Top processor for games. How to choose a mobile processor? What can sometimes be important

Perhaps the key advantage of the personal computer as a platform is its impressive flexibility and customization capabilities, which today, thanks to the emergence of new standards and types of components, seem almost limitless. If ten years ago, when pronouncing the abbreviation “PC,” one could confidently imagine a white iron box, entangled in wires and buzzing somewhere under the table, today there are no such unambiguous associations and cannot be.

Today's PC can be a powerful workstation focused on computing performance or a designer's work machine, "tailored" for the quality of two-dimensional graphics and fast work with data. It could be a top-end gaming machine or a modest multimedia system living under the TV...

In other words, each PC today has its own tasks, which correspond to one or another set of hardware. But how to choose the right one?

You should start with the central processor. The video card will determine the system performance in games (and a number of work applications that use GPU computing). Motherboard - system format, its functionality “out of the box” and the ability to connect components and peripheral devices. However, it is the processor that will determine the system's capabilities in everyday household tasks and work.

Let's look at what is important when choosing a processor and what is not.

What you should NEVER pay attention to

CPU Manufacturer

As in the case of video cards (and, indeed, with many other devices), our compatriots are always happy to turn an ordinary consumer product into something that can be raised to standards and go to war with supporters of the opposite camp. Can you imagine a situation in which lovers of pickled cucumbers and canned tomatoes divided the store with a barricade, hurled insults at each other and often resorted to assault? Agree, it sounds like complete nonsense... however, in the sphere computer components This happens all the time!

Moreover, like any sectarians, brand fans see the world exclusively divided into black and white. Everything, absolutely all products with their favorite logo are an absolute ideal and perfection itself, and the solutions opposing them are the very embodiment of evil, the container of all possible shortcomings.

The fact that each of the two manufacturers of central processors - respectively, Intel And AMD, - there are fully formed product lines consisting of devices with completely different characteristics and completely different prices, which the sectarians prefer to keep silent about. As, in fact, the fact that in different price segments the real leader may change.

Recommendation #1: When planning to build a new PC or upgrade an old one, first decide on your budget. Calculate the amount you have on hand, add to it some reserve that you are ready to add if necessary, and then see which CPU models fit into this budget.

Clearly understand that you are choosing these particular models, and it is their characteristics that are important to you. What happens and who is leading in segments above or below your budget is none of your business. All you care about is how much performance you get now, for the money you have.

"Gaming" or "non-gaming" processor

The processor does not have a feature or function that will or will not allow it to run games (although some buyers' parents would happily pay for it). It has performance that may or may not be enough for you to play comfortably. The division into gaming and non-gaming models is nothing more than artificial marketing. Moreover, the division is very strange and often does not correspond to the real capabilities of the CPU.

Recommendation #2: Whatever goals you have for your future PC - whether it will be a gaming system, a workstation, or the main element of your home multimedia system- be guided by the simplest parameter: how much processor performance is sufficient for these tasks.


The crisis year of 2016, in which household incomes fell, and consequently sales of everything, including central processors, “gave” us another myth, who will now be on the Internet for a long time. And in the minds of ordinary buyers - even longer.

The essence of the phenomenon is simple: “old processors cannot work with new video cards, everyone run to buy new ones!” Especially useful here are recommendations to replace completely suitable and relevant ones. Core processors i5 of old generations to Core i3 processors of new generations, which are worse in all respects. Well, and, of course, advice to spend 40 thousand on upgrading the platform for the sake of games with a video card for 20 thousand.

Recommendation #3: Actually, and. The goal of any disclosure is not to help you choose a suitable processor, but to sell you a newer and more expensive device, preferably complete with a motherboard and memory. If you see an opening, step aside and don’t listen. Otherwise it will cost you more.

What can SOMETIMES be important?

OEM and BOX configuration, aka “cooling system included”

Central processors can be supplied in two versions: "boxing" And OEM configurations. The difference is extremely simple: a “box” is, in fact, a box in which, in addition to the processor itself, there are warranty card And standard system cooling (although in rare cases like FX 9000 series processors it may be absent). OEM is just a processor, without absolutely anything. No box, no cooler, no warranty card.

This is due to the fact that the OEM package, as intended by the processor manufacturer, is intended for companies that assemble and sell finished PCs. Processors in in this case are purchased in large quantities and delivered in pallets containing more than 20 pieces. Again, according to the manufacturer’s logic, from these pallets they should go directly to the computers.

But in our country, a processor in OEM configuration can be freely purchased at retail (see angry reviews on the topic "They took out the processor in a bag"). This configuration is cheaper than the boxed one, and sometimes very significantly.

Recommendation #4: Boxing is always a compromise. The stock cooler is not the most efficient, not the quietest, and certainly not the most affordable. Someone can be bribed more long term The box guarantees against the OEM, but the processor is an extremely durable device, and it’s not easy to break it (except on purpose and mechanically). If he lived with you for the first day, there is a 95% chance he will live for the next 10 years. Alternative coolers, again, may turn out to be cheaper and more efficient than the standard one.

On the other hand, it all comes down to price. If the cost of the "box" is only slightly higher than the OEM - take the box, it won't be any worse.

Free multiplier and processor frequency

Not every user of even the most ordinary gaming PC is interested in overclocking, not to mention platforms on which overclocking is not needed at all or is contraindicated. However, in some cases this option may be useful.

The frequency of modern processors consists of two parameters: the base frequency set by the system bus, and a multiplier that varies from model to model. Accordingly, by changing one of the two parameters or both at once, we can change the final processor clock speed and its performance. However, not all modern platforms allow you to overclock the processor on the bus (and even fewer platforms allow you to do this officially). So, if you are planning overclocking in advance, choose models CPU with unlocked multiplier, this will make your task much easier.

As for the processor clock speed (as basic, and in turbo mode) is a very specific parameter. All other things being equal, yes, processor performance is determined by frequency. For example, if we compare two processors from the line Core i5, belonging to the same generation and based on the same core, the one with the higher frequency will be faster.

But if you compare Core i5 with Core i3 of the same generation or with Core i5 of the previous generation, frequency will not be the determining factor at all! In the first case, the number of execution units will be important, in the second - architectural differences and support for individual technologies and instructions.

Recommendation #5: Free multiplier is a useful parameter, but not for everyone. Whether you need it or not depends on the situation, and unambiguous recommendations cannot be given here. As for the frequency, use this parameter with caution. It is only important if all other parameters are the same.

Integrated graphics core

Most modern processors, with rare exceptions, are equipped integrated graphics. This causes dissatisfaction among some buyers - they say, why am I overpaying for something that I will not use? However, in reality, the built-in graphics core does not take away, but SAVES your money.

How so? It's simple. You bought a computer with a powerful processor, an overclocking motherboard and a large amount of memory, and postponed the purchase of a gaming video card until later. Just 8-10 years ago, in such a situation, you would have had to look at flea markets for a “plug” for the slot - an outdated or weak video card that you could sit on until a more powerful one was purchased modern device. Simply because otherwise the computer would not work - the processors at that time did not know how to output video, and top-end motherboards and built-in video were incompatible.

Today, you simply connect the monitor to the outputs on the motherboard and use the PC without spending extra time and money. Moreover, the performance of modern integrated graphics is such that undemanding users and those who do not need a computer for gaming do not need a video card at all!

They stand apart here AMD APU. Their key advantage is the powerful integrated graphics, which makes these processors an excellent option for HTPCs and multimedia systems, but at the same time their use with discrete video makes no sense. To be fair, the top models of modern Intel processors are equipped with a video core no worse, but they are much more expensive than an APU, and the performance of their processor part is extremely redundant for an HTPC.

Who lives today without built-in graphics? These are the top ones Intel processors for platform LGA 2011-3- according to their status, they are supposed to work either with the most powerful gaming video cards or with professional computing accelerators. Also deprived of graphics are AMD processors under the outgoing AM3+ platform. And family processors Athlon II- the same APUs, only with the graphics part disabled: extremely cheap and just as productive for their price tag.

In addition, some (but not all) processors do without integrated graphics Intel Xeon, made for mainstream LGA 115x platforms. These processors deserve special mention. Despite the “server” name, they are actually analogues of desktop Core i5/i7. Significant differences are the ability to install in motherboards that support multiprocessor configurations and support for error correction memory (ECC).

Recommendation #6: There is no need to be afraid of integrated graphics - this is an excellent bonus, which, moreover, will soon become a standard for all platforms with the exception of LGA 2011-3 and possibly its descendants. The integrated core can be very useful in some cases or even save you from having to buy a discrete video card. But you shouldn’t chase it either: processors without integrated graphics can also have many advantages.

What is REALLY important for you to know?


A socket is a connector into which the processor is installed on the motherboard. Like any other connector, it has certain physical dimensions, design, number of contacts, and so on. Accordingly, with rare exceptions, only one family of processors can be installed in one socket. For example, it is physically impossible to install a processor for socket AM4 in a motherboard with socket FM2+ or LGA 1151 (or rather, it is possible once, but after that you will need new processor, and a new motherboard).

Accordingly, the choice of socket determines which processors will be available to you at the time of purchase, and which you will be able to install in the future (and whether you will be able to install them at all). The performance of the system, the capabilities and price of a future upgrade, and often the number of peripheral devices that can be installed in a PC depend on it.

Recommendation #7: Decide what you want to get from your PC. Yes, some modern platforms are absolutely universal (and some future platforms promise to be so) and can be flexibly configured for any task if you have the right amount of money, but this does not mean that they have no analogues. Some of your problems can be solved with much less spending, and some can be solved much more efficiently with the same spending.

If you are choosing a processor for an existing motherboard, take the time to spend a few minutes going to the manufacturer’s official website and look at the list of CPU models compatible with it. It is free, not at all difficult, and does not require any special knowledge, but in some cases it will help you save time and money.

It happens that the processor matches the socket, but is not supported by the motherboard at all, or requires a BIOS microcode update to run. The second can be done in advance before purchasing a new CPU, and it is better to find out the first right away than to later return a working product to the store, the incompatibility of which with your hardware is neither you nor the store’s employees to blame.

There are also cases when a processor is nominally supported, but in reality cannot work in a particular motherboard - for example, when the motherboard's power subsystem is too weak, and the processor, on the contrary, is too power hungry and demanding of power. It is also better to find out about this in advance than to deal with the consequences later.

If you choose a processor for absolutely new system, you should pay attention to the current sockets:

AM1- AMD platform designed for nettops, embedded systems and entry-level multimedia PCs. Like all APUs, it is distinguished by the presence of relatively powerful integrated graphics, which is the main advantage.

AM4- AMD universal platform for the mainstream segment. It combines desktop APUs and powerful CPUs of the Ryzen family, making it possible to assemble a PC for literally any budget and user needs.

TR4- AMD's flagship platform designed for Threadripper processors. This is a product for professionals and enthusiasts: 16 physical cores, 32 computation threads, a four-channel memory controller and other impressive figures that provide a significant increase in performance in work tasks, but are practically not in demand in the home segment.

LGA 1151_v2- a socket that in no case should be confused with the usual LGA 1151 (!!!). Represents the current generation of mainstream Intel platforms, and finally brings processors with six physical cores to the consumer segment - this is what makes it valuable. However, be sure to remember that processors Coffee Lake cannot be installed in boards with 200 and 100 series chipsets, and older Skylake and Kaby Lake- in boards with 300 series chipsets.

LGA 2066- current generation of the Intel platform intended for professionals. It may also be interesting as a platform for gradual upgrades. The younger Core i3 and Core i5 processors are practically no different from their LGA 1151 counterparts of the first version and are relatively affordable, but later they can be replaced with Core i7 and Core i9.

Number of Cores

This parameter requires many reservations and should be used with caution, but it is precisely this parameter that allows you to more or less logically arrange and differentiate central processors.

Models with two computing cores, and also with two physical cores and four virtual threads Regardless of clock speed, degree of dynamic overclocking, architectural advantages and fan mantras, today they are firmly established in the office PC segment, and even there - not in the most critical places. Today there is no need to talk seriously about the use of such CPUs in gaming machines, much less in workstations.

Processors with four computing cores look a little more modern, and can satisfy the needs of both office workers and not the most demanding home users. It is quite possible to build a budget gaming PC on them, although in modern titles the performance will be limited, and the simultaneous performance of several operations - for example, recording gaming video, - will be impossible or will lead to a noticeable drop in FPS.

The best option for home - six core processors. They are able to provide high performance in games, do not faint when performing several resource-intensive tasks at the same time, allow you to use your PC as a home workstation, and with all this - they maintain a very affordable price.

Octa-core processors- the choice of those who are busy with more serious tasks than games. Although they can handle entertainment without any problems, their advantages are most noticeable in work applications. If you are engaged in video processing and editing, draw complex layouts for printing, design houses or other complex structures, then these CPUs are worth choosing. You won’t notice any excess performance, but fast processing and the lack of freezing at the most crucial moment will definitely please you.

Processors with 10 and 16 cores- this is already a server segment and very specific workstations, which differ from the previous version approximately as the work of a special effects designer for a big movie differs from the work of an editor of videos on YouTube (in fact, that’s where they are used). It is difficult to definitely recommend or, on the contrary, to dissuade them from buying them. If you really need this kind of performance, you already know how and where you will use it.

Recommendation #8: The number of cores is not the clearest parameter, and it does not always allow processors with similar characteristics to be classified into the same group. However, when choosing a processor, you should focus on this parameter.


The final and most important parameter, which, alas, cannot be found in any store catalogue. However, in the end, it is he who determines whether a particular processor is suitable for you, and how much the operation of a PC based on it will meet your initial expectations.

Before you go to the store to buy a processor that seems to suit you, take the time to study its detailed tests. Moreover, “detailed” are not videos on YouTube that show you what you should see according to their author’s intention. Detailed tests are a large-scale comparison of the processor in synthetic benchmarks, professional software and games, carried out according to a clear methodology with the participation of all or most competing solutions.

As with video cards, reading and analyzing such materials will help you determine whether a particular processor is worth the money, and what, if possible, it can be replaced with.

Recommendation #9: By spending a couple of evenings reading and comparing information from different sources (it is important that they are authoritative, and preferably foreign), you will make a reasoned choice and save yourself a lot of problems in the future. Believe me, it's more than worth it.

Criteria and selection options:

Based on the criteria outlined above, CPUs from the DNS directory can be distributed as follows:

Processors AMD Sempron And Athlon under socket AM1 suitable for assembling budget multimedia PCs, embedded systems and similar tasks. For example, if you want to install a full-fledged PC with a desktop operating system or build a small nettop that will live secretly in the bowels of a country house or garage - it’s worth paying attention to this platform.

For office PCs will fit dual core processors Intel Celeron, Pentium And Core i3. Their advantage in this case is the presence of a built-in graphics core. The performance of the latter is sufficient for output necessary information and speeding up browsers, but is completely insufficient for games that shouldn’t be in the workplace anyway.

For home multimedia PC best choice There will be APUs from AMD designed for the current AM4 socket. Representatives of the A8, A10 and A12 lines combine a quad-core processor and very good graphics under one lid, which can confidently compete with budget video cards. A PC on this platform can be made very compact, but its performance is enough to play any content, as well as a number of work tasks and a considerable list of games.

For budget gaming PC Quad-core processors are suitable AMD Ryzen 3 and quad core Core i3 for socket LGA 1151_v2 ( don't be confused with dual-core Core i3 for socket LGA 1151!!!). The performance of these processors is sufficient for any home tasks and most games, but it is still not worth loading them with serious work or trying to perform several resource-intensive tasks at the same time.

For budget workstation a compromise could be AMD Ryzen 5 quad-core processors. In addition to physical cores, they also offer virtual computing threads, which ultimately allows operations to be performed in eight threads. Of course, this is not as efficient as physical cores, but the likelihood of seeing 100% CPU load and FPS dropping below playable levels when recording or live streaming gameplay is much lower here than with the previous two options. And the subsequent editing of this video will go faster.

The best choice for home gaming pc - six-core processors AMD Ryzen 5 And Intel Core i5 for the LGA 1151_v2 socket (not to be confused with their quad-core predecessors!!!). The cost of these CPUs is quite reasonable; they can even be called relatively affordable, unlike the top-end Ryzen 7 and Core i7 lines. But the performance is quite enough to play any games that interest the user and work from home. And even at the same time, if there is such a desire.

For top gaming PCs or workstations processors are suitable without pretense of selectivity and elitism AMD Ryzen 7 And Intel Core i7, having, respectively, 8 cores/16 threads and 6 cores/12 threads. Being a mainstream platform, these processors are still relatively affordable and do not require expensive motherboards, power supplies and coolers. However, their performance is sufficient for almost all tasks that an ordinary user can set for a PC.

If it is still not enough - for high performance workstations processors are intended AMD Ryzen Threadripper, designed for installation in the TR4 socket, and top models of Intel processors for the LGA 2066 socket - Core i7 and Core i9, having 8, 10, 12 or more physical cores. In addition, the processors offer a four-channel memory controller, which is important for a number of professional tasks, and up to 44 PCI-express lanes, allowing you to connect many peripherals without losing data exchange speed. Recommend these CPUs for home use It doesn’t work because of their price, and because they are “tailored” for multi-threading and professional tasks. But in operation, processors for top platforms can literally be several times faster than their desktop counterparts.

3 Great processor for gaming 4 Best price 5

Computers have entered our lives so tightly that we already consider them something elementary. But their structure cannot be called simple. Motherboard, processor, RAM, hard drives: all these are integral parts of the computer. You can’t throw away this or that detail, because they are all important. But the most important role is played by the processor. It’s not for nothing that it’s called “central”.

The role of the CPU is simply enormous. It is responsible for all calculations, which means it depends on it how quickly you will complete your tasks. This could be surfing the web, drafting a document in text editor, photo editing, moving files and much, much more. Even in games and 3D modeling, where the main load falls on the shoulders of the graphics accelerator, CPU plays a huge role, and if the “stone” is incorrectly selected, the performance of even the most powerful video card will not be fully realized.

Currently there are only two on the consumer market large manufacturers processors: AMD and Intel. We will talk about them in the traditional ranking.

The best inexpensive processors: budget up to 5000 rubles.

4 Intel Celeron G3900 Skylake

The most affordable Intel processor
Country: USA
Average price: 4,381 ₽
Rating (2018): 4.5

The rating opens with an extremely weak processor from the Celeron line. The G3900 model has two cores of the previous generation - Skylake, which, coupled with a frequency of 2.8 GHz, gives the lowest performance result. In synthetic tests, the processor shows a result that is approximately half that of the Core i3. But the price here is quite affordable - 4-4.5 thousand rubles. It means that this processor Perfect for assembling, for example, a simple office computer or a multimedia system for the living room. Overall, this model cannot be called bad. Still, the 14 nm process technology provides good energy efficiency, and the HD Graphics 510 graphics core is suitable for casual games.


  • Lowest price in class
  • Perfect for office PC or HTPC


  • Does not support Hyper-Threading technology

3 AMD Athlon X4 845 Carrizo

Best price
A country:
Average price: 3,070 ₽
Rating (2018): 4.5

The processors of the Athlon line belong to the budget class, which is clearly evident from the cost of the bronze medalist. But for a little over three thousand rubles you will get a very interesting stone. There are 4 cores (2 logical cores for each physical), made using a 28 nm process technology. Thanks to this, power consumption is low, and heat dissipation is quite low for AMD - only 65 W. True, you don’t have to be particularly happy about this because the multiplier is locked - you won’t be able to overclock the processor. Another disadvantage is the lack of a built-in graphics core, which means that when assembling an office PC or multimedia system you will have to separately purchase a video card.


  • Lowest price in class
  • Great performance for the price


  • Lack of built-in graphics core
  • Unlocked multiplier

2 AMD FX-6300 Vishera

The only 6-core processor in its class
A country: USA (Produced in Malaysia, China)
Average price: 4,160 RUR
Rating (2018): 4.6

AMD's FX-6300 is the only processor in the category with six cores. Unfortunately, hope for high power in the budget class it is not necessary - the model is based on the 2012 Vishera core. IN normal mode the cores operate at 3.5 GHz, but like many AMD CPUs, it overclocks well. Yes, judging by user reviews, the performance is sufficient even for games, but there are still a lot of disadvantages.

One of the main ones is high energy consumption. Due to the use of inexpensive 32 nm process technology, AMD gets very hot and consumes a lot of electricity. We also note the lack of support for modern DDR4 RAM. Because of this, the processor can be recommended not for building a new PC, but for updating an old one without replacing the motherboard and other components.


  • 6 cores. Ideal for multiple tasks simple tasks simultaneously.
  • Good overclocking potential
  • Low cost


  • Poor energy efficiency
  • Aging platform

At the moment there are only two players in the processor market - Intel and AMD. But this doesn’t make the choice any easier. To make the decision to purchase a CPU from one manufacturer or another easier, we have highlighted for you several main pros and cons of the products of these companies.




Programs and games are better optimized for Intel

Lower power consumption

Performance tends to be slightly better

Higher cache frequencies

Work effectively with no more than two resource-intensive tasks

Higher cost

When the line of processors changes, the socket also changes, which means the upgrade is more complicated

Lower cost

Better price/performance ratio

Work better with 3-4 resource-intensive tasks (better multitasking)

Most processors overclock well

Higher power consumption and temperatures (not entirely true regarding latest processors Ryzen)

Worse program optimization

1 Intel Pentium G4600 Kaby Lake

Better performance
Country: USA
Average price: 7,450 RUR
Rating (2018): 4.7

We can recommend the good old Pentium for purchase in this category. This processor, like previous participants, is made using a 14 nm process technology, LGA1151 socket. Belongs to one of the latest generations - Kaby Lake. There are, of course, only 2 cores. They operate at a frequency of 3.6 GHz, which causes the lag behind the Core i3 by about 18-20%. But this is not much, because the price difference is twofold! In addition to the core frequency, the relatively low power is due to the small size of the L3 cache - 3071 KB.

In addition to the excellent price-performance ratio, the advantages of this CPU include the presence of built-in graphics Intel cores HD Graphics 630, which is more than enough for comfortable use PC without discrete graphics card.


  • Great price for this performance
  • Generation Kaby Lake
  • Good integrated graphics core

The best mid-class processors: budget up to 20,000 rubles.

5 Intel Core i3-7320 Kaby Lake

The most affordable processor with integrated graphics
Country: USA
Average price: 12,340 RUR
Rating (2018): 4.6

Let's open the rating with the most affordable processor in the i-core line. It is extremely difficult to call the model excellent in terms of price/quality ratio, because the cheaper Ryzen 3 even shows several top scores in synthetic tests. However, the model that opens the TOP-5 can be safely chosen not only for an office system, but also for gaming computer.

There are only two physical cores, but these are modern 14 nm chips from one of the latest generations - Kaby lake. Frequency - 4100 MHz. This is a very shameful indicator. In addition, there is the possibility of overclocking. Considering the excellent energy efficiency and low heat generation - even with the included cooler, the temperature remains at 35-40 degrees when idle, and up to 70 degrees under load - you can safely increase the frequencies. Unlike competitors from AMD, Core i3 has a built-in graphics core, which allows it to be used in office system without a discrete video card. But keep in mind that officially it only works on Windows 10


  • Built-in graphics core
  • Overclocking capability
  • Low temperatures


  • Poor performance for the price

4 AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Summit Ridge

Best price
A country: USA (Produced in Malaysia, China)
Average price: 6,917 ₽
Rating (2018): 4.7

Ryzen 3 – junior inexpensive new line AMD processors, designed to once again impose a fight on Intel. And the 1200 does the job perfectly. For 7 thousand rubles, the buyer receives a 4-core processor. Factory frequencies are low - only 3.1 GHz (in high performance mode 3.4 GHz), but the multiplier is unlocked, which means enthusiasts can easily make the “stone” a little faster.

The transition to new chips not only improved performance, but also reduced power consumption, and also reduced temperatures to acceptable values. Due to the lack of built-in graphics chip We can only recommend this processor for budget gaming builds. Productivity is only slightly higher than the previous participant.


  • Unlocked multiplier


  • No built-in graphics chip

3 Intel Core i5-7600K Kaby Lake

Great processor for gaming
Country: USA
Average price: 19,084 ₽
Rating (2018): 4.7

Let's start with the fact that the i5-7600K is by no means an outsider. Yes, in terms of performance it is somewhat worse than the mastodons that you will see below, but for most gamers it will be enough. The processor has four Kaby Lake cores operating at 3.8 GHz (in reality up to 4.0 GHz with TurboBoost). There is also a built-in graphics core - HD Graphics 630, which means even in demanding games You can play at minimum settings. With a normal video card (for example, GTX 1060), the processor reveals itself completely. In most games with FullHD resolution (most gamers have these monitors) and high graphics settings, the frame rate rarely drops below 60 fps. Is anything else needed?


  • Best price
  • Enough power for most gamers
  • Excellent graphics core

2 AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Summit Ridge

Best price/performance ratio
A country: USA (Produced in Malaysia, China)
Average price: 11,970 ₽
Rating (2018): 4.8

The second line of the TOP 5 mid-level processors is occupied by one of the best processors in terms of price/performance ratio. With an average cost of only 12,000 rubles, in synthetic tests Ryzen 5 is able to compete with the famous Intel Core i7-7700K at standard settings (PassMark 12270 and 12050 points, respectively). This power is due to the presence of six Summit Ridge physical cores, made using a 12 nm process technology. The clock frequency is not a record - 3.6 GHz. Overclocking is possible, but in reviews users claim that at frequencies above 4.0-4.1 GHz processor It behaves unstable and gets very hot. With factory settings, idle temperatures remain at 42-46 degrees, in games 53-57 when using a standard cooler.

Also, high performance is due to large cache volumes at all levels. The CPU supports the modern DDR4-2667 standard, which allows you to create on the basis of this processor great computers for playing at medium-high settings in FullHD.


  • Excellent price/performance ratio
  • Heats up a little


  • Low overclocking potential

1 AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Summit Ridge

Most powerful processor in class
A country: USA (Manufactured in Malaysia, China, China)
Average price: 17,100 RUR
Rating (2018): 4.8

As expected, the processor from the top-line Ryzen 7 has the best performance in its class. Once again, we cannot help but remember the cost - for 17 thousand rubles we get power at the level of the top-end Core i7 of previous years. The processor includes eight cores, divided into two clusters. Standard clock frequency only 3.0 GHz, Ryzen 7 is guaranteed to overclock to 3.7, and with a little luck, up to 4.1 GHz.

Like the previous representatives of the line, the leader is made using a 12 nm process technology, which allows for economical energy consumption. The situation with heat dissipation is good - in stress tests, temperatures remain at 70-75 degrees.


  • High performance
  • There is an overclocking option
  • A fresh platform that will be supported for at least 4 years

The best top processors

3 Intel Core i7-7700K Kaby Lake

The most popular top processor
Average price: 29,060 ₽
Rating (2018): 4.6

More recently, the i7-7700K was the top processor in the Intel lineup. But technology is developing extremely quickly, and in 2018 it is difficult to recommend this particular chip for purchase. According to synthetic tests, the model clearly lags behind its competitors - in PassMark the CPU scores only 12 thousand points, which is comparable to modern mid-level processors. But these indicators are achieved on standard settings, when 4 physical cores operate at a frequency of 4.2 GHz, but the CPU can be easily overclocked to even higher frequencies, thereby increasing performance.

Yes, the bronze medalist lags behind its competitors, but it costs at least half as much, and given its popularity, it is quite possible to find a good used processor. Also, the high prevalence and long-standing presence on the market allows you to find an affordable motherboard with the LGA1151 socket. In general, we have an excellent basis for a powerful gaming system at a relatively low cost.


  • Good price for this class
  • High performance
  • Great overclocking capabilities
  • High popularity


  • Not entirely relevant in 2018

2 Intel Core i9-7900X Skylake

The most powerful processor in the Intel line
Country: USA
Average price: 77,370 RUR
Rating (2018): 4.7

Until recently, top Intel line there was a Core i7 series. But modern realities require more and more power. If you are not familiar with solutions, pay attention to the Core i9-7900X. The processor, already at a standard clock frequency, is capable of entering the TOP 10 most powerful CPUs. For example, in PassMark the model scores almost 22 thousand points - this is twice as many as the bronze medalist of the rating. At the same time, in reviews, users talk about trouble-free overclocking to 4.2-4.5 GHz with high-quality air cooling. Temperatures do not exceed 70 degrees under load.

Such high performance is due to the use of 10 cores made using a 14 nm process technology. The model supports all the necessary modern standards and commands, which allows you to use it for any task.


  • Highest performance
  • Excellent overclocking potential
  • Acceptable temperatures


  • Very high cost
  • No solder under the cap.

1 AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950X

The leader of the rating is crazy in everything - from the price of 65 thousand rubles to the incredible performance. In terms of power in synthetic tests, the model is slightly ahead of the previous participant. Internal organization however, it differs significantly. Threadripper uses 16 (!) cores. The clock frequency is comparable to the Core i9 - 3400 MHz - but the overclocking capabilities are more modest. The “stone” operates stably at a frequency of 3.9 GHz; as rates increase, the necessary stability is lost.

So a large number of cores performs well in all tasks. But using a monster for games is not entirely reasonable - not all projects can reveal its potential. AMD will be useful for professional video editors, 3D designers, etc. - in professional software, an increase in cores gives a noticeable increase in rendering speed.


  • Relatively low price tag
  • High power
  • Excellent performance in professional programs

Right to the beginning school year and during this time the need for new computers increases, and many will ask the question - which processor is better for games?

To answer this question, let’s look at the variety of modern models, and what parameters and criteria are used to select a chip for modern games.

PC processor price

When assembling a gaming computer, the main thing is not the processor, but the video card; the main expenses will be on it. You can naturally spend money and collect the best from everything, but such system unit It will be very expensive, which is not affordable for everyone.

If you don’t want to spend very much, but get a fairly good gaming PC, you’ll have to save on something. One option is to save money on the processor, which does not always play such a decisive role in the performance of toys.

For example, Intel processors of the i3, i5, i7, i9 families differ in price, but all four can be used in gaming systems. The best processor for gaming is, of course, the i9 series, but the price of the youngest of them starts at $1,000 (60,000 rubles). Another thing is the i3, which costs several times less - $150 (9,000 rubles), but it can also be installed in a gaming computer.

If you choose AMD platform, then it has traditionally always been cheaper than Intel. Junior version top processor The Ryzen Threadripper 1920X, which is on par with the most powerful Intel chips in terms of performance, will cost $800 (RUB 48,000), which is already cheaper. If you choose the junior AMD Ryzen 3 1200, then its price is only $110, and yes, it can also be used for a gaming computer.

This price range raises many questions, which we will try to answer below.

Which processor should you choose for gaming?

Let's divide all the processors listed below into some subgroups: premium, fast and good. The latter will be the best option when the budget is not very large. Premium ones are of course very productive, but are designed for buyers who often want to highlight their high social status.

Premium processors

Fast processors

Good processors

There are many models of processors that can be used in a gaming computer. We chose purely for our own subjective reasons. This does not mean that you cannot use even cheaper and low-performance chips, but if you want to unleash the full potential of a gaming video card, then choose at least from the last four.

Characteristics of processors for games 2017

Now let’s take a little look at some of the main characteristics and nuances by which you should choose a gaming processor. Modern chips of the latest generation such as AMD Ryzen are equipped with a more advanced architecture, allowing for previously unprecedented multiprocessing and multithreading, along with intelligent functions, which independently optimize nutrition. Although not all games or applications can reveal all these possibilities, everything is moving in this direction. Let's consider the main selection criteria.


This is one of the parameters by which a processor for gaming is most often chosen. Usually, anything below 2.8 GHz is not considered a gaming processor, so we try to select it in the 3-4 GHz range. The fact that above this threshold are usually overclocked “stones” for overlocking. Such models have an unlocked multiplier and can significantly increase the frequency provided there is good cooling. Both Intel and AMD often denote them with the letters K and X, for example, we have the Intel Core i7-7700K on our list.

True, most modern processors independently regulate the frequency within certain limits (2.9-3.9 GHz), if required by the task being performed. The Intel Core i7-7700T processor from our list is just like that.

Cores and threads

More and more modern games require a minimum of 4 cores (GTA V, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Far Cry 4 or Assassin’s Creed Unity) in order to provide acceptable performance when paired with your gaming video card. True, multi-cores do not always affect performance; multithreading often plays a key role. All modern Intel processors support Hyper-Threading technology, which implements twice the number of threads per core, resulting in higher performance. New AMD Razen is also equipped with similar technology. All processors with such parameters can be safely designated as gaming processors.


The size of the cache generally does not affect gaming performance, but it will be noticeable if you run many programs at the same time or surf the Internet like crazy, opening many tabs at the same time. This parameter definitely cannot be excluded in the rapidly developing world of technology. Some processors, such as the premium AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1920X, are equipped with simply a huge amount of this memory (total 38 MB). There are 1st, 2nd and 3rd level caches.

Intel or AMD?

Traditionally, AMD processors have always been cheaper than their competitor Intel, and did not have the same performance capabilities, so they were often purchased because of their budget. However last generation AMD Ryzen thanks to implementation latest technologies(including intelligent ones) even outperformed many models of Intel chips. This despite the fact that their prices are significantly cheaper.

The time has passed when AMD trailed behind Intel, now the company is gaining more and more momentum and will most likely overtake its eminent brother. Moreover, over the past few years the latter has not offered anything fundamentally new.

Which processor to choose for 4K games?

Although many top video cards support 4K resolution, getting fairly acceptable performance (at least 60 FPS) on maximum settings Only creating a system of two or even three video cards will allow. Accordingly, such a configuration requires a fairly powerful central processor.

For these purposes, choose from fast processors, or better yet premium ones. Expensive, yes, but you will get a completely different gaming experience with ultra-high resolution.

Which processor is suitable for VR games?

To comfortably use a VR helmet, any chip from the section is enough good processors. Even expensive headsets provide a resolution of no more than Full HD, which any gaming video card mid-level, providing good performance And high frequency frames (FPS).

If you can purchase an expensive VR headset like HTC Vive or PlayStation VR, you can probably assemble a very decent system unit with an expensive processor.


So, which processor to choose for gaming? If you are not strapped for money and want to surprise your friends and pamper yourself, then the answer is obvious. And if your budget is small, but you really want to play comfortably, then choose a processor with at least 4 threads. An Intel Core i3-7320 from our list or an AMD Ryzen 3 1300X will do. But it’s better to install an Intel Core i5-7600, which will be the best option with a small margin for the future, because the gaming industry offers more and more interesting games, requiring high power.

When building a gaming computer, the most important thing is to buy a good graphics card. Well, here’s the thing: because of the miners, GPU prices have seriously jumped over the year, and finding a successful model has become more difficult even after the “gold rush” died down. In order not to skimp on the graphics accelerator, the main component of a gaming PC, you have to optimize costs on other components that are not so critical in gaming tasks.

One of the easiest ways to build a budget gaming PC with a decent graphics card is to buy a good budget processor for games, as well as an inexpensive motherboard for it. Our selection includes 5 affordable entry-level and mid-level CPUs that can handle almost any modern game and are sold at prices up to 10 thousand rubles.

Intel Pentium Gold G5400 – Core i3 killer

Released a year ago Intel Pentium The G4560 played a cruel joke on the manufacturer. For the first time in the Pentium series (except for the Pentium 4 back in 2004), this processor received HyperThreading support, which allowed each core to process 2 data threads. This budget gaming processor is not much different from the Core i3 Skylake and Kaby Lake, which cost almost twice as much, and therefore it has hurt their sales. But in the fall of 2018 Intel chips have gone up in price, and now the company’s most affordable option is the Pentium Gold G5400.

The Intel Pentium G5400 is the basic minimum, sufficient to play all modern games. In combination with a budget gaming video card like GeForce GTX 1050 Ti should not have any problems with FPS in FullHD resolution. Another advantage of this chip is its compatibility with the cheapest motherboards on the market. Intel chipset H310.

The processor has 2 cores processing 2 threads of calculations. Their clock frequency is 3.7 GHz; auto-overclocking in turbo mode is not provided. The on-chip cache size is 4 MB. Energy consumption is stated at up to 58 W, but from experience I can say that in practice it consumes up to 30 W. Thanks to this, you also don’t have to spend money on a cooler: the stock one copes with the task quite well and is not noisy. You can buy an Intel Pentium Gold G5400 for 6,000 rubles (at the time of compiling the selection).

AMD Ryzen 3 1200 – the most affordable quad-core

AMD Ryzen 3 1200 is the most budget processor for games in 2019, equipped with 4 full cores. It does not have SMT support (analogous to HyperThreading), unlike Ryzen 5 and 7, but 4 cores for the money is very attractive. After all, with the transition to the Zen architecture, AMD cleared itself of the bad reputation left by chips of previous generations and managed to catch up with Intel.

The processor cores operate at a frequency of 3.1 GHz, there are automatic acceleration up to 3.4 GHz. Also, unlike Intel, all AMD processors can be manually overclocked if cooling allows. And for this you don’t have to buy a top-end motherboard; some overclocking options are available on budget motherboards with socket AM4. The chip has 8 MB of cache and consumes up to 65 W. By installing a video card like the Radeon RX 570, you can play any game at maximum settings in FullHD.

The only thing you shouldn't save much on with the AMD Ryzen 3 1200 is RAM. Processors in this series work better the higher the speed of the RAM modules installed on the board. With quality 3200 MHz chips, this affordable gaming processor outperforms almost all competitors in its price category. It costs from 5800 rubles.

AMD Ryzen 3 2200G – almost the same, but a little better

The AMD Ryzen 3 2200G is a slightly improved version of the previous processor. It differs from it by the presence of built-in graphics and a slightly increased frequency. Here it is 3.5 GHz, with auto overclocking to 3.7 GHz. The chip has four cores, they do not support SMT. The cache size is different from the “younger brother”; here it was cut to 4 MB, which is the main disadvantage. But the graphics on board are a big plus.

The presence of integrated graphics makes this a budget gaming processor good option for those who assemble a PC gradually. The integrated graphics of the chip do not allow you to play modern projects in high resolution, but it will work as a temporary solution. With Radeon RX Vega 8 you can have fun in tanks or Dota (and something more demanding) until you accumulate required amount to a discrete video card.

As with the Ryzen 3 1200, buying the Intel Pentium G4620 can save on motherboard and cooling costs without sacrificing performance or quietness. After all, boards based on AMD A320 and B350 chipsets are affordable, but allow you to unlock the potential of even powerful CPUs. This processor costs from 6.4 thousand rubles.

AMD Ryzen 5 1600 is the most affordable chip with six cores

After release AMD processors Ryzen Intel I had to strain a little. The Blues' response was the release of a new, eighth generation of Core chips. The youngest in the series is the Intel Core i3-8100, the first processor in the budget line with 4 full cores. Initially it cost about 7 thousand rubles, but now it sells for much more and therefore has given way to AMD.

Now, for 9,000 rubles, the AMD Ryzen 5 1600 looks much more interesting than the Intel Core i5, which, on the contrary, has become a little cheaper over time. In single-threaded tasks, it is practically not inferior to the Core i5 series 6000, 7000 and 8000, but at the same time it costs less and outperforms them in multi-threading. This is a good inexpensive gaming processor that can work in tandem with powerful video cards and provide high FPS levels in games.

The cost of AMD Ryzen 5 1600 is slightly higher than that of its younger brothers in the Ryzen 3 line, but less than its direct competitors Core i5. In Russian retail this processor now costs from 9,000 rubles. If for some reason you don't like Intel, then this CPU is a very good (almost unconditional) alternative to the "blue" ones.

AMD Ryzen 5 2400G – graphics card optional

Rounding out our selection of the best budget processors for gaming in 2019 is the recently released AMD Ryzen 5 2400G. This CPU is equipped with 4 cores that support SMT. This means that it can process 8 data streams. The cores operate at a frequency of 3600 MHz. There is also 4 MB of L3 cache on the chip. The chip is compatible with motherboards on socket AM4.

Unlike the 2017 models, the AMD Ryzen 5 2400G is equipped with an integrated graphics core. The GPU is represented by a Vega module containing 11 clusters with 704 stream processors. This is the level of entry-level discrete video cards, like the GeForce GT 1030. You shouldn’t count on playing in FullHD at maximum settings, but the AMD Ryzen 5 2400G satisfies basic gaming needs even without discrete graphics. In FullHD resolution, most games will run on low or medium settings, and in HD you can count on high settings.

AMD Ryzen 5 2400G is the best budget processor for gaming in 2019 if you are not interested in demanding projects. Of course, to play something like Battlefield 1 at maximum, you need a discrete GPU of at least a GeForce GTX 1050 Ti level. But if you are interested in something simpler - affordability, low power consumption (up to 65 W) and the presence of a built-in GPU allow you to build a miniature PC for a gamer based on the AMD Ryzen 5 2400G.

In conclusion, the best budget processor for gaming on a very tight budget is the AMD Ryzen 3 1200. You can purchase an inexpensive board on the A320 platform, a video card like the GTX 1050 or. From such a build you can already expect games at maximum settings, not only in FullHD, but also in a resolution of 2560x1440.