Total commander folder creation. Setting up Total Commander - wise tips

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about this indispensable program for any computer user (and webmaster, in particular), like Total Commander. Probably, for many people the presence of this file manager on their computer has already become a vital necessity, and for some it (nee Windows Commander) is a kind of portal from which they start working on their PC.

Do you use Total or its analogues in your work? Are you using standard Windows Explorer? It’s strange, but also understandable at the same time. What an unprepared user sees immediately after installing this program on his computer may puzzle him somewhat.

A bunch of “extra” information about files, a lot of incomprehensible drop-down menus and not the best (in my opinion) initial set of settings inevitably lead to what the user does wrong conclusion(the guide is a must have, but this is not clear). With this article I want to try to show the potential of the commander and tell how exactly he can be made “handsome”.

History of Total Commander, its installation and nuances

First, let's dive a little into the history of the creation and development of this file manager, and then we'll see what exactly can be molded from this initially not very pretty, but at the same time brilliant creation. In general, the idea of ​​a two-window option was implemented almost at the dawn of the computer era.

Probably, some of the readers still remember Norton Commander, which for many was a window into the file world of Dos. Users opened all programs, games and other things from this manager. Well, and, accordingly, they copied, deleted, replaced and moved. Two-window operating mode was very convenient and did not require the use of a mouse to perform various operations, because the corresponding hotkeys were assigned for this.

Then, with the advent of the first versions of the Windows graphical operating system, the explorer integrated into the “windows” began to become more and more widespread. But, alas, it was not so convenient. It focused on using the mouse (selection, dragging, right-click context menu) and most importantly, it moved away from the two-window operating mode.

People suffered, groaned, but continued to use Windows Explorer, because they did not know that there were alternative options, and when they found out, it was already too late, because they were getting used to it. It was to eliminate this shortcoming that two-window file manager programs began to appear for Windows, very reminiscent in their appearance blue Norton Commander windows.

The most prominent representatives became still existing Far Manager And Volkov Commander. In appearance they were very reminiscent of the classic Norton. It was these programs that I used at the beginning of my acquaintance with Windows, because Explorer seemed to me then (and it seems now) bad decision from all points of view.

But then I decided to try Windows Commander(Until 2002, Total was called exactly that, but then the small softies asked the developer to remove the word they had patented from the name). Actually, this is where the era of my mastery of this file manager begins.

Total Commander is, in my opinion, a very good solution, because Far Manager and Volkov, with their DOS appearance and graphics, made me sad and dissonant with the general surroundings of the “windows”.

Well, when I began to slowly delve into its functionality and feel the full power of it limitless possibilities and settings, then it actually became the main program on my computer for me.

Do you know why Total Commander evokes so many enthusiastic responses from those users who were able to comprehend it? But because it allows you to save time on routine operations(we most often save, copy, delete or move objects or folders on the computer) and besides this, it makes it possible to do in two clicks what you could only dream of, seeing the powerlessness of the explorer in front of the tasks facing you.

So, the first release of the program (then with the word Windows in the title) was released back in 1993. And for almost two decades now, it has very firmly occupied a leading position in its niche. During this time, a lot of Total clones appeared (among which many were freely distributed), which were no worse, and in some places even better than the original, but for the reasons given below, the original still remains the ideal for many.

This is largely determined by the force of habit, but the main factor in such vitality has become Availability huge amount plugins(add-ons) for Commander, which allow you to implement an unimaginably wide range of tasks using this file manager. Among the plugins, both green lamers and incredibly smart guru-programmers will find something interesting for themselves.

Even the developer of this miracle, Christian Giesler, said in an interview that initially he did not believe in such a power of plugins (although their support was initially added to the manager) and much of what is now implemented in Total through plugins would never have come to his head. A little later we will talk about where you can download the extensions you need, what types they are divided into and how they can be installed.

Also, the popularity of Total Commander is largely determined by the very weak degree of protection of its paid nature (in RuNet, until recently, it was considered “cool” when your computer was full of expensive software). Yes, I forgot to say that this program distributed under a Shareware license, which implies it free use within a month, after which you will have to pay an amount of about four dozen dollars.

But in fact, even after a month, the program will work properly, except that only before starting the program will continue to ask you to press one of three buttons:

Actually, it’s probably worth saying that download Total Commander (infinite trial) current version it will be possible on the page official website. On this moment these are 32 and 64 bit version 8.01 final. In fact, there is not much difference in them, but users think rather inertly and for a 64-bit operating system they definitely need the same number of bit programs.

Since 2009, the distribution of this file manager has already included support for Russian-language interface(the help, however, will still be in English - to help you). During installation, you will be asked about the language you want and whether you want to install all other language files.

Full Russian translation with the Russian help for the Commander (there is a “Help” button at the top right) can be downloaded from the official website. When you try to enter this archive through Total (this manager allows you to enter archives like regular folders), it will prompt you to install this Russification:

If you don’t want to install Russian help, then you can use its online version - a site with Russian help for Total Commander.

It is worth noting that when installing the program to select a folder configuration file locations, you will need to click on the “Set path to ini files” button (when changing the operating system or transferring the settings of your Commander to another computer, it is very convenient to simply copy these ini files, and not remember where and what you configured there twenty years ago ).

Yes, and your friends, relatives or acquaintances will be able to install Total and immediately replace the existing wincmd.ini with your own(and copy the folder with your plugins to expand the functionality), thereby demonstrating not the ugly default Commander, but the masterpiece of usability and functionality you created.

Immediately after installation, the program window will look something like this:

I don't like the default one bold font, I don’t like that it’s selected verbose mode display, which simply frightens the unprepared user with the abundance of information. I don't like the names of the directories either. square brackets, displaying extensions separately from files, the paucity of the toolbar and much more. My current version of the ideal Total Commander looks like this:

In the left column you will find a list of organized sections with plugins, by going to which you will see them detailed description, screenshots and download links. This site, although it looks a little abandoned, nevertheless provides quite a lot of useful information.

In general, plugins for Total Commander are divided into several types. This becomes clear from the corresponding program settings tab:

I have quite a lot of extensions installed, for example, for the internal viewer (F3 - the viewing window will open in an external tab or Ctrl+Q - the file will be viewed in the adjacent panel). These plugins have the extension .WLX and you can see all the extensions of this type installed by you by clicking the “Configure” button in the appropriate area:

Such an abundance of plugins in my Total Commander allows, by selecting the desired file in the panel and pressing Ctrl+Q, see its contents on the next panel, be it video, audio, Word document or any other object of a common format. If you use the arrows on the keyboard to navigate through files, then, thanks to these plugins, their contents will be quickly displayed in the adjacent viewing window.

In general, my version of the program is crammed with all sorts of extensions, even beyond measure, but the supply, as they say, does not break the pocket. In addition to the site mentioned just above, plugins can also be downloaded from the website.

If you are too lazy to look for it yourself suitable extensions, That you can use my plugins. True, your Total settings will be reset and replaced with mine. If this suits you, or you are able to rip out the lines related to plugins from my Wincmd.ini.

All you have to do is unpack it and copy the Plugins folder to the root directory of your manager (totalcmd), and the Wincmd.ini configuration file (which contains installed plugins) either put it in the root of the totalcmd folder, or in the location that you specified for storing Wincmd when installing Commander (see above).

Now let's talk a little about toolbar, which you can customize at your own discretion. This is done quite simply - right-click on empty space(or by icon) on the toolbar and select the “Edit” context menu item. If you click on the icon, then along with the above item you will have the opportunity to delete, copy or cut an existing icon from the panel:

As a result, a window for adding a new item to this panel will open:

You will be able to create a button:

For each toolbar button you create, you can select an icon. Moreover, if there is nothing suitable in the default library, then no one is stopping you using the button with two >> to find another icon library on your computer or select separate file with an icon (for example, with a png extension). Where to get a lot beautiful icons I won’t teach you, because it goes against the religion of this blog (or something like that).

What can Total Commander do (basic)

It's difficult to sort through its main features. It is clear that it allows you to sort, delete, copy and view information about all objects located on your computer or on network drives in a user-friendly way. With the help of plugins, you can even view the content of mobile devices.

But besides this, Total Commander can and has a lot of useful things:

    Searching in it (Alt+F7) is in many ways superior search capabilities operating system. It will be especially useful for webmasters search by file contents(this helped me find signatures). Remember I talked about such a wonderful tool as. When you use it to study your site, then with the search CSS rules, responsible for something on a web page, no problems arise, because the firebug itself will tell you the name of the style file and even the line in it.

    Another thing is the search. desired object in the site engine folders (CMS can contain several thousand individual files), which generates HTML code one or another section of a web page. This is where searching for Total by the contents of any number of files will come in handy. You can download the entire folder to your computer or you can connect to the site via FTP using the manager integrated into this FTP client and, which is essentially no worse than what I have already described:

    But even a regular search by name through Total Commander has a very flexible settings(estimated weight range, creation dates, available attributes), which are hidden in the “Advanced” tab:

  1. FTP client integrated into this file manager allows you to connect to your site via the FTP protocol and work with its objects exactly as if they were on your computer. To select a connection, just press CTRL+F, and if you have not configured any connection yet, then in the window that opens, simply click on the “Add” button. The settings are not much different from the FileZilla I described, but according to rumors, Total Commander has a problem with password security, which prompted me to switch to FileZilla.

    P.S. It turns out that Filezilla is also unsafe because it stores passwords unencrypted. They were recently taken away from me, and after... However, I found a solution for myself that allows me to safely work with sites via FTP, both through Total Commander and Filezilla. If this topic is interesting to you, then read about and.

  2. Show all files without subdirectories(Ctlr+B) - if you are too lazy to climb through all the subfolders of a directory opened in one of the tabs, you can use this function. If desired, you can then copy (move) all these files to a folder open in the adjacent panel. Sometimes it is very useful.
  3. Bulk renaming(Ctlr+M) - select on any tab required quantity files that need to be renamed using a specific mask. The tool is very sophisticated and you can use it to create miracles:

  4. Directory synchronization - available from the Commands menu. Allows you to compare and supplement catalogs, for example, from a laptop and a desktop computer.
  5. Internal Associations - Available from the Files menu. All objects that you open from Commander by double-clicking can be associated (set to open) with any programs on your computer. And this can be done contrary to what associations you have configured in the system.
  6. Depending on the number of archive plugins installed in your file manager, you can directly unpack (Alt+F9), pack (Alt+F5) and check (Alt+Shift+F9) archives of the types supported by these extensions. You can enter archives like regular folders, which is very convenient.
  7. You can print a list of all the objects you have selected (you can also include subdirectories). Available from the “Files” - “Print” menu. You can also get a list of files using the corresponding Total commands or by selecting the appropriate item from top menu"Launch".
  8. In the "View" menu you can configure various ways display. By default, detailed mode is used, but it is less pressing on the brain, in my opinion. "brief".

    To view image previews, you can use the mode "View Thumbnails"(their size is set in the Commander settings). Of course, for viewing and working with photos it would be better to use specialized programs(for example, my favorite), but sometimes run for this separate application may not be advisable.

  9. It is possible that this is not very relevant now, but nevertheless, from time to time the opportunity of this manager may come in handy. I'm talking about the ability to cut a file into pieces no larger than the specified size, and then glue it together. Items split and collect files available from the menu of the same name.
  10. There you can also create and check checksum for halyards.
  11. As I already mentioned and showed above, for the million other commands provided in Commander, you can configure sets of hot keys or add buttons to the toolbar. The possibilities in this regard are simply endless.

Good luck to you! Before see you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Total Commander is a simple file manager at first glance, which has so many useful functions and capabilities that both beginners and advanced users will definitely find something they need. Let's look at some of the most popular and simple ones.

First of all, the good thing about Total Commander is that it makes it very easy to work with files and folders. When you launch the program, you will see a window that is divided into two parts. In each part you can select the required file.

To do this, click on the title the desired disk on the panel at the top of the window. This will open a list of all folders and files that are on the disk.

All you have to do is open the folder with necessary file or click on the file name if it is located in the root of the disk. (Fig. 1)

Total Commander allows you to perform basic actions with files with just one click: copy, move, rename, delete. For example, you need to copy a file from one folder to another. Open the folder containing the this file, and on the right - the folder into which this file needs to be copied. Next, simply drag the file with the left button from one part of the window to another. Alternatively, you can use hotkey F5. (Fig. 2)

Moving files is done in a similar way, but instead of the F5 button, F6 is used. If you are using manual drag, then hold down Shift key. (Fig. 3)

If you need to select several files in a row to perform operations on them, hold down the Shift key and click on the name of the first one and last file. In this case, all files in the list between them will be selected. (Fig. 4)

If the files are not nearby, click on them while holding Ctrl key. (Fig. 5)

It often becomes necessary to change the file extension if you saved it in the wrong format, or if your computer does not support some formats. Execute slowly double click left click or press Shift+F6. Now you can change the extension or rename the file. (Fig. 6)

With Total Commander you can quickly view files without opening them. To do this, use the F3 key. The F8 key is used to delete files.

Navigation in the program is very convenient. Let’s say that to go directly to the root of the disk, you should press the “\” button. To go up one level, use the ".." button or double-click on the first line "[..]". For convenience, you can sort folders and files by various parameters: name, size, date or type.

To make it easier to work in the program, I recommend studying the settings. Select the menu item Configuration / Settings. A window like this will open. (Fig. 7)

If you are just starting out with Total Commander, proceed with caution and only change basic settings. For example, you can make the file context menu called right click mice. To do this, in the left part of the Settings window, select Basic Operations. In the window that opens, select the Left button switch (as is customary in Windows) in the Mouse selection item. After this, you can rename, delete, copy files, select a program to view, just by right-clicking, as in Windows environment. (Fig. 8)

Also, using the settings, you can change the interface language, window design, column contents, appearance of disk and partition buttons, display of hidden files, etc. As you can see, the program’s capabilities are quite wide, the main thing is to learn how to use them correctly.

Distant work with high wages

Hello everyone, today I’ll tell you what kind of program Total Commander is, so that you can easily understand whether you need it or not. In general, well, whoever doesn’t know this program, probably everyone knows it. But here’s a small correction: EVERYONE KNEW this program BEFORE, but now not everyone knows it anymore. It's just that it used to be very popular, but now not so many people use it...

Well, Total Commander is a kind of file manager that can do everything with files, copy them there, create folders and all that. In general, this program has no equal in this matter. What’s interesting is that I just didn’t know, it turns out that the program was previously called Windows Commander. But in 2002, Microsoft said, well, they quickly renamed the program! And since then the program has been called Total Commander. I think that Microsoft didn’t want users to think that it made the program, but Windows name Commander is hinting at exactly this.. In general, this is a trifle, just interesting

The program works very quickly and it’s even difficult for me to imagine a computer on which it would slow down. As for me, the program is simply excellent, although I admit that I hardly used it. I don’t know why, but I didn’t have such a need.

If you want to install it for yourself, please note that there is a version for both 32-bit Windows and 64-bit. But if you suddenly download the 32-bit version of the program on 64-bit Windows, then in principle there will be nothing terrible, the program will work, but if it’s the other way around, then you won’t even be able to install the program

Total Commander runs under the process TOTALCMD64.EXE, here it is in the manager:

The program is installed in the root system disk, in this folder:

After launching Total Commander, you will see a window where it will be written that you can use the program for free for a month. And then you need to either buy it or delete it. That's how strict things are, guys. This is the window:

And at the bottom of the window there’s also this thing, like, press some number, well, do you know what this is? This is such a cartoon for programs that give free trial period. You know, they are creating something like this artificial complexity, because if you had bought Total Commander, then nothing like this would have happened. Such a complex thing should seem to push you to buy..

After I pressed the number, the Settings window itself appeared:

Well, I looked at these settings and I don’t think there’s anything worth changing there. Unless you know, on the Panel Contents tab, there you can check the boxes to display hidden files, system files:

But again, these checkboxes are worth checking if you are a more or less advanced user, hidden files are hidden for a reason

Here is the main window of Total Commander:

This is the window, this is the whole principle of the program, the whole essence of the Commander! On one side you have one disk, on the other side you have another disk. And now you can copy and move files back and forth. To select or change a drive, you need to click here and select the drive letter:

Well, then you can do something in the program. Now, if you call up the Network menu, then look, Commander also supports working with a network drive, with FTP, and even some kind of connection can be established via the LPT/USB port:

To be honest, I haven’t tested all these possibilities to see how they work. But due to the fact that the program is not new and has been known for a long time, I think that everything works here clearly and without gags

Although, you know, just for fun, I’ll still try to go to the free and open FTP Opera server, by the way, here is its address:

In the Network menu, I selected New FTP connection, then I inserted the Opera server in the window and clicked OK:

Then a window popped up asking me to enter some mailing address. Honestly, I don’t know why this is needed, but I entered a fake one, I just wrote [email protected], and then this Firewall window appeared:

It's simple Windows Firewall asks us if Total Commander can go online. After all, to access an FTP server, it goes without saying that you need to go to the Internet. In general, just click Allow access and don’t worry

That’s it, after this, in the first half of the program there will be the selected disk, well, which was selected earlier, but in the second half the contents of the FTP server will appear:

And that’s it, now you can drag something from the FTP server to the disk. You can upload something to an FTP server, but I’m not sure that the Opera server supports this. And so in general you can calmly

For example, I dragged the opera-developer folder (don’t pay attention to these brackets, this is kind of the design) from the FTP server to drive C (that is, to the drive on the left). A window like this pops up, just click OK:

Well, look, files have started to download from the FTP server to disk:

Well, that is, everything works clearly, which we are convinced of

Then, to delete the folder, I clicked once on it and then clicked Del button(or you can also press F8), after which the following window pops up:

Then some other confirmation popped up, after which the folder was quickly deleted.

In general, Commander has a lot of functions, I don’t even know all of them, but I don’t think it will be difficult for you to understand them.

Well, what do you think, do you need this Total Commander program or not? It seems to me that although the program is useful, it is unlikely that an ordinary user will use it. Some advanced users can and will use it, but the average user is unlikely to need all the functions that are in Commander. And even in such a format as the Total Commander program, you still need to spend a couple of minutes to understand it

It's time to talk about this very useful program How - Total Commander. Many people don’t even know what kind of program this is; in this article we will look at the principles of its operation and main functions.

Total Commander is a file manager that works in operating system Windows. If anyone doesn’t know what a file manager is, then a file manager is computer program, which provides a user interface for working with file system. The file manager allows you to perform the most common operations on files and folders: creating, opening, viewing, editing, moving, renaming, copying, deleting, changing attributes and properties, searching for files and assigning rights.

Now I think you have an idea of ​​what a file manager and in particular Total Commander is, and now let's move on directly to the operation of the program itself, then the screenshot shows the program interface:

Regular computer users use standard conductor Windows, which is a file manager, but those users who very often copy, move, delete files and folders get tired of using a regular Explorer, as it takes much more time, which is why advanced users use alternative file managers and the most popular One of them is Total Commander. And it’s popular not because it’s just popular, but because it’s not just a file manager, but the whole system computer control.

Main functions of Total Commander

  • Operations with files and folders;
  • Working with archives ( internal packer, internal unpackers for ZIP formats, ARJ, LZH, gzip, tar, RAR and ACE);
  • Cutting and assembling large files;
  • Group file renaming and directory synchronization;
  • Built-in FTP client with SSL/TLS support;
  • Drag&Drop support using mouse;
  • Advanced file search, including text search in any files, including multiple drives and FTP; search for duplicate files; search inside archives;
  • Built-in file viewer ( lister) to view files of any size in hexadecimal, binary or text format using the character set "DOS", "ANSI"/"Windows", Unicode, UTF-8 and others;
  • Keyboard shortcuts for viewing, editing, copying and deleting files ( opportunity full control without using a mouse).

Now let's move on to the principles of the program. It is very easy to learn how to use it, since the program interface tells you what and how, and you can already figure it out intuitively. For example: if you pay attention to the picture above, you will see the location drives A,C,D,E,F etc. these are your sections hard drive and by clicking on one you will go to it, and then to the desired folder. For example, in the picture above “C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\1049\” is open folder and it displays the files located there.

As you have already noticed, the program is divided into two parts ( for comfort), i.e. You go from one side to one section, and on the other side to a completely different one (whichever you need) and perform operations with files, folders, for example, copy, and you no longer need to click on folders for a long time and move from one section to another as in conductor.

As I already said, you can use Total Commander without a mouse; at the bottom of the program (you can see it in the picture) you will see hot keys, i.e. most frequently used. For example, by pressing the F5 button, you will copy the selected file or directory to the opposite directory, which will currently be open on your other side. Or, for example, if you press the key combination alt+f1 or alt+f2, then a selection menu will open hard section disk, respectively alt+f1 on the left alt+f2 on the right. All keyboard shortcuts and simple keys are described in more detail in the help, which, as you can see, is located in the right top corner (menu hotkeys).

Now I’ll tell you about this very useful function in total - this is his powerful “search”. Go to the desired section (in which you need to search for certain files) press the keyboard shortcut alt+f7 or using the menu " Tools ->File Search", as a result, a window will open in which you can set a search condition. Let's look at a few examples:

  • You need to find all the pictures in jpg format on disk D. Your actions - go to section D, run the search (alt+f7) and in the field "find files» write the following *.jpg and at the same time all files in you will be searched jpg format, i.e. we search by file mask, click start search.
  • You need to find documents in which the word “programmer” will appear. You simply go to the desired section, start the search and in the “ with text» write “programmer” and all files in which the word programmer appears will be searched.
  • You need to find all files that appeared before a certain date ( for example, until the new year). You start the search, go to the “ additionally" and in the field " date between" or " no older than"set your condition and press " To start searching».

As mentioned above, this program has its own built-in FTP client. You press the key combination ctrl+f or through the menu “ FTP->connect to ftp server" Next press “ add" and fill in the fields:

  • Header – any connection name
  • Server name – IP address ftp server or Domain name ftp server
  • Account – Your login
  • Password – Your password

In principle, everything, but you can also set other parameters ( For example, passive mode ), if necessary and just press OK, and then “ Connect».

You know the basics of the program and now you can use it yourself and learn more and more new functions of the Total Commander program.

At first you will think that this is complex program, but after actually working with it, you will understand all the delights of this program. At first I was also reluctant to get used to this program, but when I got a job at a computer and began to perform operations with files very often, I immediately got used to this program, because while working in Totale, I stopped using the mouse, and the speed of my work increased by times!

For software lovers, an article about how to use total commander.
The first computer users learned to use programs at random; knowledge often helped in English and great curiosity - at one time many people managed to install hundreds of programs and whatever you say, one of those programs that is not deleted or forgotten is total commander.
Why total commander so popular? Fast loading files from one medium to another, many additions and it’s just cool to be able to do something that others can’t.
Let's start studying this program without long introductions.

Start the program.
Since I am using an unregistered program, I am forced to read the message first and click on specified button for the program to work.

(Picture 1)

Interface My version is probably outdated - now ribbons are popular, like in Office 2010, instead of menus.
1. In the title bar you can find out the version of the program and find out whether it is registered.

(Figure 2)

2. Menu – each list has various commands, next to which “Hot Keys” are indicated, or a black triangle which indicates that there is additional window with a list of commands.

(Figure 3)

3. Toolbar - for quick access to the teams. By clicking on the button, we call the command. Moreover, some buttons will have to be pressed twice in order for the second window to work or for a window to turn off.
To find out which button is what it means, just move the cursor to it and wait for the tooltip to appear.

(Figure 4)

4. In Figure 4 you see a directory tree, where you can go to any logical drive by clicking on the icon as in “My Computer”, or expand folders by clicking on the plus sign.
5. Next on the left and right there are drop-down lists in which you can select logical drives or disk drives that will be open in windows. (Alt+F1 and Alt+F2 – for the second window).

(Figure 5)

6. The actual windows themselves, which display the contents of the directories. Here you can drag files and folders from one window to another.
The figure shows that after dragging, a dialog box appears in which we can click “ok” and agree with the selection of the folder to copy, or select the desired folder in the “Tree” of directories.

(Figure 6)

7. You can also select files by right-clicking and then, by clicking on the button from the list below, apply the appropriate command to these files and folders. The program makes extensive use of hotkeys.

(Figure 7)

To move from folder to folder and parent directory while in the window, just click on the arrow icon while in the folder to return or go up a level.

(Figure 8)

So, minimum set actions learned, however total program commander can do much more - for example, split and assemble files into parts, archive and unpack, connect to network drives, connect to servers on the Internet via ftp, but this is for advanced users, which you will become after mastering the main points of this review.

Now you know how to use total commander and can successfully use its main tools.