Instructions on how to set up channels built into your TV. Digital terrestrial television channels of the DVB-T2 standard. Setting up digital channels on Toshiba brand TVs

So, you have decided to connect and configure digital terrestrial television for your Smart TV device. This, of course, can be done regardless of what manufacturer of your TV you have - Samsung, LG, Philips or some other. The main thing is that your gadget has a built-in receiver. It is important to note that such a receiver is installed in almost every modern Smart TV. But just in case, you can clarify this either in the instructions or in the store where you purchased the TV (or find information on the Internet).

There is nothing complicated in setting up digital terrestrial television if you strictly follow the instructions

What can the fact that the TV is capable of receiving digital terrestrial television give you? Remember the old TVs, which most often had a screen with a twitching image, on which it was often simply impossible to watch your favorite program - these were analog channels. So, the modern world has overcome this problem with the help of digital TV channels that have high quality image and sound. Agree, in this case it will be much more pleasant to watch movies, TV shows or the same news. In general, only pros and no cons! So let's move on directly to how to connect digital terrestrial television to your TV.

How to set up digital terrestrial television?

Before we begin setting up digital terrestrial television, let's take a look at the preparations. First of all, you will need the antenna itself, which you must first purchase or install (if you have your own). You can also calculate the antenna so that there are no problems with the cable length. And, of course, a TV with support for digital channels. Pay special attention to this, since not all TVs can receive them.

If the answer to these two questions is yes, that is, you have both an antenna and a TV capable of receiving digital channels (it has a special built-in receiver), then you can move on. As for the receiver, carefully read the instructions for using Smart TV. Such information must be indicated therein.

Universal method

The method below is not entirely universal, but rather general. That is, the principle of the sequence of actions will be similar to others, but some menu items or button names will differ. Therefore, you can try your logical and analytical abilities in practice and draw an analogy with your device. If you doubt yourself or don’t want to complicate your life, then simply find the instructions for your TV below (Samsung, LG and Philips are considered). Anyway, let's move on:

  1. We connect the antenna to the TV using a special connector.
  2. Now we pick up the TV remote control and click on “Menu”. This button is usually the largest, and it is located in an accessible and visible place.
  3. Next, we need to find the options or settings where we need automatic mode for them.
  4. If necessary, you can specify the signal source (this is, of course, cable), and then select digital channels. For each positive choice, click OK or “Next”.
  5. Specify that you need a full channel search. A field for filling out data may also appear here. In this case, we indicate the following information (note that if there is a network search for channels, then this data does not need to be specified):
    • For the frequency, use a value equal to 314 MHz.
    • For transmission speed - 6875 KS/s
    • Well, modulation - 256
  6. Click the long-awaited “Start” or “Start” button. All you have to do is wait for the process to complete, after which you can enjoy watching TV channels in higher quality, since your TV will be able to receive digital terrestrial television.

Samsung TVs

  1. As in the previous instructions, first connect the antenna to your Samsung TV.
  2. Using the special button on the remote control, enter the device settings.
  3. In the list that appears, we will need a tab with broadcast (or another name, where the antenna icon is drawn), where there is an “Antenna” item, in it you need to indicate that the connection is made using a cable.
  4. Then open the “Country” menu item. Here we will select “Other”.
  5. Now you should see a window asking you to enter a special PIN code. The default is 0000 if you haven't changed anything yourself.
  6. If the device again asks you to specify the signal source, then without hesitation we select the cable.
  7. Next, set the following search settings: fast mode, automatic network selection. Don't forget to fill in this information:
    • For transmission speed - 6875 KS/s.
    • Well, and modulation - 256.
  8. As they often write on the Internet, “turn on the hatiko mode” - and wait for the process to complete. If completed successfully, you will be able to connect digital channels to your TV.


  1. It's LG Smart TV's turn. Just in case, let's repeat our first step - connecting the antenna to the TV.
  2. Next, open the device settings using the button on the remote control.
  3. We will need to find the country parameters where we should select Finland or Germany.
  4. The next stage is auto-search for channels. It can also be easily found in the menu tab with the antenna drawn.
  5. Next, we will need to indicate what type of connection we have. As you know, this is a cable. Therefore, the choice here is obvious and there is no need to think for a long time.
  6. We find ourselves in special settings, where we indicate data that is already familiar to us (if you have read the previous paragraphs). If not, then look:
    • For the frequency, use a value equal to 314 MHz.
    • Transmission speed - 6875 KS/s.
    • Modulation - 256.
  7. We are waiting for the end of the search for digital channels. If everything went well, then you can please yourself by watching some program in digital quality.

It’s worth mentioning right away about automatic channel updates on LG TVs. Not all models have this feature. If this is the case, then you don’t have to search again - the TV will do everything for you. This setting is adjustable, so it can be turned off in the options if desired.

Philips TVs

As mentioned above, the method is practically no different from the previous ones, except for the names of menu items and some tabs. Let's get started:

  1. Connect the antenna to the TV and go to the “Installation” tab of the configuration menu using the remote control.
  2. A list with parameters will appear in front of you. We need the “Channel Settings” item.
  3. Next, we enter the automatic installation, where the system will notify you about updating the channel list. We are not afraid, but click the “Start” button.
  4. Now you must click on reinstall channels, and then select Germany or Finland as the country.
  5. After these manipulations, you will need to set the connection type to “Cable”.
  6. It's time to set some parameters using the "Settings" item. Here the speed should be 314.
  7. And now, after numerous manipulations with the settings and searching for the necessary menu items, we have reached the finish line: click on “Start” and wait for the process to complete. Upon completion, your fruitful work is declared complete.

How to decode channels?

First of all, please note that if you have set up digital channels according to the method described above, then you should not have any encrypted channels at all. This problem occurs when you have cable television (for example, NTV Plus or Tricolor TV). There you set a special price for watching channels for a certain period of time. When your subscription expires, you are blocked from accessing these digital channels. Then you need to pay for the services and configure the receiver again. If you don’t know how to do this, you can contact specialists specifically for your receiver by phone number or through their website. You can also try to find instructions on the same official website, which describes in detail the entire procedure for resuming viewing.


Digital terrestrial television has a higher display quality compared to analogue channels. You can connect and configure this function very easily on any TV - you don’t need any special knowledge to do this. Let's summarize our instructions as common for most TVs:

  1. We connect the antenna.
  2. In the settings menu we find auto channel search.
  3. Then we configure the connection type “Cable” and, if necessary, set the parameters in the data area (baud rate, frequency and modulation).
  4. Also, if necessary, you need to select a country - most often it is Germany or Finland.
  5. We start searching for channels using the start button in the dialog box.
  6. We wait for the search to complete and move on to the long-awaited viewing!

Let's call the main thing the correct language setting. Choose Russian. Otherwise, the question of how to set up channels on your TV will become much more complicated. The specified item is usually suggested to be changed when you first turn it on; it is even more likely that preliminary settings have been made in the store. First: if the TV menu is in a non-Russian language, it does not mean that you cannot configure the equipment correctly. This is where the setup begins.

Setting up channels on Samsung TVs

Let's begin. Let's set up Samsung TV channels. Go through the menu to TV mode. Set the playback source option to the desired state. The action is performed using the Source key on the control panel; optionally, the desired one is selected using the built-in menu. Example values:

  • HDMI;

The TV is switched to the desired TV mode, open the main menu. Find the Channel sub-item, hover your cursor. A pop-up sign will appear listing the long process of setting up channels on a Samsung TV. Select Antenna, you will see possible signal sources listed:

  1. Satellite television.
  2. Cable TV.
  3. Terrestrial broadcasting.

Tick ​​the appropriate box according to the method of receiving the provider's channels. Let there be presumably a terrestrial broadcast antenna. The next step is to select a country. You will need to enter a secret pin code. If one is lost (forgotten by the dealer), call Samsung technical support. Or try entering 0000 (four zeros), be careful. Don’t necessarily try to find Russia on the list. According to Smart technical data, the required sub-item is Eastern Europe. The broadcast standard will depend on this. In addition, you will need a pin code to install parental controls.

Digital and analog channels are made in the form of bookmarks. The schematic allows you to select the same settings for all types of broadcasting at once. Follow the advice. On the digital channels tab, in the country column, select Other. Then it will come in handy when receiving satellite or cable broadcasts. The next step is to select the type of setting. Samsung has automatic and manual. The first one is simpler, it takes place without operator participation, and at the same time the old list of channels is deleted. Be careful when choosing options.

After confirming the setup method, the TV will prompt you to decide on the types of channels:

  • digital;
  • analog;
  • combi (digital plus analogue).

Continuing, the TV user will be taken to a gradually filling scale, progress is gradually indicated as a percentage, the number above is the number of channels found. The TV will complete the setup procedure itself. Give the device the necessary time to search.

When setting up a cable, select the option instead of antenna as the first step. In the cable search parameters, put the numbers carefully dug up by the authors:

  1. Starting frequency 346000 kHz.
  2. Final frequency 410000 kHz.
  3. Transfer rate 6956 kS/s (kilosample per second, kilosymbol per second).
  4. Modulation 256 OAM (quadrature amplitude modulation, QAM).

After the search, the number of channels found on the cable is indicated. The next difficulty will be sorting. The TV will find a billion channels, but will only show those limited by the paid package. To remove unnecessary ones, visit the Channel Manager. Once logged in, select the desired program, various actions will become available. In this case, select Delete. Channels can be sorted using the C button.

Setting up LG TV channels

You won't be surprised to learn: LG TV has similar options. To decrypt digital broadcasting, as before, you will need a special DVB-C receiver (DVB-C2). Accordingly, the first and second generations of the standard. You can find out more about availability by studying the device’s passport, looking at the characteristics, or surfing the Internet. Devices that support digital reception have a pay channel decryption card slot. It usually looks like a vertical slit cutting through the side of the TV.

Now that we've sorted out the basics, let's move on to the main sheep. To tune channels on your LG TV, explore the main menu. We agreed - the language was chosen earlier. The Options section allows you to set the country. For BCS, click Finland. The next section is Search. If you want the TV to make the settings automatically, take the trouble to specify the signal source (Cable).

On TVs that have a digital receiver (see two paragraphs above), you can configure the board settings. BKS - frequency 690000 kHz, transmission speed 6750 kS/s, modulation is the same as on Smart TV. Generally speaking, related parameters are easy to find out from your provider. If in doubt, call support, ask a neighbor. We leave the initial and final search frequencies as default: 114000 kHz, 862000 kHz. Typical parameters of modern broadcasting.

Setting up TV channels

LG starts by searching for digital channels and will find analog channels last. Once the setup is complete, the Autosetup Complete message appears. To watch paid channels you need to buy a card for decrypting protected content (see the beginning of the subsection). Even the TV is deprived of the most valuable detail - a built-in receiver - the provider is usually happy to provide the device on a rental basis (other conditions). For more information, ask the offices of your city of residence. The receiver connects to the TV without going through SCART or a typical “tulip”.

Setting up channels on Philips TVs

There is nothing special about Philips TVs, set the settings to an arbitrary European country. Otherwise, you will have a chance of unlucky catching digital broadcasts. Otherwise, the choice is the same: satellite, cable, broadcast. Check the desired option and start searching. You must also make sure that you have a digital television receiver. In our opinion, it is much more interesting to study the Smart TV function, with which you can watch movies online for free. True, you need to establish an Internet connection.

What is a TV today, devoid of the World Wide Web? The software is updated by a central server. The new generation of TVs is controlled by smartphones, and it is possible to connect a wireless mouse and keyboard. Modernization, if it does not equate a TV with a computer, makes the first an excellent means of displaying graphic information. Remember: in the womb of most devices there is a hard drive. It becomes clear that manufacturers want to remain unsinkable dreadnoughts in the ocean of digital technology.

Previously, a TV was a mandatory attribute of every apartment, today more people prefer personal computers. Network Internet games are especially popular. So the Philips TV gives a chance to have fun, we believe that in the current realities it will not be possible to play tanks. It is possible to connect a game console and enjoy the enormous diagonal of the TV.

One player, torn away from the monitor by his mother, killed a relative. Doctors consider online gameplay potentially dangerous. The negative impact of interest in virtual reality on the family budget is undeniable.

To configure channels on a Philips TV, start by indicating the country, then select the source, and then you can configure the remaining parameters. At times you have to manually enter data on wave frequency and transmission speed. The maxim concerns mainly cable and satellite television.

Setting up channels on Sony TVs

When you turn on the TV for the first time, you will be prompted to select a language - set it to Russian. The next step is to enter information about the country. Eyewitnesses recommend putting Russia. The TV will ask for a pin code. The sequence of numbers will need to be entered in the future by changing the settings. Sony TVs often offer a choice of mode between Home and Store. Only in the first case will the control buttons be fully accessible. Choose Home.

Leave the location type as Tabletop stand and continue by selecting the channel type. It is recommended to immediately indicate Digital and Analog, in order to avoid problems with the search in the future. The TV has several pre-configured operators, there is a high probability that what you need will not be on the menu. Choose Other. Sony TV usually promptly prompts you to start searching. Agree. It’s better than later to rack your brains about how to set up channels on your TV.

Programs are sorted through the Settings menu. Compliance with broadcast and TV standards is important. If the provider has acquired second-generation cable broadcast equipment (DVB-C2), the old TV is unlikely to be of much use. Get ready to get an external receiver of the required format, which is connected instead of an antenna. Let's say more, setting up satellite channels is almost always done through the provider's equipment. In advance, the receiver is filled with a broadcast plan, according to which search and broadcast are carried out.

Now readers will be able to tune channels on their TV, regardless of the brand. Whether it is Sony, Toshiba, Panasonic, success will immediately appear. The advantage of the TV is its wide screen diagonal. Today the device is positioned as a home entertainment center. The brain is usually called the home theater. Without a full picture, purchasing a TV would be completely meaningless.

Hello friends! In this post I will continue the topic of how to set up DVB-T2. Terrestrial digital TV, 20 channels for free, how to set up an antenna and enjoy a high-quality image.

If you are interested in what types of digital television there are and how to choose the right TV given this variety, then follow this link and

You can ask about how to choose the right antenna for digital television

Well, right now, about how to set up the antenna and equipment for digital channels.

A little general information for a better understanding of the matter.

Currently, terrestrial digital television offers 20 television programs for viewing and 3 radio stations for listening. Total 23 and these channels are included in two digital television packages.

But what’s interesting is that the user does not need to separately configure all 23 frequency channels on his TV or set-top box, but only two.

P.S. Residents of Moscow and the region can enjoy more; they are broadcasting a third package, which already includes 30 digital television programs and the need to tune in three frequency channels.

To make it clearer, let's remember how this works in an analog signal? In this case, one TV channel is broadcast on one frequency channel, for example, in my region, Channel One was broadcast on frequency channel 6, the Rossiya TV channel was broadcast on channel 12, and NTV channel broadcasts were broadcast on channel 27 in the UHF range. And then further - One frequency channel = one television channel!

With the advent of digital broadcasting, everything has changed!

And one of its advantages is that now not one TV channel is broadcast on one frequency channel, but ten or more at once, so to speak in a package. This is called “Package” or “Multiplex”. For example, from the television center in Belgorod on channel 43 of digital broadcasting, 10 television channels and plus 3 radio stations are transmitted - this is the first package, and on the frequency of channel 46 another 10 TV channels are transmitted - this is the second package. Thus, only two television frequencies are used, and not twenty-three. But keep in mind that if in Belgorod these are channels 43 and 46, then in another city these will be different frequencies.

There is only one thing that unites everyone, in any region these will be frequencies of the decimeter (UHF) range, and therefore an antenna is also needed for UHF. (ADDITION: Currently, some broadcasters are still broadcasting only one of the two packages, i.e. only ten channels.)

Find out on which channels Digital Terrestrial Television is broadcast in your region, where the transmitting towers are located and whether they operate in full mode, broadcasting two packets. This information can be extremely useful for the successful installation of the antenna.

So, if you decide to organize digital terrestrial TV channels, you will need:

  1. A TV with a built-in DVB-T2 tuner or, if it does not have one, then you will need a set-top box for digital television, also in DVB-T2 format.
  2. And of course the antenna itself, UHF range. Indoor or outdoor, depends on the proximity to the translator and the quality of the signal in your area.
  3. Television cable, antenna plug.
  4. Sometimes it helps to have a helper, and it never hurts to have patience and persistence.

How to find out if my TV is capable of receiving Digital Terrestrial Television

First, let's find out whether your TV is capable of receiving DVB-T2 signals without a set-top box, the fact is that not all devices are able to do this, old, non-flat TVs don’t even need to be checked, but flat LCD TVs may or may not receive . But if you know exactly what your TV is capable of, feel free to skip this part.

There are several ways: 1) (Dreary) Get the technical passport from the TV and look in the “technical specifications” section to find the presence of DVB-T2 there. Why is it boring? Look at your passport!….. Although sometimes you get lucky.

2) (Simpler) There is a tag on the TV case, on its back, with the TV model written on it, write it down or take a photo. Next, you need to enter the TV model into the search bar of your browser and add the word “Characteristics”. See examples in the photo below.

The model has been determined, we type in the search engine…….

Having gone to the site, select “Technical Specifications” then “Advanced” and we get where we need to go.

As you can see, this model is capable of receiving DVB-T2; it does not need a set-top box. Further designations indicate: C - digital cable, S2 - digital satellite. But we are interested in DVB-T2 and it is present, otherwise we would have to purchase an additional set-top box for digital television.

How to set up your antenna and TV for digital TV under different signal conditions

Let's look at the simplest option first: You live in an area of ​​good, reliable signal reception. We have decided on the antenna, an article about this will help you. We connected the antenna to the TV and turned on auto channel search, in some models, when we go to the settings menu, the TV may ask you to choose whether to configure analogue or digital channels, choose digital. If everything went well, the TV itself will save the caught channels. You can admire the excellent image quality.

Let's complicate the situation a little. On auto-search, the TV did not catch anything, or only a few channels that were snowing. If this is so, then these are not digital channels, but ordinary analogue ones; digital television cannot go with the snow. (the fact is that on auto search, the TV can scan the entire range, both digital and analog).

Your next steps: If the auto search did not help, then It will greatly simplify the situation by knowing which TV channels broadcast the first and second multiplexes in your area. And also where and in what direction the TV tower is located from you in order to correctly point the antenna. If you don’t know this, then you can also see the desired direction of the antenna by paying attention to where the neighbors’ antennas are “looking.” Just don’t use satellite dishes as a guide; they are pointed at the satellite.

If you know the channel number, then do the following - You need to find the manual tuning mode in the TV menu, don’t forget to select “Digital”; it can be designated as DTV. Next, your task is to dial from the remote control the channel number on which one of the multiplexes (packages) is broadcast. In manual mode, a scale will be displayed on the screen that visually shows the signal level received by the antenna. (Sometimes there may be two scales, for example “Level” and “Quality”, refer to the bottom one)

And now, on the scale, you can see whether there is a signal from the antenna, in some cases, if there is no signal, then the indicator on the scale may behave like this: It will jump, zero percent - one hundred percent - zero - one hundred ..... etc. d. This indicates there is no signal. By changing the position and direction of the antenna, visually determine the best signal level, and this level should be stable, and if it changes, it should be within small limits, not to zero.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the result from changing the antenna position will not be reflected immediately, after about 5 seconds. Therefore, look for the best position in stages, each time taking a short pause and observing the signal level on the scale. If the antenna is located on the street, then it will be more convenient to work here with an assistant.

When we managed to find the antenna position at which the signal is stable, we give the command to search and save channels. We repeat the search and save procedure for the second multiplex, indicating its channel number (if there is broadcasting of two multiplexes, it is not everywhere yet)

And now a very difficult situation: You live in an area with difficult television reception. This may be due to the distance from the transmitting tower, the complexity of the terrain (mountains, lowlands, wooded areas). High-rise buildings located quite close to you and at the same time standing on the way to the transmitting tower, your antenna directed at the tower seems to “rest” against the high-rise.

In these cases, the principle of the adjustment itself is the same as described above; you need to visually determine the best position of the antenna using a scale. But the antennas used and some methods differ.

Antennas in difficult reception conditions must be used active ones, i.e. with an amplifier, also structurally having a higher gain. Typically, the longer the antenna arm, the greater its own gain.

Methods include the following: Determine if there are other transmission towers in a more favorable position for you. And try to catch a signal from them (fortunately they will be built quite tightly)

Using masts and other heights is the task of raising the antenna higher. (Effective in lowlands and wooded areas)

In built-up areas that are not very far from the tower, it is not necessary to use a powerful antenna; try to catch the reflected signal, point the antenna not at the TV tower, but in the opposite direction, at the building behind you or on the side. If it is possible to install an antenna on the roof of a high-rise building, this will give excellent results.

Antenna setup via digital set-top box

When using a digital set-top box, everything is the same as described above; it is better to set it up manually in order to see the signal level. The only difference is that the TV plays the role of a monitor connected to the set-top box via an HDMI or RCA cable (tulips). This means that all settings need to be made in the set-top box, and not in the TV. Just don’t forget to switch the TV to the appropriate VIDEO or HDMI mode (depending on what connectors you used for connection)

To do this, you need to find the corresponding button on the TV remote control; in different models it may be designated differently, here are some examples, separated by an asterisk: AV* AV/TV*VIDEO* SOURSE * HDMI * RECTANGLE ICON WITH AN ARROW IN* INPUT* In some On SONY TVs the order is as follows - HOME - Settings - External inputs.

All further setup steps are performed using the remote control of the set-top box, through manual or automatic search.

Do not forget that in this case we connect the antenna to the set-top box, and not to the TV.

Read about what you need to know when choosing a digital set-top box.

Well, I hope this article can help you in connecting digital broadcasting to your home.

P. S I decided to add them below to this article as interesting cases related to tuning antennas become available. If you have any, write them in the comments and they will definitely appear in your feed.

  1. In my practice, very rarely, but there were cases when the antenna did not receive the signal at all, but as soon as I moved it literally a meter to the left or right, everything went fine, we returned it a meter back, again everything disappeared.
  2. Today I encountered another incident. I'll describe it in detail. The situation is this: An old TV is on the floor, it works great through the set-top box, the indoor antenna is on the windowsill nearby, the signal level is about 70-80%. In this case, there is the following task.

You need to set up the number on the new LG LCD. I put it on the windowsill, next to the antenna that I connect to it, so what? LG doesn't see a signal at all, not even an ounce. Maybe it doesn’t support DVB-T2, I thought! I checked the model, no, everything is supported in order. What's wrong with the antenna? No, the old TV works through a set-top box. I'm at a loss!

I connect a set-top box to the new LG (What if!)…….. There is a signal through the set-top box, but below 10% - It’s some kind of mystery why everything is fine with the old TV, but with the new one, which, even when in monitor mode, is connected through the set-top box, - the television signal drops completely. 😯

After a short “Dancing around and around” It turned out!

The power supply of this LG was external and it was connected to the socket there, on the windowsill (there was an extension cord tee there). So, the OH power supply emitted such radio interference that being next to the antenna completely jammed the signal.

As soon as we moved the antenna and power supply of the LCD TV in different directions, several meters, everything immediately returned to normal. Bringing it close to the antenna again, the signal disappeared!

3. If you use an indoor antenna and your window is covered with metal blinds, then they can also seriously interfere with the signal. Keep this in mind!

Starting Frequency: 634 MHz (634 000 KHz)

End Frequency: 858 MHz (858 000 KHz)

Symbol rate: 6875 ks/s

Modulation: 256 QAM

General algorithms for setting up digital channels for various models of LCD TVs:


1. Click on enter the menu - (green button)
2. select from the menu - “Channel” (icon “Satellite dish”)
3. select - "Auto-tuning".
4. select the signal source - “Cable”
5. select - "Digital"
6. click - "Start"


First, we read the stickers on the back wall of the TV, where separately for each tuner (DVB-T and DVB-C) there is a list of countries in which, according to Philips, there is digital broadcasting (at the time the TV was released, but if you update the firmware through their official website, this list may change in subsequent firmware). If our country is not there, then we will have to put some other one from this list.

2. select - "Configuration"
3. select - "Installation"

6. select - "Digital mode"
7. select - "Cable"
8. select - "Automatic"
9. click - "Start"
Setup takes approximately 5-10 minutes.

Philips TV models 2011

1. Click on the icon - “House”
2. select - "Installation"
3. select “Search for channels”
4. select - "Reinstall channels"
5. select - “the country indicated on the sticker on the back panel” (usually NORWAY, France, Finland or Germany)
6. select digital mode - “Cable (DVB-C)”
7. In the “Network frequency” line, enter the frequency
8. in the line “Transfer speed” enter
9. Next, select the line “Scanning frequencies”
Setup takes approximately 5-10 minutes.


1. Press the button - "Menu"
2. select from the menu - "Options"
3. select - "Auto-tuning"
4. select the country - "France, Switzerland, Sweden or Finland"
5. select the signal source - “Cable”
6. select - “Digital”
7. click - "Search"
Setup takes approximately 5-10 minutes.


If your TV model provides for the reception of digital channels, but there is no “DTV MENU” item, then first select another country - France, Switzerland, Sweden or Finland.

1. Press the button - "DTV"
2. press - "DTV MENU"
3. select - "Installation"
4. select - "Auto installation"
5. click - "OK"
Setup takes approximately 5-10 minutes.

SONY models 2010 and onwards.

Since not all SONY models are equipped with a digital tuner for cable TV (DVB-C), you need to check the model of your SONY TV.
Models equipped with a DVB-C tuner are marked KDL-**EX*** or KDL-**NX*** - for example KDL-32EX402R2 the first 3 letters in the model name (KDL) indicate that the TV is “digital” . In models KLV-**BX***, etc. There are no DVB tuners.

1. Press the "MENU" button (for some models it is called "HOME" on the remote control (hereinafter referred to as the remote control). This button is usually blue.
2. Select the “Settings” item.
3. Find the “Digital Configuration” menu in the list of settings and enter it
4. Select "Auto search for digital stations"
5. A source selection window will open - select the TV connection type. Select "cable"
6. In the scan type selection item, select the “full scan” mode
6.1 Or select "Manual"
6.2 Next, enter the frequency
6.3 Leave the access code as “Auto”. Next, enter the symbolic rate

7. Click "start"
Wait until the TV finishes searching for channels.

Pay attention to the bottom of your TV's OSD menu. The bottom menu bar displays hints on which remote control buttons to perform certain actions in the TV menu.


1. Press the button - "Menu"
2. select “Settings”
3. In the window that appears, select “Menu analogue. settings"
4. in the window that appears, select “Add TV signal”
5. in the table that opens, put a tick on the “DVB-C” line and go below and click “Start auto-tuning”

6. After searching for all digital channels, going to the main menu in the “Settings” item, the line “DVB-C setup menu” appears. By selecting this item, you can adjust the settings manually (set the frequency and speed). The menu on your TV may differ from the model shown. In this case, you need to find tabs that are similar in meaning. If your TV asks for a search step, enter 8 MHz.

To configure the built-in DVB-C tuner to receive digital cable television programs, you must use the following parameters (selected in the TV menu):

  • Initial broadcast frequency - 298 MHz (298000 kHz);
  • A total of 16 transponders with a step of 8 mhz;
  • Symbol rate - 6875 Ksim/sec;
  • Modulation - 256 QAM.

These parameters are suitable for tuning based on the network search principle; if the TV does not support it, then you need to use a full search or select frequencies for manual tuning in megahertz: 298, 306, 314, 322, 330, 338, 346, 354, 362, 370, 378, 386, 394, 402, 410, 418.

Digital TV setup example


Decoding of SAMSUNG TV models:

  • Country - Slovakia, Slovenia or Others;
  • Auto search for digital and analogue channels;
  • Source - Cable;
  • Search mode - Network.

General algorithms for setting up digital and analog channels for various models of SAMSUNG LCD TVs:

  • Click on enter the menu;
  • Select from the menu - “Channel” (icon “Satellite dish”);
  • Select - “Auto-tuning”;
  • Select - “Digital”, “Digital and Analog” or “Analog” (depending on the preferred television signal); Click “Start”.

Detailed description of setting up digital channels on SAMSUNG brand TVs starting in 2010:

  1. In order to set up digital TV channels for the vast majority of SAMSUNG models, press the “Menu” button on the remote control, the TV menu will open in which you will need to select the “Channel” section (Satellite dish icon).
  2. Make sure that the "Cable" option is selected in the "Channel-Antenna" menu
  3. To select a country, go to the “Channel-Country” menu item. The TV will ask for a pin code, if you have not changed it, then enter 0000
  4. To have the necessary DTV search parameters, make sure that the following settings are selected in the “Channel-Country” menu: Country -> Digital channel: Other; Analog channel: Eastern Europe
  5. Open the “Channel-Cable Search Options” menu: Start frequency: 298 MHz (298000 kHz); Ending frequency: 418 MHz (418000 kHz); Baud rate: 6875 KS/s; Modulation 256 QAM;
  6. Open the “Channel-Auto-Tuning” menu: Signal source: “Cable”; Channel type: “Digital and analogue.”; You choose the type of channels at your discretion; you can find only digital channels, or digital and analog, or only analog. Click "Next"; Search mode: “Network”.
  7. Click "Next". Once the channel search is complete, click OK. After an automatic search, all digital channels existing on the cable network will be found. Only those broadcasting in unencrypted form will be shown. It is most convenient to remove the remaining channels.

Removing channels:

  • Open the “Channels-Channel Manager” menu or press the “CH LIST” button on the remote control.
  • Select the desired channel (or several, using the “C” (yellow) button on the remote control), press the “TOOLS” button on the remote control and select “Delete”.
  • After confirmation, the selected channel will be deleted.

Channel sorting:

  • To sort the channels, select the one you need (in the “Channel - Channel Manager” menu, or press the “CH LIST” button on the remote control), press the “C” button, then the “TOOLS” button, the “Sorting” menu and move it to the desired position place in order.
  • If you have a SMART TV: Look at the “smart hub” button on the remote control, click and select the channel icon, then see the list of channels, select editing in the upper right corner.

2. LG TVs

General algorithms for setting up digital and analog channels for various models of LG LCD TVs:

  • Press the button - “Menu”;
  • Select from the menu - “Options”;
  • Select - “Auto-tuning”;
  • Select the country - “France, Switzerland, Sweden or Finland”;
  • Select the signal source - “Cable”;
  • Select - “Digital”;
  • Click - “Search”.

Setup takes approximately 5-10 minutes.

Detailed description of setting up digital channels on LG TVs:

  1. In order to set up high-definition digital TV channels on the vast majority of LG models, press the “Menu” button on the remote control, you will see the TV menu in which you will need to select the “Options” section.
  2. Specify the country "Russia".
  3. Go to the “Settings” menu, “Auto search” item and specify the method of connecting to the TV “Cable”.
  4. In the window that opens, go to “Settings” and enter the following parameters: Search type: “Quick”; Frequency: 298000 (kHz); Speed characters: 6875; Modulation: 256 QAM; Network ID: auto.
  5. If you did everything correctly and saved all the changed parameters, then during the search your channels will be detected.
  6. An important feature of LG TVs is “Automatic channel update” function. It must be disabled, otherwise the TV will periodically reset the channel list you have configured. To do this, go to “Digital cable settings - Channel auto update”: Off

Channel sorting:

To sort channels, select “Settings” -> “Auto search” -> “Cable” -> Uncheck (√) from “Auto numbering” -> “Run”. After setting up all channels, the necessary buttons will appear in the “Program Editor”.

3. SONY brand TVs

Since not all SONY models are equipped with a digital tuner for cable TV (DVB-C), you need to check the model of your SONY TV. Models equipped with a DVB-C tuner are marked KDL-**EX*** or KDL-**NX*** - for example KDL-2EX402R2, the first 3 letters in the model name (KDL) indicate that the TV is digital.” In models KLV-**BX***, etc. There are no DVB tuners.

General algorithms for setting up digital channels for various models of SONY LCD TVs:

  • Press the “MENU” button (for some models it is called “HOME” on the remote control (hereinafter referred to as the remote control). This button is usually blue;
  • Select the item “Settings”;
  • Find the “Digital Configuration” menu in the list of settings and enter it;
  • Select “Auto search for digital stations”;
  • A source selection window will open - select the TV connection type. Select "Cable";
  • In the scan type selection item, select the “Full Scan” mode.
  • Or by selecting the “Manual” item, enter: Frequency: 298 MHz (298000 kHz); Access code: "Auto"; Symbol rate: 6875.
  • Next, click “Start” and wait until the TV finishes searching for channels.

Pay attention to the bottom of your TV's OSD menu. The bottom menu bar displays hints on which remote control buttons to perform certain actions in the TV menu.

4. PHILIPS brand TVs

  1. Press the “Home” button on the remote control
  2. Select “Search for channels”
  3. Select “Reinstall channels”
  4. Select the country “Germany”
  5. Select “DVB-C cable”
  6. In the list of operators, select “Others”
  7. Press right on the remote control and select “Settings”
  8. Set frequency scanning to “Full”
  9. Set the transfer speed to “Manual”
  10. Set the transfer speed to “6875”
  11. We will turn on analogue channels only if they are needed.
  12. Click “Done”, return to the previous menu
  13. Let's start the search

Alternative option

To set up a PHILIPS brand TV, first read the stickers on the back of the TV, where separately for each tuner (DVB-T and DVB-C) there is a list of countries in which, according to PHILIPS, there is digital broadcasting (at the time of release of the TV, but If you update the firmware through their official website, then this list may change in subsequent firmware). If Russia is not in the list, then select Slovakia, Slovenia or Others.

General algorithms for setting up digital channels for various models of PHILIPS LCD TVs:

  • Click on the icon - “House”;
  • Select - “Installation”;
  • Select “Search for channels”;
  • Select - “Reinstall channels”;
  • Select - Country - Russia or Others. If Russia is not in the list, then select - Slovakia, Slovenia or Others;
  • Select digital mode - “Cable (DVB-C)”;
  • In the “Network frequency” line, enter the frequency - 298 MHz (298000 kHz);
  • In the “Transmission speed” line, enter the speed - 6875 Ks/s;
  • In the line “Scanning frequencies” - 256 QAM.

Setup takes approximately 5-10 minutes.

Detailed description of setting up digital channels on PHILIPS brand TVs:

  1. Press the "Menu" button on the remote control;
  2. In the TV menu that opens, select the “Configuration” section;
  3. Select the "Install" tab;
  4. After clicking the "OK" button, you will move to the second menu field, then go to the "Channel Settings" tab;
  5. After clicking the “OK” button, the third part of the menu will open, where you need to select “Automatic”. installations";
  6. Next you will see a message about updating the channel list. Click "Start";
  7. Select "Reinstall channels";
  8. In the “Country” section, you must select Russia, but if this country is not in the proposed list, then select Slovakia, Slovenia or Others;
  9. Since you are connecting to digital television via a DVB-C cable network, you must select “Cable”;
  10. Before you start searching for channels, select “Settings” to manually correct the search parameters;
  11. Set the baud rate to manual mode. In the tab, change the transmission speed manually from the control panel to the desired one. In some TV models, the flow rate is indicated in the “Character 1” tab; “Character 2” is left at 0;
  12. Now set the network frequency to manual mode and enter from the control panel:
  13. Frequency: 298.00;
  14. Data transfer rate: 6875 ks/s;
  15. QAM: 256.
  16. After clicking the “finish” tab, you will again be taken to the channel launch menu, now you can start scanning.

If you did everything correctly and saved all the changed parameters, then during the search your channels will be detected.

5. TVs of the PANASONIC brand

Setting up digital channels on PANASONIC brand TVs:

Option 1

  • Press the “Menu” button;
  • Select the item “Settings”;
  • In the window that appears, select “Menu analogue. settings";
  • In the window that appears, select “Add TV signal”;
  • In the table that opens, put a tick in the “DVB-C” line;
  • Click “Start auto-tuning”;
  • After searching for all digital channels, going to the main menu in the “Settings” item, the line “DVB-C setup menu” appears. By selecting this item, you can adjust the setting manually (set the frequency to 298 MHz (298000 kHz) and speed to 6875 Ks/s).

The menu of your TV may differ from the model offered. In this case, you need to find tabs that are similar in meaning. If your TV asks for a search step, enter 8 MHz.

Option 2

  • Press the “Menu” button;
  • Select the item “Settings”;
  • Go to the subsection “DVB-C Settings”;
  • Select the “Auto Configuration” subsection;
  • In the “Auto Configuration” menu enter the following values: Frequency: 298 MHz; Symbol rate: 6875 Ksim/s; Note that there is no “modulation” parameter. Search mode: “All channels”; Scan mode: “Fast” (or “Full”); Network ID: "auto".
  • Click on “Start scanning automatically”.

Channel scanning lasts from 3 (“Fast”) to 10 minutes (“Full” scanning), after which the TV automatically displays a list of all channels configured by this tuner. The channel list will be displayed automatically, or it can be found in the DVB-C setup menu.

6. SHARP brand TVs

Setting up digital channels on SHARP brand TVs:

Models: 46 (52, 65) XS1, LE700. If your TV model provides for the reception of digital channels, but there is no “DTV MENU” item, then first select another country - Slovakia, Slovenia or Others.

  • Press the “DTV” button;
  • Press “DTV MENU”;
  • Select “Installation”;
  • Select “Auto installation”;
  • Click "OK".

Setup takes approximately 5-10 minutes.

7. DUNE HD brand media players

DUNE HD TV-102W-C can also act as a set-top box for watching digital television (cable (DVB-C) and Internet television (IPTV). Settings:

  1. Go to the main menu by pressing the “TOP MENU” button on the remote control;
  2. Select “Settings”
  3. Select “Applications”
  4. In the “Cable TV” or “DVB-C” section, enter the following values: Network scanning: No; Initial frequency, kHz: 298000; Final frequency, kHz: 418000; Interval: 8 MHz; Modulation: QAM 256; Symbol speed, kS/s: 6875
  5. Confirm the scan by pressing the “OK” button
  6. To view channels, go to the main menu by pressing the “TOP MENU” button on the remote control
  7. Go to the “TV” section
  8. Select “Cable TV” or “DVB-C”
  9. To start watching TV, select any of the found channels