Why does my phone battery swell? What should I do? What to do if your phone battery is swollen? Using the device in different temperature conditions

Every owner of a modern gadget knows that the weak point of the device is its battery. However, not everyone knows what to do if the battery on their phone is swollen. Should I throw away the device and buy a new one, or can I do something on my own to make my favorite smartphone come to life again? Let's try to figure out how to cure this man-made disease.

What to do if your phone battery is swollen

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of the consequences of such a tumor. The swelling destroys the internal structure of the battery and even if you were able to get rid of it, the battery will not last long. But you can use this device for some time, although the battery capacity will be significantly less.

  • Causes of battery swelling

Modern devices use lithium batteries, which are essentially layers of thin plates on top of each other. Battery swelling is a consequence of gas pressure between the layers. And, in turn, gases arise under certain conditions that lead to the start of a chemical reaction. The gas becomes the result of the fact that the normal functioning of the plates is disrupted due to the influence of various factors. Battery swelling can result from:

  • Device dropped
  • Factory defective
  • If liquid gets inside the device
  • End of life cycle of the battery itself
  • Failure to comply with recommendations for

All these reasons together or one of them can provoke a result such as a swollen battery. You can get rid of this scourge on your own, but the result of the procedure on the phone will not always be positive.

Most often, the battery swells precisely due to the end of its life. Each battery is designed for approximately 4 years of operation and if your smartphone is sick for this reason, then perhaps it’s time to buy a new one.

  • Methods from the manufacturer

Smartphones can be assembled using aluminum or steel. And manufacturers try to think through all the little details to make their products the most ergonomic for the buyer. Therefore, battery swelling can be eliminated using the methods provided by the manufacturer itself.

First of all, it is worth understanding that swelling is the result of accumulated gases in the battery case. To bring the phone back to life, you need to “bleed off” the gases and restore the battery’s shape.

Smartphones with an aluminum body have a special place that can allow gases to escape. Most often it is located under the controller. Make a small puncture in this area with a sharp object and press on the battery to release the gases. This reset window may be located in another place; each model has its own feature. You can find out such detailed information on the official website of the manufacturer.

If you get a phone with a steel case, then everything will be simpler. Carefully inspect the phone case; in one of the places there will definitely be a small ball that serves as an outlet for gases. Push it down and press lightly onto the battery. If you smell an unusual and specific smell, then you did everything right. But don't press the ball too hard because you may damage the plates inside the battery.

When the gases are released, you need to ensure that the phone returns to its original form. To do this, you will need a heavy, flat object, which we will use instead of a press. Place it on your phone to level the surface. If you don’t have anything suitable at hand, you can also use small planks. Tape them to the phone on both sides and press with your hands. It is best to leave the phone in this state for a couple of hours so that the case is completely restored and your phone gets rid of even a hint of recent flux.

After the press, let's start sealing the case. You need to carefully cover the hole you made in the housing. A sealant or glue is suitable for this. Once all these steps are completed, you can put your phone on charge and launch your favorite fitness apps again.

This medical procedure may be useful for new phones whose batteries can still be revived. But if your smartphone is more than 5 years old, then even this is unlikely to help bring the battery back to life.

  • Surgical intervention

Some phone models do not have a window for releasing gases or a special ball for this purpose. In this case, only direct surgical intervention will help. You need to puncture the battery yourself to release the gases. Take an awl or a thick needle and make a puncture in the battery. The puncture must be done at an angle. If you make a vertical puncture, you can close the plates. But horizontal will have no effect.

Carry out this procedure with caution. A puncture may cause the battery to catch fire. Another scenario for a not-so-successful operation is electrolyte leakage.

After releasing the gases, proceed to restore the body as described in the previous paragraph and do not forget to seal the puncture again.

Probably every experienced car owner has at least once encountered such a seemingly unusual problem - it can swell. This defect is not limited to swelling of the battery from the inside and a significant increase in its size. The battery may develop minor bumps or gas bubbles. All external problems with batteries are accompanied by deterioration in the operation of the device, and even failure of the device. But what is the reason for the appearance of this deformation?

Why is this happening?

If the battery is swollen, there may be several reasons. More precisely, if we take the situation in general, there is only one reason, and it is physical. A malfunction occurs inside the battery and gas begins to be released abnormally, resulting in increased pressure. As a result, the housing in which the battery is placed is forced to change shape. But what triggers an unwanted chemical reaction? We list the main factors:
  1. More than seventy percent of all battery swellings occur due to exposure to high or low temperatures. Have you come to relax by the sea and left your car in the sun for the whole day? Be prepared for the fact that the battery may fail, especially if it is cheap or of questionable manufacture. Is the battery frozen? It's worth starting to think about. By the way, if the battery slightly swells, it is likely that the critical temperatures for your device are unsuitable for the area where you have to use the car.
  2. Condensate. With a sharp change in ambient temperature, moisture may form inside the device, which disrupts chemical reactions and increases the likelihood of bloating.
  3. Liquid. This is not quite the same as condensation, since we mean any liquid that gets on and inside the device. In this case, chemical reactions that are harmful to the battery also occur.
  4. Mechanical impact. This could be a fall, an attempt to open the battery case, or the actual opening. If the integrity of a device is compromised, it is difficult to avoid problems with that device.
  5. The battery has served its intended life. It is difficult to name the average life of a car battery, since it depends on many technical issues.
  6. Using a non-native charger. Again the technical side of the issue. For example, many batteries are sensitive to voltage fluctuations and prolonged contact closure.
  7. Manufacturing defect. This reason also cannot be excluded, since not a single car owner is insured against it.

Instead of a conclusion.

Now you know why your battery can swell and imagine what your actions can lead to this. And, most importantly, you have an idea of ​​what needs to be done to avoid such a defect. To be fair, it is worth noting that if a bulge has formed, the device cannot be repaired, and you must definitely buy a new battery. Can

Sooner or later, the battery on the phone swells and fails. Even with proper use, wear and tear after a certain period of time is guaranteed for any device. The battery on my phone is swollen, what should I do? Many people ask this question. I'll explain everything in order. The user can easily notice the first problems with the battery. For example, the back cover of a smartphone does not fit well into place, begins to come off, or is even almost impossible to install. Even a slight swelling can be noticed by eye if you remove the battery from the device.

On average, the power supply lasts for 2-3 years. After this period of time, they begin to lose capacity, hold a charge poorly and charge slowly. Frequent charging also indicates that it is time to replace the old energy storage device or it is worth restoring it. You probably noticed that after purchasing the gadget, it could work without recharging for several days. Then the device asks to be plugged in more and more often, and eventually cannot work even a day without recharging. If your phone battery is swollen, but still continues to work, then you should not risk your safety and send it for repair, but it is better to immediately go buy a new one, or try to restore it.

Several reasons why the battery swells

In order to understand the causes of wear and possible consequences, the user should ask two questions: why the battery is swollen and what it entails. So, the reasons for battery swelling:

  • Manufacturing defects. If the reason is a manufacturing defect, then the swelling pops up during the first weeks of operation. Don't be upset, because you probably have a guarantee.

  • Smartphone falling. After a strong blow, even if the body of the gadget remains intact.

  • The service life has come to an end. If you use a battery and there has been no repair for several years, then this reason is most likely. Then you can buy a new one. Today you can buy them in many stores for a variety of models (Nokia n8, Samsung phones, iPhone 5, tablet and others).

  • Incorrect charging.

  • Ingress of moisture and water.

  • Effect of temperature (extreme heat or cold).

  • Non-original charger.

Why is a swollen battery dangerous?

The danger of a damaged battery for any phone threatens not only the operation of the gadget, but also the owner of the device; it can explode. Stories about explosions are not without common sense. When too many gases accumulate inside the battery, the excess pressure will cause the product to explode. Therefore, under no circumstances store already swollen batteries at home, and certainly do not use them!

Counterfeit and low-quality power supplies are not uncommon. The consequences of buying a counterfeit can be very serious, ranging from the failure of your favorite gadget to harming the health of the owner of the device - exploding. To avoid this, you must know several ways to recognize a fake. Firstly, bad and defective batteries quickly fail. This usually happens the first couple of weeks after purchase. If during this time the battery has become swollen and has become much less capable of holding a charge than stated in the instructions, then you should stop using this manufacturing defect or an outright fake.

Reasons to buy a new smartphone battery:

  1. The original source stopped accepting charge.

  2. The phone charges in a few hours or minutes.

How to repackage a battery for a smartphone

To date, human engineering has not yet managed to implement mechanisms and technical devices that have an endless resource. The same applies to mobile phone batteries. Many people notice that over time, the smartphone begins to discharge faster and faster. There can be many reasons for this, and one of them is related to swelling of the battery. This problem has certain risks, so it needs to be analyzed in more detail.


Signs of a swollen battery

There are several fairly clear signs that allow you to determine by eye, without proper technical experience, that the battery is swollen.

Among these signs, the following should be highlighted:

  • The smartphone becomes difficult to close as the back cover covering the battery compartment begins to fit poorly;
  • Even with a fully charged battery, a mobile phone only works for a couple of hours, after which it suddenly turns off;
  • There is an urgent need to constantly recharge the phone due to its rapid discharge;
  • The phone constantly turns off spontaneously, reboots, or even stops turning on even when the charger is connected;
  • The mobile device starts to get very hot when charging.

Manufacturers of rechargeable batteries for mobile phones claim a service life of two years for these power supplies. After this period, the battery may well fail. The battery begins to gradually lose its former capacity. Moreover, with each subsequent year the capacity will fall more and more, which negatively affects the comfort of using the gadget.

The battery is a consumable item and the fact that it has become unusable and needs to be replaced is normal.

Why can a battery swell?

There are a number of main reasons that directly affect the fact that a mobile phone battery may swell:

  1. Elementary defects in production. Most batteries are produced in Chinese factories, which does not have the best effect on their quality. Batteries with manufacturing defects often fail within the first month of operation;
  2. Phone falling and blows. Even if, as a result of the fall, the body of the phone itself was not damaged or received minimal damage, the battery itself may fail;
  3. If you constantly keep the phone on charge with a faulty controller, it will overcharge and heat up, which can lead to bloating;
  4. Accidental fall of the device into water;
  5. Prolonged exposure of the phone to very low or, conversely, high temperatures;
  6. Using a non-original charger to charge the battery;
  7. Failure to comply with basic rules for storing a smartphone and constant exposure to vibrations;
  8. Long-term operation of the smartphone without replacing the battery.

What could be the consequences?

If your phone battery is swollen, the consequences can be very different. This battery condition is quite dangerous both for the phone and for the user. You can often find messages on thematic forums about a sudden fire or even explosion of a smartphone.

Based on this fact, one can easily assume that a swollen battery can not only cause serious injury, but also cause a serious fire.

If you ignore this problem, it will continue to swell and may even break the panel or squeeze the display out of your smartphone. If the battery is not removable, it can damage the internal circuit boards.

Can I use a smartphone?

According to most users, it is quite acceptable to use the phone with a swollen battery; the only inconvenience in this case will be that it will begin to discharge very quickly and actively.

In fact, in addition to the fact that a swollen battery itself can cause a fire or a small explosion, using a means of communication that can turn off at any moment is a very reckless and unwise decision.

It is also worth noting that the recycling of lithium-ion batteries installed in modern mobile devices is carried out in a special way. For this reason, throwing batteries in the trash is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that they continue to pose a danger to the environment due to the possibility of releasing harmful chemical compounds. Therefore, if a battery fails, it must be taken to a special organization that deals with the disposal of such waste equipment.

What to do if your phone battery is swollen

Many modern mobile phone users are concerned about the problem of what to do if the battery of their device is swollen? It is important to remember here that swollen batteries are dangerous not only for the environment, but also for the smartphone user himself, as they can spontaneously ignite and even cause mini explosions. If you were able to identify this defect, then the phone should be turned off immediately and not connected to the mains to recharge the battery.

If the battery is removable, you can remove it yourself and take it to a specialized service center that repairs mobile equipment. You can’t just throw away such batteries; you need to use the Internet to find a collection point for such waste in your city.

Is it possible to restore a swollen battery?

All batteries that are swollen or fail for some other reason cannot be repaired today. Due to the specifics of such power supply elements and the peculiarities of their design, they are non-repairable.

Technically, it is possible to restore a li-ion battery, but it is highly not recommended. There may still be a charge left in the battery and if the casing is punctured, corrosive gas will begin to be released. The battery will become very hot and may even catch fire or explode.

If the mobile phone is under warranty, then you can try to replace the broken battery at a service center, citing a manufacturing defect. At the same time, if the device is already more than one or two years old, then there is no guarantee. In such cases, you should already think about purchasing a new smartphone or buying a new battery. It is important to remember that the battery must be original and not a Chinese counterfeit. This aspect must be observed since Chinese batteries initially have a much lower capacity than the original batteries and a noticeably shorter service life.

Tell us in the comments what problems you had with the battery and how you dealt with them. This will make the material on the site more useful and interesting.

If your Samsung, Fly, etc. phone has a swollen battery, then this is certainly a sign that it is about to end its life.

This of course has unpleasant consequences for the user. This is often accompanied by fast charging times for a smartphone or tablet - where it takes only 30 minutes for the screen to reach 100%.

There are also recorded cases where the smartphone battery not only swelled, but also broke it in half, as in the picture above.

This is often the result of manufacturing defects. Officially recognized by Nokia with the BP-6M battery.

In turn, Samsung washes its hands of the problem, but based on the warranty, if the fault is not considered mechanical, it can replace it for free.

The problem when the battery is swollen is also present in Apple devices. The American company admitted its mistake and is doing the repairs free of charge.

Lithium-ion batteries usually swell. This is the result of manufacturers chasing productivity, although it is only an indirect cause.

The most common ones swell in extreme cases. This occurs as a result of an irreversible chemical reaction - the released gas presses on the power source, swelling it

How to prevent battery swelling

You should break the habit of connecting your phone to a power source for several tens of hours.

The charging time should not be much longer than necessary. Battery life also greatly influences the maximum discharge. It is much better to start charging at 10-20%.

Trickle charging shortens battery life. This usually happens if you are in a car, in an office, or somewhere in the city where there is no possibility of a full charge. Then the battery, several months after purchase, can last only a few hours.

To maintain the best battery health, do not use your phone while it is connected to the charger to reduce the risk of overheating.

It is also important to use an original charger - this way you will be 100% sure that its action will not affect the phone.

What to do if the battery is swollen? Do not underestimate this issue - such a battery must be replaced.

Otherwise, it may damage the components inside your tablet or smartphone. Good luck.