Life Channel will reduce news broadcasting and staff. "Digital Television" closes the "Country" channel. A children's channel will be launched instead

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As of December 1 this year, the Tsargrad TV channel will stop broadcasting, according to the website of the National Association of Television Broadcasters.

The main news of the day was not the events in the LPR and not the statements of Vladimir Putin. On the first line of search engines there is information from the website of the National Association of Television Broadcasters that the Tsargrad TV channel is closing on December 1.

But dear colleagues were quick to publish headlines about the cessation of broadcasting of the TV channel. As its general director Elena Sharoykina said, the rumors are greatly exaggerated. The Tsargrad TV channel “not only does not close, but, on the contrary, launches new projects.” Thus, on December 4, viewers will be able to watch the program “New Russian Philosophy with Ivan Okhlobystin.”

Earlier, the shareholder and creator of Tsargrad, Konstantin Malofeev, also commented on the information about the imminent closure of the channel.

“You can’t wait!” - Malofeev said briefly and succinctly.

As Elena Sharoykina notes, the TV channel is not closing, period.

“Our channel is not sick, but absolutely healthy,” said Elena Sharoykina, adding that the channel recently became a laureate of the annual National Award in the field of satellite, cable and Internet television “Golden Ray”. Tsargrad was awarded a special jury prize in the category “Non-standard journalism”.

The head of Constantinople announced constant positive changes. First of all, the changes will affect content delivery channels.

“Data from our activities forced us to reconsider the broadcast format. In cable and satellite, the average age is 63 years old, and on the Internet the average age of the audience is 35 years old,” she noted.

Sharoykina emphasized that young people watch little TV. “And we would like to see more conservative Russian people. Therefore, the decision was made to stop broadcasting on cable and satellite and start broadcasting programs only on the Internet,” the general director said on air at the TV channel.

According to statistics cited by Elena Sharoykina, the number of visits to the website of the Tsargrad TV channel in October of this year amounted to more than 15 million people. “We have overtaken the Dozhd TV channel and Forbes in Liveinternet ratings. If a year ago we were 200th, then in October of this year we were 42nd. We entered the 50 most rated media outlets,” said the head.

“Our team faces, as always, enormous tasks. The results we have already achieved today are inspiring. Speaking to a younger audience in a conservative language, offering our point of view, our view of the world through the prism of Orthodoxy is not an easy task. We need to deal with it. And we will cope with it,” said Elena Sharoykina.

The Digital Television (DTV) company, which manages the thematic TV of VGTRK and Rostelecom, is closing the Country channel, dedicated to Russian regions. It failed to attract a noticeable audience despite high content costs. Instead, a children's channel "Multimusic" will be launched with songs from cartoons, the rights to which will be purchased from Soyuzmultfilm and other major studios.

The DTV company of VGTRK and Rostelecom is launching a new TV channel “Multimuzika” in place of the “Country” channel on November 30 at 20:00, said Deputy General Director of DTV Sergei Koshlyakov. The basis of the Multimusic broadcast will be songs and music from cartoons - for example, the network will have an hour of songs about friendship, an hour of dancing, lullabies, etc., explains Mr. Koshlyakov.

Negotiations with the main producers of Russian animation on the purchase of rights to fragments of cartoons with songs are being conducted by DTV's partner, the company 0+ Media. According to, it has the same owners as the distributor of DTV channels Signal Media - Liliya Khon and Vladimir Krasnov. This company is the contractor for the formation of the channel library, explains Sergei Koshlyakov, its owners also took on part of the investment in the DTV technological block. Currently, 0+ Media is negotiating to purchase the rights from Soyuzmultfilm; the contract is being finalized. A source at Soyuzmultfilm confirmed this. Negotiations are also underway with the studios “Animaccord” (“Masha and the Bear”), GC “Riki” (“Smeshariki” and “Fixiki”), says Mr. Koshlyakov, in addition, it is planned to add foreign content (DTV already has ones aimed at foreign countries children's channels Ani and Tlum).

0+ Media CEO Alexander Sablukov adds that the company also sells advertising on children's DTV channels and is engaged in licensed promotion of their brands. In particular, by the end of the year two “Mult” stores will open with children’s goods from Russian cartoon brands, the first in the “Riviera” shopping center; next year it is planned to launch ten franchise stores in the regions.

The Country channel lagged behind other DTV channels in terms of audience. It was designed for residents of the regions; VGTRK bought it in 2011 from a pool of investors, including former RBC CEO Yuri Rovensky. The transaction amount was not disclosed; sellers previously said that they invested $10 million in the launch in 2009. “Country” did not achieve a significant audience: the average daily viewing time was six to eight minutes a day, which was unacceptable given its high costs for content, admits Sergei Koshlyakov - for other educational DTV channels, 20 minutes is considered the norm.

Producing content for “Country” was expensive, since the channel showed stories about regional achievements, which meant a lot of business trips, they explain in CTV. The channel was counting on the regions themselves to participate in the project, but this did not happen, and the international news agenda drew interest away from the regional one. The archives of the “Country” content will remain on the Internet on its website, the channel’s editors will move to other DTV channels. This is the second reformatted channel in the DTV package: last summer, instead of “24dok” with expensive and high-quality content, but little demanded by viewers, the “Doctor” channel was launched.

When launching Multimusic, the DTV company was guided by the results of the Mult channel. It began broadcasting in 2014, and now its average daily viewing time is, according to its own data, 65–70 minutes. “Multimusic” should have at least 40 minutes, as calculated by DTV. According to Mediascope, in the audience of 4–17 years old, Mult is third after the Karusel and Disney channels with an average audience share of 7.9% in January-September 2017.

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The Digital Television (DTV) company, which manages the thematic TV of VGTRK and Rostelecom, is closing the Country channel, dedicated to Russian regions. It failed to attract a noticeable audience despite high content costs. Instead, a children's channel "Multimusic" will be launched with songs from cartoons, the rights to which will be purchased from Soyuzmultfilm and other major studios.

The DTV company of VGTRK and Rostelecom is launching a new TV channel “Multimuzika” in place of the “Country” channel on December 1, Deputy General Director of DTV Sergei Koshlyakov told Kommersant. The basis of the Multimusic broadcast will be songs and music from cartoons - for example, the network will have an hour of songs about friendship, an hour of dancing, lullabies, etc., explains Mr. Koshlyakov.

Negotiations with the main producers of Russian animation on the purchase of rights to fragments of cartoons with songs are being conducted by DTV's partner, the company 0+ Media. According to, it has the same owners as the distributor of DTV channels Signal Media - Liliya Khon and Vladimir Krasnov. This company is the contractor for the formation of the channel library, explains Sergei Koshlyakov, its owners also took on part of the investment in the DTV technological block. Currently, 0+ Media is negotiating to purchase the rights from Soyuzmultfilm; the contract is being finalized. A source at Soyuzmultfilm confirmed this. Negotiations are also underway with the studios “Animaccord” (“Masha and the Bear”), GC “Riki” (“Smeshariki” and “Fixiki”), says Mr. Koshlyakov, in addition, it is planned to add foreign content (DTV already has ones aimed at foreign countries children's channels Ani and Tlum).

If we look at the TV viewing figures, we will see that Russian animation is staggeringly stronger than international animation, contrary to existing beliefs

0+ Media CEO Alexander Sablukov adds that the company also sells advertising on children's DTV channels and is engaged in licensed promotion of their brands. In particular, by the end of the year two “Mult” stores will open with children’s goods from Russian cartoon brands, the first in the “Riviera” shopping center; next year it is planned to launch ten franchise stores in the regions.

The Country channel lagged behind other DTV channels in terms of audience. It was designed for residents of the regions; VGTRK bought it in 2011 from a pool of investors, including former RBC CEO Yuri Rovensky. The transaction amount was not disclosed; sellers previously said that they invested $10 million in the launch in 2009. “Country” did not achieve a significant audience: the average daily viewing time was six to eight minutes a day, which was unacceptable given its high costs for content, admits Sergei Koshlyakov - for other educational DTV channels, 20 minutes is considered the norm.

Producing content for “Country” was expensive, since the channel showed stories about regional achievements, which meant a lot of business trips, they explain in CTV. The channel was counting on the regions themselves to participate in the project, but this did not happen, and the international news agenda drew interest away from the regional one. The archives of the “Country” content will remain on the Internet on its website, the channel’s editors will move to other DTV channels. This is the second reformatted channel in the DTV package: last summer, instead of “24dok” with expensive and high-quality content, but little demanded by viewers, the “Doctor” channel was launched.

When launching Multimusic, the DTV company was guided by the results of the Mult channel. It began broadcasting in 2014, and now its average daily viewing time is, according to its own data, 65–70 minutes. “Multimusic” should have at least 40 minutes, as calculated by DTV. According to Mediascope, in the audience of 4–17 years old, Mult is third after the Karusel and Disney channels with an average audience share of 7.9% in January-September 2017.

Former and current employees of the TV channel also told about salary delays and staff reductions. The general director of Tsargrad TV, Elena Sharoykina, denied this, saying that “in a number of areas, there is a recruitment of employees, not a reduction.” She called the information about the possible closure of the TV channel rumors.

Earlier, the Life portal reported that the general producer of the channel and businessman Konstantin Malofeev announced the merger of the Tsargrad and Spas TV channels, and the Tsargrad employees will either move to the ROC TV channel or be fired.

The Tsargrad Canal closes when and why. Urgent information.

The Tsargrad TV channel broadcasts around the clock in Russia and is currently available to subscribers of Tricolor-TV, AkadoTelecom, ER-Telecom, TransTeleCom, Orion Express and 'MEGOGO. The channel is also available on the Orion Express satellite.

Let us remind you that on September 1, the Tsargrad TV channel launched Russia’s first livestream broadcast in the channel’s official groups on social networks - Facebook, VKontakte and YouTube. The new format is unique content and interactivity, allowing viewers to become co-authors of the programs being created. Viewers had the opportunity to communicate with presenters and guests in real time. All content will be developed specifically for social network users. The authors and presenters of the programs will be famous journalists, public figures and recognized experts in the fields of politics, economics, history and culture.

According to statistics cited by Elena Sharoykina, the number of visits to the website of the Tsargrad TV channel in October 2017 amounted to more than 15 million people. “We have overtaken the Dozhd TV channel and Forbes in Liveinternet ratings. If a year ago we were 200th, then in October of this year we were 42nd. We entered 50 the most rated Media,” the manager concluded.

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The life of the channel was bright, but short. Three years after the start of broadcasting in September 2014, rumors began to spread that Tsargrad would soon be closed, merging it with the Spas TV channel. And indeed, from December 1, “Tsargrad” leaves cable and satellite broadcasts, continuing to broadcast on the Internet.

The Tsargrad channel merges with another channel. Latest information as of 02/08/2018

“In front of our team they stand, as always, grandiose tasks. The results we have already achieved today are inspiring. Speaking to a younger audience in a conservative language, offering our point of view, our view of the world through the prism of Orthodoxy is not an easy task. We need to deal with it. And we will cope with it,” Elena Sharoykina set goals for the future.

In parallel with the change of broadcasting platform, new projects will be aired. So, on December 4, a program called “New Russian Philosophy” is launched. Its host will be Ivan Okhlobystin.

In this context, the publication mentions Vladimir Putin’s assistant Vladislav Surkov and former deputy head of the presidential administration, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin; the first allegedly did not like “the coverage of events in the DPR and LPR in an overly militant manner and the channel’s love for the former DPR Defense Minister Igor Strelkov,” and the second, according to former TV channel manager, recommended “not to place a bet” on Tsargrad TV due to possible reputational risks.

Previously, “Tsargrad” became the winner of the annual National Award in the field of satellite, cable and Internet television “Golden Ray”. The television company was awarded a special jury prize in the “Non-standard journalism” category. Let us remind you that the Tsargrad TV channel became available to subscribers of the largest Russian satellite operator Tricolor TV in July last year.

In this context, the publication mentions Vladimir Putin’s assistant Vladislav Surkov and former deputy head of the presidential administration, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin; the first allegedly did not like “the coverage of events in the DPR and LPR in an overly militant manner and the channel’s love for the former DPR Defense Minister Igor Strelkov,” and the second, according to the former manager of the TV channel, was recommended “not to place a bet” on Tsargrad TV because possible reputational risks.

However, dear colleagues were quick to publish headlines about the closure of the TV channel. According to its general director Elena Sharoykina, the rumors are greatly exaggerated. The Tsargrad TV channel “not only does not close, but, on the contrary, launches new projects.” So, on December 4, the program “New Russian Philosophy with Ivan Okhlobystin” is released.

Sharoykina’s words were published on the Tsargrad website. She also emphasized that she intends to expose the myth about Konstantin Malofeev’s “abdication” from the post of general producer of the TV channel. However, Sharoykina further says that “Malofeev has indeed resigned as general producer, but he remains a shareholder of the TV channel.”

The general director of the TV channel, Elena Sharoykina, claims that the TV channel is not closing, but is launching new projects. Taking this opportunity, she announced one of them with the participation of Ivan Okhlobystin.

The Tsargrad channel is closing video news. Everything that is known now.