The phone does not recognize the SIM card. What to do? What to do if the SIM card does not work, the phone does not see the SIM card? Failed SIM card cutting

In most cases, the cause of this situation is a hardware problem, that is, either the SIM card slot or the contacts on the card itself are damaged. This option can be excluded if the phone sees the SIM card, but it seems to be in airplane mode. But in any case, besides, when one of them is 3G and the other is 4G, it makes no sense to rearrange SIM cards.

What to do if the phone does not see the second SIM card?

If the problem occurs on a phone with two SIMs (dual SIM), then the cause of the breakdown may be that the SIM card is turned off. This function is present in them in case it is undesirable to use only one of the two SIM cards. In this case, just go to settings and enable the card you need. But sometimes it happens that after turning on the SIM card still does not work and is displayed as being in airplane mode. This can be easily fixed, just try to send any message to any number, but from this SIM card. If it is turned off, it will appear system message, prompting you to turn it on, after which the card’s functionality will be restored.

In some cases, when you try to turn on the SIM card, the phone freezes for a short time, and then closes the window for turning on the card, without activating it. This may mean that it has been erased Phone IMEI. You can check this in the following way. IN standard application“Phone” dial *#06#. A system message with a fifteen-digit number will appear. This is your phone's IMEI. Compare it with what is written on the box or under the batteries. If these numbers do not match, then you will have to reflash the phone.

Sim card does not work on single sim phone

If the above does not help, or if the phone is single-SIM, then you should check the following:

Firstly, the contacts of the SIM card or the slot for it could become dusty or, on the contrary, fog up after being in a dusty room or in a room with high humidity. In this case, it is enough to wipe the contacts with alcohol. Under no circumstances should you use perfume or cologne for these purposes, as they contain oils that can settle on the contacts, creating a film that prevents the passage of electrical signals.

Secondly, old SIM cards may simply be incompatible with new phone models, both Android and iPhone. In this case, you will have to contact the nearest office of your telecom operator to reissue the SIM card.

If none of the above methods did not help you, then you will have to take the phone to a service center for repair.

So, today we will talk to you about the situation when the phone does not see the SIM card. Why is this happening? What should you do in this situation? Who and where should I contact? Should we panic? All this will be discussed now. In addition, we will try to find out why today problems with SIM cards and mobile phones have become acute and frequent. Let us quickly begin to study our question today.

Correct position

Well, the first reason why the phone does not see the SIM card is its incorrect position in the slot. In truth, now this problem is not particularly common. However, on some phone models, the slot holds the card in place using very clever methods. And in cases where something is done wrong, you will have problems with “reading the SIM card”.

To correct the situation and resolve the issue, simply disassemble your gadget and then check the position of the SIM card. If something is done incorrectly, the best thing to do is remove the card and reinsert it. By the way, the side with the chip will have to be placed down, that is, in relation to us - colored. That's all.

Now put the phone back together and see what happens. Sometimes everything gets fixed and problems don't arise in the future. But it also happens that the phone does not see the SIM card even if it is correctly positioned in the slot. What to do in such a situation? Let's try to understand this difficult issue. After all possible options There are still many, many developments to come.

Breakdowns and interference

Well, if you are wondering why the phone does not see the SIM card, then keep in mind: it may also turn out that you simply have some kind of garbage or dirt in the slot. And for this reason, your card cannot be fully read. As a rule, in this situation everything seems to be normal, but nevertheless, from time to time the signal disappears. Not very nice, right?

In this case, to be honest, fixing everything is very, very simple. Simply clean the SIM card slot carefully and then insert the card back into it. Turn on your gadget and see what happens. Very often this move works without any problems.

Things are much more complicated when the phone does not see the SIM card, you don’t know what to do, and even there are suspicions that the slot is damaged (broken). In this case, it makes sense to take your device for repair. There they will help you find the cause of the failures, and will also tell you whether the current situation can be corrected.

Generally in similar situations much easier to buy for yourself new phone. After all, a repaired slot, as a rule, does not work particularly long or efficiently. But don’t immediately run and choose for yourself new gadget. After all, the phone does not see the SIM card not only because of dirt, dust and breakdowns. Let's figure out what other reasons may lie this kind behavior. There are still quite a lot of them.

SIM card malfunction

For example, a malfunction of your card may be to blame. It is at these moments that users wonder why the phone does not see the SIM card, and also try to solve the problem with all possible methods.

If you have another SIM card on hand, then insert it into the phone slot and see if everything is in order. Yes? Then the problem really is a faulty card. It needs to be changed. Fortunately, modern operators cellular communication allow you to implement this idea without changing the number, as well as without losing personal contacts. To do this, however, you will have to go to the nearest cellular office of your network, then fill out a special application there and wait a while. That's it - problem solved. But don't get excited so quickly. After all, sometimes it’s not about the SIM card at all. And what? Let's try to understand why the phone stopped seeing the SIM card. There are still plenty of reasons for this behavior. And for each problem there is its own, fairly simple solution. Let's get to know them quickly.

Two cards

A very interesting problem that has become common in Lately, is the impossibility of working simultaneously with two SIM cards. That is, models of gadgets with 2 SIM are the most common objects with which we have to struggle.

For what specific reasons does the phone not see the SIM card in similar cases, as a rule, is difficult to determine. This may be operator incompatibility or the most common system failure. Nevertheless, the problem needs to be solved. How? Usually, users simply take out the SIM card we need less and use just one number. As a last resort, insert it into another gadget. That's all.

But there is another situation in which the phone does not see the SIM card. What to do if the source of the problem is not 2 SIM cards? Let's try to understand this not so simple point.


On modern markets and stores began selling counterfeit phone models more and more often. It is for this reason that buyers began to note the emergence big problems with their gadgets. So, if a Samsung phone does not see a SIM card (or any other model), then it makes sense to check its authenticity. In most cases, you will find that what you are looking at is a real fake.

How to act in in this case? First, go to the store where you bought the gadget. Provide your receipt and all proof of purchase, and then report the counterfeit. Say that you would like to replace the gadget. You are required to make a replacement as soon as possible. But in reality everything is a little different.

Few people would agree to simply exchange sold goods. Even fake. Sometimes you have to go to court in order to satisfy your desires legally. Nevertheless, sometimes it is enough to intimidate workers with a lawsuit. Try this. If all else fails, then you should file a lawsuit. Thus, if the phone does not see the SIM card, then it may turn out that you will have to work hard to restore justice.


So, today we learned about possible reasons problems with SIM cards on phones. As you can see, there are quite a lot of them. Moreover, some of them require complete replacement gadget, and some even go to court.

By by and large, if your phone suddenly and for no reason stopped recognizing the SIM card, then it would be better to take it in for repair. Now specialized services is literally everywhere and everywhere. Only there they will quickly help you correct the situation so as to reduce all risks to a minimum.

A SIM card is the most important part in any cell phone, since without it the phone cannot be used for its intended purpose. The user will be deprived of the ability to send and receive messages, as well as call anywhere other than the emergency service. Unfortunately, no one can predict the breakdown or malfunction of a SIM card; sometimes such moments come at the most inopportune time. It also happens that the phone does not detect the card and informs the owner about this, demanding to insert the card into the slot in which it is already located. You can learn what to do in such situations from this article. Several action plans for different situations are detailed below.

How can I find out what is causing the SIM card to malfunction?

The first thing you should do is remove the card from the slot, having first examined its location. It is quite possible that the SIM card has moved a little, as a result of which contact with the phone was lost. In the case when the SIM card slot is located under the battery and not next to it, there is a possibility that the SIM receiver does not contact the card through special micro-contacts. To solve the problem, you should try to press the SIM card more tightly to the slot, using a small roll of paper folded several times. You need to place the package between the card and the battery, and then assemble the phone. It is likely that contact will be restored and the SIM card will function again.

If this does not help, remove the card from the SIM receiver again and carefully inspect all contacts. Are they damaged or dirty? This may be the reason why the card does not work. Take a simple eraser and wipe everything visible contacts, and then insert the card into the slot and start the phone. Works?

Not again? Then bend the SIM card slightly so that the side on which the contacts are located becomes slightly convex. The reason may be that when long-term use The SIM card overheats and begins to deform, as a result of which the contacts of the slot and the card do not touch.

Is your card still not working? Then the problem may lie in the phone itself. To check, insert a card from another operator into your cell phone. If it works, then the problem is in your first SIM card, if it doesn’t work, then the problem is in the SIM receiver.

Why doesn't the SIM card work?

The reason may be in the phone itself; some cell phones are “locked” exclusively for specific operator mobile communications, therefore another SIM card similar phone won't find it. It often happens that in phones with two SIM cards only one of the inserted cards works. Therefore, you should inspect both slots and insert a “suspicious” SIM card into both the first and second.

Many physical damage greatly affect cell phone performance. For example, if water gets on your phone, certain time The contacts of the SIM card or slot may oxidize, which will lead to a malfunction. Regardless of whether your phone has fallen into a puddle or been caught in a light rain, and it seems that water has not penetrated under the case, you should disassemble the device and easily wipe the contacts and places where the cables connect with a napkin. If after cleaning the SIM card still does not work, then the only thing the right decision there will be an appeal to service center, where specialists will solve the problem in a short time.

Take into account the fact that the damage will not show up immediately. After a certain period of time, the phone may suddenly break down, although it would seem that before that it worked perfectly without the slightest suspicion. Even a sharp increase or decrease in temperature can be detrimental to a SIM card or connector. You come in from outside where the weather is cold or humid and find yourself in a warm room, unaware that liquid is condensing inside the phone. Everything is extremely simple: disassemble the phone, remove the SIM card and wipe it with a soft, dry cloth.

What to do when the SIM card is to blame for the problem?

Some SIM cards have a specific expiration date indicated on the starter pack, when purchasing, pay attention to the packaging, it may indicate the service life. If inactive for a long time, the card is automatically blocked or fails, turning into useless garbage. Also, the card may be blocked due to negative balance, preserved for a long time. Each operator sets its own rules that you need to know to avoid problems. Most mobile networks will activate your SIM card only after the first top-up. Often, when purchasing a card, a consultant will inform you on how to properly activate it.

Many modern smartphones have slots that only accept cut-off cards called mini-SIMs. Often iPhone owners and other smartphones are forced to cut the SIM card on their own, which can cause damage. This action You should trust specialists in special centers, or, in extreme cases, people who have previously successfully cut SIM cards and have valuable experience. But still, when the SIM card does not work, you should do the above steps and make sure that you cannot solve the problem yourself.

Contact your mobile operator if you have a problem with your SIM card

The situation when the phone does not see the SIM card can arise for any subscriber Russian operator- MTS, Beeline, MegaFon, Tele2, or Yota. This can happen for a number of reasons, not always dependent on the person using the device. Today we will tell you why the phone may not see the SIM card, and what needs to be done to solve the problem.

Finding out the reason

The main thing to do if the phone does not see the SIM card is to find out the reason. The cause of the problem may be either the device itself, which uses the SIM card, or the card itself.

You need to determine why this is happening - the phone does not see the SIM card at all, or the operator’s network is just unavailable. It's quite easy to find out. If you installed a SIM card in your phone, and the device writes that the SIM card is not installed, this means that the phone does not see the SIM card. If the phone does not display a notification about the absence of a card, but does not see the operator’s network, then this may be due to both the SIM card itself and the device.

There are many reasons why the phone does not see the SIM card, and this problem occurs both on push-button telephone, as well as smartphones on Android and iOS. If cellular telephone does not see the SIM card or the network, then analyze why this problem appeared - after a fall, or a software update, or maybe this situation occurs periodically.

You shouldn’t rush to take a phone that doesn’t see the SIM card for repair, since the problem may lie in the SIM card itself, and you can also solve it yourself. The first thing to do in such a situation is to turn off the device and remove the SIM card. After that, insert the SIM card into the phone and turn it on. If the problem persists, then you need to check the device with a different SIM card, as well as the SIM card in another phone. These simple steps will help you determine why the device does not see the SIM.

If no phone sees the SIM card, then the problem is most likely in the card itself. If the SIM card works normally in another device, then the reason can only be a gadget.


If the problem is with the SIM card itself, then the only solution is to replace it. There are many reasons why a SIM card can fail: it can be damaged or blocked by the operator.

All mobile operators They replace SIM cards for free, and the procedure itself will not take much time. To do this, just go to the nearest company salon with your passport and apply for new SIM card. Within a few minutes the subscriber will have a new card in his hands.

After replacing the SIM cards, you will have access to: old number, as well as the tariff and services connected to it. The account balance will also be maintained. Paid replacement is made only if the SIM card is sent by mail, which will require some time from the subscriber, since delivery is carried out by regular mail.

Even if the problem lies in the device itself, then you should not rush to the service center, since in most cases the problem can be solved yourself.

Most often, subscribers encounter this problem after updating software, or installing new software. If the problem occurs in this case, then you need to reset the device to factory settings. How to perform this procedure can be found in the user manual, or by contacting hotline manufacturer.

Situations also arise when a person bought a new phone that does not see the SIM card. This mainly concerns gadgets that were not officially imported to Russia and are “locked” either under a specific operator or European providers. If the phone is intended for use in European Union networks, then the situation can be resolved simply by inserting a SIM card from any European operator into the phone. You can remove the blocking for a specific provider (most often this applies to American ones) remotely, using the services of “craftsmen” on the Internet.

If none of these options are suitable - you are not ready to look for a technician on your own online, or buy a European SIM card, then you will have to contact a service center. Please also consider that official services Often such unlocking is not performed, so you need to use the services of unofficial salons.

If the device is not “locked” under foreign operator, or it worked fine before, but now it doesn’t see the card, then you need to contact a service center to have it repaired. We recommend that the device be diagnosed and repaired only by an authorized representative. This will not only allow you to be confident in quality repairs device, but will also help avoid additional costs. This is due to the fact that third party services can be added to the bill Additional services for repairs that were not carried out on the gadget. Also, if the device has a warranty, then its repair will not cost a penny if the cause of the malfunction was not your fault.


If the device stops seeing the SIM card, then the first thing you need to do is determine the reason. You can check the functionality of the card itself in any other device, and if necessary, replace it free of charge at the operator’s salon.

If the reason lies in the gadget itself (the SIM works in another phone), then determine why it stopped working normally. If this happened after a software update or flashing, then resetting to factory settings or re-flashing will help.

In case of another problem, you must take the device for diagnostics and repair to the manufacturer’s service center. Don't forget to take with you warranty card, which can save you money.

There are a number of reasons why mobile phone or the smartphone does not detect the presence of a SIM card. What are the most common causes of such a malfunction, and what to do under such circumstances? In most situations, the culprit that the phone does not see the SIM card is the device itself or the SIM itself.

What can be done?

The first step is to open the back of the phone and remove the battery. This will allow you to access the SIM card. There are several options why the smartphone does not see the SIM.

  • There is a possibility that the device does not see the card because it has moved relative to the slot. In this case, the contacts of the chip and the SIM receiver do not touch. What to do? Place the card in its original position.
  • If the SIM card is not in tight contact with the SIM receiver, you need to use plain paper folded several times. This piece should be placed between the SIM card and the device’s battery, and then closed back cover device and turn it on.
  • Another reason that the phone does not see the SIM may be that the contacts of the chip and the SIM receiver are clogged. If traces of dirt or sand are found during the inspection, it is necessary to treat such areas with a microfiber cloth soaked in alcohol or a regular eraser.
  • You can also try to use any other working SIM. If a mobile phone or smartphone detects it, then the problem is in the card, and the device has nothing to do with it.

Problem with the device

Below are some of the most common cases when a smartphone or phone does not see a SIM card.

  • The device is programmed for a SIM card of a specific operator. Often the price of imported mobile phones or smartphones is lower than similar models from other suppliers. This is due to the programming of such devices for a specific cellular operator. In Russia, such phones are not uncommon. What to do in this case? When purchasing a new device, you need to insert your operator's SIM card and try to make a test call.
  • The SIM card slot is damaged. This is one of the most common factors in the problem under consideration, associated with frequent changes of SIM cards by the user, the phone falling into water, falling from a height onto a hard surface, and other stressful influences. Such cases may result in damage to the card holder. In this case, the malfunction may not appear immediately, but will make itself felt over time. Also, the operation of the device may be affected by a sudden change temperature conditions and other physical operating parameters.
  • Incorrect installation. A mobile phone or smartphone may no longer recognize the SIM card after incorrect installation of updated device software. What to do in this case? To restore the device's functionality, it is necessary to install a factory modification operating shell or reflash it.
  • The phone didn't boot up completely. The more functional a mobile phone or smartphone is, the more it contains random access memory And more powerful processor, the longer the time it takes for all programs and services of the device to load after turning on the device. This may be the reason why the SIM card is detected after some time. Need to wait full load phone and, possibly, the SIM card will be detected.

The reason is in the SIM card

There are a number of reasons why the phone does not see the SIM card, related specifically to defects in the card itself.

  • If the SIM card is not used for a long time or is negative, it may be. Typically, such conditions are specified in the contract and can be clarified with the company providing communication services.
  • There are operators who follow the first paid action, be it a call or a sent text message.
  • Incorrect cropping regular SIM card to mini-SIM, or . Many users prefer to reduce the size of the SIM card themselves and in the process damage the contact pad of the chip. What should I do to avoid this? You can use the services of specialists in mobile phone stores or pre-order a card the right size from your operator.
  • The SIM card may be damaged during operation or when left outside telephone set. In addition, if you frequently remove and reinsert the SIM card into the phone, it may also become damaged.

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