Check if directx is installed. What is DirectX. Definition using built-in tools

Often new users of personal computers wonder how to find out which DirectX is installed. Especially this problem excites those who like to play different computer games. Let's figure out what it is, how to discover and install it for ourselves.

What and why

Before we talk about how to find out which DirectX is installed, you need to generally understand what kind of “Direct” it is. Let's figure it out together.

In order for the computer to communicate with various devices and with their own hardware, as well as with different applications, he needs to have special libraries and connection modules. They usually have a .dll extension. If such “things” are missing, then you can forget about proper work games or programs.

DrectX is a unique set special APIs, which help the computer interact with certain applications. In other words, this whole line libraries that are necessary for the successful operation of a computer. IN Lately DirectX is used in development computer games, so for gamers this kind of thing is quite important and it is equally important for them to know how to find out which DirectX is installed on their “machine”.

Before detection

Now it’s time to talk about how you can detect this very “Direct” on your computer. First of all, you need to know some points that will help you get rid of unnecessary manipulations when looking for an answer to the question of how to find out which DirectX is installed on your computer.

The fact is that every computer, when purchased and first launched, already has one or another operating system. If you start studying it in more detail, you will notice that “by default” some “Direct” will already be installed on it. Depending on your operating system, of course.

So, if you want to know how to see which DirectX is installed, but don't want to go through any of the steps, try to remember: modern computers Direct X version 9 is already present on Windows 7. The G8 already has the 10th generation with the possibility of updating. In all other cases, you need to check your libraries yourself.

Start the search

Now it's time to talk about how to check which DirectX is installed on your computer. This is done in just a few seconds. If you want to rack your brain, you can look for special online services that can show information about your PC upon request. For those who don’t want to split hairs, the following method is suitable.

Call command line. To do this, press Win+R. In the window that appears, enter the command "dxdiag" and press Enter. A window will open in front of you, which will display all the information about your computer. Towards the very end of the list you will see the line “DirectX installed”. Opposite this inscription your version of the “library” will be shown.

You can also find the information you need even easier. This method is suitable for “seven” users. Just open the Start menu and type “dxdiag” into the search box. In response, the required page with data will be opened. Now that you know how to find out which DirectX is installed, it's time to talk a little about how to "handle" this application.


Time passes, and with the development of technology, libraries connected to a computer also develop. Thus, DirectX also receives its updates. It needs to be updated from time to time. But how to do that?

The task is accomplished in several ways. The first one is independent search required version in the Internet. It is not very convenient, since you may run into trouble, namely, encrypted and hidden viruses. Yes, and your system and this application may be incompatible.

The second method is updating using the official Microsoft website. To do this, go to the website, find DirectX, then select the operating system you need and the version of Direct to download. Download and install according to the instructions. After this, restart your computer - and now you have updated your computer's libraries!

The last, most reliable method is automatic updating, using the center Windows updates 7. To do this, go into it, start checking available updates, then select DirectX, if available, and wait for it to update. All you need is an Internet connection. And, of course, restart your computer after completion.

I installed Direct, but there’s no point

Sometimes it may happen that you install DirectX on your computer at the request of an application and game, but there are still problems with launching. What to do in this situation?

Many people start deleting Direct and reinstalling it, but this is not what is really needed. In reality, you need to rewrite the library (it is in .dll format) that you are missing, then download and “install” it on your computer. All libraries are stored in the Windows -> System32 folder.

Find it on the Internet (or better yet, on the official website) missing file and download it. Unzip (usually libraries are hidden in archives), then “put away” them in the System32 folder and, if necessary, restart the computer. All problems will be solved.

is a series of technologies thanks to which devices with operating system Windows is becoming an ideal environment for installing, launching and running applications rich in multimedia elements such as graphics, video, 3D animation and stereo sound. Also, the launch and correct work many modern applications. Therefore, before installing any game, users are often interested in how to find out the DirectX version in Windows 10.

Ways to determine the DirectX version in Windows 10

There are a lot of ways to find out which DirectX is installed on Windows 10. Let's look at some in more detail. Let's start with a way by which the technology version can be found out without installing additional programs.

  • Press “Win+R” and enter “dxdiag”. With this command we call the DirectX diagnostic tool on Windows 10.
  • A new window will open. We need the "System" tab. Here we can check which version of Direct X is installed on the PC.

IMPORTANT! If for some reason the Tool does not start, check the version installed technology You can open drive C, folder “Windows”, “System32”. This is where dxdiag.exe will be located. By running this file, the same DirectX Diagnostic Tool will appear.

Among the programs that are suitable for detecting Direct X in Windows 10, it is worth highlighting:

  • Asrta32;

In order to determine the API technology version, you need to install AIDA64. Next, after launching the program, go to the “Direct X” section and look at the version of the installed component.

It's important to note that if you use trial version software, no need to install it.

You can also find out the version of Direct X through the Astra32 program. At the same time, if you are only interested in how to view the version of Direct X, then it is better to choose the version of the software without an installer.

The archive will be downloaded. After unpacking it, you need to select the file “astra32.exe”.

By launching it, the system scan will begin.

Externally, the program is very similar to AIDA64. Expand the “Programs”, “Windows” branch. Let's look at the DirectX version.

Due to the update GPU-Z programs up to version 2.1.0, appeared in the software new inset. It displays data about API technologies. Therefore, by downloading and running this utility on your PC, you can see the version of Direct X. Information about this component located in the “Advanced” tab.

Using these methods, you can determine the version of Direct X on Windows 10, and then update the component or remove it if compatibility problems arise.

Often games also require the latest version of the package, otherwise they simply will not launch. However, not every user and gamer knows how to check the DirectX version.

Let's take a closer look at how to check the DirectX version and start the diagnostic service.

How to check the DirectX version yourself

There is a very simple way to check the version of a multimedia package that works on any version of Windows OS:

  1. Click Start - Run...
  2. In the new window, enter “dxdiag” and click OK.
  3. In the “System” tab, find the “DirectX Version” item, where the current version will be indicated.

If the version is outdated, then you need to install a newer one by downloading from the company website.

You can read more about installation in our article.

You can also read more about checking the package version from our article.

How to Run DirectX Diagnostic Tools

DirectX diagnostics check all components of the media package for problems. Diagnostic tools can detect:

  • Incorrect DirectX version. This means that DirectX needs to be updated or reinstalled.
  • Absence hardware acceleration. Many programs will run much slower without acceleration or will not run at all.
  • Wrong installed devices. This means that the joystick or other accessory or device is not working with the OS system due to incorrect drivers.
  • Unsigned drivers. Some drivers may not be compatible with latest version DirectX, which will worsen their performance on Windows OS.

To run the diagnostic tool:

  1. Click Start - Run.
  2. Enter the word "dxdiag" and click OK.
  3. The same window will open as in the instructions in the previous section. Diagnostics will run to identify problems. After the diagnostics are completed, you can view all the information in the window tabs. necessary information about the system.

Also in these windows you can change some data, such as increasing hardware acceleration. However it works this method only on Windows XP. In their newer versions, no parameters can be changed in the tabs. A DirectX update occurs only through downloading and installing a new version.

"DirectX" is a set of various software, which includes a wide range of technologies that ensure the functionality of computer programs. The software also generates a certain game process and other multimedia related applications. Similar program sometimes comes with the games themselves or other applications, which allows it to be updated from time to time. However, this does not always happen, and at the most inopportune moment the need for an up-to-date version may arise. Therefore, it is very important to always know in advance which version of DirectX is already installed on your PC.

DirectX itself helps applications interact with hardware personal computer, while easing not only the workload of the device. Without it, previously it was necessary for various multimedia applications download directly special drivers, which helped the same video card interact with the application. “DirectX” combines the functions of similar drivers, which makes the work easier for both developers and users.

Determining the available version of "DirectX" on a Windows XP PC

In order to determine the version of “DirectX” on Windows XP, you will need:

Important! If necessary, you can update to the latest current version using the official Microsoft website. Also on the site the user can find and download almost any of the previously published versions.

Determining the available version of "DirectX" on a Windows 7 PC

To find necessary information about the version of “DirectX” on this OS, you must:

Determining the version of “DirectX” on Windows 8.1

On this OS, the algorithm for determining the version of this software has not changed. To learn more about DirectX, you will need:

How can you easily find out the version of DirectX you have in Windows 10?

This version of the OS assumes the possibility of using the above-described algorithm of actions to determine information about such software. But there are cases when the "dxdiag" command does not work. In such cases, you should resort to this method:

  1. Launch the Explorer program. Right-click on the “Start” icon, left-click on the “Explorer” line.

    On a note! The same menu can be called up by pressing the key combination “Win+X” on the keyboard.

  2. Then go to drive “C”.

  3. On drive “C”, open the folder called “Windows”.

  4. Next - “System32”.

  5. Find the program “dxdiag.exe” in the list of files and double click left mouse button to launch it. The well-known “DirectX Diagnostic Tool” will open, in which you can find the “DirectX Version” item.

On a note! Original software Windows software 10 contains "DirectX 12" pre-installed, but other than that there is no earlier versions, used for many programs and computer games. On the official website of the company, the user can install any library required for operation various applications and multimedia.

There are problems with DirectX when installing or using some computer games. Some games require more modern versions, and others from previous years. In this case, you should either reinstall the application itself or update the DirectX version.

Video - How to find out the DirectX version on your PC or laptop?

First of all, it should be noted that there are several in various ways How to find out which DirectX is installed on your computer system. System and other options, using third-party programs.

Without the DirectX program or its specific version for specific tasks, many games and programs cannot work. To run applications that consume large amounts of Windows resources created DirectX program. Through the interaction of the system and application, the most complex tasks, and updates allow you to constantly have current version programs. For this reason, it is necessary to understand which DirectX is installed on the computer.

How to find out which DirectX is installed

On Windows 7 or any other version of this operating system there is standard way How to find out which DirectX is installed on your computer:

  1. Press the keyboard shortcut Win+R. The Run dialog box will appear on the screen.
  2. Type “dxdiag” in the line, then press Enter.
  3. Perhaps it will appear system window with a proposal to check the authenticity of installed programs, in other words - digital signature drivers. You will be offered two options “Yes” and “No”. If you want to check the authenticity, and therefore the safety, of the drivers on your device, you can click “Yes”. To avoid unnecessary actions, click “No”.
  4. The DirectX Diagnostic Tool will appear. In the first tab “System”, almost at the very bottom, the current one installed on your computer will be indicated DirectX version.

In the “Screen” tab you can see brief opportunities DirectX that are enabled or disabled on your computer.

The second way to find out how much DirectX costs (it won’t work for everyone):

Click “Start”, select “All Programs”, then “Accessories”, then “System Tools” and finally “System Information”. Below is indicated installed version DirectX.

Windows will install any version of DirectX you choose. But not every version will work correctly on the device. In the event that the installed version is not supported by hardware, the operating system will select the most suitable of the new versions for operation. Officially, Windows XP supports version 9, Vista works with 10, Windows 7 requires version 11. Starting from version 11.1 it works on Windows 8, and from 11.3 on Windows 10. The latest 12 is also suitable for the Xbox One console.

How to find out which DirectX you have installed using third-party programs

There are many utilities that can help you learn a lot more about your computer. They usually provide a broader description installed programs and provide access to additional settings. One such utility is AIDA64.

The program allows you to do full review systems and identify features during the diagnostic process. Download free version available from the official website, with free use for 30 days.

Launch the program, on the left side of the window that opens, DirectX will be indicated as a separate item.

In the main section you will have access to 3 subsections.

  • "Files"- a section with all DirectX files. Needed when an error occurs on the computer due to the lack or incorrect installation one of the program files. It is convenient to delete or overwrite a specific partition, without the need for a complete reinstallation.
  • "Video"— information about the video card and its drivers. You can also look at the Maximum supported version of DirectX.
  • "Sound"— section with information about sound drivers. The capabilities of the sound card are indicated.

If you know what version of DirectX is installed on your computer, then you understand what game or program can be run on the device and under what conditions optimal settings. When downloading various files, games and applications, pay attention to the requirements specified by the developer in order to initially know about DirectX compatibility.