Installing mac os x on pc. How to install Windows on Mac? Step-by-step instruction. Mac OS: which distributions are better not to use


What's the point of using OS X versus Windows? As a person who lives under Windows, but regularly finds himself using a poppy for 3-5 slaves. days I want to understand. For what? Just don’t talk about a computer with a human face, I want to hear something practical - this is more convenient/faster, this excellent software is not available for Windows, etc.

@direless, it’s just for people to try what and with what before buying a Mac. Or a person at work on a Mac, can’t stand Windows, but hasn’t saved up on a Mac yet at home. So he will launch his native system on the Internet, if only for the sake of not seeing the vile Internet exporter. In short, once they did it, it means someone needs it. I wrote the first thing that came to mind, there are probably other reasons why this is necessary.


“Just try” is for children. No matter what the child scratches, as long as time passes. I’m still waiting for understanding - why Makos is cool, I want enlightenment! Then we'll roll.

There's a whole section on this. Saturate yourself with information.

@Artyom Bausov, whatever this tag, reminds me of shamanism with a tambourine, because I look at the names and this is what I see: how to shamanize with an automate to do ordinary simple things, like on/off simple things, like on. the mode is for the Mac to work when the laptop lid is closed, a file viewer, etc.
Dubious advantages!)))
Nothing! I myself am the owner of several poppies, but now the advantages of Macos have become worthless. All professional software was trashed (I'm talking about aperture, logic and final cut), the rest works great on Windows and here.

@dimixx, aperture professional software??? they didn't fuck him, he was shit.
or am I wrong? tell me why it was good, seriously, maybe I didn’t understand something. I did it twice, but all times it ended with him making some kind of trash out of my good collection. it's for amateurs. I don’t use anything other than bridge for navigation. and of course edit in the shop

@direless, I once had a netbook, it initially had Windows 7 Starter, well, it was very hard to work with, the Atom processor was weak. I decided to hang it up, it got better.
somehow an image of a MacOSI was circulating on the Internet of a netbook specially created for this purpose, by the way, it was called Samsung NC10.
As soon as I installed it, everything worked, I felt the speed of operation compared to Xpi and Seven. That's when I met Makos.
After that I decided to buy a MacBook.
The speed of operation and all the other goodies became the reason to buy a MacBook as a novice Mac owner)))

@direless, until you try, you won’t understand... there are things that are much easier to solve on a Mac than on Win. But there are common tasks that win user It’s hard to solve on a Mac (in the usual way). As a rule, highly specialized application software cannot be launched on a Mac (often this software is under Win 98, XP, NT, etc.)… I have 14 years of experience in using Windows, and 3 years on Macs (after Windows). I switched first at home, then at the office. I don't regret a minute. I forgot what reinstalling the system is. Windows needs to be rearranged once every year and a half. The mac axis simply moves to new computer with all settings, files, etc. Automator helps at work... I gave up a lot of software for Windows altogether. On a Mac there are many microprograms for one or two actions with a file (converters, taggers, etc.). I have a computer on Windows 8.1. Sometimes I turn it on and see what’s new. I'm waiting for 10 to review. In win latest versions The interface has become friendlier and features from the Mac axis appear there too. I think soon there won’t be much difference in terms of convenience. But the vulnerability and cost of Windows will always be higher than the Mac axis)

The network is now full of copy-pastes, essentially the same article, about installing MacOS X on hackintosh with about the same title. I’ll tell you how to install Mac OS X from a flash drive on a mac.

There is nothing complicated here, however, not everyone is a pro, and reinstalling the system on a Mac is quite a rare thing, this is not Windows. When is this necessary? In my case, I needed to update from old version Mac OS X Leopard (10.5) to the next Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6).

Select a format and specify a disk name. Click the Security Options button. Here you define how to erase the data that is currently on the disk. Select one from the list and it will take longer to format the drive - in some cases it can take many, many hours.

The system offers several options for safe removal data from disk. This next step will actually format your drive. Review your settings and make sure you need them. Click the Erase button at the bottom of the Disk Utility interface. A confirmation window will appear. When you are sure you want to continue, click Erase. You can see the progress in the lower right corner.

The question arises: why write about such old stuff when OS X 10.9 is on the way, but today we’ll leave the topic of novelty alone, the essence of the question doesn’t change. Disk image OS X Snow Leopard Install DVD 10.6.3 Retail I took it from the torrent.

In general, you can install OS X Lion (10.7) and Mountain Lion(10.8). You can legally purchase OS X Mountain Lion in the App Store (issue price is only 625 rubles).
Once the download is complete, a utility will appear in the Applications folder. installing Mac OS X Mountain Lion.
Right-click on the installer and select “Show package contents.” Next, copy the OS image from the “SharedSupport” folder to any convenient location InstallESD.dmg.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive or Mac OS X disk

For recording Mac image OS X Snow Leopard requires a double-density DVD disk (6.3 GB will not fit on a regular disc), and there was no drive for recording this either. I wasn't upset. At a time when spaceships are plowing... use CDs bad manners.

We will be happy to tell you about the features operating system Mac OS and how it can be installed on a regular PC.

Historically, most people who would like to work in the operating room Mac system OS X is subject to a number of myths about both the operating system itself and the Macintoshes themselves. Before we talk directly about installation, let's dispel the most common myths.

1. Mac OS X can only be installed on computers with compatible processors and chipsets from Intel and video cards from NVidia, and most of the peripherals will not work.

Yes, it was once like this. But progress is an unstable thing in a good way. More and more new drivers are constantly being released, the number hardware compatible with Mac OS X is growing continuously. Now Mac OS X can easily be installed on a computer whose processor only supports SSE2 (preferably SSE3), for example, AMD or Intel. Almost all new video cards support Various types hardware acceleration(GL, Quartz Extreme, Quartz 2d, Core Image, 2). That is, I think it is clear that too unaffordable demands will not be placed on your computer.

2. Installing Mac OS X is very difficult

In fact, everything is somewhat different. Installing Mac OS X is no more difficult than Windows if you choose the right texts and fixes.

3. Mac OS X will not be able to function on the same physical disk with Windows.

How could it? There are 2 options:
- Windows boot loader+chain0
- Acronis OS Selector

So let's get down to business.

Step 1. Preparation.

First, you need to check your computer to make sure it meets Mac OS X requirements.

The minimum requirement is to have a processor that supports SSE2. This matter can be determined using CPU-Z programs. It can be easily downloaded from the Internet.

RAM must be at least 256 MB and the more the better.

The video card should not be very ancient - AGP or PCI-E starting from GF4

You must clearly understand what and why you are going to do.

Get ready for your first Mac installation OS X will take 4-6 hours of your time.

Many people recommend downloading and burning Hiren’s Boot CD. If on the same disk where you are going to install Mac OS, there are partitions in NTFS format, then it will be better if you convert them to FAT32, since when creating a partition an error may occur and file system will become unreadable. Eat Alternative option– transfer data to another physical disk or even to a flash drive.

In general, print this text before installation to be sure that you have not forgotten anything.

Step 2. Download the installation disk image.

First of all, you need to decide Mac version OS X: on this moment the latest is 10.5. Since our task is to familiarize ourselves with the system, it is advisable to install version 10.4.6 or 10.4.7, since they install with less difficulty. Then you can update the system using combo-update. Next, go to and write something like this in the search bar: Mac OS X 10.4.6. Find the installation disk image.

If the file is in ISO format, you can easily burn it to disk, and if it is in DMG format, you will also have to download the DMG2ISO program and convert the file to ISO.

Step 3. Burn the image to disk

For creating boot disk you will need blank disk And Nero program or Alcohol 120%. We think you can handle the recording process on your own. After burning, if you open the disk on a Windows computer and see that it is empty or contains only a couple of small documents, do not be alarmed, this is how it should be.

Step 4. Installation.

We insert the disk into the drive and reboot, naturally before doing this by putting it in BIOS loading With optical drive priority. When you see a message about starting installation from disk, press F8, or wait a couple of seconds and enter the “-v” parameter. If you don't do this, it will start graphics mode installations. Of course it's beautiful, but we need text mode, since only there you can see installation errors.

There are two most common mistakes:

“system config file ‘/’ not found» – Mac distribution OS X turned out to be “crooked” and you will have to download another one;

"Still waiting for root device" - there is probably a problem with the hardware, possibly incompatibility.

If preload passed without failure, you will see a blue display with a cursor in front of you. You will be prompted to select a language. Choose which one you like from those offered. Click on the arrow and a menu appears at the top. In it, select Utilities -> Disk Utility and format the partition in which we will install the operating system, of course in the Mac OS Extended journaled format.

It sometimes happens that Disk Utility cannot format or mount a partition. No problem - this can be done with Acronis. How exactly? Select in Acronis Disk Director Suite manual mode working with partitions, create a FAT32 partition. Next, in the partition context menu, change the partition type to 0xAFh (Shag OS Swap). Acronis will worry that all data will be destroyed. We reassure him, since we don’t have any data there anyway. Apply and reboot.

After successful formatting, click “continue”. will appear license agreement, after that we select the previously prepared partition for installation. Click “continue”. Click “settings” (Customize) and select components to install. Particular attention should be paid to kexts and patches, namely, you need to install only those patches that are needed specifically for your system. You don't need anything extra. Under no circumstances install patches for SSE2 and SSE3 at the same time. You only need the one that suits your processor. Click “continue”. The preparation and verification of the disk will begin. Once the installation is complete, the computer will automatically reboot.

Step 5: Complete installation.

After a reboot, there are two possible outcomes - good and bad. If good, the system will boot normally (especially if you are using Acronis OS Selector). In the worst case scenario, you will see a b0 error message. In this case, we boot from Hiren’s boot CD and from using Acronis Disk Director We make the partition with the freshly installed operating system active. Let's reboot.

The system will boot and prompt you to enter various information– obediently enter everything except the Mac ID, leave it blank, otherwise the system may start to freeze.

If you did everything correctly, the desktop will load. Hooray!

Once upon a time, PC users and Mac OS fans could only dream of having this system There were many conditions that needed to be followed in order to install and configure this “operating system”. Now everything is much simpler. The system began to support the vast majority of equipment and is able to work with most peripherals. The main thing is to check whether a particular device supports Mac OS before purchasing it.


This is perhaps the most important point in the process. Installation on PC Mac OS requires care and careful checking of all elements.

  • The first thing we recommend you do is print these instructions, if there is no second computer at hand. You should not try to do all the operations from memory.
  • If this is your first time reinstalling the operating system, it may take up to 6 hours. Make sure you have free time.
  • Make sure you really need it. Why spend dangerous for your personal computer experiments if, for example, a laptop with Mac OS Yosemite is enough for ordinary work purposes.
  • Ideally, all HDD must be formatted in FAT32. All its sections.
  • Download and burn Hiren's Boot CD. This program will allow you not only to work with sections of hard disk, but also to diagnose the state of the computer if something goes wrong.
  • Save all your data on a flash drive or external hard drive.


Now it's time to download a disk image with the operating system, if you don't already have one. There are many assemblies, but it is better to choose not the newest “Mac OS Yosemite”, but one that is more stable and reliable, and simply more convenient to install, and subsequently update it with built-in tools.

After downloading the file, check its format. If he has ISO extension, MDF, then you can safely write them to disk. If the format is DMG, then you will also have to download the DMG2ISO utility and convert your image to a more suitable format for recording.

After you burn the image to disk, it should contain several files up to 150 KB in size or nothing at all. This is because Windows OS does not recognize the format of files intended for another system. So don't be alarmed, installation on PC Mac OS should go like clockwork.


Let's first look at how it goes clean install Mac OS. That is, on a computer with a completely new and empty hard drive.

Everything happens the same way as when installing the familiar Windows. We insert installation disk into the computer and at startup press the desired button to download from an external device.

When the message about installing from disk appears, press F8, or wait a bit and enter "-v" without quotes. This will allow you to continue the process of installing the operating system in text mode, otherwise you will end up in In principle, it is up to you to decide whether to do this, because it all depends on the situation.

  • If you have already used this disk with the system assembly, you can try to continue in graphical mode.
  • If this is your first installation, it is highly recommended to run in text mode. This way you can monitor any errors that occur.

After this, a menu will appear. Click "Utilities" and select " Disk Utility". With its help, we format the FAT32 partition we prepared in Mac OS Extended journaled. After completing the process, click “continue” and move from screen to screen. Select the prepared partition for installation and select the components we need. Mac setup OS is very important. You must select exactly those elements that match the hardware of your computer. Moreover, you cannot install the same drivers from different manufacturers. For example, if your processor uses SSE3 technology, then under no circumstances install a patch for SSE2. In this case, no one guarantees the functionality of the system.


Installing Mac OS on a PC involves considerable risk and complexity, so it is possible that errors may occur during the process. The first troubles await the user even at the stage initial download, until the menu appears. There are two most common problems.

If you've ever tried to install OS X on a PC, you've probably encountered great difficulties. The process of creating a hackintosh requires some preparation and often ends in failure.

In order to install the latest edition of the Apple platform on a Windows PC and use the “Apple operating system” on third-party hardware, you can turn to the developments of the tonymacx86 project, dedicated to Hackintosh. The updated UniBeast and MultiBeast tools make it easy to install OS X Mavericks on a Windows PC using a USB flash drive. Unlike previous methods You don't need an optical drive to create a hackintosh.

Using our step by step guide, you can install OS X Mavericks on PC in the easiest way possible.


  • OS X Mavericks image downloaded from Mac App Store.
  • Software UniBeast and MultiBeast.
  • USB flash drive with a capacity of 8 GB or more.
  • PC with Intel processor to run OS X Mavericks.

How to install OS X Mavericks on PC:

Step 1: Download OS X Mavericks from the store Mac applications App Store.

Step 2: Download free apps UniBeast and MultiBeast.

Step 3: We create bootable flash drive via UniBeast. Open Programs -> Utilities -> Disk Utility and click the flash drive in the side menu.

Step 4: Switch to the Disk Partition tab, then Current and select the Partition option: 1. Click on the Options button, switch the Main item boot record and click OK.

Step 5: Change the name to USB and select Mac format OS X Extended (magazine). Confirm the changes with the Disk Partition button.

Step 6: Launch UniBeast, downloaded in step 2. Skip the first screens by clicking Continue and clicking Agree.

Step 7: In the Placement step, select the USB flash drive as the installation location and click Continue.

Step 8: On the screen where you select packages to install, make sure that the Mac App Store Mavericks - 10.9 checkbox is in place. Additionally, you need to check Legacy USB Support if you are using old system with Socket 1156. Use the Laptop Support option if you are installing Mavericks on a laptop. Click Next.

Step 9: Enter the password and click Install. Depending on the speed of your system and flash drive, the procedure may take up to 15 minutes.

Step 10: Now you can insert the USB flash drive with OS X Mavericks into the USB port of your Windows PC and start the hackintosh installation. To do this you need to go into the BIOS and specify external storage as a boot disk. On the Chimera screen, select USB and press Enter to continue.

Step 11: Using the OS X installer, format the HDD to required format. IN top line go to the menu Utilities -> Disk Utility. On the left, select your disk, and on the right, switch to the Disk Partition tab, then Current and click Partition: 1. Click on the Settings button. Toggle GUID Partition Scheme and click OK. Name the drive Macintosh HD and select the Mac OS X Extended (Journal) format. Confirm the changes with the Disk Partition button.

Step 12: Once completed, close Disk Utility and return to the installer. Specify a Macintosh HD drive to install OS X Mavericks. Install the operating system.

After installation is complete you need to do HDD bootable using MultiBeast. This utility also allows you to install necessary drivers For sound card, Wi-Fi, graphics, networks, etc.

Step 13: Restart your computer by starting it from the USB flash drive again. From the Chimera screen, select Macintosh HD.

Step 14: Launch MultiBeast, select the necessary drivers for your PC and click Build and then Install to complete the installation.

That's it, you can use OS X Mavericks on your PC!