iPhone is dead - what to do and how to charge it without a power supply. Fire charger. Chinese power adapters

The weakest link in iPhone already for many years the battery has been considered. With an average load, it is able to hold the device in offline mode no more than a day, after which the gadget will be completely discharged. You may not be familiar with this problem only if you use it to make 2-3 calls a day with an average duration of 3-4 minutes.

Of course, Apple's proprietary charger ensures that the battery returns to full capacity within 1 hour, but if you go on a long trip, finding an outlet in time is a real challenge.

To recharge the battery, you can use various sources energy: from computer USB ports to special cases. The choice depends on your preferences and available means.

How to charge iPhone without charging while on the road?

It is worth noting in advance that using a non-original charger or one not approved by the company Apple ways charging, you risk damaging your smartphone or even getting injured.

Charging iPhone via USB connector of computer or car radio

To do this, you will need a standard USB cable for your phone (30-pin for older models and Lightning for all models starting with iPhone 5). Using it, you can charge your smartphone from any computer, laptop or tablet that has a USB connector. You only need to connect the cable to your mobile phone and computer, after which charging will begin almost immediately. In addition, if your car has a car radio with a USB connector for connecting flash drives, you can use it to recharge the device.

How to charge an iPhone without charging using iQi Mobile?

iQi Mobile is small (thinner and smaller plastic card) external antenna, designed to receive electricity from a wireless charger Qi standard. It is attached from the outside back cover smartphone using adhesive tape, and then connect it to the Lightning connector. After this, the device is put on Silicone Case or an overlay that hides this “design”.

To start charging, just put your iPhone down rear panel to the surface special stand, supporting the Qi standard.

Charging an iPhone using an external battery

You can use any manufacturer if you purchase a universal external battery. It is equipped with a USB port for connecting charging cable and will allow you to “resurrect” your smartphone as quickly as possible. In addition, there are special cases for the iPhone with a built-in battery (such as the Juice Tank Helium). This accessory It is enough to put it on a smartphone so that it can extend the “life” of the device by almost 2 times.

Hi all! In the comments I am often asked: “I have a USB charger from Samsung, Acer, Sony, etc. or PowerBank of some company - can all this be used for iPhone charging? Will there be any harm to the battery or the device itself? Or you need to run headlong for the original adapter, post a large amount(at the time of writing - about 1,500 rubles) for a “native” power supply from Apple and charge only with it?

But really, is it necessary to pay extra money (which never happens)? Or is it possible to do without all those "Original Made in Apple" official accessories? Let's try to figure it out, let's go!

Important note! The entire article is exclusively the personal experience of the author, his friends, many acquaintances and strangers. The information in no way claims to be the ultimate truth. I repeat, personal experience and nothing more. But it can be useful too, right? :)

So, we are interested in:

  1. The wire.
  2. USB power adapter.

Of course, if you have a cable and power supply from Apple, then it is better to use them for charging - everything is certified, thought out, there are special controllers inside, etc. This means that the iPhone will receive energy exactly as the manufacturer wants it.

What if you don’t have Apple accessories and don’t want to buy them? Is it allowed to charge others? Let's get a look!

The wire

This is the case when saving is definitely not worth it. In fact, this is the most an important part, which is involved in the charging process of your iPhone.

Apple is so clever in certifying cables for its devices that even Chinese craftsmen still cannot properly fake these cables.

To be more precise, they succeed, but not for long. As a rule, within one or two iOS updates The iPhone refuses to accept charging and “pleases” the owner with the inscription . I have seen so many similar wires - absolutely all of them stop working after some (very short) time.

And of course, the use of counterfeits negatively affects the device’s battery - since they do not have any special controllers or chips for correct charging iPhone.

Conclusion: The cable must be used only original or certified by Apple (there will be a Made For iPhone sign on the package).

Power adapter

But here there is much more room for imagination. A standard 5 W iPhone charger costs about one and a half thousand rubles and, admittedly, this is not small money.

By the way, it’s worth admitting one more thing - this is a big redneck from Apple :)

Is it possible to replace it with something else? In my opinion, yes:

  1. If you really want a branded accessory from Apple, then an iPad adapter will cost you almost the same amount. . And the gadget will charge faster.
  2. If you have no desire to spend money, but at home you have a power supply from any other famous manufacturer, then you can safely use it to charge your iPhone.

Why? Yes, because any self-respecting company monitors the quality of its accessories, and I don’t think that the power supply from the same conventional Samsung is in any way seriously different from the “native Apple”.

I’ve been using three adapters alternately for four years now: from iPad, Asus tablet(1.5 A), Samsung phone(1 A). And a year ago, a Xiaomi external battery was added to all this. Are there any problems with iPhone battery? No.

Conclusion: Whether the charger is “Apple” or not is not so important. The main thing is that it is of high quality.

But what about voltage, current and “that’s all”?

An original and certified wire, as well as a charging controller in the iPhone itself, simply will not allow the phone to take Furthermore than he needs.

The most important thing is not to use very cheap adapters from unknown manufacturers at the price of “100 pieces per kilogram”. Since the money saved can turn into big troubles in the future.

Instead of an afterword or a summary: iPhone can be charged by anyone (with some small caveats) USB chargers. The most important thing is to use an original or certified (Made For iPhone) company Apple cable. And then everything will be “OK”.

I repeat, the entire article is solely the personal thoughts of the author. Do you agree with his opinion? Or do you have some other experience? Tell us in the comments, very interesting!

P.S. Feel free to ask questions (I will try to answer them), like, click on the buttons social networks- please don't be shy! :)

You recognize this situation: after leaving for another city or traveling, you suddenly remembered that your iPhone charger was left lying on the coffee table at home. The situation, naturally, is not a pleasant one, because without a gadget in our time, it’s like being without hands. Due to the fact that the battery does not last forever, you need to think about how to charge iPhone 5 without charging.

How to quickly charge an iPhone via USB port

It’s good when there is a person nearby who could borrow his charger, or somewhere nearby service center Apple. But fate rarely gives such gifts. It would be strange not to start with the simplest - USB port. Surprisingly, for some users even this information may be a revelation. If you have an iPhone charging cable (without a power supply) and a laptop/PC at hand, you can quickly and easily charge your phone. You just need to plug the cord into the USB connector and wait for the treasured hundred percent of the battery.

How to charge an iPhone without a cord using alternative power sources

The problem of a forgotten charger at home can be easily solved with the help of alternative sources nutrition. You can replenish the required battery supply using external batteries. Portable storage devices have firmly established themselves in the market for essential and everyday goods. This small box, which can be ordered/purchased in an online store, is capable of delivering four full charges to your favorite smartphone. The choice of device depends on the capacity reserve, expressed in mAh value, additional functions(flashlight), design.

Thanks to portable battery You can forget about the dying battery for several days, although the charging process will take a little longer. Simply connect the accessory with mobile cord and click the “enable” button. A wide selection of these devices on the market allows you to buy them inexpensively - the price ranges from 500 to 5,000 rubles, depending on the capacity. As an alternative, inventors have come up with several more types additional sources power supply:

  1. From solar battery. In the catalogs of online stores around the world you can already find these simple devices By affordable price. They look like external batteries with only one exception - they need to be placed at the point of direct impact sun rays and the phone will be able to stay afloat for some time for a long time. Thanks to this method, you can quickly solve the following question: how to charge an iPhone without charging.
  2. From the fire. An unusual device whose job is to convert thermal energy into electrical energy. Special braziers are placed on the fire, a cable is connected to them, and the phone begins to quickly dial up interest. This charging method is ideal for hikers and those who don’t know how to charge an iPhone 5s without charging in nature.

Wireless charging for iPhone iQi Mobile

Recently, the gadget market has been replenished with another new product - wireless charging iQi Mobile for Apple iPhone, sold at prices ranging from 1,200 to 3,000 rubles. The principle of operation is very simple - it is used electromagnetic energy, acting inductively on a special battery attached to the phone. It sounds complicated, but in reality everything couldn’t be simpler: this is a thin plate 0.5 mm thick, which fits under any case and is connected to the smartphone connector with a lighting cable. After this, the iPhone is placed on a special docking station and charged wirelessly.

iPhone charging case

A special battery case has become a very popular product of our time, after putting it on the iPhone begins to rapidly replenish the battery capacity. The device has a capacity of 2200 mAh, which is enough to extend the life of the smartphone by a good 1.5-2 days. Important point- this is to take care of charging the case itself in advance, otherwise it will turn into only a protective shell and, I would like to note, a very weighty one. The design of the accessory is laconic - one “turn on” button and an indicator panel displaying the remaining battery. The cost of the gadget is reasonable – it sells for between 800 and 2,000 rubles.

What to do if the iPhone does not charge from the original charger

WITH similar problem encounters a lot of people. The original wire, produced by a large American company, may break due to various reasons. This could be incorrect handling, ordinary technical problems, the malfunction of the connector on the phone itself, and much more. Let's consider solutions in cases where the standard factory charger does not charge the iPhone:

  1. A mistake in software. Sometimes malfunctions occur in the program that sends signals to a special charging controller (chip). If the software is in a “frozen” state, then the phone will not be able to recognize that the current has already flowed. There is a simple solution - simultaneously press and hold the Home and Power buttons on your iPhone for about 30 seconds before the reboot begins. After this, the smartphone should start charging.
  2. The port that helps charge the smartphone is dirty. Common problem, which occurs among those people who like to carry a mobile phone in their pocket. Debris particles fall into the lighting hole and prevent the flow of current. The solution is simple - take a simple toothpick and use it to get out the dirt, and then blow it thoroughly. That's it, you can connect/charge.
  3. USB port problem. If you don’t know how to charge an iPhone without charging and are using a cord connected to a PC or laptop, then you need to check all inputs for functionality. The problem is solved this way: just plug the wire into another USB port or use a regular 220V plug - you can charge.
  4. There is a fault in the cable. It happens that when the wire is connected, the phone does not show any signs. This means that somewhere in the cord there is a break that can only be repaired by a specialist. The best way out– buying a new iPhone charger.

Check out the ways...

Charging your phone with another charger

If none of the methods described above turned out to be useful, then there is only one option left, which is better to resort to as a last resort - connect the iPhone battery directly to other chargers. It should be noted right away that using this method is dangerous for both the person and the device, which will have to be opened in any case. Observe precautions - perform the operation in rubber gloves, do not touch bare wires with your skin. Scheme of how to charge iPhone 4 without charging (original):

  1. Disassemble the iPhone and disconnect the battery.
  2. Take any charging device, cut off the connector to connect to the phone.
  3. Connect two exposed wires of different colors in series to the contacts on the battery, which has polarity indicators (blue to +, red to -).
  4. Press the wires tightly and secure with electrical tape.
  5. If you did everything correctly, then when you turn on the iPhone, it will show signs of life.

Video: how to charge an iPhone without charging

Now almost everyone has their own personal smartphone. It so happened that all mobile phone owners faced the same problem - the device discharges over time. And since almost anything can be done with it, its operating time plays an important role in everyday life. After all, the execution of a number of tasks depends on it.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that all our actions with the gadget only bring the moment of shutdown closer, and not everyone has the opportunity to increase the level on the indicator in the office or on a trip. In this article we will look at ways to quickly charge your phone using an iPhone as an example.

Why does my iPhone run out of battery?

The smartphone always discharges, unless, of course, it is connected to a power source, and this is a fact. But the difference is how quickly it will lose energy. After all, every action we take with him speeds up this process. Let's look at the manipulations that load your device the most and bring hour X closer with every second.

Display operation

Screen diagonals are becoming larger and brighter every year. The resolution increases and the picture becomes clearer. At the same time, resource consumption increases. It is the screen, and not the applications running on it, that most strongly influences the state of our device during the day.

"The World Wide Web"

Internet access takes an honorable second place in terms of energy consumption. Always-on data transfer, automatic notifications and software updates mercilessly eat up the charge on your iPhone. This also includes Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in active mode. Active exploitation applications and software happens even if you are not surfing the network. Phone resources are wasted simply trying to find connections available to the user. Their monitoring goes on non-stop.

Remember: everything that is in any way connected with interaction with the Internet, one way or another consumes battery resources.

Geolocation service

Another “energy vampire” in your mobile is the system for determining your location. Like data transmission over a network, geolocation constantly exchanges data with cell towers, which greatly affects your device charge percentage.

Applications work

It's hard to imagine a phone that doesn't have a single program, game or widget installed. It just so happens that these are the components that make up the functionality of the smartphone and make it possible to perform any operations. But the danger is not only the application that operates in this moment, but that's all background processes enabled on iPhone. The developers claim that charging will drain faster if you spend it completely turning programs on and off. But some of them open quite rarely and it’s stupid to leave them on all the time. Also a large number of open applications clogs the cache, causing performance loss.


Although there are many hardware options for using up battery reserves, all these processes are still managed by a person. Therefore, it can be considered the culprit that the battery runs out.

What's the best way to charge your iPhone quickly and without losing functionality?

Many users are wondering how to properly charge the battery on an iPhone. The best option There will be a periodic connection of the smartphone to a power source so that the percentage of energy resources remains at 40-80%. This will save the battery from unnecessary “extreme” loads. At least once a month it is worth completely discharging the device, and then bringing the indicator to 100%.

When you are at home or in the office, there should be no problems. But if you urgently need to leave, and there is no outlet at point “B” or you have a long way to go, then it’s time to think about how to make your iPhone charge faster.

Do not use your phone while charging

If you need to quickly increase your battery reserves, put the gadget aside. The right decision will not surf the Internet out of habit, trying to score waiting minutes, but will let the iPhone calmly restore its “strength” without wasting it on all sorts of useless procedures.

If you continue to do things on your smartphone while replenishing energy, this may not only delay recharging the battery, but also drain the phone even more.

Use airplane mode

In this state, less consumption of your working time is guaranteed. Airplane mode automatically turns off communications with any external networks, which reduces resource consumption. Therefore the duration iPhone work will increase much faster than during normal operation.

Turn on power saving mode

Another way more fast charging iPhone. While this mode is activated, the performance of the smartphone decreases, which allows you to save the resources of the device. This option is worth using if you only have access to an outlet for ten minutes or if you have to get to the right place for some time.

Remove cases from your device

It's no secret that phones get very hot during operation, and the procedure in question is no exception. To prevent excess heat from affecting the battery in any way, it is recommended to get rid of cases while the gadget is connected to a power source.

Use a different iPhone charger

More powerful block power supply will ensure a quick return to life of your device. With the iPad adapter, your mobile will reach 100% twice as fast. Conversely, a simple connection to a computer via USB cord will become more of a disadvantage than an advantage.

By the way, connecting a smartphone to Power bank also speeds up the process.

What to do if your phone is almost dead

Options for quickly recharging the battery are good. But there are times when there is no outlet nearby, and the free use of the smartphone is coming to an end. In this section, we'll look at emergency savings that will get you where you need to go with minimal damage and still have a functioning iPhone.

Airplane mode

This version of the operating state not only speeds up the receipt of new minutes, but also increasingly depletes the battery. Switching to it will prevent you from using network connections, but will significantly extend the phone's operating time.

Power Saving Mode

A great alternative to airplane mode. This move will further reduce the capabilities of your iPhone, as well as the chances of fast charging. This will reduce its power, performance and shut down some processes, but will also save precious resources.

Disabling applications

On the way to the required device, disable running processes. Many of them give you nothing while they are in standby mode. Therefore, to last a little longer, relieve your phone of unnecessary stress.

Disabling "Raise to Activate"

The Raise to Wake function is very useful for iPhone users, but shutdown this process Can extend the working life without connecting to a power source. This way, the coprocessor will stop continuously wasting energy to monitor the position of the smartphone.


Operation time reduces not only the search outside, but also inside iOS systems. The function is very useful, but deactivating it will allow you to more hours offline.

Decrease screen brightness

This article has already mentioned that the display consumes the most battery resources. If necessary, simply lower the brightness level and the remaining charge will be consumed much more slowly.

Changing settings

If you are not ready to give up all the delights of new technologies, then at least reduce the quality level. Reduce the resolution of the video you are watching from 4K to at least Full HD. Even if such a move does not bring significant results, you will have the opportunity to watch at least one additional video.

Additional battery extenders

It's good to know that there is an option to extend the battery life of your iPhone when the charge level is low. However, such methods have a significant effect when only a few hours or even minutes are left before the threshold of the house and the treasured outlet. But if you are on a long trip, none of this will help you. In such cases, it is worth taking care of your future in advance and stocking up on auxiliary equipment.

Power bank

At the moment, there are several ways to increase the battery charge level using external intervention. One of them is connecting a Power bank. Now there are many varieties of these devices and they are very popular. Their cost is small, but in difficult times they really have no price. Let us remind you that with this device you can charge your iPhone in the same way as with the faster charging of your iPad.

Case with battery

If you don’t want to carry around extra wires, pay attention to special cases. Even though this will increase the volume of your phone and turn it from ultra-thin into a weighty unit, such a move will give you a lot of extra energy and will be very convenient during a long journey.

Outdoor battery charging stations

It is not always possible to purchase one or another accessory for yourself. And sometimes required device You can forget it at home. In such cases they come to the rescue street stations. They are equipped with all possible cables for different mobile phones and will help replenish your battery resources. Remember the ways to charge your iPhone faster, and feel free to connect to the network.

Friends and colleagues

If there is nothing at hand that can help you revive the phone, the human factor. Ask your friends for help. They will be happy to share with you their means of connecting to a power source or tell you where you can get them.

How quickly does an iPhone charge?

Considering this topic, one cannot help but touch upon the issue of charging time. It depends on the capacity of the battery, and therefore specific model. A full battery charge cycle from 0% to 100% previously took 1 hour and 40 minutes. With updated versions, both consumption and battery capacity increase. The time itself increased to 2 hours 20 minutes, and on Plus models to 3 hours 40 minutes. But this is the period for maximum battery filling, so you will have less time to get the necessary energy.

The smartphone is an integral part of our life. In this article, we looked at ways to conserve precious battery power and charge your iPhone faster. All this will help you spend more time with your device and perform the necessary operations.

There is no ideal scheme, but still adhere to generally accepted rules and manufacturer’s recommendations.

iPhone is an expensive device that, as a rule, we buy for at least 2 years. At the same time, we have hopes that after the planned service life it will still work properly and we will be able to sell it for “good” money.

One of the first questions buyers ask is about the state of the device’s power supply, for example: “How long does the battery last?” So it makes sense to take care of correct operation iPhone batteries now.

As a power source in iPhones, iPads and others portable equipment, Apple company(other manufacturers too) uses lithium-ion batteries that:

  1. Charges faster.
  2. They work longer.
  3. They have a high specific capacity.
  4. Not subject to memory effect.

Under the memory effect battery refers to the reversible loss of capacity that occurs in some types of electric batteries when the recommended charging mode is violated, in particular, when recharging an incompletely discharged battery.

How iPhone owner and iPad with experience (since 2008), I declare with full responsibility that Apple uses high-quality power sources in its products.

1. Do not operate or charge the device in extreme temperatures (-40°C and +50°C).

Apple considers the ideal temperature range to be between 16 and 22°C and does not recommend "using your device in temperatures above 35°C as this may permanently reduce battery capacity." Overheating is critical!

From personal experience: I don’t look at the thermometer when I pick up my iPhone 5s, which I don’t advise you to do either. It is enough that:

  1. The device has not been exposed to direct sunlight.
  2. Do not leave it in the car in hot weather.
  3. Do not charge under your pillow.

3. To charge your iPhone, use an original charger and at least a certified USB cable.

For example, if you increase the charge voltage of a lithium-ion battery by just 4%, it will lose capacity twice as fast from cycle to cycle. To prevent this, special PMIC controllers are built into the original network adapter and directly into the iPhone (in batteries this is the Battery Management System), which ensure that the conditions for recharging the device do not go beyond the permissible limits: temperature, current and voltage.

IN network adapters Without a clan and tribe, the so-called “nonames,” such a controller may not exist. Consequently, the voltage at the output of such an adapter may exceed valid values and can burn out the power controller in the iPhone, and then damage the battery.

From personal experience: Charge your iPhone using original chargers certified cable and forget about battery problems.

4. Do not completely discharge your iPhone (to 0%).

The lifespan of a lithium-ion battery is usually expressed in terms of the number of full discharge cycles when you use up 100% of the battery's capacity. For high-quality power supplies this is 400-600 cycles. Apple states that the resource iPhone battery is 500 cycles, and iPad, Apple Watch and MacBook - 1000 cycles.

Whenever you completely drain your device, its lifespan shortens. This is due to the depth of the discharge.

It turns out that the more you discharge lithium ion battery, the faster he “dies”. To increase battery life, avoid deep discharging.

For clarity, I will give the dependence of the number of battery discharge cycles on the depth of discharge.

Not many people know that Apple batteries charged in 2 stages:

  1. Up to 80% - in fast mode.
  2. From 80 to 100% - compensation charging.

This charging system allows, firstly, to quickly charge the device, and, secondly, to extend its service life.

Remember full discharge lithium-ion battery will shorten its life and reduce its capacity.

From personal experience: Connect iPhone and iPad to a power source at 10-20% charge and disconnect after 80%.

5. Don't charge your iPhone to 100%.

Fully charging a lithium-ion battery is not as scary as deep discharge, but still undesirable. Of course, the controller will not allow your device’s battery to overheat and overcharge, but, as practice shows, always on plugging a 100% charged iPhone into the network reduces its battery life.

From personal experience: Leave your iPhone charging overnight. For some time, a 100% charged device will be connected to the network, but nothing will happen to it - not enough storage time to worry about it. With this charge, your iPhone will last for more than two years.

It is difficult to control the chemical processes occurring in the battery. And since the dependence of the output voltage on the battery capacity is nonlinear and the lithium-ion battery is subject to natural aging, accompanied by a decrease in capacity, and also because we charge devices haphazardly, over time, the iPhone’s power controller cannot accurately determine the battery charge level. Diagnosis: iPhone turns off even when charged more than 1%.

In order to calibrate the controller and bring the charge level indicator to life, the iPhone needs to be completely discharged. Apple advises doing this no more than once a month.


In conclusion, I would like to note that each of us charges our devices in our own way. If there is ideal scheme, then it cannot satisfy everyone, since we live in different rhythms and in different conditions. Remember, your iPhone battery will age even if you do not use the device. Follow the rules described above (you don’t have to follow them strictly) and even if your iPhone battery fails, it can always be replaced.