Yandex Metrica what does robots mean? Useful reports in Yandex.Metrica. Why is this being done?

A few months ago, our bounce rate increased significantly. Google Analytics. We have done standard set actions that are recommended to be done on the Internet: created a “no spiders and bots” view in analytics (the “Robot Filtering” setting in the view), checked the quality of the settings Analytics code, checked and adjusted the session duration, and so on. All this took time, but did not produce results. The failure rate on some days exceeded 90%. At the same time, the quality of the content on our website or the structure of incoming traffic did not change in any obvious way. It just “happened overnight” and that’s it. Since I couldn’t find anything similar described on the Internet, I decided to describe how we found and fixed the problem and reduced the failure rate to an acceptable 42-55%.

Here's a screenshot to illustrate the original problem:

Because everything standard circuits They didn’t give any results, we had to think for ourselves and look for the problem. Analytics didn’t help, so I started checking through Yandex.Metrica. The overall indicators according to Metrics were quite acceptable (up to 10% failures). After reading several articles about why failures in Metrica can be acceptable, but in Analytics they can go off scale, it became clear where to look for the problem. In short: Metrica considers all visits that lasted less than 15 seconds to be bounces, while Analytics considers all visits after which there were no other visits to the page. So I started looking at the report on the duration of visits in Metrica and Analytics and realized that I had an unrealistically large percentage of visits with a duration of 0:00 seconds, up to 50% of daily sessions. A few more articles I read allowed me to discard the hypothesis about the code not working and bots making their way through the Analytics filter. I also didn’t have any signs of referral spam.

In the end, I simply filtered out visits with a duration of 0:00 in Webvisor and decided to try to find a pattern. This is what I received:

Each “visitor” came from his own subnet, with an explicitly specified User Agent, screen resolution and operating system, that is, for Metrica and Analytics he was in no way perceived as a bot.

The only thing that gave it away was the rhythmic nature of visits every 1 hour 1 minute and 0 viewing duration. I sent the screenshots to our system administrator Andrey and asked him to look at what it was in the server logs. The first IP member made us surprised: someone from the League.Zakon subnet came to us.

I have an IP address for 4:56, now I’ll check other calls
inetnum: -
netname: LIGA-UA-NET2
remarks: LIGA ZAKON

In total, the logs revealed 43 IP addresses that accessed different pages of our site from different providers, with different User Agents.

We didn’t find anything interesting on RIPE, unremarkable IPs from ordinary subnets. Apart from the fact that the bots walked at intervals of 1:01, there was nothing else that was obviously common between them.

We blocked the entire list found in iptables.

During the day, we also caught several new IPs, sketched out an algorithm for automatically filtering such bot traffic in case, after blocking some bots, new ones come to replace them. However, no one else like him was found. There were only a couple of curious User Agents, but no one with an interval of 1:01.

Another day later, the bounce rate according to Google Analytics began to return to normal and dropped sharply from 89% to 42.75%.

Today, almost a week after the events described, the failure rate remains within an acceptable range of 42-55%; the overall dynamics can be seen in the graph. Where there is a sharp decline, we have filtered out the bots.

We have only two hypotheses about “what it was.”

The first is that one of us configured some monitor bots incorrectly. At one time we were playing with different software to check the state of the server. They could have turned something on and forgotten. The downside of this theory is that I don’t remember a single service that would declare that they send requests from different subnets to different pages site from different User Agents. Therefore, this is most likely not the case.

The second hypothesis: this is some form of bot attack unknown to the general public, perhaps aimed precisely at increasing the bounce rate and, as a result, pessimization in search results Google.

If you have also encountered this, I would be glad to hear your comments. If you need more detailed instructions Write about how we looked for it and blocked it, too.

In August, Yandex updated questions not only for, but also for Yandex Metrica. The exam has become more difficult, new types of questions have been added, and their number has increased.

Today, the Yandex Metrica exam is:

✅ 50 questions in the test

✅ 6 topics to go through

✅ At least 80% correct answers in each topic

✅ 50 minutes to complete the exam

✅ 4 attempts to pass*

*If you failed to pass the exam the first time, then the second attempt will open a week later, and subsequent attempts will be made at intervals of 3 months, so you need to prepare for passing the exam.
Don't have time to take the exam and get a Metrics certificate on your own? We will do it for you, simply and find out how to pass the Yandex.Metrica exam using our website.

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Answers to questions about Yandex.Metrica


Answering questions on Yandex Metrica allows you to successfully pass the exam in the Yandex.Expert system and become a certified specialist in your field. Updated database! docx format(WORD).

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Yandex.Metrica exam – multiple-choice questions

Theory: how Metrica processes data

1. Does Metrica have a standard report on robots?
Yes, in the Visitors section.
Yes, in the Technologies section.
Yes, in the Monitoring section.

2. What type of filtering allows you to filter greatest number robot visits?
By strict rules.
Through operations.
According to strict rules and behavior.
By referrer.

3. What are “new visitors” in Metrica?
Visitors who visited the site for the first time in the entire history of data collection during the reporting period.
Unique users who visited the site during the reporting period.
Visitors who visited the site for the first time this year.

4. The “Attendance” report has a column “Visitors”. What does this column show in the “Totals and Averages” row?

5. What is a grouping?
A set of Metrics reports.
A group of statistics objects of the same type.
A group of counters for one account.
A set of goals of the same type.

6. What does Metrica use to reduce the time for calculating indicators when loading reports?

8. What are “visitors” in Metrica?
Users who made at least one visit to the site during the reporting period
Authorized Yandex users who visited the site during the reporting period
People who visited the site for the first time in the entire history of data collection during the reporting period

10. For what period does the meter store data?
For the last year.
Webvisor data is stored for 15 days; there are no other restrictions on data storage time.
There are no restrictions on data storage time.
For the entire period of work, provided that the rights to the site are confirmed to Yandex.Webmaster.

11. Is it possible to find out in Metrica the phone models from which visitors accessed the site?
No, in the reports you can only see data on mobile device manufacturers.
No, you can only find out the usage percentage of mobile and standard devices.
Yes, the phone model can be seen in the “Technologies - Devices” report.

12. What factor is most significant for recognizing visitors in Metrica?
Visitor behavior.
IP address.
Availability of JavaScript in the browser.
Visitor cookies.

13. The visitor entered the “Electric saws” section at 16:00. At 16:15 he went to the page with delivery conditions and then, without closing the browser, walked away from the computer. Returning at 16:30, the visitor opened the return conditions page and closed the site at 16:45. What data will Metrica record?
1 visit.
2 visits.
3 visits.

14. Link to the report. Dates: April 2018. What gender are the visitors? largest percentage conversions for the “3+ hits” goal?
The percentage of conversions is the same for both categories of users.

15. After what time from last action will the visitor's visit be considered completed?
In 30 minutes.
In 30 minutes. The inactivity time can be changed in the counter settings through the “Visit timeout” parameter.
After 30 minutes, if the user did not come through advertising systems. According to advertising systems, the visit ends after 60 minutes of inactivity.

16. The same Metrica counter is installed on the website and on the website Arkady first went to, and after 10 minutes he moved from there to Will a new visit be formed at the same time?
A new visit will not begin.
Yes, there will be a new visit with the “Sites” source.
Yes, there will be a new visit with the source “Internal Transitions”.

17. The site has a standard Metrics counter configured by default. During the day, 2 visitors came to the site, they made 4 visits lasting: 5, 10, 20 and 30 seconds. For each visit, one page of the site was viewed. Calculate your bounce rate per day.

18. On what basis is information collected in the Demographics group reports?
Data obtained using Crypt technology.
Social network data.
Yandex user registration data.

19. The “Attendance” report has a column “Visitors”. What does this column show in the Totals and Averages row?
The number of visitors with a unique IP address who visited the site in the reporting period.
The sum of unique visitors for each day of the reporting period.
The number of visitors with a unique browser cookie who visited the site in the reporting period.
The number of people who visited the site for the first time in the entire history of data collection during the reporting period.

20. Why do I still see previously collected robot visit data in reports after applying robot filtering?
Filters are applied some time after activation.
Filtering only applies to data collected after the filter is activated.
After activation, it was necessary to update the counter code on the website.
Filtering can only be applied to non-standard reports.

21. The site was launched on Friday. On Saturday there were 50 visitors, on Sunday 70. On Monday you look at the “Attendance” report for Saturday and Sunday. How many visitors will be in the “Total and average” line in two days?
From 50 to 120 visitors.
60 visitors.
From 50 to 70 visitors.
From 70 to 120 visitors.
120 visitors.

22. What is the lifespan of cookies that Metrica uses to identify users?
90 days.
One day.
Two month.
Two years.

24. The visit timeout is set to 60 minutes. Visitor path: from Yandex Search to the main page, after 50 minutes - transition from the Direct ad to the product page, after 90 minutes - transition from Yandex Search to contacts. How many visits will there be in Metrica?

25. What is a visit timeout?
Sources that, when clicked, will start a new visit and end the old visit.
The time of visitor inactivity on the site, after which Metrica will consider the visit completed.
The number of pages viewed after which the visit will be considered completed.
Duration of the visit after which the visit will be considered completed.

26. How can I see robot visits in regular reports?
Robot visits cannot be seen in regular reports.
Apply segmentation to visits.
Apply segmentation by “For people who have – characteristics – roboticity – robots.”
Select the appropriate metric.

27. What filters can be used to filter robot visit data?
Take into account the visits of all robots.
Filter search engine robots.
Filter robots by strict rules and behavior.
Filter robots only according to strict rules.
29. What can be done to reduce report loading time?
Reduce accuracy.
Use segmentation.
Increase accuracy.
Take advantage of the offer to prepare a report.
30. Link to the report. Dates: April 2018. How many visitors returned to the site in April 2018 from those who first visited the site in March 2018?
Link to the report. Dates: April 2018. How many page views have there been for pages whose URL contains “features”?

Setting up analytical data collection
1. Under what logins can you delete the Metrica counter?
Under the login of the counter owner.
Under the representative's login.
Under a login with guest access for viewing only.
Under any login, if the “Public access to statistics” option is selected in the access settings.
Under a login with guest editing access.

2. Statistics on the counter are provided public access. Which reports are not accessible to unauthorized users?
Target call reports.
Search phrase report.
Reports via Direct.

3. Is it possible to change the Metrica counter number?
Yes, you can change your number yourself at any time.
No you can not.
Yes, upon request to the support service.

5. What counter code blocks need to be installed on the site for Metrica to correctly calculate and display site traffic data on the informer?
Only block – Yandex.Metrika counter –.
Both blocks of code.
Only block – Yandex.Metrika informer –.
Either of two blocks of code.

6. Clicking on a product on the website opens a gallery with photographs of the product from different angles. The opening of a gallery should be counted as a transition to separate page. Which counter method should I use?
hit() method.
notBounce() method.
trackLinks() method.

7. Is it necessary to create a new counter for each site?
Yes, definitely.
No, you can install an existing counter on other sites.
No, only if it's a subdomain.

8. Vasily enabled the counter settings option from the “Basic” section – “Including subdomains”. How will data be collected now?
Automatically collect from subdomains, even if the Metrics counter is not installed there.
The option filters the data: the reports will contain data only from domains from the “Site Address” and “Additional Addresses” blocks, as well as from all subdomains.
Automatically collect from subdomains if the Metrica counter is installed there.

9. Using which parameter can you check the correctness of the counter installation via a debug message in the console?

10. Counter settings No. 33980360: This counter is installed on all pages specified in the answers. Select the pages that will be included in Metrics reports with the specified settings.

11. Counter settings No. 44147844: This counter is installed on all pages specified in the answers. Select the pages that will be included in Metrics reports with the specified settings.

12. As in Ecommerce Metrics is called an event of type “View”?

13. Is it possible to set the currency value in E-commerce?
The currency value can only be changed by changing the counter currency.
You can pass the value of another currency.
This is not possible, all numbers are transmitted without currency.

14. Is it possible to combine data collected on two different Metrica counters in one report?
No you can not.
Yes, using counter labels.
Yes, Metrica automatically combines data from several counters if the same domain is specified in their settings.
Yes, if they are under the same login.

15. Which field in E-commerce can be used to transmit information about the type of product?
Such information cannot be transmitted via Electronic Commerce.

16. Is it possible to transfer additional visit attributes to Metrica?
Yes, but only information about whether the visitor was authorized on the site.
Yes, you can. Names additional parameters must be predefined in the meter settings.
Yes, you can, but only when transferring e-commerce data.
Yes, you can using Visit Settings.
No, there is no such possibility.

17. Who can restore a counter that was deleted more than three months ago?
Login with editing access.
Owner's representative.
Such a counter is permanently deleted and cannot be restored.

18. Under what logins can you edit counter settings?
Login with guest editing access.

Login of the counter owner.
Representative login.

19. The site has pages with addresses like, How to use operations to combine all these pages into a single URL -
Add the “Cut Anchor” operation.
Add 2 operations: Cut parameter – Page URL– “order” and “sort”.
Add 2 operations: Cut parameter – page URL – “by_size” and “by_price”.
Add 4 operations: Cut parameter – page URL – “order”, “sort”, “by_size” and “by_price”.

20. How will data be taken into account when installing one counter on several domains?
The data will be collected incorrectly. For correct operation counter for each domain, you need to create a separate counter.
The statistics will take into account visits to all domains.
Statistics will only take into account visits to the domain specified in the “Site Address” field when registering the counter.

21. What does connecting the Informer function do?
Ability to view visitors' actions on the site.
The ability to add a graphic block to the site that displays traffic data.
The ability to receive notifications about problems related to the operation of the site.

22. Do I need to specify a protocol for the site address when registering a meter?
It is necessary in any case.
No need.
Necessary if it is ftp.
It is necessary if it is https.

23. Is it possible to install several counters on one site?
It is possible, but the Webvisor only needs to be connected to one of the meters.
It is possible without any restrictions.
You can only install one counter per page.

24. Given filters, indicate what data will be filtered?

Views of any pages except the page with the title “test”.
All visits.
Page views with the title "test".
Visits from the meter owner.
All visits except visits from the meter owner.

25. What maximum amount Can visit parameters be passed in a visit?

26. Which field applies only to the action “Purchase a product”?

27. Which option must be selected in the counter settings to correctly count transitions to pages like,
For XML sites.
Hash tracking in address bar browser.
Asynchronous code.

28. Will data be collected if the counter code is installed on the site, but the counter is deleted in the Metrica interface?
Data will be collected, but it will be possible to access it only after restoring the counter in the interface.
Data will continue to be collected as usual.
No data will be collected.

29. What needs to be done after creating a new Metrica counter so that data on the site begins to be collected?
Site traffic data will begin to be collected immediately, additional actions not required.
You need to set its code to home page site.
You need to install its code on all pages of the site.

30. The counter code indicates the following information: try ( w.yaCounterXXXXXX = new Ya.Metrika(( id:XXXXXX, accurateTrackBounce:true )); ). How will such a counter count failures?
A refusal will be considered a visit during which the user visited one page of the site and viewed it for less than 15 seconds.
A refusal will be considered a visit during which the user visited one page of the site and viewed it for less than 5 seconds.
A refusal will be considered a visit during which the user visited one page of the site and viewed it for less than 5000 seconds.

31. Who can grant guest access to the meter?
Login with guest access to edit the counter.
Login with guest access for viewing only.

32. How does the “Accept data only from specified addresses” option work?
Allows you to collect data from all sites on which the current Metrica counter is installed.
Allows you to collect data only from specified traffic sources.
Allows you to collect data only from the site specified in the “Site Address” field and additional addresses site.
Allows you to protect data from spam if the counter is copied and installed on other sites.
33. What types of notifications are there in the Yandex.Metrica interface?
By email.
In the form of a phone call.
In the form of a message in instant messengers.
In the form of SMS.

34. Which container is used to store E-commerce data in Metrica by default?

35. What is the default currency used in E-commerce?
Units without currency specification.
Counter currency value.

36. You want to see in the reports which area of ​​the city visitors choose to deliver to when ordering. How can this be done?
Using target tracking.
Using the visit parameter with the appropriate value sent at the time of placing the order.
Using the visitor parameter with the appropriate value sent at the time of ordering.
Via the Popular report.

37. What activities can be tracked using E-Commerce? Select all appropriate titles.
detail – view the product card
add – add to cart
remove – removal from the cart
view – view the catalog page
purchase - purchase

38. Is it possible to independently transfer a counter from one login to another login in Yandex?
No, to do this you must contact support.
Yes, this option available to the meter owner.
No you can not.

39. Is it possible to independently provide access to all counters installed on the login?
Yes, using the representative system.
No, you can only provide separate access to each counter.
No, to do this you need to contact support.

40. Will the counter collect data about visitors if you install only the informer code on the site pages?
The meter will not collect data.
The metric will only collect general data, but not data on targeted visits.
Data will be collected correctly.

41. How many days is it possible to restore a counter after it has been deleted?
15 days.
1 Week.
A deleted counter cannot be restored.
90 days.

42. Are statistics saved after transferring the counter to another login?
Yes, it is completely saved.
It persists, but only for the last three years.
No, it is not saved.

43. The web viewer is disabled in the counter settings. The owner of the counter turned on Webvisor to collect data across the entire site. Do I need to reinstall the counter code on the website?
No, the counter code will be automatically updated on the website.
Yes, you need to reinstall the counter code on all pages of the site.
You can reset the counter code only on the main page. Data will be collected in full.

44. In the counter settings, filtering of robots by strict rules and behavior is enabled. What happens to robot visit data?
They will disappear from all reports except the robot report.
They will disappear from all reports.
They will disappear from all reports except Webvisor and the robot report.

45. What does the message in the browser console about viewing Metrics look like?
Reach Goal

46. ​​Which counter tag is loaded when the user has JavaScript enabled?

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In the dream, she easily entered the past, as if into the next room, and easily moved in it, happily breathing the same air as her son. Her husband, Matthias, with a Stalin-style mustache, was silently present as main detail Scenery. These dreams were like a performance seen many times with a narcotic charm, which went on for a long, long time and always ended a quarter of an hour before Bertha, with outstretched arms, brought Vovochka from the yard - pale, with a fresh scratch on his cheek, a trace of his morning labors on the model aircraft, which replaced cleverly woven rugs. The collar of his striped shirt was unbuttoned, and not a single vein beat on his neck, completely open and lengthened due to his thrown back head.

Everything happened instantly and resembled a bad poster - a large red and blue ball rolled sharply into the middle of the road, a boy flew out behind it like a slingshot, and the screeching of brakes was heard from almost the only car that passed on the entire Sunday morning. The ball still continued its lazy movement, having managed to cross the path of the truck and lose all interest in the movement, and the boy, with his arms outstretched, lay on his back in final immobility, still completely healthy, with fresh blood that had not spilled out even a drop, and had not yet stopped its flow at your fingertips, but already irreversibly dead.

Matthias stood near a small wall mirror with lathered cheeks and a raised chin and, moving his right hand with a heavy blade, tried on a difficult place on the neck.

...At seven o'clock the old people woke up. Bertha slipped her thin gray feet into fur slippers and went to put the kettle on. They sat at a round table covered with a tablecloth as hard as plywood. In the middle of the table, a vase with homemade honey gingerbreads, taken out from the sideboard, was triumphant. Behind Matthias in the corner there was a children's high chair, on which for fifteen years had hung a small brown jacket, which he had personally altered from his own jacket. The left shoulder, the one towards the window, was badly burned, but now, with electric lighting, it was unnoticeable.

“Well, hand it over,” Bertha said and reached for her glasses. Matthias shuffled.

Poor relatives

On the twenty-first, if it did not fall on Sunday, in the empty doorway between lunch and tea, Anna Markovna’s second cousin Asya Shafran came to see her. If the twenty-first fell on Sunday, when the whole family was gathered, then Asya came on the twenty-second, on Monday, because she was embarrassed by her poverty and dementia.

At about four o'clock she rang the doorbell and after a while heard heavy footsteps from the depths of the apartment and a meaningless: “Who's there?”, because from the stupid giggle behind the door, and from the calendar, Anna Markovna should have known that Asya had arrived.

“It’s me who came, Anechka, I was passing by, I think I’ll pop in, maybe you’re at home...” Asya said, kissing Anechka’s full cheek and not ceasing to giggle, speaking excessively and falsely... because there was nothing more obvious than the fact that it was she who came, Asya, a poor relative, is collecting her monthly allowance.

Once upon a time they studied in the same class at the gymnasium, wore the same gray-blue uniform dresses, sewn by the best tailor in Kaluga, and wore the same gymnasium badges “KZhGS” on their magnificent breasts, which anticipated the time of widespread abbreviations by many years. However, these openwork letters did not mean the “state council” for “K” and “Zh”, which could be a tannery or a railway, according to the fashion of the coming years, but only the Kaluga women’s gymnasium of Salova, which, being a private institution, allowed itself to educate wealthy Jewish girls in the proportion that could be provided by the sparse Jewish population of the thoroughly Russian semi-rural Kaluga with impudent goats wandering the streets of the future capital of astronautics.

Anya was an excellent student with a thick braid thrown over her shoulder; in her notebooks last page was no different from the first, especially beautiful and diligent. Asya did not have the same zeal for learning that Anya had: French verbs, endless palisades of dates and beautiful trinkets of theorems flew into one of her ears, half-covered by springy, randomly curly whitish hair, and while she drew a caricature of a vile history teacher with a finely sharpened pencil Semyon Afanasyevich flew out of the other. Asya was a lively, cheerful and nice young lady, but no one, except Anna Markovna, remembered her like that...

The stupidly made-up Asya, shaking her head slightly, took off Anna Markovna’s coat, embroidered with black silk ribbons of apricot color, who had given her her old things all her life and had long since come to terms with how deftly, sometimes with one movement of her applied hands, Asya turned her venerable clothes in the rags of a madman. The black ribbons sewn on by Asya came loose in some places and formed loops and bows, and all together it resembled a witty fancy dress costume from a music book.

From under a green beret, a black fringe, a hybrid of a veil and bangs, hung over his forehead, and a rudimentary smile was always pulled onto his lips, ready to immediately disappear - or crumble into an exploratory giggle.

“Come in, Asya,” Anna Markovna friendly and majestically let her into the dining room. Grigory Veniaminovich, Anna Markovna’s husband, was lying on the carpet couch. He was not feeling well and left the university early, leaving two lecture hours of his brilliant histology course to a very intelligent but rather careless assistant.

Seeing Asya, he chuckled sourly, asked her how she was doing, and, without waiting for an answer, went into the bedroom adjacent to the dining room, closing the double glass door behind him.

“Grisha doesn’t feel well,” Anna Markovna explained both his daytime presence and disappearance.

– I came in for a minute, Anya. There are Chinese thermoses in Petrovsky Passage. “I bought a few,” she lied. - Very beautiful. With the birds. Shouldn't I buy it for you?

- How is Irochka? – Asya asked about her granddaughter.

She didn’t have to come up with questions every time, she asked sequentially about all family members, and usually Anna Markovna answered briefly, sometimes getting carried away and putting into her answers details intended for more significant interlocutors. This time the first question turned out to be successful, because yesterday Irochka announced that she was getting married, and the whole family, completely unprepared for this, was excited and somewhat upset. And so Anna Markovna began to talk at some length about this event, clearly arranging its pros and cons in two columns.

- He’s a good boy, they’ve been friends since school, he’s also in his second year, in aviation, he’s studying well, he looks okay, but he’s terribly long, thin, he’s madly in love with Irka, he calls five times every day, he’s never studied music, he came , sat down at the piano, perfectly, by ear, he selects any melody. The family, of course, you understand... - Asya shook her head knowingly, - very simple. Father is a house manager, disabled. They say he drinks. “At these words, Asya giggled rather appropriately, and Anna Markovna continued: “But mother is a very decent woman.” Very worthy. Four children, two older boys at the institute, the youngest, twins, a boy and a girl, lovely... - All Anna Markovna’s children, without exception, were lovely. – I saw them: clean, tidy, well-mannered. I have known Serezhka’s mother for a long time; she worked at Ira’s school as a secretary. At least I can’t say anything bad about her. He, of course, is very young, neither has a stake nor a yard, they both need to drag on for a long time, but that’s not the point. Grisha believes that they should live separately. Take off! You imagine? Irka, she needs to study, but she will run for groceries, cook, wash, or even give birth... she will leave the institute! I won’t forgive myself for this!

Finally, Anna Markovna realized that Asya didn’t need to know all this. But Asya sat with pleasure on a black oak chair, resting her painted cheek on her hand, and smiled happily, and impatiently twitched her eyelids, choosing a gap between Anna Markovna’s words to say:

- Anya, let them live with me!

- What are you talking about, Asya?! - she responded seriously, imagining Asya’s long room on Pyatnitskaya, at the end of the curved corridor, near the kitchen. Some kind of junk shop, not a home. All the walls are covered in randomly driven nails of all sizes, on one is a man's coat, on another is a blouse, on the third is a postcard or a bunch of grass. The smell is impossible, the real home of a madman; and everywhere there are still stacks of newspapers, for which Asya had an inexplicable passion...

Anna Markovna laughed - how did she seriously think about this in the first moment?

In response to the laughter, Asya also laughed obediently, and then asked:

- Why not? I also have a screen. I would cook breakfast for them. Let them live.

Anna Markovna waved it off:

- Okay, they'll figure it out themselves. Irochka, after all, has parents. Let them think about it at least once in their life, otherwise he’s used to it,” the parents imperceptibly halved themselves to one son-in-law, whom they didn’t really like in the family, “all his life with everything ready... Let’s drink tea, Asya,” Anna Markovna suggested and shouted at open door: – Nina, please put the kettle on!.. What news do you have, Asya? – Anna Markovna asked politely and disinterestedly.

– Yesterday I was at Bertha’s. She wants to buy Matthias a coat, but he won’t give it. Raya from Leningrad is visiting them. She showed photographs of her granddaughters.

- How old are they? – Anna Markovna became interested.

– One is very big, a bride, and the other is about twelve years old.

- What are you talking about! When did they grow up?

They weaved this everyday nonsense, Anna Markovna - condescendingly, with a sense of fulfilling a family duty, Asya - sincerely and diligently.

Hello! Today is a very important topic! I'll show you how to block automatic traffic in Yandex Metrica statistics. If you notice unnatural spikes in your statistics, that is, suddenly your traffic increases by 50 or 100 percent, you are dealing with automatic traffic. Such traffic always refers to direct visits to the site. In such cases, your site is either attacked, scanned, or copied information using programs. In general, loading your site is not childish!!!

So the other day my attendance skyrocketed from 2,000 to 4,000 in literally 1-2 hours. From the beginning I was happy, I thought I was finally growing. But when I started studying the statistics, I noticed that all this traffic comes from direct calls, from the USA. Then, of course, I immediately realized that something was wrong here. Moreover, this traffic did not affect advertising income in any way. The traffic was empty and unnatural! I started to figure it out, started digging on the Internet and came across an article on the Yandex blog, which very simply said that you simply need to enable the robot filter in the Yandex Metrica service.

How to enable the robot filter in Yandex Metrica?

Go to your page in the Yandex Metrica service, where your site statistics are displayed. On the left in the sidebar, go to the page - Settings.

Next on the page “Settings”, at the top of the menu, go to the tab “Filters”. Further, at the bottom of the page, in the section “Robot filtering”, select option – Filter robots by strict rules and behavior. Save your changes.

All is ready! Now Yandex will filter all robots according to strict rules and their behavior. That is, if your site is attacked by robots or automatic requests to your site, such traffic will not be taken into account in your site statistics.

By the way, before this I had the meaning - Filter robots only according to strict rules, and as you can see it didn’t help. Because such a value only blocks in statistics search robots, which crawl the site, for example the Google robot or Yandex. But, there are robots that disguise themselves as users, but behave like robots. That is, their behavior betrays itself; they can stupidly create thousands of requests to your site in a few minutes. These are the kind of robots that need to be filtered by behavior.

In general, after turning on the filter, everything on my site returned to normal. The statistics show only natural search traffic. By the way, I recommend that you put high-quality protection on your website, in the comments, on the login and registration page. Because automatic requests are sent precisely there, to vulnerable places, in the expectation that the site owner has not protected his site.

And what else is very important! Lock automatic traffic, will make your site faster, as you remove a serious load from the site. Your site will be safer and faster, which will have a very positive impact on search engine promotion site!

The analytical service Yandex.Metrica provides a wide range of reporting functionality for a wide variety of indicators. Let's look at the most popular and important Yandex Metrica reports, and also look at the basics of working with its designer.

Reports - overview

Metrica allows users to independently generate reports using the following tools:


By setting goals, you will help the system more clearly determine whether users are fulfilling required type interactions (clicking a CTA element, exploring a specific page).


Gives you the opportunity to expand and refine your reports according to the data you need.

Segment analysis

Generates documents based on groups of data using certain conditions, such as a given search phrase, a specific search engine, and the like.

Attribution models

Using this tool, you will be much more accurately informed about the sources of visits to your resource.

All reports for certain period are available for review in the “Detailed Statistics” section.

Metrics Tabs

Now let’s briefly go through the most basic and most important pages, tabs - everything necessary to answer the question “how to make a report in Metrica” and for a thorough analysis in general.

1. Summary

The main page where every Metrica user starts working. Provides generalized statistics of visits, activities on the landing page and many other data.

2. Attendance

Using this tab, you can see traffic data for the time period you are interested in.

3. Sources

In order to adequately assess traffic, it is worth analyzing its sources. You can do it here. Be careful and avoid traffic Low quality— it would be ideal when the bulk of visits comes from natural traffic from search.

4. Visitors

Here you can evaluate demographic indicators. By analyzing gender, age, and regional differences in audience segments, you can better optimize your resource. On the same tab, you can evaluate the depth of viewing, the distribution of visits over time, and audience loyalty.

5. Contents

Here you can view the numbers for the most visited sections. Here you will see the main pages for entering/exiting the resource.

6. Behavior

It makes it possible to evaluate the motives of visitors’ behavior and the general logic of their actions. Here you have access to the following tools: web viewer, heat map (or click map), user paths through the resource, and link map.

7. Technology

This tab will allow you to evaluate the software and devices from which users prefer to access your resource. Browsers, monitor resolutions, OS And so on.

8. Monitoring

This tool makes it possible to analyze the load on the resource, as well as the overall availability of the landing page in real-time.

In addition to those listed, there is also a “Designer” tab, but we’ll probably talk about it separately.

Report designer

In short, the report designer in Metrica allows users to create their own reports for deeper analytics, bypassing the standard functionality of the service.

The tool is suitable for a variety of tasks, for example:

1. Create a custom report, missing from the options from Yandex.Metrica. For example, you can generate reporting on the sources of referrals to your landing page.

2. Detailed reporting options. For example, you can supplement the table on referral sources with regional visit statistics.

3. Editorial existing options reporting using filters. Let's say you need to see the demographics of your audience, but only that part of it that made a purchase in the past 6 months.

4. You will also be able to analyze traffic in detail.

Overview of useful metrics and features

UTM tags

The question often arises of how to generate a report on utm tags using Metrica.

This may be necessary if you have running campaigns in Google system Adwords, but either you don’t have Google Analytics installed/configured, or you just want to track all campaigns from one interface. I wonder what exactly Google company popularized at one time this tool, therefore Analytics reads the utm structure without the need for additional modifications.

As a reminder, UTM tags allow you to more accurately track traffic sources. To generate a report on labels in a metric, set, for example, the following parameter:

And finally, the conditions.

The report in Yandex Metrica looks something like this: in this case:

Robots report

Now let’s look at the principle of operation of the “robotism” Metrica report, which allows you to find out about the actions of the system’s search robots on your resource. You can diagnose robot activity on your landing page/site. Based on this analysis, you can configure the search robot filter as you see fit and depending on the behavior of the bots. You can also filter traffic generated by bots.

There are three filtering options:

  1. “Default” - based on IP addresses, as well as User Agent data.
  2. “Disabled filter” mode.
  3. “Strengthened” mode is useful for bursts of Internet activity.

Setting goals

A goal in the context of Yandex.Metrica is an action that you expect from a visitor to your resource. It’s worth talking in more detail about how to generate a report on the target source in a metric.

Find the counter settings page, then go to the corresponding “Goals” tab. For a general overview of the topic, we will examine four types.

1. Page views. Here you can set the number of pages viewed that you consider optimal for the visitor.

2. URL. Here the goal is more complex. The visitor must go to specific page, as the name suggests. This goal is good for tracking orders, registrations, transitions to the price list page, and the like.

3. Event. Fixed here specific action, committed by the user. Anything - clicking a CTA button, filling out a lead form, etc. But there is a nuance - this goal is set by a special Metrica identifier, which you can set yourself, but it’s still better to use the services of a professional.

4. Composite goal. In this case, you can set any sequence of targeted actions for resource visitors. A chain of actions can include no more than five steps, each of which can contain up to ten conditions. Only if the visitor has completed all the specified actions in the specified sequence, the goal is considered achieved.