CNC (human-readable URLs) - why CNCs are needed and how to install them. CNC URL - human-readable URL, its impact on relevance

Human-readable URL

Nowadays, on many sites, especially, you can find really long links. They are often written - words of one language (for example, Russian) are transformed into their equivalents in Latin, by matching each character in the source language with one or more characters in Latin. Such links are called CNC URL, which is an abbreviation for human-readable URLs.

The formation of such links and transliteration in general are carried out according to certain standards. For example, the well-known RusToLat offers a choice of two transliteration standards: ISO 9-95 and GOST 16876-71.

There is no particular difference in them, but what immediately catches your eye is that the Russian letter "X" in ISO is converted to Latin "X" (x), and in GOST - in Latin "H" (ash). In general, there are many rules for transliteration, here is an example from Wikipedia:

Example of transliteration rules on Wikipedia

In addition to transliteration, search engines, of course, also understand the explicit translation of words in CNC URLs (for example, from Russian to English). But still transliteration is preferable.

I already wrote above about different standards transliteration. Because Russian "X" refers to either “X”, or “H”, or even “KH”, then I decided to check how search engines understand transliteration options.

In general, I did this check in June 2011, and then it showed that Yandex, Google, Bing, understand any spelling of the letter “X” (in any case, they highlight it in bold). The only thing I didn't understand was Yahoo. Therefore, on this site my transliteration (via RusToLat) follows the ISO standard - Russian X = Latin X.

While writing this article I decided to check it again and it turned out - something has changed in how search engines understand CNC URLs: now none of these PS does not perceive X as X(at least not in bold):

CNC for Yandex and Google

From the picture it is clear that Yandex and Google do not perceive “jelly” if the Russian “X” is translated into the Latin “IKS”.

For Bing, everything is quite strange. Now it doesn’t highlight translit at all, but highlights the occurrence of a request for native language, and selectively:

Human-readable URL in

As you can see from the pictures, Yandex parses URLs better than anyone else, for which we thank him.

Impact of URL CNC on query relevance

You can also watch a video from Google where they state that having a keyword in a link has a positive effect on rankings (as opposed to finding it), although with some caveats:

A Google representative answers the question:

“It seems that having relevant keywords in URLs is very helpful. Does Google give higher importance to keywords in the path vs filename? E.g. or”(“Human-readable URLs are useful. Is it better to have keywords in directory names or file names, i.e. when they are separated by a hyphen or a slash?”).

As it turned out from the answer, Google believes that if keywords go through a hyphen (“-”), then it looks a little spam(hints at). Quite a logical answer.

Well, now there is reason to think about which CNC URL generation standard to use. It is advisable for users to switch it to GOST 16876-71 so that human-readable URLs are also understandable to search engines.

P.S. Addition dated 2/20/2012. It’s even better to leave the ISO, go to the plugin editor and edit the file where the correspondence between characters is specified. If you don’t want to dig around, download the plugin with a modified transliteration of the letter “X”: .

– in fact, based on the name, it is not difficult to guess that this is a URL that has a meaningful appearance for the user.

Creating such a URL is absolutely not difficult; to do this, you just need to correctly organize the structure of the site. By structure I mean categories, subcategories and names of the final .html or .php files. In reality it will look something like this: Any user will understand that on the site, in the “movies” category, in the “comedies” subcategory, there is a page called “Taxi-3”.

Benefits of using CNC:

  1. For SEOs, the benefit of human-readable URLs is that search engines take into account the keywords in the domain when ranking a document. Both translation from one language to another and words translated by transliteration will be taken into account. So for search engines, the keyword “job” in the addresses and will have the same weight when ranking.
  2. Users will understand the main content of the page only when looking at the CNC link.

CNC for WordPress

This is what this CMS offers us to choose from in the parameters - permalinks section:

site/?p=123 – neither for the optimizer nor for the user URL address is of no value.

website/archives/123 - numbers, again there will be no benefit from such a URL entry, except for compactness.

website/post title/ - exclusion of categories from the address. It is possible to use keywords in the title of the article.

The last option is implemented on my blog. The URL is formed from the title of the article. The link turns out to be very long, even though the category is not displayed in it, in the future you will need to consider shortening options. But, nevertheless, all articles in the addresses contain the keywords I need.

By the way, the titles of my articles are written using the transliteration method. The RusToLat plugin helps to accomplish this, which automatically transliterates Russian characters into English.

If not used this plugin, or an analogue, then the names will be in Russian. You may think that this is good and even clearer. But there is an opinion that search engines give preference to addresses written in Latin letters.

Many people have heard about the concept of a URL, but few know why it is needed and what it is.

Therefore, it would be useful to examine several questions related to the topic “URL address” - what is it, where is it used, what is the structure, and others interesting points.

In fact, if you have visited the Internet at least once in your life, then you have used a URL address. Everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance.

general information

A URL is the address of a resource on the Internet.

The concept of “resource” in the last sentence means a website, image, document or anything else that can be found on the Internet on some remote server.

There is also chrome which works in a similar way. Still, most often we, ordinary users, use the most common http.

Developers use ftp and similar specialized protocols.

Now let's move directly to the example. Let's take one of the articles on this site and a link to it - (by the way, a very good article).

So, as we see, everything here corresponds to the structure described above.

Parameter<способ>here http, followed by the standard “://” construction..

Everything related to the host - login and password - ordinary user can not see. And after “/” comes the direct address of the desired article, this is already a parameter<путь>.

None additional parameters there is no.

This is what any URL in the world looks like.

How to find the URL

Interestingly, many people do not know where to get this very URL address. Of course, if we're talking about about the site, you can view it in address bar.

For example, let's take the same article described above.

Figure 2 shows the location of her address in the browser.

It is worth noting that the browser usually does not specify the parameter<способ>from the above structure.

As you can see, in Figure No. 2 there is no “http” inscription near the beginning of the address. It's quite normal. Usually this parameter becomes visible after copying this address to the buffer.

By the way, copying occurs quite well here in a standard way– by pressing the key combination Ctrl + C.

The second way is to highlight the corresponding text, click on it right click mouse and select “Copy” from the drop-down menu, as shown in Figure 3.

But, as we said above, not only entire sites have a URL address, but also separate files, such as images and documents.

To find out their URL, you can also right-click on the corresponding file, for example, a picture, and select “Copy image address” from the menu, as shown in Figure 4.

If we are talking about a document, you can also always right-click on it, then see a drop-down menu and select “Copy link address” in it, as shown in Figure No. 5.

Attention: The above pictures show the dropdown menu in the Opera browser. Depending on the browser appearance this menu may change. But the names of the items we need almost always remain unchanged.

Actually, this is the way to find out the address of a particular resource.

For example, the address of the image copied above looks like this: http://site/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/kak-v-vk-zakrepit-zapis-na-stene-%E2%84%9611-650× 406.jpg.

As you can see, at the end there is a file extension – .jpg. After the parameter<хост>here after the “/” there is a multi-level address for accessing the photo.

This address means that the picture with the name “kak-v-vk-zakrepit-zapis-na-stene-%E2%84%9611-650×406.jpg” is located on the site host in a folder called “wp-content”, inside which there is a folder “uploads”, inside it is “2016”, and in it there is also a folder “03”.

Basically, in this address everything is very clear. The only question that raises questions is this construction: “%E2%84%9611”. This is an encrypted fragment of the address.

So, we have already figured out where to get this website or other resource address. But sometimes when copying, for example, something like this: “” something like this is copied:

  • “” - this is the most common encryption.

Without delving into the depths of the knowledge of this world, let's say that all URL addresses are written only using a certain set characters.

And the Cyrillic alphabet, as we understand, is not included in it. Therefore, in order for the machine to understand where it should go, encryption occurs.

This is done in two stages:

  1. Encoding in Unicode, the output is a sequence of two bytes.
  2. Hexadecimal encoding.

In more modern browsers, Base58 encoding occurs first.

Each byte is separated by a percent sign, i.e. "%". Actually, this is what determines what we can see above.

Modern browsers no longer allows the user to see links with hexadecimal digits.

To avoid future problems with website promotion and promotion in search engines. I'll also touch on the topic CNC - Human-readable URL what it is and how it affects the relevance of the site in search results.

URL(Uniform Resource Locator) is a uniform locator (location identifier) ​​of a resource on the Internet. It is a generally accepted standard in world wide web and in all browsers. In other words, this is a banal link to some source or resource on the Internet.

Here is an example of the URL of the main page of this site.

Option 1: http://site or Option 2:

That is why my website is located on the Internet at the Internet address. Each site has its own unique address, so there are no identical URLs on the Internet.

There is a significant difference in the options shown above. The fact is that if a person types both options, then in any case he will end up on the same site and he will not see any difference. But in fact, these are completely different url addresses on the Internet for all browsers. This is all due to the presence or absence of www, which the browser recognizes as completely different addresses.

Many newcomers who have their own website or blog do not take this nuance into account, which makes it difficult to further promote and promote their resource on the Internet. Let me give you an example of such a statement so that you can understand what I mean.

When people from the Internet start coming to your site and they like your site, they begin to share a link to your site on another source on the Internet. And this is where the fun begins. Many owners of their sites put a link to your site, not knowing what address your site is located at (I mean www and without www) and put a link either with the first option or with the second option. As a result, your site is divided into two parts and, accordingly, does not receive additional incoming link mass. And you don't need this.

But what to do?

There is an exit.

It lies in the fact that before your site starts being linked to from other sites, you must make a 301 redirect for your site in the .htaccess file, which should be located in the root of your site on the server (hosting). Here is an example of a 301 redirect of my website in the .htaccess file.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %(HTTP_HOST) ^$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://site/$1

The second line of this code means that the site address in this line will be considered not the main one, and therefore this address needs to be redirected to the main address, which is written in the third line.

It follows from this that my website will have the following address: http://site, that is, without www.

Now I'll explain how this will work with incoming links to your site. Now, when a person puts a link to your site, it will be 100%, regardless of whether the link contains www or not, since in this case there will be a redirect to the main site and you will receive a 100% guarantee that the link will go to to the right address and your site will receive full link mass. I think you understand this.

You can also observe the following protocols in your browser in the URL input line:

1) http://, 2) https://.

As you can see, there are differences between them. But if the first option is used everywhere and is the main one, then the second option is used extremely rarely. And, since the first option is the main and generally accepted guest, you don’t have to write it in the browser, since all browsers will write it themselves this protocol By default, in this case, the url address on the example of this site will look like this: site. But if the URL contains the protocol of the second option, then you must write it. This is what it looks like:


But there are still options to write my website. Let me show you. Let's say here is my site, or rather the main page of the site: the site, as you can see, I wrote it without a protocol, since there is no need to write one. But in in this case The browser does not show you another piece of the URL address, since it is also standard for all sites with a home page. There are two main types of endings - index.html and index.php. In this case, my site is made on index.html. It follows from this that correctly my site should have a url address like this:


But browsers consider beginning and end as a universal standard and therefore they omit them. But in any case you will end up at the same address, in this case mine. Of course, if you name the ending differently, the browser will throw an error. Therefore call home page you need index.html or index.php. The difference between these two options is that in the first case your site is built on html, and in the second case on php.

I think you have figured this out and understood, what is a URL address using my site as an example. Now I want to move on to the second phase, in which I want to tell you about what it is and how this affects the ranking and relevance of the site in search results.

CNC - Human Understandable Url

As you can see from the screenshot, it shows 3 completely different sites that have different url addresses. The top site consists of URLs in Russian, the middle site consists of URLs in transliteration, the bottom site consists of URLs from a set of numbers, letters and often symbols.

Now let's talk about which url address is the most inappropriate for website promotion. If you thought about the lower site, then you are absolutely right. In fact, such a URL doesn’t tell us or even search engines anything. But from it a person and a search engine can determine what the this page. Therefore, try not to make such a URL or link. I think we've got this sorted out.

Now we have two url options left: in transliteration and in Russian. The most common option, of course, is the URL option in transliteration, that is, Russian words, but in English letters.

If you noticed when you wrote a query in a search engine, and the search engine returned the result, then where there is a url in the transliteration and there is a key phrase in it, the search engine highlights it in bold. Which means he understands this link and, accordingly, this nuance affects the relevance of the results of a given site page, which has a better effect on the position in the search results compared to the lower option, which is shown in the screenshot. This link is a human-like URL that can be read by humans and search engines. But you shouldn’t stupidly insert keywords there, as this may be considered spam by search engines and nothing good will come of it.

Now, what about the option with Russian letters in the URL address?

In fact, it is still unknown how this affects the relevance of the search results, some say positively, others say negatively. But one thing is clear, there is no direct evidence. Therefore, this option is at your discretion and your experiment, which you can do yourself.

For example, on my website I make all urls in translit using one service at this address Everything is simple there. Do you write or paste key phrase in field of this service and then click on the button to translit. And the service will translate your key phrase into a CNC-Human-Understandable Url. After that, copy and save your website page under this url address.

That's it for me this article I'm finishing. In it I told you about what is a URL address, and also touched upon the topic of what CNC is, that is human-readable url.

I hope you liked my article and if so, do not pass by, but leave your comment, and I will try to answer it.

Thank you for your attention!

The world of the Internet is developing rapidly and conquering new heights. Millions of sites, services and services are happy to welcome another user to their pages. Created great amount addresses that are generated automatically. And it’s not always convenient to read and remember them. In addition, a meaningless set of characters ranks poorly search engines. As a result, it became necessary to introduce the implementation of the code in such a way that it could appear in a more convenient and pleasing form to the user's eye.

Therefore, in the world of web development, the term CNC links appeared. What this is and how to implement it will be discussed in the article.

What are CNC links

In general, CNC is a slang word meaning a human-readable URL. URL - borrowing from the English URL, a uniform resource locator. Human-readable, in turn, means a set of characters in the address bar that is convenient and easy to understand. For example, the generated page address might look like this: It doesn’t look very clear and doesn’t show the structure of the site. There are signs that do not carry a semantic load and it is unclear what the page and name mean.

The following URL might look like this: It is clear here that we are talking about products, and new ones at that, and specifically about a boat. This is a human-readable URL. It is much better indexed by search engines and is shown in search results above the rest. And a person who visits the site will be able to understand that he has entered exactly the right section.

However, CNC links have some limitations. For example, Russian characters cannot be used in the address. They are then replaced by numeric value and a percent sign. Therefore, domestic developers use transliteration of Russian words into Latin. For example, so - oborudovanie or produkcia. Also, an automatically generated CNC link can increase the overall length of the line.

To implement transliteration and conversion to human-readable URLs, we use special means. They are available, as a rule, in content management systems - CMS. CNC links are created automatically, based on the name of the product, article or blog, as well as the section in which it is posted. As a result, when creating new entry When adding a product, a human-readable URL is generated that is well perceived by both people and machines.

How to make CNC links in popular CMS

CMS is a content management system that is convenient and simple interface allows in short time create a full-fledged website. The functionality is expanded due to the availability large quantity ready-made templates, modules and plugins. This allows a person far from languages PHP programming, JavaScript, HTML and related ones, quickly create your own website or blog.

Almost all content management systems have an excellent set of tools in the form of plugins for creating CNC. It is worth taking a closer look at the most common of them.

  • WordPress is the most popular content management system, according to statistics. It is installed on most famous blogs and websites. It is famous for its ease of learning and installation.
  • Joomla is less popular, but is still actively used among developers. Possesses good functionality, selection of components, plugins and modules.
  • OpenCart is a separate project for creating online stores. Internally it resembles any CMS, but is “tailored” to solve a narrow range of tasks.

CNC Links in WordPress - Easy to Implement

WordPress is probably the simplest content management system out there. It can greatly simplify the creation of a website or blog from scratch in a short time.

Setting up CNC in WordPress is simple and basically involves downloading and installing the Cyr-To-Lat plugin. It is used to convert Cyrillic strings to Latin.

First you need to find it and download it. It is better to do this from the official WordPress website. This way you can avoid the possibility of malicious or adware code getting into the plugin.

  • After downloading the archive, you need to unpack it.
  • Then you need to move this folder to the wp-content -> plugins section. This is usually done with the help of any available FTP manager
  • Now you need to go to the administrative WordPress panel by entering your username and password.
  • In the “Plugins” section you need to find Cyr-To-Lat and activate it. The plugin is now installed on the system and enabled.
  • To do this, go to “Options”, and there go to “Permanent Links”.
  • In the general settings there are several templates that you can use to build the appearance of the link. It is recommended to use the “Custom” type, which allows you to configure everything as needed. The simplest design for such a template is /%category%/%postname%/. This means that the category will be displayed in the address bar, followed by the title of the post.
  • And then Cyr-To-Lat converts all this into Latin. As a result, you will get a beautiful and understandable CNC link in WordPress.

In addition to Cyr-To-Lat, you can also use analogues that are available on the official website. For example, these are WP Translitera, ACF: Rus-To-Lat, Rus-To-Lat Advanced. Installing these plugins is similar, so it makes no sense to dwell on them separately.

CNC in Joomla, several options for creating

Joomla is a little more a complex system content management. Just like WordPress, it has the ability to create websites and blogs in a short time. It has extensive functionality and flexibility. Next, you need to describe how to make CNC links in this CMS.

Joomla initially has built-in functionality for creating human-readable URLs. CNC links in Joomla 3 can be included on the page general settings in the “SEO Settings” section. The item “Enable SEF (CNC)” should be set to “Yes”. This way the links will be converted into a more understandable form.

Here you can additionally set up URL redirection by creating a CNC link in htaccess. This file acts as a configuration storage Apache web server. In it you can use regular expressions and the RewriteRule directive to change the conversion of the link to the desired URL. The main difference between this approach is flexibility. You can give links to almost any type.

The “Add suffix to URL” item adds the document extension to the end of the line. For example, html. This extension is of little interest to the average website visitor, so the option can be left in the “No” position.

Aliases in Unicode - this item transliterates the name of the material into Latin. This is necessary so that instead of Russian letters or other symbols something awkward and unreadable is not displayed.

Alternative components for Joomla

You can also implement a CNC link generator in Joomla using various components. For example, one of the popular ones is JoomSEF. It is distributed free of charge and it is better to download it from the official Joomla website.

Its functionality, in addition to converting URLs to CNC, includes a set for generating metadata, search engines, keywords, as well as managing duplicate pages. It is worth noting the available support for UTF-8 encoding and customization of the 404 page at your discretion.

There are three installation methods available in Joomla 3: downloading directly from your computer, from the site directory, and by sending a link to it.

For the first option, you will have to download the file. Then select from the menu administrative panel CMS in “Extensions” and go to “Extension Manager”. Using the “Select file” button, you need to show the system the prepared archive and install it.

The second option is rarely used. But the third is the most convenient of them, since it does not require downloading. You just need to copy the link to JoomSEF and specify it in the “Install from URL” field on the tab of the same name. The system itself will check for its presence and install it if all parameters match.

It is worth noting that for full-fledged work additions, you need to ensure that the items “Enable SEF”, “URL redirection” and “Add suffix to URL” in SEO settings were switched to the “Yes” position.

The installed component will immediately be implemented into the system in active mode and will begin its work. Namely, it converts all existing links into a more aesthetic appearance.

JoomSEF has big amount settings and options. With their help, you can very subtly bring all the site links to almost any necessary form.

JBZoo and a human-readable URL

The JBZoo component is a universal and powerful tool for creating online stores, catalogues, blogs and simply business card websites based on the Joomla content management system.

To install JBZoo in Joomla, it must already have the Zoo add-on.

Sometimes standard settings SEFs do not reach their components to perform the conversion. Therefore, it is recommended to use the sh404SEF component to create CNC links in JBZoo. This product is free and good tool for generating links in JBZoo. settings, functions, support for various social networks and services.

Installation is done by copying the link to the archive, or by directly uploading a previously downloaded file to the server.

OpenCart and CNC setup

OpenCart is a platform that is not tied to any content management system. That is, it functions separately. Its main focus is convenient creation online stores of varying degrees of complexity. Although the product itself is free, many add-ons are distributed on a commercial basis. Last stable version — 2.0.

You can start setting up the CNC in the first way by editing the htaccess configuration file of the Apache web server.

  • To do this, you need to go to the site folder via FTP or the file manager available in the administrative memory.
  • IN root directory The file should be .htaccess.txt. Since it has no effect on the system with txt extension, then the first thing to do is rename it to .htaccess. Now the web server will read its directives and execute them.
  • Now you need to go to the site settings and on the “Server” tab enable the use of CNC.
  • All changes must be saved.
  • Now all links should change.

Sometimes, due to some reasons, many addresses still do not change and remain unclear. To implement this task, you can use the SeoPro component. True, before installing it you will first have to implement OCMOD Multiline Fix. To do this, you need to manually change the code of one file. It is located at admin/controller/extension/modification.php. To edit it, it is recommended to use the Notepad++ utility to avoid problems with encodings.

You only need to add one line of code to the block after the $limit variable. It looks like this:

  • $quote = $operation->getElementsByTagName("search")->item(0)->getAttribute("quote");
  • if (!$limit) (
  • $limit = -1;

and after it add:

  • if ($quote == "true") (
  • $search = preg_quote($search);

Then you need to actually install the SeoPro module itself. The downloaded archive must be unpacked on the server. Then run a couple of database queries using phpmyadmin:

  • ALTER TABLE `oc_product_to_category` ADD `main_category` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT "0"; ALTER TABLE `oc_product_to_category` ADD INDEX `main_category` (`main_category`);

Now we need to fix it main file index.php. The line you are interested in is:

  • $controller->addPreAction(new Action("common/seo_url"));

which is replaced by:

  • if (!$seo_type = $config->get("config_seo_url_type")) (
  • $seo_type = "seo_url";
  • $controller->addPreAction(new Action("common/" . $seo_type));

Next, there is a set of procedures related to settings inside the admin panel. In the menu you need to find “Modules”, go to “Modifiers” and click on updates. While here, you need to go to the “Modules” list and install SeoPro in it. Then, by clicking the “Edit” button, go into it and save. After all the manipulations, everything should work; if not, then you need to try reinstalling the module again. Or seek help from specialized forums.

Implementation of CNC functionality in PHP language

Most sites on the Internet are written in PHP. It is quite powerful, convenient and easy to learn. Its work is invisible to the user, since the PHP code is processed on the server side and a ready-made HTML page that is understandable to the browser is sent to the browser.

You can show the implementation of CNC links in PHP at a small example code. However, to bring address lines in real multi-page projects to a human-readable form, you will have to tinker.

Any website starts its work with the index.php file. It also generates hits to other pages of the site. But first we need to change a little configuration file htaccess. In it you need to specify or uncomment several directives, as shown in the photo.

The first line allows you to resolve the URL using the server. The second one sets base address. The next two lines check for the presence of the file and folder. The latter transfers control to index.php if lines 3 and 4 are implemented without errors.

To store the correspondence between the page id and its converted value, a table is needed. Therefore it must be created. In particular, you can create a simple one to understand the process. It will contain two fields: SEF and page_id. SEF stores the name and is of type varchar. And page_id are page numbers of type int.

Now it remains to correct the index.php file itself. This is just an example and in practice for a specific project everything may be slightly different: $result = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]. In this line, the requested URL is transferred to the $result variable.

  • if (preg_match ("/([^a-zA-Z0-9\.\/\-\_\#])/", $result)) ( header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); echo "Invalid characters in URL"; exit; )

This block checks for the presence of symbols, numbers and some signs. If there is something other than those listed, then a 404 page is displayed.

  • $array_url = preg_split("/(\/|\..*$)/", $result,-1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);

An array $array_url is declared here, into which, using the preg_split function, elements that do not have anything extra in the CNC are placed.

  • if (!$array_url) ( $ID_page = 1; )else( $sef_value = $array_url;

Here the request is processed in the case when the request was not made to specific page, and to the domain. Therefore, you need to respond with id = 1. Also at this point there is a request to the project database, which finds out whether it has a value from the $sef_value variable in the SEF field. If nothing is found, send the user a 404 page. At the end, the resulting address code is processed and the corresponding materials or elements are returned.

Pros and cons of using CNC

The advantages of using human-readable URLs can be listed as follows:

  • the link visually looks more aesthetically pleasing than a set of incomprehensible symbols, especially on unfamiliar sites;
  • remembering the address is much easier;
  • the entire path and structure of the site becomes clear;
  • GET parameters transmitted in the usual way use variables in the address line, which is not the case in the CNC, which means that security is not violated;
  • improving site navigation;
  • SEO optimization is significantly improved and search robots Such a site is better indexed.

There are far fewer disadvantages. And the most significant of them is setting. It is not always possible to bring page addresses to a human-understandable form using standard or third-party solutions. Sometimes you have to delve into the code and edit it yourself, which requires knowledge and time. The second drawback is not so significant and concerns sites with high traffic. Due to the formation of links on the fly, the load on the site increases. But since the cost network equipment is steadily decreasing, few people consider such costs for server resources. Overall, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages, so despite complex implementation human-readable URLs, it’s worth using them.


The article discusses which links are CNC and which are not. The most simple and quick solutions Problems. And also several of the most available options complex approaches. Anyway use of CMS when developing a website, it significantly reduces labor and time costs when optimizing page addresses. Therefore, a combination of CMS and CNC should be used as the most effective alternative to manual development.