The Internet gateway is a reliable satellite to the global network. Internet gateway for complete control and management of all traffic on the network

To access the computer local network Many parameters are used, the most important of which are the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway.

And here we will look at what a default gateway for a local network is, and how you can find out this parameter at self-configuration systems.

Why do you need a default gateway on a local network?

The default gateway on a local network can be either separate device- router, or software, which synchronizes the work of all network computers.

It is worth noting that computers can use different communication protocols (for example, local and global), which provide access to a local or global network, respectively.

The main purpose of a gateway in a network is to convert data. In addition, the main gateway on the network is a kind of pointer necessary for the exchange of information between computers from different network segments.

At the same time, the formation of the IP address of the router (or the software performing its role) directly depends on the address of the network gateway.

Thus, the default gateway address is actually the IP address of the device interface through which the computer is connected to the local network

Let's consider the purpose of a network gateway on specific example. Let's say there are two computers on the same local network (Network 1).

In order to contact a specific node on a given network, a computer from another network (Network 2) looks for a path to it in its routing table. If necessary information is not there, then the node directs all traffic through the main gateway (router1) of the first network, which configures the connection with the right computer your section of the network.

In other words, if, when connecting to any device on the network, you specify its IP address manually, then the traffic will go directly, without the participation of a gateway. In other cases, data packets first go to " sorting center» networks - the main gateway, from where they are then safely sent to end devices.

Benefits of using a default gateway:

Significant improvement in IP routing efficiency. Moreover, to connect to functional nodes of other network segments, all TCP/IP nodes rely on information stored in the main gateways. Accordingly, individual gateways in a large local network are not loaded with unnecessary data, which significantly improves.

If there are several interfaces on the network (in a particular case, connecting several network cards) each of them can have its own “default” gateway configured. In this case, the connection parameters are calculated automatically, and the fastest network interface receives priority for sending traffic to its main gateway.

How to find out the default gateway for a local network?

You can find out the default gateway for your local network using command line on a computer connected to the network or directly in the settings of the network equipment used as a gateway.

To do this, go to the command line window (on Windows 7 “Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt), enter ipconfig /all and press Enter.

The required parameter is indicated here in the “Default gateway” line.

2. To find the subnet mask and default gateway directly in the router settings on any computer connected to the network:

  • - open an Internet browser;
  • - in the address bar, enter (the static IP address of the router, which can be checked on the service label of the device - in most cases, this is the desired main gateway of the local network) and press the Enter key;
  • - enter authentication data (with factory settings in most cases - admin/admin);
  • - on the device basic information page, check the information about the installed network gateway.

3. In addition, you can find out the main gateway of the router in the settings of the active network connection on the computer. For this:

In tray click right click mouse over the “network connection” icon;

Go to the “Status” context menu section

In the window that opens, go to the “Support” tab and look at the “Default gateway” line.

How to find out the provider's default gateway?

The main gateway for connecting to the Internet can also be found out from the router settings. To do this, go to the device’s web interface (similar to the second point of this instruction) and go to home page look at the information you need.

You can organize for local network users different ways. One option is to use built-in tools operating system Windows XP. Today we will dwell on it in more detail.

Distribute the Internet to two or more computers local network in the following ways:

1. Take advantage by means of the operating room Windows systems , in which the service exists ICS (Internet Connection Sharing) or “Sharing Internet connection”. This service protocol based NAT(Network Address Translation). NAT allows multiple computers to connect to the Internet using one common IP address. Those. Only one computer should be connected to the provider’s network, and through it all other computers on your network can access the Internet. I note that this “main” computer must be running constantly, because... if it is turned off, other machines will lose access to the Internet.

2. Use proxy server . This method not much different from the one described above, except that special software is installed on the “main” computer (for example, the UserGate proxy server). In addition to providing local network computers with access to the Internet, using a proxy server you can control Internet traffic: block access to certain sites, count traffic, limit speed.

3. Use router. Usage hardware router(router) is the most convenient way for home users and small companies to distribute the Internet. The convenience lies in the fact that there is no need to keep one of the computers constantly on. Also, all modern routers support wireless standards communications and allow you to connect to the Internet wireless devices(laptops, tablets, smartphones). In addition, the router provides additional protection network, performing firewall functions.

In today's article we will take a closer look at first way organizations public access to the Internet. We will use one of the computers on our network as a router. In the article I will call him server .

In most cases, the server should have at least two network cards : into one we connect the cable coming from the Internet provider; and through the second we connect the computer to our local network.

Make sure that the Internet works on this computer - to do this, go to some website.

The IP address of the server to which the Internet is connected must be . Even if you have this computer has a different IP address, then during the process of setting up public access it will still be assigned the address

So on server computer go to “Start” – “Control Panel” – “Network Connections”. In the window that opens, you will see at least two network interfaces.
In my case, the left interface is responsible for accessing global network Internet, and the right one - for access to the local network:
Click right key mouse on the external (facing the Internet) interface. Because I have it set up VPN connection to the provider's network, then I right-click on it:
Then select “Properties” - in the window that opens, go to the “Advanced” tab. Here check the box “ Allow other network users to use this computer's Internet connection”.

Select your connection below home network(i.e. your second network card facing LAN): in my case it’s “Local Area Connection 2”: If you want this connection to be automatically activated when another computer on the local network tries to access Internet resources, select the “Establish a call on demand” checkbox. When connecting via a leased line or DSL via LAN modems, you do not need to check this box.

To allow other network users to manage the shared Internet connection, check the “Allow other network users to manage Internet connection sharing” checkbox.

Click OK. After this, a message will appear on the screen stating that network card the local network will be assigned an IP address . Click “Yes”:
Thus we enabled the service ICS(Internet Connection Sharing). The computer has activated the router mode, implemented through the mechanism NAT. Above network interface where this mechanism is activated, you can see the palm symbol: This completes the server setup.

In order for users on your network to access the Internet, you need to configure each of the computers on the local network. So on every computer on the network(except for the server) go to “Start” – “Control Panel” – “Network Connections”.

Find “Local Area Connection” in the list of network connections – right-click on it – select “Properties”: In the window that opens, in the “Components used by this connection” list, select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and click the “Properties” button just below. In the next window, check that the computer's IP address is in the range from to with a subnet mask of

In the fields “ Main gate " And " Preferred DNS Server ” indicate the IP address of our server: .

This is what it looks like in my case: second network computer: Click OK.

Once we complete the setup process, our server computer will be gateway for all other computers on the network. On all client computers, after they are rebooted, the “Internet Gateway” icon should appear in “Network Connections”:
By double-clicking on this icon, we can connect the Internet even if it has not yet been connected to the server. This is possible due to the fact that when setting up the server, we checked the box “Allow other network users to manage shared access to the Internet connection.”

Make sure that the Internet is working: to do this, launch your browser and enter the address of a site.

Remember: while users are at their workstations, the server should not be turned off, otherwise access will be lost in Internet. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure its uninterrupted operation.

As you can see, the ICS service built into Windows is easy to configure and provides fast and high-quality sharing Internet channel. But the big disadvantage of ICS is the almost complete impossibility of administration. Therefore, ICS is well suited for small local area networks where advanced administrative functions or traffic counting are not required.

An Internet gateway, as a rule, is software designed to organize the transmission of traffic between different networks. The program is a working tool system administrator, allowing him to monitor traffic and employee actions. Typically, an Internet gateway allows you to distribute access among users, keep track of traffic, and limit access individual users or groups of users to resources on the Internet. An Internet gateway may contain a proxy server, firewall, mail server, shaper, antivirus and others network utilities. The Internet gateway can run either on one of the network computers or on a separate server. The gateway is installed as software on a machine with an operating system, or on empty computer with deployment of an embedded operating system.

Let's start from the very beginning - by choosing an operating system. There are two main options: OS on LINUX kernel and WINDOWS OS. You should choose WINDOWS if you need ease of configuration, variety of software, and a familiar system ideology.

The disadvantages of a server on Windows OS include increased resource requirements, susceptibility to DoS attacks, and rather low network stability. Moreover, from time to time there are vulnerabilities that lead to complete failure of the server - one vulnerability found in WINDOWS SERVER 2003 caused servers to crash for more than six months.

I would like to say the following about the LINUX server: configuration, of course, more difficult WINDOWS, GUI does not have such development and such power as in WINDOWS, and the server does not need it; the administrator’s knowledge of the OS and networks must be quite deep. The pluses include the fact that a configured and polished server will serve faithfully for many months. Many administrative tasks in LINUX are automated at the level of individual daemons, by studying which you can get rid of routine work.

The main tasks assigned to the gateway server can be formulated as follows: provide local network users with Internet access, keep track of each user’s traffic, protect the local network from external attacks.

Access to the Internet

Traffic division and accounting can be organized in two main ways: by setting up routing in conjunction with a billing system or using a proxy server. Both schemes are equal and are used quite widely. First, let's look at the easiest one to implement: using a proxy server. General principle like this: each LAN user registers the IP and port of the proxy server in the browser, after which the browser sends all requests to specific port LINUX servers. Where the daemon program listening on that port looks at the sender IP and the destination of the packet and decides what to do: for local queries process immediately, and for requests within external networks first look at the internal cache and only then, not finding it there necessary files, send the request further to the Internet. If the requested page is in the proxy cache, it will simply be retrieved from there and sent to the user.

The advantages of such a gateway organization: ease of configuration, management, free of charge (a proxy server is available in any LINUX distribution).

Cons often force you to switch to more high level, using a full-fledged billing system. The fact is that proxies have huge limitations. The main thing is that only HTTP and FTP are supported. The proxy server slows things down noticeably network connection in general, because before sending a request to the global network, the packet is analyzed, and if there are a lot of such packets, the server can think for a long time.

In billing systems, these shortcomings are much less pronounced. Thus, accounting can be carried out using all protocols and ports, they do not slow down the server when users work intensively on the Internet, and they have more capabilities.


Determine the most powerful one located in a given local network. If it includes more than 10 PCs, then it is recommended to choose a dual-core computer with a capacity random access memory exceeding 3 GB. Connect the cable to the selected computer.

Now connect the second network connection to the main computer. You can also use a single multi-link network adapter. Connect this computer to the local network using an additional network.

Open the list of network connections. Right-click on the icon of the network adapter connected to the network. Open its properties. Now select TCP/IP and go to its properties. Check the box next to “Use the following IP address.” Enter an IP value of This computer will perform the functions for other PCs to access the Internet.

Go to the properties of the newly created connection. Select the Access menu. Check the box next to “Allow other network users to use this PC’s Internet connection.” Save your network adapter settings.

Now move on to setting up the secondary computer. Open the list of local networks. Go to the TCP/IP protocol settings menu. For each item in this menu, set the following values:
216.216.216.Х – IP address; – Subnet mask; – Main gateway; – Preferred and alternative DNS servers.

Execute similar setting other computers. Naturally, X must be less than 250 and greater than 2.

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  • internet gateway

Gateway or router – required condition the health of your home or corporate network. That is why it is important stable work, and you must also be able to properly install and configure a router to ensure the smooth operation of your network. Setting up a router in Windows XP and Windows 7 is not difficult at all.


Open the Network tab. Look for the "Components used by this connection" section to change the protocols.

Open the TCP/IPv4 Internet Protocol section and click on Properties to change the IP. You will be asked how automatic receipt IP addresses and DNS server addresses, as well as manually setting these parameters.

Once you've finished configuring your gateway, add network routes using the command line. To call it, open Start, click “Run” and enter cmd command into the window that appears.

Computer networks have become widespread in our time. Without them, a full exchange of information between users will not work. Sami networks are different. These are Internet, office and local networks. To configure computers locally networks, they are first connected with a cable " twisted pair» in general virtual space. After this, the computers themselves are configured. To do this, it is better to use the services of certified specialists, or you can try to do it yourself.


Go to the Start menu. Select the Control Panel tab. Open “network connections” or “network center”. If you do not have any connections via networks, then run the “Connection Creation Wizard”. After the first one appears, you will need to configure it. To do this, you will need to find out which “” your computer belongs to, and what “IP addresses” the other computers have. If this is your first time using the network, then you will need to specify these parameters yourself. In order to find out or change “ ”, right-click on the “ ” icon. Select “properties” from the drop-down menu. A window will appear in front of you where you will see the name and home group. You can change these values. Restart your computer.

After that, go to the “network connections” menu. Right-click on the connection icon networks. Select "properties". A window will appear in which you will find the “(TCP/IP)” parameter. Click the "properties" button. In the window that appears, check the “use the following IP address” box. Write it in this order: “”. The number one means the serial number of the computer in networks. The next ones should be "2,3," and so on. Click in the “mask under” field networks" The value “” will be written. Don't change anything. Just below you can write “preferred DNS-”, for example “”. Save your changes.

After this, you need to configure access to your . To do this, double-click on the “my computer” icon. A window will appear in front of you with local disks. Right-click on one of them. In the menu that appears, select “sharing”. Check the boxes next to the options that you think should be allowed. Click the "ok" button. Now set up those other computers in the same way.

After that, open any window. In the address bar, enter the IP address of the neighboring computer and, if you did everything correctly, you will gain access to its resources. If this does not happen, disable your firewall and try again.

Video on the topic


  • how to turn off a neighboring computer via local network in 2019

Tip 4: How to set up Internet access on a local network

Provide access To networks Internet You can connect several computers with only one provider cable at your disposal in several ways. The set of equipment also depends on the circuit you created networks.

You will need

  • Router or network hub.


Let's consider a situation where, to build your local networks the router was involved. Connect a cable to this equipment and, using the Internet (WAN) connector for this purpose. Select any or LAN connector connected to the router and turn it on.

Open and enter into its address bar IP router. The device settings menu will open in front of you. Go to Internet Setup networks). Fill in the required fields as you would if connecting to Internet y . Enter your username and password, specify the point access and to connect to the provider's server.

Enable the DHCP function, save the settings and reboot the router.

Now consider the situation when, to create networks a concentrator was used. This equipment cannot be configured to connect to Internet y, and even more so activate DHCP.

Select one of the computers connected to the network hub. Connect the cable to it Internet A. Configure the connection with Internet om according to your provider's requirements.

Go to connection settings Internet u. Open the "Access" tab. Allow general access To Internet on all computers that are part of the local networks.

Go to anyone in this networks. Open TCP/IP protocol settings. Enter the IP address 192.168.0.N, where N is any number from 2 to 255. To receive access y k networks Internet you need to fill in the “Default Gateway” and “Preferred DNS Server” fields. Enter the value corresponding to the IP of the first computer.

Repeat the algorithm described in previous step, for all other laptops and computers. Please note that the first computer must be turned on for the others to receive access To networks Internet.


  • setting up Internet access

Tip 5: How to set up an Internet connection via a local network

The majority of users create a home local network with only one ultimate goal - to provide access to Internet all computers and laptops of this networks. To accomplish this task, you must be able to correctly configure a local network.

You will need

  • Network hub.


You can come up with great amount schemes for building a local network with shared access to . We will consider a situation in which a network hub will be used to communicate with each other, and one of the PCs that are part of the network will act as a server and a router.

Place the hub in the most convenient location. Remember that you will need to connect it to the network alternating current. Connect all computers and laptops that will be part of the local network to a network hub.

Open the properties of the created Internet connection. Select the Access tab. Allow to use this connection to the Internet for a local network. Indicate the network that was built using a hub.

Go to the network connection properties. Open the TCP/IPv4 data transfer protocol. Set static IP address, whose value should be


  • setting up a local network connection

The Internet has long become a means of communication, a way to earn money and a place of relaxation. Unfortunately, almost immediately it was turned into a source of formidable danger by cyber thieves and cyber hooligans. An unprotected or weakly protected Internet connection can threaten you with leakage of personal or business information, damage to data on your hard drive, and financial losses.


In cyberspace, the forces of light continue to fight the forces of darkness - browser developers new ways to protect against malware and sites that distribute them.
To set up Internet settings Exploer, in the main menu select “Tools” and the “Internet Options” option. The Security tab displays the four security zones into which IE divides all sites.

By default, the Internet zone includes all websites, except those for which you have independently selected a different status. By default, its security level is set to above medium. If you want to change the settings, click on the “Other” button.
A "local intranet" is the local network that your computer is connected to. The content of local sites is assumed to be safe for computers that are members of it. The default security level is “below average”.
“Trusted nodes” unite those sites that are trusted to be safe. To add a site to this zone, check its icon and click on the "Nodes" button, enter the web address and click "Add". The Web Sites window displays a list of sites that are included in the secure zone.
Likewise, you can add a site to the Restricted Sites zone. There will be no access to the site - their active content will simply not be able to perform any actions on your computer.

When you visit a website, it leaves marks called “cookies” on your computer’s hard drive, thanks to which it recognizes you the next time you visit. In the Privacy tab, you can create a list of managed websites that are blocked or allowed to leave cookies on your computer. In the "Web Site Address" window, enter the appropriate information, and then click the "Allow" or "Deny" button.

In the "Content" tab you can change the autocomplete settings address bar, names and passwords in forms. This function makes life easier for both you and anyone who wants to use your username and password - think carefully about whether it is worth using it. In the “Restricting access to information obtained from” section, you can allow or deny access from your computer to those resources that could have a harmful influence on your family members.

In the “Advanced” tab, pay attention to the items that allow the activity of active content on your computer - the checkboxes next to them should be unchecked.

Mozilla browser Firefox, just like Internet Exploer, takes care of the security of connections. To configure its parameters, go to the “Tools” item in the main menu and select the “Settings” option.

In the “Content” tab, you can tell the browser what to do with the active content of different sites - use the “Exceptions” and “Advanced” buttons.

In the “Protection” tab, you can select a master password so as not to remember the password for each resource on which you are registered.

When creating and configuring a local network, you can use one of desktop computers or laptops as a server. This usually saves money because there is no need to purchase a router.

You will need

  • - network cables.


Determine which computer or will play the role of the router. Please note that the selected equipment must be turned on at all times. Purchase an additional network adapter for this computer. In the case of a laptop, you must use a USB-LAN adapter.

Connect network device to your computer and install drivers for it. Now connect to it network cable, the other end of which is connected to a network hub. If you are creating a network consisting of two devices, then you do not need a hub.

Turn on the server computer and wait for the operating system to load. Create an Internet connection and configure it. Open the properties of the new connection. Go to Properties. Check the box next to “Allow other network users to use this connection.” Select the network that is formed by the second network adapter.

Open the settings for this adapter. Go to TCP/IP protocol settings. Select the “Use the following IP address” mode. In the next line, write down the value of the IP address of this network card, which will be equal to (you can use another IP).

Now turn on any computer connected to your network. Proceed to configure the network adapter that is connected to the server computer or network hub. Open TCP/IP protocol settings. Enter value permanent IP address, which will differ from the IP of the server computer only by the fourth digit, for example

Now write in the lines “Main Gateway" and "Preferred DNS server» value of the IP address of the server computer. Configure the network cards of the remaining computers in a similar way. Please note that you must enter a new last digit of the IP address each time.

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To provide all network computers with access to Internet, necessary in a certain way configure the settings of their network adapters. Naturally, all of the above PCs must be connected in one way or another to the server computer.


Usually the server acts as network computer, which is provided by direct connection to Internet u. If you don’t have such a PC yet, it’s better to use the most powerful hardware. This computer must have at least two network adapter. One of them will be connected to the provider's cable, and the other to the local network.

Every modern office has access to the Internet. However, connecting to the Internet poses a certain threat to internal information companies. To quickly and securely connect to the Internet, you need to install an Internet gateway.

Internet gateway is a flexible hardware and software system based on an adapted Linux operating system, customized by IPWAY specialists.

This solution has been tested and recommended for organizing a single secure connection all office employees to cloud services IPWAY company ( "Office in the Clouds" , "Rental 1C server" , "Rent a remote server" ).

What can an Internet gateway do?

Effectively regulate Internet access, limiting employee access to unwanted sites, as well as control their Internet traffic Unite remote offices and branches into a single secure network Secure the office corporate network and computers from external attacks Implement anti-virus scan total Internet traffic of the organizationProvide secure WiFi Internet access for your guests and clients (car service center, hotel, beauty salon, etc.) through an authorization page designed in the corporate style of your company

The cost of setting up an Internet gateway

One-time works

Name of worksDecoding of worksCost, rub.
Basic gateway setup
  • Installation of specialized Linux OS.
  • Initial setup of Internet connection.
  • Configuring DHCP, DNS, NAT for access from the local network to the Internet.
  • Basic configuration of Firewall security rules.
  • Creating a Backup Internet gateway for recovery after failures.
3 200
Fine-tuning the gateway with a traffic accounting and quota system
  • Setting up a proxy server.
  • Setting up a content and traffic monitoring system.
  • Configuring Internet ports at the customer's request (opening\closing\forwarding).
3 200
Building a VPN network
  • Settings VPN server and at the base OpenVPN servers Linux.
  • Settings VPN connections between offices (branches).
  • Setting up OpenVPN server routing.
  • Generating VPN security certificate keys (up to 20 pieces).
4 800
Emergency switching to a backup Internet channel (failover)
  • Internet gateway settings for automatic switching Internet access channels in case of failures on one of them, if there is a backup provider.
3 200
Additional work
  • Deployment of the HotSpot system and Radius server.
  • Individual design web pages for client authorization.
  • Setting up points WiFi access to work with HotSpot and Radius.
from 3 200

Subscriber service and Internet Server support

Name of worksDecoding of worksCost, rub./month
BASIC Internet Gateway support
  • Internet gateway administration.
  • Regular creation of Backup copies.
  • Recovery after failures.
  • Regular monitoring of the system based on load.
  • Checking and installing updates.
  • Analyze and view system event logs.
1 600
ADVANCED Internet Gateway Support Includes BASIC support plus:
  • Monitoring the traffic accounting and quota system.
  • Add\remove users to the proxy server.
  • Adding/removing unwanted sites (resources).
  • Internet access level differentiation.
  • Limiting access speed by user groups.
3 200
Reservation of communication channels (2 or more telecom operators)
  • Maintenance of communication channel reservation settings (2 or more telecom operators).
VPN tunnel support between remote offices
  • VPN server support based on OpenVPN FreeBSD servers, used to create a VPN tunnel between remote offices.
  • Generating VPN security certificate keys.
from 1 600

Advantages of implementing an Internet gateway in an organization

Full integration and access to cloud services IPWAY company ( , )

Price our solution for creating an Internet gateway is much lower than similar ones on the market

No restrictions on the number of users, only based on the performance of the hardware on which the Internet gateway is deployed

Add or remove new features no cost for additional licenses

Updates Internet gateway - FOR FREE

Settings connections to IPWAY cloud services - FOR FREE

No restrictions on type of internet connection(IPoE, PPPoE, L2TP, PPTP, etc.)

Construction VPN networks based on OpenVPN server and software minimum price– connection to any servers, and connection to any clients

Detailed description

In many organizations, there is a need to provide each employee with general Internet access through one Internet channel. An Internet gateway is used to perform this task. When setting up a software Internet gateway (proxy server), in addition to the ability to do shared internet for all users, you get full-featured Internet traffic control, a reliable barrier against network threats, and also applicable as methods and means for protecting information. Also, shared Internet access through a server allows an organization to keep control of its Internet costs, and, what is especially important, to ensure network security. To install and operate the Internet gateway in your office, you do not need a pre-installed OS or additional software. At your request, we will install and configure an Internet gateway on one of the organization’s computers, or we can offer you a ready-to-use system that can be used immediately. Internet gateway is integrated into computer network organization as a router directly connected to the Internet and providing access to the entire office network.

Installing an Internet gateway to organize public Internet access in your office will allow you to:

Internet control

Shared Internet access in an organization can sometimes result in unpleasant Internet bills from providers. Without proper control of the Internet in an organization, it will be difficult to find out who, when and for what used Internet traffic. The Internet gateway perfectly copes with such tasks as internet control, Internet restrictions and website restrictions for employees of the organization. Internet gateway provides detailed statistics sites visited and the amount of Internet traffic spent on this moment employee of the company.

Internet restriction

Often, organizations use tariffs with low Internet connection speeds. When all employees work on the Internet at the same time, the Internet connection speed for each user drops significantly. In view of this, organizations face the acute question of the need Internet restrictions for each user. Restricting Internet access using an Internet gateway will allow you to:

  • Internet speed limit for each user
  • Internet traffic limit for each user
  • Restricting Internet access for unwanted programs(for example: ICQ)
  • Restricting Internet access for downloading files (for example: music, videos, pictures, programs)
  • Dynamic speed limit rules (shaping).

Site restrictions

In many companies, employees spend a significant portion of their working time viewing sites that are completely unrelated to their professional activity (entertainment portals, dating sites, job search, Online Games etc.) Using the Internet gateway you can enter the following website restrictions for employees:

  • Limiting job search sites
  • Limiting sites for watching videos
  • Limitation of sites created for communication, social. networks
  • Limiting sites for downloading audio and video files
  • Limitation of sites for online games.

Organization of VPN channels between offices

When transmitting data over the Internet, you can never be sure that there is no unauthorized access to it. transmitted information. That is why there was a need to encrypt traffic between the sender and the recipient. The importance of protection confidential information is realized only through the bitter experience of its leakage, when companies lose millions of dollars from sensitive information leaking to third parties. VPN technology allows you to ensure both the integrity of the transmitted information, the impossibility of its “meaningful” modification, and confidentiality. In other words, it is impossible for third parties to gain unauthorized access to protected information. Own channels few companies can afford connections, so VPN is the only opportunity to create secure channel between branches on top public networks. With the help of this technology you can solve problems cryptographic protection traffic, implement remote access with a guarantee of protection of transmitted information, provide authorization using various protocols, create a distributed company infrastructure without laying physical networks, organize secure access to the 1c server. Based on our solution for creating and configuring an Internet gateway, we decide this task, using reliable OpenVPN software for this, creating and configuring for this separate VPN server based on OpenVPN.

Anti-virus scanning of general Internet traffic

Most viruses reach users' computers via the Internet. When a computer is infected, most often a virus removes or replaces system files, which leads to the operating system not working; in addition, important documents may also be damaged. All general Internet traffic is scanned by the built-in antivirus of the Internet gateway in real time. Therefore, by using an Internet gateway to provide public Internet access at your enterprise, you provide additional antivirus protection Your computers.

Protection against hacker attacks via the Internet