Amplifier for digital antenna t2. DIY DVB-T2 (UHF) antenna amplifier. Antenna amplitude and frequency characteristics

The time has come to install the TV cable. I plan to have a lot of TVs. The city is 40 km away. The broadcaster is even further away. The task is to provide televisions with stable reception of the DVB-T2 signal. I will use signal dividers, which will further weaken the signal received by the antenna. There is a need to use DVB-T2 antenna amplifier. Since the frequencies of both DVB-T2 packages are in the UHF range, I looked at a directional, passive UHF antenna with a gain of 14 dB.

A large distance to the translator and dividing the signal into several TVs will greatly weaken the signal, so you can’t do without a UHF antenna amplifier, also known as a DVB-T2 amplifier. Decided make an antenna amplifier for DVB-T2 with your own hands and see what comes of it.

Since standard signal dividers, including those that I purchased, do not pass electricity, powering the amplifier via cable will not work (or the power needs to be routed via cable to the divider).

Diagram of a two-stage low-noise antenna amplifier DVB-T2.

Gain from 30dB depending on the selected transistors. Amplifier power supply 12 volts.

I used transistors BFR193. They are very cheap and have good performance. High gain 50-200. High limit operating frequency up to 8000 MHz. SMD version. Possess low level own noise.

Can order BFR193 transistors in China, but ours were a little cheaper.

Ceramic capacitors. We make the conclusions of capacitors and resistors as short as possible. You can use SMD, I just made it from what was at hand.

Coil L1 is made from a piece of copper wire 3.5 cm long with a diameter of 0.8 mm. Its diameter is 4 mm and contains two and a half turns. I wound it on the smooth part of a 3.3mm drill (the coil itself will be about 4mm).

Making a DVB-T2 (UHF) antenna amplifier with your own hands.

The board can be made without etching by simply cutting out the pads. Let's look at the drawing.

We make the board from double-sided fiberglass. We connect the top and bottom layers with four pins and solder them.

I used a transformer power supply to reduce noise, with voltage stabilization at 12 volts. The amplifier consumes about 12mA.

Everything worked fine for me right away without any setup. The setting involves selecting resistors R1 and R3 so that the currents on the collectors of transistors VT1 and VT2 are 3.5 mA and 8 mA, respectively.

Conducted tests at work. In the back of the room. Yard well. As an antenna, a piece of SHVVP wire. The result without an amplifier shows nothing at all. I connect the amplifier and, as they like to say in advertising, the result exceeded all my expectations, a stable picture without a hint of failure.

List of parts for a homemade DVB-T2 antenna amplifier (UHF).

  • Transistors BFR193 - 2 pcs.().
    Capacitors 3.3pF, 10pF, 100pF - 2 pcs., 4700-6800pF.
    Resistors 75 KOhm, 150 KOhm, 1 KOhm, 680 Ohm.
    Choke 100-125 µH.
    Homemade coil L1 2.5 turns and 4 mm in diameter from copper wire 3.5 cm long and 0.8 mm in diameter.

Digital television is broadcast in the UHF range. Therefore, you can use almost any UHF antenna. But I needed simple, easily repeatable and strong UHF antenna range.
Such that you could carry it with you, and on occasion you wouldn’t mind giving it to people for a small amount.

The basis was taken from the famous “ eight“, with the difference that I used it without a reflector.
The material for the antenna sheet can be any conductive material of suitable cross-section. It can be copper or aluminum wire with a thickness of 1 to 5 mm, a tube, strip, busbar, corner, profile... I took copper wire with a diameter of 3 mm. Easy to solder, easy to bend during assembly, easy to straighten if bent.
The outer side of the square is 14 cm, the inner side is slightly smaller - 13 cm due to the fact that the middle of the two squares does not meet, about 2 cm from corner to corner.

So, if you are making an antenna not from wire, then measure it this way - the top sides are 14 cm, the sides are 13.

All sizes are approximate. Don't be afraid to get shortchanged or make mistakes. Our plans do not include making an antenna that meets all standards. We need a simple but workhorse. A surrogate, but reliable. Surrogate because:
1 . Personally, I definitely couldn’t keep the sizes.
2 . There is no reflector.
3 . I took a 50 ohm cable instead of 75 ohm, but with a thick braid. Friends usually used this cable for car antennas for 27 MHz radio stations.
Nevertheless, the antenna works quite well.

A digital signal has a peculiarity; it either exists or it doesn’t. Upon admission analogue television, different channels were shown with different levels of interference, and when removed, the level of snow on the screen simply increased until the signal disappeared completely. In digital, the signal is almost the same on all channels and if there is reception, then there is all channels.
I have tested this antenna on more than a dozen TVs in our region.

So. We measure a piece with a total length of 112 cm and bend the wire. The first section is 13 cm + 1 cm for the loop (for strength). The second and third are 14 cm each, the fourth and heels are 13 cm each, the sixth and seventh are 14 cm each, and the last eighth is 13 cm + 1 cm stiffening loop.

We strip 1.5 - 2 cm at both ends, twist the two loops behind each other, and then solder the joint. This will be one cable connection pin. After 2 cm another. It doesn’t matter where to solder the central core or the braid.

Solder spacing 2 cm

I took about three meters of cable. In most cases, it’s enough if you don’t do it for yourself personally. For yourself, measure out as much as you need.

I stripped the cable from the antenna side by two centimeters, to the plug - 1 cm. If the plug is like in the photo. You can take any, stronger.

Stripping the cable

The plug was cleaned with a file and a scalpel.

After sealing, both soldering points are filled with glue from a gun. On the plug, first hot glue is poured into the soldering area and into the plastic cap, with a reserve; the excess can then be removed. Then, before the glue cools down, everything quickly comes together. You can’t gnaw such a joint with your teeth. Reliable and at the same time flexible.

The soldering on the antenna itself is also filled with glue, but for the rigidity of the structure, a frame is taken - any lid, box, .... I took the cap from a 20-liter water bottle, of which I had accumulated a sufficient amount. If you are making an antenna like me for mass production, then it is better to immediately use common materials that are literally lying under your feet for better repeatability of the antenna. If the antenna is made in a single copy for quick riveting, then you don’t have to fill anything at all.

The result is such a design that can be stuck anywhere - on a cornice, on a curtain, on a window frame. To do this, you can carry with you a piece of wire, a couple of screws, a couple of pins...

Antenna assembly

If the antenna is dented during transfer, it can be straightened easily and without damage. This is perhaps its main advantage.
I don’t always carry this design with me, but only when I receive specific order to connect a tuner digital television DVB-T2. It fits easily with the tool in my backpack.

It is more convenient to make several antennas at once. Takes less time.

This is how my friend fixed the antenna, using it as an outdoor one. The tower is about 9 km away. Reception is reliable despite the simplicity of the antenna.

Television antenna - when the need to choose arises, many find it difficult to decide which antenna to purchase to receive free digital television. For this reason, many people buy into advertising gimmicks and there is a high probability of purchasing an unimportant antenna for a lot of money.

Hello dear readers! The author of this blog, Vitaly, is in touch! In my previous article on this topic, I talked about the antenna known as “The Key to Digital Television.” And readers of this note very often ask the question of which antenna should they choose?

In order to answer most of these questions at once, it was decided to write another article which will contain a selection of antennas recommended by me and other experts. And also some explanations and recommendations. Please read them carefully, perhaps this will answer some of your questions.

P.S. The article gives the names of the antennas, but please note that different manufacturers they may differ. This means that antennas of a similar type and characteristics can be named LOCUS, DELTA, MERIDIAN, ether, etc. Therefore, it is not necessary to focus on the names given, look at the appearance!

All images in the article will be numbered, but this is only so that I can easily indicate the recommended antennas if asked about this in the future. There is no rating in this numbering! For convenience only. So! Go!

Quick navigation through the article

Indoor antennas

Sirius 2.0 indoor antenna without amplifier. Designed for use in a stable signal area. These are settlements in which transmission towers are located and at a short distance from them, 5-15 km. With line of sight. Signal gain 5 dB. Such antennas can also be made with an amplifier, but this does not make them suitable for difficult conditions signal reception.

Indoor antenna with amplifier DVS-Z2. Although this antenna has a high gain, up to 32 dB (due to the amplifier), it will be of little use. I also recommend using it in areas of reliable reception and on short distances from the tower 5-15 km. With line of sight. It is good to use such an antenna in the city to receive the reflected signal; an amplifier can be useful for this. And it is powered through a 5 volt antenna plug.

The next group of indoor antennas

They have approximately the same characteristics. These are passive (no amplifier) ​​antennas. Signal gain 4-7 dB. But they will be somewhat more effective than the antennas provided above.

Is not bad antennas, they can be successfully used to receive Digital Television in areas with both a strong signal and at some distance from television towers. For example, I receive a signal via antennas this kind of from a distance of approximately 20 km. and from the first floor, but not everyone is so lucky!

All this depends on many factors. Transmitter power, terrain, clutter with high-rise buildings... In general, if there is nothing like this very close on the way from you to the TV tower, then these antennas can handle it quite well.

Indoor antennas with amplifier

These antennas cope with their task approximately as well as those without an amplifier. But an amplifier in some cases turns out to be useful and helps to pull the weakened signal to an acceptable level. They can be used not only in areas good signal, but also, let’s say, a slightly complicated or reflected signal.

But still, these are indoor antennas and this limits them. For example, if your windows do not face the TV tower, and there is no way to catch the reflected signal from the opposite side, they may be useless.

By the way! There is no need to underestimate the reflected signal; you can watch digital television perfectly on it.

Locus L999.06 Next — Active broadband antenna. Supplied unassembled. The amplifier is powered by 12 Volts from an external power supply. UHF gain 23-27 dB.

Locus L922.06 Not a bad indoor antenna. It looks neat, there are options with and without an amplifier. The amplifier version is equipped with a power control, which can be very useful.

Delta K131A.02 and the other two from the above group are also active antennas, but with an amplifier supply voltage of 5 Volts. It can be supplied directly from the DVB-T2 set-top box or through a special injector with USB port and LCD TV. The gain of these antennas is up to 22-27 dB.

Active antenna Cayman , - can be in two versions: 1) With power supply via an antenna plug. 2) With a built-in injector for power supply from the USB port, which is very convenient for use with LCD TVs that have this port. There is no need to purchase an additional 5 volt power supply with an injector and occupy another outlet.

Outdoor antennas for digital television

We move on to more serious designs, the task of which is to provide a high-quality signal where indoor antennas cannot cope. Gain from 19 dB to 35 dB.

These are antennas that can be used in more difficult conditions and at slightly longer distances. If you noticed, they are structurally similar to indoor antennas, but only slightly larger. And this is the one important factor which makes them more powerful. The longer the arrow in the antenna, the greater its own gain. This is the gain that is achieved not by the amplifier, but by the design of the antenna. And the installed amplifier only “swings” this signal even more.

In addition, outdoor installation allows them to be more accurately directed at the TV tower, avoiding obstacles in the form of walls.

Hummingbird — Interesting antenna. Works in both meter and UHF bands. Its peculiarity is its unusual design, which, despite its small dimensions, provides quite good welcome signal. Very convenient in urban environments and for searching for reflected signals; its short length allows it to be installed in limited space. It has several modifications and can be equipped with an amplifier with both 12 and 5 volt power supply.

Locus -14 AF — This antenna also has several modifications, designated AF - with an amplifier, F - without an amplifier. There is also Locus - 20 AF/F, which has a longer boom, and therefore an even greater self-gain coefficient. The amplifier operates at 5 volts.

Delta N3111.02 — There are also options with and without an amplifier, in addition, it may have a different name (depending on the manufacturer) and differ in the way the television cable is connected to it.

Meridian - 07 AF Made of aluminum.

Antennas numbered 11 -14 These are good antennas and affordable, only the “Hummingbird” will be slightly more expensive.

They can be used at a distance of up to 30 km. But again, if there are factors that interfere with the signal, then even at closer distances you may need even more powerful antenna.

Powerful antenna for digital television

These antennas are good for long distances and even more difficult conditions, for example if your house is located in a very low area.

On what long distances can they be used? For example, I had to install Ether 18AF (by the way, not the strongest in this trio) on a house located 45 kilometers from the TV tower. The house was located in a low area, and the antenna was attached to the ridge of the roof of the house; there was some kind of pin sticking out there, and the antenna was attached to it. Everything is being received perfectly!

Ether 18 — The antenna is made of steel, powder-coated, there are options with and without an amplifier. The letter A in the name indicates that the antenna is active, with an amplifier. If there is only F in the name, then this is an antenna without an amplifier. Meridian -12 AF/F antennas are also marked

Meridian-12 and Triton — Made of aluminum and even more powerful than Ether-18. The reason is not only in the material, but also in the design. For example, the Meridian antenna is about 1.5 meters long. And the Triton has short arrows, but there are only three of them. It adds up to one long one.

The active antennas of this trio have amplifiers powered by 5 Volts. Which is convenient for use with DVB-T2 set-top boxes. The Triton antenna also has an injector for power via USB, as indicated in the labeling. The gain of these antennas reaches 35 dB. due to the amplifier. But thanks to their design, the amplifier has something to strengthen)))

THOSE. the antenna itself pulls a signal from the air at a level of approximately 10-12 dB (this is called the antenna’s own gain) and the amplifier accelerates it to a level of 35 dB.

The most powerful antenna for DVB-T2

Well, if you carefully read the previous descriptions, then you should understand why these antennas are the most powerful of those presented in this review.

For example, the GoldMaster-GM500 antenna is a passive antenna, without an amplifier. But its own gain, only due to the design, is as much as 22 dB. Such amplification is provided by mid-range antennas, and then only at the expense of an amplifier. And here in its purest form!

The following antennas from this “red zone” are just as effective, plus they are also active. Their amplifiers are powered by 5 Volts. That is, they are designed for digital set-top boxes. Or, if you don’t use a set-top box because you bought a TV set with DVB-T2, then you will need either a separate power supply for the antennas, 5 volts, or an injector for power from USB.

This is the class of antennas that you need to take if you live at a distance of 50 km or more from the transmitting tower and have a very difficult area for receiving a TV signal.

Why you don't need to strive for an antenna with an amplifier

It has been noticed that the word “Amplifier” has some kind of magical property! And when a person chooses an antenna, he gives preference to just such, active antennas. Why is this a wrong point of view?

  • In the area of ​​reliable reception, the amplifier can lead to the fact that your TV/set-top box will not receive anything at all! Reason: over-amplification of the signal!
  • The amplifier amplifies not only the useful signal, but also radio noise. And it is the antenna design that pulls out the useful signal!
  • The amplifier is always the weak link in the antenna design. It fails, it is hit by a thunderstorm, it oxidizes from moisture. As a result, periodic intervention in antenna repair is required.
  • It is necessary to provide power to the amplifier located in the antenna, and this is another additional weak link; the adapters fail and require replacement. In addition, another connection point, socket or USB port is required, and this is not always convenient!
  • If connected, this is much easier to do with an antenna that does not have an amplifier.

When do you need an amplifier?

  • If the total length TV cable exceeds several tens of meters.
  • If you live at a great distance from the transmission tower, in the area weak signal and the design of the antenna itself does not allow “pulling” the signal to the required level.

Conclusion! - If in the place where you live it is possible to confidently receive a signal on an antenna without an amplifier, always strive for an antenna without an amplifier!

How to power up an active antenna amplifier

There are several ways to supply power to an antenna amplifier.

  • If you use a digital set-top box, then power is supplied directly from it, by antenna cable. There is no need to be clever. Just go to the console menu and find the “Ant power supply” item. on" This inscription may differ in different models of set-top boxes, but the essence is the same. Turn on power to the antenna! Even if the amplifier in the antenna is 12 volt, often 5 volt from the set-top box will be enough.
  • If you do not use a set-top box, then to power the active antenna you will need either a special adapter with an injector that can be connected to the USB port of the TV and so power the antenna. Or purchase an antenna powered via USB. These methods are very convenient for LCD TVs, especially those hanging on the wall.
  • The classic way, through a power supply for antennas with a voltage corresponding to the amplifier.

Well, I guess I’ll end here! In the “Television” section of this blog, there are many more articles on the topic of antennas, digital set-top boxes and television.


Wideband antenna amplifier SWA-9999Eurosky installed in external antennas, grilles, meshes, or as they also say (Polish antennas), to amplify the TV signal. Depending on the distance to the television center, various models are used that have different amplification coefficients and allow receiving television programs at a distance from 0 to 150 km from the television center. Broadband antenna amplifiers S.W.A. have an input impedance determined by the antenna design of 300 Ohms, an output impedance of 75 Ohms, use a supply voltage from 9 V to 15 V and are designed to amplify the frequency range 49 MHz - 790 MHz. The voltage supply to the broadband amplifiers is carried out by adapters that differ only in the design of the housing and the output voltage is 12V. Broadband antenna amplifiers S.W.A. designed to increase the signal level and compensate for losses in transmission lines. Such amplifiers are produced using SMD technology using the most modern low-noise transistors, which are manufactured by leading foreign companies - ITT, Siemens, Philips, etc. They can be used in various designs of broadband antennas. Thanks to fully automated multiple monitoring, the wideband amplifiers have good reliability, and thanks to protective coating, are resistant to atmospheric conditions.

Currently, the largest range consists of broadband antenna amplifiers SWA, WS, RA, PAE, GPS, etc. They have different circuit solutions, which allows, through simple selection, to achieve the required results in areas with different levels received signal. In areas with a relatively good level of received signal, amplifiers with one amplification stage (single-stage) SWA-1, SWA-1 /LUX, PA-2, S&A-110 are usually used. In areas with insufficient level the received signal uses two-stage (two-stage) amplifiers WS-2, SWA-3, SWA-4/LUX, SWA-5 (SWA-6), SWA-7, SWA-8, SWA-9, PA-5, S&A-130 , PA-9, S&A-140, PA-10, S&A-120, PAE-14, PAE-42, PAE-43, PAE-44, PAE-45, PAE-65, PAE-65TS, WA-031, WA -032, WA-041, WA-042, WA501S-1.

The table shows technical specifications and characteristics of antenna amplifiers S.W.A. and their analogues pa, gps, pae. The noise figure and gain are given in dB, the recommended distance to the telecentre is given in km.

Broadband antenna amplifier price SWA- 9999 Eurosky

Location of T2 transmitters in Ukraine.

The table provides information:

  • Locations of T2 transmitters.
  • average signal coverage radius.
  • numbers of television channels of digital packages (multiplexes).

Transmitter location


Digital packages



TV channel numbers

Autonomous Republic of Crimea
Alupka st. Lenina, 64
Alushta st. Sergeeva-Tsensky, 13
Belogorsk st. Nizhnegorskaya, 33a
Chapaevka Sovetsky district
Dzhankoy st. Extreme, 20
Evpatoria Razdolnenskoe highway, 17
Feodosia Simferopolskoe highway, 45a
Sevastopol Cape Sarych (smt. Foros)
Annovka Belogorsky district
Kerch st. Ordzhonikidze, 144
Kirovskoe Chernomorsky district
Krasnoperekopsk st. Tavricheskaya, 105
Parthenite st. Partenitskaya, 16a
Sevastopol Ave. Pobedy, 96 (Vorontsova Gora)
Factory Leninsky district
Zander Vostochnoye highway, 33
Simferopol st. Studencheskaya, 14
Yalta Yuzhnoberezhnoe Highway, 55
Vinnytsia region
Balanovka Bershad district
Pogrebishche st. Kotsyubynskogo, 23
Vinnitsa st. Maksimovicha, 23
Volodymyrka Shargorod district
Yampol st. Chernyakhovsky, 2
Volyn region
Gorokhov st. Vatutina, 30a
Kovel st. Varshavskaya, 5
Lyubeshov st. Lesnaya, 3
Podgaitsy Lutsk district
Novovolynsk st. Pionerskaya, 6
Shatsk st. 50 years of Victory, 1-b
Dnipropetrovsk region
Dnepropetrovsk st. Television, 3
Dmukhailovka Magdalinovsky district
Krivoy Rog st. Television, 8a
Mogilev Tsarichansky district
Nikopol st. Karl Liebknecht, 113a
Ordzhonikidze st. Telmana, 11a
Eagles Pokrovsky district
Pavlograd st. Kharkovskaya, 17a
Pereshchepino st. Shevchenka, 126-b
Nikolaevka Petropavlovsky district
Volnogorsk st. Lenina, 38-A
Yellow Waters Lenin Square, 5
Donetsk region
Kramatorsk st. Kirova, 699-a (RTS Andreevka)
Artemovsk st. Rosa Luxemburg, 54
Donetsk st. Infantry, 4a
Konstantinovka st. Demeshchenko, 116
Krasnoarmeysk st. Dnepropetrovskaya, 1
Mariupol st. Klenovaya Balka, 3
Torez st. Chernyshevsky, 15
Zhytomyr Oblast
Andreevka Chernyakhovsky district
Berdichev st. Lenina, 78
Brusilov st. Lermontova, 171
Kozhukhovka Korostensky district
Yurovka Malinsky district
Novograd-Volynsky st. Kuibysheva, 14
Olevsk st. Svyato-Nikolaevskaya, 146
Oak Guy Ovrutsky district
Kotlyarka Popelnyansky district
Transcarpathian region
Khust With. Rokosovo (Mount Tovsta)
Mukachevo Mount Pavlova
Rakhiv Mount Terentin
Svalyava Mount Kichera
Uzhgorod st. Krymskaya, 24a
Great Berezny Mount Yavornik
Zaporozhye region
Berdyansk st. Rudenka, 4-a
Kuibyshevo st. Lenina, 1-v (RTS Kamysh Zarya)
Melitopol Ave. B. Khmelnitsky, 88/4
Orekhov st. Stepnaya, 25
Zaporozhye st. Matrosova, 24-a
Ivano-Frankivsk region
Debeslavtsy Kolomyia district
Malaya Turya Dolinsky district
Ivano-Frankivsk st. Chornovola, 19
Mykulychyn Yaremche City Council
Kyiv region
Berezan st. Lenina, 37
White church st. Tarashchanskaya, 196
Dybintsy Boguslavsky district
Kagarlyk RRS CTE URRT tower
Kyiv st. Dorogozhitskaya, 10
Volodarka st. Mira, 221a
Kirovograd region
Kirovograd st. Sadovaya, 88
Novoarkhangelsk Slavy street, 153
Novomirgorod st. Lenina, 2
Novoukrainka st. Metelkova, 53
Alexandria st. Pakhomenka, 2
Installation st. Pushkina, 43
Lugansk region
Belovodsk RTS tower
Chernukhino Perevalsky district
Lugansk st. Demekhina, 25
Lisichansk Ave. Lenina, 161a
Popasnaya st. Pershotravneva, 152
Rovenki st. Vygonnaya, 22
Starobelsk With. Podgorovka, RTS
Pine Svatovsky district
Zorinovka Melovsky district
Lviv region
Brody st. Green, 19
Lviv st. High Castle, 9
New Razdol lane Pridorozhny, 18
P idbuzh Drogobitsky district
Nikolaevkskaya area
Bereznegovatoe st. Sports, 30-A
Nikolaev Lenina Ave., 24-r
New Bug maid. Wide area, 10a
Pervomaisk Podgorodnyanskoe highway, 13 59
Voznesensk st. Timiryazeva, 175
Odessa region
Viktorovka Berezovsky district
Ishmael st. Zheleznyakova, 260a
Kamenskoye Artsizsky district
Westerners Kotovsky district
Kovbasova Polyana Savransky district
Nikolaevka Ovidiopolsky district
Odessa dor. Fontanskaya, 3
Sarata st. Melnichnaya, 1b
Zhovten Shiryaevsky district
Poltava region
Gadyach pl. Sobornaya, 65a
Comb st. Gorodishchenskaya, 142
Iskrovka Chutovsky district
Kobelyaki st. Poltavskaya, 29a
Krasnogorovka Velikobagachansky district
Kremenchuk st. Kerchenskaya, 7a
Lokhvitsa st. Lenina, 104-a
Lubny st. Grushevsky, 27
Coppices Zinkovsky district
Poltava Pershotravnevy Ave., (Pervomaisky) 26a
Rovenskaya region
Antopol Rivne district
Dubrovitsa st. Zheleznodorozhnaya, 7-i
Kuznetsovsk st. Khometskaya, 1
Sumy region
Belopole st. May 1, 15
Ovlashi Romensky district
Shostka st. Korotchenko, 88
Sumy st. Skryabina, 3
Trostyanets st. Neskuchanskaya, 50
Ternopil region
Berezhany Zalissya st., 7
Buchach With. Pidzamochek
Gorishna Vygnanka Chortkiv district
Kremenets st. Osovitsa, 12
Lozovaya Ternopil district
Kharkov region
Raisin st. Krutaya, 56
Kharkiv st. Derevianko, 1a
Kupyansk st. Lenina, 87
Lozovaya st. Cooperative, 53A
Kegichevka st. Kirova, 81
Great Burluk st. Decorative, 4
Kherson region
Chaplinka st. Lenina, 1
Genichesk st. Lenina, 87-V
Kherson st. Perekopskaya, 5
Novotroitskoe st. Bezrodnogo, 116a
Nizhnie Serogozy st. Shchorsa, 13
Vasilyevka Kakhovsky district
Khmelnitsky region
Belogorye Belogorsky district
Khmelnitsky Prospect Mira, 43
Kulchievtsy Kamenets-Podilsky district
Full st. Lesi Ukrainki, 5A
Cherkasy region
Kamenka st. Lenina, 1A
Beeches Mankovsky district
Cherkasy st. Palehi, 2
Kanev st. Kyiv, 27
Korsun-Shevchenkovsky st. Martsenyuka, 1a
Satanovka Monastyrischensky district
Polyanetskoe Uman district
Shpola st. 40th anniversary of Victory, 11-a
Chernivtsi region
Chernivtsi st. Biletskaya, 6
Novodnistrovsk block 27, building. 5
Chernihiv region
Tinitsa Bakhmatsky district
Bobrovitsa st. Dzerzhinsky, 113
Chernigov st. Komsomolskaya, 53B
Hills Koryukivsky district
Nizhyn lane Urozhainy, 8a
Bileshchyna Prilutsky district

Digital television of the DVB-T2 standard in Ukraine.

Until June 17, 2015, in accordance with the international agreement (Geneva 2006), Ukraine is obliged to switch completely to digital broadcasting of the DVB-T standard and DVB-T2. This is the plan for the development of the national television and radio information space. Now our country is beginning to gradually switch off broadcasting in analogue format. For quite a long time in Ukraine they have been broadcasting in test mode DVB-T and DVB-T2 digital standards. Standard DVB-T2 becomes the basis for broadcasting and development of digital television in Ukraine.

DVB-T2 this is European ether standard second generation for terrestrial digital television. Ether is a hypothetical all-pervasive medium (the upper layer of air). Unlike the first generation DVB-T standard, the standard DVB-T2 designed to increase network capacity by 30-50% while preserving core infrastructure and frequency resources.

In addition, among the benefits of switching to DVB-T2 the following can be distinguished:

  • increasing the number of channels in the broadcast package.
  • possibility of organizing regional (local) broadcasting.
  • possibility of television development high definition.
  • release of ethereal frequencies.
  • Available in all corners of Ukraine (covers 95% of the territory)
  • Very easy to connect
  • Excellent picture and sound quality
  • All popular national TV channels are available
  • Provided without subscription fee

Digital TV format DVB-T2- the most modern of all existing today, which, of course, the whole world will come to in the near future, since its capabilities are much wider than those of standard DVB-T. The main and undeniable advantage of the technology DVB-T2 is that its functionality is not limited to broadcasting free digital TV channels. In addition to watching 32 digital TV channels in the highest quality, in the near future it will be possible to record your favorite programs for delayed viewing, order movies from network servers, watch online TV, and listen to digital radio. IN DVB-T2 the possibility of transmitting several independent traffic flows of different nature and structure is incorporated. Each digital stream is placed in its own main stream - the so-called channel physical level PLP. For this purpose, a function for preprocessing input data has been introduced. Standard DVB-T2 fundamentally different both in the architecture of the system level and in the properties of the physical layer, as a result of which DVB-T receivers incompatible with DVB-T2.

DVB-T2 characteristics:

  • OFDM modulation with OPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM or 256-QAM groups.
  • OFDM modes 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 16k, 32k and “32k ext”. The symbol length for 32k mode is about 4ms.
  • Relative lengths of guard intervals: 1/128, 1/32, 1/16, 19/256, 1/8, 19/128 and 1/4. (For 32k mode maximum 1/8).
  • Forward error correction (FEC) with cascaded application of LDPC and BCH correction codes (as in DVB-S2 and DVB-C2).
  • DVB-T2 supports channel frequency bands: 1.7, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 MHz. Moreover, 1.7 MHz is intended for mobile television.
  • transmission in MISO mode using the Alamouti circuit, that is, the receiver processes the signal from two transmitting antennas.

DVB-T2 service capabilities:

  • Multichannel multiplexing.
  • Standard definition television SDTV in screen formats 4:3 and 16:9.
  • Standard definition television HDTV.
  • Ultra high definition television UHDTV.
  • 3D TV in DVB standard 3D-TV.
  • Interactive hybrid television in the Hbb TV standard.
  • Video on demand.
  • Teletext.
  • TV guide.
  • Subtitles.
  • Stereo sound.
  • Dolby Digital sound.
  • Surround sound.
  • Multisound (choice of broadcast language).
  • Digital radio.
  • Synchronize time and date with digital television broadcasts.
  • Data transmission in the DVB-DATA standard.
  • Forward and reverse communication channels for interactive services in the DVB-RCS and DVB-RCT standards.
  • Broadband Internet access.
  • Notification system.

Reception of DVB-T2 digital signal:

Reception of the digital signal is carried out by an on-air collective or individual (outdoor or indoor) television antenna, UHF, connected to various receivers:

  • LCD/LED TV with built-in DVB-T2 tuner.
  • TV set-top box (receiver, tuner, receiver) DVB-T2.
  • DVB-T2 TV tuner for computer.

Advantage of digital signal DVB-T2 consists in the fact that a digital television signal is received by a UHF antenna and transmitted without distortion, as a result of which the stability of image and sound on TV receivers increases. Another advantage is the absence of image interference associated with atmospheric phenomena. Digital signal is protected from this, and on the TV screen you see an image of very good quality. Besides high-quality picture You get five-channel audio. Plus, you receive additional information EPG (electronic TV program) - provides information about the current program, and a TV guide for 7 days. The broadcast is broadcast in multi-channel networks consisting of five multiplexes, these include: 32 standard channels DVB-T2(MPEG-4), taking into account 28 national and 4 regional television channels. Further plans include a significant expansion of the number of television channels through paid channels; one way or another, 32 channels remain available without any subscription fee.

Now in digital standard DVB-T2 in Ukraine, 32 TV channels are available to viewers .


plastic bag

TV channel


Short description



TV channel "Inter" is a national channel. On Ukrainian air since October 1996. All this time, the channel has actually been the leader of domestic television. Inter took such positions thanks to strict adherence to the initially chosen concept of a family channel, taking into account the needs of all social and age groups population.


Entertainment and information programs. The newest and best films and TV series. Daily talk show. The TV channel "Ukraine" covers all segments of the population. Broadcasting informational, educational, children's, entertainment, artistic, sports.


One of the leaders of Ukrainian television. TV shows and movies, news and sports, series and entertainment programs. All on highest level. Everything for all of Ukraine. Everything is bright, high quality and relevant.

"NTN" is a young all-Ukrainian information channel. The motto of the channel’s information service is “News Now.” In general, six hours of hot information product, including economic and political news from Ukraine and the regions, around the clock. The selection of films is aimed at audiences of different ages. Viewers are presented with masterpieces of world cinema, domestic and foreign television series.

“K1” is a national innovative channel, universal in genre content. The channel's programming policy is its own production of programs that meet the highest professional standards and expectations of the modern audience.

National broadcast channel. Information and journalistic programs, feature films for the whole family, youth, children's and sports programs. This TV program, for a wide variety of segments of the population and age categories.

News and movies, actual information and entertainment. Everything that can be used daily and have fun while watching TV: cars, health, fashion, beauty, cooking, travel, a cozy home, interesting people. And smile, and laugh, and listen, and find out. The first non-state all-Ukrainian channel ICTV features long-familiar faces and fresh new facts.


The film channel broadcasts films and programs about cinema for the whole family and for youth audiences. The broadcast schedule includes a special film screening for night owls. “Enter-film” in its program policy tries to take into account the tastes and preferences of the widest audience as much as possible. Films that have won awards at various film festivals are shown quite often.

The channel is addressed mainly to women who live in big cities, offering programs about modern lifestyle, hobbies, harmonious relationships between people and the daily needs of city residents. The Indigo TV channel shows viewers how to find harmony and happiness; viewers can learn to appreciate beauty and feel the taste of life.

The hottest hits and the latest gossip, live interviews with stars and latest events straight from music venues. In order not to fall out, not to miss, to find out, to see for yourself, you need to watch ZOOM. Because ZOOM means “living in the world of music”!
"STB" - Ukrainian TV channel. The main viewer is social active person, therefore the program includes popular news, original music programs and films produced by foreign companies.

Ukrainian TV channel, analogue of the Russian TV channel STS. The channel offers viewers programs of its own production and those produced by the STS channel, special projects and foreign entertainment programs, films, music.

K2 TV channel is a real gift for women. Romantic series, films, talk shows, fashion shows will take you to the world of feelings, love, passion and beauty! The channel's light, emotional and cheerful style will make you forget about everyday problems, and besides, the channel will solve some of them for you. Without betraying its image and remaining faithful to its viewer, K2 offers a whole constellation of programs that will help good housewives cook deliciously, arrange a home, take care of children, while looking their best! K2 is a TV channel for women who strive to succeed in life.

New channel

All-Ukrainian non-state channel with big amount exclusive materials. Investigative reporting, live broadcasts, reality shows, discussions and considerations, TV series, movies and news. The channel's view of events in Ukraine and the world. Extraordinary materials, professionalism in presenting information.

Ukrainian music entertainment channel. Modern music of all genres sounds mixed with excellent Ukrainian shows about everything: about celebrities, musical events, hot hits, the latest conversations... About everything that is shown and what they don’t want to talk about...

Channel 5

“Channel 5” is an information channel. This is the latest news from politics and finance in Ukraine and the world, analytical programs, talk shows, current events in the world of sports, fashion and show business. Among the analytical programs are “Rush Hour”, “Closed Zone”, “5 kopecks”, “VIP Woman”, “5 Element”, “Greenwich Time”, etc.

“Mega” is the best entertaining, competitive and gaming program formats for those who strive to learn more about a person and his capabilities and are ready to challenge themselves and the world around them every day.


Pixel TV

Pixel is the first and only Ukrainian TV channel for children. The program content of the channel is based on high-quality educational, developmental and educational programs for the youngest viewer. In particular, best samples world animation art, recognized developmental and educational projects, classics of domestic animation, as well as interactive projects of our own production that promote family and spiritual values ​​and contribute to the comprehensive development of the child.


“XSPORT” positions itself as a sports channel that offers content for an audience with an active lifestyle and a healthy lifestyle. Along with classic views sports - hockey, boxing, martial arts, athletics, tennis, swimming, handball, the channel offers its viewers programs about extreme sports, sport fishing, broadcasts of speedway competitions, "ecological" Formula E races, snooker, poker, educational and humorous programs related to sports.


UFO TV is the coolest and most fashionable projects! “Comedy Club”, “Comedy Woman”, “Our Russia”, “Univer. New Dorm”, “Sasha + Tanya”, “Yak Gartuvavsya Style”, “High-Rise”, “Cities”, “Razdolbai”, “My First Car” and so on. These are all youth projects that have already caused a real sensation among viewers. Watch UFO TV - with us you are always in trend!

Ukrainian TV channel offering the best new films of world cinema for those who know how to feel, for those who know how to rejoice. Films for young people who live busy lives and expect just such an effect from cinema.

DOBRO is a national Ukrainian TV channel filled with useful information and practical advice for the whole family; aimed at a female audience and at the same time interesting for the whole family.
TV channel creates good mood, attunes to family values, traditions and suggests ways to achieve life harmony. By turning on the Dobro TV channel, you are immersed in an atmosphere of home comfort and good mood.

The channel is known for its series of documentaries. In many ways, when it comes to documentary series, Tonys was and remains an innovator in this area of ​​​​television. The channel also gives preference to popular domestic cinema. In addition, Tonis pays great attention to the purchase of foreign-produced films that are specifically intended for television screening. All channel products are divided by genre and topic, and the weekly schedule takes into account the tastes of different age groups. The TV program “Tonis” broadcasts such popular programs as: “Mister-class”, “Financier”, “Nerukhomist”, “TV Show”, “Theatre of the XXth Story”, “Context”, “Women’s Things”. Broadcasting around the clock.



Business - information and analytical business television channel. The TV channel systematically monitors and analyzes how effective state regulation of the Ukrainian economy is, how useful or harmful the decisions of the authorities are for certain sectors of domestic business.

Espreso TV

The central place on the channel is occupied by news of Ukrainian political, economic, social, cultural and sports life, as well as reports on events taking place abroad.


Bank-TV will air banking and financial information, economic analytics, reviews of the business press, original programs, programs of central banks of other countries, information from international news agencies (for example, Bloomberg).


The broadcast of the Vintage TV channel is designed for lovers of old, even very old cinema. Here you will see films and performances shot back in the 1920s-1950s, meet such legendary actors as Faina Ranevskaya, Alexei Gribov, Erast Garin and many others. We invite all film connoisseurs to watch “Vintage TV” and enjoy the brilliant performances of the masters scenes from the first half of the twentieth century!

The TV channel “Eskulap TB” is addressed to everyone who is interested in a healthy lifestyle and wants to know more about health and medicine. On “Eskulap TV” you will see informational, educational and scientific programs on medical topics, as well as popular science films about the world around us, produced at one time by the famous studio “Kievnauchfilm”. Broadcasting of the channel “Eskulap TV” is carried out with the support of the Ministry of Health and National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine.

TV channel

TV channel 112 Ukraine is one of the youngest, but already popular news channels. Broadcasting is in HD format.




* TV channels whose broadcasts are planned to be transferred to high definition format ( HD).

** Regional TV channels: differ depending on the region and the specific region.

Price for equipment, for viewing in standard DVB-T2

). Thus, an antenna is a kind of transmitter (receiver). In this article we will understand what antenna is needed for receiving DVB-T2 signal.

Antenna types:

By type, antennas can be divided into indoor, outdoor and outdoor antennas. long-distance reception. We are interested in antennas that able receive standard signal DVB-T2. They can be divided into two groups: indoor and outdoor. In turn, they are divided into active and passive.

Signal digital terrestrial television DVB-T2 standard is transmitted in decimeter ( DMV) range. This range(UHF) is within 470–862 MHz. In Russia, these frequencies fill the channels from 21st to 69th television channel (TVK) inclusive.

We would like to immediately make a reservation that there are no special antennas for DVB-T2 reception, all these are ordinary decimeter antennas with or without a signal amplifier. Choose An antenna for DVB-T2 reception will not be difficult. There are two main criteria to consider here: distance to the transmitter and relief terrain. Two services will help us with this:

Next, we proceed directly to the selection of a DVB-T2 UHF antenna. If the terrain of your area is more or less flat and the distance to the transmitter is no more than ten kilometers, then you regular one will do UHF antenna without amplifier. Although, if the price difference is not big, then we recommend purchasing an active antenna (with an amplifier), because you can always turn it off.

Indoor DVB-T2 antennas:

As an example of a passive indoor DVB-T2 antenna, let's take the Sirius 2.0 antenna, manufactured by REMO. You can read it on our website.

As an example of an active indoor DVB-T2 antenna, let’s take the “MINI DIGITAL” antenna, from the same manufacturer “REMO”. You can also find it on our website.

Outdoor DVB-T2 antennas:

Outdoor antennas are also classified into active and passive. They must be used when the distance from the transmitter is more than 10 kilometers. It is recommended that these antennas be pointed accurately at the transmitting station.

As an example of an outdoor DVB-T2 antenna, let's take the SELENA MINI antenna, manufactured by REMO.

As an example of an outdoor active DVB-T2 antenna, let’s take an antenna made by REMO.

Outdoor DVB-T2 antennas for long-distance reception:

If the distance to the transmitting equipment is over 30 kilometers, then you will need highly directional antennas with increased sensitivity. These antennas can receive signals at a distance of up to 100 kilometers. Also do not forget that such antennas must be installed on an appropriate height.

As an example of an outdoor active DVB-T2 antenna for long-range reception, let’s take an antenna made by REMO.