Right angle bracket on the keyboard. Learn more about how to make square brackets on the keyboard. How to put emphasis in Word

In Russian, when typing text, there are different ways to display quotation marks. This punctuation mark is paired and serves to highlight quotes and various titles. In another way, the “herringbone” quotes are also called “French”, since it is assumed that they were invented by the Frenchman Guillaume Le Be.

How to put Christmas tree quotes

IMPORTANT! Methods for printing Christmas tree quotes in popular programs:

Word: in order for the Christmas tree quotes to appear in the text of the document, you need to check whether the layout for the Russian language is enabled in the lower right corner of the screen, and with this layout press and hold the SHIFT button; then press the number 2 button - the sign “ should be displayed. After this, a word is written that will be displayed in quotation marks. Next, press and hold the SHIFT key again and press button 2.
REFERENCE! The SHIFT key must be held down, not pressed, one or more times, and press 2 (SHIFT + 2) at the same time as SHIFT.

Excel: Since this editor is not a text editor, the method for Word will not work. The simplest method in this case is to copy the herringbone quotation mark from Word and paste it into Excel. If the document already has quotes of a different type (English double quotes, for example), then you need to hold CTRL, press H (CTRL + H) and replace the character with the symbol "or " copied from Word.
Photoshop: similar to Excel - copy the desired character (" or ") from Word.

Other ways to print Christmas tree quotes

IMPORTANT! To display Christmas tree quotes in the program you need, there are other methods:

Using keyboard shortcuts (ALT+0171). In any editor (Word, Excel, Photoshop, etc.) hold down ALT and on the keyboard on the right press the numbers 0171 one by one.
HELP!The NumLock indicator should light up. ALT + 0171 - for the „ sign, and ALT + 0187 - for the “ sign.

Using HTML code: If you are writing HTML code, then for the Christmas tree quotes, use the codes " and " respectively.
Using symbols without a keyboard: in Word and Excel, click “Insert” - “Symbol”; select the desired sign.

What other quotes are there?

Herringbone quotation marks are far from the only type of quotation marks; there are also:

“German quotation marks” (“paws”);
"English double";
‘English singles’;
"Polish quotes";
"Swedish reverse"
REFERENCE! For the " sign, you can use the keyboard shortcut ALT + 34 on the NumLock keyboard.

In everyday life, Christmas tree quotation marks are often called “Russian”, meaning their use with the Russian language layout. SHIFT + 2 is the simplest key combination for typing these quotes in text editors.

Do you know how to put square brackets in Word? If yes, then you still won’t name four ways to do it, but they exist. These are the ones we will talk about in this article. We will look at the most trivial methods, and the most sophisticated - those that few people will use, but they still exist. As they say, just in case.

We use a standard keyboard

The way that everyone knows is to use the corresponding keys on the keyboard. It might not be included in the article, but for users who are just starting to master the computer, it is necessary to know it. Therefore, we will now tell you how to put square brackets in Word using the keyboard.

By looking at it, you can find the icon of square brackets on the Russian keys "X" and "Ъ". Of course, pressing these keys while the Russian language is selected in the system will not achieve anything - the corresponding letters will be printed. The trick is different. You should change the system language. For those who don’t know, this is done by pressing ALT + SHIFT or CTRL + SHIFT (depending on the system itself). If this option seems complicated to you, then you can change the language by clicking on the corresponding button on the taskbar. You can see its location in the picture.

Once the system is set to English, you can safely press these buttons. So you have learned how to put square brackets in Word using a regular keyboard. Well, now let's move on.

Using special characters

Now let's figure out how to put square brackets in Word 2007 using special characters. Of course, this method may work on other versions of the program, but the example will be given on the specified one.

Initially, you should open the corresponding window in Word. To do this, initially go to the "Insert" tab. In it you need to find the "Symbol" button. It is located on the right side of the ribbon. By clicking on it, you will open a menu in which you need to select “Symbol”.

So, the required window is open. You need the place in the drop-down list called “Set”, select “Basic Latin”. After this, symbols from this category will appear in the main field of the window. Scroll down the table, find the ones you need and highlight them. After that, click the "Insert" button and they will be printed in the document.

Now you know the second way to put square brackets. In Word 2010, by the way, this method works on a similar principle.

We use hexadecimal code

Now we will tell you how to put square brackets in Word using hexadecimal code. This method, rather, belongs to the category of sophisticated ones. Now you will understand why.

Here is the hexadecimal code for the character "[" - 005B, but for the character "]" - 005D. As you can see, remembering them is quite easy. Now we'll tell you how to use them.

In order to insert square brackets into text using this method, you need to enter this code into the text itself, and then press the ALT + X key combination. You can try this right now, after this operation your code will turn into the character you need.

We use formulas

By the way, when you opened the table of special symbols, in the drop-down menu, next to the “Symbol” button, there was a second icon - “Formulas”. Now we will just talk about how to insert square brackets using formula input.

This method is unlikely to be used for normal typing in a document, but if you want to enter a formula into it, then it will come in handy.

So, as soon as you click this button, a form for entering an equation will be inserted into the text, and the equation designer will open in the toolbar. In the designer, find the "Bracket" button and click it. In the menu that appears, you need to click on the square brackets, between which there is a translucent square. After clicking, this form will appear in the document. Click on that square and enter text - it will be inserted between the brackets

Using Alt code

The article presented methods for the latest versions of Word, but now it’s time to talk about how to put square brackets in Word 2003. Although this method works anywhere and even outside the named program.

The method is very simple: you just need to remember the sequence. For the "[" bracket, it will look like a combination of three keys: ALT, 9 and 1, and for the "]" bracket - ALT, 9, 3. By pressing them, you will get the desired result.

How to put a square bracket on the keyboard, methods.

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Situations often arise when you need to put this or that sign when writing text, but how to do it is not clear. This is what happens with a symbol such as square brackets. Not all users can figure out how to write them correctly.

However, it is not at all difficult, in fact, there are even several ways to write square brackets.

The first way, the easiest and fastest, is to put a square bracket using the keyboard.

Instructions in two steps:

  1. Switch the keyboard layout to English;
  2. In the right corner, find the buttons responsible for writing Russian letters - X and Ъ. In the English layout, these buttons print parentheses. If you press the Shift button, which is responsible for the upper characters, then the curly brace - () will be printed. However, if you do not press Shift, the lower characters will be printed. And these are precisely the square brackets - .

As you can see, everything is quite simple. But what if your keyboard doesn’t have such brackets? For example, your keyboard is in other languages ​​and is different from the one I just wrote about. This is quite acceptable, don’t you agree?

I cannot know the structure of keyboards in all languages ​​of the planet, so I will tell you about the following ways to write square brackets.


Any text editor, be it Word or WordPress, has a symbol table. The symbols are usually located on the top panel. Click on the symbol icon and a window will open.

Select the necessary symbols, in our case square brackets, and insert them into the text.

You can also remember the numeric values ​​of square brackets. Any time you need to enter square brackets, you press the alt button, then, without releasing it, on the right numeric pad, press the plus sign and the numbers 91. When you release the alt button, an open bracket will appear.

If you enter the numbers 93 instead of 91, a closing parenthesis will appear. This way, you can learn and enter many of the characters you need. A table of character codes is available on the Internet.


Another simple and reliable way is to copy the square brackets into a notepad and add them to the text as needed.

This is done as follows:

  1. Open the search page in any browser;
  2. Write in the search box - square brackets;
  3. Copy the symbols in the search results to your notepad.

Now, whenever you need to insert a square bracket into your text, just open Notepad and copy the opening or closing bracket.

Bottom line

This short post is intended to help users better understand the capabilities of text editors. However, there are several other useful articles on my blog that I recommend you read.

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Probably, asking a person if he knows how to put square brackets on the keyboard is stupid, to say the least. But few people know how to place them in other ways. And there are many ways. In this article we will look at the five most popular. Perhaps someday they will be useful to you.

Using the keyboard

But before we talk about how to make square brackets on the keyboard in the most sophisticated ways, it’s still worth talking about how to do it on a simple keyboard. Of course, few people have this question, but there are still people who are not very familiar with computers.

You can see the location of the corresponding keys in the image below.

But there is a small nuance: if you have the Russian keyboard layout enabled, then you will not be able to put parentheses; be sure to switch the language in the system. This can be done in two ways - by pressing the key combination ALT+SHIFT (or CTRL+SHIFT, depending on the system) or by changing the layout on the taskbar. By the way, the place where the language switches can be seen in the picture below.

Using symbols in Word

Now let's figure out how to put square brackets in Word. As mentioned above, you can use the usual method - using the keyboard, but if you wish, you can use the one that will now be given.

Its essence is simple. You need to enter the Word symbol panel and select the one you need from the list, then paste it into the text. To do this, you must first go to the "Insert" tab. There, on the right side of the panel, there will be a “Symbol” button, click it, and then select “All symbols...”.

Here in front of you is the necessary window, but, as you can see, there are a huge number of symbols in it. To speed up the search process, enter 005B in the "Character code" field. You will be immediately transferred to the opening square bracket, and next to it there will be a closing one. Now you need to select the one you want and click "Insert".

We use hexadecimal code

Continuing the topic of sophisticated methods for making square brackets on the keyboard, we move on to hexadecimal code. Although you can’t tell by the name, its essence is painfully simple. Now we’ll just talk about it.

Remember, to quickly search for a symbol, you entered the code 005B - ​​this is the hexadecimal code. Instead of opening the symbol panel and looking for it there - which takes a lot of time - you can write it directly into the text.

Start typing the code where you want to open the bracket, then press ALT+X and you will see the code turn into an opening square bracket. By the way, the closing code is 005D.

Apply ALT code

This was not the last way to make square brackets on the keyboard using code. This time we will use the so-called ALT code. It is easier to work with, and, in general, it is universal; it can be entered not only in the Word program, but also outside it.

In the image above you will see a table with some ALT codes, but we are only interested in square brackets, and, as you can see, their code is 91 and 93. By the way, the name “ALT code” was given for a reason. When using this method, you need to hold down the ALT key and, while holding it, enter the numbers that correspond to the desired character.

However, there are some nuances here: numbers must be entered not on the top numeric keypad, but on the one located on the right, otherwise nothing will work.

We use the formula

So, we are already done with how to make square brackets on the keyboard, but this is not the last way to enter them. Now we will talk about the most rarely used one, the one that is used when typing formulas in Word.

From the title it is immediately clear that it is initially necessary to start creating that very formula. This can be done using the hotkeys ALT+"+". A field for entering formulas will appear, and the formula designer will open in the panel at the top. In it you need to click on the "Bracket" button and select square brackets from the drop-down menu. Now in the box between them you can enter text or type some example.

This implies a special symbol that has its own individual purpose, and it can be used in completely different areas. For example, it could be physics, mathematics and even literature. It is worth knowing that these signs are paired, and accordingly, we can say that they complement each other. If you install one parenthesis, for example, a closing or opening one, then an error will be made, which can be corrected by adding a second element. Today we decided to talk about how to make square brackets on the keyboard. After reading the article, you will be able to insert such symbols into any text.


If you are using a standard keyboard adapted for the Cyrillic alphabet, these characters will be located in the places of the “X” and “Ъ” buttons. In order to install a square bracket in the text, you must change the layout so that the text is printed in English. You can use the hot keys Alt+Shift or another combination, here everything depends primarily on the settings of your personal computer, as well as by the way, if you want to know how to put square brackets and, for example, you have the ability to switch not only into English, then you should know that you can install these characters in various layouts, except Russian. This is done in the same way.

Control Panel

It also happens: you have just started working with hotkeys, but you simply don’t like using them, in which case, if you really want, you can change them at your discretion. In order to change combinations, you will need to go to the control panel of your operating system. There you can find a special menu called “Change layout and input methods”, you should go to it. Surely now you understand how to make a square bracket on the keyboard by changing the keyboard layout. But this is only one of the options. Of course, the question of how to make square brackets on the keyboard will seem very simple to experienced users. At the same time, newbies definitely need some extra help as actually understanding the entire installation process is not that easy.

Additional feature

You can also solve the question of how to make square brackets on the keyboard using a special symbol table, which, by the way, is present in all operating systems. Few users know how to call this tool, and therefore we will now describe the whole process to you. First, go to “Start”, then find the “All Programs” section, and from there go to the “Standard” tab in the list that opens, where you can find “Service”.

In fact, solving the question of how to make square brackets on the keyboard is not so difficult, and if you show maximum care, then you should not have any difficulties.