Computer's operator. Practical work. Strumpe N.V. A set of practical works on studying the Microsoft Word program (program of professional training for Computer Operator)

Select a document from the archive to view:

Practical work Verd No. 1.docx


Job No. 1.

“Entering and editing text, determining modes and document viewing scale”


    get acquainted with the basic concepts of a text editor;

    learn to create, save and open documents;

    masterinstallationpage parameters;

    get acquainted withchangetype and scale of presentation of the document on the screen;

    learn how to search for files;

    learnhighlight text fragments different ways, theircopy and move;

    learn automaticallyCheck spelling and hyphenate words in the text.



    Createnewfile, enter text.

    Save the document to drive C:\My Documentsunder the name Example1.doc. Close the document.

    Openfile Example1.doc, addtextAndsave the file under the same name.

    Installpage settings.

    Changetype of document in various modes viewing. Zgive different scaleswould be an image of the document on the screen. View a document before printing in preview. Close the document file, saving changes made.

    Find fileExample1.doc, using the commandStart  Find  Files and folders and open it.Navigate through the document using special keys.

    Selecting text fragments.

    Copy the first paragraph to the end of the text and then delete itpour.

    Using control buttons< Cancel>,<Вернуть>.

    Check spelling and hyphenate words.

    Present the results of the work to the teacher. Exit the editor, saving the changes to the document.

Work technology

Task No. 1. Launch Microsoft Word. Explore some of the Word Help topics.

Operating procedure:

    LaunchMicrosoftWordby clicking the buttonStart, by selecting inHeads nom menu WindowsProgram item, and then in the list of programsMicrosoftWord.

    View the certificateWordabout automatic startMicrosoftWordwhen you turn on the computer, why call for help?Wordby clicking"?" button in the editor's main menu. In the help window, select the tabTable of contents, topicLaunch and parameters, chapterInstallation and configuration, then selectSettings Microsoft launch Word . After studying theFor more information, minimize the help window to the taskbarWindows.

Task No. 2. Create new file, enter text.

Operating procedure:

    Create a new document file,file-create


“A significant portion of the time of modern personal computers is spent on processing various text information. Type of documents processed: prose, table, program in language programming.

Processing of text information on a computer is provided application packages - text editors (text editors) processors). There are built-in text editors (in Norton Commander , in Turbo Pascal, etc.) and independent ( Editor , Lexicon , MultiEdit , Microsoft Word ).

In preparation text documents can be highlighted as follows next stages:



orthographic control, text formatting, markup pages;

printing (viewing text on screen before printing, printing on paper mage)".

Operating procedure:

    Write downdocument to drive C: in folderMy Documents under the nameExample 1.doc, why run the commandFile  Save As .

Rice. 4. Dialog boxSaving a document

In the dialog boxSaving a document in fieldFolderopen folderMy Documents, in fieldFile nameset a nameExample 1, open listtypes in the fieldFile type and select the typeDocument Word 97-2003 (*.doc),thenclick the button< Save> .

    Close a document file with the commandClosemenuFile.

Task No. 4. Open the file Example1.doc, add text and save the file under the same name

Operating procedure:

    AgainopenfileExample 1.docteamOpen menu File . In the dialog boxOpening a document in fieldFolderopen folderMy Documents, in fieldFile typeselect typeWord document (*.doc), then in the list of files, select the file with the mouseExample 1.docand clickbutton< Open> .

Rice. 5. Dialog boxOpening a document


“A word processor is usually called a powerful text processor. a doctor with advanced processing capabilities text documents. Among these functions:

paragraph formatting (alignment to page width and tomatic word hyphenation);

page design ( automatic numbering, enter footer fishing and footnotes);

decor document (automatic construction of tables of contents and pointers);

creating and processing tables;

spell checking, etc.”

    Savefile with the same name using the commandFile  Save or click on the iconPreservation on the Quick Access Toolbar.

Task No. 5. Set page options.

Operating procedure:

Installfollowingpage settings for the entire document:

    paper orientation:landscape ;

    margin sizes: Top and Bottom - 2 cm, Left - 3 cm, Right -1 cm;

To change page parameters, run the PAGE LAYOUT commandon the menu. On the tabFields - custom fields set the specified valuesfields,in fieldOrientation enable optionlandscape .

Task No. 6. Change the appearance of the document in different viewing modes. Set various scales image of the document on the screen. View the document before printing in Preview mode. Close the document file, saving your changes.

Operating procedure:

    Selecting from the menuViewcommands:Page Layout, Web Document, Reading Mode, Structure,observe the changedocument view in different viewing modes.

Clicking the button<Масштаб>On the View toolbar, click the Scale command, set the following scales of the document image on the screen: 100%, 200%, 75%, by page width, by text width, whole page, several pages and observe the document image with different scales.

Rice. 6. WindowScale

    Go to modePreview before printing,by executing the command in the menufile - seal . View possibilities.Close the document file, saving your changes, and close the windowWord.

Task No. 7. Find the file Example1.doc and open it. Navigate through the document using special keys.

Operating procedure:

    Perform navigation through the document, checking the actions of the comkey combinations:< Home>, + , + , + , + .

Task No. 8. Selecting text fragments.

Operating procedure:

    Find andhighlight green in the text the words:symbol, text, paragraph, tables, CPU, for this:

I way Place the mouse pointer at the beginning of the word and, with the left mouse button pressed, “color over” the word;

II method place the cursor at the beginning of the word and with the key pressed< Shift> move through the word using the cursor keys;

III method double-click on the word with the left mouse button.

IV way in another way known to you

    Highlight the first line, for this useIorIIway of highlighting words;

    Similar to step 2, select the first 2 lines.

    Highlight first paragraph, for this you can useIorIIby highlighting words or by triple-clicking the left mouse button on a paragraph.

    Select all text, useIorIIways to highlight words or run the commandhome - highlight , or press the key combinationCtrl + A , which is more suitable for selecting all text.

Task No. 9. Copy the first paragraph to the end of the text and then delete it.

Operating procedure:

    Copy the first paragraph to the end of the text, for this:

    highlight the first paragraph,

    execute commandhome - copy

    place the cursor at the end of the text

    execute commandhome - paste and paste this paragraph twice

    Udapour one of the inserted fragments, for this:

    highlight paragraph;

    press a key < Delete>.

Task No. 10. Using control buttons<Отменить>, <Вернуть>.

Operating procedure:

Task No. 11. Check spelling and hyphenate words.

Operating procedure:

    To check spelling, run File - Options - Spelling and follow the instructions in the Spelling dialog box that opens.

    Hyphenate words, why call the commandPage layout - hyphenation - hyphenation options

Rice. 8 Dialog boxHyphenation

set the Automatic word wrapping checkbox in the command window, set the width of the word wrapping zone to 0.3 cm.

Task No. 12. Present the results of the work to the teacher. Exit the editor, saving the changes to the document.

Operating procedure:

    C:\My Documents\Example1.doc, the text of the document must contain 4 paragraphs;

    page settings:

orientation – portrait;

margin sizes: top and bottom – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 1 cm;

    There are several ways to exit the editor:

    by executing the command File  Exit;

    by clicking in the title bar of the program;

    when pressing a key combination at the same time< Alt> + < F4>

When asked about saving changes to a documentExample1.doc answer positively.

Document selected for viewing Practical work Verd No. 4.docx


Practical work No. 4.

“Presentation of information in tabular form”

Target : - learn how to create tables in different ways;

    learn to edit and format tables;

    learn to make calculations using formulas in the table;

    strengthen skills in editing and formatting data, previewing a document before printing


    Launch Word. Create a class schedule table in a new file.

    Create a table.

    At the end of the document, enter a list of students.

    Sort the given list and create a table from it.

    Add a column to the left and a row to the top of the table.

    Add a row after the bottom row of the table.

    Make calculations using the formulas in the table.

    Preview the document before printing. Save the created document.

    Assignment for independent work : create a table, format it, save as Table 1.doc. Present the results.

    Go outfrom the editor, saving the changes. Turn off your computer.

Work technology

Task No. 1. Create a class schedule table in a new document.

Operating procedure:

LaunchWordand create a new file. Create a table to record your weekly class schedule the following type:











































Task No. 2. Create a tableby setting the borders of the frames as indicated in the example table.

Operating procedure:

    Using the commandDesigner - styles - borders - all borders set the display of table borders (pay attention to what other options are offered to you). Fill the cells with the days of the week entries with the color of your choice on the Fill tab (Designer - Styles).

    Fill the table header (day, subject) with 15% filling with a pattern of your chosen color against a background of another color (call the context menu on the selected cell or group of cells, selectborders and fill , in the window that appears, in the fill tab, select the required pattern, fill and colors).

Task No. 3. At the end of the document, enter a list of students.

Operating procedure:

Go to the end of the document and enter a list of students of five names:






Task No. 4. Sort the given list and create a table from it.

Operating procedure:

    Select the list and sort it with the Home-paragraph-sort command. In the Sorting Text dialog box, select the option to sort paragraphs in ascending order (Fig. 19).

Rice. 19. Window Sorting text

    Create from this list table by running the commandInsert - Table  Convert Table (the list must be highlighted).

    In the Convert to table dialog box, specify the number of columns 1, width 3 cm, selecting the paragraph mark as a separator (Fig. 20),<ОК>.

Fig.20 Window Convert to table

Task No. 5. Add a column to the left and a row to the top of the table.

Operating procedure:

    Select the table column with last names and add a column to the left by clicking the buttonInsert Left on the Layout toolbar - rows and columns - insert on the left.

    Set the left column width to 1 cm using the commandLayout - cell size .

    Select the first row and add a row at the top by clicking the buttonLayout - insert on top on the toolbar.

    Enter the heading in the first row of the table: No. Last name.

    Selecting the Last Name column, insert new column on the left and move the text from the Last Name column into it. To do this, select the text in the Last Name column without selecting the cell symbol, and drag it with the mouse to the second column.

    Give the third column the heading Height and set its width to 1.5 cm (similar to step 2 of this task).

    Enter serial numbers in column No.: 1,2,3,4,5. Fill in the Height column with approximate height values, for example: 168, 173, 182, 177, 172.

Task No. 6. Add a row after the bottom row of the table.

Operating procedure:

    Run commandInsert - Table  Draw table or click the button of the same name in the Design panel. The mouse pointer will change to a pen. Move the pen from one corner of the added line to the other. Then draw a border separating the Last Name and Height columns.

    Add two more such rows after the bottom row of the table (by any method).

    On the left side of the added lines, enter the texts: Largest height, Smallest height, Average height.

Task No. 7. Insert formulas for calculating maximum, minimum and average height into the corresponding cells of the Height column.

Operating procedure:

Rice. 22. Window Formula

Specify the cell into which the formula is inserted and select Table  Formula;

    In the Formula window, enter the formula accordingly: =MAX(C2:C6)(IN ENGLISH!!!) (Fig. 22);

    Produce similar actions to calculate the minimum and average values ​​of the fields by writing the formula in the corresponding cells: =MIN(C2: C6), = AVERAGE(C2: C6).

Task No. 8. Format the table.

Operating procedure:

Task No. 9.Preview the document before printing. Save document to disk C:\My documentationunder the name Table.doc.

Operating procedure:

    Check the position of the table in the text using the command File  Preview. The table will look something like this:


















17 2

Biggest growth


The smallest height


Average height


    Savedocument to drive C:\My Documents under the name Table.doc.

Present the results of the work to the teacher: files Table.docwith two tables, Table 1.doc- independent work.

Task No. 11

Exit the editor, saving changes to the documents. Turn off your computer.

Document selected for viewing Practical work No. 2 Verd.docx


Practical work No. 2.

"Text formatting"

Target : - learn to format text;

    learn use style, font, font size;

    learn to arrange text in columns;

    learn how to design text with colors and frames ;

    learn how to format a paragraph with a drop cap;

    learn to use the format according to the model;

    learn to create bulleted and numbered lists;

    consolidate skills in creating, saving and opening a document;

    strengthen skills in copying and moving text fragments


    Launch a text editorMicrosoftWord. Open file Example1.doc. Install the font for the entire documentTimesNewRomanCyr12 point size and align the text Width.

    Formatparagraph by setting the parameters: aligntionWidth, by 1.5 cm, interval before paragraph 12 points, after - 6 points, betweenmidline intervalOne and a half.

Check the position of the text on the sheet.

    Set the style for the first paragraphHeading 1.

Designparagraph of text styleHeading 2

    Change styleHeading 2by giving it a fontCourier Newsizerum16 points replenishment 5%.

    Create a paragraph starting with the text: “Text process ROM is usually called a powerful text editor... » in two columnssame width with a separator and a gap between columns 1 cm wide.

    Form the first paragraph with a drop cap.

    Save formatted documentunder the name Example2.dOS. Present the result of the work to the teacher. Turn off computer.

Work technology

Task No. 1. Open file Example1.doc. Set the entire document to 12 point Times New Roman Cyr font.and align the text Width

Operating procedure:

    Launch a text editorMicrosoftWord.

    Open the file Example1.doc from the C:\My Documents folder.

Rice. 9. Dialog windowFont

Select the entire document. Select for him on the teamHome  Font (or on the selected text, click the context menu and selectfont ) Times New Roman font size 12 points (Fig. 9),OK. And align the text by clicking on the Justify icon on the toolbarhome -paragraph.

Please note that in the dialog boxFontYou can also change the style, text color, underline, set text modification and view the result of the changes made.

Task No. 2. Create a bulleted list.

Operating procedure:

    Select paragraphs:



spelling control, text formatting, page layout;

printing (viewing text on the screen before printing, printing on paper).

character formatting (using different fonts and styles);

paragraph formatting (alignment to page width and automatic transfer words);

page design (automatic numbering, entering headers and footers);

document design (automatic construction of tables of contents and indexes);

creating and processing tables;

spell checking, etc.

Task No. 3. Format the paragraph by setting the following parameters: alignment Width, indentation on the left and right 1 cm, indentation in the first line by 1.5 cm, spacing before the paragraph 12 points, after - 6 points, line spacing One and a half. Check the position of text on the sheet

Operating procedure:

    Format paragraph starting with words"A word processor is usually called...", by setting the following parameters: aligntionWidth, indentation on the left and right is 1 cm, indentation in the first lineby 1.5 cm, interval before paragraph 12 points, after - 6 points, betweenmidline intervalOne and a half.

For this:

    place cursor in abzats;

    call the context menu and select the commandParagraph ;

    in the dialog boxParagraph on the tabIndents and spacing set specified parameters(Fig. 10) and click the button<ОК>for their use.

Rice. 10Dialog box Paragraph

    Check the position of the text on the sheet by switching to pre-print modecareful viewing before printing (File → Print - Preview ).

Task No. 4. Set the style for the first paragraph Heading 1. Style a paragraph of text “In the process of preparing text documentsThe following stages can be distinguished:..." Heading 2 style.

Operating procedure:

    Place the cursor in the first paragraph and give it a styleHeading 1, why by clicking in the Style window on the panelhome , choose fromlist styleHeading 1 .

    Create a paragraph of text“In the process of preparing text documents The following stages can be distinguished:..." styleHeading 2 .

Task No. 5. Change the style of Heading 2 to Courier fontNew size 16 pointsand border Frame with shadow and fill gray filling 5%.

Operating procedure:

Change styleHeading 2by giving it a fontCourier Newsizerum16 points and border Frame with shadow filled with gray color behindreplenishment 5%,for this:

    In the Home menu - Heading 2 styles, open the context menu on it, select Edit... from the drop-down list;

    In the Change style window, set the font to Courier New, set the size to 16 points; clicking the button<Формат>, select Border;

    In the Borders and Fill window, on the Border tab, in the Type field, select shadow, line ─, color – blue and width – 1.5 pt. On the Fill tab, select a 5% gray pattern, the background color is Turquoise, and in the Apply to field, set the area where formatting will be applied to the paragraph. Finish setting the border and fill type by clicking the button<ОК>;

    Then close the Change Style window by clicking the button<ОК>.

View how the design of a paragraph of text has changed"In progress The following stages can be distinguished in the preparation of text documents: ... " due to change in styleHeading 2.

Task No. 6. Create a paragraph starting with the text: "Text process ROM is usually called a powerful text editor...” in two columns of the same width with a separator and a gap between the columns 1 cm wide.

Operating procedure:

    Select a paragraph by double-clicking on itmargin to the left of the paragraph;

    On the menuPage layout select a teamColumns . In the Columns dialog box (Fig. 11) determine the type of two columns, enable the optionDelimiter, in fieldWidth and spacing behindgive a gap between columns of 1 cm, enable the parameterspeakersthe same widthin fieldApply choose vaoption to selected text. Clicking<ОК>, complete formattingparagraph and view the result.

Rice. 12 . Window Initial letter

Rice. eleven . Dialog window Columns

Task No. 7. Form the first paragraph with a drop cap.

Operating procedure:

Form the first paragraph with a drop cap. For this:

    Place the cursor in the first paragraph with text;

    Choose Format  Drop Cap;

    in the Drop Cap dialog box, select Position: in the text or in the field (Fig. 12);

    Set the Parameters: font – Garamond or Arial, line height – 3, distance from text – 0.25; click<ОК>.

View How the design of a paragraph with a drop cap has changed.

Operating procedure:

Save the formatted document in the C:\My Documents folderunder the name Example2.dOS using the command File  Save How.

Present the result of the work to the teacher:

    two bulleted lists;

    a paragraph that begins with the words “A word processor is usually called...” has the following parameters: alignmentWidth, indentation on the left and right is 1 cm, indentation in the first line is 1.5 cm, spacing before the paragraph is 12 points, after - 6 points, line spacingOne and a half;

    the first paragraph is styledHeading 1;

    paragraph of text“In the process of preparing text documents The following stages can be distinguished: " issuedstyleHeading 2having a fontCourier Newsizerum16 points and border Frame with shadow filled with gray color behindreplenishment 5%;

    paragraph starting with the text: “Text processrom is usually called a powerful text editor...” designed intwo columnsthe same width with a separator and a gap between columns of width1 cm;

    the first paragraph is formatted with a drop cap;

    the formatted document is located in the folder C:\My Documents\Example2.doc

Document selected for viewing Practical work No. 3.docx


Practical Work No. 3.

“Inserting graphic objects.Printing a document»

Target : - learn to insert pictures, adjust their image, set position and text wrapping;

    learn how to convert drawings into a background;

    learn to add a title to a picture and determine its position;

    learn how to insert curly text into a WordArt object and give it the desired effect;

    learn to insert autoshapes into text;

    learn to insert date and time into text;

    learn to create footnotes for words;

    learn to add page numbering and determine its position on the page;

    learn how to print a document;

    strengthen the skills of opening and saving a document, previewing a document


    LaunchMicrosoft Word. Insert a picture from a folder into a document Microsoft Collection Office

    Insert a picture from the file into the last paragraph and customize its image, add a title to it.

    Embed a picture via the clipboard.

    Insert a WordArt object at the end of the document, specifying the text of the proverb. Give the object the desired effect.

    Insert autoshapes into text.

    Assignment for independent work: Using the Draw toolbar, draw your computer. On the screen, type the text: “Exploring the insert graphic objects V Word document».

    Insert at the end of the document current date and time.

    Insert footnotes on words: prose, word processor, character formatting.

    Number the pages in the document.

    Print the first page on paper. Present the results of the work to the teacher.

    Turn off computer.

Work technology

Task No. 1. LaunchMicrosoftWord. Open fileExample2.doc from the folder C:\My Documents. Insert a picture from the folder into the first paragraphMicrosoft Office Collection (or from any other location), adjust its image, set the position and text wrapping. Convert the drawing to a background.

Operating procedure:

    LaunchWordand open the fileExample2.doc from folder C:\My Documents.

    Insert a picture from the folder into the first paragraph. To do this, select the menu command Insert  Picture (or clip).In the panel that opens on the rightCollection of clipsselect hyperlinkArrange Clips.

    In the dialog box that opensClips on the panelList of collections open folderMicrosoft Offi Collection ceselect folderNature and in the right half of the window select the required picture,For example, Tiger . Copy the picture to the clipboard by clicking on the picture right click mouse and select from the context menuCopy . Close dialog boxCollection of picturesclicking the button<Закрыть>. When asked about saving a clip to the clipboard, answer:Yes.

    Paste a picture from the clipboard by running the commandHome - Insert , orShift+Insert , or using the command Insert in the context menu .

    The picture you selected will be inserted into the document. Click on it with the left mouse button to select it, and it will be highlighted (markers and an outline frame will appear along the outline of the picture). IspolUsing the markers on the outline frame of the picture, reduce its size (optional).

    Learn the purpose of the buttons in the menuFormat (in this case, the picture must be selected!).

Isusing toolbarFormat, change contrastimage intensity and brightness.

Task No. 2. Insert a picture from the file into the last paragraph and customize its image, add a title to it .

Operating procedure:

    Insert a picture from the file into the last paragraph; to do this, specify the insertion location and select the command in the menuInsert  Drawing . In the dialog boxAdding a pictureopen the folder, select the file that contains the desired picture, and click the button< Insert >.

    Reduce the size of the drawing (see instructions in paragraph 5 of task No. 1 of this work).

    To insert a picture as movable, i.e. insert into a graphic layer, which allows you to set its exact position on the page and place it in front or behind text and other objects, select a picture, in the menuFormat - Arrange , findFlow around text and set the option for text to wrap around the picturearound the frame . View the result of changing picture formatting options.

    Select the picture with the mouse and press left button mouse, drag to the middle of the line, watching how the text flows around the drawing.

    Add a title to the picture by selecting the picture and selecting the command in the context menuInsert title . In this case, the mouse pointer will look like+ . With the left mouse button pressed, draw the frame of the desiredsize of the inscription, type the text of the inscription. Complete the set by clicking outside the frame. If necessary, change the size of the frame, as you did to change the size of the picture.

To object Inscription The Label Format command, similar to the Picture Format command, is applicable.

To delete an object Inscription select it by clicking on the frame and pressing the key< Delete>.

Task No. 3. Embed a picture via the clipboard.

INlet's take advantage graphic editor Paint, in which the necessary drawing has already been created or we will create it right now.

Operating procedure:

    Without closing the documentWordrun via buttonStarttaskbar programPaint. The running program window will appear on the screen.

    Using the provided graphic Paint editor means, create an illustration that you want to embed in a Word document. Select a fragment of the illustration intended for embedding, for which on the toolbarPaintclick the button< Selection >, place the mouse cursor to the left top corner this fragment and, holding down the left mouse button, enclose this fragment with a dashed selection rectangle.

    In the editor menu barPaintselect teamEdit  Copy. The selected area is now on the clipboard.

    Return to the Word program window using the taskbar.

    Place the text cursor in the place in your Word document where you want to insert the picture. Select from the menu Home - Insert -Special insert. A dialog box will appear on the screenSpecial insert. On the list"How"selectBitmap (Object).Click the button< OK>. As a result graphic object prepared in the editorPaint, will be inserted into your document.

In the future, this drawing can be edited (change the size, set the wrap, etc.) as was done in tasks No. 2, 3.

Task No. 4. Insert a WordArt object at the end of the document, specifying the text of the proverb. Give the object the desired effect.

Operating procedure:

Task No. 5. Insert autoshapes into text: stars, callouts, curly arrows.

Operating procedure:

    On the menuInsert - illustrations select instrumentFigures .

    Selecting from the proposed autoshapes, indicate the locationinsert into the document and set its size.

To object AutoShapes The Format command is similar to the Picture Format command. To delete an object AutoShapes select it and press the key< Delete>.

Task No. 6. Assignment for independent work.

Operating procedure:

Using the Draw toolbar, draw your computer. Enter the text: "Learn to insert graphics into a Word document."

Task No. 7. Insert the current date and time at the end of the document.

Operating procedure:

    On the menuInsert - text select a teamdate and time

    Choose required format, <ОК>.

Task No. 8. Insert regular footnotes for words: prose, word processors, character formatting .

Operating procedure:

Rice. 15 Window Footnotes

To insert a footnote on a wordprose mouthmove the cursor to the end of the word, select from the menuLinks  footnotes and open the footnotes dialog box (click on the small square in the lower right corner of the footnotes).In the Footnotes window, specify Position, Footnote Format, click the button< Insert > (Fig. 15).

    Enter the footnote text in the footnote area at the bottom of the page (the text should include explanations for these words).

    To return to the main text of the document, click it.

    Similarly, enter footnotes for wordsword processors, character formatting .

Task No. 9. Number the pages in the document.

Operating procedure:

    Run commandInsert  Header and Footer - Page Numbers .

    In the windowPage numbers (Fig. 16)determine the position of the numberTop of page, alignmentOutside.

    Clicking the button< Page Number Format > , determine the number format,indicate which number to start page numbering from of this document(Fig. 17).Clicking< OK>, close a windowPage number formatand windowPage numbers.

Rice. 16. Window Numbers pages

Rice. 17. Window Page number format

    Save the document under the same name.

Task No. 10.View what the document looks like.Print the first page on paper.

Operating procedure:

    Go to document preview mode beforeprint by clicking the button< Preview> on the toolbarStandard…View the document, and then close the viewing window.

    For nechat the current document, select the command from the menuFile Seal. In the dialog boxSeal in fieldPages indicate number 2, enter the number in the Copies fieldnumber of copies - 1, per fieldTurn on select an optionAll range pages(Fig. 18) and click the button< OK> to start printing.

Rice. 18. Dialog box Seal

    For observationTo monitor the printing process, right-click in the taskbarprinter icon and select the command in the context menuOpen. In the windowprinter, observe the printing status of the document.Close the printer window.

You can cancel printing of the document. To do this, you need to select the document Find material for any lesson,

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    Menu Bar word processor and toolbar Formatting word processor MS Word, purpose main commands and buttons. Technology for generating (calculating) payroll statements using the MS Excel spreadsheet processor.

    test, added 05/09/2010

    Rules for formatting text in Word editor. The concept and purpose of styles in text editor, the order of their installation, types and their distinctive characteristics. Operations with styles in the task pane. Styles and formatting. Creating tables in MS Word.

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Examination tasks for

qualifying exam in the specialty “Computer Operator”

« Word. Basic operations with a document"

Task No. 1. (2 points)

    Create Microsoft document Word with your short autobiography (At least 15 lines: name is so-and-so, born then, love this, am interested in this, don’t like this, etc.). Title for your text: Task No. 1. Autobiography.

    Format the heading: font size 15, type Bookman old style, bold italic, heading color red, underline (any type), underline color red (Select heading, menu Format  Font).

    Format the font of the rest of the text: font size 14, type Arial (select the text, menu Format  Font).

    Center the title. Align all text to width.

    Set margins to 2 cm. (File  Page Setup)

    Set the red line (select all text, menu Format  Paragraph  first line indent 1 cm).

    Make the text with one and a half spacing (select text, format  paragraph  line spacing  one and a half).

    Insert page numbers (insert  page numbers  select location: top of page, center  confirm insertion).

    Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is “Task No. 1” (File  Save As  ...). Sign the floppy disk with your name.

Task No. 2. (maximum 2 points)

    Write to page header your full name, current date and time (View  Header and Footer).

    Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is “Task No. 2”. Sign the floppy disk.

Task No. 3. (maximum 3 points)

    Create a Microsoft Word document with a short story about your studies at our institute (at least 15 lines). Title for your text: Task No. 3. Institute.

    Format the text according to points 2 to 8 of task No. 1.

    Start each sentence of your text on a new line.

    Number the lines of text (highlight text  format  list  numbered).

    Add a Drawing toolbar (View  Toolbars  Drawing).

    Create the suggested diagram using the Draw panel elements:

    Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View  Header and Footer).

    Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is “Task No. 3”. Sign the floppy disk with your name.

Task No. 4. (maximum 4 points)

    Create a Microsoft Word document. Create a table - your schedule for the week - according to the proposed model. Title: Task No. 4. Schedule.



    Red Week

    Blue week





    Nah, Monday

    Difficult day!

    8 30 - 9 50

    There’s a couple here too, I definitely remember them.

    10 00 - 11 20




    11 50 - 13 10

    And study again!

    11 50 - 13 10


    Well, I don’t go to this couple, it’s hard to wake up...

    8 30 - 9 50

    I always try not to be late... I have never succeeded

    10 00 - 11 20

    Hmm, sometimes I’m still capable of something...

    11 50 - 13 10

    Ooooh, this is unbearable, 4 pairs a day! I want to go home!

    13 20 - 14 40


    That's it, I'm starting new life, will be studying…

    8 30 - 9 50

    I'll go anyway next pairs. I promise!

    10 00 - 11 20


    Computer science

    11 50 – 13 10

    Spanish modern information And communication technologies

    13 20 – 14 40


    Computer science

    14 50 - 16 10

    Comment: Make a table for all school days of the week. Fill the table.

    Write the time in the table using superscripts (Highlight minutes  Format  font  superscript). Use a fill for table cells (Select the desired cell  Format  Borders and Shading  Fill tab).

    Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View  Header and Footer).

    Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is “Task No. 4”. Sign the floppy disk with your name.

Task No. 5. (maximum 5 points)

Task No. 6. Creative. ( maximum 10 points)

Create a Microsoft Word document on the topic “Me and My Life!” Demonstrate your Word skills: use everything you know: tables 1, pictures 2, Word objects Art 3, formatted text 4, indexes 5, symbols 6, columns 7, diagrams (autoshapes 8, arrows 9, lines 10, labels 11), frames 12, shading 13, page numbers 14, text animation 15, formulas 16, footnotes 17 , markers 18 , footers 19 .

« Excel. Creating tables and formulas"

    Create a table like in the picture without filling it with numerical data.

    Customize the table name using the menu Format -Cells- Alignment (center and merge cells)

    Fill in the grade data (in columns C – F) using the get function random numbers: Enter the formula in cell C8 =INTEGER(RAND()*10). Extend this formula to the block of cells C8: F17.

    Perform the count total score using the function Autosum(SUM).

    Calculate the average values ​​for each applicant and exam using the function AVERAGE (Insert - Functions– Statistical).

    In the Enrollment Message column, use the function IF: logical expression G8>$E$5, value if true enrolled, value if false refuse. (The total score for the first student is compared with the passing score, and a message “admitted” or “rejected” is displayed).

    Using the menu command Format - Conditional Formatting configure the cells of the Enrollment Message column so that when the words “enrolled” appear in them, they are filled yellow, and the message itself was highlighted in bold blue. To do this: in the first field of the window, select “value”, in the second “equal to”, in the third enter “enrolled” (without quotes) by clicking the button Format select font color and cell color. After clicking OK, don't forget to copy new format to all other cells of this column.

    Apply font design and cell fill.

    Save your work in your folder under the name Ball . xls .

Compiled by:

Chairman of the Central Committee information technologies _________________ G.V. Torgashin

Teacher _________________ E.G. Triodyne

Computer science, cybernetics and programming

Copy or move a formula. Absolute, relative and mixed links. Arithmetic operators. Give examples. Logic function IF. Syntax, application. Nested IF function. Give examples.

V.A. Kanya

computer in practical problems

Omsk  2007

Federal Agency for Education

Siberian State Automobile and Highway Academy


V.A. Kanya

Computers in practical problems

Workshop for technical students

Admitted by educational institutions of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation for education in the field of transport vehicles and transport-technological complexes as teaching aid for university students studying in specialties in areas of training“Transport vehicles and transport-technological complexes”, “Operation of ground transport and transport equipment” And "Organization of transportation and management

on transport"


Publishing house SibADI

200 7

UDC 681.3

BBK 32.973

K 19


Department of Informatics and computer technology State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Omsk State Pedagogical University (head of the department, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Prof. Z.V. Semyonova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor L.A. Vnukova); Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor departments computing systems State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of Omsk state university them. F.M. Dostoevsky S.S. Efimov.

The work was approved by the Academy's Editorial and Publishing Council as a textbook for students specializing in the areas of training “Transport machines and transport-technological complexes”, “Operation of land transport and transport equipment” and “Organization of transportation and management in transport”

Kanya V.A. Computers in practical problems: Workshop for students of technical specialties. Omsk: SibADI Publishing House, 2007. 42 p.

It contains assignments for students of correspondence and distance learning.

Designed for students of technical universities.

ISBN 978 5 93204 306 6© V.A. Kanya 2007

Assignments for correspondence and distance learning students

In the process of studying the discipline, for better assimilation of the material, the student correspondence form students must complete a test.

The test consists of theoretical and practical parts.

Carrying out the theoretical part test work, each student answers four questions. The questions are divided into groups. From each group, the student selects a question whose number matches the last number of his grade book. If the last digit of the grade book is 0, the student answers the 10th questions.

Answers to questions must be complete and must contain an example.

When completing a test, at the beginning of the answer to the question, the question itself is written down completely without changes.

Answers to the theoretical part of the test should be completed using a computer program. Microsoft Word on A4 sheets in compliance with all requirements of the ESKD.

The practical part of the test consists of completing five tasks, of which three are application tasks Microsoft Word and two application tasks Microsoft Excel . Practical tasks also divided into groups: Forms, Tables, Drawings, Graphs and Calculations . The selection of a task from each group is made according to last number the test book is similar to the questions in the theoretical part.

Ready tasks write it on a floppy disk and submit it to the methodological office along with completed answers to the theoretical part of the test.

In addition, group assignments Charts import into application Microsoft Word , format as in the sample assignments in the section “ Microsoft EXCEL "(see p. 95...97), print on A4 sheets in compliance with all requirements of the ESKD and file with the answers to the theoretical part of the test.

Questions from the theoretical part of the test

Group 1

  1. Explain the rule for forming long and short file names. Give examples of a long file name and conversion to a short one.
  2. What is the extension in a file name? His purpose? Give examples of special extensions, application extensions.
  3. File access path. Give examples of the full access path even if the current one is a disk, directory, or subdirectory.
  4. Basic techniques for working with a mouse. Give examples.
  5. Keyboard: alphanumeric, special, function keys. Their purpose, methods of work. Give examples.
  6. The procedure for turning on/off the computer.
  7. Keyboard: number keys, keys Shift, Ctrl, Alt. Their purpose. Give examples of use.
  8. What is a directory or folder? Forming a folder name. Give examples.
  9. Basic file attributes. Give examples.
  10. What information is stored in the directory? How is file size measured? Give examples.

Group 2

  1. What is a Desktop ? What elements does it contain? What's happened Task bar ? Draw all the elements Desktop and Taskbar.
  2. What is an Icon, Label? How to create a Shortcut, Folder using the context menu? How to remove them?
  3. What types of windows do you know based on uniformity of design? Give an example of a dialog box Shortcut Properties , describe its elements.
  4. The structure of the application window, its elements. Give an example of an application window Microsoft Word.
  5. What is Explorer ? Give an example of its two-pane window with all the elements.
  6. How to add/remove to Panel Explorer Browser, Tools?What items does the menu contain?Browser panel?
  7. In what form can information be displayed in the right panel? Conductor ? What do the +\ signs mean?, installed nearby With Folder in the left pane of Explorer?
  8. What is the Main Menu ? What elements does it contain? How to launch it?
  9. How to select multiple objects (icons, shortcuts, files, folders)? How to delete, copy, move objects (icons, shortcuts, files, folders)?
  10. Name ways to launch programs and open documents.

Group 3

  1. How to setup Toolbar? How to return the standard oneToolbar, create your own? Draw the necessary dialog boxes, give an example.
  2. How to adjust page margins, paragraph indents, line spacing? Draw the necessary dialog boxes and give an example.
  3. What are tabulators? How to use them? Draw the necessary dialog boxes and give examples.
  4. Working with a table: inserting a table; adding rows, columns, cells; highlighting table elements; resizing table elements. Give examples.
  5. Working with a table: inserting a formula; repetition of title; merging and splitting; direction of the text. Give examples.
  6. Framing and filling. Draw the required dialog box. Describe the required toolbar. Give examples.
  7. Page number, footer, footnote, list. Working with them. Give examples.
  8. What is an object WordArt ? Give examples.
  9. How to draw geometric figures? Draw a dialog box for changing the parameters of geometric shapes. Give examples.
  10. How to combine geometric shapes? How to place the shapes relative to each other and the text? Give examples.

Group 4

  1. Copy or move a formula. Absolute, relative and mixed links. Arithmetic operators. Give examples.
  2. Function syntax. Types of arguments. Comparison operators. Examples
  3. Logical functions AND, OR, NOT. Syntax, application. Address operators. Give examples.
  4. Logical functions TRUE, FALSE. Syntax, application. Text operator. Titles and names. Give examples.
  5. Logical function IF. Syntax, application. Nested IF function. Give examples.
  6. Mathematical functions. Syntax. Nested functions. Construction of formulas. Give examples.
  7. Trigonometric functions. Syntax. The order of actions in formulas. Circular links. Give examples.
  8. Logarithmic functions. Syntax. Links R 1 C 1. Give examples.
  9. Rounding functions. Syntax. Function Wizard. Give examples.
  10. Wrong values. Syntax. Give examples.

Assignments for the practical part of the test

When performing the practical part of the test, you must:

  1. Place the student's full name, group number and the date the file was created in the header or footer.
  2. In all tasks set:
    1. Margins, cm: top- 2.5; lower - 3.0; left 2.5; right 2.5.
    2. From the footer, cm 1.25.
    3. Paragraph boundaries and alignment as in the sample.
  3. Maintain all task parameters (font size and style, line type and thickness, external borders and filling method, sizes of figures in drawings, etc.) as in the sample.
  4. Numbering items in tasks is done using the menu item Format List of search...
  5. Explanations for the tasks are given in the footnotes.
  6. All names, positions, names of departments, dates, etc. can be changed.