Is it possible to connect a phone without a battery? When does such a need arise? Turning on the phone without a battery via USB

It is impossible to predict when the battery in your phone will stop working, since the battery often fails even with careful use. If you encounter similar problem, and starting a phone without a battery is necessary at any cost, then check out possible methods turn on the phone without a battery in this article. Please note that in this case there is a risk of burning the phone.

Important! The author of the article and the administration of the resource are not responsible for your damaged device. Turning on a phone without a battery is a complex and unpredictable process. It is prohibited to start work without proper experience and knowledge.

In what situations is it necessary to turn on the phone without a battery?

The need to turn on the phone without a power source is as follows:

  1. Checking the phone's functionality.
  2. Emergency activation to retrieve important data.
  3. Converting the device to work without a battery.

More often, a similar process occurs when it is necessary to check a device or retrieve data. Because buy new battery, for some users, it is not practical and expensive. Also, changing the power source on an old device is not always logical, provided you buy a different model.

Method 1: Connect your phone to a charger

Usually the phone does not work without a battery with a charger connected. This is due to the difference in voltage and current used. Therefore, when connecting to the charger, a message will appear asking you to install the battery. However, some phones turn on and work, but the wrong battery indicator is displayed.

Method 2: Connect directly

If the phone's battery is removable, it makes sense to connect to the terminals directly. To do this, determine the polarity “+” and “-”, and also get an adapter with a voltage of 3.5-3.7 V. If you make a mistake, there is a high chance of burning your phone. If the required adapter no, then solder a custom resistor. To check the result, use a multimeter.

Some devices use a chip to communicate with the charger. This is how the device detects the connected adapter and understands when to use it. fast charging, and when to stop power supply, for example, during voltage surges. In this case, to turn it on, you will have to solder a 20 kOhm resistor between the penultimate information and negative terminals.

Method 3: Use a controller from an old battery

On battery, with external or internal connection connected to the phone, there is a board that regulates the battery charge. Due to this, the flow of energy stops when the charge is full, and also prevents deep discharge. Therefore, if you solder the charger wires to the board and connect them to the terminals, there is a high probability that the phone will consider the “homemade product” to be a battery and start up correctly.

The ideal and safest option is to unsolder the board from the old battery and solder it to the new one. The size of the new “can” and capacity are not important, the main thing is to connect the battery to the terminals.


Turning on the phone without a battery risks damaging the device. Therefore, without the proper knowledge and experience, it is better to avoid such a procedure. If there is no other way, then the optimal and safe way– re-soldering the board from the old battery to the new battery. If you know more convenient way, tell us about it in the comments.

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How to turn on a phone without a battery You can activate almost any phone without using a battery. In what cases does this become necessary? There are various emergency situations when the battery is lost but important data remains, or, for example, if the phone is part of a circuit burglar alarm or listening system. Operating a phone without a battery Is it possible to turn on a phone without a battery? There is an opinion that for this it is enough to put it on charge, after which you can turn it on, but this is not so. Regular device For charging, it involves working with a battery, where it first accumulates and then releases current. It is impossible to power the device directly from the charger: since the current is too low, the voltage will immediately drop to zero as soon as you try to “wake up” your phone. To start the device, you need to make it yourself or buy a stabilizing power supply that produces constant pressure 3.7V s maximum load current no more than 2 A. The required voltage should in no case be higher acceptable indicator, even during switching on/off and load fluctuations. Please note that the power supply is protected from overvoltage in the event of a malfunction, and also has preventive measures in case of short circuit. How to turn on a phone without a battery? Instructions for turning on the phone without a battery: Turn off the phone, disconnect it from the charger, and remove the battery. Using a voltmeter, find two contacts on it that would correspond to a voltage from 3.2 to 3.7 V. Determine the current polarity of the contacts. Apply the required voltage from the system uninterruptible power supply to the appropriate contacts in the battery compartment housing. You can solder the ends if the phone will not be used in any other way (in this case, the power supply should be de-energized). First turn on the power and then start the phone. You can check the serviceability of the resulting system as follows: connect the phone to the security system using USB cable so that the common wire of the circuit is disconnected from the power supply. It is important to remember that in the event of a power failure or a contact disconnection, the phone will turn off instantly. If the device is part of a security alarm system, care should be taken that it is equipped with an uninterruptible power supply unit, which must be reliably protected from temperature fluctuations. Tip: instead of a power supply, you can make adjustable stabilizer, and draw the voltage, for example, from a computer. Many older phone models (and these are the ones most often used for automatic dialing for security purposes) require an additional resistor connection, and some devices with four-pin batteries sometimes require two resistors. Some models are equipped with a system for reading information from a chip that is built into the battery. For example, power is removed from a Siemens battery at the outer terminals. Between them are information contacts that allow the phone to identify the battery: NiMH or LiIon. These contacts are connected, as a rule, before the last terminal to the negative through 20 kOhm. This resistor acts as a temperature sensor during battery startup and is located inside the battery. To connect it you need to: make a “model” of the battery with contact pads or use a case from a similar battery; Solder contacts onto the pads with a resistance similar to that required in the battery; Next, the wires from the power supply are soldered, the main thing is not to confuse the polarity. As you can see, the phone can be turned on without a battery; for this you will only need some devices and knowledge from this article.

What are the ways to turn on your phone without a battery?

Sometimes on the Internet you can find user questions about how to turn on a mobile phone without a battery. At first glance it may seem like this is pampering. But it only seems so. For example, the battery is completely discharged, and you need to do urgent call. If you are far from an outlet, then, of course, you will need a battery to make the call. But if you are in a building where there is electricity, then you can easily turn on your mobile phone without a battery. In addition, a similar smartphone connection scheme is often used when integrating it into security system and alarm. In this note we will look at several options for how to turn on your phone without a battery.

Situations that require turning on the phone without battery

Here are some examples when this may be required:

  • The battery is broken or low and you need to make a call. If you turn on the phone via the power connector or USB port If the battery is not working, it will not work. Many modern phones have a circuit in which the power is connected to the battery, and power is supplied from the battery to the microcircuit. So, in this situation, you will need to directly connect the power to the smartphone;
  • Another situation where you bought new model, and about yours old smartphone forgot. It sat for some time, and the battery in it lost capacity. After a while, you remembered that there was a necessary information, for example, contacts, photos, videos. Shouldn't you buy a new battery just to get images out? In this case, turning on the phone without a battery will help;
  • And another situation that was mentioned above. There may be a need to use an old smartphone in alarm systems that operate by dial-up and send alerts via the network. Here you need to keep your smartphone on all the time. Therefore, it turns on directly without a battery.

Let's look at methods for turning on a phone without a battery.

Power on via separate power connector

Modern phones have already lost a separate power connector, but on older models they were common. If your phone has such a connector, then first try connecting using it. If power goes through it, this will be the easiest solution to the problem.

Otherwise, you will have to consider other connection options. In most cases, this is due to modification of the power supply. Here you will already need certain skills and abilities in the field of electrical engineering.

Turning on the phone without a battery via USB

It seems that this option suggests itself and is the simplest. However, it's not easy. The phone takes limited current through the USB port. The device takes the rated current only if connected via Charger from the package. If you connect your phone to laptop usb, then the current is limited to 500 mA. With such a limitation, the operation of the smartphone will be impossible or unstable.

Power on directly without battery

In order to connect a mobile phone without a battery directly, you will need:

  • Power adapter (nominal 3.4?4.5 V). It is highly desirable that it has short circuit protection;
  • Soldering iron and solder;
  • Multimeter.

Those who are good at electrical engineering can assemble a power adapter with the necessary characteristics from separate components.

Determine the polarity of the battery terminals using a multimeter. This will set the polarity of the pins mobile phone. You need to solder the wires from the selected power adapter to these contacts. If you need to turn on the phone without a battery one time, then connect the wires using alligator clips. After that, plug the adapter into the network and turn on the smartphone.

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Trying to turn on a device with a completely dead battery is the same as turning on a phone without a battery. However there are several simple ways. The first of them is that if there is no way to recharge a dead power source, you can go to the nearest store for a new battery. In general, we advise you to always take a backup power source with you under any conditions, because in the most important point A dead battery can disrupt an important call.

In addition to buying a new battery, turning on the phone when the battery is dead will help external source power supply that connects directly to your phone and recharges the battery. You can talk on the phone and use it at the same time. And what’s important is that you don’t need an outlet. Therefore, when going on a trip, do not forget to charge not only your phone battery, but also external battery. If the “original” battery discharges quickly, then it is better to immediately buy a new one.

Is it possible to turn on the phone without a battery?

There are times in life different situations and sometimes you may need to know how to turn on your phone without a battery. Such knowledge will be useful, for example, if you need to make a very important call, on which even people’s lives may depend. Of course, no matter how hard you try, you definitely won’t be able to start your phone without a battery and additional available tools. The fact is that a phone is a device that cannot work without a power source.

But there is one method on how to start a phone without a battery. To do this you will need: a smartphone; stabilization power supply; voltmeter; uninterruptable power source; USB cable; soldering iron; solder; rosin; flux, and of course, you must be familiar with these items firsthand and must be able to use them. Otherwise, there is no point in conducting the experiment. For the sake of own safety, try to find a new battery for a Samsung or other brand phone.

How can you turn on a smartphone without a battery.

So, now you will learn in detail how you can turn on your smartphone without a battery. A standard charger is designed to operate the phone together with a battery that is capable of delivering a certain current. If you take out the battery and connect it to empty phone charging, then of course nothing will happen. For the experiment you will need a stabilized power supply with short circuit protection. This unit should produce a voltage of 3.7 V with a current load in the range of up to 2 A. Using a voltmeter, determine the two contacts on the battery with a voltage of 3.2 to 3.7 V.

Apply voltage from the power supply to the contacts of the phone's battery compartment while maintaining the contacts. Turn on the power supply and try to start the phone. If you succeeded immediately, this indicates that the device is not equipped with a special module for exchanging data with the chip’s battery. Now the phone will work without a battery, but only from the network and only when there is electricity. For your own safety, it is better not to conduct such experiments and not to use such a device unless urgently necessary. Also remember that when high heat it might even explode. Therefore, do not conduct similar experiments with the power source itself.

If for your model telephone set It is very difficult to find a battery, then you can always look in online stores. As a rule, in many online stores there is always huge selection, so there are unlikely to be any problems finding any specific model. Even if suddenly original battery If it doesn’t turn out to be the case, then the consultants will always select an excellent analogue from another manufacturer that will work no worse.

The call made by researcher Vamsi Talla at the University of Washington in Seattle was, at first glance, simple. short call, received by a nearby smartphone. However, in fact, this experiment is of great importance for the future mobile communications, because the phone from which the conversation was conducted did not have a battery. Talla, a postdoctoral fellow in Joshua Smith's lab at the University of Washington, has been working on the project for several years.

How does a phone function that does not have a conventional battery and is not connected to an outlet? alternating current? As the scientist explains, the device extracts energy from the surrounding light using photodiodes. Signals terrestrial television and Wi-Fi can also be used to receive current using special antennas. Applying hybrid scheme Based on both methods, several tens of microwatts of energy can be generated.

But the problem is that modern phones consume tens of thousands of times more - approximately 800 milliwatts in talk mode. To solve this problem, the Smith Laboratory developed a technology called “backscattering.” Its essence is that communication is carried out by reflecting incoming radio waves. Thus, voice transmission occurs in analog and not digital format, which saves energy.

This technology is by no means new and has its roots in the post-war years. Then, in 1945 in Moscow, Soviet engineers demonstrated to the American ambassador a spy listening device in the form of a hidden “bug” that worked exclusively due to waves of a certain frequency.

Of course, in order for Vamsi Talla’s prototype to be able to transmit sound to a smartphone, some of its components had to be made external and powered separately. We are talking, first of all, about base station, whose task is to convert analog signal into digital and transmit via cellular network. In a specific case, the station could be located at a distance of no more than 15 meters from the experimental phone.

In commercial samples, such a device can be built into, for example, a Wi-Fi router, but for now one cannot count on the rapid introduction of the technology to the masses - it has too many limitations. For example, in order to meet the required energy consumption limits, the prototype was equipped with a simple digital touch keyboard and did not provide a screen that would consume about 400 milliwatts. The only indicator of events was an LED that flashed when the buttons were pressed. In addition, you cannot speak and listen at the same time on such a device - you must manually switch modes. And the quality of communication still leaves much to be desired. However, Talla hopes to soon improve the sound of his prototype and also equip it with an E Ink display.