Restore VKontakte page by phone number. VKontakte: quick password recovery is not available. Why? What to do

Social networks can be annoying, annoying to such an extent that you want to forget it forever, delete all accounts and live a quiet life. As a rule, people who deleted their pages soon want to return to the network again. Most likely, if you look at a social network every day for a long time, a person receives a wonderful gift - addiction. But that’s not about that now. How to restore the page and not lose the necessary information? We'll find out now.

If you delete a page on VK and then restore it, will the data be saved?

When many people delete a page on a social network, they don’t think about the fact that they might need it again. What do they do in this situation? They are trying to restore their page along with all the data, audio files, documents, videos, and so on. But this is not so easy to do. More precisely, this procedure does not require much effort, it only requires a quick decision.

First, we’ll tell you how to delete a VKontakte page. So, action plan

  1. Go to your page on a social network
  2. Follow the link
  3. Enter the information you need
  4. "Delete page"

That's it, the page has been deleted, and your friends will receive a notification about it. I hope it’s clear how to delete it, now let’s move on to recovery.

After deleting your VKontakte page, on the top panel you will see a checkbox “If necessary, you can restore the page to (date).” In other words, you are given a certain time to restore the page, usually from 5 to 8 months. During this period of time, the user is given the opportunity to restore his page along with all the data stored on the social network.

*To restore your page, you just need to click on the “Restore” box and you will appear online again*

If you delete a VKontakte page and then restore it, will the information be saved?

Yes, the information will be saved, but only if the user restores the page in time. Otherwise, all data will simply disappear, along with the page. It will be impossible to return anything, and all information will disappear into oblivion. If you have information that you do not want to lose, then it is better to send it to yourself via instant messengers and so on. Before deleting a page, make sure that you have all the necessary data and you will not regret deleting your account.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. As usual, you may need to restore for several reasons. The most common case is loss of access to it(forgot your password, lost your phone number to which the page was linked during registration and now you can’t log into VK). There are also possible options when the page was for one reason or another blocked.

  • Your page could have been hacked, that’s why it’s impossible to log into Contact (the burglar might have managed to change the password). In this case, you will need to try to restore access to this page as described just above, i.e. use recovery tools:
    1.— if the account was linked to a phone number.
    2.— if the page was not linked to a phone number or you no longer own this number.
  • How to restore a page previously deleted from VK?

    If you deleted your page yourself, and then changed your mind, or when it was deleted for you by someone who gained unauthorized access to your account, then it can still be restored within 7 months. To do this, you just need to go to the VKontakte website using your username and password, and then in the window that opens, click on the “restore your page” link:

    However, if 7 months have already passed since the date of deletion, then you will have to contact technical support Contact(or write a letter to Email [email protected]) with a request to restore the page, and it is not a fact that they will be able to help you, although the chances of success still remain. You may have to prove your rights to this page and wait some time for it to be retrieved from the archives and finally restored.

    Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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    A lot of girls (and guys too) write letters to me in which the following phrase appears: forgot my password in contact" In this post you will find detailed instructions in pictures on how to how to recover a forgotten password in contact.

    But first, a short digression from the topic. In this post we will analyze one of the most difficult situations, the one in which you forgot not only your contact password, but also your login, and also do not have access to your mailbox and phone number. .

    Well, now let's begin.

    I forgot the password for a contact, what should I do?

    Go to the On the left, under the windows for entering your login and password, there is a link “ Can't log in?" Click on it.

    On the page that opens, we are asked to enter our login, email address or phone number to which the contact page is linked. Since we agreed above that this option does not suit us, we look under the window for the following line: “ If you don't remember any data at all, try click here "At the end of which is a link that we need to click on (see screenshot).

    Now a window like this appears. Here we either enter a link to our page, or again lower our eyes just below the field to enter the address and look for the following line: “ If you don't know the address, you can find your page in the people search. Click here ».

    The standard contact search opens. Through it we look for our profile in contact, the password for which we want to remember and click on the link “This is my page”.

    Now we are taken to a form that must be filled out in order to recover the password in contact.

    First, indicate the old and new phone numbers. note that you need to indicate in international format (via +7, +3, etc. depending on the country in which you live). If you have access to your old phone number, you can enter the same numbers in these fields. We fill out the email fields in the same way. Last field " Old Password", you don't have to fill it out at all. But it is better to enter the password that you previously used to log in.

    Now you should receive an SMS on your phone with a confirmation code, which you must enter in the window that appears. (If the SMS does not arrive within three minutes, click on the link “ resend the code»)

    A window appears telling us that the page will be unblocked on such and such a date and at such and such a time.

    In a day An SMS with a new password should be sent to your number, which will be duplicated in a letter to the previously specified email address.

    As you can see recover forgotten password in contact not that difficult. We go in and enjoy our success, trying not to forget our passwords.

    " Let's talk now how can I restore my VKontakte page? and how to unfreeze your account. When do you have to restore the page? When you were hacked and various types of spam were sent from your profile, you forgot your login or password, or you deleted your profile and now want to restore it. But there is another problem when supposedly VKontakte asks you to send an SMS from the suggested numbers, Do not send SMS under any circumstances. Your balance will simply be debited and you will not receive any refund. If this is exactly the situation you have, then here is the article “VKontakte requires SMS. What to do? "

    How to restore a deleted page in VK?

    Many people ask the question, if you delete your profile in a contact, can it be restored?

    If you deleted your page or someone else deleted it, then it can be restored until the given time, which is 7 months. If the account is not restored within this period, it is deleted forever.

    To do this, you need to log into your account and at the top there will be a link “restore your page”.

    Then click on “Restore page”

    Your account has been restored.

    How to restore a page in contact if you forgot your login and password?

    It is not uncommon for people to forget their passwords to their profile. In this case, you can recover with the following access restoration.

    We go to the main page of VKontakte and on the left we see “Forgot your password?”

    We click there and see that we need to enter “Login, Email or phone”. Enter one of the required contact information that is linked to your page and click on “Next”.

    Then a confirmation will appear: “Is this the page to which you need to restore access?”

    Click yes.

    And a code or recovery instructions will be sent to your number or email, depending on what you indicated.

    How to restore a VKontakte page if there is no access to mail or phone?

    In this case, you need to go to the recovery page and click “click here”.

    We found ourselves approx. Now you need to enter your old data and new ones.

    Either in the Old phone number field, correctly indicate the phone number to which your account is linked, or in the Old E-Mail field, correctly indicate the email address or login that is used to log into your profile.

    You will need an accessible number that has not previously been associated with any profile.

    That's it, send your application.

    If you do not know your old data, then you will need to fill out an extended application.

    In order for it to appear, you need to enter your new number in the “Available phone number” field and click on “Submit request”. A window like this will appear:

    A very common problem now is when the page freezes. This happens mainly due to spam. Either you spammed yourself, or someone spammed from your account.

    To unfreeze you will need the mobile phone number linked to your account. A code will be sent to it, and then following the instructions you can easily unfreeze your account. If the old number is no longer there, then bind another number.

    The first time you can defrost it right away, but the next time the blocking time will increase.

    I hope my instructions helped you.

    Category: Social networks Created: 12/18/2016 20:20

    Good afternoon, dear readers of the blog site. Today we will talk about how to properly restore a VKontakte page. You may need to restore your VKontakte page in several cases. The most common situation is the loss of access to a page on (forgot your password, lost access to the cell phone number to which your VK account is linked, and now you can’t access your page). It is also a common case when a contact page for some reason becomes blocked.

    You could accidentally delete your VK page yourself, or someone could do it without your knowledge by hacking your page and gaining access to your account. It often happens that VKontakte admins block access to for violating the rules for using the service. A page can be blocked for sending spam from it, or for some other similar offense in the form of suspicious activity on the account. Your computer may have become infected with a virus, and then your VK page was hacked.

    One way or another, if your page is blocked on VKontakte, you will need to restore access to your VKontakte page. How to restore access to your VK page will be discussed in this post.

    How to restore access to a VK page if there is no access

    Let's start with the situation when you need to restore access to the page if you have forgotten your password or you do not have the SIM card with the cell phone number for which your account was registered at If anyone didn’t know, then you can actually unlink your VK page from your cell phone number.

    Let's start with the case when you need to restore access to your page in a situation where you lost your password or mobile phone SIM card, the number of which was used during registration. Before you begin the procedure for recovering your VK password, try first looking in the settings of the browser you are using to see if there are any saved passwords. Many Internet users do not clear their browser history and save passwords, which are then automatically inserted into the login and password fields on sites where passwords were saved in the browser. This is of course convenient, but over time it happens that people forget their access data to sites from social networks. networks, postal services. Therefore, I never save passwords in the browser, plus I don’t save them for security purposes, since saved passwords can be “hijacked,” especially if you surf the Internet on a Microsoft Windows operating system.

    If you still couldn’t find the data to access your VK page, then you can start trying here recover your page password(that is, get a new password for your account)

    1. You can restore access to the page if you have access to the mobile phone number associated with the page, which was specified during registration, and which was used as a login to enter the VK page. To restore access using a linked mobile phone, you need to go to the access restoration page, and then simply follow the intuitive step-by-step instructions.

    You need to go through several simple steps of the recovery wizard, then you will need to come up with a new password, and then use the new password to access your VKontakte page.

    2. If your page in Contact was registered a long time ago, and you have not linked it to a mobile phone (the function of linking an account to a mobile phone did not appear in immediately, and therefore for old accounts this function may not be used if it is specifically was not included by you), you will need to contact access restoration service for logging into a page in Contact.

    On the page you will need to enter the address of your page in

    1. If you don’t remember the address of your page, then there’s nothing to worry about. You can search for yourself in VKontakte. This social network allows you to search for people without registration. You need to find your page and see its internal address, and you can do this by clicking on the link at searching for people on VK . The search can be carried out by full name or other data. You can simply enter your last name and city of residence, and I think you’ll be able to find yourself right away.

    When you find your VK page through the search, click on the button " This is my page" to proceed to the next step to restore access to the page.

    The process of restoring a page in VK will be more complicated if during registration you indicated “fake” data (fictitious data). If you have just such a case, then you will somehow have to remember the data with which the page was registered. But one way or another, you will still have to disclose your real data, since you will need to send a scan of your passport. So it won’t be possible to run the social network

    2. The next step you will need to take a selfie next to your computer monitor, attaching a scan of your passport to the application.

    3. The next step to restore access to the VK page will be to provide a valid phone number and take a photo in front of your computer with the page open in the browser on your computer to restore access:

    4. At the final step of the recovery wizard, you will need to upload any document with your photo and full name. A passport is perfect for this.

    After you click on the “next” button, you thereby consent to your data in the form of your last name and first name being restored, that is, replaced with your real data. Then you just need to click on the submit application button and wait for the VK moderator’s decision on the verdict, about which you will be notified by SMS message that will be sent to the phone number you specified.

    How to restore a page in a contact if it is blocked or the page is hacked?

      1. Let's clarify the point that problems with logging into your VK page can be caused if your computer is infected with viruses, or your mobile device is infected. For these common reasons, access to a page in a contact may be blocked. Access may be blocked if you are suddenly asked to send an SMS to access your account (do not fall for this scam under any circumstances). If you have this situation, then you definitely have a virus on your computer or mobile device. It will be necessary to carry out work to scan and eliminate viruses on the computer, and thus normal access to the page will be restored by itself. On the VKontakte portal they even offer their antivirus software called Cesurity, which can be downloaded absolutely free from the link. With this anti-virus software you can scan your computer and restore access to the social network To scan your mobile device for malware, you can install the application application from Kaspersky.
      2. Also, in the case described above, the page may be blocked by moderators at itself for any violations. In such a situation, a message will be displayed about the reason why your VK account was blocked, and there will also be links to security instructions, where you can read how to avoid blocking your VK page in the future.

    It will not be possible to restore access to your contact account before the specified period.

    You should not fall for “fairy tales” to restore your page quickly for an additional fee from any third-party craftsmen. Such services are an outright scam, nothing more.

    The gradation of blocking may be different for different periods.

    The lightest case can be considered the so-called “freezing” of a page on Freezing of the page may occur in the event of some minor violations, and the page may thus be frozen until you visit the page and become familiar with the reason for freezing the page. Most likely, you will need to change the password for your VK page (when changing the password, you can also change the phone number associated with your page, if there is any need for this).

    To unfreeze the page, you will need to enter an SMS message and enter your new password, and then you will need to click on the button "Unfreeze page":

    Everything is ready, we can say that your access to your page on the social network has been restored, and it will be visible not only exclusively to you, but to all users of the popular social network. VKontakte network.

    A page may be frozen if suspicious activity is identified on it:

    The process of defrosting the page will occur in the same way as described above - i.e. A code is sent via SMS to the cell number linked to your account. Next, you come up with your new password and click on the “Unfreeze” button. That's all in essence, after these movements there should be no more activity of a suspicious nature, since you have changed the password for your page.

    Your account could be blocked for more serious violations and then all that remains is to wait for the blocking period to expire (usually it is indicated). There is no way to restore the page faster - this is the policy of the VKontakte administration.

    If you receive a message that your page is blocked forever, then the only option to restore your blocked page is correspondence with social technical support. networks. I would like to give you the following advice. Under no circumstances should you use those when corresponding. to be rude to support, and to download rights in any way. It is better, of course, to conduct correspondence in a constructive manner, telling your current situation. There is a chance that your offense will be forgiven and the page will be restored.

    Contact technical support Contact You can use this feedback form, or write them an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. )

    1. Your page hacked, and therefore cannot log into your account (the hacker could simply change your password to his). In such a situation, you will need to try to restore access to your page as described above in this article, i.e. You will need to do some work to restore your VKontakte page:
    2. — if your page was linked to a phone number
    3. - if the page was not linked to the mobile phone number or the phone number to which the VK page was previously linked, you no longer use

    How to restore a page previously deleted from VK?

    If you are fed up with everything and decide to delete your page from yourself, then this can also be done. Within half a year, the page can actually be restored if for some reason you suddenly change your mind about deleting your account from Within 7 months you can restore your account without any problems. The main thing is not to forget your login username and password in order to restore your page yourself after deletion. You just need to log in with your username and password to your page and click on the “Restore” link.

    If it so happens that within 7 months you have not restored your account, and after 7 months the need for this still arises, then in such a situation it will be necessary to resolve these issues only through