also be due to damage to the power circuit or connector. If the problem lies here, it is necessary to restore the board tracks, it may also require a complete replacement - this cannot be done without diagnostics.

    If you don’t find a problem here, then the problem is directly in the laptop battery.

    The battery on the laptop does not charge: reasons

    Let's note standard battery problems.

    1. Probably the most common cause of problems is simple physical wear and tear. Batteries on modern laptop models can withstand no more than 800 charge cycles. Thus, the device is designed to last for 2 years, after which in most cases the battery will need to be replaced. That is, the battery life is on average two years, sometimes three. After each charge cycle, the battery capacity is reduced; over the course of a year, this capacity decreases by about fifteen percent. The battery is a consumable item, so this process is quite predictable and often this breakdown is not even included in the warranty card. However, you can extend the life of the battery by following simple rules of use: the battery cannot be kept in the device all the time if the laptop is powered by an external power source - you must remove it and store it in a cool, dark place;

    Important! Carry out a full discharge/charge cycle at least several times a week, otherwise the battery will fail quite unexpectedly and faster than you might expect.

    1. Also, the reason may lie in the failure of one battery in the battery, due to which the entire battery does not function. In this case, the battery must be restored;
    2. The next reason is a short circuit;
    3. If the laptop does not see the battery, but is charging, most likely the reason is the failure of the controller itself - and in this case it is necessary to change the battery;
    4. If the laptop sees the battery, but does not charge, there are a number of possible reasons:
    • The issue is the battery contacts, they may be damaged and may need to be cleaned to prevent oxidation;
    • The battery is not inserted correctly, remove it and reinsert it;
    • The battery life is exhausted;
    • It's a matter of the motherboard's power supply;
    • Drivers do not work;
    • The cord is damaged;
    • The battery is inoperative and needs to be replaced.

    Of course, after discovering the cause of the problem, it is better to contact a specialist to fix it. But you can try to rehabilitate the battery yourself.

    To get started, we perform a number of simple steps:

    1. Turn off the device through the Start menu;
    2. Pull out the power cord;
    3. Remove the battery from the device;
    4. Press the power button and hold for 20 seconds;
    5. We put the battery back in and boot the computer;

    If the charge in the tray is at a minimum level, connect an external power source.

    We carry out battery diagnostics

    Wondering how to check the battery on a laptop? To diagnose battery performance and determine its level of performance, there are many different utilities. By the way, they sometimes help to increase the service life of the battery.

    Let's look at several popular and quite effective programs. But it is worth remembering that the causes of problems are quite varied, and the program will not always be able to fix them. Often these utilities can extend battery life by reducing the load.

    Monitors the battery status, is quite easy to use, and does not slow down the system. Shows detailed information about battery performance, for example, by what percentage the capacity has decreased. Based on the initial characteristics. You can also find out the number of complete battery charge cycles and the calibration date. The utility also shares tips on reducing battery consumption. The program is free and updates automatically. I think it's worth downloading if you haven't already.

    Also a fairly well-known program for optimizing battery performance and maximizing its service life. The utility differs from similar ones in a convenient function - it can tell you by what percentage the battery life can be increased if you change some of the system's services. Changed settings are saved in your personal profile, after which you can easily open them at any time. The utility does advanced monitoring of battery performance, making an assessment of the loss, comparing it with the rated power of the battery. It has a fairly simple and user-friendly interface and does not require special knowledge to use.

    Tests the battery condition, indicates the actual capacity. The program is useful when buying a used laptop; in a few minutes you can find out what condition the battery is in and how long it will last.

    Another similar utility. Reduces energy consumption by disabling unnecessary processes, allowing the computer to work up to two times longer.

    How to troubleshoot battery problems

    If you have problems with the battery, do not immediately go to the store for a new one. It is quite possible to restore it. Of course, the battery capacity is not designed for a certain number of cycles, but there are recovery methods.

    Let's look at solutions to the most common problems.

    Battery won't charge

    Sometimes the battery simply stops receiving a charge. The laptop sees the battery, the charge level is shown in the tray, but when connected to an external power source, nothing changes.

    What to do?

    Let's return the battery settings in the BIOS to their original values. To do this, perform the following steps:

    • Disconnect the laptop from external power;
    • Carefully remove the battery;
    • Press the computer's power button and hold it for at least a minute;
    • We connect the device to the power supply, do not insert the battery;
    • We go into bios: when loading the system, press the key combinations that are indicated in the user manual. Often this is Del, F12 or F2;
    • Reset the settings to the initial value (Restore Defauts), save (Save), exit (Exit);

    • Turn off the device by holding the power button for 5 seconds;
    • Pull out the cord, insert the battery;
    • Insert the plug and connect the laptop to an external power source;
    • Loading.

    The method worked if you see a system notification that the battery is charging.

    The charge is on, but not 100%

    The charge continues, but does not reach its logical conclusion; the battery is not fully charged. Another symptom of the “disease” is that the battery life of the device per charge is greatly reduced. The laptop holds a charge several times less than before.

    What to do?

    The utilities that we discussed earlier will come in handy here. We check the condition of the battery of one of them. We need to know the following characteristics: the declared power of the battery (also known as the nominal power), the maximum power level that the battery reaches today and the percentage of battery wear. Accordingly, the higher the number, the higher the need to replace the battery. If the percentage is insignificant, most likely the battery is not the main reason for the decrease in battery life. Go ahead.

    The problem may lie in some program that you recently installed. It can work quietly in the background and significantly increase the performance of the processor and Wi-Fi, thus closing the transition to saving mode. To check the presence of such utilities, call the dispatcher by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc and analyze the operation of background programs. Deactivating unnecessary utilities can improve battery life.

    The purchased battery does not function

    The reason may lie in the incompatibility of the purchased battery with the charging controller. Batteries may be the same size, but differ in other characteristics. Try resetting the BIOS settings. If this does not help, compare the markings of the old and new batteries - they should not be different.

    Thus, there is no need to panic at the first battery failure. Moreover, you shouldn’t immediately look for money for a new battery; by the way, it costs a lot. Try our recommendations and follow the steps described. Try to diagnose and restore the battery using special utilities or by resetting the system settings. Check various options and analyze the causes of the breakdown. Perhaps it's not so scary. If you do not neglect the rules of operation of the device, the battery will last a long time. By the way, batteries rarely fail so suddenly; more often problems arise in the software or the cause is the power supply/connector. Try all the methods, and only then replace the battery with a new one.

    Note! When buying a battery, it is better to take with you an old battery or a laptop, so it is more likely that you will be offered exactly the element that you need.