Rating of Linux distributions. The most beautiful distribution: elementary OS. Elementary OS is the most beautiful distribution

It's here New Year, which means it’s time to look into the future, find the best, most promising Linux distributions.

Linux distributions are often focused on specific tasks. Therefore, it is not possible to simply make a list of operating systems and say: “they are the best.” Here we highlight several areas of Linux use and select those distributions that have every chance of becoming first in their niche in 2017.

Best distribution for system administrators: Parrot Linux

Parrot Linux is based on Debian and offers almost every imaginable penetration testing tool

Any administrator always has a lot of work to do. Without good set his days are a constant test of strength, a continuous race. However, there are many Linux distributions ready to help. One of them is Parrot Linux. I am sure it will gain serious popularity in 2017.

This distribution is based on Debian, it offers great amount means for testing the security of systems from unauthorized access. Here, in addition, you can find tools from the field of cryptography and computer forensics, tools for working with cloud services and packages to ensure anonymity. There is also something for developers, and even programs for organizing time. All this (in fact, there is a sea of ​​tools) works on the basis of a stable, time-tested system. The result is a distribution that is perfect for information security specialists and network administrators.

Parrot Linux is currently ranked 57th on Distrowatch. I believe that by the end of the year it will be possible to see a significant advance of this distribution to the top of the rankings.

Best Desktop Distro: Elementary OS

Cute appearance is not the only advantage of Elementary OS Loki. This OS is stable, convenient, and its creators are attentive to detail.

I may be biased towards this distro, but I am confident that Elementary OS Loki will do the impossible and knock you off the top spot. Linux Mint, receiving the enviable title of “best desktop distribution” in 2017. If it does, Elementary OS will have accomplished a pretty impressive feat, considering Linux Mint has consistently topped Distrowatch's rankings.

Now Elementary OS is in sixth place (and Linux Mint continues to reign in first place). Is it possible that Elementary OS could dethrone Mint? It seems so. Loki has not only established itself as one of the most beautiful Linux distributions, the system is also stable, convenient, and understandable.

Some may find the Elementary OS desktop too similar to a Mac. However, such a comparison is a plus of the system, as it indicates the potential user experience. Of course, Loki's appearance customization isn't as limited as OS X's customization, so you can make it exactly what you need.

Gentoo is a Linux distribution based on compiling source packages for specific hardware. After installing the OS, the user is required to self-assembly everything he needs. This not only requires a fairly high level of understanding of Linux, but also patience and time. In the end, however, you can get exactly what you need and nothing extra. Gentoo is not a new project; it has existed for many years. But if, among other things, you want to prove to yourself and others that you are a Linux expert, you cannot do without Gentoo.

Best Distribution for the Internet of Things: Snappy Ubuntu Core

By using snap packages, Snappy Ubuntu Core simplifies software installation and eliminates headaches during updates. The result is an OS that is perfect for IoT.

Now we are talking about small form factor devices. The Internet of Things, or IoT, is an area where embedded Linux has no equal. There are many distributions available that are suitable for IoT. However, I am sure that 2017 will be the year of Snappy Ubuntu Core.

Thanks to the use of snap packages, installing and updating software in Snappy Ubuntu Core is simple and fast. No need to worry about dependencies or interruptions due to updates.

As a result, we have before us an ideal software platform for IoT. Ubuntu Snappy Core can already be found in boards for computer enthusiasts (like the Rasberry Pi), as well as in Erle-Copter drones and Dell Edge Gateways, Nextcloud Box and LimeSDR.

Best server distro for small and medium-sized organizations: CentOS

CentOS is a reliable server platform

It is not surprising that CentOS remains a welcome guest on the servers of small and medium-sized organizations. There is one very important reason for this state of affairs: CentOS is based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) source code. Because of this, when choosing CentOS, you can rest assured that you are looking at a reliable, proven server platform.

The main difference between RHEL and CentOS (besides different marketing strategies) is support. RHEL users are provided with official Red Hat technical support. However, since 2004, CentOS “technical support” has been a huge community of enthusiasts.

As a result, if you are a small or medium-sized business owner looking to migrate your servers to an open source platform, you should first take a look at CentOS.

Best Enterprise Server Distribution: RHEL

Red Hat is perfectly suited to the needs of enterprise customers

Again, we can say that there is nothing surprising here. For example, SUSE is making significant efforts to capture the corporate OS market; one day these efforts will lead it to the heights of glory, but unfortunately this will not happen this year. In 2017, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) will hold the first position among the most popular corporate distributions.

According to Gartner, RHEL has a 67% market share of Linux distributions for large organizations, with RHEL subscriptions accounting for about 75% of Red Hat's revenue. There are many reasons for this state of affairs. So, Red Hat offers to corporative clients exactly what they need, but in addition, the company puts great effort into developing many open source projects.

Red Hat knows what Linux is and what the enterprise sector is. Red Hat is trusted by many Fortune 500 companies (eg ING, Sprint, Bayer Business Services, Atos, Amadeus, Etrade). The RHEL distribution brought many developers to new level in the areas of security, integration, management, and in the field of working with cloud systems.

I think, in addition, Red Hat will invest a lot of effort in the IoT area this year. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if by the end of 2017 SUSE takes a little more bite out of Red Hat’s market share.

The choice is yours

One of the great things about the Linux platform is that ultimately the choice is up to the user. There are hundreds of systems to choose from, many of which will perfectly suit the most demanding requirements. However, if you use one of the distributions described above, I am sure it will not disappoint you.

What do you use and for what? What from the world of Linux can you recommend to our readers?

The Linux.com website offered readers its version of the best distributions of the current year. However, for now this is not a statement of fact, but only a forecast based on a noticeable increase in popularity open solutions both in the corporate and consumer sectors.

1 Best Comeback: OpenSUSE

SUSE is one of the oldest developers Linux systems. The company was founded a year after Linus Torvalds announced the creation of Linux. In fact, SUSE is even older than Red Hat.

Last year, the distribution developers made the most important decision for the development of the product - to bring openSUSE as close as possible to SUSE Linux Enterprise. Thus, openSUSE Leap is directly based on the SLE SP 1 codebase.

As a result of this step, openSUSE has become much more interesting for potential users corporate system, because it will simplify the transition to it. But that is not all. The release of a special Tumbleweed distribution with continuous updates will allow you to stay up to date with the latest software.

Thus, the openSUSE user has the option of either running the stable version or installing the always up-to-date Tumbleweed. Thus, the solution has become truly universal.

2 Most Customizable Distro: Arch Linux

Arch Linux continues to outperform all other distributions in many ways. Therefore, it remains the choice of many experienced users.

This perfect choice for those who want to learn Linux. Since almost everything there is done manually, the user recognizes the device of each file operating system.

Arch Linux is the most customizable distribution. It does not have “its own” desktop and default software set. After installation, the user receives only the “base” of the system, and does everything else independently. The result is a work environment that has everything you need and nothing you don't.

Arch Linux is the best of the releases with a continuous update cycle. The user can be sure that the most current versions of application software are installed on his system.

This distribution is also known for its excellent documentation. ArchWiki is one of the best sites for learning the Linux system.

In addition, Arch Linux is the richest repository. If the program runs on Linux, then it will almost certainly be found in the Arch User Repository.

3 The most beautiful distribution: Elementary OS

Different distributions are created for different purposes. Most often these are some technical features solutions. The appearance of the desktop is a secondary matter.

The Elementary OS developers decided to try a different approach. Design is of utmost importance, and the reason for this is quite obvious - the system is created by designers. However, this concept has led to the fact that they choose for the system only applications that fit into the design of the original desktop. But you have to come to terms with this - the distribution is designed to be the most beautiful, not the most functional.

4 Best Debut: Solus

The distribution cannot complain about the lack of attention from users. Moreover, the attention is well deserved.

The system was created from scratch - not a derivative of Debian or Ubuntu. It's based on the Budgie desktop and features the same minimalism as Google Chrome OS.

Although, strictly speaking, this is not at all new project. However, it was last year that it was revived under this name.

5 Best Cloud OS: Chrome OS

Chrome OS is not your typical Linux distribution. It is simply a browser based on the Linux operating system.

The solution is very convenient for daily use. It does not require maintenance, and the software is updated automatically without user intervention, since it is located on the server. A good choice for those who only need a computer for surfing the Internet.

6 Best Laptop OS: Ubuntu MATE

Most laptops do not have particularly high technical specifications. Therefore, “heavy” desktop environments are contraindicated for such devices - they not only consume a lot of system resources, but also quickly drain battery power.

A good choice for a laptop is Ubuntu MATE. It's a lightweight desktop, but it has all the bells and whistles you need for a pleasant work experience. System Resources At the same time, they are spent on application programs, and not on supporting the graphical environment itself.

7 Best distro for older hardware: Lubuntu

if you have old laptop or PC, then you shouldn’t throw it away. Perhaps the Lubuntu system will breathe new life into it.

For now, this distribution uses the LXDE desktop, but future versions plan to use LXQt, a project resulting from the merger of LXDE and Razor Qt. Thus, Lubuntu is the best choice for legacy hardware.

8 Best Distro for IoT: Snappy Ubuntu Core

Snappy Ubuntu Core

This solution is the best Linux system for the Internet of Things. It will make it possible to turn almost all the equipment around us into smart devices: routers, coffee makers, unmanned aerial vehicles...

What makes the distribution attractive is its efficient update management and the ability to use containers to improve security. Last feature is extremely relevant, since the very concept of IoT implies Special attention to counter information threats.

9 Best Desktop Distro: Linux Mint Cinnamon

Linux Mint Cinnamon

Linux Mint Cinnamon - universal system, perfect for both desktop computers and powerful laptops. It is often called Mac OS X in the Linux world.

For quite a long time, the use of Linux Mint was associated with certain problems due to the instability of the Cinnamon working environment. But everything changed as soon as the decision was made to use Ubuntu basics LTS and focus exclusively on development itself GUI.

10 Best distribution for games: Steam OS

Games have always been the weak point of the Linux desktop. A significant portion of users decided to save to Windows computer solely to be able to play.

Valve Software has decided to change this state of affairs. The Steam OS system allows you to run games on various platforms. The solution was brought to market at the end of last year.

11 Best Distro for Privacy: Tails

Monitoring user actions is a real scourge modern living. Privacy is slowly becoming a myth. Which led to the need for a system that ensures the confidentiality of information.

The best solution for this purpose: Tails. The distribution is based on Debian and offers the user tools to provide complete anonymity online. This solution is so effective that the NSA considers it a serious threat to their mission.

12 Best Multimedia Distro: Ubuntu Studio

Along with games, support for multimedia content - weakness Linux. Almost all applications aimed at professional users run on either Windows or Mac OS X.

Nevertheless, worthy programs a similar purpose for Linux is also sufficient. And they are all collected in the system Ubuntu Studio. The system uses lightweight Xfce as a desktop, which allows you to direct maximum computer resources to support work application programs.

13 Best Enterprise Distro: SLE/RHEL

Debian 8 with Numix icon theme

If you want to deploy a server but can't afford to pay for SLE or RHEL, then there is nothing better than Debian or CentOS. Essentially, these systems are the gold standard of a community-built server.

The systems are supported long enough that users do not have to worry about upgrading the software. This additional advantage makes the systems attractive not only for home users, but also for small businesses.

15 Best Mobile System: Plasma Mobile

Despite the fact that the main mobile OS today is Android, some users would like to have mobile device a traditional Linux system with a familiar set of applications. Moreover, they believe that the distribution should be developed not by a company, but by an independent community.

A suitable solution for them is KDE Plasma Mobile. A corresponding solution is being prepared within the Kubuntu project.

16 Best Distro for ARM: Arch Linux ARM

Arch Linux ARM on Raspberry PI

Success mobile system Android led to the emergence large number ARM devices - from Raspberry Pi to Chromebooks and Nvidia Shield. There are also specialized distributions for ARM, but they are designed for specific hardware. Like, for example, Raspbian for Raspberry Pi.

And only Arch Linux ARM is a universal system that can be installed on any ARM device. And thanks to the Arch User Repository, many applications are available that are not available in other distributions.

UPD. If you are a beginner and don’t know which distribution to choose, then we recently published new material especially for you: .

The world of Linux distributions is extremely diverse and it will be quite difficult for a beginner to make a choice. We have prepared this Top 10 Linux distributions to help you find the one that suits you best! So let's get started!

1. Best distro for beginners: Linux Mint

The popularity of open source software, including Linux, is growing every year and more and more people are starting their journey in the world of Linux. For such users, choosing a Linux distribution with a smooth learning curve is of utmost importance. Ease of use is the main point worth mentioning when recommending a Linux distribution for beginners.

Linux Mint is one of the fastest growing Linux distributions. It is very popular and continues to successfully compete with top distributions such as Ubuntu and Manjaro. In addition, Linux Mint has proven itself to be worthy replacement Windows, which is famous for its ideal desktop in terms of organization. Another reason why I call this distro the best for new users is the unforgettable feeling and emotions you experience when you first launch it. You don't have to spend a lot of time installing the distribution and required packages before you can start working. It also won't take up much space on your hard drive, which is definitely a nice plus.

Why is Mint best for beginners?

  • Easy to use Cinnamon desktop environment
  • Great community
  • The system is ready for use immediately after installation
  • Access to Ubuntu repositories

2. The best distribution for an old computer: Ubuntu MATE

When choosing the best Linux distribution for legacy hardware, the main selection factor is the small amount of memory required on the hard drive and the small amount of RAM required.

In 2018, I recommend that you take a closer look at Ubuntu MATE. Version 17.10 brings many new features to Ubuntu MATE. Depending on your preference, you can choose different topics designs such as Mutiny, Cupertino, Traditional, Netbook, Redmond, etc.

Ubuntu MATE requires at least 512 megabytes of RAM. There are other, lighter distributions such as Puppy Linux and Bodhi Linux, but Ubuntu MATE manages to achieve perfect balance between size and performance.

Why is Ubuntu MATE best for older hardware?

  • Lots of themes to choose from
  • Active user community
  • The perfect balance between size and performance
  • Access to Ubuntu repositories

4. Best distribution for games: Steam OS

Even today, gamers are still reluctant to switch to Linux. Well, you can't blame them considering the low availability of games on the Linux platform. But over the past few years the situation has changed radically, as every year more and more more games are released for Linux. Of the many gaming distributions, Steam OS is the choice of most gamers.

Steam OS has significantly improved graphics performance compared to other distributions, thanks to additional settings Linux kernels. It also provides extensive support for GPUs, gamepads, and other gaming hardware.

Steam OS is developed by Valve, which is also responsible for developing the online distribution service computer games and Steam programs. This distribution is specially designed for games available on the Steam store. In addition, Steam OS has gained great popularity as the main platform for computer games thanks to Steam Machines.

Why should you play games on Steam OS?

  • The main focus is on games, opportunities for other tasks are limited
  • Attractive user interface
  • Compatible with most gaming equipment
  • Huge library of games on the Steam store

5. Best distribution for programming: Debian

Needless to say, most Linux users are developers who create something new every day, or enthusiasts working on open source projects. There are a huge number of Linux distributions that specialize specifically in programming. But of all available options, Debian GNU/Linux stands out from the crowd.

The Debian testing branch has an extensive collection of packages that are regularly tested and updated. This approach allows the programmer to focus on development without thinking about anything else. However, keep in mind that Debian is only recommended for programmers who already have experience with Linux. If you are a beginner, please get acquainted with current version Linux Mint, Ubuntu LTS or another distribution, based on personal preference.

Why is Debian the best for programming?

  • Stable development platform
  • Large number of packages
  • Popular package manager.deb

6. The most beautiful distribution: elementary OS

By this criterion, of course, one cannot judge the true capabilities of the system, but, nevertheless, appearance plays an important role when choosing a distribution. Thanks to the flexibility of the Linux ecosystem, developers can create very attractive distributions. In my opinion and experience, elementary OS, based on Ubuntu, is the most beautiful Linux distribution, which is also known for its unparalleled performance.

This fast system, open source, borrows some design elements from macOS. Without most pre-installed standard applications Ubuntu, elementary OS consumes less resources of your system. Featuring the Pantheon graphical desktop environment based on GNOME, elementary OS is deeply integrated with applications such as Plank, Epiphany and Scratch. Overall, elementary OS can be used by both beginners and experienced users for daily tasks.

Why choose elementary OS?

  • High performance
  • Appearance based on macOS
  • Extremely simple interface

7. Distribution for children: Ubermix

These days, learning Linux and open source technologies is of great importance due to the growing demand for experts in the field. But what about children? If you're interested, there are Linux distributions made specifically for children. They are easy to set up and even easier to use.

Ubermix is ​​a free distribution with support touch screen, that makes him excellent choice for children who love to explore the world around them with their own hands. Moreover, he can become great tool for schoolchildren and teachers. With a 5-minute installation, 60 free pre-loaded apps and a 20-second recovery process, Ubermix becomes the ideal distro for kids, schoolchildren and their teachers.

Why is Ubermix best for kids?

  • Software and user data are stored in separate sections for security
  • Fast installation and recovery
  • Lots of educational apps
  • Touch screen support

8. Best distro for privacy and anonymity: Tails

If I tell you that Edward Snowden used (is using) the Tails distribution to carry out his online activities, some of you will wonder what the reason for his choice is. As the name suggests, Tails (The Amnesic Incognito Live System) is designed for anonymous surfing in the Internet.

This system can be loaded from any computer using DVD or USB way. The Debian-based distribution ensures that all Internet connections are forced to go through Tor network. Also, Tails has many built-in tools for cryptographic protection data that will help encrypt emails, files and instant messages.

Why is Tails best for anonymity?

  • All connections go through the Tor system
  • All information is stored in RAM
  • Suitable for general use
  • Built-in encryption tools

9. Best distribution for servers: CentOS

Firstly, setting up servers should not be done on a distribution that is known for its instability and frequent crashes in the middle of the process. Secondly, the distribution must be secure, energy efficient, performant, and also support a variety of hardware. There are many free and paid options for this purpose, but I recommend CentOS.

If you don't know, RHEL occupies the same position in the enterprise distribution arena as Ubuntu on the desktop. CentOS is a way to get the benefits of RHEL without overpaying. In other words, CentOS is supported by the RHEL community and you can use it as your production system or server. But it is also known as distribution Linux general appointments.

Why CentOS is better Is it suitable for servers?

  • Same as RHEL, but free
  • Popular rpm and yum package manager
  • Widespread support in the tech industry
  • Long-term support

10. Distribution for powerful PCs and laptops: Ubuntu

Ubuntu needs no introduction to the open source world. Based on the Debian architecture, Ubuntu, like no other distribution, has managed to perfectly balance stability and new features. That's why it is so popular. If your hardware isn't as powerful as you'd like, you might want to try Ubuntu-based distros like Ubuntu MATE, Xubuntu, or Lubuntu.

Ubuntu, with the GNOME desktop environment, is ideal for powerful PCs and laptops. With the introduction of Snap packages, installing applications has become more convenient. Ubuntu also has a huge living community and many forums where you can find an answer to any question. Overall, Ubuntu is a powerful Linux distribution that will allow you to multitask efficiently.

Why Ubuntu is best for powerful PCs and laptops?

  • Large amount of software
  • Large community and useful forums
  • Convenient and powerful
  • Snap packages for popular applications

Actually, Linux is not a full-fledged operating system, but only its kernel. The finished product is a distribution that combines the kernel with a set of programs, utilities and configuration files. As a newbie, it's hard to decide which Linux distribution to choose because there are so many options.

Much here is determined by experience, personal preferences and the nature of the tasks being solved. In this review I will give brief description The 10 most popular distributions and I will try to help with the choice.

Ubuntu is probably the most popular today popular distribution Linux. It is based on Debian, but has its own repositories (kind of analogues App Store). Most of the programs in them are still synchronized with Debian repositories.

The creators of Ubuntu are working to provide the user with a ready-made working system for the office (there is also a server option). As working environment Previously GNOME 2 was used, but the distribution has recently switched to Unity. Ubuntu runs its own Mir graphics server, while the rest of the distros reviewed here use Wayland.

Ubuntu is a very modern solution, although it stays away from the latest developments. New versions are released every six months, but it takes two years to prepare stable distributions with long-term developer support (LTS). Currently Ubuntu time is working to become available on smartphones and tablets.

Linux Mint

Mint is a fork in the development of Ubuntu. It uses the Ubuntu repositories, so the range of available programs is no different. Mint gained its popularity due to the fact that by default it installs proprietary programs and codecs on the computer that support working with various formats multimedia.

Today, this distribution has acquired other distinctive features. You won't find the Unity desktop here. It is being replaced by the more common Cinnamon and MATE. Mint is not so zealous in monitoring the systematic updating of the system and programs; it does not insist on automatic installation critical patches.


If fifteen years ago you had asked a specialist which Linux distribution to choose for a beginner, you would almost certainly have heard the answer - Debian. This operating system includes exclusively open source programs. This project started in 1993 - it is already more than 20 years old! New versions of Debian are still released, but not as often as Ubuntu or Linux Mint. This makes it more stable and conservative. And for many tasks this is very important.

Fedora is a project with a strong freeware orientation. software. In this regard, searching for normal drivers for video cards is sometimes difficult. non-trivial task. But with some knowledge, they can be installed from third party repositories. Fedora is constantly at the forefront of technology development. With her you will always have the most latest versions programs.

Unlike Ubuntu, Fedora does not have its own desktop. But it allows you to try almost anything modern solutions, trying not to add anything to them from myself. The default desktop environment will be GNOME 3, but you can choose something else.

Fedora is funded by Red Hat, and is the basis for the commercial project Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The latter includes only stable versions of programs and has longer developer support.

CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a commercial distribution for servers and workstations. As mentioned above, it is based on the free Fedora project and is characterized by increased stability and good support.

Although this distribution is commercial, it consists primarily of open source software. CentOS is free project, based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, but with all Red Hat-traded code removed. Therefore, you can use it completely free of charge. When deciding which Linux distribution to choose, you prioritize platform stability and good support, but don't want to pay for it, then pay attention to CentOS.

OpenSUSE/SUSE Linux Enterprise

OpenSUSE is developed by a community of Linux enthusiasts, but they have financial support from Novell. Novell bought SuSE Linux in 2003 and created a commercial product based on it - SUSE Linux Enterprise. Just as Red Hat maintains the free Fedora distribution that powers the commercial product Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Novell has the free OpenSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise based on it.

Like Fedora, OpenSUSE is trying to keep up with the direction of development in the Linux world. For a long time SUSE was recognized as the most convenient free distribution Linux for regular user. But now this title has been taken away from him by Ubuntu.


Mageia is a fork of Mandriva Linux that originated in 2011. Mandriva - formerly known as Mandrake - used to be one of the best Linux distributions.

Mandriva SA is not currently developing a desktop operating system. It operates in the server segment. But it uses Mageia code as a basis. Thus, this is the same source of ideas and code for commercial product, like Fedora or OpenSUSE.

Arch Linux

Arch Linux is old school. It is much older than most of the other distributions mentioned here. When developing Arch Linux, flexibility, lightness and minimalism are at the forefront. Light doesn't mean Arch is heavy graphic utilities and scripts to automate installation and configuration. You won't find an intuitive interface here. Arch lets you do it your way, but through the command line and configuration files.

The user is given complete freedom in configuring the system and choosing programs. There's not even an official GUI for the package manager or graphics settings. When installing this distribution, you will go into mode command line, where you need to enter commands to configure the system, partition the disk, install programs, and so on.

Versions, as such, do not exist in Arch. As soon as an update for any of the programs appears, you can install it without waiting for a new “release” of the entire system.

This distribution has a lot in common with Gentoo, which was very popular at one time. Both of them are not for beginners. To use them, you must have a certain amount of knowledge, or at least be ready to learn. The main difference is that Arch uses binary (compiled) packages, while Gentoo requires downloading source codes programs and compile them yourself. Consequently, the process of installing programs in Arch is much faster, and CPU time is not wasted on compiling each update.

Slackware Linux

Slackware is another granddaddy of the Linux world. It was founded in 1993, and is the oldest distribution currently supported.

Its noble origin does not allow it to provide the user with graphical environment for installation and scripts to automate configuration. You will have to manually partition the disks and run the installation of programs. By default, Slackware boots in command line mode. This is a very conservative distribution.

Puppy Linux

Puppy is another frequently chosen Linux distribution. It was originally based on Ubuntu, but now uses Slackware. Puppy is a small and lightweight operating system that works well on older computers. The Puppy distribution image size is only 161 MB. It can be used as a portable operating system. Puppy runs on computers with 256 MB RAM, but the recommended amount of RAM is 512 MB.

Let there not be the most modern programs, flashy special effects and other “whistles”. But choose Puppy Linux if you want to breathe life into an old computer.

In this list, of course, I did not mention all the Linux distributions from which you can make your choice. But if you are just going to enter this “penguin world”, then it makes sense to choose one of the options presented in the TOP 10.

Yes, 2018 has just begun, and talking about the best distributions now is at least illogical. But why don’t we make a top list of distributions that would do great this year? Many beginners already enter queries into search engines, such as: "Best Linux distributions 2018"; or "Top best Linux distributions 2018". Actually, why not write about it? Why not rank Linux distributions that would be great for users? In general, in order to keep up with trends, I decided to write my own top of the best Linux distributions 2018.

7 Best Linux Distros of 2018

  • Personal experience using the distribution (and I have worked with many of them)
  • User reviews about a particular distribution
  • Distro rating (popularity) on Distrowatch

Also, among other things, this top will be slightly different from the others. I will highlight 7 categories, each of which will have one winning distribution. I’ll say right away that I picked up this idea from a friendly resource - Losst. But I won’t repeat that article exactly (which you can also read), but I’ll try to do something of my own.

Best distro for home use: Manjaro Linux

It's quite funny that this is already the second top Linux distribution, with Manjaro taking first place. But, as I already said, this rating differs in its approach. Here, each category has its own winner, and, based on the factors listed above, we can safely conclude: Manjaro is a great candidate for a home distribution.

Best Linux Gaming Distro 2018: Ubuntu

It might be strange to talk about games and Linux in the same paragraph. But no matter how it is, a wide variety of new gaming products have been available on Linux for a long time. Of course, Linux gaming is not developing as actively as, for example, mobile gaming. But there is something to see here too. The same “flagship” online games, such as Dota 2 or CS:GO, are also available on Linux. That is why I decided to include this category in this article.

When talking about the interaction of a Linux distribution with games, one must always take into account a number of factors. The key one will be the performance (number of frames or FPS) in a particular game. And while all Linux distributions are based on the same kernel (hence, hardware support is also roughly the same), Ubuntu has the necessary components and access to settings that can play key role with the same performance in games. And all kinds of life hacks that are on the Internet are aimed primarily at Ubuntu.

And this Linux distribution is perfect for older computers. It can also be used on laptops, because the LXDE shell used in it consumes very little energy. The developers position this distribution this way: a lightweight, energy-efficient Linux distribution for older PCs.

LXLE is based on Lubuntu, but unlike its predecessor, it has a nicer design and pack pre-installed applications. These little things make this distribution a leader. It will be especially relevant in 2018, because with the release of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS there will also be a new version LXLE. Yes, yes, developers prefer to use LTS releases as a basis. I think this is the right decision.

This distribution is really great for use on old and low-power machines. In his arsenal he has not only necessary software. At the same time, LXLE has special utilities to improve productivity. With their help, you can truly feel the speed of the operating system.

As before, this Linux distribution is available for download on the official website. Use the button below to go there.

And for the umpteenth time, Linux Mint appears as the best Linux distribution for beginners. I think it's stupid to dispute this. It was possible, of course, to find something similar and push it into the top purely for the sake of “non-standard”. But this is not the best approach, because that other distribution will not be as good as Mint.

In short, not a distribution kit, but a fairy tale. Actually, it is for this reason that this distribution is installed in all sorts of companies and organizations (as a replacement for Windows, which one does not want to pay for). Using Linux Mint is easy and simple; you can get used to the design and arrangement of elements in a couple of hours.

The most beautiful Linux distribution of 2018: Deepin

Oddly enough, Deepin is also a frequent guest of various tops and ratings. As you can see from the screenshot above, the developers pay special attention to appearance. For those who don’t know, I’ll explain: Deepin uses its own graphical shell - DDE. The authors of the project independently develop and support it.

It's worth noting that what you see in the screenshot is not the only desktop "style" that is available in the shell. With a few simple manipulations, you can instantly turn a Mac-like interface into a Windows-like one. Tempting? I know that it’s not, and yet, for users who are just switching to Linux, this will even be useful. They won’t have to get used to it for a long time and look for some system elements. Everything will be available in almost the same places (but there are still minor differences).

However, you will learn the most information about Deepin on the official website. So hurry up and get there. And the button below, by the way, can help you with this very well:

Best Linux distribution to learn: Arch

Do you want to learn Linux? Do you want to understand how everything works there, study what the system consists of, get a feel for how the system works and learn how to customize it completely for yourself? Arch Linux will be a great choice for you. By choosing this distribution, you kill two birds with one stone: you get excellent, stable and functional system; and learn to work with it, slowly understanding all the nuances and aspects of its use.

However, don’t think that everything is so easy. Pain and agony (especially if you are a beginner) will overtake you at the installation stage. You will have to use various checklists and manuals to set the base of the system. Then you will need to install the graphical shell itself, and then the driver. But this still needs to be configured, because after installation a bare shell with standard set applications and default registration. In general, the first installation and development will take a lot of time, but as a reward, you will receive the most valuable thing - knowledge. And based on them, you will be able to solve some local problems that will arise less and less often.

Another very important advantage of this system is its stability. I don’t know if this is due to the fact that the user does and installs everything himself, but when I assembled Arch for the first time, this system lasted me quite a long time. This was exactly the case until I took it down myself. It became boring, absolutely no errors or bugs. It worked cleanly and quickly, although I went to Arch to constantly fight him. But apparently it wasn’t fate, because I did everything right from the beginning.

However, despite everything, I really understood how the system works. What packages does it consist of, what to do in a given situation, and how to fix it various errors. This experience was useful to me when using other distributions (especially arche-like ones), and now I can safely say: this was one of my best experiences with Linux.

The most unusual Linux distribution of 2018: Solus

Why the most unusual? Yes, it’s very simple: this is a fairly new distribution that is not based on any other. That is, if the same Deepin is related to Debian, and Manjaro is related to Arch Linux, then Solus is a purely innovative project that is not based on any other distribution.

But not only for this reason, I included Solus in the top best distributions of 2018. Among other things, it is also being developed with its own graphical shell. I believe that this project really deserves attention, especially in 2018. According to the same distribution list, Solus has already reached 6th place, and now its popularity is only growing. It is quite possible that when you read this article, the distribution will already be in 5th or 4th-3rd place.

The distribution itself, in addition to the basis graphical shell(whose name is Budgie) can be used with GNOME. Both versions, as well as all the necessary information, are available on the official website.


Well, this is what I think it should look like top best Linux distributions 2018. If you disagree with something, write about it in the comments. If you agree, then write too, perhaps you would like to see some other categories and distributions.

As always, I will only say that like most materials, this top is subjective. I still put a bit of my opinion into it, and if you are faced with choosing a distribution, remember this.

Best Linux distributions 2018

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