Creating an account (wallet) in PayPal. B. Mobile payment systems. General principle of working with payment aggregators

Describe the benefits of payment PayPal systems makes no sense to me: if you decided to register for it, then you are already well aware of it.

Registering an account (wallet) with PayPal is simple and takes little time. Let's take a closer look at what actions we have to take.

We need a “Personal Account”, so we leave everything unchanged and click “Continue”. On the page that opens, you need to fill out the registration form:

You must indicate the most reliable email address, the best one is gmail. But you can indicate another one, for example,, just do not forget to indicate in your mailbox that letters from PayPal are not spam (it is written about

The password must contain at least one number and one symbol, for example, 4der#hty!9 . Do not store your password on your computer under any circumstances, but write it down in your notepad, notebook, etc.

After clicking the “Continue” button, a page with the questionnaire will open:

The passport number must consist of 10 digits, i.e. number together with the series and without spaces

After the passport number there is a column for an additional document. Choose the most suitable one, for example, SNILS and indicate its full number: 034-297-063-51.

If an error is made in any of the fields when filling out, a red warning triangle will be displayed.

Don't forget to check the box indicating that you agree with everything.

We press the big blue button and... HURRAY:

Your account has been created and you are immediately asked to do next step– link a bank card. For what? – And then, you don’t have to have any funds in your account (i.e. wallet). If you need to pay for something, money will be debited directly from your bank card, and it doesn’t matter what it will be - credit or debit.

Therefore, a bank card is required condition for purchases through this payment system.

But you can link your card later, which we’ll look at now. The fact is that simultaneously with creating an account, you will receive a letter in the mail:

It turns out that you and I have not completed the process of creating an account: we still need to confirm our email. Click on the button and the letter, the account login page will open in a new browser tab:

Enter your password and click “Confirm...”:

It can be seen that a bank card can be attached now. Interestingly, the account is maintained in national currency, which is convenient.

... Tell your friends about it: Thank you!

Before we start looking at payment aggregators for online stores and blogs, it is necessary to clarify some of the terms used. When you use your blog to sell products or services, you need a way to accept payments.

But it's easy to confuse terms like payment processors, payment gateways, and payment accounts. First of all, let's get this out of the way:

Payment account is an account that allows you to accept payments using a credit card or debit card. This cannot be done using a regular bank account, but you can use a payment account. Most banks provide services such as a payment account, but this is not cheap.

Payment gateway - accepts payment requests from merchants. Visually, this can be implemented in the form of a payment button, when clicked, the payment form is displayed. Your clients fill in their payment details in it. Payment requests are then forwarded payment system. Examples of payment gateways: Authorize, SecurePay, USAePay, Chase Orbital.

Payment system (payment processor) provides interaction between the payment account and the payment gateway. It requests payments from the gateway and first sends the card details to the payment processor (for example, Visa or MasterCard), which then forwards the transaction to the issuing bank for authorization and payment. Examples of payment systems: WorldPay, TSYS, Elavon, Chase Paymentech.

In practice, the terms " payment gateway" And " payment system” is often used to refer to a system that allows an online business to request and accept payments. Some systems, such as PayPal and Stripe, combine a payment account, a payment gateway, and a payment processor. They are called "aggregators". Others combine a gateway and processor, but require a separate payment account.

The best payment systems for a blog

The payment aggregators reviewed may not be available in your country. For example, PayPal is not accepted in many countries such as Nigeria and Pakistan.

Sounds a little confusing, so it's no surprise that simple people are having difficulty choosing a payment system for the blog they use for sales.

I hope the list below will help you do right choice. Unlike most such lists, it specifies which systems require a separate payment account and which do not. The party receiving payment pays all fees listed below.

A. Merging the payment system and payment account

Each of the services presented below works as an aggregator and combines three elements of the payment acceptance system that were described above.


It is one of the frequently used online aggregators, although it is called a payment processor. It is available in most countries of the world, but not all.

PayPal can be used to make online purchases or transfer funds to a bank account. In some countries you can also apply for PayPal card Access - prepaid credit card, which can be used to withdraw cash from ATMs or make purchases.

You can place buttons from this payment system aggregator on your blog, which visitors will use to pay for purchased goods or services. The button code sets the price of the product, and buyers can pay using their own PayPal account or card. They do not need a PayPal account to pay. Business accounts are also available so you can create a professional invoicing system with your own logo.

PayPal transfers the funds to you immediately, minus a fee of 3.4% plus 20 cents. The dispute resolution procedure used by this payment aggregator is easy to monitor, but may take some time. If you use PayPal to purchase items, you are covered against non-receipt, non-description or damage.

One of the advantages of PayPal is that you can send money abroad to other users of the service with a standard commission


International payment processor headquartered in New York. The system allows you to receive money from clients from other countries without any difficulties. Compared to PayPal or direct Bank transaction Payoneer has significantly lower commission fees.

In addition, the service does not charge a fee for withdrawing money. When an Indian customer receives payments from the United States, he only needs to pay a conversion fee. This saves significant money.

If you are looking for lightweight and quick way cash out the money received, Payoneer is perfect choice. The system allows you to withdraw money in just 24 hours, as opposed to 3-5 business days with PayPal. With service in over 200 countries and support for over 150 currencies, Payoneer is the ideal option for small and medium-sized businesses serving customers around the world.

Skrill - Moneybookers

Skrill is the new name of the British company Moneybookers, which is an integrated payment aggregator for individuals, similar to PayPal. It operates in all countries of the world except Afghanistan, Cuba, Iran, Myanmar, Nigeria, North Korea and Sudan. It allows you to request payment in the same way as with PayPal: simply provide your email address and the amount you require. The paying customer does not have to be a member of the system, just like PayPal.

If you have money in your Skrill account, you can send it to someone via an email address. Transaction fees are 3.9% + €0.35 for non-European countries and 2.9% + €0.25 for Europeans ( or £0.2 for UK accounts).


Another payment aggregator similar to PayPal. It does not provide established fee, transaction fees of 2.4% + 20p apply. It is a system for developers that offers robust APIs that allow you to create a payment processing system that includes a fully secure payment account.

Stripe accepts 139 different currencies. You can set up customer accounts, flexible billing periods, special deals, and coupons.

Google Wallet

This is not so much a processor or payment aggregator for a website for an individual, but rather a tool that allows your customers to use Google Wallet to pay for goods on your blog.

The app allows users to pay through an account linked to their Google profile. By registering in this system and placing a button on your website “ Buy from using Google ", you enable customers to pay for products with one click. Google charges 2.9% + 30 cents for each transaction, regardless of its size. If your monthly sales volume is high enough, the commission rate may be reduced, just like with PayPal.

On this moment main Google problem Wallet is that few people register in the system Google users. Partially due to the small number of sellers willing to use it on their site.


At one time, 2-Checkout offered the sale of affiliate products, but now focuses on payment system functions for online stores. You can create your own products and then sell them through your blog using 2CO buttons. On each page of the site you will need to indicate that 2-Checkout is your payment processor.

This service allows you to create an account for free and does not require a separate payment account. It is not as user-friendly as PayPal and only allows you to withdraw funds once a month if your income reaches a certain amount.

It must be taken into account that this decision is intended specifically for the sale of goods, and not for transferring money. You will not be able to use it to send money to another user. First, you specify the product and receive the product identifier to place in the button code on the site. Customers will click on this button to make a payment. They will be able to pay for the goods purchased from you using a bank card or PayPal. The service is available for use in any country.

For US merchants, 2Checkout has a fee of 2.99% plus $0.43. The fee charged by the payment aggregator to merchants from other countries is 5.5% plus $0.45.

B. Mobile payment systems

Your readers may be interested in an offline payment system that can be used to accept payments on the go, at a customer's home, in a restaurant, or anywhere else. This is precisely where the advantages of portable payment systems lie.


Payment system for mobile devices. It easily integrates into mobile applications. There is no monthly fee or minimum withdrawal amount.

This system can be obtained for free. It comes with special device, suitable for any modern mobile phone. This device allows you to read customer bank cards.

The system is used to make or accept payments on the go, so it is not an online system. It can be provided for free, but you will have to pay 2.9% for each transaction.


Square doesn't require upfront payments. The service charges 2.75% for an automated transaction from a bank card or 3.5% + 15 cents per transaction from manual entry. The money arrives in your account the next day.

C. WordPress plugins for online stores: WP eCommerce

If you want to turn your blog into a full-fledged online store, then use WP eCommerce. This is the system ecommerce for WordPress. It can be used in conjunction with PayPal, Stripe, and many other top payment aggregators. was launched in 1996 and is currently the largest payment gateway on the Internet. It is included in a separate section because it is often mistakenly considered a standard payment system. But in fact, it is a payment gateway that can be easily integrated into an e-commerce platform.

If your business is such that it makes more sense to pay a $99 entry fee, a $20 monthly fee, and a $0.10 per transaction fee than to pay PayPal interest, then this is the option for you. Authorize also has a powerful API that allows the system to be integrated into custom platforms.

However, Authorize does not include a payment account, and you will have to obtain this component from another operator. Although this good system for creating an online store, it is not equivalent to PayPal or 2-Checkout. It's a good system, but that's only part of it.

Description: All methods for registering an account in Google Play and solving common errors in Google services.

A Google Play account is a universal account, after creating which you get access to all Google services.

Account registration is required for all Android OS users. Without it you won't be able to control standard programs and processes.

Let's look at how to quickly create Google profile Play, set it up and get rid of it possible errors authorization.

PossibilitiesGoogle Play

A Google account allows you to do more than just go to the store. mobile applications, but also works with all services of the popular search engine.

For example, you can simultaneously use email Gmail, install games from the store, watch YouTube, listen to music through Google platform Music.

List of all services that Google Play integrates:

  • Shop Google applications Play Market. You can also use it to buy books, films, podcasts;
  • Google Music platform;
  • Google Drive (cloud drive);
  • YouTube;
  • Hangouts (convenient chats with your contacts);
  • Gmail;
  • Contacts;
  • Google Photos;
  • Play Press;
  • Google Maps and many other services.

After creating an account, your mobile device is linked to it.

You can work with your academic record via your computer or add it to another smartphone.

Using the function remote control users The following actions are available:

  • Installing applications from a computer. On desktop Google versions Play, just select a program or game and click on “Install”. Next, installation of the software on the selected device will begin.


There are two possible options registration.

In the first case, the system requests registration when you turn on the phone after purchase.

If you've already set up your phone but haven't signed in Google account Play, you can add it in the settings.

Note! If you have previously registered an emailGmail, you don't have to create new page, but simply enter your existing address and password on your smartphone.

Method 1 – Setting up your phone for the first time

Regardless of the Android version used or modified shell phone, the first setup procedure will be the same on all devices.

First, you will be asked to select a language, set up a Wi-Fi connection, and only then add a Google account.

When the “Add account” window appears, follow the instructions:

  • Select the authorization method - log into an existing profile or register a new one. If you already have an account, enter your email address in the specified field; if not, click on the “Or create” button new account»;
  • After entering existing address or new registration you will be taken to a password confirmation window. Enter it in the appropriate field and click “Next”;
  • Then read and accept the terms of use;

Ready. Your phone is now linked to your Google Play account.

Please note that if the account was previously used on another device, you will be offered additional settings:

  • A window will appear first quick installation all programs that you have used previously;
  • Recover files and contacts of your old phone using a backup;
  • Next, the system will prompt you to activate Google services(geolocation, location determination).

You can skip these steps or complete the setup.

After the desktop appears, go to Google store Play.

Method 2 – Adding an account through settings

If you didn't create an account when you first set up your phone or want to add another account, you can do this through Settings. Follow the instructions:

  • Go to the main menu and click on “Settings”;
  • In the new window, click on “Synchronization”;
  • Then select the type account. In our case it is “Google”;
  • Now enter your email address and password or create a new account. To synchronize with Google servers, be sure to connect your phone to the Internet.

Setting up payment information

If you plan to install paid and free apps from the shop, regular registration an account will not be enough.

Thanks to which you will set up accepting payments on the site in 2 hours, even if you are not registered as an individual entrepreneur and do not understand the technical intricacies at all.

Many webmasters, when launching a website or blog, dream of making money from their creation. Our team is trying to help blog readers with this "Webmaster's World", and today we will talk about how to do accepting payments on the website. Agree, many have something to offer potential buyers, but lack of knowledge or inability to place a payment acceptance aggregator on their portal deprives someone of decent income.

Payment acceptance options

So, in order to organize payment acceptance on your website, you need to decide for yourself how you will work - with individual payment systems or payment aggregators. First option– low commissions, but strict requirements for web resources, second option– a slightly larger commission and the money “falls” first to the partners.

General principle of working with payment aggregators

All systems for receiving money from customers have the same operating principle:

  • The user enters the required data into a specific form (full name, nickname, email, etc.)
  • After filling out the form, the buyer is taken to the payment page in the selected electronic payment system
  • The owner of the product receives a letter from the partner with payment information and checks that the amount has been entered correctly
  • The buyer is redirected to the file download page or receives a password to access private pages or files. If this is an online store, the buyer receives a letter notifying that his order has been accepted.

Of course, this is a schematic explanation; each payment system aggregator has its own algorithms of actions, its own nuances, and when starting to work with them, the owner of a web resource should carefully study all the features of “payments”. And be sure to do it test purchase to make sure everything is working as it should.

The easiest way to accept payments on the site

Let's look at options for installing payment systems. The easiest and simplest option is to indicate the wallet number in Yandex, WebMoney,, RBC Money, etc. in a separate block on the website. and the amount you want to see on your invoice for the item. If there are several products, then the information will have to be placed on the offer page.

This method of accepting payments has more disadvantages than advantages, I suggest you think about it yourself, dear reader. But the most important thing here is that in order to get money, you must be a very respected person: who wants to take risks, because it’s very easy to run into a scammer on the Internet.

Review of well-known payment aggregators

There are many services for accepting payments on the Internet - below I will talk about some of them, in more detail - about installing “payments” on the website from United Cash Office.

1. Let's start with Interkassa– a good service, ready to connect all known payment systems to your website. For its services, INTERKASSA will take a commission of 3% of the payment received for the goods. When accepting payments, Interkassa does not receive confidential data from the buyer, which guarantees the security of the transaction. To start collaborating with the system, you will have to register and submit your site for moderation - not all sites are accepted for service. In addition to the code, you can install modules and plugins - this will simplify the work with integration " bills" By the way, here is a video on working with the system:

2. Next system accepting payments – CyberPlat. To start working with this service, you need to register, receive a package of documents from the project manager, fill out the papers and send them to CyberPlata employees. In response, you will receive information for installing the payment system. In my opinion, there are a lot of unnecessary steps and expectations, but there is a complete legal justification for cooperation and job security.

3. The third system for accepting payments on the site on our list is QIWI.

To work with the system, you need to register and send the online store address for moderation. When connecting, you will have to select the type of wallet: personal or legal entity. There is a difference between them, and a significant one, starting with the commission and ending with the timing of connecting the service. After approval of the online store, the service administration sends a notification and documents that will have to be signed and returned. Next, set up a form for accepting payments in the protocol of your choice (you can choose a combined one).

4. The next “payment” is .

The service is well-known and popular; to work with it you need to register and send a package of documents to the portal administration. After this, you will receive a code that you will need to install on the site. The service fee depends on the choice of tariff, there are several of them: “Basic”, “Housing and communal services”, “Do good” etc. RBK Money wallets and all major electronic payment systems are accepted for payment.

This payment acceptance service is one of the best in its field, which will turn 10 years old in 2013 :). ROBOKASSA works with both legal and individuals. To start cooperation legal entities You must create an account, sign an agreement, check the system’s functionality, agree to the “payment” technical status report and issue a power of attorney. Cooperation with individuals is based on a public offer and requires only registration and confirmation that the site complies with the rules of the service. IN first option For payments, partners use non-cash payments, in second– electronic money. Robokassa is a truly reliable aggregator; if you are in doubt about choosing a system, then pay attention to it first. The service fee is charged depending on the selected tariff, and starts from 1%.

How to accept payments on the website using the Unified Cashier

Why did I choose this system? Because of its simplicity and ease of installation. So let's go to and press the button "Connect now":

On the page that opens, we are shown the algorithm of our further actions, and we start with registration:

To register, you need to specify your work email or phone number as your login, enter security code and understand that you agree to the public offer agreement, which you can read by following the link.

The registration password is sent to the specified email. After you enter it, the start page will open.

We carry out everything necessary settings, there are a lot of them, but you need to spend a minimum of time on it. And we have a serious plan in mind, so don’t be lazy. By the way, it is possible to choose the visibility of your data.

Setting up an online store. Here you will have to confirm your rights to the site by downloading text file in the root folder or install some code in the main page template.

After confirming your rights to the site, you should set up a payment acceptance form on the site. How to do this correctly is described on the page, there is also a description of the parameters that can be entered into the code for additional characteristics payment (which wallets to work with, which ones not to, what currency should be, etc.).

You will get something like this - after the appropriate settings and integration:

You can install an informer that indicates payment methods for your order.

You can also do everything using modules. You can download them from the page where we started working:

Below is the video how to set up payment acceptance on a Joomla website!

I hope now you know how to organize payment acceptance on the site- at least in general outline. All that remains is to understand what you will sell and choose some payment system. Good luck!