Leading a group on VK: tips and instructions. Unique interesting stories or parables. Basic group settings

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With the development of the Internet, social networks began to appear to find old acquaintances and communicate. To make it easier to share impressions, thoughts, funny pictures, jokes and others, special groups began to be created.

Creating and maintaining one or several VKontakte groups is a very profitable business. If the group is well promoted, then the owner can sell space for advertising posts. And the price is for one advertising post can range from several hundred rubles to several thousand rubles for one day of accommodation.

I saw groups where they charged 13 thousand rubles for posting one post. well and average price advertising in a “live” group of 100 - 900 thousand subscribers, from one to three thousand rubles.

To understand how to run a VKontakte group, you must first create one. In the previous article: “” I already described creating a group for a store. A regular group is created in exactly the same way, there is a slight difference only in the settings.

Create a group

On my personal page in the “Groups” section, you need to click on “Create a community”. The most important thing is to come up with good name, reflecting its theme. To check if the name matches, you can simply enter what you came up with in the group search bar and check.

  1. The name is indicated;
  2. It is advisable to choose an interesting design;
  3. Community characteristics are filled in;
  4. The group type is set from the list;
  5. The community cover is selected and uploaded;
  6. IN additional information, if necessary, you can specify a topic from the list and age restrictions;
  7. In “Sections” everything you need is displayed;
  8. The “Comments” section allows you to filter obscene language.

If necessary, fill out other sections. Next, click on “Save” and the new community is ready.

Attracting subscribers

Having created a group, fill it interesting posts, upload a header and avatar, then you can send invitations to join the group to your friends.

The creation of any community is aimed at attracting as many users as possible social network. To do this, you need to publish at least 5 new posts per day. Special attention should be given to the posts posted on the wall. They should not be overloaded with information and it is advisable to attach a picture relevant to the topic.

You can also enable the Community Posts section. This is done with the aim of establishing contact with visitors.

Be sure to try to monitor traffic not only from yourself, but from your competitors, after making any change. Periodically conduct surveys regarding the addition of changes. The interaction between the group administration and its participants will be a definite plus.

Try to monitor comments and, if necessary, remove conflicting participants.


The placement of news depends on the direction of the group. It can be:

  1. Music of different genres;
  2. Pictures with captions;
  3. Videos and gifs;
  4. Movie;
  5. Series;
  6. Anime;
  7. Various products;
  8. Links to other Internet resources, etc.

The most important thing is to interest others. The popularity of the created group depends on this.

Before creating a community, it is best to read information about how to run a VKontakte group, secrets and advice from those who have already gone through this. This can help in forming ideas and understanding how to achieve success in this matter.

First of all, you should decide whether you are interested in a paid or free method of creating a community. With the option without investments, all you need is free time and Internet access. IN in this case You can also search for participants on your own, or you can cheat using special programs or hiring people responsible for it.

Buying promoted groups

When buying a ready-made promoted group, you should consider several factors:

  1. The name of the community, according to the regulations of the social network VKontakte, cannot be changed to a new one, otherwise the administration will block it (ban);
  2. It is better to purchase a community using the site administration and the owner’s account. This is done to avoid a situation where the creator of a group receives money for selling it, and then simply removes the buyer.

When creating, it is best to make one or more new pages for the administration. It is also highly undesirable to frequently borrow information from other communities or spam, as this can result in a ban.

Therefore, you need to try to fill the wall with unique and interesting entries. If you decide to use spam to promote the community, then it is better to use fake pages for these purposes.

The most profitable and convenient option This is a collaboration between groups in order to attract new subscribers.

To make the group more interesting, it is advisable to do the following:
  1. Create topics or chats for discussion;
  2. Various surveys can be conducted;
  3. Thematic photo albums are no less popular, including those with the offer to add photos of subscribers;
  4. Create competitions and hold interesting events;
  5. Allow comments on the community wall, etc.

VKontakte group as a means of income

It is no secret that many communities are aimed not only at simply attracting users, but also at generating income. If such a goal is pursued when creating a group, then you need to decide how exactly to receive cash. To do this you can:

  1. Create and promote communities for the purpose of their further sale;
  2. Place advertising posts for a certain price;
  3. Offer goods and services.

How to delete a community

If you don’t have time or the community gets boring and you want to delete it. Of course, if there is no buyer for it, then removal is the only option. To do this, you must exclude all users from the community. Then limit access to it and, last but not least, delete yourself.

Thus, there is nothing difficult in creating or deleting a community, but you always need to devote some time to maintaining it. If this is not enough, you can attract friends or acquaintances for administrative activities.

Now you know how to run a VKontakte group, it’s not difficult, at first you’ll have to work hard to promote the group and attract subscribers, and then you’ll spend one, maybe two hours a day to prepare fresh posts.

Moreover, now there are many services that automatically post in groups in specified time. That is, you can plan posting for a week in advance, prepare text and pictures and go about your business.

And when he arrives, hire an administrator who will do all the work himself.

P.S. I am attaching screenshots of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone can do it, even a beginner! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means learning from those who are already making money, that is, from professionals.

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1. General provisions

1.1. This document (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) defines the policy of individual entrepreneur Maxim Aleksandrovich Sileznev (hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”) regarding the processing of personal data and contains, among other things, information about the requirements for the protection of personal data implemented by the Operator.

1.2. The Policy has been approved and published on the website, http://admarkus.ru/, (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) in pursuance of the Operator as provided for in Part 2 of Article 18.1 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ “On Personal Data” (hereinafter referred to as “ Federal Law") responsibilities for publishing in the information and telecommunications network a document defining the Operator’s policy regarding the processing of personal data, and information about the implemented requirements for the protection of personal data, as well as for ensuring the possibility of access to the specified document using the means of the corresponding information and telecommunication network .

1.3. The policy has been developed taking into account legal requirements Russian Federation in the field of personal data. The terms used in the Policy should be understood in the meaning defined for them in the Federal Law, unless otherwise expressly stated in the Policy.

1.4. The policy is available to any Internet user by clicking on the link.

1.5. The operator processes personal data of users taking into account following principles:

  • the processing of personal data is carried out by the Operator on a legal and fair basis;
  • The processing of personal data is limited to the achievement of specific, pre-defined and legitimate purposes. The operator is not allowed to process personal data that is incompatible with the purposes of collecting personal data;
  • It is not allowed to combine databases containing personal data, the processing of which is carried out for purposes that are incompatible with each other;
  • The Operator shall process only personal data that meets the purposes of their processing;
  • the content and volume of personal data processed by the Operator correspond to the stated purposes of processing. The personal data processed is not redundant in relation to the stated purposes of their processing;
  • When processing personal data, the accuracy of personal data, their sufficiency, and, where necessary, relevance in relation to the purposes of processing personal data must be ensured.
  • The operator accepts necessary measures to delete or clarify incomplete or inaccurate data;
  • storage of personal data is carried out in a form that makes it possible to identify the subject of personal data, no longer than required by the purposes of processing personal data, unless the period for storing personal data is established by federal law, an agreement to which the subject of personal data is a party, beneficiary or guarantor. The processed personal data is subject to destruction or depersonalization upon achievement of the processing goals or in the event of the loss of the need to achieve these goals, unless otherwise provided by federal law.

2. Rights of the subject of personal data to access his personal data

2.1. The subject of personal data has the right to receive the following information:

  • confirmation of the fact of processing of personal data by the Operator;
  • legal grounds and purposes of processing personal data;
  • purposes and processing methods used by the Operator
  • personal data;
  • name and location of the Operator, information about persons (except for the Operator’s employees) who have access to personal data or to whom personal data may be disclosed on the basis of an agreement with the Operator or on the basis of federal law;
  • processed personal data related to the relevant subject of personal data, the source of their receipt, unless a different procedure for the presentation of such data is provided for by federal law;
  • terms of processing of personal data, including periods of their storage;
  • the procedure for the exercise by the subject of personal data of the rights provided for Federal law;
  • information about completed or intended cross-border data transfers;
  • name or surname, first name, patronymic and address of the person processing personal data on behalf of the Operator, if the processing has been or will be assigned to such a person;
  • other information provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.2. The right of the subject of personal data to access his personal data may be limited in cases where provided for by law Russian Federation.

3. Requirements for the protection of personal data implemented by the operator

3.1. The operator uses a personal data protection system that neutralizes current threats defined in accordance with Federal Law. The personal data protection system includes organizational and technical measures determined taking into account current threats to the security of personal data and information technologies, used in information systems.

3.2. The operator ensures an adequate level of protection of personal data during their processing.

Good day everyone! Today I will share my experience of running VKontakte groups, from the moment of creation to the moment of semi-automated work.

Just recently, the “Social Explosion” competition in which I took part ended. I managed to take 9th place out of 21 participants. I received a small material prize and, most importantly, experience! Experience in developing a VKontakte group, which I will now share.

So, we start, of course, by creating a group or public, as your heart desires and on the topic you want. This is a personal matter for everyone. During the competition I created a group “ Social blogger“, which I developed and on the example of which my set of recommendations will be based.

  1. The very first thing you need to do is create a description and avatar of the group! No matter how trivial and obvious it may be, it is actually important!
  2. First comes the filling! Then everything else comes! We are looking for materials for our group.
    The calculation is as follows: 5 posts in 1 day (minimum). We are looking for a week in advance, that is, we are forming a database of 35 pictures and, if necessary, captions for them. To do this, you can search for pictures in search, in similar groups on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, etc. Or create unique pictures yourself!
  3. We are planning to fill the group. We won’t post manually every 2-3 hours =)
    To do this, register on the Sociate service.
    Choosing your group
    Next, create a schedule
    And that's it, now let's do it bulk download pictures and distribute them according to the schedule. Voila! Now at a given time, no matter whether you are online or not, your group will be filled with the materials that you have uploaded!

  4. Now that posting has started, you can think about subscribers to the VKontakte group. We will consider free methods, because they are available to everyone.
    Important! It is not recommended to recruit more than 1000 participants per day!
    The ideal option is 100-300 people per day!
    How cheat those who joined?
    There are paid and free methods for boosting groups and public pages. You can use the programs Vkbot, VkDyuti or similar. I prefer online services because... I don’t like downloading anything to my computer.
    Of the services, I prefer Turboliker. (I currently use this service) After registration, they give 25 likes (internal currency for payments). In 30 minutes you can earn another 250-300 likes. In total, for 300 likes we can order 100 people to join the group. At a price of 3 likes per member. Of those who join, according to statistics, about 30% will be blocked and turn into dogs. This means that in 30-40 minutes we can get about 70 live people into our group, who, by the way, if they are interested, even like and join the group. The method is labor-intensive and absolutely not automated, but even so, by spending 1 hour a day we can get 150 people a day, which means in a week we will have a group with 1000 participants. And in some topics this is quite enough to attract attention potential clients and active participants.
    There are other methods. You can rotate programs. Here you need to experiment yourself. I advise you to use specially created fake accounts!
    Personally, I bought myself 1000 members for 220 rubles. And Turboliker was like an auxiliary service.

  5. Next, we create a sense of activity in the group.
    That is, we order 5 reposts for each post on Turboliker. We set the price to 1 like, a total of 5 tasks during the day, a total of 25 likes, and this is just a daily bonus from Turboliker.
    What do we get from this? Nothing special, just if a really interested user gets into the group and sees likes and shares, then he will repost with a greater degree of probability than if all the posts in the group had no likes at all!
  6. Spam and posting to groups of similar topics. This is all clear. But don't be too zealous. And again, spam only from fake accounts!

If briefly and about the main thing, then that’s probably all. How to run a VKontakte group? I hope this question did not remain unanswered. Let me remind you that I am only sharing my experience. Over time, more experience and new techniques will appear, then I will tell you about them. In the meantime, in order to make my first VKontakte group and run it, I think it’s enough.

Relevant for those who want to quickly learn how to make money on VKontakte groups!

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We released new book“Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get into Your Followers’ Heads and Make Them Fall in Love with Your Brand.”


Today, the question of how to lead a group on VK is asked not only by schoolchildren who spend days on social networks. Entrepreneurs, owners of information, entertainment portals and just bloggers. Often, at the first stage of development, the owners themselves try to take care of everything. But mistakes made at the start lead to loss of time, money on advertising, and even blocking of the public. In the article you will find some secrets and tips that will prevent this from happening.

Community design

Before visiting your page, a person must be interested in it. As they say, “you meet people by their clothes.” Only then does the user begin to study the content. Therefore, let's talk about how to properly lead a group on VK in order to immediately create a good impression.


VK supports static and dynamic covers. The latter makes it possible to stand out in competitive niches and literally revive appearance. Moreover, you need to make not just a beautiful and attractive page header. Visitors should be able to determine the direction of the community at first glance. To do this, use thematic images and inscriptions.

Subscribe button pointers, calls to action, bonuses, counters, and other marketing techniques also have a positive impact on audience response.


Well-designed navigation helps visitors quickly find necessary information, use services or select a product. This guarantees customer loyalty. People come back again, recommend the public to friends, and it grows organically.


One of the most important tips about how to properly lead a group on VKontakte - choosing the right name. In this case, you need to start not only from personal preferences and use bright, sparkling phrases. First of all, think about your subscribers and focus on their needs.

Find out the frequency with which users request the items you have selected key phrases You can use the Yandex Wordstat service. At the same time, analyze own options and study competitors. Keys also matter in the public description. But it’s better to focus on your benefits for customers.

The menu in the community rarely changes. But changing the design and name allows you to bring more visitors. Trending name search results, attracts a new target audience. At the same time, a fresh cover for the holiday or upcoming event stimulates the activity of existing subscribers. But the changes should be more “cosmetic” rather than drastic.

When promoting, different goals are set:

  • increase in the number of clients;
  • sale of goods or services;
  • attraction additional traffic to the website;
  • increasing the level of trust in the brand.

Depending on this, the methods of work differ. For the image page of a machine tool production plant, a large number of visitors is useless. At the same time, the majority of participants are narrow-minded. But for entertainment portals, a clear classification is not so important target audience. In the first case, linking from thematic resources is suitable for development. In the second, the best results are achieved by frequent publication of native viral content.

Let's list the main ways to develop public pages:

  1. Promotions and competitions. They provide an opportunity not only to invite a person, but also to increase the significance of the community. Ask people to be active and offer worthy gifts. Likes, reposts and comments raise the page in search results.
  2. Links from the site. Works great in developing companies with big amount news feeds. Moreover, each new entry on the main resource links to a page on social networks.
  3. Targeted advertising. It’s hard to imagine how to run a group on VKontakte for business without this tool. The method is paid. But with the right company, you get the cheapest leads.
  4. Publishing posts. The higher the frequency, the greater the audience reach. At the same time, unique quality content attracts subscribers to the community organically. This ranks it higher in search results.
  5. Private messages. Only suitable for beginner bloggers. A rather labor-intensive process with a high probability of account blocking for spam.
  6. Newsletters. Chatbots for social networks allow you to communicate massively with people in private. Unlike emails, the open rate is close to 100%.

For efficient work It’s better to use several promotion options. And the most universal one is publishing posts.

To close the topic of effective public management, here are a few tips that few people talk about on the Internet.

Tips for beginners on how to lead a group on VKontakte:

  • Keep your content unique. Not everyone focuses on writing and creating original photos, borrowing them from thematic communities. This reduces rankings and coverage in smart feed. Can also lead to blocking.
  • Choose your posting time. The vast majority of administrators post messages exactly on the clock (8:00 ... 16:00). So it appears at the same time great amount news. Using minutes (10:15 ... 13:42) significantly increases the viewing of publications.
  • Strive for unity of style. This makes it possible to use content theft for your own purposes. Develop a unified style in the design of all elements: color scheme, fonts, logo, design, etc. This is how people start coming to you even from other people’s news.

Drawing up a content plan

It’s hard to imagine how to run a VKontakte group without updating news feed. It is necessary to regularly post high-quality information relevant to the target audience. After all, this is one of the most effective ways to interact with subscribers. If it hasn't been on the wall for a long time latest entries, the audience's interest is lost. The best results are visible only with regular activity. So plan your messages ahead and communicate on different topics. The same type of information becomes boring, and exclusively commercial orientation scares away users. To make it clear what to write about, here are the most popular types of content:

  • About the community. Tell clients who you are, what you do and how you do it.
  • Posts, problem solving . These can be short answers to questions or guides in longread format. They fit well with recommendations for the purchase of goods or services.
  • Discussions. The activity of participants in the comments is an excellent reason to create a separate topic and discuss the details in it controversial issue. It is enough to post the announcement and direct the energy of the audience in a “peaceful direction.”
  • Entertainment. Excessive seriousness gets boring and becomes boring. Be sure to dilute your feed with fresh jokes, memes and professional jokes. Use any means available to you to lift the audience's spirits.
  • Competitions. They have already been mentioned. This is your “combat tool” that provides an increase in subscribers.
    Content – great helper in achieving community goals. The main thing is not to go off-topic and not go into full sales. Communication should be natural. To do this, alternate information and look at user response.

Post design

Frequency of publication

Leading a VKontakte group every day is a job that disciplines and does not allow you to relax. But manual update not always justified. By using scheduled posting, you get more freedom and flexibility in planning your schedule. Set the date of appearance of messages in your feed in advance. Moreover, it is better to do this consistently at the same time and days of the week. This is how you complete a weekly content plan in one day.

Image design

A bright picture is definitely an advantage. But it should reflect the essence of the recording. Otherwise, people begin to mindlessly like, without even delving into the essence of your post. A real photos attract more attention than glossy ones from stock photos.

Unity of style is very important here. Use brand colors for frames and frames. Apply watermarks. They return users to you even if information is stolen.

Microtext markup

  1. Empty line. Visually separates paragraphs and divides a continuous canvas into meaningful blocks.
  2. Smileys. Allows you to create bulleted and numbered lists. Focus on important information. And the arrows indicate where users need to go.
  3. Hashtags. Create convenient navigation. They act as beacons by which the audience finds your posts on given topics. And thanks to the highlighting, they help to focus attention on the desired fragment.
  4. Dash. Short hyphens, which are used by default, are a gross typographical error. To increase their length, just put two “-” signs in a row.

Short messages are more clickable. They can be read without unnecessary clicks in the feed. Therefore, in small posts, do not exceed 600 characters and be sure to attach an attractive picture.

Knowing these simple rules You won’t be faced with the question of how much it costs to run a group on VKontakte. You will be able to do all the actions yourself.

Community Statistics

When running a public page, there is no single “magic pill” that suits everyone. You always have to try different instruments and analyze what gives best result. Let's look at how to react to changes in statistics:

  1. Coverage. Shows which messages “get in” and which ones turn out to be uninteresting to your audience. At the same time, it is not only the quality of the content that influences, but also the time of publication.
  2. Gender and age. Powerful tool by definition of true target audience. You see who to target when writing posts and setting up advertising.
  3. Geography. Seeing an advantage in the direction of a certain region, you cover news that is relevant to city residents and always find yourself in the trend.
  4. Traffic sources. Help to identify effective ways promotion. If the growth from VK search increased after changing the key in the community name, then the action is correct. And vice versa, if there is no surge in direct transitions during the targeting broadcast, you need to reconfigure your target audience or change the banner design.

Competent processing of statistics is no less important than maintaining the public itself. By eliminating ineffective activities and focusing on those that generate leads, you save both time and money. Moreover, you can do all this yourself or hire professionals.

And after studying the instructions, you yourself understand the amount of work ahead and, based on this, you can figure out how much it costs to run a group on VK. The article helps to avoid common mistakes and account blocking.

Today we will look at how to create a group in VK and how to configure it step by step to suit the needs of your business, so that the community brings maximum benefit. It will take about 10-15 minutes to do everything.

Creating a group in VKontakte is very profitable investment effort and time for several objective reasons:

  • The network’s audience itself is large and has almost reached 100 million. active users per month according to 2017 data
  • VK attracts people of different ages and views, which, unlike Odnoklassniki, where the lion's share of users are women of the older generation, allows you to promote any line of business.
  • Many VKontakte users literally live within the community - they search for information and make purchases without going to external sites. The consequence of this is the uniqueness of the target audience (it has little overlap with traffic from the search engines Yandex and Google).
  • The technical functionality of the groups themselves allows you to conduct not only information projects, but also directly create showcases with goods and make sales through a special module, without investing in the development of an online store on a personal website.

A VKontakte group (community) can be not only an addition to your main site, but also an independent tool business promotion or direct income.

What types of communities are there in VK and what to choose?

Before you start creating a group, it is worth exploring the possibilities provided for this by Contact. There are 3 options, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

The choice of group option is available during the process of its creation; it is possible to change the type of an already existing project, but not more than once a month. If you immediately misjudge your desires, then nothing fatal will happen in this, but it is better to plan everything correctly right away.

Option #1. Group

This is the most democratic form of community, suitable for projects that involve the active participation of members in its life. Only the group allows all members to write on the wall, add photo albums and videos (if you allow them).

You can define access rules for a group; it can be:

  • open - everyone can join,
  • closed - each application requires approval from the administration,
  • private – access only by personal invitation.

In groups you can see the entire list of participants.

Main advantage: You can invite up to 40 friends daily by sending out invitations.

This option is ideal at the start, when you need to recruit a primary audience.

Option #2. Public page

This format is not conducive to communication and discussion. Participants cannot publish topics on the community wall and have the right only to suggest news to the moderators, which will be posted on behalf of the community upon approval.

There is no option to make a public page private. So, if you have something secret or not for everyone, then the option public page disappears.

There is no list of participants. In fact, the very concept of a participant does not apply here. Inviting someone using the capabilities of a social network is also not possible.

A public page is suitable for a project with rarely changing information, as well as in cases where, due to its specificity, the list of participants (subscribers) is not available for viewing.

Option #3. Event

The name implies the purpose of this type of community. When it is necessary to quickly notify and gather people for some event, event pages are created.

In terms of capabilities, the event is similar to a group, but:

  • Has a date and reminds participants of themselves;
  • Allows you to invite up to 5,000 people per day from the subscribers of your communities.

For example, if you have regular group with a large audience dedicated to your services, and you are planning an interesting discount promotion, create an event and quickly invite all readers to it.

Features of the event: There is no way to attach a block with products to the main page.

When choosing an event is obvious, but when deciding between a group and a page, you need to take into account many factors, for example, the topic of the community - it’s better to pack something intimate into the page, since not everyone interested in treating impotence will want their avatars to be displayed in the list of group members .

How to create a VKontakte group: step-by-step instructions

To create a group on VK you must have an account on this social network.

Log in with your username/password, select the “Groups” item in the menu on the left with the icon of two people. In this section at the top right there is a button “Create a community”:

Name, topic and type of community

The first community data is entered in the pop-up menu (on next step they can be changed):

  • Group name;
  • Community type(group, page, event);
  • Subjects– the hierarchy for selecting topics is multi-stage and involves selecting suitable sub-items from drop-down lists.

Clicking on the “Create Community” button opens detailed menu, where you can configure your VKontakte group in detail.

Basic group settings

Some of the data is automatically transferred from the previous step, they can be adjusted, and all that remains is to enter the following from scratch:

  • Group Description– make it short but succinct, so that a second glance is enough to understand who this VK group was created for.
  • Group type– open, closed, private (features are described above).
  • Cover– this is a picture at the top of the community, acting as a header. To make a cover for a VKontakte group, you need a picture measuring 1590*400 px. You can take any suitable image bigger size and crop or compress it in a graphics editor.
  • page address- default recruitment is underway numbers, it is better to change it to something simpler and more understandable.
  • Web site– if your project has a website on the Internet, link it to the community, it will be listed in the group menu.
  • Location– regional reference is indicated if necessary, you can select from country to exact address.
  • Room in Snapster– this is an application similar to Instagram, please indicate if there is one.

Additional settings are divided into categories and placed in a separate block on the right.

Setting up group sections

Here the structure of the group is determined - which sections will be placed on the main page, as well as the rights and capabilities of different community members. The choice is great, from complete democracy, when everyone adds anything and anywhere, then complete ban on new content even for administrators.

You can add a photo album, video and audio recordings, attach arbitrary documents and flexibly configure the rights to fill each block.

To create an online store within a VK group, you need to connect the “Products” item; go through the rest of the options yourself. Clicking on each item provides a clear hint.

Enabling the comment filter

This is done through the “Comments” settings section. Eat ready base obscene language, you can add to it additional words. Any comments containing objectionable content will not be published.

If you need to display a widget with recommended links on the main page of the group in the form of a separate block, open the “Links” tab and indicate the necessary ones URL addresses. Both internal links to VKontakte pages and links to external sites can work.

How to add an application to a VK group

Through the “Applications” block, you can add new functions to your group, for example, interactive tests or a widget for collecting donations (analogue). List possible applications large and periodically expanding.

To install, click the “Add” button next to the desired application.

At this point, the process of creating a VKontakte group can be considered complete, but it’s worth adding a few words about its administration.

How to change group settings

You can change most of the settings you made when creating your community at any time.

All this is done through the “Community Management” section, the link to which is located at home page, on the right under the header in the icon with an ellipsis (“…”):

How to manage group subscribers

In VK you can manage all members of a group that belongs to you.

Go to “Community Management”, select “Participants” on the right:

In the list, find the accounts you need to take action on and by clicking on the appropriate links, either appoint them as commanders or kick them out.

Creating your own group in VK is useful, but this is only the first small step. Next, you need to invest a lot of effort and time into filling it and promoting it.

  1. Before starting active promotion, fully set up the group and post a couple of dozen posts so that new users have something to watch/read.
  2. Post regularly, choose your optimal schedule for this.
  3. Post only content that is interesting to your target audience.
  4. Involve members in your community through competitions and promotions.
  5. Study analytics to understand the degree of audience activity by day of the week and time.
  6. Do not overuse advertising, free educational and entertainment content should be at least 70-80%, otherwise there will be a lot of unsubscribes.

That’s all for today, and let the VK algorithms be favorable to your groups.

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