How to add a friend, regular user or group member to the blacklist on VK. How to add a person or friend to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki

Sometimes users have a question - how to add to the blacklist on Odnoklassniki if there are people who are trying to bother you with their negative emotions. Of course, I really want communication on social networks to bring not negative emotions, but only joy. Here you want to relax, listen to music, chat with people close to you...

How to add a person to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki?

1 way - through messages

When you click on the circle, a small window will appear, which will explain that you are sending your enemy to “retire”. Next, click on “Block”. This way you will add your enemy to the black list on Odnoklassniki. Thanks to this, the hater will not be able to perform any actions on your page. However, you should take into account that any correspondence you ever had with him will be deleted.

Method 2 - through settings

Alas, everyone passing by on social networks can view your profile, give a not-so-pleasant rating for the photo, and send a letter. And if a person bothers you too much, then the situation can be radically changed if you do what many do in this case - send your friend to the black list on Odnoklassniki. In this case, he will no longer be able to comment on your photos or other information, write you a letter, or even give you a gift. So how do you do this? How to blacklist in Odnoklassniki?

The method described above is very effective, however, how to blacklist in Odnoklassniki if the person either did not write anything to you, or you have already managed to delete the letters that you wrote to each other? But you probably still have comments and ratings on your personal photos that really irritate you. In this case, there is also a method of how you can “throw” a person into “retirement”.

So, how to add a person to the blacklist? In this case it is worth:

  • Go to the page of the person you want to add to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki and click on “Other actions” - “Complain”.

  • We tick the “Add to blacklist” box, click the “Complain” button and then he is automatically added to the ban.

At the same time, the rating itself will not go anywhere, but it can be easily removed if you click on the “Delete rating” button. Almost the same is possible.

Method 3 - through the “Guests” tab

Sometimes you want to “throw” a person into a ban simply because he doesn’t write anything at all, doesn’t comment, doesn’t rate your photo. But, meanwhile, he visits your page with enviable regularity.

So, if there are no comments or ratings from a person, but he is your guest, then Odnoklassniki also has a way to blacklist him. To do this you should:

  • Go to the menu called "Guests".

  • Point your mouse at the person who annoys you so much.
  • In this case, you will have several actions. You will need to click “Block” - then he will no longer appear in your guest list.

This way you can block someone you don't like.

Removal from the blacklist

So, ? There is also a method for this. Need to:

  • Go to the menu, where under “Main”, “Friends”, Photos”, “Video” there will be a “More” link. You need to click on it.

  • A menu will appear containing an emergency situation. Click on it.

  • In the list you will see blocked users; hover your mouse over the person you want to remove from the emergency.

  • Click “Unblock”, in the window that opens, confirm removal from the black list, and click “Delete”.

This way the user will be unblocked.

By the way, about what the user you added to the ban sees. If he was once among your friends, then he will remain there, and he will not receive any notifications. If you decide to remove him from your friends list, you will need to go to the “Friends” menu, point at his photo, and select “end friendship” from the list that appears.

If a person listed as “retired” wants to go to your page or write you a message, a window will appear with a message that he has been added to the ban. This will clearly hint to him that you do not want to see him on your page, much less read personal messages from him.

Watch the video instructions:

How to add to the blacklist

18 comments on “ How to add to the blacklist

    I can’t find where the blacklist is in the mobile version of Odnoklassniki?

  • Bring it in, just bring it in. How to remove it? Personally, I had some problems with this.

  • This is all good, of course. But why did the Odnoklassniki administrators add me to the blacklist?

  • What is the easiest way to blacklist a person who is boring me from my classmates?

  • If I blacklist a person on Odnoklassniki, will he know about my actions? Well, for example, why do I visit his page? Will I be featured as his guest?

Using a social network VK has not only positive sides. Sometimes it is necessary to block a user, completely limiting his access to his profile or group in which he violated the rules.

The word "blacklist" comes from English. This function has been around for quite a long time - it was available back in the first forums where people could communicate. Over time, little has changed in this regard, except that new resources have appeared. And today we’re talking about how to add a friend, an ordinary user or a group member to the blacklist on VK. Unfortunately, sometimes this is really necessary, because some people do not know how to behave adequately, and few people want to endure insults from them. Blocking is most popular among owners, administrators and moderators of a wide variety of communities and publics.

Groups constantly have problems with bots that distribute spam, as well as with members who blatantly violate the rules of conduct. Few people approve of the undignified and aggressive behavior of VKontakte subscribers, because this circle of people often quite deliberately insults and humiliates other users. For such cases, access restrictions and complete blocking of any connections are provided, so that in the future unscrupulous owners of their profiles do not again begin to behave abnormally.

How to add a person to the VKontakte blacklist?

  • When you have personal problems with one person, and his behavior constantly bothers you, then to block him forever, just go to his page. In the user profile under the photo there are some parameters, incl. and access restriction function. Click on it and this account will be added to the unwanted list.
  • If you want to see what your blacklist currently looks like, go to settings and click on its section. All users you have ever blocked will be displayed here. If desired, the user can be removed from there, then he will again be able to view your page and write personal messages.

Advice! If you do not want to completely block a person, but only limit their access to something, use the privacy settings. A flexible system will make it easy to set the circle of people who have the rights to send you messages, view additional information, a list of audio recordings, groups, and much more.

How to add a user to the VK group blacklist?

There is much more functionality here, and flexible options make it easy to manage even large public pages. In order for a person or spam bot to be blacklisted in a VK group, you, of course, must have certain powers in the community. Therefore, first, go to the “Community Management” menu, which is located under the group avatar, and then open the “Black List” item.

To block an intruder, you must provide his exact name or a direct link to his profile. If this person or spam bot is a public subscriber, then it will also be available to find him in the “Participants” tab, or by using “Search by participants”. If the account does not have a subscription to your group, then go to it and simply copy the address from the top line of the browser. We paste the data into the form to enter a name, after which all you have to do is click on “Add to blacklist”.

A new “Block User” window will open. In it, the administrator can change the blocking parameters separately for the selected page.

Pay attention to the blacklist settings. Here you can specify deadlines, describe the reason for blocking, and also enable commenting. You can restrict access for different periods of time. In the first case, only the administrator will be able to restore it, while the others provide for automatic removal from the blacklist.

  • Forever.
  • For a year.
  • For a month.
  • For a week.
  • For an hour.

Along with the reason for blocking, or if it is a unique case, the unwanted user can leave a comment with detailed information, for which there is a corresponding field. This option will allow you to avoid further routine questions like “Why was I banned?”

Previously, only the public administration could read the comment, to make it easier to navigate and know why the user was blocked. Now you can check the box if you wish - then the account owner will also be able to read it.

Have you figured out the settings and set all the parameters? Then click on “Add to Emergency”. Every time someone from this profile enters your community, information with the blocking period and your comment will be displayed. All the people you have banned from the group will be on its blacklist. The system also allows you to change the conditions: both remove the punishment and extend it.

It is worth noting that temporary blocking has one feature. Limited access for a period of time keeps the subscriber in the group. Moreover, a person will be able to read the news you publish, which will continue to appear in his feed. He will have access to all content, view comments, and also be able to like and repost. Such blocking is quite soft and does not automatically remove the user from the community, leaving him now only as a reader.

When entering the page of your public page, he will constantly see information about the temporary blocking, indicating the exact period and accompanying notification. But although reading posts and the feed will be available, he will no longer be able to write his comments. It will not be possible to create your own topics, add content and make publications. Thus, all account activity is reduced to the “read only” condition. You allow the participant to read all the news, like and repost them, but at the same time he will not be able to behave badly. Such restrictions, of course, apply only to those blocked temporarily: from an hour to a month or a year. Malicious violators who are permanently banned are immediately automatically excluded and lose any access to the public. This all applies to both completely open and private, closed communities.

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Sometimes a situation happens: you read the news, decide to write and send a message to a user on Odnoklassniki, rate his photo, but there is no way to complete the actions. Access closed. You are on the blacklist. It doesn’t matter why you got there. If a person included you in such a list, it means there were reasons for this.

How to find out that I am blacklisted on Odnoklassniki

If you receive a message: “information is not available, this user has added you to the blacklist,” rest assured that your name is on the blacklist.
For what reasons – it doesn’t matter. This situation can affect anyone.

A blocked user will not be able to visit the page, leave messages, comments, or rate photos.

How to find out who I am blacklisted on Odnoklassniki

People who have blacklisted you will not appear on your page in a convenient way so that you can easily and freely see the names. Only by going to user pages can you find out what is in an emergency.

How to get off the blacklist

Many users are wondering: “how to remove yourself from the blacklist.”
It is impossible to remove yourself from the blacklist yourself. This option is not provided by the service. Only the owner can manage the list.
There are many programs on the Internet that promise to hack and bypass blacklists. Most of these applications are malicious.

Do not trust sites or programs that promise to solve the problem. All you can achieve is to hand over account information.

Let's consider several options.

We choose the simplest option. What should I do?

  • Create a second page, go to it, find a friend with whom you want to chat or learn information about him.
  • You can write a message to a person from a new page with a request to unblock the blacklist, find out the reason, that is, ask: why he included me in the emergency situation, and, if desired, apologize.
    If the plot develops positively, your opponent will remove you from the blacklist, and the problem will be solved.

If it doesn’t work out, you’ll have to look for more difficult ways.

  • You need an anonymizer or a program to change ip.
  • After changing the IP address, change the password on the settings page, and delete the page.

For more information on how to delete a page on Odnoklassniki, read

  • Next, write to OK support with a request, already from your ip. Explain that they tried to hack you, everything was deleted...
  • The OK administration will restore the page, you managed to bypass the emergency.

When using this method, consider the risks.

  • Log in to the social network under a different login using the correct password.
  • Scroll down and find the button you need. Now you can see all the people in the emergency situation.

  • Hover your mouse over your name.
  • Select "unblock".
  • Confirm deletion.

Please note that profile information is not available during the day.

Try to respect your interlocutors, do not quarrel, then the likelihood of finding yourself in such a delicate position is significantly reduced.
No one will restrict access or consider you an undesirable person, and you won’t have to look for answers to questions that could have been avoided.

How to add to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki?

This question is asked by social network users who do not like the behavior of a certain character who has managed to harm the account owner or someone they know on the page. For such individuals there is. You can add friends to a group on Odnoklassniki by going to link .

Any user can be added to it. They contribute people on Odnoklassniki blacklisted both friends and practically strangers. After the scoundrel succeeds, he will no longer bother you, he will not be able to leave messages, comment, rate photos of the account owner, communication with him will stop. Adding to the blacklist does not mean automatic removal from friends. But the banned network member will not be visible among the guests on the page. How to remove and add friends on Odnoklassniki, read.

How to add a person to the Odnoklassniki blacklist

There are several options:

  • If this user has already visited the page and left messages, you need to go to the “Messages” section and, placing the cursor on his name, click the prohibiting icon (crossed out circle), next to which a text prompt will appear. All user messages will be blocked. This is the most convenient option how to blacklist in Odnoklassniki. Read also about how to block a page on Odnoklassniki.
  • The “Guests” section displays the latest visitors to the page. If a person is in it, by selecting his name, you can perform similar actions as when banning through his messages.
  • Go to a forum on a social network. At the end of the page there are inscriptions, including “all messages”. After clicking on it, all options will open, and you should check the box next to the name of the unwanted user. When you click the “delete” button (they are similar at the beginning and end of the forum), it will replenish blacklist in Odnoklassniki in person.
  • People on Odnoklassniki are blacklisted those who have not visited the page of the user performing these actions are also included. Find the “enemy” by searching by name or in someone’s friends. After entering the “Write a message” mode, the enemy will appear among the possible recipients of the dialogue. And having settled on his name, you need to click the prohibiting “Block” icon.
  • Go to the unwanted user’s page and select the “Complain” option. Of the many boxes, you should check the “Blacklist” box. A complaint will be sent along with this.

How to remove from the black list in Odnoklassniki?

Besides, how to add to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki, many people are interested in how to remove it from it. On the page in the “Other” section there is a “Black List” column. By going there, you can see all banned users. After hovering the cursor over the avatar of the desired user, you must select the “Unblock” option. It turns out that canceling a ban is even easier than figuring it out how to add a person to the Odnoklassniki blacklist. To cheat VKontakte, please refer to this page .

Promotion: groups, friends and classes in Odnoklassniki - following a link

The Odnoklassniki website is the second most visited social network in our country. Every day it is visited by many people who can not only communicate there, but also listen to music, watch videos, share notes and comment on each other’s posts. To make using the site more comfortable, there are settings that allow you to personalize your profile. In this article we will talk about how to add someone to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki.

Why is a blacklist needed?

Firstly, each of us has people on social networks with whom it is unpleasant to communicate, and we do not want to share any personal information posted on our profile with them. Secondly, such sites are very often used for advertising and fraudulent purposes. Often messages come with offers of one or another product, product, or service. It’s easy to avoid all this: just add the user to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki. And then you will be protected from the attention of individuals who are not interesting to you.

How to add to the blacklist?

So, you are pretty tired of spam mailings, or some annoying fan is preventing you from spending time comfortably on social media. network, and you wondered “how to add this user to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki.” Your next steps are described below.

Option 1. How to add a contact to the Blacklist

1. Go to the user page.
2. There is a menu under the profile photo. Select the “More” link and then the “Complain” option.
3. If the user tormenting you performs any actions indicated in the window that opens, then select the appropriate item. Otherwise, check the box next to the phrase “Add to blacklist.”
4. Done!

Option 2. How to add to the Black List in Odnoklassniki without going to the user’s page

This option is only suitable for those people who are on your friends list. So:

1. Open the “Messages” tab.
2. Find the “enemy” and click on it.
3. In the dialog box that opens, at the very top, next to his name, there is a crossed out circle icon. When you hover over it, the words “Block” will pop up.
4. Select this icon. We confirm the blocking.
5. Done!

These are the actions that must be taken to be added to the black list in Odnoklassniki. I would like to note that the first adding option is suitable for both users who are on your friends list and those who are not on it.

What will a blocked user see?

The person you added to the Blacklist, when visiting your page, will only see your profile photo and the inscription that he has been blocked by you. No personal information about you or photographs will be available to him. He will also not be able to write you messages or make calls.

How to remove the block?

If after some time you decide to change your anger to mercy and restore the blocked user, then you need to do the following:

1. Go to the main page of your profile.
2. In the horizontal menu ("Main", "Photo", etc.), select the "More" item, and then "Black List".
3. In the window that opens, we see all blocked users. To restore, point at the photo and select “Unblock” in the menu that pops up.
4. Done! Now the user will be able to see your profile, photos and write you private messages again.

We hope that you received the answer to the question of how to add an annoying user to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki and how to remove him from there.