Simple property check

Check for support specific technologies browser with using JavaScript is rightfully considered the best practice for client-side development ( Another method is often used, which is to check from which browser the user is viewing the page - Note. lane), but unfortunately such a check could not be done using CSS alone. Firefox, Chrome and Opera recently announced support for the @supports and CSS.supports (JavaScript) CSS directives, which will help developers determine whether the user's browser can handle CSS property or not. Let's see them in action!

Check your browser
(If the inscription is green, then your browser supports @supports, if it is red, then it does not. You can also look at the message in the browser console.)

CSS @supports

The syntax of the @supports directive is the same as the @ media queries:
@supports(prop:value) ( ​​/* styles */ )
The @supports directive provides developers with various options its use.
Simple property check
@supports (display: flex) ( div ( display: flex; ) )
This is the easiest way to use.
Keyword not
@supports paired with the word not checks to see if a property is not supported:
@supports not (display: flex) ( div ( float: left; ) /* alternate style set */ )
Multiple checks and conditions
Multiple checks can be done using a chain of words or and and:
/* or */ @supports (display: -webkit-flex) or (display: -moz-flex) or (display: flex) ( /* add your cool styles here */ ) /* and */ @supports (display : flex) and (-webkit-appearance: caret) ( /* and we’ll add here too */ )
If you need to perform several multiple checks, then, as in many programming languages, you can use parentheses:
/* and and or */ @supports ((display: -webkit-flex) or (display: -moz-flex) or (display: flex)) and (-webkit-appearance: caret) ( /* styles here */ )
The syntax of @supports conditions is the same as that of @media queries.

JavaScript CSS.supports

The JavaScript counterpart to @supports is the window.CSS.supports method. There are two options for using it. The first involves passing two arguments - a property and its value:
var supportsFlex = CSS.supports("display", "flex");
The second option requires passing the entire string as an argument:
var supportsFlexAndAppearance = CSS.supports("(display: flex) and (-webkit-appearance: caret)");
Before using JavaScript analogue, it is important to first check the browser’s support for this technology. Opera uses a different method name, which makes the code slightly longer:
var supportsCSS = !!((window.CSS && window.CSS.supports) || window.supportsCSS || false);

Using @supports

In most cases, The best way using @supports is to set a specific fallback set of styles and then replace them with others in case required property supported. A great reason to use @supports is to describe the layout of elements. Some latest browsers support flexbox while the rest are lagging behind. In this case, you can write the following code:
section ( float: left; ) @supports (display: -webkit-flex) or (display: -moz-flex) or (display: flex) ( section ( display: -webkit-flex; display: -moz-flex; display : flex; float: none;
Examples of other successful use cases for @supports will emerge as developers spend more time experimenting with this new technology.
@supports connection
If you're eager to try new technologies like @supports , you should spend some time installing the latest edge version Canary browser, Firefox Nightly, or Opera Next. Opera 12.1, WebKit Nightly and Firefox Nightly all support @supports. Old Firefox versions provide appropriate support after the rule is enabled.

@supports is a welcome addition to the CSS and JavaScript specifications. Determining whether a browser supports specific technologies - best practice, and @supports is more convenient and in a suitable way for this than various hacks. I suspect we'll see a surge in use of the @supports directive over the next couple of years, as flexbox increases in popularity and convenience.

    Editorial website

    Origin technical support: how to contact specialists

    How to contact Electronic Arts support. Tickets, email, phone technical support, official forum, VK group

    Origin is EA's game client, large company from the global industry computer games. The audience is more than 14 million people and the development studio has created technical support to solve user problems. She works for different languages. Support has been working since the very beginning of Origin. Initially, specialists communicated only in English, but the Russian-language department of EA has been operating for several years, so knowledge foreign language will not need.

    On popular questions There are ready-made answers in the detailed FAQ on the official website. There are no restrictions on questions - they will definitely write to you and try to figure out the problem. But do not ask the questions listed in the list of frequently asked questions; as an answer, you may receive an offer to search among the ready-made answers. If the solution to your problem is still not there, contact the staff directly. There are several ways to do this.

    What questions can you ask?

    Technical support does not advise players on basic setup account and by completing games. The support staff will not give you a discount or tell you about upcoming promotions.

    Technical support specialists will help with solving the following difficulties:

  • The Origin application or one of the games does not launch;
  • Game performance is too slow even though your PC meets the requirements;
  • I can’t buy the game or content for it;
  • Restore lost access to your profile;
  • Problems with transferring money to the game store;
  • Complain about insults and violations;
  • Tell us about errors and bugs;
  • Report lost coupons and discount codes;
  • Restore Secret word or change login;
  • Reset achievements in an online game.

Where to write, creating a ticket on the site, email

1. On the EA website, scroll to the bottom of the page or find the “Help” menu item on the main page;

Select a theme, platform and keywords your gaming problem.

2. Click on the “Contact us” button;

Confirm the action.

3. Select the game with which the problem occurred and indicate the gaming platform you are using (PC, Windows or Mac);

Specify game

4. Click on the box with the question you are interested in, select clarification and contact method: by phone or email. You must be logged in.

Select the topic, nature of the problem and how to contact you

How long to wait for an answer

Specialists respond within a few days. Usually this is two days, but if the workload is light, support responds on the day the application is submitted.

You can also write a letter to email [email protected].

Live chat consultation

Remote support

Smartphone, tablet


Remote Samsung support allows a technician to connect to your mobile device via the Internet using Smart app Tutor. After connecting, the specialist will configure or diagnose the equipment at your request.


  • No need to go anywhere - communication via the Internet
  • We will optimize the device and give tips on use

Device requirements

  • Smartphone or samsung tablet on Android 2.3 and higher
  • Stable and fast internet

How to use

What is "Remote Support"

Samsung Remote Support allows a technician to connect to your TV over the internet. After connecting, the specialist will configure or diagnose the equipment at your request.


  • No need to call a specialist at home - communication via the Internet
  • We will help with settings and connection
  • You will be able to watch the setup and diagnostics on the screen of your device
  • Privacy and security of your personal data

Device requirements

  • Samsung TV Smart TV E-series and later (year of manufacture 2012 to present)
  • Stable and fast internet

How to use


How to see the Android version?

How to watch a TV episode?

What should I do if I can't find the Samsung Members app?

If you don't have Samsung Members on your device, download the Smart Tutor app from Galaxy Apps or Play Store.

Does the device need to be connected to the Internet?

Yes, to ensure remote access The device must be connected to the Internet. If your network connection is unstable, slow, or unavailable, your device will display a notification that you cannot connect. remote connection.

Is it safe to use a remote connection?

Yes, it's completely safe. Remote connection is carried out via a secure connection. Unwanted information or malware cannot be transferred to the device.
Any information about connections made is stored only on Samsung servers and no third party has access to it.

Can Samsung connect to my device without my knowledge?

No, the remote access system allows you to connect to the device only using the unique PIN code you provide, which is valid for only one connection. A new PIN is generated for each connection.
Each connection can only be initiated by the user, and turning off the device immediately ends any session. Throughout the remote connection session, a corresponding icon will be displayed in the corner of the screen.

Can the specialist see the image I see?

Yes, definitely. This is what allows the technician to definitely determine the cause and suggest effective solution problems such as image distortion, stripes on the screen, etc.

Do I have to pay for this service?

No, the remote access service is free. Samsung Company strives to provide better support users of their products. The remote access system is just additional service which we offer to our clients.

Can a Samsung technician see me through the built-in camera?

No, the specialist cannot see you through the built-in or connected camera. The technician can only see the screen image of your device. It is important to understand that if the camera image is displayed on the device screen (via Skype applications, Camera, etc.), then it will also be accessible to a specialist. In this case, the specialist never starts similar applications without your consent and without the need to check the functioning of the camera or application data. There is no way a technician would gain access to the camera without your consent.