Download Windows 7 setup after installation. Computer programs for every day. Saving valuable files

After Windows installations 7, users with minimal experience of sitting at a computer develop a feeling of invincibility. But it’s too early to rejoice; bare Windows won’t be of much use if it doesn’t work with anything. Besides, must be carried out minimal setup to ensure a comfortable rest behind this machine. In today's post, I plan to talk about everything that needs to be done after installing Windows 7 and, of course, I will give a couple of universal tips.

First thing…

First, you need to make some settings in the new operating system. Very often I was faced with the fact that the system became inadequate, and the user could not influence this in any way. The reason lies in standard updates operating system. After installing Windows 7, the security settings automatically enable automatic update. Sometimes this can cause you to get lost license key, which you have already activated. This is not good. Overall, these updates are of no use and should be disabled. Often, Due to a clumsy update, the integrity of the system, as well as the user’s nerves, suffers.

So, you need to open the Control Panel, then go to the System and Security tab. In the next menu, select the “system updates” section. The new window has a special section where there are several options to choose from; we need to enable the “Do not check for updates” mode.

Simple, fast, clear. One less problem, let's move on...

Add a partition to the disk.

Why do you need to break it? HDD into sections? The answer is simple. This way you will save your data on one partition of the disk, and the system will be on another, so that if something happens, only the partition with the system will be demolished, and all your data will remain unharmed.

After installing Windows 7, you need to create additional partitions. This advice can be heard on almost every corner. Let's remember where we were already asked to create or change partitions. Now we have the opportunity to fill all unoccupied space after direct installation. Go to the "Start" menu, then point the cursor to "Computer", right-click, and then select "Manage". A small window will pop up in front of you, where there are several tabs, as well as a bunch of tabs. After that, select "Disk Management". You are now in the right section. Here is information about all hard drives. Click on the partition whose memory is not allocated (usually it is black) and then click on “Create partition”. A couple more windows will pop up where you don’t need to read carefully, click “Next”. (be sure to check the box in one of the boxes “ quick formatting", otherwise you will sit at the computer for the rest of the day)

We wait until the partition is formatted, after which we can start using it.

Let's activate precious Windows.

Activation is one of the most important points that should be observed after installing Windows 7. Remember that without activation, Windows will work for only 30 days, and this period will fly by quickly before you know it. After 30 days, some system capabilities will be limited. As I said, if you own licensed copy Windows, then you have nothing to fear, take the key indicated on the box or bottom of the laptop and drive it in. Windows will connect to the Microsoft server and verify its authenticity. But I suggest we go the hard way. Don't worry, it will be fun!

You can activate the pirate program at any time of the day; it does not require an Internet connection. There are millions of programs online that are called activators, I think the meaning of their creation is clear to you. The activator selects the key automatically, after which it activates your system. It's simple. After installing Windows 7, download the activator and run it. Different activators work differently, usually a small window pops up where you will be asked to press a single button. But remember that activators are tied to a specific version of Windows, so download the one that suits your system. After this, the program will notify you about the successful completion of the work and prompt you to reboot. We reboot and check for the presence of the key - Windows is activated! Like two fingers on the asphalt!

You need to take care of the remaining devices!

Now let's talk about drivers. After installing Windows7, you need to make sure that all devices on your PC will work normally. This is what drivers are needed for. This special programs, without which the video card, sound speakers, the peripherals will not bring any benefit. They sometimes meet inside special applications for more specific settings of certain equipment. Usually, Drivers are supplied in one set with a laptop or system unit.

As a last resort, drivers can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s official website, or you can ask for help on any forum after a couple of unsuccessful attempts.

Minor programs. Secondary software, like primary software, has a certain value. After installing Windows 7, you need to give your computer minimum set applications for all occasions. Let's start with the most necessary thing - an office. Many people need a computer solely for work, so it is necessary to install Microsoft Office , it is advisable to use a version no younger than 2007. There is also OpenOffice, but it cannot be compared with the first one. So, Microsoft Office has everything you need to show slides, create documents, create tables and everything that an office worker needs. You can download this package from any tracker; the serial number is also provided in the same archive as the program, so don’t worry about activation. To view PDF documents, install Adobereader 11. This is a modest program that also makes a huge difference. The PDF format has not been canceled, and Adobereader was created specifically for this. After that, download and install

additional programs for office work, for example MSVISIO is an indispensable draftsman for technical students. Communication is important. I recommend installing Skype, mail agent or another chat application. Skype is a free program that is universal in every sense of the word.

Don't forget about browsers. I can’t give universal advice here; it all depends on your preferences. You can use GoogleChrome, the immortal Opera, Mozilla... But most importantly, never work with the “native” Internet Explorer. After surfing through this browser, you will understand what a pain it is... The computer must play video and audio. After installing Windows 7, find a decent player for yourself. You can install Aimp, which will support any format. More modest programs like VLC or Media Player Classic are also good. All these representatives are endowed

simple interface

, and believe me, mastering them is not difficult. Installing programs does not take long, which is also nice. After that we will ensure security.. The Internet is full of instructions on this topic, just go and take it. ESET NOD 32 is quite popular, but it is paid, and its price is rather high. In any case, Avast will give you everything you need. The choice is yours!

In this article I will talk about how to independently install the Windows 7 operating system from a disk onto your computer or laptop.

I offer detailed and step by step instructions with a visual demonstration of screenshots of the operating room installation Windows systems.

If you think that installing an operating system is something complicated and incomprehensible that only a specialist can handle, then I will disappoint you: this is not true. Now you can see for yourself.

All you need to install Windows 7 (or Windows 8) is a computer or laptop, a disk with the operating system (since in this article we will install Windows from a disk), detailed instructions, which I will now provide you with, and, perhaps, attentiveness! Hopefully after installation you won't look like . 🙂

After installation, I recommend installing it immediately. You understand - in our time electronic payments this is very relevant. Also now (yet) nowhere without Adobe Flash Player . What's his name Right install read . You may also be very interested in not bad. If you store it on your computer private information, create a .

Important: Most everyone possible problems problems that occur when installing Windows 7 are due to incorrectly prepared installation disk and (or) the quality of the “OS build” recorded on it. You can read the article on how to correctly burn an operating system image to disk.

Remember: if this disc is not out of the box, that is, purchased in a store, then you need to use only original images from Microsoft MSDN. It is the original image, which is just as accessible on the Internet as various assemblies, that is the key to the successful installation of Windows and its normal functioning.

Do not use assemblies of unknown origin. You install all third-party fixes, corrections, and homemade assemblies at your own peril and risk. The consequences may be irreversible.

Before installing Windows 7:

Remember two basic things to do before installing Windows.

First- this is to decide in advance which section hard drive the system will be installed. As a rule, in most cases this is the C:\ drive. You should remember (or create) the volume label and size.

Remember, your desktop is entirely located on the C:\ drive, or rather, here: C:\Documents and Settings\ Username\Desktop. Think in advance about the integrity and safety of files that are important to you, copy them from your desktop, that is, from drive C, to another drive or flash drive.

All programs installed on the C:\ drive will also be deleted, but this is not a reason to drag the entire folder with programs to other drives. It is much easier to reinstall these programs on clean system. Don't be lazy, it's not every day that you reinstall Windows.

Second moment - these are drivers for your computer or laptop. They need to be taken care of in advance. Most laptops come with them included, but if they are not available (or need to be updated), look for them on the manufacturer’s official website and download them in advance.

I recommend reading everything you need to know about installing drivers in the article “Installing Drivers or Five Iron Rules,” which is located.

If you skip this one important point, then after installing Windows, you may be left without the Internet, because it’s not a fact that windows distribution will initially contain the drivers for your network card.

Installing Windows 7 from disk:

Insert the disk with the Windows operating system into the drive and restart the computer. By the way, if you don’t have a disk drive, you can install the Windows operating system using a regular one.

Let's continue. Our task is to configure the computer to boot from a DVD. This can be done in 2 ways:

  • 1. select the device (DVD) in a special boot menu;
  • 2. change the boot priority in the BIOS (from HDD to DVD).

The first method, selecting a device in the boot menu, is simpler and more convenient. After installing Windows, there is no need to return booting from the HDD (hard drive). However, on older computers this function is not available and in this case you will have to go into the BIOS and change the boot priority.

Start - reboot, wait until the screen goes dark and at the first sign of the system waking up (the logo appears), press and hold the Delete key on the keyboard. Why exactly Delete key? These can be the keys F1, F2, F3 + F2, F10, Ctrl + Alt + Esc, Ctrl + Alt + S, Esc.

Some kind of universal button to enter boot menu or there is no way to enter the BIOS, and it all depends on the computer manufacturer (motherboard). Most the right way- read the instructions from the computer or motherboard. The table below shows clear example such keys.

The boot menu looks something like this:

Press F10, agree and confirm the exit with saving (Save and Exit) by selecting “Ok”.

Phoenix Award

Let's consider the second interface option. To boot from disk, you need to change the priorities so that the first device is the DVD drive. Find the item “Advanced” BIOS Features" and use the arrows to switch to the first device (First Boot Device), change to CDROM.

Press F10 and confirm Save and Exit.

If you have problems at this stage, I recommend watching this video.

Let's continue. If everything was done correctly, we will see the following window with the inscription: “Press any key to boot from CD or DVD.”

Here you need to press any key, for example, spacebar. This is only done 1 time and only at this stage of installation. We see the following window with the inscription “Windows is loading files”.

The files are being extracted, after which we will see the message "Starting Windows" and the Windows 7 installation window itself. Windows installation has begun!!

Choose desired language and click “Install”.

Next we need to select Windows edition 7. Choose the one for which you have a key or which you are going to activate. On laptops, it is usually indicated on a piece of paper with a key located on the bottom of the laptop. Entering the serial number itself will be a little later; it has been moved to the end of the installation.

A few words about the possibility of installing a 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit version of Windows. If you have more than 4 GB random access memory(aka RAM, RAM, Memory), then install 64-bit, if not, then 32-bit (x86).

Let's read and agree to the license terms. Next, we need to select the installation type - select “Full installation”.

Now you need to select the partition on which Windows will be installed.

If you have this section reserved by the system (note, it is still in megabytes (MB), not gigabytes), for example, as in the following screenshot, then select Disk 0 Partition 2.

To avoid such excruciating pain when choosing a partition, before installing Windows, look at how many gigabytes your C drive occupies.

If you have one partition on your hard drive and it is larger than 250 GB, then it would be more correct to create two local disks. One section is specifically for Windows (usually about 50-100 GB), and the other is for storing your personal information (how much will remain, XXX GB).

Note: The partitions you create should be named Disk 0 Partition 1, 2, 3..., not “Unallocated Disk Space”. Otherwise sections with these names operating system he just won't see it.

If necessary, create a section or sections and click “Apply”:

Attention: At this stage, problems may arise - when Windows 7 asks for a driver for further installation or when the system does not see your hard drive to continue installation.

Or install (if prepared) hard disk controller drivers. If you already have two or more partitions on your hard drive, then you can skip the above point. So, we have selected the “System” section, and now we need to start formatting.

The installer warns that all our data will be deleted. This is what we need, because we are interested in a clean installation of Windows. We agree and wait. Usually the whole process takes a matter of seconds. After formatting we see that free space became more, calmly click “Next”.

And here is the beginning of the installation, the process has started. You can already exhale).

We're waiting... Usually it takes 15–25 minutes. When our system is installed, it will prompt you to enter your username and computer name. Let's enter.

If you wish, you can enter a password and a hint. Next, Windows will prompt you to enter your serial number. Enter (if available). If not, then skip this step and uncheck the “Automatically activate when connected to the Internet” checkbox.

Step-by-step instructions for improving performance and optimizing Windows 7

Optimization Windows operation 7 is extremely relevant today and is available not only professional engineers specialized centers, but also for ordinary users.

Since the company's release Microsoft operating systems Windows 8, the popularity of her predecessor, Windows7, doesn't get smaller.

Prevalence Windows versions as of March 2014 (according to

Windows 8/8.1 - 12.54%

Windows 7 - 50.55%

Windows7 proved to be the most successful and user-friendly version of the OS on Windows platform, especially in comparison with its predecessor - Windows Vista.

Currently, the objectives set by software manufacturers and user expectations regarding system speed and performance in to a large extent have increased.

The number of programs has also increased preinstalled by manufacturers on new laptops and personal computers, which often only take away system performance. In addition, over time, a huge amount of temporary and unnecessary files, generated by programs and Internet browsers.

In connection with the above, all larger number companies are engaged in both development specialized utilities to optimize the performance of Windows 7, and by creating multitasking programs that clean and configure the system, optimizing its operation based on the needs of a specific user, along with a set of other software (for example, all-in-one antivirus software, CCleaner, RegOptimazer and others).

But let’s not forget that all cleaning and optimization programs act superficially, without affecting the depths of the system. Thanks to simple steps, any user can safely and effectively optimize Windows 7 performance without resorting to deep analysis and practical study her work.

To optimize Windows7 performance, follow these steps:

1. Completely disabling UAC (User Account Control)

First of all, it is worth drawing your attention to the fact that this tool is one of the most important regarding the security of the system and disabling it will inevitably reduce the overall level of its protection from external threats. However, many users have greater confidence in high-quality antivirus software.

In this article we offer you the ability to either completely disable UAC or change the protection level.

Before performing the suggested actions, you should log in using your account. Administrator.

1. Click the Start button
3. Go to User Accounts
4. Change User Account Control (UAC) settings
5. Select the required degree of protection by changing the position of the slider.
6. Click “OK”
7. Reboot the computer.

2. Setting the standby mode (“Sleep mode”)

In the default settings, using sleep mode is inconvenient: the computer wakes up at the slightest movement of the mouse.

To this to correct, needs to be done the following actions:
1. Click the Start button
2. Open the Control Panel
3. Go to Device Manager
4. Open the “Mice and other pointing devices” tab
5. Find the “Power Management” tab

6. Uncheck the option “Allow the device to wake the computer from standby mode”
7. Click “OK”
In the future, for exit from standby mode, use the keyboard (by pressing any key).

3. Speed ​​up the Start menu

One of the most commonly used controls in operating systems Windows is definitely the menu "Start", functionality which grows with each new version OS.
If you use a “non-classic” design mode, it is possible to significantly speed up the operation of this indispensable control.
So let's get started:
1. Right-click on the Start menu icon or on the panel tasks
2. B context menu select “Properties”
3. Open the “Start” tab
4. Click “Configure”
5. In the “Customize the Start Menu” window that opens, find the “Select recently” option. installed programs"and uncheck it
7. Click “OK”

4. Aero Visual Effects

Problems with Aero interface most often occur if the computer has a video card integrated into the motherboard or a weak video card is installed - problems are very likely to occur when using the Aero interface. Also difficult to process graphic elements Windows 7 low-cost laptops and netbooks are often tested.
However, it is possible to reduce the Aero interface's consumption of PC resources by without turning it off completely. By disabling some elements, you will relieve computing power computer and video card, practically without losing the beauty of the Aero interface.
To do this you need to do the following:
1. Click the Start button
2. Open the Control Panel
3. Login to the System
4. Open Extra options systems
5. Go to the “Advanced” tab
6. Click the “Options” button in the “Performance” section

7. Disable the following parameters:
7.1 Animated controls and elements inside a window
7.2 Menu fades after calling a command
7.3 Casting shadows on desktop icons
7.4 Displaying window contents when dragging
7.5 Displaying shadows cast by windows
7.6 Displaying samples and filters in this folder
7.7 Displaying a transparent selection rectangle
7.8 Displaying a shadow under the mouse pointer
8. Click “Apply”.

You can disable some other options, but the effect will be more noticeable.
Attention! If after saving the changes the “transparent” Aero interface disappears, right-click on the desktop and select “Personalization” » “Color and appearance windows" » Check the box next to "Enable transparency" and click "OK".

5. Changing the display of Service Pack

There are times when we are unable to completely install all elements of the game, or after installing it we see a notification about installed in Windows 7 Service Pack 2. In order to correct the situation, we need:

1. Press the Win+R keys simultaneously (or Start » Run)
2. In the “Run” window that opens, enter the command: “regedit” and click “OK”
3. The Registry Editor window will open.
4. Find the folder
5. Change the “CSDVersion” value from “0” to “100” ( SP1). Click “OK” and exit the Registry Editor. If you set the parameter value “CSDVersion” = “300”, then the system will display that Service Pack 3, and if the value “CSDVersion” is = “0”, then the system will display that the Service Pack is installed is not installed
6. Reboot the computer.

6. Disabling services

Shutdown rarely used services will free up some of the computer's RAM, and will also allow the system to access the system less frequently. virtual memory, which will result in faster system performance.
Although unforeseen complications as a result of service outages are unlikely, we nevertheless suggest that you create restore point, which, if necessary, will allow us to roll back the system to the required time (control panel » system » system protection » create). To ensure maximum stability of the system and applications, we recommend that you use the “Manual” option when disabling services.
For disabling services perform the following actions:
1. Click the Start button
2. Open the Control Panel
3. Select Administration

4. Select Services
To disable a service, double-click on its name with the left mouse button. The service control panel will open. In the “Startup Type” drop-down menu, select “Manual” and click on the “Stop” button. Save changes by clicking "OK"
Absolutely safe You can disable the following services:
Service entry Tablet PC
Auxiliary service IP (Support IP Service)
Remote registry

Disabling other services may result in unstable work operating system and should only be executed while absolutely confident is that you know what result it will lead to. Be extremely careful and careful when handling this tool.

7. ReadyBoost function

In the operating system Windows implemented the ability to use USB flash memory devices as additional to the resource's RAM for data caching, which speeds up the execution time of data read-write operations and increases system performance. Expensive RAM modules or lack of free slots in motherboard Often they do not allow you to physically increase the amount of memory.
Using USB drives or Flash cards as additional RAM using ReadyBoost technology makes it possible to virtually expand memory and increase computer performance. The system writes to the media memory data from the most frequently used programs, which can significantly reduce their launch time.
To activate ReadyBoost functions You need to do the following:
1. Insert the USB drive into the port.
2. In the Autorun window that appears, select “Speed ​​up the system using Windows ReadyBoost”
3. Activate the “Use this device” option
4. By moving the slider, we set the limit of used space on the media
5. Save the changes by clicking on the OK button.
After performing these operations, the ReadyBoost.sfcache file will be automatically created on the flash card. Don't take it out flash drive from your computer!

8. Performance Tuning

When installing the operating system, the default power plan is “Balanced,” which reduces system performance and responsiveness.
In total, the Windows 7 operating system provides three main power plans:
Balanced (system performance when necessary and energy saving when inactive).
Energy saving (reduced system performance). This scheme helps mobile PC users make the most of a single battery charge. but for a desktop system it is not relevant.
WITH high performance(increases the performance and response speed of the system).

Your computer may also have other energy saving settings configured by the PC or laptop manufacturer. In this case, we do not recommend changing their settings, because the manufacturer has already selected the most optimal values all parameters.
To change the plan, do the following:
1. Click the Start button
2. Open the Control Panel
3. Go to Power Options
4. Choose a plan that meets the needs of our system and device.

9.Customizing the Taskbar and Superbar

Superbar Windows 7 has wide possibilities for personalization and customization for a specific user. To optimize the panel, follow these steps:
1. Place the mouse cursor on the taskbar and press the right mouse button. The taskbar context menu will open. Uncheck the “Lock the taskbar” checkbox.
2. Now move the cursor over the edge of the taskbar until it turns into double arrow. Click and hold the cursor with the left mouse button. Move the cursor up, the dotted line will show the location of the taskbar. Release the mouse button.
3. Now we fix the Panel again by checking the “Lock taskbar” item in the context menu. This is necessary for the normal display of tabs and panels. If this is not enough for you, the size of the taskbar can be increased to suit your needs up to half the screen. Ease of navigation can also be improved by opening the taskbar's Properties context menu and changing the way the taskbar buttons are grouped from "Do not group" to "Always group, hiding labels."

10. Memory diagnostics

If your operating system is prone to failures and is unstable, we recommend diagnosing your RAM. This also applies to users who overclock system components.
Settings for OS Windows 7:
1. Open the Start menu
2. In the Search column, enter “Memory”
3. In the search box, select "Verifier Windows memory»
4. In the window that appears, select one of the options:

- Reboot and check (recommended)
— Run the scan the next time you turn on the computer
5. After restarting the computer, wait for the RAM test to complete. This process can be quite lengthy.
After the diagnostics are completed, the computer will automatically restart.
You will see the results of the scan when you log into the operating system.

11. Defragment hard drives

Built-in Disk defragmenter organizes fragmented information for more efficient and fast work systems.
The disk defragmentation program runs according to a specified schedule, but you can also start fragmentation manually.
To run the built-in disk defragmenter, you must perform the following steps:
1. Click the Start button
2. Select Computer
3. Select drive C
4. By clicking the right mouse button, call up the context menu and select "Properties"
5. Open the “Service” tab

6. Select a section "Run defragmentation". You can also run a disk analysis, after which the system will make a recommendation whether there is a need to defragment the selected disk and indicate the percentage of fragmentation.
Depending on the size of your hard drive and how fragmented your files are, defragmentation may take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. During defragmentation, work with the PC can not be interrupted, however, the system may slow down significantly.

12. Startup control

Many programs installed on a PC are automatically registered in the startup of your computer, even when there is no urgent need for it. Being constantly in RAM, they significantly reduce system performance.
Ideally, the startup list should contain no more than two or three programs that you urgently need. As a rule, this is an antivirus and mail client.
The easiest way to clear the startup list is to use free program CCleaner, open the Tools section, then click on Startup and manually set the launch parameters for the programs you need.

Don't delete from the list system programs Windows. They can be distinguished by their location in the \system32 folder.

13. Cleaning and defragmenting the registry

System registry is a database for storing information about the computer configuration, operating system settings and program settings to which the system
accesses hundreds of times per second during system boot and operation. A cluttered and fragmented registry can seriously slow down your computer.
During installation and removal various programs, various “garbage” may remain in the registry: program settings, links to shortcuts, incorrect file extensions, and much more.
With time, a large number of Such erroneous registry settings can significantly slow down the operating system, lead to crashes and various problems, interfering normal functioning OS.

To optimize the registry Let's do the following:
1. Open the CCleaner program and go to the “Registry” menu
2. Click on the “Search for problems” button
3. After completing the search, click on “Fix”
4. The program will offer to save backups changes made, if you are not sure, save
5. In the window that appears, click “Correct marked” and confirm your choice.
Follow this operation once every two to three weeks.

Windows 7 Registry susceptible to fragmentation, which causes the system to gradually slow down. System defragmenters do not work with registry files, so for these purposes you will need to install specialized program.
One of best solutions to defragment the registry is a utility Auslogics Registry Defrag.

14. Disabling the autorun function from removable media and CD drives.

Disabling autorun is not only speed up work With external media information, but also will protect protect you from a number of viruses entering your computer.
Launch Notepad (in the Start menu, in the Search line, enter the word “Notepad”).
After launching the Notepad program, copy there next text:

3. Next, select the menu item “File” - “Save As”.
4. Select the file type “All files”
5. Specify the file name and extension for it “*.reg”
6. Close the Notepad program.

7. Run the newly created file and agree to make changes.
If the autorun function is still present, do the following:
1. Open Notepad
2. After launching Notepad, copy the following text there:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




3. Next, select the menu item “File” - “Save As”.
4. Select the file type "All files"
5. Specify the file name and extension for it “*.reg”
6. Then exit the Notepad program.
7. Run the newly created file and agree to make changes
8. Restart the Computer and check for autorun on the media.
Attention this method will disable autorun for you from all storage media:
Flash and portable drives;
CD, DVD, BD discs;
Network drives;
Local disks.

15. Move the recycle bin from the desktop to the taskbar

If you feel like it fully free your desktop from icons, then you can do this. After all, in Windows 7 not only is it possible remove the Recycle Bin from the desktop, but even pin it to the taskbar.
1. Right-click on empty space on the desktop.
2. In the context menu, select Create - Shortcut.

3. In the Object location field, insert:
%SystemRoot%\explorer.exe shell:RecycleBinFolder

4. Click Next.
5. In the window that opens, in the Shortcut name field, enter Trash and click Finish.
6. A shortcut has appeared on the Desktop (to make sure it is the Recycle Bin, open it double click), but it looks like a File Explorer shortcut, not Baskets. To fix this, right-click on it and select Properties, then click the button Change icon.
7. In the Search for icons in the following file field, enter:
and press Enter.

8. From the proposed collection of Windows 7 icons, select the Recycle Bin icon and click OK twice.
9. Now our Recycle Bin icon looks authentic. Drag it with the right or left mouse button somewhere on the taskbar.
10. Right-click on the desktop, select Personalization, then Change desktop icons and uncheck the Recycle Bin.

16. What to do if your hard drive partition disappears after installing Windows 7

Let's assume that your computer's hard drive contains two partitions (C and D) and after installing another OS on the second partition, the first partition disappeared. In reality, the section remained where it was, but Windows 7 did not assign a letter to it. Therefore, we do not have access to the data stored on this disk.

To assign a drive letter, go to Control Panel -> Administration -> Computer Management.

In the left menu, select Storage Devices -> Disk Management. This displays information about all drives connected to the computer, including logical drives(sections), drives and removable drives. Our lost partition is located here - it is displayed in the list and has neither a letter nor a volume label, but is recognized by the system as a hard drive.

1. Right-click on it and in the menu that appears, select Change drive letter or drive path.
2. In the window that opens, click the Add button.
3. In the window that opens, in the Assign a drive letter line, all free letters are presented in the form of a drop-down list; we can assign any of them to our “unidentified” partition.
4. Select a letter and press the OK button.

As you can see, setting up and optimizing Windows 7 with the proper approach is not difficult and fast way both improve the process of using a computer and increase its performance and speed.


If, after optimizing Windows operation, you have not achieved desired result, or your actions led to disruption of the system, UService specialists will help you.

After installing the operating system, you need to figure out how to configure Windows 7. It should immediately be noted that we're talking about not only about installing drivers and useful programs, but also about optimizing the system while maintaining high level security. Let's see how to properly configure Windows 7 so as not to put your system at risk.

Optimizing system operation

One of the optimization steps could be removing standard games in Windows 7. These gadgets rarely generate interest, so their presence is not justified. True, they take up very little space, so you can’t expect any special effect from turning them off.

For better optimization systems, it is recommended to install and configure CCleaner. With this small and convenient utility you can clear your computer's memory of temporary and unnecessary files, fix registry errors, and also perform other whole line useful actions, which will benefit your system.

However, in pursuit of increased performance, you should not disable various Windows services responsible for system security. Let's take a look at what your security settings should look like after you've installed Windows 7.

User errors

First, let's look at some popular misconceptions of users, which in fact often turn out to be the reason for the collapse of a newly installed system.

Disable automatic updates

Any system has vulnerabilities that cannot be discovered from the very beginning. They appear during operation, so developers constantly improve Windows by releasing updates.

By ignoring modifications, you expose your computer to danger, preventing it from taking advantage of solutions that have already been developed by specialists.

Use of unlicensed software

The second problem is the widespread distribution of various Windows builds and broken versions of programs.
By using keygens and other license bypass tools, you are putting your system at risk.

Lack of antivirus

Antivirus software is the main security tool for your computer. It is important that the security application is licensed and preferably not free.
Free antivirus programs can be used for a while, but they do not always provide adequate protection.

An annoying window with the annoying question “Allow?” when you launch any installer, User Account Control is one of the first functions that is “demolished” after installing Windows.
You shouldn't do this: the UAC window is your last bastion of protection, warning you that the file may be infected.

Security Settings

Now let's see what a Windows system should look like, the owner of which cares about the security of his data. First, you need to install all available updates on the system.

Be sure to save any changes you make.

Built-in Security

Return to the main Control Panel window and go to the Action Center section.

Expand the Security tab. For maximum protection system, all settings specified on the “Security” tab must be activated. This is especially true for a firewall, which, in the absence of an antivirus software is the main means of protecting the system from external threats.
If you have not yet installed an antivirus, some functions will be disabled. Fix this flaw as quickly as possible to avoid putting your computer at risk.

Setting up UAC

In the Action Center section, you also need to set up the User Account Control feature.

Don't forget about internet safety. Modern browsers have sufficiently broad functionality to block various pop-ups and warn users about possible threats.

You just need to go to your browser settings and carefully look at what parameters are set there. However, this is no longer relevant to the topic of setting up Windows 7, so we will not dwell on this in detail.


Tweaks are certain tricks that can improve system performance by removing unnecessary functions. In Windows, various tweaks in the registry are very often used, with which you can, for example, disable pop-up notifications (not recommended) or launch “God Mode”.

There are actually a lot of tweaks - their description deserves a separate description detailed material. However, you need to be extremely careful when using them; In addition, you must have at least average knowledge of the operating system.

Otherwise you risk causing critical errors which will require you to reinstall Windows.
If you are not confident in your knowledge, you can use special programs - for example, archives with special files that make changes to the registry automatically, or a utility GIGA Tweaker.

Attention! When downloading GIGA Tweaker from unofficial sources there is a high chance of catching the virus. Therefore, download the utility only from the official website.

GIGA Tweaker is designed for Windows optimization 7 and Vista (does not start on XP or does not work correctly). With its help, you can configure a number of system parameters, which together affect the performance of the system and its appearance.
You can, for example, disable hibernation mode.

Remove the Windows startup ringtone and run file defragmentation on boot.

Launch windows with folders as a separate process.

Change various animation effects. Remove the support center icon, etc.

After completing the setup, the system should work more stable and a little faster. Even if you don’t notice it, the load on the processor will decrease, which means you will be less likely to encounter various problems.

Hello dear visitors. After installing the operating system, in most cases this is Windows 7, the question arises, what to do next, what needs to be configured and installed? I can’t even count how many times I’ve installed Windows 7 and I’ve already developed a habit whereby I configure the newly installed operating system and install the most necessary ones ordinary user.

Now I will tell you what you need to do first after installing the Windows 7 operating system.

So, you, everything works, everything is loaded, now let's start setting it up.

Activate the operating system.

First of all you need Activate Windows 7. It doesn't matter how you do it, the main thing is to do it :). So that after thirty days the operating system does not start issuing activation warnings. Of course, it all depends on what you choose. It may be that immediately after installation, Windows 7 is automatically activated.

Right-click on the My Computer icon on your desktop and select Properties. At the bottom of the page there will be information on activating the OS. If you see the message that Windows 7 is activated, then everything is ok, you can move on to another item.

Well, if you see messages like “XX days left. to complete the activation." Then you need to activate the operating system. I think you know how to do it :). WITH Windows activation 7 There shouldn't be any problems now.

And one more thing, if a computer “wizard” installs your operating system, be sure to check whether it is activated. I have seen cases where no one activates anything, probably in order to get a client again after 30 days.

I also turn it off, but this is optional.

Checking and installing drivers.

Then I check if all drivers are installed on the system. Based on my observations, I can say that in Windows 7, problems most often arise with the video adapter (video card) driver. If the system itself was unable to select a driver for the video, then this is immediately noticeable. The quality of the picture on the screen is not very good, everything is big and not Aero effect(no transparent elements).

In order to check which drivers are installed and which devices are not recognized, you need to go to the device manager.

Right-click the My Computer icon on your desktop and select Properties. In the window that opens, go to “Device Manager”.

If everything is normal, and all devices are recognized by the system, then you will see something like this:

If there are unidentified devices, or problems with some drivers, they will be displayed with yellow exclamation marks.

If you have these problematic devices, then you just need to install the driver from the disk that came with your computer. Or download the driver from the manufacturer's website.

One small nuance, it may happen (more precisely, it almost always happens) that Windows 7 will install a standard driver for the video adapter. It will not appear as unidentified device. But in this case, your video card will not work at its full capacity. Therefore, you definitely need to install the video driver from the disk, or again download it from the manufacturer’s website.

In laptops, I also noticed problems with drivers for LAN, WLAN, etc. All of them can be installed without problems from the disk that comes with the laptop.

Install antivirus.

After you have figured out the drivers, it is advisable to install an antivirus. Which one should I install? Whatever you want, I install NOD 32, I like it the most. After installation, the antivirus also needs to be activated and updated. The keys can be easily found on the Internet.

Browser and Flash Player.

If the computer is connected, or will connect to the Internet, then you need to install a browser. For example, I prefer Opera, but you can install your favorite one. In principle, Windows has a standard Internet, but you won’t get far with it :).

In order to play video on websites and listen to music on VKontakte, you need. You can download it from the official website http://get. adobe. com/ru/flashplayer.

Installing additional programs.

Next I install the Microsoft Office package, everyone needs it. If you don't want to buy such an expensive product and don't want to use licensed product, you can install OpenOffice, it's free and decent Microsoft replacement Office.


Standard Windows Media Player cannot play all video and audio file formats. Therefore, I immediately advise you to install a replacement for it. To play music I install AIMP, and to play KMPlayer video. These two programs do an excellent job, at least I have never had any problems with them. You can download them from the Internet, it won’t be difficult.

So this means: The operating system is activated, the drivers are installed, the antivirus is running, documents, videos and music open. Well, that's all, now we have a fully working and configured computer.

Perhaps you can still speed it up a little.

To do this, you can defragment the disk and clean the startup list, I already wrote about this. Good luck!