Smm promotion yourself. Effective promotion of the company on social networks. SMM in action: stages of promotion

We are often pestered with requests to write step by step guide according to SMM, as if “for dummies”. People often associate such complaints with the fact that we seem to have so many articles on our blog, and people want “well, what exactly?”

Ok, we give up and decided to write a simple (seemingly) guide to SMM in which we will tell you step by step what to do and how. One caveat: we have already written an article on each point, and even more than one, we will provide links to them, but if you don’t want to, you don’t have to read them.

If you need to learn right here and now how to properly engage in SMM, then go ahead!

Step 1 - Understand/Introduce Your Audience

You will need the so-called .

You may not do some of the following steps, or you may do something “crooked”. But without a consumer portrait - just nowhere.

If you haven’t really thought through who your consumer is, who you work for, then this will derail all your other work in SMM.

You don’t have to do it in as much detail as described in the article, BUT be sure to work through issues such as - what does a person want to get- his desired final result, And what a person is afraid of/what annoys him.

Step 2 - Create

Start by simply jotting down in a file all the ideas you have for what search queries people in your customer persona would make.

Starting from the banal “buy wallpaper in Moscow”, ending with “what to do if the linoleum goes in waves.”

Then, based on your ideas, create a semantic core (as described). This tool is perfect for creating a semantic core.

Step 3 - website

If you have it, go for it. If it doesn't exist, it needs to be made.

Making a simple website “with your own hands” now costs about 0 to 10,000 rubles; if you entrust it to some contractor, the price will be up to 20,000 rubles.

No, there are any contractors, it happens that they will ask you for 100,000 or more than a million. But the price is right. A simple online store - up to 50,000 rubles.

Step 4 - fill the site with content

You have created a semantic core - now you just need to write articles on each cluster. It is not necessary to first create ALL the content for the site, and then start SMM.

No, do it a dozen or two useful articles that answer the wishes or fears of your clients, and correspond semantic core, and you can already start SMM.

For posting, you will naturally need pictures. Here is the most affordable paid photo bank.

(But at the same time you should keep creating new articles! You won’t “get away” by writing 20 articles and that’s it!)

If you don’t have the strength to create content yourself, of course we can help + there are plenty of other agencies.

Step 5 - start managing your communities on social networks

At a minimum, you need to create a VKontakte group, a Facebook page, and a group on Odnoklassniki. .

Post your articles there from the previous step at a rate of at least 2 articles per week. It's enough! Send away those who say that you need to post 6 times a day.

Read more about managing communities.

For posting, you can use a scheduler that allows you to do “delayed posting” - for example, this one, but in general there are many different ones.

Step 6 - recruit at least 200 people into the community

Step 7 - Start Promoting the Community

It has been written about this in great detail. In short, you should try the following:

  • Regular advertising (targeting) in your social networks - naturally, using targeting those people you need, competitors’ communities or active audience from thematic communities (which can be selected using Cerebro and similar services).
  • Paid posts in popular communities in your topic (via
  • If you are unable to receive new members from this method target audience cheaper than 20 rubles per person, it’s worth trying paid invitations and competitions.
  • As a result, you choose the most economical way to recruit subscribers from your target audience, and focus on it as tightly as your budget allows.

If you don’t have at least 10,000 rubles a month to promote the community, you don’t even have to start any SMM. Nothing will grow on its own.

Step 8 - Periodically make offers to buy

Introduce offers into your group to buy or order something from you. SOMETIMES (not all the time! - more precisely, not more often than non-commercial materials). In any form - promotions, prizes, discounts, or at least just links to product cards in an online store.

Step 9 - promote community activity

That's all!

If you have gathered at least more than 5,000 people (normal, honest, not bots) into a group and still can’t sell your products/services, it means you were doing something fundamentally wrong: either no one needs your product/service in principle , either there is something wrong with your price, or there is some other problem in business.

Either the product is too expensive, or you did not correctly identify the pains of your consumers, were unable to convincingly answer them, or convince them that you are the one who will get rid of it.

Does all this seem too complicated to you? Are you ready to say “to hell with all this, just do it for me”?

- Ok, - we will help you develop a client profile, fill your communities with interesting thematic content, promote them and promote them to be active

No similar articles

Today, in the form of a review, we will tell you how to organize promotion on social networks, which platform to choose for promotion and how to prepare content.

Is your target audience on social networks? IN in social networks sitting different people - with average income and good income, from large cities and small ones settlements

, young and old. Famous artists, Youtube bloggers, ordinary residents and even politicians have their own pages on social networks. According to a study by sociologists from the Levada Center, more than a third of Russians - 37% of respondents - access social networks every day. And more than half of Russians are active users of social networks. There is any target audience on social networks - young mothers who will be interested in children's things and toys, directors of large companies who are interested in business trainings, busy people

, who often use cleaning services and home delivery of food. The main thing is to be able to correctly search for your target audience and work with it.

Materials that will help you better understand the topic:

Selecting channels for SMM promotion

Instagram The main feature of the social network is the emphasis on the visual component, that is, on photography. It pays little attention to the text, so without high-quality images

or at least bright pictures from the Internet, promotion will be difficult.

The main feature of the audience of the social network Instagram is that more than 79% of it are women. There is no exact data on age, but most experts believe that young people under 30 are registered on Instagram. Perhaps this explains the effectiveness of promotion - the level of engagement on Instagram is 15 times higher compared to the social network Facebook. Pros: high coverage, comparatively easy setup

advertising, simple promotion using mass liking and mass following. Minuses:

Instagram is suitable for promoting products and services that can be sold “with the eyes”: that is, those that can be beautifully depicted. Clothing stores, flower and food delivery services, various souvenirs and handmade goods are popular here. Services are promoted less well, but with the right approach you can sell them too. For example, Instagram often offers business and other types of consultations.

In contact with

On VKontakte, according to statistics, more than half of registered users are women. 37% of active authors are users age group 25-34 years old. A 25.7% active users- people aged 18 to 25 years. That is, more than half of the audience are solvent users.

On VKontakte, special attention is also paid to the visual component, as in other social networks. There are no particular difficulties in promoting public pages, groups and communities - it’s enough to publish a unique interesting content and use standard methods attracting subscribers. Good advantage social network - multidisciplinary development: depending on the needs of the target audience, you can choose an acceptable publication format. For example, Instagram doesn't offer that kind of flexibility.

The main feature of the audience of the social network Instagram is that more than 79% of it are women. There is no exact data on age, but most experts believe that young people under 30 are registered on Instagram. Perhaps this explains the effectiveness of promotion - the level of engagement on Instagram is 15 times higher compared to the social network Facebook. high audience coverage, a large number of targeting settings, normal organic reach, the ability to invite users in a group.

advertising, simple promotion using mass liking and mass following. high competition, prohibition for users to invite themselves to groups and meetings, very strict moderation.

In terms of promotion, VKontakte is good for everything that cannot be sold by several beautiful photos. It actively promotes the services of medical centers, information businessmen, restaurants and cafes, travel companies, services of driving schools, banks, various goods and other products of the middle price segment.


The main feature of the Odnoklassniki audience is that the age of active users often exceeds 30-35 years. At the same time, promotion on social networks is relatively inexpensive, especially when advertising in public pages.

The main feature of the audience of the social network Instagram is that more than 79% of it are women. There is no exact data on age, but most experts believe that young people under 30 are registered on Instagram. Perhaps this explains the effectiveness of promotion - the level of engagement on Instagram is 15 times higher compared to the social network Facebook. coverage among a solvent audience, virality of interesting content - if someone rates your post, all the friends and subscribers of the person who put “Class” will see it.

Odnoklassniki often promotes complex products, for example, the construction of houses, comprehensive examinations in medical centers and other expensive goods and services. This social network is suitable for businesses operating in the field of cleaning, construction, legal support and others, but most of all - private services: for example, plumbing companies, car services, craftsmen.


The main Facebook audience is solvent people: 37% of active authors are aged 25-34 years, 30.6% are people from 35 to 44 years old, and 23.5% are people over 45 years old. Facebook pays special attention to text content, but at the same time the social network declares itself as a general platform. The effectiveness of promotion is usually high - a large number of business accounts are registered on the social network.

This social network is suitable for most areas of business. It sells B2B products, that is, business-to-business services, and promotes a personal brand. The social network itself gives examples of successful promotion of restaurant and telecommunications brands, gaming, sports, automotive, financial, and educational sectors.

The main feature of the audience of the social network Instagram is that more than 79% of it are women. There is no exact data on age, but most experts believe that young people under 30 are registered on Instagram. Perhaps this explains the effectiveness of promotion - the level of engagement on Instagram is 15 times higher compared to the social network Facebook. great amount advertising settings, wide functionality for promotion, good coverage of foreign target audience.

advertising, simple promotion using mass liking and mass following. reduced organic reach and complex interface.

You should select promotion channels - one or several social networks - depending on the specifics of your company and the product being promoted. In most cases, large companies create accounts on all social networks, while small businesses only need one well-chosen platform. For example, services for delivering bouquets to your home are often published on Instagram. A medical clinics find their audience on Facebook, Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.

We launch promotion on social networks

We will talk about promotion according to a clear structure: first - about design, then - about content, promotion and tracking performance. You could write a book about each of these points: we will try to talk about the most important things.

On VKontakte

Publish interesting content: product reviews, guides, user reviews. If you don't have any ideas for posts, look through your competitors' communities - perhaps you can learn something useful from their content plan. Try to alternate entertaining and selling posts - this tactic on social networks gives good results. A content plan should be drawn up only on the basis of an analysis of the needs of the target audience and the specifics of your business - there cannot be universal recommendations here. You can also add products - both to the group and to your personal page.

Even pictures have their own audience

Promote your group personal account or public you can different ways. The social network itself offers to set up targeted advertising and advertising in other public pages. Targeted advertising will be shown to users when visiting VKontakte, in the left column, and on third-party sites. And public advertising is in the community that you choose.

Performance analysis can be carried out directly in VK. U personal pages, groups and publics there is a “Statistics” section. It shows user coverage - the number of people who saw posts on the group wall or in news feed, as well as characteristics of the target audience. You can also view statistics for each post, and in the future not publish posts that get few views and likes.

On Instagram

Designing an Instagram profile also requires attention. Firstly, Instagram is a social network that evaluates first of all visual effect. Therefore, it is worth taking care high-quality photos. Secondly, do it - one of the few places where you can leave active link to a third party site. Therefore, it makes sense to describe in detail what you do and what you offer to subscribers, right in the profile description. By the way, it is advisable to immediately link your Insta account to so that you can easily set up advertising.

Instagram has built-in statistics - look for it in personal account, in profile. But it may not be enough for a full analysis - the social network shows the number of subscribers, including growth, and the main characteristics of the target audience. This is less than other social networks. Therefore, advanced SMM managers often use third party services, collecting more complete statistics.

Articles to dive into the topic:

In Odnoklassniki

Afterwards, think about the design of the community. Please note that Odnoklassniki is often populated by older people. Tell us in the description what you offer, put an attractive photo on the main page and choose a suitable cover.

An example of a group header with a cover decorated with cartoon characters

When publishing posts, pay special attention to the text. Sometimes ordinary statuses of people or groups receive thousands of likes and comments. Jokes, anecdotes, and comments on a political topic often become viral posts. But be careful - “hype” does not always help promote a group.

Example of a post in a group offering flower delivery services

Statistics in Odnoklassniki show coverage, activity, what types of content are popular and many other parameters - everything you need for primary analysis. Statistics are in the group, in a separate menu. To properly promote your community, analyze engagement and types of content that subscribers like most.

An example of group statistics in Odnoklassniki

Hello! In this article we will talk about such a promotion tool as promotion on social networks or SMM promotion.

Today you will learn:

  • What is SMM;
  • What tools exist;
  • How to implement SMM marketing.

What is SMM promotion

Many entrepreneurs skeptically wave their hands when they hear the phrase “promotion using social networks” or SMM. Each of them is sure that social networks are not capable of bringing customers, since they are not aimed at sales, but at entertainment. They are right, but only half. Social networks can attract customers and increase sales.

  • Sell;
  • Inform;
  • Teach;
  • Entertain.

Selecting tools for promoting a page on a social network

White promotion tools on social networks - all officially approved tools for promoting groups and pages on social networks. Each social network is represented by its own promotion tools.

But the most common ones include the following:

  • Targeted advertising– small advertisements V various areas resource pages, as a rule, they consist of an image and a caption for it. Such advertising is displayed only to a specific target audience, the parameters of which can be selected in the settings of this type advertising on a social network. Almost all social networks offer targeted advertising. average cost a month of placing such advertising is 5-10 thousand rubles, payment is made both for impressions and for clicks (your choice).
  • Advertising in other communities and social network pages. Almost every social network has a community platform where an advertiser can place advertisements for their group. Each community sets its own price for advertising, but on average, a one-time placement will cost you from 100 to 500 rubles.
  • Competitionsgreat tool promoting your company group. Organize a contest in which a lucky random person who reposts the post will receive a free gift from you, and users themselves will spread information about your company on the social network.
  • SEOgroup optimization. Yes, yes, pages on social networks also need to be optimized for results both in search engines and in the results of the social network itself. But in the case of a group, we need to optimize the following elements: group name – affects search results on the social network and in search engine; group description – affects the search engine placement; URL – affects the location in the search engine.
  • Communication with users. The most labor-intensive and useful way. It allows you to better understand the consumer and gain his trust.

Gray tools tools for promoting groups and pages, the use of which is prohibited by the rules of social networks.

These include:

  • Cheat subscribers. Not endorsed by any social network. Allows you to rise to search results on a social network, but there is a high probability that the social network will “see through” you and block your page. The average cost for 1000 bots ranges from 100 to 1000 rubles.
  • Spam is also prohibited by the rules of social networks. However, it can bring positive results. To do this you just need to send advertising messages only to those who may be interested in your offer.
  • Massfollowing – following someone on a social network in the hope that they will follow you back.

Black tools those promotion tools that are prohibited not only by the social network, but also by Russian legislation. This is hacking pages and then sending spam.

Content Creation

The main thing here is not to forget who your consumer is and that your ultimate goal is to sell the product.

This means that you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Create content that the user would want to post on their page. Your content should revolve around the product, brand or company and at the same time interest the target consumer. Everyone knows that a person “reposts” a post when it reminds him of some situation from his life or himself, take advantage of this fact. This is what the Coffee House cafe chain did, which posted pictures with a funny owl and the captions “Bright morning”, “Sometimes coffee is the only reason why I still have friends and work.”
  • Brand graphic content and videos. Apply trademark on your images and videos, otherwise you will not be recognized.
  • Teach. Show users how else they can use your product; don’t be afraid to come up with something unusual.
  • Open the comments and let users discuss you.
  • Create a plan for posting new posts. You need to consider when during the day your target consumers typically visit social media. But in any case, the publication of new entries must be done at least twice a day.

Social media allows instant sharing important information with millions of users. And today business is actively using this opportunity. But promotion on social networks does not always lead to the desired results in the form of growth client base or customer loyalty. This is because users, having registered in several social networks, prefer to consume content, as a rule, in one of them - their favorite one. Therefore, when promoting a product on the Internet, you need to know which social network or social networks your target audience prefers, and when developing an advertising strategy, focus on it.

Target audience segmentation is becoming increasingly narrow. Today, standard data on demographics, education and income are supplemented by data on preferences for one or another social network. Let’s look at how the target audience of popular social networks differs.

Promotion on the popular social network Facebook


According to official Facebook data, 2.13 billion users visit the site every month. It is most actively used by people aged 25 to 34 years.

The most advanced audience is here: public figures, entrepreneurs large companies, IT specialists. There are many designers, architects, advertisers, representatives on the site creative professions. The Facebook audience is active, passionate about business and culture, and ready to express opinions on topical issues and look for business contacts. Promotion of information products or B2B websites is effective here.

What to post?

Facebook Business demonstrates examples of successful promotion of various businesses.

These are gaming, automotive, sports, educational, restaurant and other areas of company activity.

Promotion on the social network “VKontakte”

VKontakte offers businesses innovations that contribute to website promotion. These are dozens of applications that allow you to automate processes for administrators and make the community more comfortable for users. Full catalog official and approved applications can be found. These are true assistants in promotion if you know well who your audience is and what they need.


Schoolchildren, students, freelancers, young professionals. According to Brand Analytics, 61% of the social network’s audience are users between 18 and 34 years old. Here they communicate, listen to music and share photos, subscribe to communities. Online stores, driving schools, service centers, banks, travel companies, fitness centers, medical centers, training companies and sites are chosen for promotion on VKontakte.

What to post?

VKontakte is a platform for entertainment and communication. The social network is interested in the user receiving everything that interests him without leaving it, so he expands the functionality with the help of applications. Now on VKontakte you can conduct video broadcasts, create a showcase of goods, and pay for purchases.

Most of the content on VKontakte is produced by communities. They post: humor, Interesting Facts, collections, etc. On VKontakte, the audience has fun, and to increase engagement it is better to use polls and viral content.

Promoting a website or product on the social network Instagram


Beauty salons, tattoo studios, art workshops, cafes and restaurants, photographers are active on Instagram. According to Brand Analytics, 77% of the audience here are women. Therefore, the interests include news about celebrities, children, fashion. There are accounts on Instagram popular people, whose lives users like to follow. At the same time, more than 700 million active users log into Instagram every month, with about 8 million from business accounts.

What to post?

Instagram users love creating content because it’s simple: take a photo on your phone, edit it, post it and wait for likes. There is no difficulty in turning personal profile to your business account. Instagram itself helps to do this.

Instagram is developing and adding new features: live broadcasts, including joint ones, the stories format in which you can post both photos and videos, add a poll or link. The length of the videos has also increased - up to a minute. Users not only watch, but also read and actively comment on posts.

Instagram is good for posting content that allows users to express their point of view. But we must not forget that this is, first of all, a visual social network. Therefore, first of all you need to pay attention visual design posts: they must be kept in uniform style, contain exclusively unique photos brand. Stock content is unacceptable!

How to effectively promote a website on YouTube


70 % YouTube traffic– these are views from mobile phones. On average, a user spends 40 minutes watching a video. Any brand that has something to tell and show its audience can promote its website on YouTube. The platform is used in great demand from companies that provide training.

What to post?

Don't be afraid to make long videos if they are useful and informative. Their effectiveness will be even higher than that of short videos that cannot fully cover the topic. A video can be helpful, but it is not required. Entertaining, viral videos YouTube can also attract a large audience. The picture, sound, light and editing must be of high quality so that users do not want to turn off the video.

We evaluate the effectiveness of the selected social network

You can analyze the results of promotion in social networks using Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics. Detailed assessment and useful metrics available in services and applications Brandwatch, Socialbakers,, Buzzsumo. They will talk about the activity and involvement of subscribers. If you devote enough time to promoting your business and generating good content, then you won’t have to wait long. You can evaluate the success of promotion in social networks already in the third month of work. Very quickly, an interested user will turn from just a content consumer into a buyer.

When is promotion most effective?

The best time to post will vary for each brand and type of content. We recommend checking your account using the Popsters service - this will help you figure out optimal time just for you.

21st century - era computer technology... It must be admitted that the Internet has completely absorbed life modern man. I found the time when in order to get into world wide web, it was necessary to connect the modem to the telephone cable, then listen to the hissing for a long time, and then the coveted signal appeared! Back then, just reading news on the Internet was such a blessing!

Now it is difficult to imagine life without the Internet. Therefore, it is not surprising that the 21st century is also the era of Internet professions. You can list them endlessly, but, as you guessed from the title of the article, we will talk about SMM. And no, I will not now list the books you need to read or tell you where to go to study. Let's talk about the most important things: motivation, principles, trends.

How can you characterize the specialty of SMM manager?

First of all, it is creativity, a love of writing, the ability to analyze and think strategically, a developed sense of aesthetics and a thirst for knowledge.

About motivation

In general, I think the golden rule for any profession is to LOVE what you do. It’s a bad idea to put profit or career growth, the desire to prove your worth to someone or get a fashionable profession as the main motivation.

If you are not able to have a passionate romance with your job, quit it!? Mountains of books and years of studying in steep courses will not help if you work from 9 to 18, counting every minute. You've probably noticed how time flies when you're busy doing what you love and vice versa - how long does it last when the activity is not a joy? You need to put your soul into SMM. Therefore, there is no way to do this without love!

Please don’t go to SMM if: “My husband recommended it,” “Friends told me how much they pay there,” or “You heard somewhere that it’s fashionable.” Make your choice consciously!

Do you want to be a cool SMM manager?

Get ready to improve yourself! And no, you don’t have to pay crazy amounts of money for prestigious courses in your city or buy new book. But keeping abreast of new trends is the sacred duty of a social media manager. Therefore, thematic blogs, news sites, professional groups on social networks - this is what you should read with pleasure and in any free minute.

Are you traveling in public transport while plugging into your phone? Get off Instagram and better read Rumyantsev’s group "Internet marketing from A to Z." Are you watching a series in the evening? Pause it and read the news on Like! Just one week without Digital news is enough to get lost in the world of SMM.

About trends and innovation

If you are by no means an innovator and not at all a fan of experiments, it is better not to meddle in SMM. Social networks are a unique platform where you can constantly experiment with content and strategy, introduce cool features, and test new services.

The competition in the Internet market is colossal, so it is increasingly difficult to stay one step ahead. In 2016, copy-paste and Google images are no longer enough to make cool post. Only unique and engaging text, only high quality images. And even better - cool videos!

Be a little bit of a psychologist

Social networks are social for the reason that people interact in them. SMM is an understanding of human psychology. If you do not intuitively understand how a person makes a choice of a particular product or cannot evaluate it social profile, don’t rush to go to SMM.

You will also have to be a strategist and an analyst. And a little bit of a designer! A kind of man-orchestra. Although in fact, it’s unrealistically cool to try yourself in different guises, manage a project completely from start to finish, and then watch its success with pride!

And once again about love

Only not to work, but to projects. Each person is unique, and each customer is special, as is his project. Nobody says that you have to like all the topics, and you have to make friends with all the clients. But turning away from a project without compelling reasons is stupid. What to do in this case? Abstract yourself! Or find for yourself undeniable advantages in working with a specific project. Remember, every experience is equally unique and rewarding, whether positive or negative.

Do not be afraid to defend your position if you have sober arguments. The man whom I consider my first mentor in marketing taught me the main thing - to express my opinion in work matters. But only if you have something to confirm your point of view in facts and figures.

Respect yourself and value your time– another important postulate that applies to any profession. More than once I have met people who sacrifice their time and health to please their superiors, for the sake of an additional bonus, or for even more banal reasons. Work overtime solely for the sake of own pleasure. And success will come to you as a consequence.

As Evgeny Leonov said: “Happiness is when you want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening!” And if in the evening over a cup of tea, you complain to your family: “How tired of this work you are,” think about whether it’s time to change something in your life?

Well, now let's talk about specific facts, without which it is impossible toSMM!

As they say, it hurt. I conducted interviews and listened with a smile as one of the candidates said: “My friend leads a group, but I can do it too.” Now I work at a factory." I have nothing against factory workers, but the lack of a burning interest in social networks and development in general, the desire for easy money and just sitting on VKontakte and posting cats is killing me.

If you are seriously thinking about becoming an SMM specialist and are thinking where to start, what you need, what to read and where to study– this article is for you.

First of all, I want to introduce you to the responsibilities of an SMM manager and the skills that will be useful to you.


  • Analysis of SMM activities of competitors.
  • Development and implementation of SMM strategy.
  • Maintaining communities.
  • Writing a content plan for the month ahead.
  • Planning publications (via auto-posting services).
  • Content branding (make a picture for a competition/promotion, develop templates for sections, or at least stick a logo on the picture).
  • Setting up targeted advertising.
  • Search for communities for advertising.
  • Conducting competitions and promotions: mechanics, picture + text, attracting people, summing up results.
  • Search for opinion leaders.
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of SMM events and development of recommendations for improvement.

SKILLS that will help you:

Literacy. Agree, it’s disgusting to read posts cool brand with mistakes? Trust immediately goes to zero.

Marketing knowledge. Yes, this is the case when economic education will help you, or rather the thinking that you learned at the institute.

Copywriting. Eat certain formulas and the nuances of writing texts and what you need to know. This skill is necessary for writing posts and advertising texts.

Analytic skills. Calculation of the cost and effectiveness of campaigns, analysis of results.

Logics. It will help to put forward hypotheses about the target audience and divide it into segments.

Creativity– come up with activities, catchy features and interesting ideas to promote the client's business.

Knowledge of graphic editors. Corel Draw, Photoshop, Illustrator, online editors for creating images for posts, advertising, promotions, competitions.

Sales– communication with the client, creating effective presentations, being able to persuade.

Knowledge of trends and technologies— track the latest tools, updates, solutions, follow trends.

Needless to say, an SMM specialist should love social networks and actively use them? 🙂


There are a lot of books on the Internet, the SMM field is rapidly developing, so books quickly become outdated. Here I am attaching a list of books for a minimum reading base that I have read myself.

Important: Despite the fact that you plan to work in SMM, you also need to understand the basics of Internet marketing, because All channels - SEO, web analytics, copywriting, email - are closely interconnected.

1. “Business promotion on VKontakte. New practices and technologies", Dmitry Rumyantsev

2. “100+ practical hacks for internet marketers”, Evgenia Kryukova

3. " ", Damir Khalilov

5. “Facebook - effect for business and self-PR”, Olga Filina

6. “Content, marketing and rock and roll”, Denis Kaplunov

7. “”, Denis Kaplunov

9. " . We create texts that sell”, Dmitry Kot


In contact with

  1. Internet marketing from A to Z -
  1. Practice SMM 3.0 -
  1. SMM promotion and sales! —
  1. SMMers -
  1. Marketing. Advertising. SMM -
  1. Cerebro Target (public service for specialists in targeted advertising) -
  1. Lazy SMM manager's blog -
  1. SMM|Targeting -
  1. SMM planner (public auto-posting service) -


  1. Content Marketing -
  2. SMM Party -
  3. Internet marketers' smoking room. Articles, cases, tools, tricks -


Like books, blogs are devoted not only to SMM, but to various areas of Internet marketing. Subscribe to newsletters!

Russian-language sources:

  • Academy of Internet Marketing Web promo expert -
  • The first one-day Internet marketing school “I-marketing” -
  • GeniusMarketing (facebook, email, business development) -
  • Almost everywhere they take place free webinars, stay tuned or subscribe to newsletters)

    I would especially like to highlight the courses that I took:

  1. A unique practical course “Targeting from A to Z live.”
  1. Internet marketing school “I-marketingschool” in Kharkov -

Good luck to everyone! I believe you.

Who is an SMM specialist from a business point of view?

Benefits of working on social networks for businessmen– this is a very wide coverage, “ word of mouth"; precise targeting of the audience, because on social networks people share a lot detailed information About Me; interactive interaction and prompt response to negativity.

What do customers want fromSMM-specialists?

1. Sales, more sales)))

LinkedIn works great in b2b, especially in the Western segment. Companies even have special managers who work exclusively with this professional social network and generate leads or potential Clients with transfer to the sales department.

Facebook works great in b2c (for some topics it’s even better than contextual advertising Google AdWords, as discussed in Perry Marshall's book " contextual advertising, which works") and VKontakte.

2. Branding

3. Traffic(especially relevant for news resources)

Common and distinctive features of SMM and SEO

Who is an SMM specialist?

Over time, this specialty turns from unknown to anyone into very popular and in demand. It is intended for those who are not afraid to experiment, look for new approaches to solving problems and always be open to communication.

An SMM specialist manages the presence and promotion of a brand on social networks or the “promotion” of a website in social channels. He decides whole line tasks related to attracting customers from social networks, increasing the company’s image, as well as the recognition and popularity of a product or service. Not directly, but still, an SMM specialist has an impact on increasing sales volume.

Prospects and salaries. Due to the high demand for these specialists in the market and relatively low competition, the salary of a representative of this profession is about $300 per month.

As for the prospects, according to most experts, this area will develop rapidly, and with its help more and more opportunities will open up.