Sees the iPhone on the computer. What to do if the computer does not see the iPhone via the USB port. Arbitrary return of default parameters

As a rule, the vast majority of users use iTunes to pair their Apple device with their computer. In this article we will try to answer the question of what to do if iTunes does not see the iPhone.

Today we will look at the main reasons why iTunes does not recognize your device. By following these recommendations, you will most likely be able to solve the problem.

Reason 1: Damaged or non-original USB cable

The most common problem that occurs due to the use of a non-original, even Apple-certified, cable, or an original one, but with existing damage.

If you doubt the quality of your cable, replace it with an original cable without any sign of damage.

Reason 2: Devices don't trust each other

In order for you to control an Apple device from a computer, trust must be established between the computer and the gadget.

To do this, after connecting the gadget to the computer, be sure to unlock it by entering the password. A message appears on the device screen “Trust this computer?” , which you need to agree with.

The same is true with a computer. On iTunes screen A message will appear asking you to confirm that trust has been established between the devices.

Reason 3: incorrect operation of the computer or gadget

IN in this case we suggest you restart your computer and apple device. Once both devices have booted up, try pairing them again. via USB-cable and iTunes software.

Reason 4: iTunes crashes

If you are completely sure that the cable is working, the problem may be with iTunes itself, which is not working correctly.

In this case, you will need to completely remove iTunes from your computer, as well as other Apple products installed on the computer.

Having completed the procedure uninstall iTunes, restart your computer. After this, you can begin installing a new iTunes versions, having previously downloaded the latest distribution of the program from the official website of the developer.

Reason 5: Apple device malfunctions

Usually, similar problem occurs on devices that have previously been jailbroken.

In this case, you can try to enter the device into DFU mode, and then try to restore it to its original state.

To do this, completely disconnect your device and then connect it to your computer using a USB cable. Launch iTunes.

Now you need to enter the device into DFU mode. To do this, hold down the power button on the device for 3 seconds, then, without releasing the button, also hold down the “Home” button, holding both keys for 10 seconds. Finally, release the power button, continuing to hold down "Home" until the device is detected by iTunes (on average this happens after 30 seconds).

If the device is detected by iTunes, start the recovery procedure by clicking on the corresponding button.

Reason 6: Conflict of other devices

iTunes may not see the connected Apple gadget due to other devices connected to the computer.

Try disconnecting all devices connected to your computer's USB ports (except for your mouse and keyboard), and then try again to sync your iPhone, iPod, or iPad with iTunes.

If none of the methods have helped you fix the problem with the visibility of your Apple device in iTunes, try connecting the gadget to another computer that also has iTunes installed. If this method was unsuccessful, contact service Apple support.

Although modern devices on iOS they can easily do without a computer; there are scenarios in which you still have to turn to it. It is quite logical that at the intersection of technologies certain rough edges may arise, and it is precisely these issues that we will try to understand in this material.

One of the common problems with iTunes is the inability to detect the connected device. There may be several reasons for this, but often a failure occurs in the trusted connection mechanism, when keys are saved on both gadgets for subsequent authorization. By default, the “Trust this computer” request should appear the next time you connect, but recently the author encountered the exact opposite situation, when after a negative response from the user the request was not repeated. The problem, as expected, can be solved in a few simple steps.

Let's start, as expected, with the “native” environment for iOS and iTunes - the OS X operating system. Of course, due to software and hardware integration, problems arise here less often, but no one is immune from accidents. So, if your iPhone stubbornly refuses to trust your Mac, you can try clearing the contents of the special Lockdown system directory. To do this, disconnect the iOS device from the computer and execute the key combination [ cmd]+[shift]+ [G] (or select Go to Folder from the Go menu in the OS X menu bar) and go to /var/db/lockdown/. In the window that opens, you will see one or more (depending on the number of synchronized devices) certificate files that need to be deleted.

After that, we connect the gadget and answer the question about trusting the computer in the affirmative. The device should now be detected by the system.

For Windows OS, the “perseverance” of which your humble servant encountered, the essence of the procedure remains the same. The only difference here, besides the different location of the “culprit”, is the need to display hidden files and folders. To do this, open the Control Panel from the “Start” menu and go to the “Folder Options” section, where on the “View” tab we select the option of the same name. As for the address, it varies for different versions Windows.

Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple\Lockdown

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10: C:\ProgramData\Apple\Lockdown

If the above manipulations do not solve the problem, there are more options for the Microsoft OS. the hard way associated with the driver mobile device and described YouTube user with the nickname STOK SHOK.

  • Open "Device Manager", located in the Control Panel in Windows 7 and in the "System" sub-item in Windows XP
  • Right-click on the line with the required Apple device, select “Update driver” from the context menu, then “Search for drivers on this computer” and “Select a driver from the list already installed drivers»
  • Click on the “Have from disk” button (if it is not available, you can select the category “ Mobile phone" or "Storage device" and click on the "Next" button, after which the button will appear)

  • In the “Install from Disk” dialog box, click on the “Browse” button
  • Go to the address C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers.
  • Select the file usbaapl(in 64-bit editions of Windows it is called usbaapl64) and click “Open”. If the folder does not exist or is missing required file, look for it in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers

  • Click on the “OK” button in the “Install from disk” dialog box.

    We hope these tips will help your gadgets find mutual language. As always, don't forget to check out where you can ask questions regarding use Apple technology, send screenshots

  • Some iPhone owners may encounter problems connecting their device to a computer running Windows 10. This often happens due to a failure of the trusted connection mechanism, a physical malfunction of the USB cable or socket, incorrect setting connections. Malicious software may also be the cause.

    Always use the original USB cable. If it is damaged, it needs to be replaced. It’s more difficult with a nest, because in this case you’ll most likely need professional repair. Other problems can be solved programmatically.

    Method 1: Cleaning the system directory

    Often due to mechanism failure Windows connections 10 does not see iPhone. This can be fixed by removing certain certificates.

    Method 2: Reinstall iTunes

  • After your device reboots, download and install new version applications.
  • Check functionality.
  • Also on our website you will find a separate article devoted to the reasons why iTunes may not see the iPhone and their solution.

    Method 3: Update Drivers

    Problems with drivers are a fairly common problem. To solve it, you can try updating the problematic software components.

    1. Call context menu on the icon "Start" and open "Device Manager".
    2. Expand « USB controllers» and find « Apple Mobile Device USB Driver» . If it is not displayed, then open "View""Show hidden devices".
    3. Call the context menu on the desired element and click on "Update drivers...".
    4. Select "Search for drivers on this computer".
    5. Next click on "Select driver from...".
    6. Now click on "Install from disk".
    7. Pressing "Review", follow the path

      • For 64-bit Windows:

        C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers

        and highlight usbaapl64.

      • For 32-bit:

        C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers

        and select the object usbaapl.

    8. Now click "Open" and run the update.
    9. After updating, restart your computer.

    other methods

    • Make sure there is trust between your iPhone and your computer. When you connect for the first time, both devices will be prompted to allow data access.
    • Try restarting both devices. There may have been a small problem preventing the connection.
    • Disable everything extra devices connected to the computer. In some cases, they may prevent the iPhone from displaying correctly.
    • Update iTunes to the latest version. The device can also be updated.
    • It's also worth checking your system for malware. This can be done using special utilities.

    These are the methods you can use to fix the iPhone display problem in Windows 10. Basically, the solution is quite simple, but effective.

    Hi all!

    After I wrote several lessons about the iPhone, I began to get asked the following question more and more often: Sergey, why doesn’t the computer see the iPhone?. It’s one thing when you were asked about it once, but another thing when this question comes up regularly! I decided to look into this issue and, as it turned out, the reasons for this may be very different and, naturally, the approach to solving this problem may also be different.

    I have collected 10 tips that I want to tell you about here. Let's get down to business right away!

    Reinstall drivers on USB

    One proven way to solve this problem is to reinstall USB drivers for iPhone. We need through device Manager remove them and then reinstall them.

    First of all, use a USB cable to connect to iPhone computer. Next, go to Properties of the Computer section and open device Manager.

    In the window that opens, find the USB Controllers section or it may also be a section Portable devices . Open it and look for Apple Mobile Device USB. You need to right-click on it and select Delete.

    In the confirmation window, check the box " Remove driver programs for this device" and click OK.

    Old, bad, no required driver will be deleted!

    Now disconnect from computer USB iPhone cable and plug it in again. The driver will be installed again, as indicated by the following window:

    Also on the iPhone we should be asked for permission to give the computer access to photos and videos. Naturally, click Allow.

    In most cases, when the computer does not see the iPhone, this method will solve the problem. But if this doesn't help you, then let's try other tips!

    Update chipset drivers (USB)

    Every computer has a motherboard and chipsets installed on it. So these chipsets are responsible for connecting to the computer various devices. For normal operation Chipsets also need drivers. In some cases, drivers begin to work unstably. Most often this can happen if from some.

    It happens that the computer not only does not see the iPhone, it cannot detect any other phones or flash drives at all. I just have old Windows that's what happened. Updating the drivers for the chipset helped.

    What to do in this situation?

    First option. First, open the website and click on green button Download to download the DevID agend program, for quick installation and driver updates.

    When installing, uncheck the boxes to avoid installing unnecessary ones.

    After starting the program, you can click Start Search and the program will scan the equipment and offer to update old drivers.

    It's good if it happens latest version drivers for the chipset. In this case, it will be updated. But if not, then try the following steps.

    1.2 Download and install the chipset

    The second option is to download the drivers yourself and install them. Depending on your motherboard, it could be an Intel chipset or an AMD chipset. Let's look at the installation using chipsets from Intel as an example.

    On the official Intel website, at this link: you can download the program for chipsets. Press the blue button Chipset.

    1.3 Auto-selection Intel drivers

    Third option. You can also have Intel select the drivers needed for our system. For this purpose they have on their website special utility, which will scan our equipment and install the necessary programs.

    Click "Trust this computer"

    Please note that when we connect our phone to the computer, a request appears on the screen where we must allow access to settings and data. Just click Trust.

    Connect to another USB connector

    Try changing USB connector. Especially if you insert the cable from the iPhone to the connectors on the front panel system unit. Try connecting the cable to one of those connectors on the back of the system unit. These connectors are directly soldered into motherboard, and they work as cool as possible!

    Reinstall iTunes

    I hope you know that in order to fully manage your iPhone on your computer, we need iTunes programs under Windows. If it doesn't work well for you, you need to reinstall it. Or you can just update.

    Download the latest version and install over the old one. The program will be updated.

    Restart Apple Mobile Device Service

    Before performing this step, be sure to disconnect your iPhone from your computer and close iTunes. Now we need to restart Apple services. Because you never know, they suddenly become stupid.

    Open the search bar by pressing the hot keys WIN+Q and enter Services in the search bar.

    Launch the found program and find the Apple Mobile service Device Service. Let's open it double click mice.

    We stop the service.

    Now you need to make sure that the startup type is Automatic and then restart this service.

    Open the computer section and find the iPhone

    After iTunes updates and restarting the Apple service, the computer should definitely now see the iPhone. Open the Computer section and find your phone here.

    In my case it is at the very top, but yours may be at the bottom. Be careful, what if the computer sees the iPhone, but you’re just not paying attention to it here!

    Connect iPhone to another computer

    If you connect your iPhone to another computer, you will immediately be able to understand where to dig next. If another computer sees the iPhone, then the problem is most likely on the side of your computer, which does not see the phone. If other computers or laptops don’t see the iPhone, then there’s definitely something wrong with the USB cable or with the phone itself! To be on the safe side, I would connect the phone to two different computers, on which different systems are installed.


    If none of the above methods did not solve the problem and the laptop or computer still does not see the iPhone, then something is broken in the device itself. I think that the power connector into which the cable is inserted has simply failed.

    Try, test and I hope everything works out for you.

    When connecting your iPhone to a computer or laptop to work with digital data, the user may encounter the problem of the device not being recognized. This may be due to malfunction software or a malfunction of the Apple gadget itself.

    Some breakdowns can be fixed yourself, otherwise you will have to contact service center. Let's look at the reasons why iTunes doesn't see the iPhone and their solution.

    Common problems when syncing your Apple device with your computer

    Regardless of whether you connect your iPhone to a regular personal computer, laptop or MacBook, you may experience a lack of synchronization. To solve a problem, it is necessary to discover its cause.

    The main reasons for unstable operation:

    • failure or incompatibility of the USB port with the device;
    • non-working or non-original USB cable;
    • problems with the software or Apple work Mobile Device;
    • iPhone malfunction.

    Let's look at each one separately. It is necessary to adhere to a given procedure for diagnosing the performance of a PC and Apple device.

    Diagnostics of the functionality and compatibility of the USB port with the device

    If you plug your iPhone into a USB port and nothing happens, the port may be broken or the port may not be compatible with the device. Insert a flash drive or other USB device into this port to test functionality. If the device is detected and works stably, reconnect your iPhone to another port, preferably located on the back of the system unit. For stable operation USB 3.0 or higher is recommended.

    If reconnection does not give any result, move on to another diagnostic point.

    Diagnosis of a broken cable

    Connect the cable you are using to charger and try to charge your iPhone. If the device does not charge, the reason is the cable, replace it. Otherwise, let's move on to working with the software of iTunes and the Apple device.

    iTunes does not see iPhone: diagnostics of software functioning

    Check that the appropriate software is installed on your computer or laptop. iTunes - universal media player, which combines the functions of playing music, movies, text books, an online store and explorer that allows you to synchronize with other devices of the Apple family for data transfer. The program is available for installation on MacOS, Windows and Linux completely free of charge. It is recommended to download the software from the official Apple website (if you have a Mac, then AppStore), so you get latest version software and a guarantee of security from intruders.

    Operating system devices Windows family or MacOS have by Apple service Mobile Device required to detect a connected Apple device in real time. Failure to recognize device synchronization may be due to its inoperability. To fix this problem, restart the service.

    How to Restart Apple Mobile Device

    To perform a service reboot in the operating room Windows system, necessary:

    1. Disconnect from computer Apple device and close iTunes;
    2. Go to the control panel, find the “Administration” item, then open the “Services” tab;
    3. Find the name of the service in the list and click on the “Stop” button;
    4. Wait a while, make sure the service is completed and turn it back on;
    5. After successful launch connect your Apple device and wait for synchronization.

    If nothing happens, the problem is in iTunes itself or with the technical part of your smartphone. Find the folder with installed program, uninstall it. Download and install the latest software for your operating system version from the official Apple website.

    Restart the Apple Mobile Device Service on devices running MacOS system regular means will not work. To disable it, you need to do the following:

    1. Disconnect your iPhone and close iTunes;
    2. Delete icons and folders with iTunes contents located in the library;
    3. Find the AppleMobileDevice.kext and AppleMobileDeviceSupport.pkg files and delete them;
    4. Empty the recycle bin and reboot your devices;
    5. Reinstall iTunes;
    6. Connect your Apple device and wait for synchronization.

    Let's consider what to do if iTunes does not see the iPhone even after performing operations with the Apple Mobile Device service.

    Diagnostics of iPhone for USB port performance

    The problem with synchronizing your Apple device and computer may be hidden in unstable work the device itself. First, perform an external inspection of your smartphone. Check the charging connector for dirt and small objects; this often interferes with charging and connection to the computer.

    "Trust but check"

    iOS developers have thought about it unique system"Trust in connected devices." For the first time transmitting information to third party computer or laptop, you will see the “Trust this computer?” prompt. Adding a computer adds it to the list trusted devices. If you have not allowed the computer to trust your iPhone, then you will still have to do this to synchronize with iTunes, but first you need to do some manipulations that will allow the computer to “forget” its initial prohibition on interaction.

    If you have MacOS:

    1. Open Finder, in top menu press transition and choose go to folder;
    2. In the field that opens, enter the path /var/db/ and click go;
    3. Open the folder lockdown and delete its contents. If the folder is marked with a small “stop” icon, this means that you do not have rights to open it, but this problem is very easily solved. Right-click on it (folder) and select properties;
    4. Here we click on the padlock in the lower right corner and enter the account password;
    5. Now click on + in the lower left corner and select your account;
    6. Next, you need to expand user rights. To do this, opposite your “account”, change only reading on read and write;
      1. Next we follow the path C:\ProgramData\Apple\Lockdown(if you have 7,8,10 Windows version), for XP - C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple\Lockdown
      2. Deleting the contents of the folder Lockdown.

      If this procedure on Windows platform did not help, then you should try updating the driver.

      If none of the above helps, contact a service center, where highly qualified specialists will determine why iTunes does not see the iPhone.

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